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Posted to by fractals <> on 2001/05/20 23:57:21 UTC

starter help needed

Hi everyone,

I have put several hours of my week-end to profit for understanding axis and
making plans for what I intend to do. Anyway, I haven't managed to run the
echo sample, in the total absence of documentation about the
deploy.xml/undeploy.xml structure. Could someone please tell me how that
works ?
Now, here's what I've done so far:

written an EchoService (can't understand why it's not in the cvs...)

public class EchoService {

    public String echoString ( String s ) {
        System.out.println ( "echoing string: " + s );
        return s;

    public String [] echoStringArray ( String [] sa ) {
        System.out.println ( "echoing string array: " + sa );
        return sa;

  etc, etc...

written a deploy.xml (tried several variants):

  <handler name="authen"
class="org.apache.axis.handlers.SimpleAuthenticationHandler" />
  <handler name="author"
class="org.apache.axis.handlers.SimpleAuthorizationHandler" />
  <chain   name="checks"  flow="authen,author" />
  <chain   name="stock"   flow="checks,RPCDispatcher" />

  <service name="urn:echos" pivot="service_echo" >
    <option name="className" value="samples.echo.EchoService" />
    <option name="methodName" value="echoStringArray" />

  <service name="urn:echos2" pivot="service_echo" >
    <option name="className" value="samples.echo.EchoService" />
    <option name="methodName" value="echoString" />


I also tried an undeploy.xml and modified the TestClient to take into
account the different variants.

So far, I've only managed to get one of the methods working at a time
(echoString or echoStringArray or ..., but not everyone of them)

I would greatly appreciate help about the meaning of "pivot", "chain", the
reason why a namespace has to be specified on method invocation and what are
the meanings of HTTPCall's constructor's parameters.

