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Posted to by Mohammad Islam <> on 2015/11/21 04:23:40 UTC

Supporting special characters in nested column name

Hi,Looks like Hive supports special character (unicode) with "`" in first level column names since Hive 0.13 (HIVE-6013).Similarly does hive supports special characters in nested column names? For example, struct<a : int , `_b`:int, `$d` :int). is supported or not?I found it is throwing exception for Hive 1.1.0.I ran the following three DDLs. Looks like, special characters are working in first level column names. But in nested level, it works in one case (starts with '_') but failed when starts with '$'.
Any idea? IS It  a bug or feature by design.

hive> create table test1_mislam(a int, `$b_` int);OKTime taken: 0.036 secondshive> create table test2_mislam(a int, c struct<x:int, `_y`:int>);
OKTime taken: 0.082 secondshive> create table test3_mislam(a int, c struct<x:int, `$y`:int>);
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error: name expected at the position 17 of 'int:struct<x:int,$y:int>' but '$' is found.hive>