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Posted to by Nag Varun Chunduru <> on 2020/08/17 22:28:26 UTC

[apache/incubator-tvm] Release 1.2.0 (#6291)

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-- Commit Summary --

  * [TFLITE][FRONTEND]Reduce_any op parsing support (#4926)
  * [REFACTOR] Streamline Function Attr interface. (#5045)
  * Fixed div by zero core dump. Fixed rounding intrinsics on int crash (#5026)
  * [1] Test case modified for int type (#5012)
  * [Strategy] Support for Int8 schedules - CUDA/x86 (#5031)
  * [Autotvm] Fix autotvm customized template (#5034)
  * CI: Install apt-transport-https (#5053)
  * [C++] Require c++14 by default (#5056)
  * [Bugfix][IR][ATTRS] Fix AttrEqual for Array and StrMap, double (#5054)
  * maintenance (#5058)
  * [PY] Require python3.6 (#5057)
  * [DOCS] Move git_howto to rst, add Stage documents to te (#5055)
  * [Graph tuner]Add opt out operator for has_multiple_inputs for graph tuner (#5000)
  * [Relay][Pass] Add submodule extraction pass (#4960)
  * [Relay][AutoTVM] Bug Fix for ARM CPUs. Lower strict assumption. (#5063)
  * [Torch, QNN] Remove FP32 piggy back and use QNN add/mul/concatenate (#5061)
  * [COMMUNITY] Add @abergeron -&gt; reviewer (#5064)
  * [TIR] Introduce tir::PrimFunc (#5070)
  * [TESTS] Triage the testcases to fit the the new namespaces (#5071)
  * Add support for FusedBatchNormV3 (#5065)
  * [Relay, TOPI] Refactor Adaptive pool and add 3d support (#5049)
  * [IR] Update the type_keys to reflect the code-org (#5074)
  * [Team] jwfromm -&gt; reviewer (#5076)
  * Return empty CSourceModule when no lowered_funcs exists in Relay mod (#4847)
  * Tensorflow script upgrade from 1.13.1 to 2.0.0, so that it can run in both versionsw (#4963)
  * [TFLITE]DepthToSpace and SpaceToDepth support (#5041)
  * [Relay, TF Frontend] Dilation2D operator support (#5033)
  * [Refactor][Relay] Refactor Relay Python to use new FFI (#5077)
  * [RELAY][PY] Fix relay node registration after refactor (#5083)
  * Change Azure pipeline badge to GH actions (#5081)
  * Replace UseDefaultCompiler with GetAttr (#5088)
  * create (#5087)
  * [CODEGEN][OPENCL] Explicitly cast min/max operands (#5090)
  * Description updated for pooling attributes (#5091)
  * [RELAY] Codegen_c.h should include relay.function (#5093)
  * [Torch, QNN] Add missing upcast to uint8 avg_pool conversion  (#5089)
  * [TUTORIAL] Fix vta tutorial after relay function refactor (#5095)
  * [ConvertLayout] Support QNN ops. (#5066)
  * [Relay][Frontend][ONNX] operator support NonZero (#5073)
  * [DOC] Add doc for Relay op strategy (#5078)
  * [Torch] Add initial 3D op support and test on Resnet 3D (#5075)
  * [TIR][TARGET] Refactor Target codegen to use IRModule and PrimFunc. (#5107)
  * Add colors to compute_at edges and thread/block indices. (#5111)
  * [AutoTVM] Temporary fix to the stack overflow issue in autotvm task extraction (#5019)
  * [TOPI][OP] Use Thrust sort for argsort and topk (#5097)
  * [Fix] Fix CompilerAttrs (#5109)
  * [Relay][BYOCG] Propagate constant to subgraphs (#5094)
  * [TOPI, Relay refactor] Move Dilation2d from nn to image namespace (#5110)
  * [Relay][TF] Support for Atan/Atan2 in Relay Tensorflow frontend converter. (#5104)
  * TVM android camera demo (#5005)
  * [docs] Update relay docs (#5112)
  * [KERAS] conv3d frontend operator support (#5080)
  * [DOCS] include a tarball of docs, add a security faq (#5119)
  * Update the tarball deployment. (#5120)
