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[2/3] incubator-predictionio git commit: [PIO-40] Remove docs/manual/obsolete/*
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index 75a1f8e..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/obsolete/tutorials/enginebuilders/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-title: Building the "HelloWorld" Engine
-# Building the "HelloWorld" Engine
-This is a step-by-step guide on building your first predictive engine on
-PredictionIO. The engine will use historical temperature data to predict the
-temperature of a certain day in a week.
-> You need to build PredictionIO from source in order to build your own engine.
-Please follow instructions to build from source
-Completed source code can also be found at
-`$PIO_HOME/examples/scala-local-helloworld` and
-`$PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-helloworld`, where `$PIO_HOME` is the root
-directory of the PredictionIO source code tree.
-## Data Set
-This engine will read a historial daily temperatures as training data set. A very simple data set is prepared for you.
-First, create a directory somewhere and copy the data set over. Replace `path/to/data.csv` with your path which stores the training data.
-$ cp $PIO_HOME/examples/data/helloworld/data1.csv path/to/data.csv
-## 1. Create a new Engine
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio new HelloWorld
-$ cd HelloWorld
-A new engine project directory `HelloWorld` is created. You should see the following files being created inside this new project directory:
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Scala" data-lang="scala">
-You can find the Scala engine template in <code>src/main/scala/Engine.scala</code>. Please follow the instructions below to edit this file.
-  </div>
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-The template is created for Scala codes. For Java, need to do the following:
-Under <code>HelloWorld</code> directory:
-$ rm -rf src/main/scala
-$ mkdir -p src/main/java
-  </div>
-## 2. Define Data Types
-### Define Training Data
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Scala" data-lang="scala">
-Edit <code>src/main/scala/Engine.scala</code>:
-class MyTrainingData(
-  val temperatures: List[(String, Double)]
-) extends Serializable
-  </div>
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-Create a new file <code>src/main/java/</code>:
-package myorg;
-import java.util.List;
-public class MyTrainingData implements Serializable {
-  List<DayTemperature> temperatures;
-  public MyTrainingData(List<DayTemperature> temperatures) {
-    this.temperatures = temperatures;
-  }
-  public static class DayTemperature implements Serializable {
-    String day;
-    Double temperature;
-    public DayTemperature(String day, Double temperature) {
- = day;
-      this.temperature = temperature;
-    }
-  }
-  </div>
-### Define Query
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Scala" data-lang="scala">
-Edit <code>src/main/scala/Engine.scala</code>:
-class MyQuery(
-  val day: String
-) extends Serializable
-  </div>
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-Create a new file <code>src/main/java/</code>:
-package myorg;
-public class MyQuery implements Serializable {
-  String day;
-  public MyQuery(String day) {
- = day;
-  }
-  </div>
-### Define Model
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Scala" data-lang="scala">
-Edit <code>src/main/scala/Engine.scala</code>:
-import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
-class MyModel(
-  val temperatures: HashMap[String, Double]
-) extends Serializable {
-  override def toString = temperatures.toString
-  </div>
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-Create a new file <code>src/main/java/</code>:
-package myorg;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class MyModel implements Serializable {
-  Map<String, Double> temperatures;
-  public MyModel(Map<String, Double> temperatures) {
-    this.temperatures = temperatures;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    return temperatures.toString();
-  }
-  </div>
-### Define Predicted Result
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Scala" data-lang="scala">
-Edit <code>src/main/scala/Engine.scala</code>:
-class MyPredictedResult(
-  val temperature: Double
-) extends Serializable
-  </div>
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-Create a new file <code>src/main/java/</code>:
-package myorg;
-public class MyPredictedResult implements Serializable {
-  Double temperature;
-  public MyPredictedResult(Double temperature) {
-    this.temperature = temperature;
-  }
-  </div>
-## 3. Implement the Data Source
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Scala" data-lang="scala">
-Edit <code>src/main/scala/Engine.scala</code>:
-class MyDataSource extends LDataSource[EmptyDataSourceParams, EmptyDataParams,
-                                MyTrainingData, MyQuery, EmptyActualResult] {
-  override def readTraining(): MyTrainingData = {
-    val lines = Source.fromFile("path/to/data.csv").getLines()
- { line =>
-        val data = line.split(",")
-        (data(0), data(1).toDouble)
-      }
-    new MyTrainingData(lines)
-  }
-  </div>
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-Create a new file <code>src/main/java/</code>:
-package myorg;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-public class MyDataSource extends LJavaDataSource<
-  EmptyDataSourceParams, EmptyDataParams, MyTrainingData, MyQuery, EmptyActualResult> {
-  @Override
-  public MyTrainingData readTraining() {
-    List<MyTrainingData.DayTemperature> temperatures =
-                  new ArrayList<MyTrainingData.DayTemperature>();
-    try {
-      BufferedReader reader =
-                    new BufferedReader(new FileReader("path/to/data.csv"));
-      String line;
-      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
-        String[] tokens = line.split(",");
-        temperatures.add(
-          new MyTrainingData.DayTemperature(tokens[0],
-                            Double.parseDouble(tokens[1])));
-      }
-      reader.close();
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      System.exit(1);
-    }
-    return new MyTrainingData(temperatures);
-  }
-  </div>
-**NOTE**: You need to update the `path/to/data.csv` in this code with the correct path that store the training data.
-## 4. Implement an Algorithm
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Scala" data-lang="scala">
-Edit <code>src/main/scala/Engine.scala</code>:
-class MyAlgorithm extends LAlgorithm[EmptyAlgorithmParams, MyTrainingData,
-  MyModel, MyQuery, MyPredictedResult] {
-  override
-  def train(pd: MyTrainingData): MyModel = {
-    // calculate average value of each day
-    val average = pd.temperatures
-      .groupBy(_._1) // group by day
-      .mapValues{ list =>
-        val tempList = // get the temperature
-        tempList.sum / tempList.size
-      }
-    // trait Map is not serializable, use concrete class HashMap
-    new MyModel(HashMap[String, Double]() ++ average)
-  }
-  override
-  def predict(model: MyModel, query: MyQuery): MyPredictedResult = {
-    val temp = model.temperatures(
-    new MyPredictedResult(temp)
-  }
-  </div>
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-Create a new file <code>src/main/java/</code>:
-package myorg;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-public class MyAlgorithm extends LJavaAlgorithm<
-  EmptyAlgorithmParams, MyTrainingData, MyModel, MyQuery, MyPredictedResult> {
-  @Override
-  public MyModel train(MyTrainingData data) {
-    Map<String, Double> sumMap = new HashMap<String, Double>();
-    Map<String, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
-    // calculate sum and count for each day
-    for (MyTrainingData.DayTemperature temp : data.temperatures) {
-      Double sum = sumMap.get(;
-      Integer count = countMap.get(;
-      if (sum == null) {
-        sumMap.put(, temp.temperature);
-        countMap.put(, 1);
-      } else {
-        sumMap.put(, sum + temp.temperature);
-        countMap.put(, count + 1);
-      }
-    }
-    // calculate the average
-    Map<String, Double> averageMap = new HashMap<String, Double>();
-    for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : sumMap.entrySet()) {
-      String day = entry.getKey();
-      Double average = entry.getValue() / countMap.get(day);
-      averageMap.put(day, average);
-    }
-    return new MyModel(averageMap);
-  }
-  @Override
-  public MyPredictedResult predict(MyModel model, MyQuery query) {
-    Double temp = model.temperatures.get(;
-    return new MyPredictedResult(temp);
-  }
-  </div>
-## 5. Implement EngineFactory
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Scala" data-lang="scala">
-Edit <code>src/main/scala/Engine.scala</code>:
-object MyEngineFactory extends IEngineFactory {
-  override
-  def apply() = {
-    /* SimpleEngine only requires one DataSouce and one Algorithm */
-    new SimpleEngine(
-      classOf[MyDataSource],
-      classOf[MyAlgorithm]
-    )
-  }
-  </div>
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-Create a new file <code>src/main/java/</code>:
-package myorg;
-public class MyEngineFactory implements IJavaEngineFactory {
-  public JavaSimpleEngine<MyTrainingData, EmptyDataParams, MyQuery, MyPredictedResult,
-    EmptyActualResult> apply() {
-    return new JavaSimpleEngineBuilder<MyTrainingData, EmptyDataParams,
-      MyQuery, MyPredictedResult, EmptyActualResult> ()
-      .dataSourceClass(MyDataSource.class)
-      .preparatorClass() // Use default Preparator
-      .addAlgorithmClass("", MyAlgorithm.class)
-      .servingClass() // Use default Serving
-      .build();
-  }
-  </div>
-## 6. Define engine.json
-You should see an engine.json created as follows:
-  "id": "helloworld",
-  "version": "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT",
-  "name": "helloworld",
-  "engineFactory": "myorg.MyEngineFactory"
-If you follow this Hello World Engine tutorial and didn't modify any of the class and package name (`myorg`). You don't need to update this file.
