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[3/4] airavata-php-gateway git commit: Removing unused redundant file.

Removing unused redundant file.


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: ea5afa33a5efd667d4a05081aab64494dcb56e35
Parents: 28dec13
Author: Nipurn Doshi <>
Authored: Fri Jan 29 10:44:29 2016 -0500
Committer: Nipurn Doshi <>
Committed: Fri Jan 29 10:44:29 2016 -0500

 app/controllers/ResourceController.php | 211 ----------------------------
 1 file changed, 211 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/controllers/ResourceController.php b/app/controllers/ResourceController.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 91530a2..0000000
--- a/app/controllers/ResourceController.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-class ResourceController extends BaseController
-    /**
-     *    Instantiate a new Compute Resource Controller Instance
-     **/
-    public function __construct()
-    {
-        $this->beforeFilter('verifyadmin');
-        Session::put("nav-active", "compute-resource");
-    }
-    public function createView()
-    {
-        return View::make("resource/create");
-    }
-    public function createSubmit()
-    {
-        $hostAliases = Input::get("hostaliases");
-        $ips = Input::get("ips");
-        $computeDescription = array(
-            "hostName" => trim(Input::get("hostname")),
-            "hostAliases" => array_unique(array_filter($hostAliases)),
-            "ipAddresses" => array_unique(array_filter($ips)),
-            "resourceDescription" => Input::get("description")
-        );
-        $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription);
-        return Redirect::to("cr/edit?crId=" . $computeResource->computeResourceId);
-    }
-    public function editView()
-    {
-        $data = CRUtilities::getEditCRData();
-        $computeResourceId = "";
-        if (Input::has("crId"))
-            $computeResourceId = Input::get("crId");
-        else if (Session::has("computeResource")) {
-            $computeResource = Session::get("computeResource");
-            $computeResourceId = $computeResource->computeResourceId;
-        }
-        if ($computeResourceId != "") {
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource($computeResourceId);
-            $jobSubmissionInterfaces = array();
-            $dataMovementInterfaces = array();
-            $addedJSP = array();
-            $addedDMI = array();
-            //var_dump( $computeResource->jobSubmissionInterfaces); exit;
-            if (count($computeResource->jobSubmissionInterfaces)) {
-                foreach ($computeResource->jobSubmissionInterfaces as $JSI) {
-                    $jobSubmissionInterfaces[] = CRUtilities::getJobSubmissionDetails($JSI->jobSubmissionInterfaceId, $JSI->jobSubmissionProtocol);
-                    $addedJSP[] = $JSI->jobSubmissionProtocol;
-                }
-            }
-            //var_dump( CRUtilities::getJobSubmissionDetails( $data["computeResource"]->jobSubmissionInterfaces[0]->jobSubmissionInterfaceId, 1) ); exit;
-            if (count($computeResource->dataMovementInterfaces)) {
-                foreach ($computeResource->dataMovementInterfaces as $DMI) {
-                    $dataMovementInterfaces[] = CRUtilities::getDataMovementDetails($DMI->dataMovementInterfaceId, $DMI->dataMovementProtocol);
-                    $addedDMI[] = $DMI->dataMovementProtocol;
-                }
-            }
-            $data["computeResource"] = $computeResource;
-            $data["jobSubmissionInterfaces"] = $jobSubmissionInterfaces;
-            $data["dataMovementInterfaces"] = $dataMovementInterfaces;
-            $data["addedJSP"] = $addedJSP;
-            $data["addedDMI"] = $addedDMI;
-            //var_dump($data["jobSubmissionInterfaces"]); exit;
-            return View::make("resource/edit", $data);
-        } else
-            return View::make("resource/browse")->with("login-alert", "Unable to retrieve this Compute Resource. Please report this error to devs.");
-    }
-    public function editSubmit()
-    {
-        $tabName = "";
-        if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "resDesc") /* Modify compute Resource description */ {
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            $computeDescription->hostName = trim(Input::get("hostname"));
-            $computeDescription->hostAliases = array_unique(array_filter(Input::get("hostaliases")));
-            $computeDescription->ipAddresses = array_unique(array_filter(Input::get("ips")));
-            $computeDescription->resourceDescription = Input::get("description");
-            $computeDescription->maxMemoryPerNode = Input::get("maxMemoryPerNode");
-            //var_dump( $computeDescription); exit;
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            $tabName = "#tab-desc";
-        }
-        if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "queue") /* Add / Modify a Queue */ {
-            $queue = array("queueName" => Input::get("qname"),
