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[14/38] Move JS tests to test/javascript/tests
diff --git a/share/www/script/test/purge.js b/share/www/script/test/purge.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2968913..0000000
--- a/share/www/script/test/purge.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.purge = function(debug) {
-  var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  /*
-   purge is not to be confused with a document deletion.  It removes the
-   document and all edit history from the local instance of the database.
-  */
-  var numDocs = 10;
-  var designDoc = {
-    _id:"_design/test",
-    language: "javascript",
-    views: {
-      all_docs_twice: {map: "function(doc) { emit(doc.integer, null); emit(doc.integer, null) }"},
-      single_doc: {map: "function(doc) { if (doc._id == \"1\") { emit(1, null) }}"}
-    }
-  };
-  T(;
-  db.bulkSave(makeDocs(1, numDocs + 1));
-  // go ahead and validate the views before purging
-  var rows = db.view("test/all_docs_twice").rows;
-  for (var i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
-    T(rows[2*i].key == i+1);
-    T(rows[(2*i)+1].key == i+1);
-  }
-  T(db.view("test/single_doc").total_rows == 1);
-  var info =;
-  var doc1 ="1");
-  var doc2 ="2");
-  // purge the documents
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_purge", {
-    body: JSON.stringify({"1":[doc1._rev], "2":[doc2._rev]})
-  });
-  T(xhr.status == 200);
-  var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-  var newInfo =;
-  // purging increments the update sequence
-  T(info.update_seq+1 == newInfo.update_seq);
-  // and it increments the purge_seq
-  T(info.purge_seq+1 == newInfo.purge_seq);
-  T(result.purge_seq == newInfo.purge_seq);
-  T(result.purged["1"][0] == doc1._rev);
-  T(result.purged["2"][0] == doc2._rev);
-  T("1") == null);
-  T("2") == null);
-  var rows = db.view("test/all_docs_twice").rows;
-  for (var i = 2; i < numDocs; i++) {
-    T(rows[2*(i-2)].key == i+1);
-    T(rows[(2*(i-2))+1].key == i+1);
-  }
-  T(db.view("test/single_doc").total_rows == 0);
-  // purge sequences are preserved after compaction (COUCHDB-1021)
-  T(db.compact().ok);
-  T(db.last_req.status == 202);
-  // compaction isn't instantaneous, loop until done
-  while ( {};
-  var compactInfo =;
-  T(compactInfo.purge_seq == newInfo.purge_seq);
-  // purge documents twice in a row without loading views
-  // (causes full view rebuilds)
-  var doc3 ="3");
-  var doc4 ="4");
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_purge", {
-    body: JSON.stringify({"3":[doc3._rev]})
-  });
-  T(xhr.status == 200);
-  xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_purge", {
-    body: JSON.stringify({"4":[doc4._rev]})
-  });
-  T(xhr.status == 200);
-  result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
-  T(result.purge_seq ==;
-  var rows = db.view("test/all_docs_twice").rows;
-  for (var i = 4; i < numDocs; i++) {
-    T(rows[2*(i-4)].key == i+1);
-    T(rows[(2*(i-4))+1].key == i+1);
-  }
-  T(db.view("test/single_doc").total_rows == 0);
-  // COUCHDB-1065
-  var dbA = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_a");
-  var dbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_b");
-  dbA.deleteDb();
-  dbA.createDb();
-  dbB.deleteDb();
-  dbB.createDb();
-  var docA = {_id:"test", a:1};
-  var docB = {_id:"test", a:2};
-  CouchDB.replicate(,;
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + + "/_purge", {
-    body: JSON.stringify({"test":[docA._rev]})
-  });
-  TEquals(200, xhr.status, "single rev purge after replication succeeds");
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + + "/test?rev=" + docA._rev);
-  TEquals(404, xhr.status, "single rev purge removes revision");
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + + "/_purge", {
-    body: JSON.stringify({"test":[docB._rev]})
-  });
-  TEquals(200, xhr.status, "single rev purge after replication succeeds");
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/" + + "/test?rev=" + docB._rev);
-  TEquals(404, xhr.status, "single rev purge removes revision");
-  var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/" + + "/_purge", {
-    body: JSON.stringify({"test":[docA._rev, docB._rev]})
-  });
-  TEquals(200, xhr.status, "all rev purge after replication succeeds");
diff --git a/share/www/script/test/reader_acl.js b/share/www/script/test/reader_acl.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ff770c7..0000000
--- a/share/www/script/test/reader_acl.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
