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Posted to by on 2017/05/29 16:28:46 UTC

svn commit: r1796665 - in /spamassassin/trunk/build/mkupdates: do-stable-update-with-scores run_nightly run_part2

Author: davej
Date: Mon May 29 16:28:46 2017
New Revision: 1796665

Merged run_part2 into the run_nightly.


Modified: spamassassin/trunk/build/mkupdates/do-stable-update-with-scores
--- spamassassin/trunk/build/mkupdates/do-stable-update-with-scores (original)
+++ spamassassin/trunk/build/mkupdates/do-stable-update-with-scores Mon May 29 16:28:46 2017
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if [ $RV -ne 0 ] ; then
   echo "Running mkupdate-with-scores..."
   echo ""
-  /usr/local/spamassassin/automc/svn/build/mkupdates/mkupdate-with-scores
+  /usr/local/spamassassin/automc/svn/trunk/build/mkupdates/mkupdate-with-scores
   if [ $RV -ne 0 ] ; then 
     echo "Exit Status $RV is not zero for mkupdate-with-scores" 

Modified: spamassassin/trunk/build/mkupdates/run_nightly
--- spamassassin/trunk/build/mkupdates/run_nightly (original)
+++ spamassassin/trunk/build/mkupdates/run_nightly Mon May 29 16:28:46 2017
@@ -1,78 +1,226 @@
-# driver for cron.
-# 30 8 * * * automc bash /usr/local/spamassassin/svn/trunk/build/mkupdates/run_nightly > /var/www/ 2>&1
-set -x
-cd /usr/local/spamassassin/svn/trunk/
+cd /usr/local/spamassassin/automc/svn/trunk
 . /etc/profile
-#Switched to system perl on spamassassin-vm box
-export PERL 
-# Will this script be updated?  If so, re-run it after updating.
-if [ "`svn status -uq build/mkupdates/run_nightly | head -1 | cut -b8`" = "*" ]; then
-svn cleanup     # paranoia
-svn update || exit $?
-# Do the restart if we need to ...
-if [ "$FLAG" = "YES" ]; then
-  exec $0 "$@"
-  # It shouldn't get here, but just in case ...
-  exit 2
-$PERL ./build/mkupdates/listpromotable > rules/ || exit $?
-mv rules/ rules/active.list
-echo "
-To commit this and proceed with update tarball creation:
-    ssh
-    sudo -u automc /usr/local/spamassassin/svn/trunk/build/mkupdates/run_part2
-svn diff
-# mailx -s "[admin] planned commit for active.list" \
-#     < /home/updatesd/LATEST
-# cycle the logfiles; keep 6 (3 days worth I think)
-[[ -e "$LOGDIR/mkupdates_${X}.txt" ]] && rm -f $LOGDIR/mkupdates_${X}.txt
-while [[ $X -gt 0 ]]; do
-  ((X--))
-  Y=$((X+1))
-  [[ -e "$LOGDIR/mkupdates_${X}.txt" ]] && mv -f $LOGDIR/mkupdates_${X}.txt $LOGDIR/mkupdates_${Y}.txt
-mv -f $LOGDIR/mkupdates.txt $LOGDIR/mkupdates_${Y}.txt
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+promote_active_rules() {
+  pwd
+  $PERL build/mkupdates/listpromotable > rules/ || exit $?
+  mv rules/ rules/active.list
+  svn diff rules > $REPDIR/LATEST
+  echo "Committing promotions in rules/active.list..."
+  svn commit -m 'promotions validated' rules/active.list
+  # create a list of "bad" rules in the current sandboxes, updated daily
+  $PERL masses/rule-qa/list-bad-rules > $REPDIR/badrules.txt 2>&1
+  #On Wednesday's, we send out a bad sandbox rules report to the list
+  if [[ `date +%w` = 3 ]] ; then
+    (
+      echo "From: (Rules Report Cron)"
+      echo "Subject: [auto] bad sandbox rules report"
+      echo
+      cat $REPDIR/badrules.txt
+    ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi
+  fi
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+make_tarball_for_version() {
+  version="$1"
+  tmpdir=$HOME/tmp/stage/$version
+  rm -rf $tmpdir; mkdir -p $tmpdir         || exit $?
+  # extract the new rules files.
+  # use "make install" logic, since we want rules as close as possible
+  # to what's installed
+  # TODO: this *would* be performed in a checkout of the desired
+  # version's branch.  right now we're only using 1 version though
+  make clean
+  $PERL Makefile.PL PREFIX=$tmpdir < /dev/null || exit $?
+  make                                     || exit $?
+  # remove new features, unsupported in existing code in the field
+  # (TODO: need a better way to exclude files that require new features
+  # like this; judicious use of "ifplugin" helps)
+  # rm rules/
+  # ensure the basic lint/rule-sanity test suite passes for this ruleset
+  # before we build an update from it.  useful particularly to catch
+  # "tflags nopublish" leakage (bug 6297)
+  make test \
+    TEST_FILES="t/basic_lint.t t/basic_lint_without_sandbox.t t/basic_meta.t" \
+    || exit $?
+  # remove the rules files for rules we won't be shipping
+  rm rules/ rules/
