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Posted to by on 2015/09/09 00:43:55 UTC

[20/49] incubator-cmda git commit: remove all
diff --git a/public/html/twoDimTimeSeries.html b/public/html/twoDimTimeSeries.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fa30193..0000000
--- a/public/html/twoDimTimeSeries.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,813 +0,0 @@
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-    var variable = "";
-    // called on load or reload
-    window.onload = function() {
-      select_data();
-      select_var();
-      // no data to download yet
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-    {
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-    function select_var()
-    {
-      var var_string = $("#var").val();
-      // disable the download button because of this change
-      disable_download_button();
-      if (var_string == "Total Cloud Fraction")
-        variable = "clt";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Temperature")
-        variable = "ts";
-      else if (var_string == "Sea Surface Temperature")
-        variable = "tos";
-      else if (var_string == "Precipitation Flux")
-        variable = "pr";
-      else if (var_string == "Eastward Near-Surface Wind")
-        variable = "uas";
-      else if (var_string == "Northward Near-Surface Wind")
-        variable = "vas";
-      else if (var_string == "Near-Surface Wind Speed")
-        variable = "sfcWind";
-      else if (var_string == "Sea Surface Height")
-        variable = "zos";
-      else if (var_string == "Leaf Area Index")
-        variable = "lai";
-      else if (var_string == "Equivalent Water Height Over Land")
-        variable = "zl";
-      else if (var_string == "Equivalent Water Height Over Ocean")
-        variable = "zo";
-      else if (var_string == "Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 700 m Depth")
-        variable = "ohc700";
-      else if (var_string == "Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 2000 m Depth")
-        variable = "ohc2000";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rlds";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsds";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rlus";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsus";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rldscs";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsdscs";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsuscs";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsdt";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rlutcs";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rlut";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsutcs";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsut";
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-    {
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-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].selected=true;
-        //x.options[12].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NASA/CERES") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
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-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "ECMWF/interim") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].selected=true;
-      }
-      // for all other models
-      else {
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[0].selected=true;
-      }
-      // form variable string
-      select_var();
-    }
-    $(document).ready(function(){
-      $("a").click(function(event){
-        alert("As you can see, the link no longer took you to");
-        event.preventDefault();
-      });
-      $("#download_data").click(function(event) {
-        var durl = $("#data_url").val();
-        // alert(durl);
-        window.location.assign(durl);
-      });
-      $("#timeSeries2D").click(function(event) {
-        // alert('****** inside timeSeries2D()!');
-        Response = null;
-        // no data to download yet
-        disable_download_button();
-        $("#Response").html("Calculating ...");
-        $("#data_url").html("Calculating ...");
-        $("#Image").html("");
-        // form url string
-        // var url = "";
-        var url = "http://" + window.location.hostname + ":9002/svc/timeSeries2D?";
-        // alert("url: " + url);
-        var d1 = $("#data").val();
-        var model1 = d1.replace("/", "_");
-        var arglist = "";
-        arglist = arglist.concat("model=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(model1);
-        // alert("arglist: " + arglist);
-        var v1 = $("#var").val();
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&var=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(variable);
-        // alert("arglist: " + arglist);
-        var t0 = $("#t0").val();
-        var t1 = $("#t1").val();
-        t0 = t0.replace("-", "");
-        t1 = t1.replace("-", "");
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&start_time=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(t0);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&end_time=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(t1);
-        // alert("arglist: " + arglist);
-        var lon0 = $("#lon0").val();
-        var lon1 = $("#lon1").val();
-        var lat0 = $("#lat0").val();
-        var lat1 = $("#lat1").val();
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&lon1=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(lon0);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&lon2=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(lon1);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&lat1=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(lat0);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&lat2=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(lat1);
