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[2/2] chttpd commit: updated refs/heads/1993-bigcouch-couch-mrview to 5ba4717

Remove obsolete _list utility functions


Branch: refs/heads/1993-bigcouch-couch-mrview
Commit: 5ba4717a7d436f42a476ac2cf6d0dcdad71147c1
Parents: 4cf1742
Author: Russell Branca <>
Authored: Tue Mar 25 16:24:29 2014 -0700
Committer: Russell Branca <>
Committed: Tue Mar 25 16:24:29 2014 -0700

 src/chttpd_show.erl | 85 ------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 85 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/chttpd_show.erl b/src/chttpd_show.erl
index 3c58d8e..d989e06 100644
--- a/src/chttpd_show.erl
+++ b/src/chttpd_show.erl
@@ -208,91 +208,6 @@ handle_view_list(Req, Db, DDoc, LName, {ViewDesignName, ViewName}, Keys) ->
-list_callback({meta, Meta}, #lacc{resp=nil} = Acc) ->
-    MetaProps = case couch_util:get_value(total, Meta) of
-        undefined -> [];
-        Total -> [{total_rows, Total}]
-    end ++ case couch_util:get_value(offset, Meta) of
-        undefined -> [];
-        Offset -> [{offset, Offset}]
-    end ++ case couch_util:get_value(update_seq, Meta) of
-        undefined -> [];
-        UpdateSeq -> [{update_seq, UpdateSeq}]
-    end,
-    start_list_resp({MetaProps}, Acc);
-list_callback({meta, []}, Acc) ->
-    % a sorted=false view where the message came in late.  Ignore.
-    {ok, Acc};
-list_callback({row, Row}, #lacc{resp=nil} = Acc) ->
-    % first row of a reduce view, or a sorted=false view
-    {ok, NewAcc} = start_list_resp({[]}, Acc),
-    send_list_row(Row, NewAcc);
-list_callback({row, Row}, Acc) ->
-    send_list_row(Row, Acc);
-list_callback(complete, Acc) ->
-    #lacc{qserver = {Proc, _}, resp = Resp0} = Acc,
-    if Resp0 =:= nil ->
-        {ok, #lacc{resp = Resp}} = start_list_resp({[]}, Acc);
-    true ->
-        Resp = Resp0
-    end,
-    try couch_query_servers:proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"list_end">>]) of
-    [<<"end">>, Chunk] ->
-        {ok, Resp1} = send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, Chunk),
-        chttpd:send_delayed_last_chunk(Resp1)
-    catch Error ->
-        {ok, Resp1} = chttpd:send_delayed_error(Resp, Error),
-        {stop, Resp1}
-    end;
-list_callback({error, Reason}, #lacc{resp=Resp}) ->
-    chttpd:send_delayed_error(Resp, Reason).
-start_list_resp(Head, Acc) ->
-    #lacc{
-        req = Req,
-        db = Db,
-        qserver = QServer,
-        lname = LName,
-        etag = Etag
-    } = Acc,
-    % use a separate process because we're already in a receive loop, and
-    % json_req_obj calls fabric:get_db_info()
-    spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(chttpd_external:json_req_obj(Req, Db)) end),
-    receive {'DOWN', _, _, _, JsonReq} -> ok end,
-    [<<"start">>,Chunk,JsonResp] = couch_query_servers:ddoc_proc_prompt(QServer,
-        [<<"lists">>, LName], [Head, JsonReq]),
-    JsonResp2 = apply_etag(JsonResp, Etag),
-    #extern_resp_args{
-        code = Code,
-        ctype = CType,
-        headers = ExtHeaders
-    } = couch_httpd_external:parse_external_response(JsonResp2),
-    JsonHeaders = couch_httpd_external:default_or_content_type(CType, ExtHeaders),
-    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:start_delayed_chunked_response(Req, Code,
-        JsonHeaders, Chunk),
-    {ok, Acc#lacc{resp=Resp}}.
-send_list_row(Row, #lacc{qserver = {Proc, _}, resp = Resp} = Acc) ->
-    try couch_query_servers:proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"list_row">>, {Row}]) of
-    [<<"chunks">>, Chunk] ->
-        {ok, Resp1} = send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, Chunk),
-        {ok, Acc#lacc{resp=Resp1}};
-    [<<"end">>, Chunk] ->
-        {ok, Resp1} = send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, Chunk),
-        {ok, Resp2} = chttpd:send_delayed_last_chunk(Resp1),
-        {stop, Resp2}
-    catch Error ->
-        {ok, Resp1} = chttpd:send_delayed_error(Resp, Error),
-        {stop, Resp1}
-    end.
-send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, []) ->
-    {ok, Resp};
-send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, Chunk) ->
-    chttpd:send_delayed_chunk(Resp, Chunk).
 % Maybe this is in the proplists API
 % todo move to couch_util
 json_apply_field(H, {L}) ->