-## 7. Define Parameters
-You can safely delete the file `params/datasoruce.json` because this Hello World Engine doesn't take any parameters.
-$ rm params/datasource.json
-# Deploying the "HelloWorld" Engine Instance
-After the new engine is built, it is time to deploy an engine instance of it.
-## 1. Register engine:
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio register
-This command will compile the engine source code and build the necessary binary.
-## 2. Train:
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio train
-Example output:
-2014-09-18 15:44:57,568 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at Workflow.scala:677, took 0.138356 s
-2014-09-18 15:44:57,757 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: zdoo7SGAT2GVX8dMJFzT5w
-This command produce an Engine Instance, which can be deployed.
-## 3. Deploy:
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio deploy
-You should see the following if the engine instance is deploy sucessfully:
-INFO] [10/13/2014 18:11:09.721] [] [akka://pio-server/user/IO-HTTP/listener-0] Bound to localhost/
-[INFO] [10/13/2014 18:11:09.724] [] [akka://pio-server/user/master] Bind successful. Ready to serve.
-Do not kill the deployed Engine Instance. You can retrieve the prediction by sending HTTP request to the engine instance.
-Open another terminal to execute the following:
-Retrieve temperature prediction for Monday:
-$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "day": "Mon" }' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-You should see the following output:
-You can send another query to retrieve prediction. For example, retrieve temperature prediction for Tuesday:
-$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "day": "Tue" }' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-You should see the following output:
-# Re-training The Engine
-Let's say you have collected more historial temperature data and want to re-train the Engine with updated data. You can simply execute `pio train` and `pio deploy` again.
-Another temperature data set is prepared for you. Run the following to update your data with this new data set. Replace the `path/to/data.csv` with your path used in the steps above.
-$ cp $PIO_HOME/examples/data/helloworld/data2.csv path/to/data.csv
-In another terminal, go to the `HelloWorld` engine directory. Execute `pio train` and `deploy` again to deploy the latest instance trained with the new data. It would automatically kill the old running engine instance.
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio train
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio deploy
-Retrieve temperature prediction for Monday again:
-$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "day": "Mon" }' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-You should see the following output:
-Check out [Java Parallel Helloworld tutorial](parallel-helloworld.html)
-if you are interested how things are done on the parallel side.
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index cd30703..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/obsolete/tutorials/enginebuilders/
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-title: Building the Java Parallel "HelloWorld" Engine
-# Building the Java Parallel "HelloWorld" Engine
-This is similar to the [HelloWorld](local-helloworld.html) engine tutorial.
-The engine will use historical temperature data to predict the temperature of
-a certain day in a week. We assume you have gone through tutorial for the
-local version.
-> You need to build PredictionIO from source in order to build your own engine.
-Please follow instructions to build from source
-Completed source code can also be found at
-`$PIO_HOME/examples/java-parallel-helloworld`, where `$PIO_HOME` is the root
-directory of the PredictionIO source code tree.
-## 1. Define Data Types
-### Define Training Data
-Training data in this case is of type `JavaPairRDD<String, Float>` where
-`String` holds the day and `Float` holds the temperature:
-<div class="tabs">
-<div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-JavaPairRDD<String, Float> readings;
-  </div>
-### Define Prepared Data
-We convert the temperatures from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, so
-Prepared Data also has type `JavaPairRDD<String, Float>`
-### Define Query
-This is the same as the local counterpart.
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-public class Query implements Serializable {
-  String day;
-  public Query(String day) {
- = day;
-  }
-  </div>
-### Define Model
-Our Model is of the same type as the Training Data, i.e.
-`JavaPairRDD<String, Float>`. To have it output the contents instead of an
-address when we do `toString()`, we override it:
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-public JavaPairRDD<String, Float> temperatures;
-public String toString() {
-  boolean longList = temperatures.count() > LIST_THRESHOLD ? true : false;
-  List<Tuple2<String, Float>> readings =
-    temperatures.take(longList ? LIST_THRESHOLD : (int) temperatures.count());
-  StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
-  builder.append("(");
-  boolean first = true;
-  for (Tuple2<String, Float> reading : readings) {
-    if (!first) {
-      builder.append(", ");
-    } else {
-      first = false;
-    }
-    builder.append(reading);
-  }
-  if (longList) {
-    builder.append(", ...");
-  }
-  builder.append(")");
-  return builder.toString();
-  </div>
-### Define Prediction Result
-Prediction result is simply a `Float`.
-## 2. Implement the Data Source
-Only scala and spark related imports are shown; refer to the source code for
-the whole thing.
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-import scala.Tuple2;
-import scala.Tuple3;
-public class DataSource extends PJavaDataSource<
-  EmptyParams, Object, JavaPairRDD<String, Float>, Query, Object> {
-  @Override
-  public Iterable<Tuple3<Object, JavaPairRDD<String, Float>, JavaPairRDD<Query, Object>>>
-      read(JavaSparkContext jsc) {
-    JavaPairRDD<String, Float> readings = jsc.textFile("path/to/data.csv")
-      .mapToPair(new PairFunction<String, String, Float>() {
-        @Override
-        public Tuple2 call(String line) {
-          String[] tokens = line.split("[\t,]");
-          Tuple2 reading = null;
-          try {
-            reading = new Tuple2(
-              tokens[0],
-              Float.parseFloat(tokens[1]));
-          } catch (Exception e) {
-            logger.error("Can't parse reading file. Caught Exception: " + e.getMessage());
-            System.exit(1);
-          }
-          return reading;
-        }
-      });
-    List<Tuple3<Object, JavaPairRDD<String, Float>, JavaPairRDD<Query, Object>>> data =
-      new ArrayList<>();
-    data.add(new Tuple3(
-      null,
-      readings,
-      jsc.parallelizePairs(new ArrayList<Tuple2<Query, Object>>())
-    ));
-    return data;
-  }
-  </div>
-## 3. Implement the Preparator
-As mentioned above, we convert the scale from Fahrenheit to Celsius:
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-public class Preparator extends
-  PJavaPreparator<EmptyParams, JavaPairRDD<String, Float>, JavaPairRDD<String, Float>> {
-  @Override
-  public JavaPairRDD<String, Float> prepare(JavaSparkContext jsc,
-      JavaPairRDD<String, Float> data) {
-    return data.mapValues(new Function<Float, Float>() {
-        @Override
-        public Float call(Float temperature) {
-          // let's convert it to degrees Celsius
-          return (temperature - 32.0f) / 9 * 5;
-        }
-      });
-  }
-  </div>
-## 4. Implement an Algorithm
-We need to implement `train()`, `batchPredict()` and `predict()`. We create
-a `ReadingAndCount` class for sake of doing aggregation (taking average).
