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Posted to by Ate Douma <> on 2007/05/29 23:26:53 UTC

A new proposal for Wicket Portlet support

As already mentioned by Eelco a few days ago, I'd like to propose a new plan for Wicket Portlet support.

Preliminary warning: this mail ended up to be quite long :)

For those of you familiar with the Portlet API some of the following is probably a bit verbose, but please bear with me.
Good portlet support for Wicket isn't going to be easy and will need quite a few changes/enhancements to the core of the framework and I think it is utmost 
important that everyone involved is aware of the reasons behind them to be able to properly evaluate the choices available.

I also want to make clear that I don't consider this proposal to be final, complete or 100% perfect. It will need further refinement and probably major changes 
  further down the road. Although I have already started with implementing part of this proposal, it is certainly not finished yet and I expect to hit a few 
technical road blocks as well.
Any critics, good or bad, I'd very much appreciate and I will try to respond to them as good as I can.
Note though I'm *not* a hard-core Wicket expert yet so I'll be especially depending on the review and evaluation from those who are :)
I definitely will welcome simpler/easier/better solutions and I'll be happy to incorporate them!

One more remark upfront: as the current trunk is now in API freeze mode for the 1.3 release, none of the following will be applied to the current trunk.
Although I am working against the current trunk momentarily, as soon as I get a minimum working version ready I'll create a separate branch off the trunk to 
commit my changes. And only after a reasonable working version is established there and is reviewed positively, that branch might be merged back into a future 
trunk (> 1.3) for bringing portlet support back into the Wicket core.

Now let me start out by describing the features I personally need for using Wicket in a portlet environment.

I want to be able to run a Wicket application both as "plain" web application and as a portlet at the same time (needing only one WAR file).
This means a solution which doesn't require using a portlet specific api but one transparent and independent of the runtime context.
Furthermore, I want to be able to use as much as possible of all the Wicket features for Ajax, header contributions and (optionally, possibly) cookies.
But especially those features are going to be difficult to support in a portal independent way as the current Portlet API 1.0 doesn't support any of those, 
actually doesn't even allow using them...
The next Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR-286) will provide much better support for these, but as it isn't available yet we'll be required to use some hacks 
and/or portal specific extensions to be able to implement and use them *now*.
Finally, I need to be able to run multiple Wicket portlets on one (web) page, meaning properly isolating their execution/session environments and things like 
unique markup id generation/usage across Wicket applications.

Besides these functional requirements, I think we should anticipate as much as possible on JSR-286 portlet API 2.0.
I'm one of the Expert Group members for JSR-286 and we've doing our best to make life much easier for web framework developers. And while there still will be 
limitations difficult to overcome, many of the issues I'll address further down will be "solved" natively by JSR-286.
We currently expect to complete the Portlet Specification 2.0 near the end of this summer, but after that it will still take (quite) some time before most/all 
portals will be able to fully support it.
But as I don't want to wait until then I've tried to come up with a temporary/custom solutions which aligns as much as possible to what JSR-286 is going to 
deliver natively through the Portlet API 2.0.
Once that happens we should then be able to "swap out"/delete only a few extension points for proper JSR-286 alignment.

A few JSR-168/JSR-286 pointers:
- JSR-186, Portlet Specification 1.0:
- JSR-286, Portlet Specification 2.0:
- current early draft (non-official): (latest rev. 15, d.d. May 24, 2007)
- reference implementation          :

I think there are basically 3 different routes a servlet web framework can take to provide portlet support:
a) providing a separate native portlet (and therefore partly parallel) api
b) "simulate" the web/servlet environment by dispatching to a servlet or filter; wrapping the servlet context, request and response; intercept response writing 
(especially urls and redirects) and rewrite and adapt the output to accommodate to the portlet requirement
c) fully abstract the servlet and portlet differences within the framework and use separate adaptors for handling each appropriately

Each of these solutions (in their pure form) has its own typical drawbacks though:

Solution a)
This solution potentially provides the best native support for portlet development as the developer is aware about this environment and can directly use native 
portlet features like portlet preferences, window states and portlet modes.
On the other hand, keeping the portlet support functionally in sync with all the features provided for the servlet based development is cumbersome as these 
really are different/parallel apis.
Furthermore, getting an application which was developed for the servlet environment running as a portlet will require code changes and possibly a loss of 
(major) features if the two apis haven't been properly kept aligned.

The current portlet support in wicket-stuff is based upon this solution.
While its more or less working (albeit still very limited) for wicket 1.2, its broken and already far behind the current 1.3 trunk.

Solution b)
This solution looks quite straightforward and is used in the Apache Portals Struts Bridge I wrote already several years ago.
The main advantage of this solution is that it (theoretically) is the least intrusive so that you might be able to use the underlying web framework (almost) 
transparently: it even doesn't have to know its running in a portlet environment.
Well, theoretically, if the framework is accommodating enough.
For Struts (1.x) I did have to "hack" into a few areas because it wasn't able to cope with the distinct portlet request phases (action and render), and Struts 
(taglibs) write urls directly to the response so for those I had to provide overrides. And of course Struts 1.x didn't have provide Ajax/Web 2.0 features...

Another caveat of this solution is that it is not possible to dispatch to a servlet during the processAction phase of a portlet request, at least not using the 
Portlet API 1.0.
But, as a portlet container is formally running on top of (or extending) a servlet container, the underlying servlet container is/should be accessible even if 
not through the portlet api.
To solve this problem, I created a generic ServletContextProvider interface (initially) for the Struts Portlet Bridge a few years ago.
Since then, all open-source portals (and a few commercial ones too) have provided implementations of this interface so in practice you can now use this very 
reliably. See also:
The next Portlet API 2.0 will have this limitation removed so then this interface/extension won't be needed any more.

But besides this issue, in general if the underlying framework directly writes to the response without using some pluggable url rewriting abstraction; expects 
to be sole owner of the (web) page, url and/or session state; and doesn't allow separation of request processing and rendering, it can become quite difficult to 
properly "wrap" it in a portlet environment.

Although Wicket already recognizes/supports separate action and render phases, at this moment it "breaks down" on the other issues...
Wicket really is written to run applications in a servlet environment *only*. And as result the page, url and session state management fully expects to be under 
full control of the framework. Well, in a portlet environment this clearly isn't the case and "fixing" that from the outside by only "wrapping" the servlet 
environment is going to be quite difficult, if even possible.

Solution c)
This is the solution taken for instance by JSF although its definitely not perfect yet, see JSR-301 (for which I'm also an Expert Group member) which tries to 
fix a lot of its current "defects" for running in a portlet context.
The idea is simple: abstract the api and semantic differences of the servlet and portlet environments in the framework and provide adaptors to handle them.
Well, in practice this isn't so simple, mostly because the servlet environment allows so much more freedom and control: providing only the common denominator 
can severely limit what you can do with the framework.
Although Wicket has already abstracted away most of the servlet api for end users/developers, under the hood it uses it very directly to the fullest extend :)

So, which solution to choose for the portlet support?

Let me first try to list the most important issues and problems I think needs to be addressed and/or solved.
Note: this is *my* current list. Others might consider some of these less important or have other requirements I'm not yet or not fully addressing here.
Please chime in if you think differently or would like to bring up other problems I might have overlooked.

* Wicket URLs
A Portlet doesn't have an url or path of its own through which it is invoked. For interaction with the user all urls have to be encoded as Portlet render or 
action urls which are will be served by the *portal* application, not the Wicket (web) application. On the other hand, resource urls (e.g. for rendering images, 
  iframe contents etc.) can be used which are going to be served by the Wicket web application directly. But, as the portlet page is served by the portal 
application, those resource urls have to be fully qualified (at least web context path relative).
Note: Portlet api 2.0 will add Portlet ResourceURLs to be handled by the portlet directly.

All Wicket URLs are now (1.3 trunk) encoded as current request *relative* urls, which thus won't work in the portlet environment.
Furthermore, the Wicket URLs are created and written out *directly* to the response in implementations of IRequestCodingStrategy, e.g.
WebRequestCodingStrategy and UrlCompressingWebRequestCodingStrategy. Note: I found a few other classes where (only Ajax?) urls are created and written out
directly too...

* Header contributions
A Portlet doesn't "own" the (web) page its defined on. A Portlet is only allowed to provide its content as a markup fragment to be embedded/aggregated on the 
page by the portal. So, formally, a portlet cannot contribute anything like including (external) css or javascript in the head section of a web page. Also note 
that usually more than one portlet is running within the same page all using *one* head section ...
Furthermore, the portlet spec allows for "streaming" portals, which means that in theory the head section of a page might even already have been written to the 
response before a portlet is invoked to render its content fragment!
Now, in practice not many (open-source) portals are/support "streaming" and a lot of portals *do* support header contributions. But none of that is formally 
supported by the portlet specs. Portlet API 2.0 will provide some support for header contributions but most likely only statically (pre)defined. I will still 
try to get adding contributions dynamically supported but I don't have high hopes for that right now :(
So, if we want to support header contributions in Wicket (I do), we'll be required to use portal specific extensions or embed/load the contributions directly 
from within the body section.

* portlet namespace
Because multiple portlets can run on the same web page, the portlet provides a portlet (window) namespace which is intended to be used as pre/postfix for markup 
  ids and javascript function & variable names.
Right now, Wicket Component generates the markupId which are only guaranteed to be unique within the application or at least within the generated page content.
So, when you add multiple (Wicket) portlets to a portal page this might easily result in javascript runtime errors.

