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index fab8426..0000000
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-title: Writing YAML Blueprints
-layout: guide-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-## A First Blueprint
-The easiest way to write a blueprint is as a YAML file.
-This follows the  <a href="">OASIS CAMP</a> plan specification, 
-with some extensions described below.
-(A [YAML reference](yaml-reference.html) has more information,
-and if the YAML doesn't yet do what you want,
-it's easy to add new extensions using your favorite JVM language.)
-### The Basic Structure
-Here's a very simple YAML blueprint plan, to explain the structure:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/simple-appserver.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-* The `name` is just for the benefit of us humans.
-* The `location` specifies where this should be deployed.
-  If you've [set up passwordless localhost SSH access]({{ site.url }}/use/guide/locations/) 
-  you can use `localhost` as above, but if not, just wait ten seconds for the next example.
-* The `services` block takes a list of the typed services we want to deploy.
-  This is the meat of the blueprint plan, as you'll see below.
-Finally, that clipboard in the corner lets you easily copy-and-paste into the web-console:
-simply [download and launch]({{ site.url }}/use/guide/quickstart/) Brooklyn,
-then in the "Add Application" dialog at the web console
-(usually []( 
-There are several other ways to deploy, including `curl` and via the command-line,
-and you can configure https and security, and much more, as described [here](deploying-yaml.html).
-[![Web Console](web-console-yaml-700.png "YAML via Web Console")](web-console-yaml.png)
-### Setting Locations
-Brooklyn supports a very wide range of target locations -- localhost is mainly a convenience for testing.
-With deep integration to [Apache jclouds](, most well-known clouds and cloud platforms are supported.
-The following example is for Amazon EC2:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/simple-appserver-with-location.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-(You'll need to replace the `identity` and `credential` with the 
-"Access Key ID" and "Secret Access Key" for your account,
-as configured in the [AWS Console](
-Other popular public clouds include `softlayer`, `google-compute-engine`, and `rackspace-cloudservers-us`.
-Private cloud systems including `openstack-nova` and `cloudstack` are also supported,
-although for these you'll supply an `endpoint:` 
-(or `client/api/` in the case of CloudStack) instead of the `region`.
-You can also specify pre-existing servers to use -- "bring-your-own-nodes".
-These can be a global pool or specific to a service.
-Both styles are shown here (though normally only one will be selected,
-<!-- TODO see #1377, currently it is *parent* location which is preferred typically --> 
-depending on the blueprint):
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/simple-appserver-with-location-byon.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-You'll also note in this example that we've used JSON-style notation in the second `location` block.
-YAML supports this, and sometimes that makes more readable plans.
-(Although in this case a simple `location: localhost` is equivalent and even more succinct, but this is a tutorial.)
-For more information see the Locations section of the [YAML reference](yaml-reference.html) 
-and in the [User's Guide]({{ site.url }}/use/guide/locations/).
-Another good reference is the [template](/use/guide/quickstart/,
-which if you install in `~/.brooklyn/` and edit with your credentials,  
-allows you to refer to clouds simply as `location: jclouds:aws-ec2:eu-west-1` or
-set up "named locations" you can use as `location: named:my_cloudstack`.
-## Configuring VMs
-Another simple blueprint will just create a VM which you can use, without any software installed upon it:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/simple-vm.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-*We've omitted the `location` section here and in many of the examples below;
-add the appropriate choice when you paste your YAML. Note that the `` will be
-ignored if deploying to `localhost` or `byon` fixed-IP machines.* 
-This will create a VM with the specified parameters in your choice of cloud.
-In the GUI (and in the REST API), the entity is called "VM",
-and the hostname and IP address(es) are reported as [sensors]({{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/basic-concepts.html).
-There are many more `` supported here,
-* a `user` to create (if not specified it creates the same username as `brooklyn` is running under) 
-* a `password` for him or a `publicKeyFile` and `privateKeyFile` (defaulting to keys in `~/.ssh/id_rsa{.pub,}` and no password,
-  so if you have keys set up you can immediately ssh in!)
-* `machineCreateAttempts` (for dodgy clouds, and they nearly all fail occasionally!) 
-* and things like `imageId` and `userMetadata` and disk and networking options (e.g. `autoAssignFloatingIp` for private clouds)
-For more information, see the javadoc on `JcloudsLocationConfig`.
-### Clusters, Specs, and Composition
-What if you want multiple machines?
-One way is just to repeat the `- type: brooklyn.entity.basic.EmptySoftwareProcess` block,
-but there's another way which will keep your powder [DRY]('t_repeat_yourself):
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/cluster-vm.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Here we've composed the previous blueprint introducing some new important concepts, the `DynamicCluster`
-the `$brooklyn` DSL, and the "entity-spec".  Let's unpack these. 
-The `DynamicCluster` creates a set of homogeneous instances.
-At design-time, you specify an initial size and the specification for the entity it should create.
-At runtime you can restart and stop these instances as a group (on the `DynamicCluster`) or refer to them
-individually. You can resize the cluster, attach enrichers which aggregate sensors across the cluster, 
-and attach policies which, for example, replace failed members or resize the cluster dynamically.
-The specification is defined in the `memberSpec` key.  As you can see it looks very much like the
-previous blueprint, with one extra line.  Entries in the blueprint which start with `$brooklyn:`
-refer to the Brooklyn DSL and allow a small amount of logic to be embedded
-(if there's a lot of logic, it's recommended to write a blueprint YAML plugin or write the blueprint itself
-as a plugin, in Java or a JVM-supported language).  
-In this case we want to indicate that the parameter to `memberSpec` is an entity specification
-(`EntitySpec` in the underlying type system); the `entitySpec` DSL command will do this for us.
-The example above thus gives us 5 VMs identical to the one we created in the previous section.
-## A Bigger Blueprint
-We've seen the configuration of machines and how to build up clusters.
-Now let's return to our app-server example and explore how more interesting
-services can be configured, composed, and combined.
-Also note there are some good overview materials [here]({{site.url}}//use/guide/defining-applications/basic-concepts.html)
-covering clusters, sensors, effectors and more, 
-if you're the kind of person who likes to learn more about concepts before seeing them in action.
-### Service Configuration
-We'll begin by using more key-value pairs to configure the JBoss server to run a real app:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/appserver-configured.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-(As before, you'll need to add the `location` info; `localhost` will work for these and subsequent examples.)
-When this is deployed, you can see management information in the Brooklyn Web Console,
-including a link to the deployed application (downloaded to the target machine from the `hello-world` URL),
-running on port 8080.
-**Top tip**:  If port 8080 might be in use, you can specify `8080+` to take the first available port >= 8080;
-the actual port will be reported as a sensor by Brooklyn.
-It's also worth indicating an alternate, more formal syntax.
-Not all configuration on entities is supported at the top level of the service specification
-(only those which are defined as "flags" in the underlying blueprint,
-e.g. the `@SetFromFlag("war")` in the `WebAppServiceConstants` parent of `JBoss7Server`).
-All configuration has a formal qualified name, and this can be supplied even where flags or config keys are not
-explicitly defined, by placing it into a `brooklyn.config` section:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/appserver-configured-in-config.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-### Multiple Services and Dependency Injection
-If you explored the `hello-world-sql` application we just deployed, 
-you'll have noticed it tries to access a database.