-        // alert("arglist: " + arglist);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&scale=");
-        var y = document.getElementById("radioLin").checked;
-        // alert(y);
-        if (y == true)
-          arglist = arglist.concat('0');
-        else
-          arglist = arglist.concat('2');
-        var purpose = $("#purpose").val();
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&purpose=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(purpose);
-        // url = url + encodeURIComponent(arglist);
-        url = url + encodeURI(arglist);
-        // url = url + arglist;
-        // alert("url: " + url);
-        var urlTimeBounds = "http://" + window.location.hostname + ":9002/svc/time_bounds?";
-        var arglistTB = "";
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat("serviceType=");
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat("1");
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat("&source=");
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat(d1);
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat("&var=");
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat(variable);
-        urlTimeBounds = urlTimeBounds + encodeURI(arglistTB);
-        // alert("urlTimeBounds: " + urlTimeBounds);
-        $.ajax({
-            type: "GET",
-            url: urlTimeBounds,
-            dataType: "json",
-            data: null,
-            success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
-                Response = data;
-                // alert("data: " + data);
-                if (data.success == false) {
-                    // alert(data.error);
-                    Response = null;
-                    var text = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
-                    text = "Error in backend: <br>" + text; 
-                    $("#Response").html(text);
-                    $("#data_url").html(text);
-                    return;
-                }
-                var text = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
-                // alert("text: " + text);
-                // $("#Response").html("<pre>"+text+"</pre>");
-                // $("#Response").html(text);
-                var tb = data.time_bounds;
-                var bds = String(tb).split(",");
-                // alert("tb: " + tb);
-                // alert("bds: " + bds);
-                var lowerT = parseInt(bds[0]);
-                var upperT = parseInt(bds[1]);
-                // alert("lowerT: " + lowerT);
-                // alert("upperT: " + upperT);
-                var t0I = parseInt(t0);
-                var t1I = parseInt(t1);
-                // alert("t0: " + t0I);
-                // alert("t1: " + t1I);
-                if ( lowerT == 0 && upperT ==0 ) {
-                  alert("We do not have data for this source and variable configuration.");
-                  return;
-                }
-                if (t0I < lowerT && t1I < lowerT ||
-                    t0I > upperT && t1I > upperT) {
-                  alert("We do not have data that span your time range. Try the range inside ["+lowerT+", "+upperT+"].");
-                  return;
-                }
-                if (t0I < lowerT && t1I <= upperT) {
-                  alert("Your start year-month is out of bound. It has to be in or later than " + lowerT +
-                        ". We will use the range ["+lowerT+", "+t1I+"] for you.");
-                }
-                if (t1I > upperT && t0I >= lowerT) {
-                  alert("Your end year-month is out of bound. It has to be in or earlier than " + upperT +
-                        ". We will use the range ["+t0I+", "+upperT+"] for you.");
-                }
-                if (t0I < lowerT && t1I > upperT ) {
-                  alert("Both of your start and end year-months are out of bounds. They have to be in or earlier than " + upperT +
-                        ", and in or later than " + lowerT + ". We will use the range ["+lowerT+", "+upperT+"] for you.");
-                }
-            },
-            error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-		$("#Response").html("error!");
-		$("#data_url").html("error!");
-                // alert("xhr.status: "+xhr.status);
-                // alert("error status: "+textStatus);
-            },
-            complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
-                //alert("complete status: "+textStatus);
-            }
-        });
-        $.ajax({
-            type: "GET",
-            url: url,
-            dataType: "json",
-            data: null,
-            success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
-                Response = data;
-                // alert("data: " + data);
-                if (data.success == false) {
-                    // alert(data.error);
-                    Response = null;
-                    var text = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
-                    text = "Error in backend: <br>" + text; 
-                    // $("#Response").html("<span style='color:red'>" + text + "</span>");
-                    $("#Response").html(text);
-                    $("#data_url").html(text);
-                    return;
-                }
-                var text = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
-                // alert(text);
-                // $("#Response").html("<pre>"+text+"</pre>");
-                $("#Response").html(text);
-                var html1 = "<img src='"+data.url+"' width='820'/>";
-                // alert(html1);
-                $("#Image").html(html1);
-                // post dataUrl to textarea and enable download button