-// of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.reader_acl = function(debug) {
-  // this tests read access control
-  var usersDb = new CouchDB("test_suite_users", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  var secretDb = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  function testFun() {
-    try {
-      usersDb.deleteDb();
-      try {
-        usersDb.createDb();
-      } catch(e) {
-        if(usersDb.last_req.status != 412) {
-         throw e;
-        }
-      }
-      secretDb.deleteDb();
-      secretDb.createDb();
-      // create a user with top-secret-clearance
-      var jchrisUserDoc = CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({
-        name: "",
-        roles : ["top-secret"]
-      }, "funnybone");
-      T(;
-      usersDb.ensureFullCommit();
-      T(CouchDB.session() == null);
-      // set secret db to be read controlled
-      T({_id:"baz",foo:"bar"}).ok);
-      T("baz").foo == "bar");
-      T(secretDb.setSecObj({
-        "members" : {
-          roles : ["super-secret-club"],
-          names : ["joe","barb"]
-        }
-      }).ok);
-    } finally {
-      CouchDB.logout();
-    }
-  }
-  // split into 2 funs so we can test restart behavior
-  function testFun2() {
-    try {
-      // can't read it as jchris b/c he's missing the needed role
-      T(CouchDB.login("", "funnybone").ok);
-      T(CouchDB.session() == "");
-      try {
-        T(false && "can't open a doc from a secret db") ;
-      } catch(e) {
-        T(true)
-      }
-      CouchDB.logout();
-      // make anyone with the top-secret role an admin
-      // db admins are automatically members
-      T(secretDb.setSecObj({
-        "admins" : {
-          roles : ["top-secret"],
-          names : []
-        },
-        "members" : {
-          roles : ["super-secret-club"],
-          names : ["joe","barb"]
-        }
-      }).ok);
-      T(CouchDB.login("", "funnybone").ok);
-      // db admin can read
-      T("baz").foo == "bar");
-      // and run temp views
-      TEquals(secretDb.query(function(doc) {
-        emit(null, null)
-      }).total_rows, 1);
-      CouchDB.logout();
-      T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf("_admin") != -1);
-      // admin now adds the top-secret role to the db's members
-      // and removes db-admins
-      T(secretDb.setSecObj({
-        "admins" : {
-          roles : [],
-          names : []
-        },
-        "members" : {
-          roles : ["super-secret-club", "top-secret"],
-          names : ["joe","barb"]
-        }
-      }).ok);
-      // server _admin can always read
-      T("baz").foo == "bar");
-      // and run temp views
-      TEquals(secretDb.query(function(doc) {
-        emit(null, null)
-      }).total_rows, 1);
-      T({
-        "_id" : "_design/foo",
-        views : {
-          bar : {
-            map : "function(doc){emit(null, null)}"
-          }
-        }
-      }).ok)
-      // now top-secret users can read too
-      T(CouchDB.login("", "funnybone").ok);
-      T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf("_admin") == -1);
-      T("baz").foo == "bar");
-      // members can query stored views
-      T(secretDb.view("foo/bar").total_rows == 1);
-      // members can't do temp views
-      try {
-        var results = secretDb.query(function(doc) {
-          emit(null, null);
-        });
-        T(false && "temp view should be admin only");
-      } catch (e) {
-        T(true && "temp view is admin only");
-      }
-      CouchDB.logout();
-      // works with readers (backwards compat with 1.0)
-      T(secretDb.setSecObj({
-        "admins" : {
-          roles : [],
-          names : []
-        },
-        "readers" : {
-          roles : ["super-secret-club", "top-secret"],
-          names : ["joe","barb"]
-        }
-      }).ok);
-      T(CouchDB.login("", "funnybone").ok);
-      T(CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.indexOf("_admin") == -1);
-      T("baz").foo == "bar");
-      // can't set non string reader names or roles
-      try {
-        secretDb.setSecObj({
-          "members" : {
-            roles : ["super-secret-club", {"top-secret":"awesome"}],
-            names : ["joe","barb"]
-          }
-        })
-        T(false && "only string roles");
-      } catch (e) {}
-      try {
-        secretDb.setSecObj({
-          "members" : {
-            roles : ["super-secret-club", {"top-secret":"awesome"}],
-            names : ["joe",22]
-          }
-        });