-And it fails, because we have not set one up.  Let's do that now:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/appserver-w-db.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Here there are a few things going on:
-* We've added a second service, which will be the database;
-  you'll note the database has been configured to run a custom setup script
-* We've injected the URL of the second service into the appserver as a Java system property
-  (so our app knows where to find the database) 
-**Caution: Be careful if you write your YAML in an editor which attempts to put "smart-quotes" in.
-All quote characters must be plain ASCII, not fancy left-double-quotes and right-double-quotes!**
-There are as many ways to do dependency injection as there are developers,
-it sometimes seems; our aim in Brooklyn is not to say this has to be done one way,
-but to support the various mechanisms people might need to do, for whatever reasons.
-(We each have our opinions about what works well, of course;
-the one thing we do want to call out is that being able to dynamically update
-the injection is useful in a modern agile application -- so we are definitively **not**
-recommending this Java system property approach ... but it is an easy one to demo!)
-The way the dependency injection works is again by using the `$brooklyn:` DSL,
-this time referring to the `component("db")` (looked up by the `id` field on our DB component),
-and then to a sensor emitted by that component.
-All the database entities emit a `database.url` sensor when they are up and running;
-the `attributeWhenReady` DSL method will store a pointer to that sensor (a Java Future under the covers)
-in the Java system properties map which the JBoss entity reads at launch time, blocking if needed.
-This means that the deployment occurs in parallel, and if the database comes up first,
-there is no blocking; but if the JBoss entity completes its installation and 
-downloading the WAR, it will wait for the database before it launches.
-At that point the URL is injected, first passing it through `formatString`
-to include the credentials for the database (which are defined in the database creation script).
-### An Aside: Substitutability
-Don't like JBoss?  Is there something about Maria?
-One of the modular principles we follow in Brooklyn is substitutability:
-in many cases, the config keys, sensors, and effectors are defined
-in superclasses and are portable across multiple implementations.
-Here's an example deploying the same application but with different flavors of the components:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/appserver-w-db-other-flavor.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-We've also brought in the `` from the VM example earlier
-so our database has 8GB RAM.
-Any of those properties, including `imageId` and `user`, can be defined on a per-entity basis.
-### Clusters and Policies
-Now let's bring the concept of the "cluster" back in.
-We could wrap our appserver in the same `DynamicCluster` we used earlier,
-although then we'd need to define and configure the load balancer.
-But another blueprint, the `ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster`, does this for us.
-It takes the same `memberSpec`, so we can build a fully functional elastic 3-tier
-deployment of our `hello-world-sql` application as follows:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/appserver-clustered-w-db.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-This sets up Nginx as the controller by default, but that can be configured
-using the `controllerSpec` key. In fact, JBoss is the default appserver,
-and because configuration in Brooklyn is inherited by default,
-the same blueprint can be expressed more concisely as:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/appserver-clustered-w-db-concise.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-The other nicety supplied by the `ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster` blueprint is that
-it aggregates sensors from the appserver, so we have access to things like
-These are convenient for plugging in to policies!
-We can set up our blueprint to do autoscaling based on requests per second
-(keeping it in the range 10..100, with a maximum of 5 appserver nodes)
-as follows: 
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/appserver-w-policy.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Use your favorite load-generation tool (`jmeter` is one good example) to send a huge
-volume of requests against the server and see the policies kick in to resize it.
-## New Custom Entities
-So far we've covered how to configure and compose entities.
-There's a large library of blueprints available, but
-there are also times when you'll want to write your own.
-For complex use cases, you can write JVM, but for many common situations,
-some of the highly-configurable blueprints make it easy to write in YAML,
-including `bash` and Chef.
-### Vanilla Software using `bash`
-The following blueprint shows how a simple script can be embedded in the YAML
-(the `|` character is special YAML which makes it easier to insert multi-line text):
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-This starts a simple `nc` listener on port 4321 which will respond `hello` to the first
-session which connects to it. Test it by running `telnet localhost 4321`.  
-This is just a simple script, but it shows how any script can be easily embedded here,
-including a script to download and run other artifacts.
-Many artifacts are already packaged such that they can be downloaded and launched 
-with a simple script, and `VanillaSoftwareProcess` can also be used for them. 
-We can specify a `download.url` which downloads artifacts (unpacking TAR, TGZ, and ZIP archives)
-before running `launch.command` relative to where that file is installed (or unpacked),
-with `./` being the default `launch.command`.
-So if we create a file `/tmp/netcat-server.tgz` containing just `` in the root
-which consists of the two lines in the previous example,
-we can instead write our example as: 
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-file.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-The one requirement of the script is that it store the process ID (PID) in the file
-pointed to by `$PID_FILE`, hence the second line of the script.
-This is because Brooklyn wants to monitor the services under management. 
-(There are other options; you can set `checkRunning.command` and `stop.command` instead,
-as documented on the Javadoc of the `VanillaSoftwareProcess` class,
-and those scripts will be used instead of checking and stopping the process whose PID is in `$PID_FILE`.)
-And indeed, once you've run one `telnet` to the server, you'll see that the 
-service has gone "on fire" in Brooklyn -- because the `nc` process has stopped. 
-Besides detecting this failure, Brooklyn policies can be added to the YAML to take appropriate 
-action. A simple recovery here might just be to restart the process:
-{% highlight yaml %}
-{% readj example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-restarter.yaml %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Autonomic management in Brooklyn often follows the principle that complex behaviours emerge
-from composing simple policies.
-The blueprint above uses one policy to triggering a failure sensor when the service is down,
-and another responds to such failures by restarting the service.
-This makes it easy to configure various aspects, such as to delay to see if the service itself recovers
-(which here we've set to 15 seconds) or to bail out on multiple failures within a time window (which again we are not doing).
-Running with this blueprint, you'll see that the service shows as on fire for 15s after a `telnet`,
-before the policy restarts it. 
-For an even more interesting way to test it, look at the blueprint defining
-[a netcat server and client](example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-w-client.yaml).
-This uses `initializers` to define an effector to `sayHiNetcat` on the `Simple Pinger` client,
-using `env` variables to inject the `netcat-server` location and 
-`parameters` to pass in per-effector data:
-      env:
-        TARGET_HOSTNAME: $brooklyn:component("netcat-server").attributeWhenReady("")
-      brooklyn.initializers:
-      - type:
-        brooklyn.config:
-          name: sayHiNetcat
-          description: Echo a small hello string to the netcat entity
-          command: |
-            echo $message | nc $TARGET_HOSTNAME 4321
-          parameters:
-            message:
-              description: The string to pass to netcat
-              defaultValue: hi netcat
-This blueprint also uses initializers to define sensors on the `netcat-server` entity
-so that the `$message` we passed above gets logged and reported back:
-      launch.command: |
-        echo hello | nc -l 4321 >> server-input &
-        echo $! > $PID_FILE
-      brooklyn.initializers:
-      - type:
-        brooklyn.config:
-          name: output.last
-          command: tail -1 server-input
-This is still a simple example, but worth going through carefully.
-It shows many of the building blocks used in real-world blueprints,
-and how they can often be easily described and combined in Brooklyn YAML blueprints.