-                $("#data_url").html(data.dataUrl);
-                enable_download_button();
-            },
-            error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-                $("#Response").html("error!");
-                $("#data_url").html("error!");
-                // alert("xhr.status: "+xhr.status);
-                // alert("error status: "+textStatus);
-            },
-            complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
-                //alert("complete status: "+textStatus);
-            }
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  </script>
-<table border="1">
-<td colspan="4">
-<b>Service: 2-D Variable Time Series</b><br><br>
-This service generates a graph of a 2-dimensional variable's time series with monthly averaged values. <br>
-Select a data source (model or observation), a variable name, a time range, and a spatial range below.<br><br>
-<td>data source:</td><td><select name="data", id="data" onchange="select_data()">
-<!-- <option>NASA/obs4MIPs</option>  -->
-<optgroup label="Observation">
-<option selected="NASA/MODIS">NASA/MODIS</option>
-<optgroup label="Model: Historical">
-<optgroup label="Model: AMIP">
-<optgroup label="Reanalysis">  
-<td>variable name:</td><td><select name="var", id="var" onchange="select_var()">
-<option>Precipitation Flux</option>
-<option>Total Cloud Fraction</option>
-<option>Surface Temperature</option>
-<option>Sea Surface Temperature</option>
-<option>Eastward Near-Surface Wind</option>
-<option>Northward Near-Surface Wind</option>
-<option>Near-Surface Wind Speed</option>
-<option>Sea Surface Height</option>
-<option>Leaf Area Index</option>
-<option>Equivalent Water Height Over Land</option>
-<option>Equivalent Water Height Over Ocean</option>
-<option>Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 700 m Depth</option>
-<option>Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 2000 m Depth</option>
-<option>Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<td>start year-month:</td><td><input id="t0" value="2004-01" alt="start"/></td>
-<td>end year-month:</td><td><input id="t1" value="2004-12" alt="end"/></td>
-<td>start lat (deg):</td><td><input id="lat0" value="-90"/></td>
-<td>end lat (deg):</td><td><input id="lat1" value="90"/></td>
-<td>start lon (deg):</td><td><input id="lon0" value="0"/></td>
-<td>end lon (deg):</td><td><input id="lon1" value="360"/></td>
-<td colspan="1">
-variable scale:
-<td colspan="3">
-<form> <input type="radio" name="scale1" value="linear" id="radioLin" checked>linear
-<input type="radio" name="scale1" value="logarithmic" id="radioLog">logarithmic
-<td colspan="1">
-Execution purpose
-<td colspan="3">
-<textarea name="purpose" id="purpose" rows="4" cols="50"> </textarea>
-<td colspan="2" align="center"><input id="timeSeries2D" type="submit" value="            Get  Plot            " style="height:28px"/></td>
-<td colspan="2" align="center"><input id="download_data" type="button" value="Download Data" style="height:28px"/>
-<td colspan="4">
-<div id="Image">Image Here</div>
-<td colspan="4" align="center">
-<textarea readonly id="data_url" cols="89" rows="2">Data URL Here</textarea>
-<td colspan="4" align="center">  
-<textarea readonly id="Response" cols="89" rows="6">Service Response Text Here</textarea>  
diff --git a/public/html/twoDimZonalMean.html b/public/html/twoDimZonalMean.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 569f5a1..0000000
--- a/public/html/twoDimZonalMean.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1005 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-  <!-- <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> -->
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.flot.min.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/json2.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/xmisc.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript">
-    var Response = null;
-    var variable = "";
-    // called on load or reload
-    window.onload = function() {
-      select_all_months();
-      select_data();
-      select_var();
-      // no data to download yet
-      disable_download_button();
-    }
-    // disable download data button
-    function disable_download_button()
-    {
-      var x=document.getElementById("download_data");
-      x.disabled=true;
-    }
-    // enable download data button
-    function enable_download_button()
-    {
-      var x=document.getElementById("download_data");
-      x.disabled=false;
-    }
-    // select all months in the checkboxes
-    function select_all_months()
-    {
-        document.getElementById('Jan').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Feb').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Mar').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Apr').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('May').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Jun').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Jul').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Aug').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Sep').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Oct').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Nov').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Dec').checked = true;
-    }
-    // see if no month is selected
-    function no_month_check()
-    {
-        if (document.getElementById('Jan').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Feb').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Mar').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Apr').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('May').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Jun').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Jul').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Aug').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Sep').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Oct').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Nov').checked == false &&
