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Posted to by Elliot Metsger <> on 2007/03/31 22:00:14 UTC

Missing assemblies when running release:perform

So when you do the release, we've been doing:

mvn -Passembly clean install release:prepare
mvn -Passembly,build-assemblies release:perform

We don't see assemblies in the assembly/target/assembly/out directory 
after performing "release:perform", so we have to continue and run the 
assembly:assembly goal manually.

Well, I think why "release:perform" isn't producing the assemblies is 
because the release plugin is not activating the build-assemblies profile.

I activate the assembly and build-assemblies profile...

esm@clue:~/src/pluto-1.1.3-release$ mvn -Dgpg.passphrase=<snip> 
release:perform -P assembly,build-assemblies
<... snip ...>
[INFO] Building Apache Pluto
[INFO]    task-segment: [release:perform] (aggregator-style)
[INFO] [release:perform]
[INFO] Checking out the project to perform the release ...
[INFO] Executing: svn --non-interactive checkout checkout
[INFO] Working directory: /home/esm/src/pluto-1.1.3-release/target
[INFO] Unknown file status: ' '.
[INFO] Executing: mvn deploy site-deploy --no-plugin-updates -P assembly 
<... snip ...>

See the last line?  It activates the assembly profile, but it is missing 
the build-assemblies profile.

Not sure what do to about this yet, but hopefully we can get that licked 
before 1.1.4 or the 1.2.0 release.