-Next, if you need to drive off-piste, or you want to write tests against these blueprints,
-have a look at, for example, `` in the Brooklyn codebase,
-or follow the other references below.
-TODO building up children entities
-### Using Chef Recipes
-### More Information
-Plenty of examples of blueprints exist in the Brooklyn codebase,
-so a good starting point is to [`git clone`]({{ site.url }}/dev/code/index.html) it
-and search for `*.yaml` files therein.
-Brooklyn lived as a Java framework for many years before we felt confident
-to make a declarative front-end, so you can do pretty much anything you want to
-by dropping to the JVM. Information on that is available:
-* in the [user guide]({{site.url}}/use/guide/entities/index.html),
-* through a [Maven archetype]({{site.url}}/use/guide/defining-applications/archetype.html),
-* in the [codebase](,
-* and in plenty of [examples]({{site.url}}/use/examples/index.html).
-You can also come talk to us, on IRC (#brooklyncentral on Freenode) or
-any of the usual [hailing frequencies]({{site.url}}/meta/contact.html),
-as these documents are a work in progress.
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-title: Deploying YAML Blueprints
-layout: guide-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-Once you've [written a YAML blueprint](, there are several ways to deploy it.
-These insructions assume you have [installed]({{ site.url }}/use/guide/quickstart/) Brooklyn.
-You can then:
-- Supply the YAML blueprint file on the CLI when launching the server:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ brooklyn launch --app ./blueprint.yaml
-{% endhighlight %}
-Or, assuming you've launched a server already 
-(usually on []( unless you've 
-configured security in [``](/use/guide/quickstart/,
-you can:
-- Curl it to the Brooklyn REST API:
-{% highlight bash %}
-$ curl -T ./blueprint.yaml -X POST http://localhost:8081/v1/applications
-{% endhighlight %}
-- In the web-console, select the "YAML" tab in the "Add Application" wizard:
-[![Web Console](web-console-yaml-700.png "YAML via Web Console")](web-console-yaml.png)
-- The web-console also has an interactive "REST API" page,
-  where you can paste the YAML for uploading into the `POST` to `/v1/applications`.
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_files/ b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_files/
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index cb92766..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// TODO Untested code; see brooklyn-example for better maintained examples!
-public class TomcatFabricApp extends AbstractApplication {
-    @Override
-    public void init() {
-        addChild(EntitySpec.create(DynamicFabric.class)
-                .configure("displayName", "WebFabric")
-                .configure("displayNamePrefix", "")
-                .configure("displayNameSuffix", " web cluster")
-                .configure("memberSpec", EntitySpec.create(ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.class)
-                        .configure("initialSize", 2)
-                        .configure("memberSpec", : EntitySpec.create(TomcatServer.class)
-                                .configure("httpPort", "8080+")
-                                .configure("war", "/path/to/booking-mvc.war"))));
-    }
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index 20db33d..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// TODO Untested code; see brooklyn-example for better maintained examples!
-public class TomcatClusterWithNginxApp extends AbstractApplication {
-    @Override
-    public void init() {
-        addChild(EntitySpec.create(NginxController.class)
-                .configure("domain", "")
-                .configure("port", "8000+")
-                .configure("portNumberSensor", Attributes.HTTP_PORT));
-        addChild(EntitySpec.create(ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.class)
-                .configure("controller", nginxController)
-                .configure("memberSpec", : EntitySpec.create(TomcatServer.class)
-                        .configure("httpPort", "8080+")
-                        .configure("war", "/path/to/booking-mvc.war"))
-                .configure("initialSize", 2));
-    }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 480a333..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_files/
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@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// TODO Untested code; see brooklyn-example for better maintained examples!
-public class TomcatServerApp extends AbstractApplication {
-    @Override
-    public void init() {
-        addChild(EntitySpec.create(TomcatServer.class)
-                .configure("httpPort", "8080+")
-                .configure("war", "/path/to/booking-mvc.war")));
-    }
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-clustered-w-db-concise.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-clustered-w-db-concise.yaml
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--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-clustered-w-db-concise.yaml
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-name: appserver-clustered-w-db-concise
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
-  initialSize: 2
-  brooklyn.config:
-    wars.root:
-    http.port: 8080+
-    java.sysprops: 
-      brooklyn.example.db.url: $brooklyn:formatString("jdbc:%s%s?user=%s\\&password=%s",
-           component("db").attributeWhenReady("datastore.url"), "visitors", "brooklyn", "br00k11n")
-- type: brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode
-  id: db
-  name: DB HelloWorld Visitors
-  brooklyn.config:
-    datastore.creation.script.url:
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-clustered-w-db.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-clustered-w-db.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a7b3c57..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-clustered-w-db.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-name: appserver-clustered-w-db
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
-  initialSize: 2
-  memberSpec:
-    $brooklyn:entitySpec:
-      type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
-      brooklyn.config:
-        wars.root:
-        http.port: 8080+
-        java.sysprops: 
-          brooklyn.example.db.url: $brooklyn:formatString("jdbc:%s%s?user=%s\\&password=%s",
-              component("db").attributeWhenReady("datastore.url"), "visitors", "brooklyn", "br00k11n")
-- type: brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode
-  id: db
-  name: DB HelloWorld Visitors
-  brooklyn.config:
-    datastore.creation.script.url:
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-configured-in-config.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-configured-in-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 50c1873..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-configured-in-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-name: appserver-configured-in-config
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
-  brooklyn.config:
-    wars.root:
-    http.port: 8080
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-configured.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-configured.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ec858..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-configured.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-name: appserver-configured
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
-  war:
-  httpPort: 8080
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-db-other-flavor.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-db-other-flavor.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 784f7fd..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-db-other-flavor.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-name: appserver-w-db-other-flavor
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat.TomcatServer
-  name: AppServer HelloWorld 
-  brooklyn.config:
-    wars.root:
-    http.port: 8080+
-    java.sysprops: 
-      brooklyn.example.db.url: $brooklyn:formatString("jdbc:%s%s?user=%s\\&password=%s",
-         component("db").attributeWhenReady("datastore.url"), "visitors", "brooklyn", "br00k11n")
-- type: brooklyn.entity.database.mariadb.MariaDbNode
-  id: db
-  name: DB HelloWorld Visitors
-  brooklyn.config:
-    datastore.creation.script.url:
-      minRam: 8192
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-db.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-db.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a16c0d..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-db.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-name: appserver-w-db
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
-  name: AppServer HelloWorld 
-  brooklyn.config:
-    wars.root:
-    http.port: 8080+
-    java.sysprops: 
-      brooklyn.example.db.url: $brooklyn:formatString("jdbc:%s%s?user=%s\\&password=%s",
-         component("db").attributeWhenReady("datastore.url"), "visitors", "brooklyn", "br00k11n")
-- type: brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode
-  id: db
-  name: DB HelloWorld Visitors
-  brooklyn.config:
-    datastore.creation.script.url:
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-policy.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-policy.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 757157e..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/appserver-w-policy.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-name: appserver-w-policy
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
-  initialSize: 1
-  memberSpec:
-    $brooklyn:entitySpec:
-      type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
-      brooklyn.config:
-        wars.root:
-        http.port: 8080+
-        java.sysprops: 
-          brooklyn.example.db.url: $brooklyn:formatString("jdbc:%s%s?user=%s\\&password=%s",
-              component("db").attributeWhenReady("datastore.url"), "visitors", "brooklyn", "br00k11n")
-  brooklyn.policies:
-  - policyType: brooklyn.policy.autoscaling.AutoScalerPolicy
-    brooklyn.config:
-      metric: $brooklyn:sensor("brooklyn.entity.webapp.DynamicWebAppCluster", "webapp.reqs.perSec.windowed.perNode")
-      metricLowerBound: 10
-      metricUpperBound: 100
-      minPoolSize: 1
-      maxPoolSize: 5
-- type: brooklyn.entity.database.mysql.MySqlNode
-  id: db
-  name: DB HelloWorld Visitors
-  brooklyn.config:
-    datastore.creation.script.url:
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/cluster-vm.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/cluster-vm.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a50da..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/cluster-vm.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-name: cluster-vm
-- type:
-  initialSize: 5
-  memberSpec:
-    $brooklyn:entitySpec:
-      type: brooklyn.entity.basic.EmptySoftwareProcess
-      name: VM
-        minRam: 8g
-        minCores: 4
-        minDisk: 100g
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/mysql-chef-1.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/mysql-chef-1.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bdac530..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/mysql-chef-1.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-name: chef-mysql-sample
-- type: chef:mysql
-  cookbook_urls:
-    # only needed for chef solo; URL can be local to brooklyn, or github, etc...
