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Posted to by "Gerdes, Mike" <> on 2006/02/01 09:42:29 UTC

problem with activemq?


I send a email here and saying that I have a problem with running two brokers, that don't register/find the services of the other. I think the problem is with the activemq4.0 and wanted to know if this is correct or if I got something worng.

Here is a link to the error:

Here is the error message that I got, when starting two JMS flows:

WARN - DemandForwardingBridge.serviceRemoteCommand(232) | Unexpected remote comm
and: ConnectionError {commandId=2, responseRequired=false, connectionId=null, ex
ception=javax.jms.InvalidClientIDException: No clientID specified for connection

And here is again the error message when I call a remote service:

WARN - Broker.resolveAddress(334) | ServiceName ({}fi
leSender) specified for routing, but can't find it registered
ERROR - FilePoller.processFileAndDelete(193) | Failed to process file: inbox\ser
vicemix2.xml. Reason: javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException: Failed to resolve
endpoint: org.apache.servicemix.jbi.NoServiceAvailableException: Cannot find an
instance of the service: {}fileSender
javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException: Failed to resolve endpoint: org.apache.s
ervicemix.jbi.NoServiceAvailableException: Cannot find an instance of the servic
e: {}fileSender

SO is my assumption right that this is a activemq 4.0 error and it prevents me from using a remote broker?

And if this is just a activemq 4.0 error, can I savely downgrade to actviemq 3.x?



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Re: problem with activemq?

Posted by Guillaume Nodet <>.
AFAIK, the error you pointed is not the root cause of the problem.
But currently, the clustered flows do not really work with AMQ 4.
We are working on the issue and you can follow progress at
It should be fixed in a couple of days.

Guillaume Nodet

Gerdes, Mike wrote:

>I send a email here and saying that I have a problem with running two brokers, that don't register/find the services of the other. I think the problem is with the activemq4.0 and wanted to know if this is correct or if I got something worng.
>Here is a link to the error:
>Here is the error message that I got, when starting two JMS flows:
>WARN - DemandForwardingBridge.serviceRemoteCommand(232) | Unexpected remote comm
>and: ConnectionError {commandId=2, responseRequired=false, connectionId=null, ex
>ception=javax.jms.InvalidClientIDException: No clientID specified for connection
> request}
>And here is again the error message when I call a remote service:
>WARN - Broker.resolveAddress(334) | ServiceName ({}fi
>leSender) specified for routing, but can't find it registered
>ERROR - FilePoller.processFileAndDelete(193) | Failed to process file: inbox\ser
>vicemix2.xml. Reason: javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException: Failed to resolve
>endpoint: org.apache.servicemix.jbi.NoServiceAvailableException: Cannot find an
>instance of the service: {}fileSender
>javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException: Failed to resolve endpoint: org.apache.s
>ervicemix.jbi.NoServiceAvailableException: Cannot find an instance of the servic
>e: {}fileSender
>SO is my assumption right that this is a activemq 4.0 error and it prevents me from using a remote broker?
>And if this is just a activemq 4.0 error, can I savely downgrade to actviemq 3.x?
>This mail has originated outside your organization, either from an external partner or the Global Internet. Keep this in mind if you answer this message.