-        T(false && "only string names");
-      } catch (e) {}
-      try {
-        secretDb.setSecObj({
-          "members" : {
-            roles : ["super-secret-club", {"top-secret":"awesome"}],
-            names : "joe"
-          }
-        });
-        T(false && "only lists of names");
-      } catch (e) {}
-    } finally {
-      CouchDB.logout();
-    }
-  };
-  run_on_modified_server(
-    [{section: "httpd",
-      key: "authentication_handlers",
-      value: "{couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}"},
-     {section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-      key: "authentication_db", value: "test_suite_users"}],
-    testFun
-  );
-  // security changes will always commit synchronously
-  restartServer();
-  run_on_modified_server(
-    [{section: "httpd",
-      key: "authentication_handlers",
-      value: "{couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}"},
-     {section: "couch_httpd_auth",
-      key: "authentication_db", value: "test_suite_users"}],
-    testFun2
-  );
diff --git a/share/www/script/test/recreate_doc.js b/share/www/script/test/recreate_doc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f972379..0000000
--- a/share/www/script/test/recreate_doc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.recreate_doc = function(debug) {
-  var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  // First create a new document with the ID "foo", and delete it again
-  var doc = {_id: "foo", a: "bar", b: 42};
-  var result =;
-  T(result.ok);
-  var firstRev = result.rev;
-  T(db.deleteDoc(doc).ok);
-  // Now create a new document with the same ID, save it, and then modify it
-  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-    doc = {_id: "foo"};
-    T(;
-    doc ="foo");
-    doc.a = "baz";
-    T(;
-    T(db.deleteDoc(doc).rev != undefined);
-  }
-  try {
-    // COUCHDB-292 now attempt to save the document with a prev that's since
-    // been deleted and this should generate a conflict exception
-{_id:"foo", _rev:firstRev, bar:1});
-    T("no save conflict 1" && false); // we shouldn't hit here
-  } catch (e) {
-    T(e.error == "conflict");
-  }
-  var binAttDoc = {
-    _id: "foo",
-    _rev:firstRev,
-    _attachments:{
-      "foo.txt": {
-        content_type:"text/plain",
-        data: "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ="
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  try {
-    // same as before, but with binary
-    T("no save conflict 2" && false); // we shouldn't hit here
-  } catch (e) {
-    T(e.error == "conflict");
-  }
-  try {
-    // random non-existant prev rev
-{_id:"foo", _rev:"1-asfafasdf", bar:1});
-    T("no save conflict 3" && false); // we shouldn't hit here
-  } catch (e) {
-    T(e.error == "conflict");
-  }
-  try {
-    // random non-existant prev rev with bin
-    binAttDoc._rev = "1-aasasfasdf";
-    T("no save conflict 4" && false); // we shouldn't hit here
-  } catch (e) {
-    T(e.error == "conflict");
-  }
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  // Helper function to create a doc with multiple revisions
-  // that are compacted away to ?REV_MISSING.
-  var createDoc = function(docid) {
-    var ret = [{_id: docid, count: 0}];
-    T([0]).ok);
-    for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-      ret[ret.length] = {
-        _id: docid,
-        _rev: ret[ret.length-1]._rev,
-        count: ret[ret.length-1].count+1
-      };
-      T([ret.length-1]).ok);
-    }
-    db.compact();
-    while( {}
-    return ret;
-  }
-  // Helper function to check that there are no duplicates
-  // in the changes feed and that it has proper update
-  // sequence ordering.
-  var checkChanges = function() {
-    // Assert that there are no duplicates in _changes.
-    var req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_changes");
-    var resp = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
-    var docids = {};
-    var prev_seq = -1;
-    for(var i = 0; i < resp.results.length; i++) {
-      row = resp.results[i];
-      T(row.seq > prev_seq, "Unordered _changes feed.");
-      T(docids[] === undefined, "Duplicates in _changes feed.");
-      prev_seq = row.seq;
-      docids[] = true;
-    }
-  };
-  // COUCHDB-1265 - Check that the changes feed remains proper
-  // after we try and break the update_seq tree.
-  // This first case is the one originally reported and "fixed"
-  // in COUCHDB-1265. Reinserting an old revision into the
-  // revision tree causes duplicates in the update_seq tree.
