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Posted to by Frederic Soulier <> on 2008/02/07 17:31:05 UTC

Inheritance in CXF


I can't find any information on inheritance in the CXF doc.
The only info I found was on the XFire site and the Jira issue CXF-1164

Say, I have:

public class Parent {
    private String p1;
(+ get/set accessors)
public class Child extends Parent {
    private String c1;
    private String c2;
(+ get/set accessors)	

The SOAP exposed interface is:
public interface IExample {
    public Parent findSomething(... params...);

The implementation is:
public class ExampleImpl implements IExample {
    public Parent findSomething(... params...) {
       return new Child();

The WSDL shows:
<xsd:complexType name="Child">
     <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="p1" nillable="true"  
     <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="c1" nillable="true"  
     <xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="c2" nillable="true"  

Now the client cannot do something like:
    Child ch = (Child)service.findSomething(... params ...);
as this will fail with a ClassCastException.

So is there a way to define inheritance (annotation? Spring config?)  
for the model objects being returned so the WSDL generated shows the  
inheritance properly allowing the clients to cast objects accordingly?


Frederic P. Soulier
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