-<div class="tabs">
-<div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-import scala.Tuple2;
-public class Algorithm extends PJavaAlgorithm<
-  EmptyParams, JavaPairRDD<String, Float>, Model, Query, Float> {
-  final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Algorithm.class);
-  public static class ReadingAndCount implements Serializable {
-    public float reading;
-    public int count;
-    public ReadingAndCount(float reading, int count) {
-      this.reading = reading;
-      this.count = count;
-    }
-    public ReadingAndCount(float reading) {
-      this(reading, 1);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String toString() {
-      return "(reading = " + reading + ", count = " + count + ")";
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Model train(JavaPairRDD<String, Float> data) {
-    // take averages just like the local helloworld program
-    JavaPairRDD<String, Float> averages = data.mapValues(
-      new Function<Float, ReadingAndCount>() {
-        @Override
-        public ReadingAndCount call(Float reading) {
-          return new ReadingAndCount(reading);
-        }
-      }).reduceByKey(
-      new Function2<ReadingAndCount, ReadingAndCount, ReadingAndCount>() {
-        @Override
-        public ReadingAndCount call(ReadingAndCount rac1, ReadingAndCount rac2) {
-          return new ReadingAndCount(rac1.reading + rac2.reading, rac1.count + rac2.count);
-        }
-      }).mapValues(
-      new Function<ReadingAndCount, Float>() {
-        @Override
-        public Float call(ReadingAndCount rac) {
-          return rac.reading / rac.count;
-        }
-      });
-    return new Model(averages);
-  }
-  @Override
-  public JavaPairRDD<Object, Float> batchPredict(Model model,
-      JavaPairRDD<Object, Query> indexedQueries) {
-    return model.temperatures.join(indexedQueries.mapToPair(
-        new PairFunction<Tuple2<Object, Query>, String, Object>() {
-          @Override   // reverse the query tuples, then join
-          public Tuple2 call(Tuple2<Object, Query> tuple) {
-            return new Tuple2(, tuple._1);
-          }
-        })).mapToPair(
-        new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, Tuple2<Float, Object>>, Object, Float>() {
-          @Override   // map result back to predictions, dropping the day
-          public Tuple2 call(Tuple2<String, Tuple2<Float, Object>> tuple) {
-            return new Tuple2(tuple._2._2, tuple._2._1);
-          }
-        });
-  }
-  @Override
-  public Float predict(Model model, Query query) {
-    final String day =;
-    List<Float> reading = model.temperatures.lookup(day);
-    return reading.get(0);
-  }
-  </div>
-## 5. Implement the Serving
-Since there is only one algorithm, there is one prediction, so we just extract
-it out. Note that we are using LJavaServing even though other stages are done
-in a parallel manner.
-<div class="tabs">
-  <div data-tab="Java" data-lang="java">
-public class Serving extends LJavaServing<EmptyParams, Query, Float> {
-  @Override
-  public Float serve(Query query, Iterable<Float> predictions) {
-    return predictions.iterator().next();
-  }
-  </div>
-# Deploying the "HelloWorld" Engine Instance
-After the new engine is built, it is time to deploy an engine instance of it.
-Prepare training data:
-$ cp $PIO_HOME/examples/data/helloworld/data1.csv path/to/data.csv
-Register engine:
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio register
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio train
-Example output:
-2014-10-06 16:43:01,820 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: count at Workflow.scala:527, took 0.016301 s
-2014-10-06 16:43:01,820 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - DP 0 has 0 rows
-2014-10-06 16:43:01,821 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Metrics is null. Stop here
-2014-10-06 16:43:01,933 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: KzBHWQTsR9afg3_2mb5GfQ
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio deploy
-Retrieve prediction:
-$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "day": "Mon" }' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-Retrieve prediction:
-$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "day": "Tue" }' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-## Re-training
-Re-train with new data:
-$ cp $PIO_HOME/examples/data/helloworld/data2.csv path/to/data.csv
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio train
-$ $PIO_HOME/bin/pio deploy
-Retrieve prediction:
-$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "day": "Mon" }' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
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index 4a09a3a..0000000
--- a/docs/manual/obsolete/tutorials/enginebuilders/stepbystep/
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-title: Serving - Combining Algorithms
-# Serving - Combining Multiple Algorithms
-At this point you have already had a sense of implementing, deploying, and
-evaluating a recommendation system with collaborative filtering techniques.
-However, this technique suffers from a cold-start problem where new items have
-no user action history. In this tutorial, we introduce a feature-based
-recommendation technique to remedy this problem by constructing a user-profile
-for each user. In addition, Prediction.IO infrastructure allows you to combine
-  multiple recommendation systems together in a single engine. For a
-  history-rich items, the engine can use results from the collaborative
-  filtering algorithm, and for history-absent items, the engine returns
-  prediction from the feature-based recommendation algorithm. Moreover, we can
-  ensemble multiple predictions too.
-This tutorial guides you toward incorporating a feature-based algorithm into
-the existing CF-based recommendation engine introduced in tutorials 1, 2 and 3.
-All code can be found in the
-## Overview
-In the previous tutorial, we have covered `DataSource` and `Algorithm` as
-crucial parts of an engine. A complete engine workflow looks like the following
-             (TrainingData)
-                   v
-           Preparator.prepare
-             (PreparedData)
-                   v
-     +-------------+-------------+
-     v             v             v
-Algo1.train   Algo2.train   Algo3.train
-  (Model1)      (Model2)      (Model3)
-     v             v             v
-Algo1.predict Algo2.predict Algo3.predict <- (Query)
-(Prediction1) (Prediction2) (Prediction3)
-     v             v             v
-     +-------------+-------------+
-                   v
-              Serving.serve
-              (Prediction)
-`Preparator` is the class which preprocess the training data which will be used
-by multiple algorithms. For example, it can be a NLP processor which generates
-useful n-grams, or it can be some business logics.
-Engine is designed to support multiple algorithms. They need to take the same
-`PreparedData` as input for model construction, but each algorithm can have its
-own model class). Algorithm takes a common `Query` as input and return a
-`Prediction` as output.
-Finally, the serving layer `Serving` combines result from multiple algorithms,
-and possible apply some final business logic before returning.
-This tutorial implements a simple `Preparator` for feature generation, a
-feature based algorithm, and a serving layer which ensembles multiple
-## DataSource
-We have to amend the
-to take into account more information from MovieLens, as well as adding some
-fake data for demonstration. We use the genre of movies as its feature vector.
-This part is simliar to earlier tutorials.