Additionally, the same portlet (instance) might be added more than once to the same page (or to different pages). But the Wicket Session store is keyed off from 
  the application name and thus multiple portlet windows using the same application might cause Session state interferences. They really need to isolated from 
each other to guarantee proper operation.
The portlet specification solves this problem by providing two different Portlet Session scopes: PORTLET_SCOPE and APPLICATION_SCOPE.
Of course, as a portlet container still runs on top of/extends the servlet container, there is still only one servlet session (the APPLICATION_SCOPE).
PORTLET_SCOPE attributes are simply stored/isolated in the APPLICATION_SCOPE (servlet) session using the portlet namespace as prefix.
A simple "trick" which I used for the Apache Portals Struts Bridge to solve this is (optionally) wrapping the servlet session and only provide the PORTLET_SCOPE 
  attributes to the Struts Servlet. Note: Portlet API 2.0 will provide exactly the same feature as an optional portlet runtime configuration :)

* Ajax support and Wicket Resources
As you might expect already: Portlet API 1.0 doesn't support Ajax at all.
But luckily portlet API 2.0 will, to some extend through its new serveResource/ResourceURL support.
At least, AFAIK right now probably enough for what is needed/used by Wicket.

Right now there are two different solutions possible:
1) serve the Ajax requests directly through the servlet container of the Wicket application, not through the portal application
2) use portal specific extensions to directly access the portlet which then can process/dispatch the Ajax call to Wicket.

Although solution 1) might look like the easiest way out and is mentioned quite often as it doesn't require any portal specific extension, its main limitation 
is that it will only work for Ajax requests which don't need to write out portlet urls again (links, new form action urls, etc.).
As soon as you need to update/replace a fragment which contains (or need to contain) portlet urls, this solution will not work.
And solution 1) has another problem with respect to the PORTLET_SCOPE namespaced portlet session. If the PORTLET_SCOPE session is propagated to the servlet 
container, direct web application servlet request urls will have to encode the portlet namespace to be able to "reconnect" to the correct Wicket Session.
And not isolating the servlet session to only see the PORTLET_SCOPE session effectively means you can only use one wicket portlet *window* from the same web 

I personally think solution 1) restricts and complicates Ajax support far too much and thus I propose we go for solution 2), especially as Portlet API 2.0 will 
  be able to support that solution natively through its new serveResource/ResourceURL feature. And AFAIK a lot (if not most) of the existing portals already 
provide a similar (proprietary) solution for exactly this use-case: Ajax support.
For Jetspeed-2  (for which I'm also a committer) I know how to do this (using the portlet pipeline) but I have no technical knowledge how other open-source 
portals like Liferay, Gridsphere, JBoss, etc. do this. Hopefully other developers familiar with those portals can chime in here?

And I think Wicket Resource requests really should be treated likewise.
I don't know if it is common to render links etc. from Resource requests, but if so, they *need* to be handled just as Ajax requests.
And the PORTLET_SCOPE session isolation problem applies to Wicket Resource requests as well.

* Handling the Portlet Action and Render phase and managing the Wicket page URL
The portlet request handling is strictly divided in two phases: action processing and content rendering.
Besides the limitation of invoking a servlet during processAction (which can be solved using the ServletContextProvider as described above), Portlet API 1.0 
also doesn't allow creating portlet URLs during processAction. And *that* is a limitation not easily to hack without deep knowledge of the underlying 
portal/portlet container. Note: this limitation will be gone too with Portlet API 2.0.
So, for now the current default Wicket RenderStrategy IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_BUFFER cannot be used!
For processAction requests, the RenderStrategy needs to be enforced to RenderStrategy REDIRECT_TO_RENDER and for all other requests to ONE_PASS_RENDER.

As I described earlier, a portlet doesn't have an url or path of its own, but of course it does know request parameters.
By encoding a WicketURL as a portlet parameter, a Wicket portlet can still provide/simulate a page url to the Wicket framework.
Furthermore, by storing the final redirect url after processAction as a portlet render parameter, the subsequent render request(s) can also provide this page 
url to Wicket. Note though, all these urls need to be made fully qualified urls again and not current page url relative.
The one thing left to handle during processAction is intercepting response.setStatus and response.sendError calls. Those normally would go directly to the 
browser but for a portlet environment these need to be captured and somehow "transported" to the render phase to be displayed within the specific portlet window 

* Writing Cookies and other response headers
Another area not supported by the Portlet API 1.0 (again: 2.0 will provide some support for this) is writing response headers. The Portlet API 1.0 requires that 
anything written to the response headers is ignored.
Now, I haven't deeply investigated yet how much Wicket depends on this (for non-Ajax based responses) so I'm not sure yet if this is a high priority feature to 
support right now.
AFAIK, I don't expect to be needing it much, but maybe others do?
If we do want to support his (for non-Ajax based responses) it will require additional portal specific extensions. I know we can support this with Jetspeed-2 
but have no idea if/how other (open-source) portals handle this.
For Ajax based requests this won't be a problem as we're going to have those served through direct portlet requests and as such will have full control over the 

I think the above list describes the most important issues which needs to be addressed.
So how to solve these?

After reviewing the current wicket-portlet support at wicket-stuff, I think we might want to try another (3rd now) try.
As I already mentioned in the beginning, the current portlet support is mostly based on what I called solution a).
While I think its a very valuable solution when you only need to write native Wicket portlets I also think its going to be difficult to keep the separate 
parallel apis aligned both technically and feature wise. Furthermore, for me personally, it prevents me running a Wicket application transparently both in 
servlet and portlet environments.

The solution b) I described is one I'm already quite familiar with from my work for the Struts Portlet Bridge and provides the big advantage of allowing to run 
  a Wicket application both as servlet and portlet.

But, solution b) in its pure form (e.g. fully simulating the portlet environment) is not very feasible, especially with the current Portlet API 1.0 limitations.
The way the Wicket framework is set up (and very much to my liking, don't misunderstand me here), it is very difficult to plug in the required wrappers at the 
right place to handle the above described issues. Wicket isn't a managed framework and uses a lot of hard coded factory methods so "hooking" into the framework 
transparently as it is right now is virtually impossible.

But solution c), abstracting out the differences between the servlet and portlet environments isn't perfect either and requires quite some changes under the 
hood of the framework and probably will result in a lot of limitations (and frustrations) for both the servlet and portlet environment developers and users...

So, I want to propose a solution d): combining solutions b) and c) and anticipate as much as possible the upcoming Portlet API 2.0 enhancements.
Now: who didn't see this coming :)

Dispatching from the portlet to a Wicket (servlet)filter brings the big advantage of running/invoking Wicket natively within the servlet container.
This means that there won't be a need to factor out the servlet api itself and thus won't require large scale (low level) code changes.
And with Portlet API 2.0, support for features like Cookies and writing response Headers will come "automatically".

So here comes plan d):

* New org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.WicketPortlet
The WicketPortlet is configured (using an initParameter) against a specific filter path, e.g. Wicket WebApplication.
The WicketPortlet maintains a parameter for the current Wicket page url, based against the filter path (e.g. fully qualified to the context path).
When a request (action, render or direct resource/ajax call) is received by the WicketPortlet, it dispatches it to Wicket as a servlet request using the 
provided Wicket page url parameter.

* New org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.WicketPortletFilter extending WicketFilter
The WicketPortletFilter first checks if it is a Portlet based request or a direct browser (servlet) request.
If the request is a direct browser request it simply delegates the request to the WicketFilter and "normal" Wicket web application handling continues.
This will allow deploying the same Wicket application (with the same web.xml) as a normal web application too (as long as you don't use portlet specific 
features within your application).

If the request is dispatched from the WicketPortlet (easily determined from request attributes), the WicketPortletFilter wraps the servlet request and response 
objects with specialized portlet environment versions (I probably can copy those almost verbatim from the ones I wrote for the Struts Portlet Bridge).
Furthermore, the Servlet Session object will be wrapped to provide an isolated PORTLET_SCOPEd session to Wicket to support multiple windows of the same portlet.
And the RenderStrategy IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_TO_RENDER will have to be enforced when invoked from portlet processAction, otherwise ONE_PASS_RENDER.
Thereafter, the WicketPortletFilter can let the standard WicketFilter handle the request as if it were a "normal" web based request.

* new interface org.apache.wicket.request.IRenderContext
I propose a new IRenderContext interface for handling url rewriting, (action) redirecting, providing access to the (portlet) namespace for markup Ids and 
isolated session state, and writing HeaderContributions.

For url rewriting, only three methods are needed to support creating Portlet ActionURLs, Portlet RenderURLs and Resource/Ajax URLs.
The current direct url writing to the response, primarily done in WebRequestCodingStrategy, will have to delegate writing out the final url through one of these 
methods. And anywhere Ajax callback urls are written also need to do the same.

A org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.servlet.ServletRenderContext implementation class will simply pass through these urls.

A org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.PortletRenderContext implementation class will first make the relative urls fully qualified again and then wrap them 
as a parameter on a Portlet ActionURL or RenderURL. And for the Resource/Ajax urls it will require a new IPortletResourceURLFactory interface (see below). For 
this interface a portal specific implementation will have to be provided for encoding a direct portlet request url.
Note: this interface and its usage will be fully "hidden" behind the IRenderContext and once Portlet API 2.0 becomes available, it can simply be removed as then 
  natively supported Portlet ResourceURLs can be created.

