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Posted to by JUliSys <> on 2003/08/08 11:55:46 UTC

PROBLEM: same table name in different databases

Hi all,

I have a problem using the PersistanceBroker API in ojb-1.0.rc4.

I tried to reduce the problem to a simple example as follows:

I'm using two different databases. From one database (db-source) I'm 
reading data, then I process it in some way before I store it in the 
second database (db-dest).

The data in db-source is stored in a table with the same name as in 
db-dest (example: person), but the format is different (example: 
birthday in db-source, but age in db-dest).

The person in db-source is mapped (see repository.xml below) to the 
class ojbtest.PersonSource and the person in db-dest is mapped to the 
class ojbtest.PersonDest. These classes are implemented as simple as it 
would be expected.

When I try to read one PersonDest from db-dest, ojb assembles an SQL 
command (see below) that tries to read also fields (A0.birthday) from 
PersonSource which are not defined in PersonDest.

My questions:
- Is there a way that ojb allows the same table name
   in multiple different databases?
- Is this an error in ojb or am I doing something wrong?


This is the SQL command that is assembled by ojb:
SELECT A0.age,,,A0.birthday
   FROM person A0
   WHERE =  ?

Here comes the repository.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE descriptor-repository PUBLIC
        "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD OJB Repository//EN"
<!ENTITY internal SYSTEM "repository_internal.xml">

<descriptor-repository version="1.0" isolation-level="read-uncommitted">
   <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="db-source"
         default-connection="false" platform="Sapdb" jdbc-level="3.0"
         protocol="jdbc" subprotocol="sapdb" dbalias="//teapp/calendar"
         username="mm" password="mm"
         eager-release="false" batch-mode="false"
         useAutoCommit="1" ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false">
       <connection-pool maxActive="21" validationQuery="" />

   <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="db-dest"
          default-connection="true" platform="Sapdb" jdbc-level="3.0"
          protocol="jdbc" subprotocol="sapdb" dbalias="//teapp/newsdev"
          username="news" password="news"
          eager-release="false" batch-mode="false"
          useAutoCommit="1" ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false">
       <connection-pool maxActive="21" validationQuery="" />


   <class-descriptor class="ojbtest.PersonSource" table="person">
       <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
                         primarykey="true" autoincrement="true"/>
       <field-descriptor name="name" column="name" jdbc-type="INTEGER"/>
       <field-descriptor name="birthday" column="birthday"

   <class-descriptor class="ojbtest.PersonDest" table="person">
       <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" jdbc-type="INTEGER"
                         primarykey="true" autoincrement="true"/>
       <field-descriptor name="name" column="name" jdbc-type="INTEGER"/>
       <field-descriptor name="age" column="age" jdbc-type="INTEGER"/>


And this is the code that reads a PersonSource from db-source:

package ojbtest;


import java.util.Iterator;

public class OjbTest {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         PBKey pbKey;
         PersistenceBroker persistenceBroker;
         Query query;
         Iterator iterator;

         try {
             pbKey = new PBKey("db-dest");
             persistenceBroker = 
             Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
             criteria.addEqualTo("id", new Integer(1));
             query = new QueryByCriteria(PersonDest.class, criteria);
             iterator = persistenceBroker.getIteratorByQuery(query);
             if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                 PersonDest person = (PersonDest);
         catch (Exception exception) {


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