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Posted to by Lee McKusick <> on 2006/10/12 20:03:50 UTC

Thanks for the book, two items for clarifying "quickstart"

I am writing to say thanks for svn and the Subversion book. 

I suggest the two following changes to help a new user set up Subversion
in 20 minutes. (I spent 3-4 hours before I was confident I had
subversion working right). 

Hold your noses, but I suggest a "monkey see monkey do" file addressed
to guys like me, starting a Rails project, who can return later and
learn the system.

The thing I am encouraging you to do is move ahead and gather the
simplest but acceptably elegant Subversion setup into an example with
every needed command fully modeled. (Not a shell script, just commands
to copy and run.)

The basic setup, as I saw it is: I need to do complete version control
on a subdirectory. I need to add stuff and version control it. I want to
use all conventional names, and local locations. 


Suggest this table is good place to clarify if "~/" home directory
convention is accepted by svn.


For the Quickstart section:

Monkey see, monkey do example of simple svn setup for a single user
keeping a repository of a single subdirectory development project called
"weedy", showing use of "add *" to suck up stuff as it is created.

username~$ svnadmin create /home/username/repository
username~$ mkdir weedy/branches
username~$ mkdir weedy/tags
username~$ mkdir weedy/trunk
username~$ svn import /home/username/weedy
file:///home/username/repository/weedy -m "initial import"
Adding         /home/username/weedy/trunk
Adding         /home/username/weedy/branches
Adding         /home/username/weedy/tags

Committed revision 1.
username~$ mkdir work
username~$ cd work
username~/work$ svn co file:///home/username/repository/weedy
A    weedy/trunk
A    weedy/branches
A    weedy/tags
Checked out revision 1.
username~/work$ ls
username~/work$ cd weedy/
username~/work/weedy$ touch test.txt
username~/work/weedy$ svn add *
username~/work/weedy$ svn update

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