-  var revs = createDoc("a");
-  T([1], {new_edits: false}).ok);
-  T([revs.length-1]).ok);
-  checkChanges();
-  // The original fix for COUCHDB-1265 is not entirely correct
-  // as it didn't consider the possibility that a compaction
-  // might run after the original tree screw up.
-  revs = createDoc("b");
-  T([1], {new_edits: false}).ok);
-  db.compact();
-  while( {}
-  T([revs.length-1]).ok);
-  checkChanges();
diff --git a/share/www/script/test/reduce.js b/share/www/script/test/reduce.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 36e5cb7..0000000
--- a/share/www/script/test/reduce.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.reduce = function(debug) {
-  var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var numDocs = 500;
-  var docs = makeDocs(1,numDocs + 1);
-  db.bulkSave(docs);
-  var summate = function(N) {return (N+1)*N/2;};
-  var map = function (doc) {
-      emit(doc.integer, doc.integer);
-      emit(doc.integer, doc.integer);
-  };
-  var reduce = function (keys, values) { return sum(values); };
-  var result = db.query(map, reduce);
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 2*summate(numDocs));
-  result = db.query(map, reduce, {startkey: 4, endkey: 4});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 8);
-  result = db.query(map, reduce, {startkey: 4, endkey: 5});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 18);
-  result = db.query(map, reduce, {startkey: 4, endkey: 6});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 30);
-  result = db.query(map, reduce, {group:true, limit:3});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 2);
-  T(result.rows[1].value == 4);
-  T(result.rows[2].value == 6);
-  for(var i=1; i<numDocs/2; i+=30) {
-    result = db.query(map, reduce, {startkey: i, endkey: numDocs - i});
-    T(result.rows[0].value == 2*(summate(numDocs-i) - summate(i-1)));
-  }
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  for(var i=1; i <= 5; i++) {
-    for(var j=0; j < 10; j++) {
-      // these docs are in the order of the keys collation, for clarity
-      var docs = [];
-      docs.push({keys:["a"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "b"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "b"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "b", "c"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "b", "d"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "c", "d"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["d"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["d", "a"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["d", "b"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["d", "c"]});
-      db.bulkSave(docs);
-      T( == ((i - 1) * 10 * 11) + ((j + 1) * 11));
-    }
-    map = function (doc) { emit(doc.keys, 1); };
-    reduce = function (keys, values) { return sum(values); };
-    var results = db.query(map, reduce, {group:true});
-    //group by exact key match
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:20*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["a","b"],value:20*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[2], {key:["a", "b", "c"],value:10*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[3], {key:["a", "b", "d"],value:10*i}));
-    // test to make sure group reduce and limit params provide valid json
-    var results = db.query(map, reduce, {group: true, limit: 2});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key: ["a"], value: 20*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows.length, 2));
-    //group by the first element in the key array
-    var results = db.query(map, reduce, {group_level:1});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:70*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["d"],value:40*i}));
-    //group by the first 2 elements in the key array
-    var results = db.query(map, reduce, {group_level:2});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:20*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["a","b"],value:40*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[2], {key:["a","c"],value:10*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[3], {key:["d"],value:10*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[4], {key:["d","a"],value:10*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[5], {key:["d","b"],value:10*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[6], {key:["d","c"],value:10*i}));
-    // endkey test with inclusive_end=true
-    var results = db.query(map, reduce, {group_level:2,endkey:["d"],inclusive_end:true});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:20*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["a","b"],value:40*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[2], {key:["a","c"],value:10*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[3], {key:["d"],value:10*i}));
-    TEquals(4, results.rows.length);
-    // endkey test with inclusive_end=false
-    var results = db.query(map, reduce, {group_level:2,endkey:["d"],inclusive_end:false});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:20*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["a","b"],value:40*i}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[2], {key:["a","c"],value:10*i}));
-    TEquals(3, results.rows.length);
-  }
-  // now test out more complex reductions that need to use the combine option.
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  var map = function (doc) { emit(doc.val, doc.val); };
-  var reduceCombine = function (keys, values, rereduce) {
-      // This computes the standard deviation of the mapped results
-      var stdDeviation=0.0;
-      var count=0;
-      var total=0.0;
-      var sqrTotal=0.0;
-      if (!rereduce) {
-        // This is the reduce phase, we are reducing over emitted values from
-        // the map functions.
-        for(var i in values) {
-          total = total + values[i];
-          sqrTotal = sqrTotal + (values[i] * values[i]);
-        }
-        count = values.length;
-      }
-      else {
-        // This is the rereduce phase, we are re-reducing previosuly
-        // reduced values.