-                "queueDescription" => Input::get("qdesc"),
-                "maxRunTime" => Input::get("qmaxruntime"),
-                "maxNodes" => Input::get("qmaxnodes"),
-                "maxProcessors" => Input::get("qmaxprocessors"),
-                "maxJobsInQueue" => Input::get("qmaxjobsinqueue"),
-                "maxMemory" => Input::get("qmaxmemoryinqueue")
-            );
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            $computeDescription->batchQueues[] = CRUtilities::createQueueObject($queue);
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            //var_dump( $computeResource); exit;
-            $tabName = "#tab-queues";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "delete-queue") {
-            CRUtilities::deleteQueue(Input::get("crId"), Input::get("queueName"));
-            $tabName = "#tab-queues";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "fileSystems") {
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            $computeDescription->fileSystems = array_filter(Input::get("fileSystems"), "trim");
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            $tabName = "#tab-filesystem";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "jsp" || Input::get("cr-edit") == "edit-jsp") /* Add / Modify a Job Submission Interface */ {
-            $update = false;
-            if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "edit-jsp")
-                $update = true;
-            $jobSubmissionInterface = CRUtilities::create_or_update_JSIObject(Input::all(), $update);
-            $tabName = "#tab-jobSubmission";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "jsi-priority") {
-            $inputs = Input::all();
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            foreach ($computeDescription->jobSubmissionInterfaces as $index => $jsi) {
-                foreach ($inputs["jsi-id"] as $idIndex => $jsiId) {
-                    if ($jsiId == $jsi->jobSubmissionInterfaceId) {
-                        $computeDescription->jobSubmissionInterfaces[$index]->priorityOrder = $inputs["jsi-priority"][$idIndex];
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            return 1; //currently done by ajax.
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "dmp" || Input::get("cr-edit") == "edit-dmi") /* Add / Modify a Data Movement Interface */ {
-            $update = false;
-            if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "edit-dmi")
-                $update = true;
-            $dataMovementInterface = CRUtilities::create_or_update_DMIObject(Input::all(), $update);
-            $tabName = "#tab-dataMovement";
-        } else if (Input::get("cr-edit") == "dmi-priority") {
-            $inputs = Input::all();
-            $computeDescription = CRUtilities::get_compute_resource(Input::get("crId"));
-            foreach ($computeDescription->dataMovementInterfaces as $index => $dmi) {
-                foreach ($inputs["dmi-id"] as $idIndex => $dmiId) {
-                    if ($dmiId == $dmi->dataMovementInterfaceId) {
-                        $computeDescription->dataMovementInterfaces[$index]->priorityOrder = $inputs["dmi-priority"][$idIndex];
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            $computeResource = CRUtilities::register_or_update_compute_resource($computeDescription, true);
-            return 1; //currently done by ajax.
-        }
-        return Redirect::to("cr/edit?crId=" . Input::get("crId") . $tabName);
-    }
-    public function deleteActions()
-    {
-        $result = CRUtilities::deleteActions(Input::all());
-        if (Input::has("jsiId")) {
-            return Redirect::to("cr/edit?crId=" . Input::get("crId") . "#tab-jobSubmission")
-                ->with("message", "Job Submission Interface was deleted successfully");
-        }
-        if (Input::has("dmiId")) {
-            return Redirect::to("cr/edit?crId=" . Input::get("crId") . "#tab-dataMovement")
-                ->with("message", "Data Movement Protocol was deleted successfully");
-        } elseif (Input::has("del-crId")) {
-            return Redirect::to("cr/browse")->with("message", "The Compute Resource has been successfully deleted.");
-        } else
-            return $result;
-    }
-    public function browseView()
-    {
-        $data = CRUtilities::getBrowseCRData(true);
-        $allCRs = $data["crObjects"];
-        $appDeployments = $data["appDeployments"];
-        $connectedDeployments = array();
-        foreach ((array)$allCRs as $crId => $crName) {
-            $connectedDeployments[$crId] = 0;
-            foreach ((array)$appDeployments as $deploymentObject) {
-                if ($crId == $deploymentObject->computeHostId)
-                    $connectedDeployments[$crId]++;
-            }
-        }
-        return View::make("resource/browse", array(
-            "allCRs" => $allCRs,
-            "connectedDeployments" => $connectedDeployments
-        ));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file