-           document.getElementById('Dec').checked == false) {
-           // alert("No month check!");
-           return true;
-          }
-        else
-           return false;
-    }
-    // unselect all months in the checkboxes
-    function reset_months()
-    {
-        document.getElementById('Jan').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Feb').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Mar').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Apr').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('May').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Jun').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Jul').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Aug').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Sep').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Oct').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Nov').checked = false;
-        document.getElementById('Dec').checked = false;
-    }
-    // enable all vars in dropdown menu
-    function reset_vars()
-    {
-      var x=document.getElementById("var");
-      x.options[0].disabled=false;
-      x.options[1].disabled=false;
-      x.options[2].disabled=false;
-      x.options[3].disabled=false;
-      x.options[4].disabled=false;
-      x.options[5].disabled=false;
-      x.options[6].disabled=false;
-      x.options[7].disabled=false;
-      x.options[8].disabled=false;
-      x.options[9].disabled=false;
-      x.options[10].disabled=false;
-      x.options[11].disabled=false;
-      x.options[12].disabled=false;
-      x.options[13].disabled=false;
-      x.options[14].disabled=false;
-      x.options[15].disabled=false;
-      x.options[16].disabled=false;
-      x.options[17].disabled=false;
-      x.options[18].disabled=false;
-      x.options[19].disabled=false;
-      x.options[20].disabled=false;
-      x.options[21].disabled=false;
-      x.options[22].disabled=false;
-      x.options[23].disabled=false;
-      x.options[24].disabled=false;
-    }
-    // form variable string based on "var" dropdown selection
-    function select_var()
-    {
-      var var_string = $("#var").val();
-      // disable the download button because of this change
-      disable_download_button();
-      if (var_string == "Total Cloud Fraction")
-        variable = "clt";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Temperature")
-        variable = "ts";
-      else if (var_string == "Sea Surface Temperature")
-        variable = "tos";
-      else if (var_string == "Precipitation Flux")
-        variable = "pr";
-      else if (var_string == "Eastward Near-Surface Wind")
-        variable = "uas";
-      else if (var_string == "Northward Near-Surface Wind")
-        variable = "vas";
-      else if (var_string == "Near-Surface Wind Speed")
-        variable = "sfcWind";
-      else if (var_string == "Sea Surface Height")
-        variable = "zos";
-      else if (var_string == "Leaf Area Index")
-        variable = "lai";
-      else if (var_string == "Equivalent Water Height Over Land")
-        variable = "zl";
-      else if (var_string == "Equivalent Water Height Over Ocean")
-        variable = "zo";
-      else if (var_string == "Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 700 m Depth")
-        variable = "ohc700";
-      else if (var_string == "Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 2000 m Depth")
-        variable = "ohc2000";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rlds";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsds";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rlus";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsus";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rldscs";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsdscs";
-      else if (var_string == "Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsuscs";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsdt";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rlutcs";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rlut";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsutcs";
-      else if (var_string == "TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation")
-        variable = "rsut";
-      // alert("variable: " + variable)
-    }
-    // set up "var" dropdown based status of "data" dropdown
-    function select_data()
-    {
-      var data_string = $("#data").val();
-      var x=document.getElementById("var");
-      // disable the download button because of this change
-      disable_download_button();
-      // enable all options in "var" dropdown first
-      reset_vars();
-      // alert(data_string);
-      // disable corresponding "var" options
-      if (data_string == "NASA/AMSRE") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NASA/MODIS") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].selected=true;
-        //x.options[8].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NASA/TRMM") {
-        x.options[0].selected=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NASA/GPCP") {
-        x.options[0].selected=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NASA/QuikSCAT") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].selected=true;
-        //x.options[5].selected=true;
-        //x.options[6].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NASA/AVISO") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NASA/GRACE") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].selected=true;