+  # double check we still lint without those 2 files
+  ./spamassassin --lint                   || exit $?
+  rulesdir=`pwd`/rules
+  (
+    cd $rulesdir
+    # Use this to include plugin .pm files:
+    # tar cvf - *.cf *.pm                  || exit $?
+    # or this, to ban code from the updates:
+    tar cvf - *.cf                         || exit $?
-# create a list of "bad" rules in the current sandboxes, updated daily
-$PERL masses/rule-qa/list-bad-rules \
-    > /var/www/ 2>&1
+  ) | gzip -9 > $tmpdir/update.tgz         || exit $?
-#On Wednesday's, we send out a bad sandbox rules report to the list
-if [ `date +%w` = 3 ] ; then
+  # ensure non-empty
+  [ -s $tmpdir/update.tgz ] || exit 3
+  linttmp=$tmpdir/lintdir
+  rm -rf $linttmp
+  mkdir $linttmp
+  (
+    cd $linttmp
+    # check validity of tarball; also extract
+    gunzip -cd < $tmpdir/update.tgz | tar xf - || exit $?
+  )
+  sitetmp=$tmpdir/sitetmp
+  rm -rf $sitetmp
+  mkdir $sitetmp
+  cp rules/*.pre $sitetmp
+  # now, ensure the ruleset (entirely as distributed) lints, also.
+  # use "-p /dev/null" so any user_prefs data is ignored.
+  ./spamassassin -x --configpath=$linttmp --siteconfigpath=$sitetmp \
+               -p /dev/null --lint \
+                || exit $?
+  # sign and get sums
+  gpg --batch --homedir $HOME/key \
+        -bas $tmpdir/update.tgz                 || exit $?
+  $PERL build/ $tmpdir/update.tgz > $tmpdir/update.tgz.sha1  || exit $?
+  # get SVN revision number.
+  # note: use 'Last Changed Rev' instead of 'Revision'.  Because we share
+  # an SVN repository with other projects, this means that the same
+  # rev of *our* codebase may appear under multiple rev#s, as other projects
+  # check their changes in.
+  tagstamp=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
+  tagurl=${version}_${tagstamp}
+  # this svn copy is critical, to ensure each version's tarball has a different
+  # rev#.  if you remove it, we need to prefix the version# to the svnrev# in
+  # the filenames instead so each version doesn't clobber others.
+  svn up
+  svn copy -m 'promotions validated' . $tagurl < /dev/null
+  # for svn 1.3:
+  # (svn info --non-interactive $tagurl || svn info $tagurl ) < /dev/null \
+                # > $tmpdir/svn 2>&1 || exit $?
+  # for crappy zone svn, 1.2:
-    echo "From: (Rules Report Cron)"
-    echo "Subject: [auto] bad sandbox rules report"
-    echo
-    cat /var/www/
-  ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi
+    rm -rf tmpcheckout
+    svn co $tagurl tmpcheckout && svn info tmpcheckout
+    rm -rf tmpcheckout
+  ) < /dev/null > $tmpdir/svn 2>&1 || exit $?
+  svnrev=`(grep 'Last Changed Rev: ' $tmpdir/svn || exit 1) | \
+        sed -e 's/^.*: //'`
+  if [ "$svnrev" == "" ] ; then
+    echo "missing SVN revision"
+    cat $tmpdir/svn
+    exit 5
+  fi
+  if [ "$svnrev" -lt 1 ] ; then
+    echo "bad SVN revision: $svnrev"
+    cat $tmpdir/svn
+    exit 5
+  fi
+  mv $tmpdir/update.tgz      $UPDDIR/$svnrev.tar.gz            || exit $?
+  mv $tmpdir/update.tgz.sha1 $UPDDIR/$svnrev.tar.gz.sha1       || exit $?
+  mv $tmpdir/update.tgz.asc  $UPDDIR/$svnrev.tar.gz.asc        || exit $?
+  chmod 644 $UPDDIR/$svnrev.*
+  # next, create/update the new DNS record....
+  # turn "3.2.0" into "0.2.3"
+  rvers=`echo "$version" | rev`
+  /usr/local/bin/ ${rvers}.updates TXT ${svnrev}
+  # clean up 4-day-old (and older) update tarballs.  This seems as
+  # good a place as any to do this!
+  # note: for manual updates, the file permissions should be 0444 so let's clean
+  # out only 0644 (automatic) updates.  a bit of a kluge, but ...
+  find $UPDDIR -mtime +4 -perm 0644 -type f -name '*.tar.*' -delete
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+cycle_logfiles () {
+  # cycle the logfiles; keep 6 (3 days worth I think)
+  if [[ -e "$LOGDIR/mkupdates.txt" ]]; then
+    X=6
+    [[ -e "$LOGDIR/mkupdates_${X}.txt" ]] && rm -f $LOGDIR/mkupdates_${X}.txt
+    while [[ $X -gt 0 ]]; do
+      ((X--))
+      Y=$((X+1))
+      [[ -e "$LOGDIR/mkupdates_${X}.txt" ]] && mv -f $LOGDIR/mkupdates_${X}.txt $LOGDIR/mkupdates_${Y}.txt
+    done
+    mv -f $LOGDIR/mkupdates.txt $LOGDIR/mkupdates_${Y}.txt
+  fi
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[[ -d $UPDDIR ]] || echo "Updates dir '$UPDDIR' not found." 1>&2
+[[ -d $UPDDIR ]] || exit 6
+set -x
+for VER in $VERSIONS; do
+  make_tarball_for_version $VER
+set +x
+ls -ltr $UPDDIR/*.tar.* | tail -20
+rm -rf ruleqa.cache.* 