-        for(var i in values) {
-          count = count + values[i].count;
-          total = total + values[i].total;
-          sqrTotal = sqrTotal + values[i].sqrTotal;
-        }
-      }
-      var variance =  (sqrTotal - ((total * total)/count)) / count;
-      stdDeviation = Math.sqrt(variance);
-      // the reduce result. It contains enough information to be rereduced
-      // with other reduce results.
-      return {"stdDeviation":stdDeviation,"count":count,
-          "total":total,"sqrTotal":sqrTotal};
-    };
-    // Save a bunch a docs.
-  for(var i=0; i < 10; i++) {
-    var docs = [];
-    docs.push({val:10});
-    docs.push({val:20});
-    docs.push({val:30});
-    docs.push({val:40});
-    docs.push({val:50});
-    docs.push({val:60});
-    docs.push({val:70});
-    docs.push({val:80});
-    docs.push({val:90});
-    docs.push({val:100});
-    db.bulkSave(docs);
-  }
-  var results = db.query(map, reduceCombine);
-  var difference = results.rows[0].value.stdDeviation - 28.722813232690143;
-  // account for floating point rounding error
-  T(Math.abs(difference) < 0.0000000001);
-  function testReducePagination() {
-    var ddoc = {
-      "_id": "_design/test",
-      "language": "javascript",
-      "views": {
-        "view1": {
-          "map": "function(doc) {" +
-             "emit(, doc._id);" +
-             "emit( + 1, doc._id);" +
-             "emit( + 2, doc._id);" +
-          "}",
-          "reduce": "_count"
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    var result, docs = [];
-    function randVal() {
-        return Math.random() * 100000000;
-    }
-    db.deleteDb();
-    db.createDb();
-    for (var i = 0; i < 1123; i++) {
-      docs.push({"_id": String(i), "int": i});
-    }
-    db.bulkSave(docs.concat([ddoc]));
-    // ?group=false tests
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 400, endkey: 402, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(9, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, endkey: 400, descending: true,
-      foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(9, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 400, endkey: 402, inclusive_end: false,
-      foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(6, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, endkey: 400, inclusive_end: false,
-      descending: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(6, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 400, endkey: 402, endkey_docid: "400",
-      foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(7, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 400, endkey: 402, endkey_docid: "400",
-      inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(6, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 400, endkey: 402, endkey_docid: "401",
-      foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(8, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 400, endkey: 402, endkey_docid: "401",
-      inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(7, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 400, endkey: 402, endkey_docid: "402",
-      foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(9, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 400, endkey: 402, endkey_docid: "402",
-      inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(8, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, endkey: 400, endkey_docid: "398",
-      descending: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(9, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, endkey: 400, endkey_docid: "398",
-      descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()}),
-    TEquals(8, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, endkey: 400, endkey_docid: "399",
-      descending: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(8, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, endkey: 400, endkey_docid: "399",
-      descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()}),
-    TEquals(7, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, endkey: 400, endkey_docid: "400",
-      descending: true, foobar: randVal()}),
-    TEquals(7, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, endkey: 400, endkey_docid: "400",
-      descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()}),
-    TEquals(6, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, startkey_docid: "400", endkey: 400,
-      descending: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(7, result.rows[0].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {startkey: 402, startkey_docid: "401", endkey: 400,
-      descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(5, result.rows[0].value);
-    // ?group=true tests
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 400, endkey: 402,
-      foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, endkey: 400,
-      descending: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 400, endkey: 402,
-      inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(2, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, endkey: 400,
-      descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(2, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 400, endkey: 402,
-      endkey_docid: "401", foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(2, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 400, endkey: 402,
-      endkey_docid: "400", foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(1, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, startkey_docid: "401",