-        //x.options[10].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NOAA/NODC") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].selected=true;
-        //x.options[12].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "NASA/CERES") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].selected=true;
-      }
-      else if (data_string == "ECMWF/interim") {
-        x.options[0].disabled=true;
-        x.options[1].disabled=true;
-        x.options[2].disabled=true;
-        x.options[4].disabled=true;
-        x.options[5].disabled=true;
-        x.options[6].disabled=true;
-        x.options[7].disabled=true;
-        x.options[8].disabled=true;
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[13].disabled=true;
-        x.options[14].disabled=true;
-        x.options[15].disabled=true;
-        x.options[16].disabled=true;
-        x.options[17].disabled=true;
-        x.options[18].disabled=true;
-        x.options[19].disabled=true;
-        x.options[20].disabled=true;
-        x.options[21].disabled=true;
-        x.options[22].disabled=true;
-        x.options[23].disabled=true;
-        x.options[24].disabled=true;
-        x.options[3].selected=true;
-      }
-      // for all other models
-      else {
-        x.options[9].disabled=true;
-        x.options[10].disabled=true;
-        x.options[11].disabled=true;
-        x.options[12].disabled=true;
-        x.options[0].selected=true;
-      }
- // form variable string
-      select_var();
-    }
-    // select checkboxes based on "months" dropdown
-    function select_months()
-    {
-      var s1=document.getElementById("months");
-      // alert(s1.selectedIndex);
-      // alert(s1.options[s1.selectedIndex].value);
-      // disable the download button because of this change
-      disable_download_button();
-      // "select none"
-      if (s1.selectedIndex == 1) {
-        reset_months();
-      }
-      // "select all"
-      if (s1.selectedIndex == 0) {
-        select_all_months();
-      }
-      // "summer"
-      if (s1.selectedIndex == 2) {
-        reset_months();
-        document.getElementById('Jun').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Jul').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Aug').checked = true;
-      }
-      // "autumn"
-      if (s1.selectedIndex == 3) {
-        reset_months();
-        document.getElementById('Sep').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Oct').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Nov').checked = true;
-      }
-      // "winter"
-      if (s1.selectedIndex == 4) {
-        reset_months();
-        document.getElementById('Dec').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Jan').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Feb').checked = true;
-      }
-      // "spring"
-      if (s1.selectedIndex == 5) {
-        reset_months();
-        document.getElementById('Mar').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('Apr').checked = true;
-        document.getElementById('May').checked = true;
-      }
-    }
-    $(document).ready(function(){
-      $("a").click(function(event){
-        alert("As you can see, the link no longer took you to");
-        event.preventDefault();
-      });
-      $("#download_data").click(function(event) {
-        var durl = $("#data_url").val();
-        // alert(durl);
-        window.location.assign(durl);
-      });
-      $("#twodvarzonalmean").click(function(event) {
-	Response = null;
-        // no data to download yet
-        disable_download_button();
-        // flag error if no month box is checked
-        if (no_month_check()) {
-           // $("#Response").html("<span style='color:red'>Error: please check at least one month.</span>");
-           $("#Response").html("Error: please check at least one month.");
-           $("#Image").html("");
-           return;
-        }
-        $("#Response").html("Calculating ...");
-        $("#data_url").html("Calculating ...");
-        $("#Image").html("");
-        // sample url:,2,4,5,6,10,12
-        // form url string
-        // var url = "";
-        var url = "http://" + window.location.hostname + ":9002/svc/twoDimZonalMean?";
-        // alert(url);
-        var d1 = $("#data").val();
-        var model1 = d1.replace("/", "_");
-        var arglist = "";
-        arglist = arglist.concat("model=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(model1);
-        var v1 = $("#var").val();
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&var=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(variable);
-        var t0 = $("#t0").val();
-        var t1 = $("#t1").val();
-        t0 = t0.replace("-", "");
-        t1 = t1.replace("-", "");
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&start_time=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(t0);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&end_time=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(t1);
-        var lat0 = $("#lat0").val();
-        var lat1 = $("#lat1").val();
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&lat1=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(lat0);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&lat2=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(lat1);
-        var s1 = document.getElementById('months');
-        // get months checked by client
-        var month_str = "";