-    mysql:
-    openssl:
-    build-essential:
-  launch_run_list: [ "mysql::server" ]
-  launch_attributes:
-    mysql:
-      # these attrs are required by the mysql cookbook under node['mysql']
-      server_root_password: p4ssw0rd
-      server_repl_password: p4ssw0rd
-      server_debian_password: p4ssw0rd
-      # many others are attrs are supported by the cookbook and can be passed here...
-  # how to determine if the process is running and how to kill it
-  # (supported options are `service_name` and `pid_file`; normally you should just pick one.
-  # here we use the pid_file because the service_name varies, mysql on centos, mysqld on ubuntu!)
-  #service_name: mysqld
-  pid_file: /var/run/mysqld/
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/mysql-chef-2.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/mysql-chef-2.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index ced2dbe..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/mysql-chef-2.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-name: chef-mysql-sample
-- type: chef:mysql
-  id: db
-  cookbook_urls:
-    # only needed for chef solo; URL can be local to brooklyn, or github, etc...
-    mysql:
-    openssl:
-    build-essential:
-  launch_run_list: [ "mysql::server" ]
-  launch_attributes:
-    mysql:
-      # these attrs are required by the mysql cookbook under node['mysql']
-      server_root_password: $brooklyn:component("db").config("mysql.password")
-      server_repl_password: $brooklyn:component("db").config("mysql.password")
-      server_debian_password: $brooklyn:component("db").config("mysql.password")
-      # many others are attrs are supported by the cookbook and can be passed here...
-  # how to determine if the process is running and how to kill it
-  # (supported options are `service_name` and `pid_file`; normally you should just pick one.
-  # here we use the pid_file because the service_name varies, mysql on centos, mysqld on ubuntu!)
-  #service_name: mysqld
-  pid_file: /var/run/mysqld/
-  mysql.password: p4ssw0rd
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver-with-location-byon.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver-with-location-byon.yaml
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index 7ba5b0c..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver-with-location-byon.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-name: simple-appserver-with-location-byon
-  byon:
-    user: brooklyn
-    privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/brooklyn.pem
-    hosts:
-    -
-    -
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
-  location:
-    byon: { hosts: [ ] }
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver-with-location.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver-with-location.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c241ab2..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver-with-location.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-name: simple-appserver-with-location
-  jclouds:aws-ec2:
-    region: us-east-1
-    identity: AKA_YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
-    credential: <access-key-hex-digits>
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3850b26..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-appserver.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-name: simple-appserver
-location: localhost
-- type: brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss.JBoss7Server
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-vm.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-vm.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 149a1b9..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/simple-vm.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-name: simple-vm
-- type: brooklyn.entity.basic.EmptySoftwareProcess
-  name: VM
-    minRam: 8192mb
-    minCores: 4
-    minDisk: 100gb
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-file.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-file.yaml
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index 7950b8c..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-file.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-name: Simple Netcat Example From File
-location: localhost
-- type: brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
-  name: Simple Netcat Server
-  download.url: file:///tmp/netcat-server.tgz
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-restarter.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-restarter.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd70c3..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-restarter.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-name: Simple Netcat Example with Restarter Policy
-location: localhost
-- type: brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
-  id: netcat-server
-  name: Simple Netcat Server
-  launch.command: |
-    echo hello | nc -l 4321 &
-    echo $! > $PID_FILE
-  brooklyn.enrichers:
-  - type: brooklyn.policy.ha.ServiceFailureDetector
-    brooklyn.config:
-      # wait 15s after service fails before propagating failure
-      serviceFailedStabilizationDelay: 15s
-  brooklyn.policies:
-  - type: brooklyn.policy.ha.ServiceRestarter
-    brooklyn.config:
-      # repeated failures in a time window can cause the restarter to abort,
-      # propagating the failure; a time window of 0 will mean it always restarts!
-      failOnRecurringFailuresInThisDuration: 0
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-w-client.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-w-client.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 50051db..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat-w-client.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-name: Simple Netcat with Client
-location: localhost
-# the netcat server instance, running in listener mode (-l)
-- type: brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
-  id: netcat-server
-  name: Simple Netcat Server
-  launch.command: |
-    echo hello | nc -l 4321 >> server-input &
-    echo $! > $PID_FILE
-  brooklyn.policies:
-  # restarter and 
-  - policyType: brooklyn.policy.ha.ServiceFailureDetector
-    brooklyn.config:
-      # wait 15s after service fails before propagating failure
-      serviceFailedStabilizationDelay: 15s
-  - policyType: brooklyn.policy.ha.ServiceRestarter
-    brooklyn.config:
-      # repeated failures in a time window can cause the restarter to abort,
-      # propagating the failure; a time window of 0 will mean it always restarts!
-      failOnRecurringFailuresInThisDuration: 0
-  brooklyn.initializers:
-  # two sensors, recording the data sent to this netcat server:
-  - type:
-    brooklyn.config:
-      name: output.last
-      command: tail -1 server-input
-  - type:
-    brooklyn.config:
-      name: output.all
-      command: cat server-input
-# a client to hit netcat
-- type: brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
-  name: Simple Pinger
-  # set the hostname of the netcat instance as an env var for the scripts 
-  env:
-    TARGET_HOSTNAME: $brooklyn:component("netcat-server").attributeWhenReady("")
-  # start/check/stop are no-op
-  launch.command: ""
-  checkRunning.command: ""
-  stop.command: ""
-  brooklyn.initializers:
-  # but there is a sample effector which runs nc in client mode
-  - type:
-    brooklyn.config:
-      name: sayHiNetcat
-      description: Echo a small hello string to the netcat entity
-      command: |
-        echo $message | nc $TARGET_HOSTNAME 4321
-      parameters:
-        message:
-          description: The string to pass to netcat
-          defaultValue: hi netcat
-# and add an enricher at the root so all sensors from netcat-server are visible on the root
-- enricherType: brooklyn.enricher.basic.Propagator
-  brooklyn.config:
-    enricher.producer: $brooklyn:component("netcat-server")
-    enricher.propagating.propagatingAll: true
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat.yaml b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d4cb37b..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/example_yaml/vanilla-bash-netcat.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-name: Simple Netcat Server Example
-location: localhost
-- type: brooklyn.entity.basic.VanillaSoftwareProcess
-  name: Simple Netcat Server
-  launch.command: |
-    echo hello | nc -l 4321 &
-    echo $! > $PID_FILE
-  # The following overrides demonstrate the use of a custom shell environment as well as
-  # check-running and stop commands. These are optional; default behavior will "do the
-  # right thing" with the pid file automatically.