Similar, the markupId generated by Component will have to be pre- or post-fixed by the portlet namespace provided by the PortletRenderContext.
The ServletRenderContext will return an empty string as namespace.

Finally, writing out header contributions (as done in HtmlHeaderContainer.onComponentTag) should be delegated to this interface as well. The
PortletRenderContext can handle writing out the contribution through a new IPortletHeaderResponse interface (see below), the ServletRenderContext will simply 
write it out to the real response.

The WicketPortletFilter will instantiate (and configure) the appropriate implementation of IRenderContext depending how it is invoked (as servlet or from the 

* new org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.IWicketResourceURLFactory interface
To allow direct portlet requests in an Portlet API 1.0 environment, a portal specific implementation of this interface will be required.
This interface will extend nothing and depend only on the Portlet API 1.0 to allow complete freedom for portals how to implement it.
The concrete implementation to be used will have to be loaded by the WicketPortlet and will be passed on to the WicketPortletFilter as request attribute.
The WicketPortletFilter can then set it on the PortletRenderContext to be used for creating Resource/Ajax urls.
This interface will provide one method: String createResourceURL(PortletContext, PortletRequest, PortletResponse, Map parameters).
Although this simple factory method isn't feature wise comparable to the Portlet API ResourceURL, it probably is flexible enough for our purpose. If not, it 
will be easy enough to improve it until it does.

* new org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.IPortletHeaderResponse interface and default EmbeddedPortletHeaderResponse
To be able to support header contributions on different portals, the IPortletHeaderResponse interface will allow to abstract out how header contributions are 
written to the response.
A default org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.EmbeddedPortletHeaderResponse implementation will be provided which should work on all portals and which will 
  use DHTML/javascript to link in external CSS and javascript libraries and attach bodyOnload handlers.
But, I'd also want to support portals which allow direct header contributions (like Jetspeed-2). For this, a custom IPortletHeaderResponse implementation will 
optionally be loaded by WicketPortlet and passed on to WicketPortletFilter similar as done with the IPortletResourceURLFactory.
Note: as I said above, I regrettably expect this one feature not going to be properly/fully supported by Portlet API 2.0 :(

So, this currently covers my plan d) proposal for Wicket portlet support.
Anyone interested, and still with me at the end of this very long mail, please take a shot at it and shoot holes in it as much as you can :)
I'll continue with my implementation based on this proposal and will keep you all posted about my progress!

Thanks for keeping up this far :)

Regards, Ate

Re: A new proposal for Wicket Portlet support

Posted by Ate Douma <>.
Eelco Hillenius wrote:
> Wow, that was a long mail.
Well, you digested it much quicker that I expected!
It definitely took me much longer to write :)

> It's a bit unfortunate that many of the
> abstractions in Wicket actually came from the idea of separating the
> servlet and portlet environments, and that we won't need those now,
Oh no!
Those abstractions really are a big advantage. Because of these, most developers don't need to use the servlet api directly anymore (although they still can) 
and thus handling the differences between the servlet and portlet api is now much easier and safer to do than if those abstractions wouldn't be in place.
Developers actually using the servlet api directly might have a much harder time to migrate to a portlet environment as they might depend on unsupported 
features then.
> but I guess that's the way it goes. Most of those abstractions proved
> to be useful anyway.

> I think I agree with the proposal for the large part. For the details,
> I think it is better to discuss actual code. The goal you are setting
> seems to be high, but if you can pull it off, it sounds excellent!
Well, I have high requirements to meet to be able to really use Wicket in a portlet environment so I can't really shoot for anything less.
Thanks for the thumbs up!

> One thing about the implementation you're working on. Do you think you
> can provide a test project with a configured portlet environment (e.g.
> based on JetSpeed) so that it is real easy for people (including the
> other team members of Wicket) to check it out and let our debuggers
> loose on it? For me, and at least a couple of others, the fact that it
> is quite some work to set a portlet server up, configure it to run a
> (Wicket) application etc has been the greatest stumbling block in
> trying to help out and review. If you can provide an environment that
> is really easy to set up, I bet there will be quite a bit of interest
> and it would increase the changes of succes this time considerably.
Yes, I will provide detailed instructions how to do so.
With the latest Jetspeed 2.1 release, its actually very simple now to install and setup a test/development portal.
You just need to download the installer (the standard/minimum version is what I usually install):

If you accept the default provided embedded Derby database installing Jetspeed requires only a few mouse clicks.

Then, start up the installed Tomcat server in your favorite IDE and hook it up to the debugger (I use Eclipse+MyEclipseIDE debugger integration) and you are 
almost ready to start debugging your first Wicket portlet application :)
Build the war file, hot deploy it to the jetspeed deploy folder (I'll give exact instructions once I've got a test project ready) and add the Wicket portlet to 
a portal page (which you can do on the fly with the Jetspeed page customizer) and set a few breakpoints.

I hope that sounds easy enough :)
I know its not as simple as running Wicket directly within Eclipse using Jetty, but for me it is good enough.


Re: A new proposal for Wicket Portlet support

Posted by Eelco Hillenius <>.
Wow, that was a long mail. It's a bit unfortunate that many of the
abstractions in Wicket actually came from the idea of separating the
servlet and portlet environments, and that we won't need those now,
but I guess that's the way it goes. Most of those abstractions proved
to be useful anyway.

I think I agree with the proposal for the large part. For the details,
I think it is better to discuss actual code. The goal you are setting
seems to be high, but if you can pull it off, it sounds excellent!

One thing about the implementation you're working on. Do you think you
can provide a test project with a configured portlet environment (e.g.
based on JetSpeed) so that it is real easy for people (including the
other team members of Wicket) to check it out and let our debuggers
loose on it? For me, and at least a couple of others, the fact that it
is quite some work to set a portlet server up, configure it to run a
(Wicket) application etc has been the greatest stumbling block in
trying to help out and review. If you can provide an environment that
is really easy to set up, I bet there will be quite a bit of interest
and it would increase the changes of succes this time considerably.



Re: A new proposal for Wicket Portlet support

Posted by Eelco Hillenius <>.
Great news Ate!

It would be interesting to read the experiences of those who have been
playing with it in this thread. Is anyone considering using this for
their projects yet?



