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svn commit: r528060 [2/2] - /webservices/commons/site/XmlSchema/

Added: webservices/commons/site/XmlSchema/writingExtensions.html
--- webservices/commons/site/XmlSchema/writingExtensions.html (added)
+++ webservices/commons/site/XmlSchema/writingExtensions.html Thu Apr 12 10:37:20 2007
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+        <a name="Contents"></a><div class="section"><h2>Contents</h2>
+            <ul>
+                <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#example">Example Extension</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#iclasses">Important classes</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#deser">Code for a Deserializer</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#ser">Code for a Serializer</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#reg">Registering types and using a custom extension registry</a></li>
+                <li><a href="#conclusion">Conclusion</a></li>
+            </ul>
+        </div>
+        <a name="intro"></a>
+        <a name="Introduction"></a><div class="section"><h2>Introduction</h2>
+            Usually when parsing a schema document, developers will prefer to make custom
+                objects for attribute and element extensions. XMLSchema supports this through
+                an extension registry mechanism. This document explains how this extension mechanism works by going through
+                two complete examples. These two examples are included as test cases with the source release.
+        </div>
+        <a name="example"></a>
+        <a name="Example Extension"></a><div class="section"><h2>Example Extension</h2>
+            Following are two example schema documents that contain external attributes/elements
+            This schema demonstrates the use of an extension attribute
+            <pre>
+                     &lt;schema
+                        xmlns=&quot;;
+                        xmlns:xsd=&quot;;
+                        xmlns:tns=&quot;;
+                        xmlns:ext=&quot;;
+                        targetNamespace=&quot;;&gt;
+                    &lt;complexType name=&quot;Struct&quot; ext:customAttrib=&quot;toplevel:type&quot;&gt;
+                        &lt;sequence&gt;
+                            &lt;element name=&quot;varString&quot; type=&quot;xsd:string&quot; ext:customAttrib=&quot;inner:element&quot;/&gt;
+                            &lt;element name=&quot;varInt&quot; type=&quot;xsd:int&quot; ext:customAttrib=&quot;inner:element&quot;/&gt;
+                            &lt;element name=&quot;varFloat&quot; type=&quot;xsd:float&quot; ext:customAttrib=&quot;inner:element&quot;/&gt;
+                            &lt;element name=&quot;varStruct&quot; type=&quot;tns:Struct&quot; ext:customAttrib=&quot;inner:element&quot;/&gt;
+                        &lt;/sequence&gt;
+                    &lt;/complexType&gt;
+                    &lt;element name=&quot;attrTest&quot; type=&quot;tns:Struct&quot; ext:customAttrib=&quot;toplevel:element&quot;/&gt;
+                &lt;/schema&gt;
+            </pre>
+            This schema demonstrates the use of an extension element
+            <pre>
+                           &lt;schema
+                    xmlns=&quot;;
+                    xmlns:xsd=&quot;;
+                    xmlns:tns=&quot;;
+                    xmlns:ext=&quot;;
+                    targetNamespace=&quot;;&gt;
+                &lt;complexType name=&quot;Struct&quot;&gt;
+                    &lt;ext:customElt prefix=&quot;ext&quot; suffix=&quot;type&quot;/&gt;
+                    &lt;sequence&gt;
+                        &lt;element name=&quot;varString&quot; type=&quot;xsd:string&quot;/&gt;
+                        &lt;element name=&quot;varInt&quot; type=&quot;xsd:int&quot; /&gt;
+                        &lt;element name=&quot;varFloat&quot; type=&quot;xsd:float&quot; /&gt;
+                        &lt;element name=&quot;varStruct&quot; type=&quot;tns:Struct&quot; /&gt;
+                    &lt;/sequence&gt;
+                &lt;/complexType&gt;
+                &lt;element name=&quot;attrTest&quot; type=&quot;tns:Struct&quot; &gt;
+                    &lt;ext:customElt prefix=&quot;ext&quot; suffix=&quot;elt&quot;/&gt;
+                &lt;/element&gt;
+            &lt;/schema&gt;
+            </pre>
+        A developer would like the parser to make custom objects when it encounters customAttrib
+        or customElt. This can be achieved by writing a custom extension deserializer and serializer and
+        registering them with the extension registry. The next section briefly explains the important classes
+        involved in this process.
+        </div>
+        <a name="iclasses"></a>
+        <a name="Important classes"></a><div class="section"><h2>Important classes</h2>
+           Following are the important classes in writing an extension
+           <ul>
+               <li><code></code></li>
+               <li><code></code></li>
+               <li><code></code></li>
+           </ul>
+           Last two classes are interfaces that should be implemented by the respective
+           implementations.
+         </div>
+        <a name="deser"></a>
+        <a name="Code for a Deserializer"></a><div class="section"><h2>Code for a Deserializer</h2>
+           The deserializer needs to implement the
+               <code></code> interface.
+           Following is a code fragment of the Extension deserializer that deserializes the extension
+           attribute into a custom object. Note that once the custom object is made it is attached
+           to the meta info map of the relevant XMLSchema object with the QName as the key
+             <pre>
+                 <code>
+                 public void deserialize(XmlSchemaObject schemaObject, QName name, Node domNode) {
+                 if (CustomAttribute.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME.equals(name)){
+                     Attr attrib = (Attr)domNode;
+                     String value = attrib.getValue();
+                     //break the attrib into
+                     CustomAttribute customAttrib = new CustomAttribute();
+                     String[] strings = value.split(&quot;:&quot;);
+                     customAttrib.setPrefix(strings[0]);
+                     customAttrib.setSuffix(strings[1]);
+                     //put this in the schema object meta info map
+                     schemaObject.addMetaInfo(CustomAttribute.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME,customAttrib);
+                  }
+                 }
+                 </code>
+             </pre>
+          Note that prior knowledge is required about the format of the string of the attribute value.