-  env:                  { CHECK_MARKER: "checkRunning", STOP_MARKER: "stop" }
-  checkRunning.command: echo $CHECK_MARKER >> DATE && test -f "$PID_FILE" && ps -p `cat $PID_FILE` >/dev/null
-  stop.command:         echo $STOP_MARKER  >> DATE && test -f "$PID_FILE" && { kill -9 `cat $PID_FILE`; rm /tmp/; }
-# can also define download.url, in which case the launch command defaults to ./ in that (archive) file
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--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/
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@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-title: Examples
-layout: guide-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-** TODO: this examples page is deprecated;
-code is out-of-date, and better examples are described on the web site.
-need to figure out if this page should be kept at all
-(indeed if the "guide" is even still relevant)**
-### Integrating with a Maven project
-If you have a Maven-based project, integrate this XML fragment with your pom.xml:
-<!-- TODO this should import from the downloads page -->
-{% highlight xml %}
-	<dependency>
-		<groupId>io.brooklyn</groupId>
-		<artifactId>brooklyn-all</artifactId>
-		<version>0.7.0-SNAPSHOT</version>  <!-- BROOKLYN_VERSION -->
-	</dependency>
-    <id>cloudsoft-releases</id>
-    <url></url>
-    <id>libs-snapshot-local</id>
-    <url></url>
-    <snapshots>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-        <updatePolicy>never</updatePolicy>
-        <checksumPolicy>fail</checksumPolicy>
-    </snapshots>
-{% endhighlight %}
-### Starting a Tomcat Server
-The code below starts a Tomcat server on the local machine.
-The ``main`` method defines the application, and passes it to the ``BrooklynLauncher`` to be managed. 
-It is then started in a localhost location (other locations are shown in the next section).
-The Tomcat's configuration indicates that the given WAR should be deployed to the Tomcat server when it is started.
-{% highlight java %}
-{% readj example_files/ %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-The ``wars`` config is also supported (with config keys ``ROOT_WAR`` and ``NAMED_WARS`` the long-hand syntax);
-they accept EARs and other common archives, and can be described as files or as URLs (as Strings), 
-with URLs supporting an optional ``classpath://org/acme/resources/xxx.war`` syntax.
-### Starting Tomcat in Amazon EC2
-To start a tomcat node or cluster in Amazon EC2, the application is identical to that for localhost. 
-The only difference is the location supplied.
-The Brooklyn CLI can be used to launch the application in your choice of location, such as:
-{% highlight bash %}
-brooklyn launch --app TomcatServerApp --location localhost
-brooklyn launch --app TomcatServerApp --location aws-ec2:eu-west-1
-{% endhighlight %}
-### Starting a Tomcat Cluster with Nginx
-The code below starts a Tomcat cluster along with an Nginx instance, where each Tomcat server in the cluster is registered with the Nginx instance.
-{% highlight java %}
-{% readj example_files/ %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-This creates a cluster that of Tomcat servers, along with an Nginx instance. The ``NginxController`` instance
-is notified whenever a member of the cluster joins or leaves; the entity is configured to look at the ``HTTP_PORT``
-attribute of that instance so that the Nginx configuration can be updated with the ip:port of the cluster member.
-TODO things may need tidying (paragraphs, and/or eliminating any extra setConfig calls, though looks like these have gone)
-Starting a Multi-location Tomcat Fabric
-TODO this example should use several cloud providers, including Openshift, and use GeoDNS, 
-and maybe a data store and/or messaging service; it is the last "most advanced" example
-FIXME Discuss above comment with Aled/Alex as it is contentious
-The ``ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster`` entity used above can also be used with a DynamicFabric to start
-a web-cluster in each location.
-{% highlight java %}
-{% readj example_files/ %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-Examples Source
-Source code for (more up-to-date!) examples is available for download from GitHub. To retrieve the source, execute the following command:
-    git clone
-You can also [browse the code]( on the web.
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-title: Service State
-layout: guide-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-Any entity can use the standard "service-up" and "service-state" 
-sensors to inform other entities and the GUI about its status.
-In normal operation, entities should publish at least one "service not-up indicator",
-using the `ServiceNotUpLogic.updateNotUpIndicator` method.  Each such indicator should have
-a unique name or input sensor.  `Attributes.SERVICE_UP` will then be updated automatically
-when there are no not-up indicators.
-When there are transient problems that can be detected, to trigger `ON_FIRE` status
-entity code can similarly set `ServiceProblemsLogic.updateProblemsIndicator` with a unique namespace,
-and subsequently clear it when the problem goes away.
-These problems are reflected at runtime in the `SERVICE_PROBLEMS` sensor,
-allowing multiple problems to be tracked independently.
-When an entity is changing the expected state, e.g. starting or stopping,
-the expected state can be set using `ServiceStateLogic.setExpectedState`;
-this expected lifecycle state is considered together with `SERVICE_UP` and `SERVICE_PROBLEMS`
-to compute the actual state.  By default the logic in `ComputeServiceState` is applied.
-For common entities, good out-of-the-box logic is applied, as follows:
-* For `SoftwareProcess` entities, lifecycle service state is updated by the framework
-  and a service not-up indicator is linked to the driver `isRunning()` check.
-* For common parents, including `AbstractApplication` and `AbstractGroup` subclasses (including clusters, fabrics, etc),
-  the default enrichers analyse children and members to set a not-up indicator
-  (requiring at least one child or member who is up) and a problem indicator
-  (if any children or members are on-fire).
-  In some cases other quorum checks are preferable; this can be set e.g. by overriding 
-  the `UP_QUORUM_CHECK` or the `RUNNING_QUORUM_CHECK`, as follows:
-      public static final ConfigKey<QuorumCheck> UP_QUORUM_CHECK = ConfigKeys.newConfigKeyWithDefault(AbstractGroup.UP_QUORUM_CHECK, 
-          "Require all children and members to be up for this node to be up",
-          QuorumChecks.all());
-  Alternatively the `initEnrichers()` method can be overridden to specify a custom-configured
-  enricher or set custom config key values (as done e.g. in `DynamicClusterImpl` so that
-  zero children is permitted provided when the initial size is configured to be 0).
-For sample code to set and more information on these methods' behaviours,
-see javadoc in `ServiceStateLogic`,
-overrides of `AbstractEntity.initEnrichers()`
-and tests in `ServiceStateLogicTests`.