On 6/14/07, Ate Douma <> wrote:
> As promised a few weeks ago, I've created a separate branch, wicket-1.3-portlet-support, and checked in a first initial version of the new portlet support.
> I also created a bunch of JIRA issues as subtasks under one main portlet-support issue:
> To showcase what the portlet support is capable of (and not), I also created a Jetspeed-2.1.1-beta1 based demo portal installer which can be downloaded from
> my apache home. See:
> I'd like to invite all developers and users interested to review this intial version and the changes on Wicket core required for it.
> Note: I've tried to isolate the changes in small commits and recorded them to specific JIRA issues for easier reviewing.
> I'm looking forward to feedback and will start discussing possible further changes, enhancements and fixes soon on this dev list.
> I *do* need your input for that as going anything further than this requires more expertise than I currently have :)
> Regards,
> Ate
> Ate Douma wrote:
> > As already mentioned by Eelco a few days ago, I'd like to propose a new
> > plan for Wicket Portlet support.
> >
> > Preliminary warning: this mail ended up to be quite long :)
> >
> > For those of you familiar with the Portlet API some of the following is
> > probably a bit verbose, but please bear with me.
> > Good portlet support for Wicket isn't going to be easy and will need
> > quite a few changes/enhancements to the core of the framework and I
> > think it is utmost important that everyone involved is aware of the
> > reasons behind them to be able to properly evaluate the choices available.
> >
> > I also want to make clear that I don't consider this proposal to be
> > final, complete or 100% perfect. It will need further refinement and
> > probably major changes  further down the road. Although I have already
> > started with implementing part of this proposal, it is certainly not
> > finished yet and I expect to hit a few technical road blocks as well.
> > Any critics, good or bad, I'd very much appreciate and I will try to
> > respond to them as good as I can.
> > Note though I'm *not* a hard-core Wicket expert yet so I'll be
> > especially depending on the review and evaluation from those who are :)
> > I definitely will welcome simpler/easier/better solutions and I'll be
> > happy to incorporate them!
> >
> > One more remark upfront: as the current trunk is now in API freeze mode
> > for the 1.3 release, none of the following will be applied to the
> > current trunk.
> > Although I am working against the current trunk momentarily, as soon as
> > I get a minimum working version ready I'll create a separate branch off
> > the trunk to commit my changes. And only after a reasonable working
> > version is established there and is reviewed positively, that branch
> > might be merged back into a future trunk (> 1.3) for bringing portlet
> > support back into the Wicket core.
> >
> >
> > Now let me start out by describing the features I personally need for
> > using Wicket in a portlet environment.
> >
> > I want to be able to run a Wicket application both as "plain" web
> > application and as a portlet at the same time (needing only one WAR file).
> > This means a solution which doesn't require using a portlet specific api
> > but one transparent and independent of the runtime context.
> > Furthermore, I want to be able to use as much as possible of all the
> > Wicket features for Ajax, header contributions and (optionally,
> > possibly) cookies.
> > But especially those features are going to be difficult to support in a
> > portal independent way as the current Portlet API 1.0 doesn't support
> > any of those, actually doesn't even allow using them...
> > The next Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR-286) will provide much better
> > support for these, but as it isn't available yet we'll be required to
> > use some hacks and/or portal specific extensions to be able to implement
> > and use them *now*.
> > Finally, I need to be able to run multiple Wicket portlets on one (web)
> > page, meaning properly isolating their execution/session environments
> > and things like unique markup id generation/usage across Wicket
> > applications.
> >
> > Besides these functional requirements, I think we should anticipate as
> > much as possible on JSR-286 portlet API 2.0.
> > I'm one of the Expert Group members for JSR-286 and we've doing our best
> > to make life much easier for web framework developers. And while there
> > still will be limitations difficult to overcome, many of the issues I'll
> > address further down will be "solved" natively by JSR-286.
> > We currently expect to complete the Portlet Specification 2.0 near the
> > end of this summer, but after that it will still take (quite) some time
> > before most/all portals will be able to fully support it.
> > But as I don't want to wait until then I've tried to come up with a
> > temporary/custom solutions which aligns as much as possible to what
> > JSR-286 is going to deliver natively through the Portlet API 2.0.
> > Once that happens we should then be able to "swap out"/delete only a few
> > extension points for proper JSR-286 alignment.
> >
> > A few JSR-168/JSR-286 pointers:
> > - JSR-186, Portlet Specification 1.0:
> > - JSR-286, Portlet Specification 2.0:
> > - current early draft (non-official):
> > (latest rev. 15, d.d. May 24, 2007)
> > - reference implementation          :
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I think there are basically 3 different routes a servlet web framework
> > can take to provide portlet support:
> > a) providing a separate native portlet (and therefore partly parallel) api
> > b) "simulate" the web/servlet environment by dispatching to a servlet or
> > filter; wrapping the servlet context, request and response; intercept
> > response writing (especially urls and redirects) and rewrite and adapt
> > the output to accommodate to the portlet requirement
> > c) fully abstract the servlet and portlet differences within the
> > framework and use separate adaptors for handling each appropriately
> >
> > Each of these solutions (in their pure form) has its own typical
> > drawbacks though:
> >
> > Solution a)
> > This solution potentially provides the best native support for portlet
> > development as the developer is aware about this environment and can
> > directly use native portlet features like portlet preferences, window
> > states and portlet modes.
> > On the other hand, keeping the portlet support functionally in sync with
> > all the features provided for the servlet based development is
> > cumbersome as these really are different/parallel apis.
> > Furthermore, getting an application which was developed for the servlet
> > environment running as a portlet will require code changes and possibly
> > a loss of (major) features if the two apis haven't been properly kept
> > aligned.
> >
> > The current portlet support in wicket-stuff is based upon this solution.
> > While its more or less working (albeit still very limited) for wicket
> > 1.2, its broken and already far behind the current 1.3 trunk.
> >
> > Solution b)
> > This solution looks quite straightforward and is used in the Apache
> > Portals Struts Bridge I wrote already several years ago.
> > The main advantage of this solution is that it (theoretically) is the
> > least intrusive so that you might be able to use the underlying web
> > framework (almost) transparently: it even doesn't have to know its
> > running in a portlet environment.
> > Well, theoretically, if the framework is accommodating enough.
> > For Struts (1.x) I did have to "hack" into a few areas because it wasn't
> > able to cope with the distinct portlet request phases (action and
> > render), and Struts (taglibs) write urls directly to the response so for
> > those I had to provide overrides. And of course Struts 1.x didn't have
> > provide Ajax/Web 2.0 features...
> >
> > Another caveat of this solution is that it is not possible to dispatch
> > to a servlet during the processAction phase of a portlet request, at
> > least not using the Portlet API 1.0.
> > But, as a portlet container is formally running on top of (or extending)
> > a servlet container, the underlying servlet container is/should be
> > accessible even if not through the portlet api.
> > To solve this problem, I created a generic ServletContextProvider
> > interface (initially) for the Struts Portlet Bridge a few years ago.
> > Since then, all open-source portals (and a few commercial ones too) have
> > provided implementations of this interface so in practice you can now
> > use this very reliably. See also:
> > The next Portlet API 2.0 will have this limitation removed so then this
> > interface/extension won't be needed any more.
> >
> > But besides this issue, in general if the underlying framework directly
> > writes to the response without using some pluggable url rewriting
> > abstraction; expects to be sole owner of the (web) page, url and/or
> > session state; and doesn't allow separation of request processing and
> > rendering, it can become quite difficult to properly "wrap" it in a
> > portlet environment.
> >
> > Although Wicket already recognizes/supports separate action and render
> > phases, at this moment it "breaks down" on the other issues...
> > Wicket really is written to run applications in a servlet environment
> > *only*. And as result the page, url and session state management fully
> > expects to be under full control of the framework. Well, in a portlet
> > environment this clearly isn't the case and "fixing" that from the
> > outside by only "wrapping" the servlet environment is going to be quite
> > difficult, if even possible.
> >
> > Solution c)
> > This is the solution taken for instance by JSF although its definitely
> > not perfect yet, see JSR-301 (for which I'm also an Expert Group member)
> > which tries to fix a lot of its current "defects" for running in a
> > portlet context.
> > The idea is simple: abstract the api and semantic differences of the