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio run -- -- data/ml-100k/
-where `$PIO_HOME` is the root directory of the PredictionIO code tree.
-You should see
-2014-09-30 17:16:45,515 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at Workflow.scala:388, took 0.020437 s
-2014-09-30 17:16:45,516 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Data Set 0
-2014-09-30 17:16:45,516 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Params: Empty
-2014-09-30 17:16:45,517 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - TrainingData:
-2014-09-30 17:16:45,517 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - [TrainingData: rating.size=100003 genres.size=19 itemInfo.size=1685 userInfo.size=946]
-2014-09-30 17:16:45,517 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - TestingData: (count=0)
-2014-09-30 17:16:45,518 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Data source complete
-2014-09-30 17:16:45,518 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Preparator is null. Stop here
-## Preparator
-As we have read the raw data from `DataSource`, we can *preprocess* the raw
-data into a more useable form. In this tutorial, we generate a feature vector
-for movies based on its genre.
-We need to implement two classes: `Preparator` and `PreparedData`.
-`Preparator` is a class implementing a method `prepare` which transform
-`TrainingData` into `PreparedData`; `PreparedData` is the output and the object
-being passed to `Algorithms` for training. `PreparedData` can be anything, very
-often it is equivalent to `TrainingData`, or subclass of it. Here,
-is a subclass of `TrainingData`,
-it adds a map from items (movies) to feature vectors. The merit of using
-subclass is that, it makes the original `TrainingData` easily accessible.
-class simply examines item info and extract a feature vector from item info.
-After implementing these two classes, you can add them to the workflow and try
-out if things are really working. Add the preparator class to the engine
-builder, as shown in
-return new JavaEngineBuilder<
-    TrainingData, EmptyParams, PreparedData, Query, Float, Object> ()
-    .dataSourceClass(DataSource.class)
-    .preparatorClass(Preparator.class)  // Add the new preparator
-    .build();
-And you can test it out with
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio run -- -- data/ml-100k/
-You should see
-2014-09-30 17:28:37,335 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at WorkflowUtils.scala:179, took 0.209634 s
-2014-09-30 17:28:37,335 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Prepared Data Set 0
-2014-09-30 17:28:37,336 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Params: Empty
-2014-09-30 17:28:37,336 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - PreparedData: [TrainingData: rating.size=100003 genres.size=19 itemInfo.size=1685 userInfo.size=946 itemFeatures.size=1685 featureCount=19]
-2014-09-30 17:28:37,336 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Preparator complete
-2014-09-30 17:28:37,337 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Algo model construction
-2014-09-30 17:28:37,337 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - AlgoList has zero length. Stop here
-## Feature-Based Algorithm
-This algorithm creates a feature profile for every user using the feature
-vector in `PreparedData`. More specifically, if a user has rated 5 stars on
-*Toy Story* but 1 star on *The Crucible*, the user profile would reflect that
-this user likes comedy and animation but dislikes drama.
-The movie lens rating is an integer ranged from 1 to 5, we incorporate it into
-the algorithm with the following parameters:
-public class FeatureBasedAlgorithmParams implements JavaParams {
-  public final double min;
-  public final double max;
-  public final double drift;
-  public final double scale;
-  ...
-We only consider rating from `min` to `max`, and we normalize the rating with
-this function: `f(rating) = (rating - drift) * scale`. As each movie is
-associated with a binary feature vector, the user feature vector is essentially
-a rating-weighted sum of all movies (s)he rated.  After that, we normalize all
-user feature vector by L-inf norm, this will ensure that user feature is bounded
-by [-1, 1]. In laymen terms, -1 indicates that the user hates that feature,
-whilst 1 suggests the opposite.  The following is a snippet of the [actual
-`data` is an instance of `PreparedData` that is passed as an argument to the
-`train` function.
-for (Integer uid : data.userInfo.keySet()) {
-  userFeatures.put(uid, new ArrayRealVector(data.featureCount));
-  userActions.put(uid, 0);
-for (TrainingData.Rating rating : data.ratings) {
-  final int uid = rating.uid;
-  final int iid = rating.iid;
-  final double rate = rating.rating;
-  // Skip features outside the range.
-  if (!(params.min <= rate && rate <= params.max)) continue;
-  final double actualRate = (rate - params.drift) * params.scale;
-  final RealVector userFeature = userFeatures.get(uid);
-  final RealVector itemFeature = data.itemFeatures.get(iid);
-  userFeature.combineToSelf(1, actualRate, itemFeature);
-// Normalize userFeatures by l-inf-norm
-for (Integer uid : userFeatures.keySet()) {
-  final RealVector feature = userFeatures.get(uid);
-  feature.mapDivideToSelf(feature.getLInfNorm());
-illustrates the engine factory up to this point. We use a default serving class
-as we only have one algorithm. (We will demonstrate how to combine prediction
-results from multiple algorithms later in this tutorial). We are able to define
-[an end-to-end
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio run -- -- data/ml-100k/
-## Deployment
-We can deploy this feature based engine just like tutorial 1. We have an [engine
-and we register it:
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio register --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/single-algo-engine.json
-The script automatically recompiles updated code. You will need to re-run this
-script if you have update any code in your engine.
-### Specify Engine Parameters
-We use the following JSON files for deployment.
-1.  [datasource.json](
-    ```json
-    {
-      "dir" :  "data/ml-100k/",
-      "addFakeData": true
-    }
-    ```
-2.  [algorithms.json](
-    ```json
-    [
-      {
-        "name": "featurebased",
-        "params": {
-          "min": 1.0,
-          "max": 5.0,
-          "drift": 3.0,
-          "scale": 0.5
-        }
-      }
-    ]
-    ```
-    Recall that we support multiple algorithms. This JSON file is actually a
-    list of *name-params* pair where the *name* is the identifier of algorithm
-    defined in EngineFactory, and the *params* value corresponds to the algorithm
-    parameter(s).
-### Start training
-The following command kick-starts the training, which will return an id when
-the training is completed.
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio train \
-  --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/single-algo-engine.json \
-  --params-path src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/single-jsons
-### Deploy server
-As the training is completed, you can deploy a server
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio deploy --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/single-algo-engine.json
-### Try a few things
-Fake user -1 (see
-loves action movies. If we pass in item 27 (Bad Boys), we should get a high
-rating (i.e. 1). You can use our script `bin/cjson` to send the JSON request.
-The first parameter is the JSON request, and the second parameter is the server
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/cjson '{"uid": -1, "iid": 27}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-Fake item -2 is a cold item (i.e. has no rating). But from the data, we know
-that it is a movie catagorized under "Action" genre, hence, it should also have
-a high rating with Fake user -1.
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/cjson '{"uid": -1, "iid": -2}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-However, there is nothing we can do with a cold user. Fake user -3 has no
-rating history, we know nothing about him. If we request any rating with fake
-user -3, we will get a NaN.
-TODO: @Donald "NaN is not a valid double value as per JSON specification. To override this behavior, use GsonBuilder.serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() method."
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/cjson '{"uid": -3, "iid": 1}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-## Multiple Algorithms
-We have two algorithms available, one is a collaborative filtering algorithm and
-the other is a feature-based algorithm. Prediction.IO allows you to create an
-engine that ensembles multiple algorithms prediction, you may use feature-based
-algorithm for cold-start items (as CF-based algos cannot handle items with no
-ratings), and use both algorithms for others.
