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Posted to by Animesh Chaturvedi <> on 2013/10/12 02:30:54 UTC

Patches in reviewboard that were updated over two months ago


Following 27 patches were last updated over 2 months ago

| Review ID | Summary                                                                                                            |#Reviews | Submitter    | People            |
|     11861 | double slash fix for windows based nfs servers [CLOUDSTACK-2968]                                                   |       2 | dahn         | jburwell          |
|     12198 | Package switch from to partly solving CLOUDSTACK -212                         |       5 | dharmesh     | ke4qqq sebgoa     |
|     13376 | Fix QuickCloud secondary storage service ListTemplateCommand and ListVolumeCommand                                 |       1 | dlafferty    | chiradeep devdeep |
|     11052 | Fix a logging issue in my previsous hypervisor template code.                                                      |       1 | fangw        | edison kelveny    |
|     12143 | Template created from snapshot: the vmdk path needs to be modified to accomodate the changed snapshot UUID format. |       0 | fangw        | edison            |
|     11327 | CLOUDSTACK-1194: fix that isolation method does not show in Firefox                                                |       3 | kawai        | pranavs           |
|      8294 | Store NetworkServiceProvider connectivity service configuration in database.                                       |       1 | kawai        |                   |
|     13402 | Manually assign an IP address for advanced Network in the client                                                   |       2 | markerking   | markerking        |
|     12185 | Remove dependency on backport-util.concurrent, and just use built in classes                                       |       4 | mebigfatguy  |                   |
|     12192 | set the field 'state' rather than the unread parameter 'state', if the parameter is null                           |       2 | mebigfatguy  |                   |
|     11479 | SolidFire storage plug-in and enhancements to the storage framework and GUI                                        |       6 | mtutkowski   | edison jburwell   |
|     12098 | Add PCI Passthrough to CloudStack on KVM Hypervisor                                                                |       2 | pawitp       |                   |
|     10411 | Typos fixed                                                                                                        |       2 | pborreli     | jzb sebgoa        |
|     12943 | Replaced virsh() by python-libvirt functions                                                                       |       3 | RPDiep       | widodh            |
|     12660 | Replaced multiple grep/awk/head commands by one awk                                                                |       2 | RPDiep       | widodh            |
|     12646 | Truncated trailing/double spaces.                                                                                  |       1 | RPDiep       | widodh            |
|     12679 | CLOUDSTACK-904: Changed multiple vcpus to one vcpu with multiple sockets                                           |       1 | RPDiep       | widodh            |
|     12659 | Removed unused script scripts/storage/qcow2/                                                        |       0 | RPDiep       | widodh            |
|     12752 | Async commands can inject the job id                                                                               |       1 | ryandietrich | mlsorensen        |
|     13020 | CLOUDSTACK-3252 An instance deployed using explicit or implicit dedication doesn't generate a usage even           |       2 | Saksham      | devdeep kishan    |
|     12883 | DNS value in Zone is not getting set in the Network created for the Zone                                           |       3 | seizadi      |                   |
|     10776 | CLOUDSTACK-2191: Added the following to tests to qualify "Optional Public IP" changes happend in EIP enabled Zone  |       4 | swamy        |                   |
|     11462 | add zone wide primary storage tests                                                                                |       1 | talluri      | Sateesh tsp       |
|     13482 | Fix test_snapshots script to choose the right device name while mounting and other minor script issues             |       1 | talluri      | tsp               |
|     11526 | Added a test related to db changes for storage xenmotion                                                           |       1 | talluri      | tsp               |
|     12126 | Better VM Sync mechanism                                                                                           |       2 | topcloud     |                   |
|     13010 | rb-jenkins-integration test patch                                                                                  |       1 | tsp          | Spark404 tsp      |

Please help in bringing these issues to closure.

Committer Apache CloudStack