> > servlet and portlet environments in the framework and provide adaptors
> > to handle them.
> > Well, in practice this isn't so simple, mostly because the servlet
> > environment allows so much more freedom and control: providing only the
> > common denominator can severely limit what you can do with the framework.
> > Although Wicket has already abstracted away most of the servlet api for
> > end users/developers, under the hood it uses it very directly to the
> > fullest extend :)
> >
> >
> > So, which solution to choose for the portlet support?
> >
> > Let me first try to list the most important issues and problems I think
> > needs to be addressed and/or solved.
> > Note: this is *my* current list. Others might consider some of these
> > less important or have other requirements I'm not yet or not fully
> > addressing here.
> > Please chime in if you think differently or would like to bring up other
> > problems I might have overlooked.
> >
> >
> > * Wicket URLs
> > A Portlet doesn't have an url or path of its own through which it is
> > invoked. For interaction with the user all urls have to be encoded as
> > Portlet render or action urls which are will be served by the *portal*
> > application, not the Wicket (web) application. On the other hand,
> > resource urls (e.g. for rendering images,  iframe contents etc.) can be
> > used which are going to be served by the Wicket web application
> > directly. But, as the portlet page is served by the portal application,
> > those resource urls have to be fully qualified (at least web context
> > path relative).
> > Note: Portlet api 2.0 will add Portlet ResourceURLs to be handled by the
> > portlet directly.
> >
> > All Wicket URLs are now (1.3 trunk) encoded as current request
> > *relative* urls, which thus won't work in the portlet environment.
> > Furthermore, the Wicket URLs are created and written out *directly* to
> > the response in implementations of IRequestCodingStrategy, e.g.
> > WebRequestCodingStrategy and UrlCompressingWebRequestCodingStrategy.
> > Note: I found a few other classes where (only Ajax?) urls are created
> > and written out
> > directly too...
> >
> >
> > * Header contributions
> > A Portlet doesn't "own" the (web) page its defined on. A Portlet is only
> > allowed to provide its content as a markup fragment to be
> > embedded/aggregated on the page by the portal. So, formally, a portlet
> > cannot contribute anything like including (external) css or javascript
> > in the head section of a web page. Also note that usually more than one
> > portlet is running within the same page all using *one* head section ...
> > Furthermore, the portlet spec allows for "streaming" portals, which
> > means that in theory the head section of a page might even already have
> > been written to the response before a portlet is invoked to render its
> > content fragment!
> > Now, in practice not many (open-source) portals are/support "streaming"
> > and a lot of portals *do* support header contributions. But none of that
> > is formally supported by the portlet specs. Portlet API 2.0 will provide
> > some support for header contributions but most likely only statically
> > (pre)defined. I will still try to get adding contributions dynamically
> > supported but I don't have high hopes for that right now :(
> > So, if we want to support header contributions in Wicket (I do), we'll
> > be required to use portal specific extensions or embed/load the
> > contributions directly from within the body section.
> >
> >
> > * portlet namespace
> > Because multiple portlets can run on the same web page, the portlet
> > provides a portlet (window) namespace which is intended to be used as
> > pre/postfix for markup  ids and javascript function & variable names.
> > Right now, Wicket Component generates the markupId which are only
> > guaranteed to be unique within the application or at least within the
> > generated page content.
> > So, when you add multiple (Wicket) portlets to a portal page this might
> > easily result in javascript runtime errors.
> >
> > Additionally, the same portlet (instance) might be added more than once
> > to the same page (or to different pages). But the Wicket Session store
> > is keyed off from  the application name and thus multiple portlet
> > windows using the same application might cause Session state
> > interferences. They really need to isolated from each other to guarantee
> > proper operation.
> > The portlet specification solves this problem by providing two different
> > Portlet Session scopes: PORTLET_SCOPE and APPLICATION_SCOPE.
> > Of course, as a portlet container still runs on top of/extends the
> > servlet container, there is still only one servlet session (the
> > PORTLET_SCOPE attributes are simply stored/isolated in the
> > APPLICATION_SCOPE (servlet) session using the portlet namespace as prefix.
> > A simple "trick" which I used for the Apache Portals Struts Bridge to
> > solve this is (optionally) wrapping the servlet session and only provide
> > the PORTLET_SCOPE  attributes to the Struts Servlet. Note: Portlet API
> > 2.0 will provide exactly the same feature as an optional portlet runtime
> > configuration :)
> >
> >
> > * Ajax support and Wicket Resources
> > As you might expect already: Portlet API 1.0 doesn't support Ajax at all.
> > But luckily portlet API 2.0 will, to some extend through its new
> > serveResource/ResourceURL support.
> > At least, AFAIK right now probably enough for what is needed/used by
> > Wicket.
> >
> > Right now there are two different solutions possible:
> > 1) serve the Ajax requests directly through the servlet container of the
> > Wicket application, not through the portal application
> > 2) use portal specific extensions to directly access the portlet which
> > then can process/dispatch the Ajax call to Wicket.
> >
> > Although solution 1) might look like the easiest way out and is
> > mentioned quite often as it doesn't require any portal specific
> > extension, its main limitation is that it will only work for Ajax
> > requests which don't need to write out portlet urls again (links, new
> > form action urls, etc.).
> > As soon as you need to update/replace a fragment which contains (or need
> > to contain) portlet urls, this solution will not work.
> > And solution 1) has another problem with respect to the PORTLET_SCOPE
> > namespaced portlet session. If the PORTLET_SCOPE session is propagated
> > to the servlet container, direct web application servlet request urls
> > will have to encode the portlet namespace to be able to "reconnect" to
> > the correct Wicket Session.
> > And not isolating the servlet session to only see the PORTLET_SCOPE
> > session effectively means you can only use one wicket portlet *window*
> > from the same web application.
> >
> > I personally think solution 1) restricts and complicates Ajax support
> > far too much and thus I propose we go for solution 2), especially as
> > Portlet API 2.0 will  be able to support that solution natively through
> > its new serveResource/ResourceURL feature. And AFAIK a lot (if not most)
> > of the existing portals already provide a similar (proprietary) solution
> > for exactly this use-case: Ajax support.
> > For Jetspeed-2  (for which I'm also a committer) I know how to do this
> > (using the portlet pipeline) but I have no technical knowledge how other
> > open-source portals like Liferay, Gridsphere, JBoss, etc. do this.
> > Hopefully other developers familiar with those portals can chime in here?
> >
> > And I think Wicket Resource requests really should be treated likewise.
> > I don't know if it is common to render links etc. from Resource
> > requests, but if so, they *need* to be handled just as Ajax requests.
> > And the PORTLET_SCOPE session isolation problem applies to Wicket
> > Resource requests as well.
> >
> >
> > * Handling the Portlet Action and Render phase and managing the Wicket
> > page URL
> > The portlet request handling is strictly divided in two phases: action
> > processing and content rendering.
> > Besides the limitation of invoking a servlet during processAction (which
> > can be solved using the ServletContextProvider as described above),
> > Portlet API 1.0 also doesn't allow creating portlet URLs during
> > processAction. And *that* is a limitation not easily to hack without
> > deep knowledge of the underlying portal/portlet container. Note: this
> > limitation will be gone too with Portlet API 2.0.
> > So, for now the current default Wicket RenderStrategy
> > IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_BUFFER cannot be used!
> > For processAction requests, the RenderStrategy needs to be enforced to
> > RenderStrategy REDIRECT_TO_RENDER and for all other requests to
> >
> > As I described earlier, a portlet doesn't have an url or path of its
> > own, but of course it does know request parameters.
> > By encoding a WicketURL as a portlet parameter, a Wicket portlet can
> > still provide/simulate a page url to the Wicket framework.
> > Furthermore, by storing the final redirect url after processAction as a
> > portlet render parameter, the subsequent render request(s) can also
> > provide this page url to Wicket. Note though, all these urls need to be
> > made fully qualified urls again and not current page url relative.
> > The one thing left to handle during processAction is intercepting
> > response.setStatus and response.sendError calls. Those normally would go
> > directly to the browser but for a portlet environment these need to be
> > captured and somehow "transported" to the render phase to be displayed
> > within the specific portlet window only.
> >
> >
> > * Writing Cookies and other response headers
> > Another area not supported by the Portlet API 1.0 (again: 2.0 will
> > provide some support for this) is writing response headers. The Portlet
> > API 1.0 requires that anything written to the response headers is ignored.
> > Now, I haven't deeply investigated yet how much Wicket depends on this