-### Combining Algorithms Output
-is the last step of the pipeline. It takes prediction results from all
-algorithms, combine them and return. In the current case, we take an average of
-all valid (i.e. not NaN) predictions. In the extreme case where all algorithms
-return NaN, we also return NaN. Engine builders need to implement the `serve`
-method. We demonstrate with our case:
-public Float serve(Query query, Iterable<Float> predictions) {
-  float sum = 0.0f;
-  int count = 0;
-  for (Float v: predictions) {
-    if (!v.isNaN()) {
-      sum += v;
-      count += 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return (count == 0) ? Float.NaN : sum / count;
-### Complete Engine Factory
-demonstrates how to specify multiple algorithms in the same engine. When we add
-algorithms to the builder instance, we also need to specify a String which is
-served as the identifier. For example, we use "featurebased" for the
-feature-based algorithm, and "collaborative" for the collaborative-filtering
-public class EngineFactory implements IJavaEngineFactory {
-  public JavaEngine<TrainingData, EmptyParams, PreparedData, Query, Float, Object> apply() {
-    return new JavaEngineBuilder<
-      TrainingData, EmptyParams, PreparedData, Query, Float, Object> ()
-      .dataSourceClass(DataSource.class)
-      .preparatorClass(Preparator.class)
-      .addAlgorithmClass("featurebased", FeatureBasedAlgorithm.class)
-      .addAlgorithmClass("collaborative", CollaborativeFilteringAlgorithm.class)
-      .servingClass(Serving.class)
-      .build();
-  }
-Similar to the earlier example, we need to write [a
-for the engine, and register it with PredictionIO. Here's the content:
-  "id": "",
-  "version": "0.8.2",
-  "name": "FeatureBased Recommendations Engine",
-  "engineFactory": ""
-The following script register the engines. Important to note that, the script
-also copies all related files (jars, resources) of this engine to a permanent
-storage, if you have updated the engine code or add new dependencies, you need
-to rerun this command.
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio register --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/multiple-algo-engine.json
-Now, we can specify the engine instance by passing the set of parameters to the
-engine. Our engine can support multiple algorithms, and in addition, it also
-support multiple instance of the same algorithms. We illustrate with
-  {
-    "name": "featurebased",
-    "params": {
-      "min": 1.0,
-      "max": 5.0,
-      "drift": 3.0,
-      "scale": 0.5
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "featurebased",
-    "params": {
-      "min": 4.0,
-      "max": 5.0,
-      "drift": 3.0,
-      "scale": 0.5
-    }
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "collaborative",
-    "params": {
-      "threshold": 0.2
-    }
-  }
-This JSON contains three algorithm parameters. The first two correspond to the
-feature-based algorithm, and the third corresponds to the collaborative
-filtering algorithm. The first allows all 5 ratings, and the second allows only
-ratings higher than or equals to 4. This gives a bit more weight on the
-high-rating features. Once [all parameter files are
-we can start the training phase and start the API server:
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio train \
-  --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/multiple-algo-engine.json \
-  --params-path src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/jsons
-2014-09-30 21:59:36,256 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at Workflow.scala:695, took 3.961802 s
-2014-09-30 21:59:36,529 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: Bp60PPk4SHqyeDzDPHbv-Q
-$ ../../bin/pio deploy --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial4/multiple-algo-engine.json
-By default, the server starts on port 8000. Open it with your browser and you
-will see all the meta information about this engine instance.
-You can submit various queries to the server and see what you get.
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-title: Data and Algorithm Implementation
-# Create an Engine with Data and Algorithm
-## Step 1. Define the data class type
-For this Item Recommendation Engine, the data class types are defined as the
-- *Training Data (TD)*: List of user ID, item ID and ratings, as defined in
-  ``.
-  ```java
-  public class TrainingData implements Serializable {
-    public List<Rating> ratings;
-    public TrainingData(List<Rating> ratings) {
-      this.ratings = ratings;
-    }
-    public static class Rating implements Serializable {
-      public int uid; // user ID
-      public int iid; // item ID
-      public float rating;
-      public Rating(int uid, int iid, float rating) {
-        this.uid = uid;
-        this.iid = iid;
-        this.rating = rating;
-      }
-  }
-  ```
-- *Input Query (Q)*: User ID and item ID, as defined in the ``.
-  ```java
-  public class Query implements Serializable {
-    public int uid; // user ID
-    public int iid; // item ID
-    public Query(int uid, int iid) {
-      this.uid = uid;
-      this.iid = iid;
-    }
-  }
-  ```
-- *Prediction output (P)*: Predicted preference value. Primitive class `Float`
-  can be used.
-- *Prepared Data (PD)*: Because the algorithm can directly use the
-  `TrainingData`, the same `TrainingData` is used and no need to define
-  *Prepared Data* separately.
-- *Model (M)*: Because it's data type returned by the *Algorithm* component, We
-  will define this when we implement the algorithm.
-- *Actual (A)*: in this tutorial, we are not going to do evaluation which will
-  be explained in later tutorials. We can simply use `Object` type for it.
-As you can see, if the data is simple field, you may use primitive class type
-such as `Integer`, `Float`. If your data contain multiple fields, you may define
-your own class (such as `Query` in this tutorial). The requirement is that the
-data class must implement the `Serializable` interface.
-## Step 2. Implement DataSource
-The *DataSource* component is responsible for reading data from the source (Eg.
-database or text file, etc) and prepare the *Training Data (TD)*.
-In this tutorial, the *DataSource* component needs one parameter which specifies
-the path of file containing the rating data.
-Note that each controller component (*DataSource, Preparator, Algorithm, Serving
-and Metrics*) is restricted to having empty constructor or constructor which
-takes exactly one argument which must implement the
-`` interface.
-We can define the DataSource parameter class as following (in
-public class DataSourceParams implements JavaParams {
-  public String filePath; // file path
-  public DataSourceParams(String path) {
-    this.filePath = path;
-  }
-The *DataSource* component must extend
-public abstract class LJavaDataSource<DSP extends Params,DP,TD,Q,A>
-`LJavaDataSource` stands for *Local Java DataSource*, meaning that it is a Java
-*DataSource* component which can be run in single machine, which requires the
-following type parameters:
-- `DSP`: *DataSource Parameters* class, which is the `DataSourceParams` class we
-  just defined above.
-- `DP`: *Data Parameters* class. It is used to describe the generated *Training
-  Data* and the Test Data *Query and Actual*, which is used by *Metrics* during
-  evaluation. Because we are not going to demonstrate evaluation in this first
-  tutorial. `Object` type can be used.
-- `TD`: *Training Data* class, which is the `TrainingData` class defined in step
-  1.
-- `Q`: Input *Query* class, which is the `Query` class defined in step 1.
-- `A`: *Actual* result class, which is the `Object` class defined in step 1.
-public class DataSource extends LJavaDataSource<
-  DataSourceParams, Object, TrainingData, Query, Object> {
-    // ...
-  }
-The only function you need to implement is `LJavaDataSource`'s `read()` method.
-public abstract Iterable<scala.Tuple3<DP,TD,Iterable<scala.Tuple2<Q,A>>>> read()
-The `read()` method should read data from the source (e.g. database or text
-file, etc.) and return the *Training Data* (`TD`) and *Test Data*
-(`Iterable<scala.Tuple2<Q,A>>`) with a *Data Parameters* (`DP`) associated with
-this *Training and Test Data Set*.