-<!-- TODO include more documentation, sample code (ideally extracted on the fly from test cases so we know it works!) -->
-## Notes on Advanced Use
-The enricher to derive `SERVICE_UP` and `SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL` from the maps and expected state values discussed above
-is added by the `AbstractEntity.initEnrichers()` method.
-This method can be overridden -- or excluded altogether by by overriding `init()` --
-and can add enrichers created using the `ServiceStateLogic.newEnricherFromChildren()` method
-suitably customized using methods on the returned spec object, for instance to look only at members
-or specify a quorum function (from `QuorumChecks`). 
-If different logic is required for computing `SERVICE_UP` and `SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL`,
-use `ServiceStateLogic.newEnricherFromChildrenState()` and `ServiceStateLogic.newEnricherFromChildrenUp()`,
-noting that the first of these will replace the enricher added by the default `initEnrichers()`,
-whereas the second one runs with a different namespace (unique tag).
-For more information consult the javadoc on those classes.
-Entities can set `SERVICE_UP` and `SERVICE_STATE_ACTUAL` directly.
-Provided these entities never use the `SERVICE_NOT_UP_INDICATORS` and `SERVICE_PROBLEMS` map,
-the default enrichers will not override these values.
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-[{ "title": "Basic Concepts",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/basic-concepts.html" }, 
-{ "title": "Advanced Concepts",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/advanced-concepts.html" }, 
-{ "title": "Common Usage",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/common-usage.html" },
-{ "title": "YAML Blueprints",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/creating-yaml.html" },
-{ "title": "Chef Blueprints",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/chef-blueprints.html" },
-{ "title": "Deploying YAML",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/deploying-yaml.html" },
-{ "title": "YAML Reference",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/yaml-reference.html" },
-{ "title": "Service State",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/service-state.html" },
-{ "title": "Maven Archetype",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/defining-applications/archetype.html" }
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/web-console-yaml-700.png b/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/web-console-yaml-700.png
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index d6a2249..0000000
Binary files a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/web-console-yaml-700.png and /dev/null differ
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index df19dd3..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/defining-applications/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-title: Broooklyn YAML Blueprint Reference
-layout: guide-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-## Root Elements
-* `name`: human readable names
-* `services`: a list of `ServiceSpecification` elements
-* `location` (or `locations` taking a list): a `LocationSpecification` element as a string or a map
-## `ServiceSpecification` Elements
-Within the `services` block, a list of maps should be supplied, with each map
-defining a `ServiceSpecification`.  Each `ServiceSpecification` should declare the
-service `type` (synonyms `serviceType` and `service_type`), indicating what type of 
-service is being specified there.  The following formats are supported for
-defining types:
-* `io.brooklyn.package.JavaEntityClass`
-* `java:io.brooklyn.package.JavaEntityClass`
-* *OSGi and YAML references are coming soon!* <!-- TODO -->
-A reference of some of the common service `type` instances used is included in a section below.
-Within the `ServiceSpecification`, other key-value pairs can be supplied to customize
-the entity being defined, with these being the most common:
-* `id`: an ID string, used to refer to this service
-* `location` (or `locations`): as defined in the root element 
-* `brooklyn.config`: configuration key-value pairs passed to the service entity being created
-* `brooklyn.children`: a list of `ServiceSpecifications` which will be configured as children of this entity
-* `brooklyn.policies`: a list of policies, each as a map described with their `type` and their `brooklyn.config` as keys
-* `brooklyn.enrichers`: a list of enrichers, each as a map described with their `type` and their `brooklyn.config` as keys
-* `brooklyn.initializers`: a list of `EntityInitializer` instances to be constructed and run against the entity, 
-  each as a map described with their `type` and their `brooklyn.config` as keys.
-  An `EntityInitiailzer` can perform arbitrary customization to an entity whilst it is being constructed,
-  such as adding dynamic sensors and effectors. These classes must expose a public constructor taking
-  a single `Map` where the `brooklyn.config` is passed in.
-  Some common initializers are:
-  * ``: takes a `name` and `command`,
-    and optionally a map of named `parameters` to their `description` and `defaultValue`,
-    to define an effector with the given name implemented by the given SSH command
-    (on an entity which as an ssh-able machine)
-  * ``: takes a `name` and `command`,
-    and optionally a `period`, to create a sensor feed which populates the sensor with
-    the given name by running the given command (on an entity which as an ssh-able machine) 
-Entities, policies, and initializers may accept additional key-value pairs, 
-usually documented in their documentation (e.g. javadoc), or in the case of Java
-often as static fields in the underlying Java class.
-Often there are config keys or flags (indicated by `@SetFromFlag`) declared on the class; 
-these declared flags and config keys may be passed in at the root of the `ServiceSpecification` or in `brooklyn.config`.
-(Undeclared config is only accepted in the `brooklyn.config` map.)
-## `LocationSpecification` Elements
-<!-- TODO - expand this, currently it's concise notes -->
-In brief, location specs are supplied as follows, either for the entire application (at the root)
-or for a specific `ServiceSpecification`:
-    location:
-      jclouds:aws-ec2:
-        region: us-east-1
-        identity: AKA_YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
-        credential: <access-key-hex-digits>
-Or in many cases it can be in-lined:
-    location: localhost
-    location: named:my_openstack
-    location: aws-ec2:us-west-1
-For the first immediately, you'll need password-less ssh access to localhost.
-For the second, you'll need to define a named location in ``,
-using `brooklyn.location.named.my_openstack....` properties.
-For the third, you'll need to have the identity and credentials defined in
-``, using `` properties.
-If specifying multiple locations, e.g. for a fabric:
-    locations:
-    - localhost
-    - named:my_openstack
-    - aws-ec2:us-east-2   # if credentials defined in `
-    - jclouds:aws-ec2:
-        region: us-east-1
-        identity: AKA_YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
-        credential: <access-key-hex-digits>
-If you have pre-existing nodes, you can use the `byon` provider, either in this format:
-    location:
-      byon:
-        user: root
-        privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/key.pem
-        hosts:
-        -
-        -
-        - brooklyn@
-        - brooklyn@
-    location:
-      byon:
-        user: root
-        privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/key.pem
-        hosts: "{81.95.144.{58,59},brooklyn@159.253.144.{139-140}"
-You cannot use glob expansions with the list notation, nor can you specify per-host
-information apart from user within a single `byon` declaration.