> > (for non-Ajax based responses) so I'm not sure yet if this is a high
> > priority feature to support right now.
> > AFAIK, I don't expect to be needing it much, but maybe others do?
> > If we do want to support his (for non-Ajax based responses) it will
> > require additional portal specific extensions. I know we can support
> > this with Jetspeed-2 but have no idea if/how other (open-source) portals
> > handle this.
> > For Ajax based requests this won't be a problem as we're going to have
> > those served through direct portlet requests and as such will have full
> > control over the  response.
> >
> >
> > I think the above list describes the most important issues which needs
> > to be addressed.
> > So how to solve these?
> >
> > After reviewing the current wicket-portlet support at wicket-stuff, I
> > think we might want to try another (3rd now) try.
> > As I already mentioned in the beginning, the current portlet support is
> > mostly based on what I called solution a).
> > While I think its a very valuable solution when you only need to write
> > native Wicket portlets I also think its going to be difficult to keep
> > the separate parallel apis aligned both technically and feature wise.
> > Furthermore, for me personally, it prevents me running a Wicket
> > application transparently both in servlet and portlet environments.
> >
> > The solution b) I described is one I'm already quite familiar with from
> > my work for the Struts Portlet Bridge and provides the big advantage of
> > allowing to run  a Wicket application both as servlet and portlet.
> >
> > But, solution b) in its pure form (e.g. fully simulating the portlet
> > environment) is not very feasible, especially with the current Portlet
> > API 1.0 limitations.
> > The way the Wicket framework is set up (and very much to my liking,
> > don't misunderstand me here), it is very difficult to plug in the
> > required wrappers at the right place to handle the above described
> > issues. Wicket isn't a managed framework and uses a lot of hard coded
> > factory methods so "hooking" into the framework transparently as it is
> > right now is virtually impossible.
> >
> > But solution c), abstracting out the differences between the servlet and
> > portlet environments isn't perfect either and requires quite some
> > changes under the hood of the framework and probably will result in a
> > lot of limitations (and frustrations) for both the servlet and portlet
> > environment developers and users...
> >
> >
> > So, I want to propose a solution d): combining solutions b) and c) and
> > anticipate as much as possible the upcoming Portlet API 2.0 enhancements.
> > Now: who didn't see this coming :)
> >
> > Dispatching from the portlet to a Wicket (servlet)filter brings the big
> > advantage of running/invoking Wicket natively within the servlet container.
> > This means that there won't be a need to factor out the servlet api
> > itself and thus won't require large scale (low level) code changes.
> > And with Portlet API 2.0, support for features like Cookies and writing
> > response Headers will come "automatically".
> >
> > So here comes plan d):
> >
> > * New org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.WicketPortlet
> > The WicketPortlet is configured (using an initParameter) against a
> > specific filter path, e.g. Wicket WebApplication.
> > The WicketPortlet maintains a parameter for the current Wicket page url,
> > based against the filter path (e.g. fully qualified to the context path).
> > When a request (action, render or direct resource/ajax call) is received
> > by the WicketPortlet, it dispatches it to Wicket as a servlet request
> > using the provided Wicket page url parameter.
> >
> > * New org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.WicketPortletFilter
> > extending WicketFilter
> > The WicketPortletFilter first checks if it is a Portlet based request or
> > a direct browser (servlet) request.
> > If the request is a direct browser request it simply delegates the
> > request to the WicketFilter and "normal" Wicket web application handling
> > continues.
> > This will allow deploying the same Wicket application (with the same
> > web.xml) as a normal web application too (as long as you don't use
> > portlet specific features within your application).
> >
> > If the request is dispatched from the WicketPortlet (easily determined
> > from request attributes), the WicketPortletFilter wraps the servlet
> > request and response objects with specialized portlet environment
> > versions (I probably can copy those almost verbatim from the ones I
> > wrote for the Struts Portlet Bridge).
> > Furthermore, the Servlet Session object will be wrapped to provide an
> > isolated PORTLET_SCOPEd session to Wicket to support multiple windows of
> > the same portlet.
> > And the RenderStrategy IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_TO_RENDER will
> > have to be enforced when invoked from portlet processAction, otherwise
> > Thereafter, the WicketPortletFilter can let the standard WicketFilter
> > handle the request as if it were a "normal" web based request.
> >
> > * new interface org.apache.wicket.request.IRenderContext
> > I propose a new IRenderContext interface for handling url rewriting,
> > (action) redirecting, providing access to the (portlet) namespace for
> > markup Ids and isolated session state, and writing HeaderContributions.
> >
> > For url rewriting, only three methods are needed to support creating
> > Portlet ActionURLs, Portlet RenderURLs and Resource/Ajax URLs.
> > The current direct url writing to the response, primarily done in
> > WebRequestCodingStrategy, will have to delegate writing out the final
> > url through one of these methods. And anywhere Ajax callback urls are
> > written also need to do the same.
> >
> > A org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.servlet.ServletRenderContext
> > implementation class will simply pass through these urls.
> >
> > A org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.PortletRenderContext
> > implementation class will first make the relative urls fully qualified
> > again and then wrap them as a parameter on a Portlet ActionURL or
> > RenderURL. And for the Resource/Ajax urls it will require a new
> > IPortletResourceURLFactory interface (see below). For this interface a
> > portal specific implementation will have to be provided for encoding a
> > direct portlet request url.
> > Note: this interface and its usage will be fully "hidden" behind the
> > IRenderContext and once Portlet API 2.0 becomes available, it can simply
> > be removed as then  natively supported Portlet ResourceURLs can be created.
> >
> > Similar, the markupId generated by Component will have to be pre- or
> > post-fixed by the portlet namespace provided by the PortletRenderContext.
> > The ServletRenderContext will return an empty string as namespace.
> >
> > Finally, writing out header contributions (as done in
> > HtmlHeaderContainer.onComponentTag) should be delegated to this
> > interface as well. The
> > PortletRenderContext can handle writing out the contribution through a
> > new IPortletHeaderResponse interface (see below), the
> > ServletRenderContext will simply write it out to the real response.
> >
> > The WicketPortletFilter will instantiate (and configure) the appropriate
> > implementation of IRenderContext depending how it is invoked (as servlet
> > or from the portlet).
> >
> > * new org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.IWicketResourceURLFactory
> > interface
> > To allow direct portlet requests in an Portlet API 1.0 environment, a
> > portal specific implementation of this interface will be required.
> > This interface will extend nothing and depend only on the Portlet API
> > 1.0 to allow complete freedom for portals how to implement it.
> > The concrete implementation to be used will have to be loaded by the
> > WicketPortlet and will be passed on to the WicketPortletFilter as
> > request attribute.
> > The WicketPortletFilter can then set it on the PortletRenderContext to
> > be used for creating Resource/Ajax urls.
> > This interface will provide one method: String
> > createResourceURL(PortletContext, PortletRequest, PortletResponse, Map
> > parameters).
> > Although this simple factory method isn't feature wise comparable to the
> > Portlet API ResourceURL, it probably is flexible enough for our purpose.
> > If not, it will be easy enough to improve it until it does.
> >
> > * new org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.IPortletHeaderResponse
> > interface and default EmbeddedPortletHeaderResponse
> > To be able to support header contributions on different portals, the
> > IPortletHeaderResponse interface will allow to abstract out how header
> > contributions are written to the response.
> > A default
> > org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.EmbeddedPortletHeaderResponse
> > implementation will be provided which should work on all portals and
> > which will  use DHTML/javascript to link in external CSS and javascript
> > libraries and attach bodyOnload handlers.
> > But, I'd also want to support portals which allow direct header
> > contributions (like Jetspeed-2). For this, a custom
> > IPortletHeaderResponse implementation will optionally be loaded by
> > WicketPortlet and passed on to WicketPortletFilter similar as done with
> > the IPortletResourceURLFactory.
> > Note: as I said above, I regrettably expect this one feature not going
> > to be properly/fully supported by Portlet API 2.0 :(
> >
> >
> > So, this currently covers my plan d) proposal for Wicket portlet support.
> > Anyone interested, and still with me at the end of this very long mail,
> > please take a shot at it and shoot holes in it as much as you can :)
> > I'll continue with my implementation based on this proposal and will
> > keep you all posted about my progress!
> >
> > Thanks for keeping up this far :)
> >
> > Regards, Ate
> >
> >
> >

