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Posted to by xieling <> on 2012/02/20 02:07:28 UTC

How to bind args to the threads?


I am using Thrift 0.8.0 in C++ code, TNonblockingServer with ThreadManager, which processes MyService. But there're some other objects(like DB connectors) will be used in MyServiceHanler, so one object(like DB connector) for each thread is best of all, while there's only one ServiceHandler.

My sample code is listed below, testHandler::sleep want an DB connector owned by the thread from which is processed, so How can i got it? 
Is there any way to pass args to the threads, or do you have any other solutions?

Thank you very much!

File test.thrift:
service test {
    bool sleep(1:i32 time);

File TestCppServer.cpp:

#include "test.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
#include <server/TNonblockingServer.h>
#include <transport/TServerSocket.h>
#include <transport/TBufferTransports.h>

#include <concurrency/ThreadManager.h>
#include <concurrency/PosixThreadFactory.h>

#include "unistd.h"
//#include <arpa/inet.h>

using namespace ::apache::thrift;
using namespace ::apache::thrift::protocol;
using namespace ::apache::thrift::transport;
using namespace ::apache::thrift::server;
using namespace ::apache::thrift::concurrency;

using boost::shared_ptr;

class testHandler : virtual public testIf {
  testHandler() {
    printf("Server is on!");
      // Your initialization goes here

  bool sleep(const int32_t time) {
    return true;


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int port = 9090;
    shared_ptr<testHandler> handler(new testHandler());
    shared_ptr<TProcessor> processor(new testProcessor(handler));
    shared_ptr<TProtocolFactory> protocolFactory(new TBinaryProtocolFactory());

    shared_ptr<ThreadManager> threadManager = ThreadManager::newSimpleThreadManager(5);
    shared_ptr<PosixThreadFactory> threadFactory = shared_ptr<PosixThreadFactory>(new PosixThreadFactory());
    TNonblockingServer server(processor, protocolFactory, port, threadManager);

    return 0;

Xie Ling