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Jan');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",1");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Feb');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",2");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Mar');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",3");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Apr');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",4");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('May');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",5");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Jun');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",6");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Jul');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",7");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Aug');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",8");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Sep');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",9");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Oct');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",10");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Nov');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",11");
-        var mm = document.getElementById('Dec');
-        if (mm.checked == true)
-          month_str = month_str.concat(",12");
-        // remove the leading ','
-        month_str = month_str.substr(1);
-        // alert(month_str);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&months=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(month_str);
-        // alert("arglist: " + arglist);
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&scale=");
-        var y = document.getElementById("radioLin").checked;
-        // alert(y);
-        if (y == true)
-          arglist = arglist.concat('0');
-        else
-          arglist = arglist.concat('2');
-        var purpose = $("#purpose").val();
-        arglist = arglist.concat("&purpose=");
-        arglist = arglist.concat(purpose);
-        // url = url + encodeURIComponent(arglist);
-        url = url + encodeURI(arglist);
-        // url = url + arglist;
-        // alert("url: " + url);
-        var urlTimeBounds = "http://" + window.location.hostname + ":9002/svc/time_bounds?";
-        var arglistTB = "";
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat("serviceType=");
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat("1");
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat("&source=");
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat(d1);
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat("&var=");
-        arglistTB = arglistTB.concat(variable);
-        urlTimeBounds = urlTimeBounds + encodeURI(arglistTB);
-        // alert("urlTimeBounds: " + urlTimeBounds);
-        $.ajax({
-            type: "GET",
-            url: urlTimeBounds,
-            dataType: "json",
-            data: null,
-            success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
-                Response = data;
-                // alert("data: " + data);
-                if (data.success == false) {
-                    // alert(data.error);
-                    Response = null;
-                    var text = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
-                    text = "Error in backend: <br>" + text; 
-                    $("#Response").html(text);
-                    $("#data_url").html(text);
-                    return;
-                }
-                var text = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
-                // alert("text: " + text);
-                // $("#Response").html("<pre>"+text+"</pre>");
-                // $("#Response").html(text);
-                var tb = data.time_bounds;
-                var bds = String(tb).split(",");
-                // alert("tb: " + tb);
-                // alert("bds: " + bds);
-                var lowerT = parseInt(bds[0]);
-                var upperT = parseInt(bds[1]);
-                // alert("lowerT: " + lowerT);
-                // alert("upperT: " + upperT);
-                var t0I = parseInt(t0);
-                var t1I = parseInt(t1);
-                // alert("t0: " + t0I);
-                // alert("t1: " + t1I);
-                if ( lowerT == 0 && upperT ==0 ) {
-                  alert("We do not have data for this source and variable configuration.");
-                  return;
-                }
-                if (t0I < lowerT && t1I < lowerT ||
-                    t0I > upperT && t1I > upperT) {
-                  alert("We do not have data that span your time range. Try the range inside ["+lowerT+", "+upperT+"].");
-                  return;
-                }
-                if (t0I < lowerT && t1I <= upperT) {
-                  alert("Your start year-month is out of bound. It has to be in or later than " + lowerT +
-                        ". We will use the range ["+lowerT+", "+t1I+"] for you.");
-                }
-                if (t1I > upperT && t0I >= lowerT) {
-                  alert("Your end year-month is out of bound. It has to be in or earlier than " + upperT +
-                        ". We will use the range ["+t0I+", "+upperT+"] for you.");
-                }
-                if (t0I < lowerT && t1I > upperT ) {
-                  alert("Both of your start and end year-months are out of bounds. They have to be in or earlier than " + upperT +
-                        ", and in or later than " + lowerT + ". We will use the range ["+lowerT+", "+upperT+"] for you.");
-                }
-            },
-            error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-		$("#Response").html("error!");
-		$("#data_url").html("error!");
-                // alert("xhr.status: "+xhr.status);
-                // alert("error status: "+textStatus);
-            },
-            complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
-                //alert("complete status: "+textStatus);
-            }
-        });
-        $.ajax({
-            type: "GET",