Re: A new proposal for Wicket Portlet support

Posted by Ate Douma <>.
As promised a few weeks ago, I've created a separate branch, wicket-1.3-portlet-support, and checked in a first initial version of the new portlet support.
I also created a bunch of JIRA issues as subtasks under one main portlet-support issue:

To showcase what the portlet support is capable of (and not), I also created a Jetspeed-2.1.1-beta1 based demo portal installer which can be downloaded from
my apache home. See:

I'd like to invite all developers and users interested to review this intial version and the changes on Wicket core required for it.
Note: I've tried to isolate the changes in small commits and recorded them to specific JIRA issues for easier reviewing.

I'm looking forward to feedback and will start discussing possible further changes, enhancements and fixes soon on this dev list.
I *do* need your input for that as going anything further than this requires more expertise than I currently have :)



Ate Douma wrote:
> As already mentioned by Eelco a few days ago, I'd like to propose a new 
> plan for Wicket Portlet support.
> Preliminary warning: this mail ended up to be quite long :)
> For those of you familiar with the Portlet API some of the following is 
> probably a bit verbose, but please bear with me.
> Good portlet support for Wicket isn't going to be easy and will need 
> quite a few changes/enhancements to the core of the framework and I 
> think it is utmost important that everyone involved is aware of the 
> reasons behind them to be able to properly evaluate the choices available.
> I also want to make clear that I don't consider this proposal to be 
> final, complete or 100% perfect. It will need further refinement and 
> probably major changes  further down the road. Although I have already 
> started with implementing part of this proposal, it is certainly not 
> finished yet and I expect to hit a few technical road blocks as well.
> Any critics, good or bad, I'd very much appreciate and I will try to 
> respond to them as good as I can.
> Note though I'm *not* a hard-core Wicket expert yet so I'll be 
> especially depending on the review and evaluation from those who are :)
> I definitely will welcome simpler/easier/better solutions and I'll be 
> happy to incorporate them!
> One more remark upfront: as the current trunk is now in API freeze mode 
> for the 1.3 release, none of the following will be applied to the 
> current trunk.
> Although I am working against the current trunk momentarily, as soon as 
> I get a minimum working version ready I'll create a separate branch off 
> the trunk to commit my changes. And only after a reasonable working 
> version is established there and is reviewed positively, that branch 
> might be merged back into a future trunk (> 1.3) for bringing portlet 
> support back into the Wicket core.
> Now let me start out by describing the features I personally need for 
> using Wicket in a portlet environment.
> I want to be able to run a Wicket application both as "plain" web 
> application and as a portlet at the same time (needing only one WAR file).
> This means a solution which doesn't require using a portlet specific api 
> but one transparent and independent of the runtime context.
> Furthermore, I want to be able to use as much as possible of all the 
> Wicket features for Ajax, header contributions and (optionally, 
> possibly) cookies.
> But especially those features are going to be difficult to support in a 
> portal independent way as the current Portlet API 1.0 doesn't support 
> any of those, actually doesn't even allow using them...
> The next Portlet Specification 2.0 (JSR-286) will provide much better 
> support for these, but as it isn't available yet we'll be required to 
> use some hacks and/or portal specific extensions to be able to implement 
> and use them *now*.
> Finally, I need to be able to run multiple Wicket portlets on one (web) 
> page, meaning properly isolating their execution/session environments 
> and things like unique markup id generation/usage across Wicket 
> applications.
> Besides these functional requirements, I think we should anticipate as 
> much as possible on JSR-286 portlet API 2.0.
> I'm one of the Expert Group members for JSR-286 and we've doing our best 
> to make life much easier for web framework developers. And while there 
> still will be limitations difficult to overcome, many of the issues I'll 
> address further down will be "solved" natively by JSR-286.
> We currently expect to complete the Portlet Specification 2.0 near the 
> end of this summer, but after that it will still take (quite) some time 
> before most/all portals will be able to fully support it.
> But as I don't want to wait until then I've tried to come up with a 
> temporary/custom solutions which aligns as much as possible to what 
> JSR-286 is going to deliver natively through the Portlet API 2.0.
> Once that happens we should then be able to "swap out"/delete only a few 
> extension points for proper JSR-286 alignment.
> A few JSR-168/JSR-286 pointers:
> - JSR-186, Portlet Specification 1.0:
> - JSR-286, Portlet Specification 2.0:
> - current early draft (non-official): 
> (latest rev. 15, d.d. May 24, 2007)
> - reference implementation          : 
> I think there are basically 3 different routes a servlet web framework 
> can take to provide portlet support:
> a) providing a separate native portlet (and therefore partly parallel) api
> b) "simulate" the web/servlet environment by dispatching to a servlet or 
> filter; wrapping the servlet context, request and response; intercept 
> response writing (especially urls and redirects) and rewrite and adapt 
> the output to accommodate to the portlet requirement
> c) fully abstract the servlet and portlet differences within the 
> framework and use separate adaptors for handling each appropriately
> Each of these solutions (in their pure form) has its own typical 
> drawbacks though:
> Solution a)
> This solution potentially provides the best native support for portlet 
> development as the developer is aware about this environment and can 
> directly use native portlet features like portlet preferences, window 
> states and portlet modes.
> On the other hand, keeping the portlet support functionally in sync with 
> all the features provided for the servlet based development is 
> cumbersome as these really are different/parallel apis.
> Furthermore, getting an application which was developed for the servlet 
> environment running as a portlet will require code changes and possibly 
> a loss of (major) features if the two apis haven't been properly kept 
> aligned.
> The current portlet support in wicket-stuff is based upon this solution.
> While its more or less working (albeit still very limited) for wicket 
> 1.2, its broken and already far behind the current 1.3 trunk.
> Solution b)
> This solution looks quite straightforward and is used in the Apache 
> Portals Struts Bridge I wrote already several years ago.
> The main advantage of this solution is that it (theoretically) is the 
> least intrusive so that you might be able to use the underlying web 
> framework (almost) transparently: it even doesn't have to know its 
> running in a portlet environment.
> Well, theoretically, if the framework is accommodating enough.
> For Struts (1.x) I did have to "hack" into a few areas because it wasn't 
> able to cope with the distinct portlet request phases (action and 
> render), and Struts (taglibs) write urls directly to the response so for 
> those I had to provide overrides. And of course Struts 1.x didn't have 
> provide Ajax/Web 2.0 features...
> Another caveat of this solution is that it is not possible to dispatch 
> to a servlet during the processAction phase of a portlet request, at 
> least not using the Portlet API 1.0.
> But, as a portlet container is formally running on top of (or extending) 
> a servlet container, the underlying servlet container is/should be 
> accessible even if not through the portlet api.
> To solve this problem, I created a generic ServletContextProvider 
> interface (initially) for the Struts Portlet Bridge a few years ago.
> Since then, all open-source portals (and a few commercial ones too) have 
> provided implementations of this interface so in practice you can now 
> use this very reliably. See also:
> The next Portlet API 2.0 will have this limitation removed so then this 
> interface/extension won't be needed any more.
> But besides this issue, in general if the underlying framework directly 
> writes to the response without using some pluggable url rewriting 
> abstraction; expects to be sole owner of the (web) page, url and/or 
> session state; and doesn't allow separation of request processing and 
> rendering, it can become quite difficult to properly "wrap" it in a 
> portlet environment.
> Although Wicket already recognizes/supports separate action and render 
> phases, at this moment it "breaks down" on the other issues...
> Wicket really is written to run applications in a servlet environment 
> *only*. And as result the page, url and session state management fully 
> expects to be under full control of the framework. Well, in a portlet 
> environment this clearly isn't the case and "fixing" that from the 
> outside by only "wrapping" the servlet environment is going to be quite 
> difficult, if even possible.
> Solution c)
> This is the solution taken for instance by JSF although its definitely 
> not perfect yet, see JSR-301 (for which I'm also an Expert Group member) 
> which tries to fix a lot of its current "defects" for running in a 
> portlet context.
> The idea is simple: abstract the api and semantic differences of the 
> servlet and portlet environments in the framework and provide adaptors 
> to handle them.
> Well, in practice this isn't so simple, mostly because the servlet 
> environment allows so much more freedom and control: providing only the 
> common denominator can severely limit what you can do with the framework.
> Although Wicket has already abstracted away most of the servlet api for 
> end users/developers, under the hood it uses it very directly to the 
> fullest extend :)
> So, which solution to choose for the portlet support?
> Let me first try to list the most important issues and problems I think 
> needs to be addressed and/or solved.
> Note: this is *my* current list. Others might consider some of these 
> less important or have other requirements I'm not yet or not fully 
> addressing here.
> Please chime in if you think differently or would like to bring up other 
> problems I might have overlooked.
> * Wicket URLs
> A Portlet doesn't have an url or path of its own through which it is 
> invoked. For interaction with the user all urls have to be encoded as 
> Portlet render or action urls which are will be served by the *portal* 
> application, not the Wicket (web) application. On the other hand, 
> resource urls (e.g. for rendering images,  iframe contents etc.) can be 
> used which are going to be served by the Wicket web application 
> directly. But, as the portlet page is served by the portal application, 
> those resource urls have to be fully qualified (at least web context 
> path relative).
> Note: Portlet api 2.0 will add Portlet ResourceURLs to be handled by the 
> portlet directly.
> All Wicket URLs are now (1.3 trunk) encoded as current request 
> *relative* urls, which thus won't work in the portlet environment.
> Furthermore, the Wicket URLs are created and written out *directly* to 
> the response in implementations of IRequestCodingStrategy, e.g.
> WebRequestCodingStrategy and UrlCompressingWebRequestCodingStrategy. 
> Note: I found a few other classes where (only Ajax?) urls are created 
> and written out
> directly too...
> * Header contributions
> A Portlet doesn't "own" the (web) page its defined on. A Portlet is only 
> allowed to provide its content as a markup fragment to be 
> embedded/aggregated on the page by the portal. So, formally, a portlet 
> cannot contribute anything like including (external) css or javascript 
> in the head section of a web page. Also note that usually more than one 
> portlet is running within the same page all using *one* head section ...
> Furthermore, the portlet spec allows for "streaming" portals, which 
> means that in theory the head section of a page might even already have 
> been written to the response before a portlet is invoked to render its 
> content fragment!
> Now, in practice not many (open-source) portals are/support "streaming" 
> and a lot of portals *do* support header contributions. But none of that 
> is formally supported by the portlet specs. Portlet API 2.0 will provide 
> some support for header contributions but most likely only statically 
> (pre)defined. I will still try to get adding contributions dynamically 
> supported but I don't have high hopes for that right now :(
> So, if we want to support header contributions in Wicket (I do), we'll 
> be required to use portal specific extensions or embed/load the 
> contributions directly from within the body section.
> * portlet namespace
> Because multiple portlets can run on the same web page, the portlet 
> provides a portlet (window) namespace which is intended to be used as 
> pre/postfix for markup  ids and javascript function & variable names.
> Right now, Wicket Component generates the markupId which are only 
> guaranteed to be unique within the application or at least within the 
> generated page content.
> So, when you add multiple (Wicket) portlets to a portal page this might 
> easily result in javascript runtime errors.
> Additionally, the same portlet (instance) might be added more than once 
> to the same page (or to different pages). But the Wicket Session store 
> is keyed off from  the application name and thus multiple portlet 
> windows using the same application might cause Session state 
> interferences. They really need to isolated from each other to guarantee 
> proper operation.
> The portlet specification solves this problem by providing two different 
> Portlet Session scopes: PORTLET_SCOPE and APPLICATION_SCOPE.
> Of course, as a portlet container still runs on top of/extends the 
> servlet container, there is still only one servlet session (the 
> PORTLET_SCOPE attributes are simply stored/isolated in the 
> APPLICATION_SCOPE (servlet) session using the portlet namespace as prefix.
> A simple "trick" which I used for the Apache Portals Struts Bridge to 
> solve this is (optionally) wrapping the servlet session and only provide 
> the PORTLET_SCOPE  attributes to the Struts Servlet. Note: Portlet API 
> 2.0 will provide exactly the same feature as an optional portlet runtime 
> configuration :)
> * Ajax support and Wicket Resources
> As you might expect already: Portlet API 1.0 doesn't support Ajax at all.
> But luckily portlet API 2.0 will, to some extend through its new 
> serveResource/ResourceURL support.