-Note that the `read()` method's return type is `Iterable` because it could
-return one or more of *Training and Test Data Set*. For example, we may want to
-evaluate the engine with multiple iterations of random training and test split.
-In this case, each set corresponds to each split.
-Because we are going to only demonstrate deploying *Engine* in this first
-tutorial, the `read()` will only return one set of *Training Data* and the *Test
-Data* will simply an empty list.
-You could find the implementation of `read()` in ``. It reads
-comma or tab delimited rating file and return `TrainingData`.
-## Step 3. Implement Algorithm
-In this tutorial, a simple item based collaborative filtering algorithm is
-implemented for demonstration purpose. This algorithm computes the item
-similarity score between each item and returns a *Model* which consists of the
-item similarity scores and users' rating history. The item similarity scores and
-users' rating history will be used to compute the predicted rating value of an
-item by the user.
-This algorithm takes a threshold as parameter and discard any item pairs with
-similarity score lower than this threshold. The algorithm parameters class is
-defined in ``:
-public class AlgoParams implements JavaParams {
-  public double threshold;
-  public AlgoParams(double threshold) {
-    this.threshold = threshold;
-  }
-The *Model* generated by the algorithm is defined in ``:
-public class Model implements Serializable {
-  public Map<Integer, RealVector> itemSimilarity;
-  public Map<Integer, RealVector> userHistory;
-  public Model(Map<Integer, RealVector> itemSimilarity,
-    Map<Integer, RealVector> userHistory) {
-    this.itemSimilarity = itemSimilarity;
-    this.userHistory = userHistory;
-  }
-The *Algorithm* component must extend
-public abstract class LJavaAlgorithm<AP extends Params,PD,M,Q,P>
-Similar to `LJavaDataSource`, `LJavaAlgorithm` stands for *Local Java
-Algorithm*, meaning that it is a Java *Algorithm* component which can be run in
-single machine, which requires the following type parameters:
-- `AP`: *Algorithm Parameters* class, which is the `AlgoParams` class we just
-  defined above.
-- `PD`: *Prepared Data* class, which is the same as the `TrainingData` class as
-  described in step 1.
-- `M`: *Model* class, which is the `Model` class defined above.
-- `Q`: Input *Query* class, which is the `Query` class defined in step 1.
-- `P`: *Prediction* output class, which is the `Float` class defined in step 1.
-public class Algorithm extends
-  LJavaAlgorithm<AlgoParams, TrainingData, Model, Query, Float> {
-  // ...
-You need to implement two methods of `LJavaAlgorithm`:
-- `train` method:
-  ```java
-  public abstract M train(PD pd)
-  ```
-The `train` method produces a *Model* of type `M` from *Prepared Data* of type
-- `predict` method:
-  ```java
-  public abstract P predict(M model, Q query)
-  ```
-The `predict` method produces a *Prediction* of type `P` from a *Query* of type
-`Q` and trained *Model* of type `M`.
-You could find the implementation of these methods in ``.
-## Step 4. Implement Engine Factory
-PredictionIO framework requires an *Engine Factory* which returns an *Engine*
-with the controller components defined.
-The *Engine Factory* must implement the
-`` interface and implement the
-`apply()` method (as shown in ``):
-public class EngineFactory implements IJavaEngineFactory {
-  public JavaSimpleEngine<TrainingData, Object, Query, Float, Object> apply() {
-    return new JavaSimpleEngineBuilder<
-      TrainingData, Object, Query, Float, Object> ()
-      .dataSourceClass(DataSource.class)
-      .preparatorClass() // Use default Preparator
-      .addAlgorithmClass("MyRecommendationAlgo", Algorithm.class)
-      .servingClass() // Use default Serving
-      .build();
-  }
-To build an *Engine*, we need to define the class of each component. A
-`JavaEngineBuilder` is used for this purpose. In this tutorial, because the
-*Prepared Data* is the same as *Training Data*, we can use
-As you can see, we specify classes `DataSource` and `Algorithm` we just
-implemented in above steps.
-To deploy engine, we also need a serving layer. For `JavaSimpleEngine` with
-single algorithm, we can use the default *Serving* component by simply calling
-the method `servingClass()` without specifying any class name. Building a custom
-*Serving* components will be explained in later tutorials.
-Note that an *Engine* can contain different algorithms. This will be
-demonstrated in later tutorials.
-The `addAlgorithmClass()` method requires the name of algorithm (
-"MyRecommendationAlgo" in this case) which will be used later when we specify
-the parameters for this algorithm.
-## Step 5. Compile and Register Engine
-We have implemented all the necessary blocks to deploy this Item Recommendation
-Engine. Next, we need to register this Item Recommendation Engine into
-An engine manifest `engine.json` is needed to describe the Engine:
-  "id": "",
-  "version": "0.8.2",
-  "name": "Simple Recommendations Engine",
-  "engineFactory": ""
-The `engineFactory` is the class name of the `EngineFactory` class created
-above. The `id` and `version` will be referenced later when we run the engine.
-Execute the following command to compile and register the engine:
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio register --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/engine.json
-The `register` command takes the engine JSON file (with the `--engine-json`
-parameter). Note that you need to register the engine again if you have modified
-the codes to re-compile them.
-## Step 6. Specify Parameters for the Engine
-Our `DataSource` and `Algorithm` classes require parameters, which can be
-specified with JSON files.
-In this tutorial, the `DataSourceParams` has a parameter which is the file path
-of the ratings file. The JSON is defined as following
-(`params/datasource.json` under `tutorial1/`):
-{ "filePath": "data/ml-100k/" }
-Note that the key name (`filePath`) must be the same as the corresponding field
-name defined in the `DataSourceParams` class.
-For `Algorithms`, we need to define a JSON array (`params/algorithms.json`):
-  {
-    "name": "MyRecommendationAlgo",
-    "params": {
-      "threshold": 0.2
-    }
-  }
-The key `name` is the name of the algorithm which should match the one defined
-in the `EngineFactory` class in above step, which specifies the name of the
-algorithm of the *Engine* we want to deploy. The `params` defines the parameters
-for this algorithm.
-Note that even if your algorithm takes no parameter, you still need to put empty
-JSON `{}`. For example:
-  {
-    "name": "MyAnotherRecommendationAlgo",
-    "params": {}
-  }
-## Step 7. Train Engine and Deploy Server
-Now, we have everything in place. Let's run it!
-We use `../../bin/pio train` to train the *Engine*, which builds and saves the
-algorithm *Model* for serving real time requests.
-Execute the following commands:
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio train \
-  --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/engine.json \
-  --params-path src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/params
-The `--engine-json` points to the JSON file `engine.json`. The `--params-path`
-is the base directory of parameters JSON files.
-When it finishes, you should see the following at the end of terminal output:
-2014-09-30 22:04:57,784 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at Workflow.scala:695, took 4.061274 s
-2014-09-30 22:04:57,984 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: ROSwUHDAQSyYGXs5YG0eQw
-(If you don't see the `Saved engine instance with ID` line, scroll back up to
-look for error messages. Chances are you skipped the step for downloading the
-MovieLens data. Please refer to the [Overview](index.html) section if that is
-the case.)
-Next, execute the `../../bin/pio deploy` command with the returned `ID`:
-$ ../../bin/pio deploy --engine-json src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial1/engine.json
-This will create a server that by default binds to http://localhost:8000. You
-can visit that page in your web browser to check its status.