  * [Rust] Fix the existing test cases before refactoring.  (#5122)
  * Adjust strategy plevel to achieve expected performance by default (#5118)
  * [CodeGen][CUDA] Vectorization for intrinsics (#5101)
  * [DOC][TUTORIAL] Fix typo for (#5123)
  * [DOCS] Cleanup docs before rebuild (#5127)
  * [Relay, Topi] [TF, MXNet] Unravel Index operator (#5082)
  * [Relay, Topi, TF Frontend] Isfinite operator (#4981)
  * [Bugfix] Fixed bug where shifting by out-of-bounds value results in no compute code being emitted. (#5115)
  * [Frontend][TensorFlow]TensorFlow Parser Control Flow Enhancement (#5020)
  * [DOCS] Minimize necessary doc change (#5129)
  * [Refactor] Relay Node::make to constructor (#5128)
  * Add thrust support for nms (#5116)
  * Fix for issue #4831. The data_min_idx and data_max_idx were flipped. (#5136)
  * Change Rust version to stable in Docker (#5138)
  * [Relay] GradientCell Relay Pass (#5039)
  * [CI] Update rust docker (#5141)
  * [RUNTIME]fix unused-value warning (#5140)
  * [REFACTOR][TIR] Introduce PrimFuncPass. (#5139)
  * [Torch] Fix conv2d conversion for group conv (group &gt; 1 but != in channels) (#5132)
  * [Torch] Add support for max_pool1d (#5142)
  * Duplicate likely nodes added when loop axis split unevenly (#5084)
  * [Tutorial][Quantization] Fix incorrect name of calibration mode (#5150)
  * Handle empty LLVMModule in GetFunction (#5146)
  * [Strategy][ARM CPU] Remove contrib spatial pack schedule of depthwise convolution (#5148)
  * [RELAY] Added a AnnotatedRegion utility class (#5030)
  * [Doc] TVM release process (#5151)
  * [Relay][OP] Register topi schedule for Relay fast_exp and fast_tanh (#5131)
  * [RUNTIME]crt error handling (#5147)
  * [Relay][MergeComposite] Support TupleGetItem in body of pattern (#5106)
  * [External Codegen] Fix annotate pass static variable (#5023)
  * [TOPI][Tensor Core] Conv2d and Dense ops support on Tensor Core (#5099)
  * Adding support for QNN subtract op (#5153)
  * [Relay][Frontend][Pytorch] Fixed ConvTranspose2D parsing (#5157)
  * [NODE][IR] Introduce StructuralEqual Infra for the unified IR. (#5154)
  * [NODE][IR] Introduce StructuralHash for the Unified IR. (#5160)
  * [VTA][Refactor] Introducing VTA_HW_PATH for easier migration (#5163)
  * [BUILD] Fix VTA build in CI (#5165)
  * [CI] Move build configuration to shell scripts (#5164)
  * [REFACTOR][IR] alpha_equal to structural_equal (#5161)
  * relay::StructuralHash to tvm::StructuralHash (#5166)
  * remove AttrsEqual and AttrsHash related code (#5169)
  * [DOCS] Various sphinx related fix. (#5168)
  * Add support for sharing params of operators in tensorflow frontend (#5042)
  * [CI] Improve VTA build message and scripts. (#5170)
  * Create a new parameter --cache-from in tvm/docker/, so that we can point to an image to be used as cache, from an external (#5173)
  * [Runtime][MISRA-C][Bundle] Bundle deployment with static linking (#5158)
  * [Dataflow]: nullptr check (#5176)
  * [TFLITE]TOP_K op parser support (#5051)
  * [RELAY] Add MergeCompilerRegions pass (#5134)
  * [DOCS] Point docs to the ASF site. (#5178)
  * rocm: fix miopen convolutions (#5179)
  * [TEST] Various CI fixes for the VTA and Relay  (#5181)
  * [TOPI] Setting workload correctly for Depthwise conv ARM. (#5182)
  * [TE] reverse-mode autodiff without any optimization (#5121)
  * [TVM] ref_counter -&gt; ref_counter_ (#5184)
  * Add warning about nnpack installing googletest (#5185)