> At least, AFAIK right now probably enough for what is needed/used by 
> Wicket.
> Right now there are two different solutions possible:
> 1) serve the Ajax requests directly through the servlet container of the 
> Wicket application, not through the portal application
> 2) use portal specific extensions to directly access the portlet which 
> then can process/dispatch the Ajax call to Wicket.
> Although solution 1) might look like the easiest way out and is 
> mentioned quite often as it doesn't require any portal specific 
> extension, its main limitation is that it will only work for Ajax 
> requests which don't need to write out portlet urls again (links, new 
> form action urls, etc.).
> As soon as you need to update/replace a fragment which contains (or need 
> to contain) portlet urls, this solution will not work.
> And solution 1) has another problem with respect to the PORTLET_SCOPE 
> namespaced portlet session. If the PORTLET_SCOPE session is propagated 
> to the servlet container, direct web application servlet request urls 
> will have to encode the portlet namespace to be able to "reconnect" to 
> the correct Wicket Session.
> And not isolating the servlet session to only see the PORTLET_SCOPE 
> session effectively means you can only use one wicket portlet *window* 
> from the same web application.
> I personally think solution 1) restricts and complicates Ajax support 
> far too much and thus I propose we go for solution 2), especially as 
> Portlet API 2.0 will  be able to support that solution natively through 
> its new serveResource/ResourceURL feature. And AFAIK a lot (if not most) 
> of the existing portals already provide a similar (proprietary) solution 
> for exactly this use-case: Ajax support.
> For Jetspeed-2  (for which I'm also a committer) I know how to do this 
> (using the portlet pipeline) but I have no technical knowledge how other 
> open-source portals like Liferay, Gridsphere, JBoss, etc. do this. 
> Hopefully other developers familiar with those portals can chime in here?
> And I think Wicket Resource requests really should be treated likewise.
> I don't know if it is common to render links etc. from Resource 
> requests, but if so, they *need* to be handled just as Ajax requests.
> And the PORTLET_SCOPE session isolation problem applies to Wicket 
> Resource requests as well.
> * Handling the Portlet Action and Render phase and managing the Wicket 
> page URL
> The portlet request handling is strictly divided in two phases: action 
> processing and content rendering.
> Besides the limitation of invoking a servlet during processAction (which 
> can be solved using the ServletContextProvider as described above), 
> Portlet API 1.0 also doesn't allow creating portlet URLs during 
> processAction. And *that* is a limitation not easily to hack without 
> deep knowledge of the underlying portal/portlet container. Note: this 
> limitation will be gone too with Portlet API 2.0.
> So, for now the current default Wicket RenderStrategy 
> IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_BUFFER cannot be used!
> For processAction requests, the RenderStrategy needs to be enforced to 
> RenderStrategy REDIRECT_TO_RENDER and for all other requests to 
> As I described earlier, a portlet doesn't have an url or path of its 
> own, but of course it does know request parameters.
> By encoding a WicketURL as a portlet parameter, a Wicket portlet can 
> still provide/simulate a page url to the Wicket framework.
> Furthermore, by storing the final redirect url after processAction as a 
> portlet render parameter, the subsequent render request(s) can also 
> provide this page url to Wicket. Note though, all these urls need to be 
> made fully qualified urls again and not current page url relative.
> The one thing left to handle during processAction is intercepting 
> response.setStatus and response.sendError calls. Those normally would go 
> directly to the browser but for a portlet environment these need to be 
> captured and somehow "transported" to the render phase to be displayed 
> within the specific portlet window only.
> * Writing Cookies and other response headers
> Another area not supported by the Portlet API 1.0 (again: 2.0 will 
> provide some support for this) is writing response headers. The Portlet 
> API 1.0 requires that anything written to the response headers is ignored.
> Now, I haven't deeply investigated yet how much Wicket depends on this 
> (for non-Ajax based responses) so I'm not sure yet if this is a high 
> priority feature to support right now.
> AFAIK, I don't expect to be needing it much, but maybe others do?
> If we do want to support his (for non-Ajax based responses) it will 
> require additional portal specific extensions. I know we can support 
> this with Jetspeed-2 but have no idea if/how other (open-source) portals 
> handle this.
> For Ajax based requests this won't be a problem as we're going to have 
> those served through direct portlet requests and as such will have full 
> control over the  response.
> I think the above list describes the most important issues which needs 
> to be addressed.
> So how to solve these?
> After reviewing the current wicket-portlet support at wicket-stuff, I 
> think we might want to try another (3rd now) try.
> As I already mentioned in the beginning, the current portlet support is 
> mostly based on what I called solution a).
> While I think its a very valuable solution when you only need to write 
> native Wicket portlets I also think its going to be difficult to keep 
> the separate parallel apis aligned both technically and feature wise. 
> Furthermore, for me personally, it prevents me running a Wicket 
> application transparently both in servlet and portlet environments.
> The solution b) I described is one I'm already quite familiar with from 
> my work for the Struts Portlet Bridge and provides the big advantage of 
> allowing to run  a Wicket application both as servlet and portlet.
> But, solution b) in its pure form (e.g. fully simulating the portlet 
> environment) is not very feasible, especially with the current Portlet 
> API 1.0 limitations.
> The way the Wicket framework is set up (and very much to my liking, 
> don't misunderstand me here), it is very difficult to plug in the 
> required wrappers at the right place to handle the above described 
> issues. Wicket isn't a managed framework and uses a lot of hard coded 
> factory methods so "hooking" into the framework transparently as it is 
> right now is virtually impossible.
> But solution c), abstracting out the differences between the servlet and 
> portlet environments isn't perfect either and requires quite some 
> changes under the hood of the framework and probably will result in a 
> lot of limitations (and frustrations) for both the servlet and portlet 
> environment developers and users...
> So, I want to propose a solution d): combining solutions b) and c) and 
> anticipate as much as possible the upcoming Portlet API 2.0 enhancements.
> Now: who didn't see this coming :)
> Dispatching from the portlet to a Wicket (servlet)filter brings the big 
> advantage of running/invoking Wicket natively within the servlet container.
> This means that there won't be a need to factor out the servlet api 
> itself and thus won't require large scale (low level) code changes.
> And with Portlet API 2.0, support for features like Cookies and writing 
> response Headers will come "automatically".
> So here comes plan d):
> * New org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.WicketPortlet
> The WicketPortlet is configured (using an initParameter) against a 
> specific filter path, e.g. Wicket WebApplication.
> The WicketPortlet maintains a parameter for the current Wicket page url, 
> based against the filter path (e.g. fully qualified to the context path).
> When a request (action, render or direct resource/ajax call) is received 
> by the WicketPortlet, it dispatches it to Wicket as a servlet request 
> using the provided Wicket page url parameter.
> * New org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.WicketPortletFilter 
> extending WicketFilter
> The WicketPortletFilter first checks if it is a Portlet based request or 
> a direct browser (servlet) request.
> If the request is a direct browser request it simply delegates the 
> request to the WicketFilter and "normal" Wicket web application handling 
> continues.
> This will allow deploying the same Wicket application (with the same 
> web.xml) as a normal web application too (as long as you don't use 
> portlet specific features within your application).
> If the request is dispatched from the WicketPortlet (easily determined 
> from request attributes), the WicketPortletFilter wraps the servlet 
> request and response objects with specialized portlet environment 
> versions (I probably can copy those almost verbatim from the ones I 
> wrote for the Struts Portlet Bridge).
> Furthermore, the Servlet Session object will be wrapped to provide an 
> isolated PORTLET_SCOPEd session to Wicket to support multiple windows of 
> the same portlet.
> And the RenderStrategy IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_TO_RENDER will 
> have to be enforced when invoked from portlet processAction, otherwise 
> Thereafter, the WicketPortletFilter can let the standard WicketFilter 
> handle the request as if it were a "normal" web based request.
> * new interface org.apache.wicket.request.IRenderContext
> I propose a new IRenderContext interface for handling url rewriting, 
> (action) redirecting, providing access to the (portlet) namespace for 
> markup Ids and isolated session state, and writing HeaderContributions.
> For url rewriting, only three methods are needed to support creating 
> Portlet ActionURLs, Portlet RenderURLs and Resource/Ajax URLs.
> The current direct url writing to the response, primarily done in 
> WebRequestCodingStrategy, will have to delegate writing out the final 
> url through one of these methods. And anywhere Ajax callback urls are 
> written also need to do the same.
> A org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.servlet.ServletRenderContext 
> implementation class will simply pass through these urls.
> A org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.PortletRenderContext 
> implementation class will first make the relative urls fully qualified 
> again and then wrap them as a parameter on a Portlet ActionURL or 
> RenderURL. And for the Resource/Ajax urls it will require a new 
> IPortletResourceURLFactory interface (see below). For this interface a 
> portal specific implementation will have to be provided for encoding a 
> direct portlet request url.
> Note: this interface and its usage will be fully "hidden" behind the 
> IRenderContext and once Portlet API 2.0 becomes available, it can simply 
> be removed as then  natively supported Portlet ResourceURLs can be created.
> Similar, the markupId generated by Component will have to be pre- or 
> post-fixed by the portlet namespace provided by the PortletRenderContext.
> The ServletRenderContext will return an empty string as namespace.
> Finally, writing out header contributions (as done in 
> HtmlHeaderContainer.onComponentTag) should be delegated to this 
> interface as well. The
> PortletRenderContext can handle writing out the contribution through a 
> new IPortletHeaderResponse interface (see below), the 
> ServletRenderContext will simply write it out to the real response.
> The WicketPortletFilter will instantiate (and configure) the appropriate 
> implementation of IRenderContext depending how it is invoked (as servlet 
> or from the portlet).
> * new org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.IWicketResourceURLFactory 
> interface
> To allow direct portlet requests in an Portlet API 1.0 environment, a 
> portal specific implementation of this interface will be required.
> This interface will extend nothing and depend only on the Portlet API 
> 1.0 to allow complete freedom for portals how to implement it.
> The concrete implementation to be used will have to be loaded by the 
> WicketPortlet and will be passed on to the WicketPortletFilter as 
> request attribute.
> The WicketPortletFilter can then set it on the PortletRenderContext to 
> be used for creating Resource/Ajax urls.
> This interface will provide one method: String 
> createResourceURL(PortletContext, PortletRequest, PortletResponse, Map 
> parameters).
> Although this simple factory method isn't feature wise comparable to the 
> Portlet API ResourceURL, it probably is flexible enough for our purpose. 
> If not, it will be easy enough to improve it until it does.
> * new org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.IPortletHeaderResponse 
> interface and default EmbeddedPortletHeaderResponse
> To be able to support header contributions on different portals, the 
> IPortletHeaderResponse interface will allow to abstract out how header 
> contributions are written to the response.
> A default 
> org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.portlet.EmbeddedPortletHeaderResponse 
> implementation will be provided which should work on all portals and 
> which will  use DHTML/javascript to link in external CSS and javascript 
> libraries and attach bodyOnload handlers.
> But, I'd also want to support portals which allow direct header 
> contributions (like Jetspeed-2). For this, a custom 
> IPortletHeaderResponse implementation will optionally be loaded by 
> WicketPortlet and passed on to WicketPortletFilter similar as done with 
> the IPortletResourceURLFactory.
> Note: as I said above, I regrettably expect this one feature not going 
> to be properly/fully supported by Portlet API 2.0 :(
> So, this currently covers my plan d) proposal for Wicket portlet support.
> Anyone interested, and still with me at the end of this very long mail, 
> please take a shot at it and shoot holes in it as much as you can :)
> I'll continue with my implementation based on this proposal and will 
> keep you all posted about my progress!
> Thanks for keeping up this far :)
> Regards, Ate

Re: A new proposal for Wicket Portlet support

Posted by dgh1 <>.
Not sure exactly where to get this information regarding jsr 286 support but
according to PortletsInAction by manning

 "As of Wicket 1.4.9, WicketPortlet doesn’t support use of public render
and portlet events, which is required for inter-portlet communication. If
you want to use
inter-portlet communication with your Wicket portlets, then you may have to
wait till
Wicket 1.5 is released. Please check official Wicket website for latest
updates on support
of portlet events and public render parameters."

Is inter-portlet communication being supported in 1.5, if so is there any
example code I would like to try out on the 1.5 M1 release if that is
currently supporting inter-portlet communications.


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