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Posted to by Stephen Mallette <> on 2016/08/27 10:28:39 UTC

Driver Providers and upcoming 3.2.2 release

Note that GraphSON 2.0 comes out with 3.2.2. If you've been following along
on that topic and on the GLV/gremlin-python threads you know that 2.0 is a
pretty big change. While non-typed 2.0 should look the same 1.0, you will
find that non-typed GraphSON in 3.2.2 isn't nearly as useful as the new
version that includes the type system.

You will find that GraphSON 2.0 is a breaking change so you will need to
modify/test your drivers in support of it. All the Gremlin Server config
files at this point have been updated to support it as an option, but it is
not yet configured as the default in any way. We will likely see a move
toward that in 3.3.0.

I'm hoping to put together a reference guide for GraphSON during this week
but we'll see what is allowed time wise. Until then, please have a look at
the documentation we do have to get a feel for what 2.0 is looking like:

sorry - the published docs appear to be a little mangled for this topic so
i had to reference github. I'm sure we will be publishing multiple times
this week so keep an eye on the code freeze thread for updates on this