-Now you can retrive prediction result by sending a HTTP request to the server
-with the `Query` as JSON payload. Remember that our `Query` class is defined
-with `uid` and `iid` fields. The JSON key name must be the same as the field
-names of the `Query` class (`uid` and `iid` in this example).
-For example, to retrieve the predicted preference for item ID 3 by user ID 1,
-run the following in terminal:
-$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"uid": 1, "iid": 3}' http://localhost:8000/queries.json
-You should see the predicted preference value returned:
-Congratulations! Now you have built a prediction engine which uses the trained
-model to serve real-time queries and returns prediction results!
-Now you may want to [test the engine components](testcomponents.html).
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index 3a4612b..0000000
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-title: Evaluation
-# Evaluation
-In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to implement an evaluation *Evaluator*
-component to run *Offline Evaluation* for the *Engine*. We will continue to use
-the Item Recommendation Engine developed in Tutorial1 as example and implement a
-*Evaluator* which computes the Root Mean Square Error.
-## Step 1 - Training and Test Set Split
-To run *Offline Evaluation*, we need *Training* and *Test Set* data. We will
-modify `` to do a random split of the rating data to generate
-the *Test Set*. For demonstration purpose, the modified `` is put
-under directory `tutorial3/`.
-Recall that `` takes the
-following type parameters:
-public abstract class LJavaDataSource<DSP extends Params,DP,TD,Q,A>
-- `DSP`: *DataSource Parameters* class.
-- `DP`: *Data Parameters* class. It is used to describe the generated *Training
-  Data* and the Test Data *Query and Actual*, which is used by *Evaluator* during
-  evaluation.
-- `TD`: *Training Data* class.
-- `Q`: Input *Query* class.
-- `A`: *Actual* result class.
-The *Actual* result is used by *Evaluator* to compare with *Prediciton* outputs to
-compute the score. In this tutorial, the *Actual* result is also the rating
-value, which is `Float` type. Since we don't have any *Data Parameters* defined,
-we can simply use `Object`.
-You can find the implementation in `tutorial3/`:
-public class DataSource extends LJavaDataSource<
-  DataSourceParams, Object, TrainingData, Query, Float> {
-  //...
-  @Override
-  public Iterable<Tuple3<Object, TrainingData, Iterable<Tuple2<Query, Float>>>> read() {
-    // ...
-  }
-As explained in earlier tutorials, the `read()` method should read data from the
-source (e.g. database or text file, etc) and return the *Training Data* (`TD`)
-and *Test Data* (`Iterable<Tuple2<Q, A>>`) with a *Data Parameters* (`DP`) associated
-with this *Training and Test Data Set*.
-Note that the `read()` method's return type is `Iterable` because it could
-return one or more of *Training and Test Data Set*. For example, we may want to
-evaluate the engine with multiple iterations of random training and test data
-split. In this case, each set corresponds to one such random split.
-Note that the *Test Data* is actually an `Iterable` of input *Query* and
-*Actual* result. During evaluation, PredictionIO sends the *Query* to the engine
-and retrieve *Prediction* output, which will be evaluated against the *Actual*
-result by the *Evaluator*.
-## Step 2 - Evaluator
-We will implement a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) evaluator. You can find the
-implementation in ``. The *Evaluator* extends
-``, which requires the following type
-public abstract class JavaEvaluator<EP extends Params,DP,Q,P,A,EU,ES,ER>
-- `EP`: *Evaluator Parameters* class.
-- `DP`: *Data Parameters* class.
-- `Q`: Input *Query* class.
-- `P`: *Prediction* output class.
-- `A`: *Actual* result class.
-- `EU`: *Evaluator Unit* class.
-- `ES`: *Evaluator Set* class.
-- `ER`: *Evaluator Result* class.
-and overrides the following methods:
-public abstract EU evaluateUnit(Q query, P predicted, A actual)
-public abstract ES evaluateSet(DP dataParams, Iterable<EU> evaluationUnits)
-public abstract ER evaluateAll(Iterable<scala.Tuple2<DP,ES>> input)
-The method `computeUnit()` computes the *Evaluator Unit (EU)* for each *Prediction*
-and *Actual* results of the input *Query*.
-For this RMSE evaluator, `evaluateUnit()` returns the square error of each
-predicted rating and actual rating.
-public Double evaluateUnit(Query query, Float predicted, Float actual) {
-"Q: " + query.toString() + " P: " + predicted + " A: " + actual);
-  // return squared error
-  double error;
-  if (predicted.isNaN())
-    error = -actual;
-  else
-    error = predicted - actual;
-  return (error * error);
-The method `evaluateSet()` takes all of the *Evaluator Unit (EU)* of the same set to
-compute the *Evaluator Result (ER)* for this set.
-For this RMSE evaluator, `evaluateSet()` calculates the square root mean of all
-square errors of the same set and then return it.
-public Double evaluateSet(Object dataParams, Iterable<Double> evaluationUnits) {
-  double sum = 0.0;
-  int count = 0;
-  for (double squareError : metricUnits) {
-    sum += squareError;
-    count += 1;
-  }
-  return Math.sqrt(sum / count);
-The method `evaluateAll()` takes the *Evaluator Results* of all sets to do
-a final computation and returns *Multiple Evaluator Result*. PredictionIO will
-display this final *Multiple Evaluator Result* in the terminal.
-In this tutorial, it simply combines all *Evaluator Results* as String and return
-public String evaluateAll(Iterable<Tuple2<Object, Double>> input) {
-  return Arrays.toString(IteratorUtils.toArray(input.iterator()));
-## Step 3 - Run Evaluation
-To run evaluation with metric, simply add the `Evaluator` class to the
-`runEngine()` in `JavaWorkflow.runEngine()` (as shown in ``).
-Because our `Evaluator` class doesn't take parameter, `EmptyParams` class is used.
-  (new EngineFactory()).apply(),
-  engineParams,
-  Evaluator.class,
-  new EmptyParams(),
-  new WorkflowParamsBuilder().batch("MyEngine").verbose(3).build()
-Execute the following command:
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio run -- -- data/test/ratings.csv
-where `$PIO_HOME` is the root directory of the PredictionIO code tree.
-You should see the following output when it finishes running.
-2014-09-30 16:53:55,924 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - completed.
-2014-09-30 16:53:56,044 WARN  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - java.lang.String is not a NiceRendering instance.
-2014-09-30 16:53:56,053 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: nU81XwpjSl-F43-CHgwJZQ
-To view the Evaluator Result (RMSE score), start the dashboard with the `pio dashboard` command:
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio dashboard
-Then point your browser to `localhost:9000` to view the result. You should see the result
-[(null,1.0), (null,3.8078865529319543), (null,1.5811388300841898)]
-in the page.
-## Step 4 - Running with MovieLens 100K data set:
-Run the following to fetch the data set, if you haven't already done so.
-The `ml-100k` will be downloaded into the `data/` directory.
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ./
-Re-run `Runner3` with the `ml-100k` data set:
-$ ../../bin/pio run -- -- `pwd`/data/ml-100k/
-You should see the following output when it finishes running.
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,033 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at Workflow.scala:597, took 0.103821 s
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,033 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - DataSourceParams:
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,033 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - PreparatorParams: Empty
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,034 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Algo: 0 Name: MyRecommendationAlgo Params:
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,034 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - ServingParams: Empty
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,035 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - EvaluatorParams: Empty
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,035 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - [(null,1.052046904037191), (null,1.042766938101085), (null,1.0490312745374106)]
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,035 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - completed.