-However you can combine locations using `multi`:
-    location:
-      multi:
-        targets:
-        - byon:
-            user: root
-            privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/key.pem
-            hosts:
-            -
-            -
-        - byon:
-            privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/brooklyn_key.pem
-            hosts: brooklyn@159.253.144{139-140}
-## DSL Commands
-Dependency injection other powerful references and types can be built up within the YAML using the
-concise DSL defined here:
-* `$brooklyn:component("ID")` refers to a Brooklyn component with the given ID; you can then access the following subfields:
-  * `.attributeWhenReady("sensor")` will store a future which will be blocked when it is accessed,
-    until the given `sensor` from the component `ID` has a "truthy" (i.e. non-trivial, non-empty, non-zero) value
-  * `.config("key")` will insert the value set against the given key at this entity (or nearest ancestor);
-    can be used to supply config at the root which is used in multiple places in the plan
-* `$brooklyn:component("scope", "ID")` is also supported, to limit scope to any of
-  * `global`: looks for the `ID` anywhere in the plan
-  * `child`: looks for the `ID` anywhere in the child only
-  * `descendant`: looks for the `ID` anywhere in children or their descendants
-  * `sibling`: looks for the `ID` anywhere among children of the parent entity
-  * `parent`: returns the parent entity (ignores the `ID`)
-  * `this`: returns this entity (ignores the `ID`)
-* `$brooklyn:formatString("pattern e.g. %s %s", "field 1", "field 2")` returns a future which creates the formatted string
-  with the given parameters, where parameters may be strings *or* other tasks such as `attributeWhenReady`
-* `$brooklyn:literal("string")` returns the given string as a literal (suppressing any `$brooklyn:` expansion)
-* `$brooklyn:sensor("io.brooklyn.ContainingEntityClass", "")` returns the strongly typed sensor defined in the given class
-* `$brooklyn:entitySpec(Map)` returns a new `ServiceSpecification` as defined by the given `Map`,
-  but as an `EntitySpec` suitable for setting as the value of `ConfigKey<EntitySpec>` config items
-  (such as `memberSpec` in `DynamicCluster`)
-These can be supplied either as strings or as lists and maps in YAML. 
-## Some Powerful YAML Entities
-All entities support configuration via YAML, but these entities in particular 
-have been designed for general purpose use from YAML.  Consult the Javadoc for these
-elements for more information:
-* **Vanilla Software** in `VanillaSoftwareProcess`: makes it very easy to build entities
-  which use `bash` commands to install and the PID to stop and restart
-* **Chef** in `ChefSoftwareProcess`: makes it easy to use Chef cookbooks to build entities,
-  either with recipes following conventions or with configuration in the `ServiceSpecification`
-  to use artibitrary recipes 
-* `DynamicCluster`: provides resizable clusters given a `memberSpec` set with `$brooklyn.entitySpec(Map)` as described above 
-* `DynamicFabric`: provides a set of homogeneous instances started in different locations,
-  with an effector to `addLocation`, i.e. add a new instance in a given location, at runtime
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index dc7df88..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/entities/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-title: Custom Entity Development
-layout: guide-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, entities]
-This section details how to create new custom application components or groups as brooklyn entities.
-<a name="entity-lifestyle"></a>
-The Entity Lifecycle
-- Importance of serialization, ref to How mananagement works
-- Parents and Membership (groups)
-<a name="implementation-classes"></a>
-What to Extend -- Implementation Classes
-- entity implementation class hierarchy
-  - ``SoftwareProcess`` as the main starting point for base entities (corresponding to software processes),
-    and subclasses such as ``VanillaJavaApp``
-  - ``DynamicCluster`` (multiple instances of the same entity in a location) and 
-    ``DynamicFabric`` (clusters in multiple location) for automatically creating many instances,
-    supplied with an ``EntityFactory`` (e.g. ``BaseEntityFactory``) in the ``factory`` flag
-  - abstract ``Group`` for collecting entities which are parented elsewhere in the hierachy
-  - ``AbstractEntity`` if nothing else fits
-- traits (mixins, otherwise known as interfaces with statics) to define available config keys, sensors, and effectors;
-    and conveniences e.g. ``StartableMethods.{start,stop}`` is useful for entities which implement ``Startable``
-- the ``Entities`` class provides some generic convenience methods; worth looking at it for any work you do
-A common lifecycle pattern is that the ``start`` effector (see more on effectors below) is invoked, 
-often delegating either to a driver (for software processes) or children entities (for clusters etc).
-See ``JBoss7Server`` and ``MySqlNode`` for exemplars.
-<a name="configuration"></a>
-TODO: why to use config?
-- AttributeSensorAndConfigKey fields can be automatically converted for ``SoftwareProcess``. 
-  This is done in ``preStart()``. This must be done manually if required for other entities,
-  often with ``ConfigToAttributes.apply(this)``.
-- Setting ports is a special challenge, and one which the ``AttributeSensorAndConfigKey`` is particularly helpful for,
-  cf ``PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey`` (a subclass),
-  causing ports automatically get assigned from a range and compared with the target ``PortSupplied`` location.
-  Syntax is as described in the PortRange interface. For example, "8080-8099,8800+" will try port 8080, try sequentially through 8099, then try from 8800 until all ports are exhausted.
-  This is particularly useful on a contended machine (localhost!). Like ordinary configuration, the config is done by the user, and the actual port used is reported back as a sensor on the entity.
-<a name="implementing-sensors"></a>
-Implementing Sensors
-- e.g. HTTP, JMX
-Sensors at base entities are often retrieved by feeds which poll the entity's corresponding instance in the real world.
-The ``SoftwareProcess`` provides a good example; by subclassing it and overriding the ``connectSensors()`` method
-you could wire some example sensors using the following: 
-{% highlight java %}
-public void connectSensors() {
-	super.connectSensors()
-    httpFeed = HttpFeed.builder()
-            .entity(this)
-            .period(200)
-            .baseUri(mgmtUrl)
-            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Boolean>(SERVICE_UP)
-                    .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.responseCodeEquals(200))
-                    .onError(Functions.constant(false)))
-            .poll(new HttpPollConfig<Integer>(REQUEST_COUNT)
-                    .onSuccess(HttpValueFunctions.jsonContents("requestCount", Integer.class)))
-            .build();
-protected void disconnectSensors() {
-    super.disconnectSensors();
-    if (httpFeed != null) httpFeed.stop();
-{% endhighlight %}
-In this example (a simplified version of ``JBoss7Server``), the url returns metrics in JSON. 
-We report the entity as up if we get back an http response code of 200, or down if any other response code or exception.
-We retrieve the request count from the response body, and convert it to an integer.
-Note the first line (``super.connectSensors()``); as one descends into specific convenience subclasses (such as for Java web-apps), the work done by the parent class's overridden methods may be relevant, and will want to be invoked or even added to a resulting list.
-For some sensors, and often at compound entities, the values are obtained by monitoring values of other sensors on the same (in the case of a rolling average) or different (in the case of the average of children nodes) entities. This is achieved by policies, described below.
-<a name="implementing-effectors"></a>
-Implementing Effectors
-The ``Entity`` interface defines the sensors and effectors available. The entity class provides 
-wiring for the sensors, and the effector implementations. In simple cases it may be straightforward 
-to capture the behaviour of the effectors in a simple methods.
-For example deploying a WAR to a cluster can be done as follows:
-*This section is not complete. Feel free to [fork]({{site.url}}/dev/code) the docs and lend a hand.*
-TODO show an effector which recurses across children
-For some entities, specifically base entities, the implementation of effectors might need other tools (such as SSH), and may vary by location, so having a single implementation is not appropriate.
-The problem of multiple inheritance (e.g. SSH functionality and entity inheritance) and multiple implementations (e.g. SSH versus Windows) is handled in brooklyn using delegates called _drivers_. 
-In the implementations of ``JavaWebApp`` entities, the behaviour which the entity always does is captured in the entity class (for example, breaking deployment of multiple WARs into atomic actions), whereas implementations which is specific to a particular entity and driver (e.g. using scp to copy the WARs to the right place and install them, which of course is different among appservers, or using an HTTP or JMX management API, again where details vary between appservers) is captured in a driver class.