-      endkey: 400, descending: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(2, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, startkey_docid: "400",
-      endkey: 400, descending: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(1, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, startkey_docid: "401",
-      endkey: 400, descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(2, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(2, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, startkey_docid: "400",
-      endkey: 400, descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(2, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(1, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, endkey: 400,
-      endkey_docid: "398", descending: true, inclusive_end: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, endkey: 400,
-      endkey_docid: "399", descending: true, inclusive_end: true, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(2, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, endkey: 400,
-      endkey_docid: "399", descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(3, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    TEquals(400, result.rows[2].key);
-    TEquals(1, result.rows[2].value);
-    result = db.view('test/view1', {group: true, startkey: 402, endkey: 400,
-      endkey_docid: "400", descending: true, inclusive_end: false, foobar: randVal()});
-    TEquals(2, result.rows.length);
-    TEquals(402, result.rows[0].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[0].value);
-    TEquals(401, result.rows[1].key);
-    TEquals(3, result.rows[1].value);
-    db.deleteDb();
-  }
-  testReducePagination();
diff --git a/share/www/script/test/reduce_builtin.js b/share/www/script/test/reduce_builtin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b3cc3cc..0000000
--- a/share/www/script/test/reduce_builtin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.reduce_builtin = function(debug) {
-  var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var numDocs = 500;
-  var docs = makeDocs(1,numDocs + 1);
-  db.bulkSave(docs);
-  var summate = function(N) {return (N+1)*N/2;};
-  var sumsqr = function(N) { 
-    var acc = 0;
-    for (var i=1; i<=N; ++i) {
-      acc += i*i;
-    }
-    return acc;
-  };
-  // this is the same test as the reduce.js test
-  // only we'll let CouchDB run reduce in Erlang
-  var map = function (doc) {
-      emit(doc.integer, doc.integer);
-      emit(doc.integer, doc.integer);
-  };
-  var result = db.query(map, "_sum");
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 2*summate(numDocs));
-  result = db.query(map, "_count");
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 1000);
-  result = db.query(map, "_stats");
-  T(result.rows[0].value.sum == 2*summate(numDocs));
-  T(result.rows[0].value.count == 1000);
-  T(result.rows[0].value.min == 1);
-  T(result.rows[0].value.max == 500);
-  T(result.rows[0].value.sumsqr == 2*sumsqr(numDocs));
-  result = db.query(map, "_sum", {startkey: 4, endkey: 4});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 8);
-  result = db.query(map, "_count", {startkey: 4, endkey: 4});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 2);
-  result = db.query(map, "_sum", {startkey: 4, endkey: 5});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 18);
-  result = db.query(map, "_count", {startkey: 4, endkey: 5});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 4);
-  result = db.query(map, "_sum", {startkey: 4, endkey: 6});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 30);
-  result = db.query(map, "_count", {startkey: 4, endkey: 6});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 6);
-  result = db.query(map, "_sum", {group:true, limit:3});
-  T(result.rows[0].value == 2);
-  T(result.rows[1].value == 4);
-  T(result.rows[2].value == 6);
-  for(var i=1; i<numDocs/2; i+=30) {
-    result = db.query(map, "_sum", {startkey: i, endkey: numDocs - i});
-    T(result.rows[0].value == 2*(summate(numDocs-i) - summate(i-1)));
-  }
-  // test for trailing characters after builtin functions, desired behaviour
-  // is to disregard any trailing characters
-  // I think the behavior should be a prefix test, so that even "_statsorama" 
-  // or "_stats\nare\awesome" should work just as "_stats" does. - JChris
-  var trailing = ["\u000a", "orama", "\nare\nawesome", " ", "     \n  "];
-  for(var i=0; i < trailing.length; i++) {
-    result = db.query(map, "_sum" + trailing[i]);
-    T(result.rows[0].value == 2*summate(numDocs));
-    result = db.query(map, "_count" + trailing[i]);
-    T(result.rows[0].value == 1000);
-    result = db.query(map, "_stats" + trailing[i]);
-    T(result.rows[0].value.sum == 2*summate(numDocs));
-    T(result.rows[0].value.count == 1000);
-    T(result.rows[0].value.min == 1);
-    T(result.rows[0].value.max == 500);
-    T(result.rows[0].value.sumsqr == 2*sumsqr(numDocs));
-  }
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  for(var i=1; i <= 5; i++) {
-    for(var j=0; j < 10; j++) {
-      // these docs are in the order of the keys collation, for clarity
-      var docs = [];
-      docs.push({keys:["a"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "b"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "b"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "b", "c"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "b", "d"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["a", "c", "d"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["d"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["d", "a"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["d", "b"]});