-            url: url,
-            dataType: "json",
-            data: null,
-            success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
-                Response = data;
-                // alert("data: " + data);
-                if (data.success == false) {
-                    // alert(data.error);
-                    Response = null;
-                    var text = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
-                    text = "Error in backend: <br>" + text; 
-                    // $("#Response").html("<span style='color:red'>" + text + "</span>");
-                    $("#Response").html(text);
-                    $("#data_url").html(text);
-                    return;
-                }
-                var text = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4);
-                // alert(text);
-                // $("#Response").html("<pre>"+text+"</pre>");
-                $("#Response").html(text);
-                var html1 = "<img src='"+data.url+"' width='680'/>";
-                // alert(html1);
-                $("#Image").html(html1);
-                // post dataUrl to textarea and enable download button
-                $("#data_url").html(data.dataUrl);
-                enable_download_button();
-            },
-            error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-		$("#Response").html("error!");
-                $("#data_url").html("error!");
-                // alert("xhr.status: "+xhr.status);
-                // alert("error status: "+textStatus);
-            },
-            complete: function(xhr, textStatus) {
-                //alert("complete status: "+textStatus);
-            }
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  </script>
-<table border="1">
-<td colspan="4">
-<b>Service: 2-D Variable Zonal Mean</b> <br><br>
-This service generates a graph of a 2-dimensional variable's zonal mean with time averaing. <br>
-Select a data source (model or observation), a variable name, and a time range below.<br><br>
-<td>data source:</td><td><select name="data", id="data" onchange="select_data()">
-<!-- <option>NASA/obs4MIPs</option>  -->
-<optgroup label="Observation">
-<option selected="NASA/MODIS">NASA/MODIS</option>
-<optgroup label="Model: Historical">
-<optgroup label="Model: AMIP">
-<optgroup label="Reanalysis">
-<td>variable name:</td><td><select name="var", id="var" onchange="select_var()">
-<option>Precipitation Flux</option>
-<option>Total Cloud Fraction</option>
-<option>Surface Temperature</option>
-<option>Sea Surface Temperature</option>
-<option>Eastward Near-Surface Wind</option>
-<option>Northward Near-Surface Wind</option>
-<option>Near-Surface Wind Speed</option>
-<option>Sea Surface Height</option>
-<option>Leaf Area Index</option>
-<option>Equivalent Water Height Over Land</option>
-<option>Equivalent Water Height Over Ocean</option>
-<option>Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 700 m Depth</option>
-<option>Ocean Heat Content Anomaly within 2000 m Depth</option>
-<option>Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation</option>
-<option>TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation</option>
-<td>start year-month:</td><td><input id="t0" value="2004-01" alt="start"/></td>
-<td>end year-month:</td><td><input id="t1" value="2004-12" alt="end"/></td>
-<td>select months:</td>
-<td><select name="months" id="months" onchange="select_months()">
-<option id="all">select all</option>
-<option id="none">select none</option>
-<option id="summer">Summer:Jun-Jul-Aug</option>
-<option id="autum">Autumn:Sep-Oct-Nov</option>
-<option id="winter">Winter:Dec-Jan-Feb</option>
-<option id="spring">Spring:Mar-Apr-May</option> </select>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Jan" value="Jan" /> Jan<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Feb" value="Feb" /> Feb<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Mar" value="Mar" /> Mar<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Apr" value="Apr" /> Apr<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="May" value="May" /> May<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Jun" value="Jun" /> Jun<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Jul" value="Jul" /> Jul<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Aug" value="Aug" /> Aug<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Sep" value="Sep" /> Sep<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Oct" value="Oct" /> Oct<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Nov" value="Nov" /> Nov<br></label>
-<label><input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="Dec" value="Dec" /> Dec<br></label>
-<td>start lat (deg):</td><td><input id="lat0" value="-90"/></td>
-<td>end lat (deg):</td><td><input id="lat1" value="90"/></td>
-<td colspan="1">   
-variable scale:       
-<td colspan="3">   
-<form> <input type="radio" name="scale1" value="linear" id="radioLin" checked>linear
-<input type="radio" name="scale1" value="logarithmic" id="radioLog">logarithmic
-<td colspan="1">
-Execution purpose
-<td colspan="3">
-<textarea name="purpose" id="purpose" rows="4" cols="50"> </textarea>
-<td colspan="2" align="center"><input id="twodvarzonalmean" type="submit" value="            Get  Plot            " style="height:28px"/></td>
-<td colspan="2" align="center"><input id="download_data" type="button" value="Download Data" style="height:28px"/>
-<td colspan="4">
-<div id="Image">Image Here</div>
-<td colspan="4" align="center">
-<textarea readonly id="data_url" cols="89" rows="2">Data URL Here</textarea>
-<td colspan="4" align="center">
-<textarea readonly id="Response" cols="89" rows="6">Service Response Text Here</textarea>
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