-Routines which are convenient for specific drivers can then be inherited in the driver class hierarchy. For example, when passing JMX environment variables to Java over SSH, ``JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver`` extends ``AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver`` and parents ``JBoss7SshDriver``.
-TODO more drivers such as jmx, etc are planned
-<a name="testing"></a>
-* Run in a mock ``SimulatedLocation``, defining new metaclass methods to be able to start there and assert the correct behaviour when that is invoked
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index c6c68dd..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/entities/toc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-[{ "title": "Entity Lifecycle",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/entities/index.html#entity-lifestyle" }, 
-{ "title": "What to Extend",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/entities/index.html#implementation-classes" }, 
-{ "title": "Configuration",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/entities/index.html#configuration" }, 
-{ "title": "Implementing Sensors",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/entities/index.html#implementing-sensors" }, 
-{ "title": "Implementing Effectors",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/entities/index.html#implementing-effectors" },
-{ "title": "Testing",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/entities/index.html#testing" }]
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-title: Systems Available Out-of-the-Box
-layout: guide-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide]
-brooklyn comes bundled with support for a large number of systems and entities.
-*Some entities are in an early-access state, and documentation is incomplete. Please contact the Brooklyn Project for assistance and clarification.*
-.. TODO fix
-.. TODO name entities
-.. TODO include the fully qualified name of the entity
-<a name="web"></a>
-### Clusters and Interfaces
-The class ``ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster`` creates a load-balanced cluster of web servers.
-It defaults to Nginx and JBoss 7, but this is configurable with the ``controller`` or ``controllerSpec``, and 
-the ``memberSpec`` configuration options.
-Most web app server processes, and some clusters and PaaS implementations,
-support the interface ``WebAppService`` which defines many sensors including requests per second.
-This allows app server metrics to interoperable across implementations in many cases.
-### JBoss Application Server
-Brooklyn supports JBoss 7 in the calss ``JBoss7Server``, with a wide range of
-JBoss 6 is also supported using the different class ``JBoss6Server``.
-(The different implementation is needed due to major differences between 6 and 7,
-including switching from JMX to HTTP/JSON as the preferred metrics mechanism.)
-### Apache Tomcat
-Apache Tomcat is supported in the class ``TomcatServer``.
-(Note that this currently uses a legacy Brooklyn class hierarchy,
-and could benefit from being ported to the ``JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver`` implementation.)
-### Nginx Load Balancer
-Nginx provides clustering support for several web/app servers.
-The install process downloads the sources for both the service and the sticky session module, configures them using GNI
-autoconf and compiles them. This requires gcc and autoconf to be installed. The install script also uses the yum package manager (if available) to install openssl-devel which is required to build the service. This will only work on RHEL or CentOS Linux systems, but the install process should proceed on a vanilla system with development tools available.
-On debian/ubuntu to build nginx you can get the required libraries with: 
-``apt-get install zlib1g-dev libdigest-sha-perl libssl-dev``.
-(The entity install script will attempt to do this with sudo, 
-but that may fail if sudo access is not available.) 
-<a name="database"></a>
-### MySQL
-MySQL is one of the most popular relational databases.
-Brooklyn supports setting up individual MySQL nodes with arbitrary configuration,
-which may be used to create multiple nodes using back-up and synchronization processes as desired.
-(If certain patterns for configuring multiple nodes become popular, these could be
-added as Brooklyn entities.)  
-### Apache Derby
-*This entity is in the sandbox.* 
-Brooklyn supports Apache Derby, a pure-Java SQL database. For setting up an instance of a server see ``DerbySetup``.
-<a name="nosql"></a>
-*The NoSQL entities may not be complete.* 
-### Redis
-Redis is a distributed key-value store, supporting master/slave replication of a store as a clustered cache. This gives
-a series of read-only slaves and a single read-write master, which propagates to the slaves with eventual consistency.
-### MongoDB
-### Cassandra
-### CouchBase
-<a name="messaging"></a>
-### Qpid
-Qpid support provides a JMS broker, running over AMQP. This exposes JMS queues and topics as entities as well.
-See ``QpidSetup`` for instantiating a broker.
-### ActiveMQ
-ActiveMQ support provides a JMS broker. This exposes JMS queues and topics as entities as well. See ``ActiveMQSetup`` for
-instantiating a broker.
-### RabbitMQ
-<a name="downstream-projects"></a>
-Downstream Projects
-Downstream projects include those below.
-### Apache Whirr
-Whirr allows running a variety of services on cloud providers and on localhost. This is done by providing a ``recipe`` which describes what services to launch. You can find an example of how Brooklyn integrates with Whirr [here](/use/examples/whirrhadoop/index.html#custom-whirr-recipe).
-### OpenShift
-### CloudFoundry
- and
-### MPI
-### Waratek
-### MapR
-### Cloudera CDH
-### Drupal and Wordpress
diff --git a/docs/use/guide/extras/toc.json b/docs/use/guide/extras/toc.json
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index edf5cc7..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/extras/toc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-[{ "title": "Web",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/extras/index.html#web" }, 
-{ "title": "Database",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/extras/index.html#database" }, 
-{ "title": "NoSQL",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/extras/index.html#nosql" }, 
-{ "title": "Messaging",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/extras/index.html#messaging" },
-{ "title": "Provisioning",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/extras/index.html#provisioning" }  
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deleted file mode 100644
index a7cfff6..0000000
--- a/docs/use/guide/guide_toc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-{ "title": "Start",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/start/index.html" },
-{ "title": "User Guide",
-  "file": "{{ site.url }}/use/guide/index.html",
-  "children": {% readj ./toc.json %} },
-{ "title": "Elsewhere",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/start/index.html",
-  "children": [
-{ "title": "Examples",
-  "file":  "{{ site.url }}/use/examples/index.html", 
-  "children": {% readj /use/examples/toc.json %} },
-{ "title": "API Reference",
-  "file": "{{ site.url }}/use/api/index.html" },
-{ "title": "Contributing",
-  "file": "{{ site.url }}/dev/code/index.html",
-  "children": {% readj /dev/toc.json %} },
-{ "title": "License",
-  "file": "{{ site.url }}/license/index.html" }  
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-layout: guide-normal
-title: User Guide
-toc: guide_toc.json
-categories: use
-## Table of Contents
-{% capture ugtocs %}{% readj toc.json %}{% endcapture %}
-{% jsonball ugtoc from var ugtocs %}
-<div id="ug_toc_lists">
-{% for x in ugtoc %}
-	<li><a class='toc' href="{{ x.file }}">{{ x.title }}</a></li>
-	{% if x.children %}
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-		{% for x2 in x.children %}
-			<li><a class='toc' href="{{ x2.file }}">{{ x2.title }}</a></li>
-			{% if x2.children %}
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-				{% for x3 in x2.children %}
-					<li><a class='toc' href="{{ x3.file }}">{{ x3.title }}</a></li>
-				{% endfor %}
-				</ul>
-			{% endif %}
-		{% endfor %}
-		</ul>
-	{% endif %}
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