+          The complete custom attribute deserializer is available in
+          <code>tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttributeDeserializer</code>
+          <p> Following is a code fragment of the Extension deserializer that deserializes the extension
+           element into a custom object. This is similar to the attribute case but now the node
+           passed is the actual extension element itself.</p>
+          <p>
+             <pre>
+                 <code>
+                  public void deserialize(XmlSchemaObject schemaObject, QName name, Node domNode) {
+                     if (CustomElement.CUSTOM_ELT_QNAME.equals(name)){
+                         Element elt = (Element)domNode;
+                         CustomElement customElement = new CustomElement();
+                         customElement.setPrefix(elt.getAttribute(&quot;prefix&quot;));
+                         customElement.setSuffix(elt.getAttribute(&quot;suffix&quot;));
+                         //put this in the schema object meta info map
+                         schemaObject.addMetaInfo(CustomElement.CUSTOM_ELT_QNAME,customElement);
+                     }
+    }
+                 </code>
+             </pre>
+          </p>
+          <p>The complete custom attribute deserializer is available in
+          <code>tests.customext.elt.CustomElementDeserializer</code></p>
+         </div>
+           <a name="ser"></a>
+        <a name="Code for a Serializer"></a><div class="section"><h2>Code for a Serializer</h2>
+           <p>The serializer needs to implement the
+           <code></code> interface.
+           Following is a code fragment of the Extension serializer that serializes a given custom
+           object into an  attributeObject. Note that XMLSchema serialization mechanism is to create
+           a DOM tree and serialize it. Hence the custom serializers needs to create the
+           appropriate DOM node and attach it.</p>
+          <p>
+             <pre>
+                 <code>
+                 public void serialize(XmlSchemaObject schemaObject, Class classOfType, Node domNode) {
+                        Map metaInfoMap = schemaObject.getMetaInfoMap();
+                        CustomAttribute att = (CustomAttribute)metaInfoMap.get(CustomAttribute.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME);
+                        Element elt = (Element)domNode;
+                        Attr att1 = elt.getOwnerDocument().createAttributeNS(CustomAttribute.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME.getNamespaceURI(),
+                                                                             CustomAttribute.CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME.getLocalPart());
+                        att1.setValue(att.getPrefix() + &quot;:&quot; + att.getSuffix());
+                        elt.setAttributeNodeNS(att1);
+                    }
+                 </code>
+             </pre>
+          </p>
+          <p>Note that prior knowledge is required about the format of the string of the attribute value. DomNode
+             passed in would be the parent node of the serialized DOM tree.The complete custom attribute serializer is available in
+          <code>tests.customext.attrib.CustomAttributeSerializer</code></p>
+          <p> Following is a code fragment of the Extension serializer that serializes the custom object into
+              an extension element. This is similar to the attribute case.</p>
+          <p>
+             <pre>
+                 <code>
+                   public void serialize(XmlSchemaObject schemaObject, Class classOfType, Node domNode) {
+                       Map metaInfoMap = schemaObject.getMetaInfoMap();
+                       CustomElement customElt = (CustomElement)metaInfoMap.get(CustomElement.CUSTOM_ELT_QNAME);
+                        Element elt = (Element)domNode;
+                        Element extElt = elt.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(CustomElement.CUSTOM_ELT_QNAME.getNamespaceURI(),
+                                                                             CustomElement.CUSTOM_ELT_QNAME.getLocalPart());
+                        extElt.setAttribute(&quot;prefix&quot;,customElt.getPrefix());
+                        extElt.setAttribute(&quot;suffix&quot;,customElt.getSuffix());
+                        elt.appendChild(extElt);
+                    }
+                 </code>
+             </pre>
+          </p>
+          <p>The complete custom element serializer is available in
+          <code>tests.customext.elt.CustomElementSerializer</code></p>
+         </div>
+        <a name="reg"></a>
+        <a name="Registering Types and Using a Custom Extension Registry"></a><div class="section"><h2>Registering Types and Using a Custom Extension Registry</h2>
+         <p>Once the serilizers are made they need to be registered with the registry.
+         This can be done by the following way.</p>
+         <p>
+            <pre>
+                <code>
+                   //register our custom type
+                    registerDeserializer(CustomElement.CUSTOM_ELT_QNAME,new CustomElementDeserializer());
+                    registerSerializer(CustomElement.class,new CustomElementSerializer());
+                </code>
+            </pre>
+         </p>
+          <p>It can be a more convenient if the extension types are registered inside a subclass
+          of the <code></code> to
+          avoid any confusions.</p>
+          <p>If the system property<code>&quot;;</code> is present
+          the extension registry will be instantiated with the class specified. Following is an example of
+          how this can be done</p>
+           <p>
+               <pre>
+                   <code>
+                       System.setProperty(Constants.SystemConstants.EXTENSION_REGISTRY_KEY,
+                                    CustomExtensionRegistry.class.getName());
+                   </code>
+               </pre>
+           </p>
+            <p>This behavior is quite useful when the XMlSchema object models are used internally with
+            no direct access to the extension registry.</p>
+        </div>
+         <a name="conclusion"></a>
+        <a name="Conclusion"></a><div class="section"><h2>Conclusion</h2>
+             The extension mechanism of the XMLSchema object model allows the users to add their custom
+             objects to the standard XMLSchema objects.
+         </div>
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