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,152 WARN  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - java.lang.String is not a NiceRendering instance.
-2014-09-30 17:06:34,160 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Saved engine instance with ID: IjWc8yyDS3-9JyXGVuWVgQ
-To view the Evaluator Result (RMSE score), start the dashboard with the `pio
-dashboard` command:
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio dashboard
-Then point your browser to http://localhost:9000 to view the result. You
-should see the result
-[(null,1.052046904037191), (null,1.042766938101085), (null,1.0490312745374106)]
-in the page.
-Up to this point, you should be familiar with basic components of PredictionIO
-(*DataSource*, *Algorithm* and *Evaluator*) and know how to develop your
-algorithms and prediction engines, deploy them and serve real time prediction
-In the next tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use *Preparator* to do
-pre-processing of *Training Data* for the *Algorithm*, incorporate multiple
-*Algorithms* into the *Engine* and create a custom *Serving* component.
-Next: [Combining Multiple Algorithms at Serving](combiningalgorithms.html)
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-title: Step-by-Step Engine Building
-# Step-by-Step Engine Building
-## Overview
-These series of tutorials will walk through each components of **PredictionIO**.
-We will demonstrate how to develop your machine learning algorithms and
-prediction engines, deploy them and serve real time prediction queries, develop
-your metrics to run offline evaluations, and improve prediction engine by using
-multiple algorithms.
-> You need to build PredictionIO from source in order to build your own engine.
-Please follow instructions to build from source
-Let's build a simple **Java single machine recommendation engine** which
-predicts item's rating value rated by the user. [MovieLens
-100k]( data set will be used as an
-Execute the following command to download MovieLens 100k to `data/ml-100k/`.
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ./
-where `$PIO_HOME` is the root directory of the PredictionIO code tree.
-In this first tutorial, we will demonstrate how to build an simple Item
-Recommendation Engine with the *DataSource* and *Algorithm* components. You can
-find all sources code of this tutorial in the directory
-## Getting Started
-Let's begin with [implementing a new Engine with Data and
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-title: Testing Engine Components
-# Testing Engine Components
-During development, you may want to run each component step by step to test out
-the data pipeline. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to do it easily.
-## Test Run DataSource
-In `java-local-tutorial/src/main/java/recommendations/tutorial2`, you can find
-``. It is a small program that uses `JavaSimpleEngineBuilder` to
-build an engine and uses `JavaWorkflow` to run the workflow.
-To test the *DataSource* component, we can simply create an Engine with the
-*DataSource* component only and leave other components empty:
-private static class HalfBakedEngineFactory implements IJavaEngineFactory {
-  public JavaSimpleEngine<TrainingData, Object, Query, Float, Object> apply() {
-    return new JavaSimpleEngineBuilder<
-      TrainingData, Object, Query, Float, Object> ()
-      .dataSourceClass(DataSource.class)
-      .build();
-  }
-Similarly, we only need to add the `DataSourceParams` to
-JavaEngineParams engineParams = new JavaEngineParamsBuilder()
-  .dataSourceParams(new DataSourceParams(filePath))
-  .build();
-Then, you can run this Engine by using `JavaWorkflow`.
-    JavaWorkflow.runEngine(
-      (new HalfBakedEngineFactory()).apply(),
-      engineParams,
-      null,
-      new EmptyParams(),
-      new WorkflowParamsBuilder().batch("MyEngine").verbose(3).build()
-    );
-For quick testing purpose, a very simple test data is provided in
-`data/test/ratings.csv`. Each row of the file represents user ID, item ID, and
-the rating value:
-The `` takes the path of the rating file as argument. Execute the
-following command to run (The `../../bin/pio run` command will automatically
-compile and package the JARs):
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio run -- -- data/test/ratings.csv
-where `$PIO_HOME` is the root directory of the PredictionIO code tree. The two
-`--` are to separate parameters passed to `pio run` (the `Runner1` class in this
-case`), parameters passed to Apache Spark (no special parameters in this case),
-and parameters passed to the main class (the CSV file in this case).
-If it runs successfully, you should see the following console output at the end.
-It prints out the `TrainingData` generated by `DataSource`.
-2014-09-30 16:00:01,321 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at Workflow.scala:388, took 0.024613 s
-2014-09-30 16:00:01,322 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Data Set 0
-2014-09-30 16:00:01,323 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Params: null
-2014-09-30 16:00:01,323 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - TrainingData:
-2014-09-30 16:00:01,323 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - [[(1,1,2.0), (1,2,3.0), (1,3,4.0), (2,3,4.0), (2,4,1.0), (3,2,2.0), (3,3,1.0), (3,4,3.0), (4,1,5.0), (4,2,3.0), (4,4,2.0)]]
-2014-09-30 16:00:01,324 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - TestingData: (count=0)
-2014-09-30 16:00:01,324 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Data source complete
-2014-09-30 16:00:01,324 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Preparator is null. Stop here
-As you can see, it stops after running the *DataSource* component and it prints
-out *Training Data* for debugging.
-## Test Run Algorithm
-By simply adding `addAlgorithmClass()` and `addAlgorithmParams()` in the
-`JavaSimpleEngineBuilder` and `JavaEngineParamsBuilder`, you can test the
-`Algorithm` class in the workflow as well, as shown in ``:
-private static class HalfBakedEngineFactory implements IJavaEngineFactory {
-  public JavaSimpleEngine<TrainingData, Object, Query, Float, Object> apply() {
-    return new JavaSimpleEngineBuilder<
-      TrainingData, Object, Query, Float, Object> ()
-      .dataSourceClass(DataSource.class)
-      .preparatorClass() // Use default Preparator
-      .addAlgorithmClass("MyRecommendationAlgo", Algorithm.class) // Add Algorithm
-      .build();
-  }
-JavaEngineParams engineParams = new JavaEngineParamsBuilder()
-  .dataSourceParams(new DataSourceParams(filePath))
-  .addAlgorithmParams("MyRecommendationAlgo", new AlgoParams(0.2)) // Add Algorithm Params
-  .build();
-Execute the following command to run:
-$ cd $PIO_HOME/examples/java-local-tutorial
-$ ../../bin/pio run -- -- data/test/ratings.csv
-You should see the *Model* generated by the Algorithm at the end of the console
-2014-09-30 16:05:54,275 INFO  spark.SparkContext - Job finished: collect at WorkflowUtils.scala:179, took 0.037635 s
-2014-09-30 16:05:54,276 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - [Model: [itemSimilarity: {1=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector@65fa6c0, 2=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector@c2eb7f66, 3=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector@2302395e, 4=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector@d2fb7858}]
-[userHistory: {1=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector@5a1123a3, 2=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector@d1225bfd, 3=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector@572123a3, 4=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector@a51523a3}]]
-2014-09-30 16:05:54,276 INFO  workflow.CoreWorkflow$ - Serving is null. Stop here
-By adding each component step by step, we can easily test and debug the data
-Next: [Evaluation](evaluation.html)
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-title: Tutorials and Samples
-# Engine Tutorials and Samples
-## Item Recommendation
-### Rails
-[Building a Business Recommendation App with Rails Using Yelp Data](itemrec/rails.html)
-### Python
-[Building Movie Recommendation App with Sample Code](itemrec/movielens.html)
-## Item Ranking
-* (coming soon)
-## Item Similarity
-* (coming soon)