-      docs.push({keys:["d", "c"]});
-      db.bulkSave(docs);
-      T( == ((i - 1) * 10 * 11) + ((j + 1) * 11));
-    }
-    map = function (doc) { emit(doc.keys, 1); };
-    // with emitted values being 1, count should be the same as sum
-    var builtins = ["_sum", "_count"];
-    for (var b=0; b < builtins.length; b++) {
-      var fun = builtins[b];
-      var results = db.query(map, fun, {group:true});
-      //group by exact key match
-      T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:20*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["a","b"],value:20*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[2], {key:["a", "b", "c"],value:10*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[3], {key:["a", "b", "d"],value:10*i}));
-      // test to make sure group reduce and limit params provide valid json
-      var results = db.query(map, fun, {group: true, limit: 2});
-      T(equals(results.rows[0], {key: ["a"], value: 20*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows.length, 2));
-      //group by the first element in the key array
-      var results = db.query(map, fun, {group_level:1});
-      T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:70*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["d"],value:40*i}));
-      //group by the first 2 elements in the key array
-      var results = db.query(map, fun, {group_level:2});
-      T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:20*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["a","b"],value:40*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[2], {key:["a","c"],value:10*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[3], {key:["d"],value:10*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[4], {key:["d","a"],value:10*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[5], {key:["d","b"],value:10*i}));
-      T(equals(results.rows[6], {key:["d","c"],value:10*i}));
-    };
-    map = function (doc) { emit(doc.keys, [1, 1]); };
-    var results = db.query(map, "_sum", {group:true});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:[20*i,20*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["a","b"],value:[20*i,20*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[2], {key:["a", "b", "c"],value:[10*i,10*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[3], {key:["a", "b", "d"],value:[10*i,10*i]}));
-    var results = db.query(map, "_sum", {group: true, limit: 2});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key: ["a"], value: [20*i,20*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows.length, 2));
-    var results = db.query(map, "_sum", {group_level:1});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:[70*i,70*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["d"],value:[40*i,40*i]}));
-    var results = db.query(map, "_sum", {group_level:2});
-    T(equals(results.rows[0], {key:["a"],value:[20*i,20*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[1], {key:["a","b"],value:[40*i,40*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[2], {key:["a","c"],value:[10*i,10*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[3], {key:["d"],value:[10*i,10*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[4], {key:["d","a"],value:[10*i,10*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[5], {key:["d","b"],value:[10*i,10*i]}));
-    T(equals(results.rows[6], {key:["d","c"],value:[10*i,10*i]}));
-  }
diff --git a/share/www/script/test/reduce_false.js b/share/www/script/test/reduce_false.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 699b258..0000000
--- a/share/www/script/test/reduce_false.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.reduce_false = function(debug) {
-  var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var numDocs = 5;
-  var docs = makeDocs(1,numDocs + 1);
-  db.bulkSave(docs);
-  var summate = function(N) {return (N+1)*N/2;};
-  var designDoc = {
-    _id:"_design/test",
-    language: "javascript",
-    views: {
-      summate: {map:"function (doc) { emit(doc.integer, doc.integer); }",
-                reduce:"function (keys, values) { return sum(values); }"},
-    }
-  };
-  T(;
-  // Test that the reduce works
-  var res = db.view('test/summate');
-  T(res.rows.length == 1 && res.rows[0].value == summate(5));
-  //Test that we get our docs back
-  res = db.view('test/summate', {reduce: false});
-  T(res.rows.length == 5);
-  for(var i=0; i<5; i++) {
-    T(res.rows[i].value == i+1);
-  }
diff --git a/share/www/script/test/reduce_false_temp.js b/share/www/script/test/reduce_false_temp.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d45f05b..0000000
--- a/share/www/script/test/reduce_false_temp.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-// the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
-couchTests.reduce_false_temp = function(debug) {
-  var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"});
-  db.deleteDb();
-  db.createDb();
-  if (debug) debugger;
-  var numDocs = 5;
-  var docs = makeDocs(1,numDocs + 1);
-  db.bulkSave(docs);
-  var summate = function(N) {return (N+1)*N/2;};
-  var mapFun = "function (doc) { emit(doc.integer, doc.integer); }";
-  var reduceFun = "function (keys, values) { return sum(values); }";
-  // Test that the reduce works
-  var res = db.query(mapFun, reduceFun);
-  T(res.rows.length == 1 && res.rows[0].value == summate(5));
-  //Test that we get our docs back
-  res = db.query(mapFun, reduceFun, {reduce: false});
-  T(res.rows.length == 5);
-  for(var i=0; i<5; i++) {
-    T(res.rows[i].value == i+1);
-  }