  * [VTA] HW sources refactor (#5188)
  * [FRONTEND][KERAS]Max_pool3d and Averagepool3d operator support  (#5085)
  * [Torch] Add support for split (#5174)
  * rocm: fix dense_rocblas in strategy, topi (#5191)
  * [RELAY] Re-wrote the Graph Partitioner to support multiple outputs (#5143)
  * [Topi x86] Missing vectorize for depthwise conv2d. (#5196)
  * [REFACTOR][TIR] Migrate Low-level Passes to Pass Manager (#5198)
  * [PYTORCH]Activations for pytorch (#5194)
  * [RELAY] Partition graph codestyle fixes (#5202)
  * [DOCS] Use https link (#5183)
  * [BUGFIX]bugfix in tensorflow space_to_batch_nd (#5175)
  * [PYTORCH]Dropouts And InstanceNorm support added (#5203)
  * [FRONTEND][MXNET] Use leaky by default for LeakyReLU (#5192)
  * [RELAY] Fixes to MergeCompilerRegions (#5195)
  * [REFACTOR][TIR] Introduce ExprDeepEqual, Remove IRDeepCompare (#5206)
  * [DOCS] Reduce artifcats generated by sphinx gallery (#5208)
  * [Debug] Add Dump function for Object type (NFC) (#5207)
  * [Frontend][Torch] Fix up graph input handling (#5204)
  * [REFACTOR][IR] kExternalSymbol -&gt; kGlobalSymbol (#5211)
  * [TIR][PASS] dtype rewrite for indexing variables (#5092)
  * [TIR] Introduce BufferLoad/Store (#5205)
  * [REFACTOR][TIR] Migrate low-level pass functions to Pass Manager, (#5213)
  * [PYTORCH]AvgPool3d, MaxPool3d and Squeeze op support (#5220)
  * [DOCS] Misc docs improvements (#5222)
  * [REFACTOR] tvm.hybrid -&gt; te.hybrid (#5223)
  * [CodeGen][CUDA] Fix bugs (#5209)
  * [DOCSTRING]missing function parameters updated (#5228)
  * [KERAS]Upsample3d &amp; ZeroPadding3d op (#5125)
  * [RELAY][FIX] Fix hang in MergeCompilerRegions (#5227)
  * [TOPI x86] Adding unroll_kw config option for depthwise conv2d. (#5197)
  * [RELAY] Non-recursive Graph Vistor and Rewriter (#4886)
  * [PYTHON] Make IntImm more like an integer (#5232)
  * [REFACTOR][TIR] Migrate most of low-level build to use the Pass Manager. (#5225)
  * [TE] Support mixing normal and cross-thread reduction (#5193)
  * Fix intel conv2d auto tune (#5200)
  * [ONNX]Pool3d &amp; upsample3d op support (#5135)
  * [REFACTOR][TIR] Migrate all low-level passes to the Pass Manager. (#5233)
  * [Relay][ADT]Static Tensor Array (#5103)
  * [Fix][VM] Fix copy constructor (#5237)
  * [Relay][Topi][AutoTVM] Winograd support for Conv3D (#5186)
  * [Runtime][Contrib] Support cudnn softmax (#5214)
  * [CI] Update MxNet to 1.6.0 with MKL (#5240)
  * fix to skip node not in graph. (#5238)
  * fix lower_warp_memory (#5247)
  * [RUNTIME] Enable auto conversion from str to runtime::String in PackedFunc, move dtype related handling to data_type.h (#5251)
  * [PYTORCH]LayerNorm support added (#5249)
  * [Topi] Breakdown into smaller files (#5253)
  * [TE] Minor bugfix in (#5254)
  * [TFLITE]Hard Swish &amp; MobilnetV3 model testing (#5239)
  * [Pytorch]layernorm bug fix and testcase updated (#5257)
  * Fixed typo and type mismatch (#5259)
  * [TIR] Fix perf regression of tir refactor (#5258)
  * [Relay][OP] Add fast_erf implementation (#5241)
  * [uTVM][Runtime] Introduce Virtual Memory Allocator to CRT (#5124)
  * [LLVM] Use llvm::Align with LLVM 11+ to avoid warnings (#5264)
  * [LLVM] Use llvm::ElementCount with LLVM 11+ when creating vectors (#5265)
  * [RUNTIME] Quick fix PackedFunc String passing (#5266)
  * [LLVM] Do not use x86_vcvtph2ps_256 intrinsic with LLVM 11+ (#5267)
  * [RUNTIME] Implement TVMDSOOp(TensorFlow custom op) for TVM runtime (#4459)
  * [RELAY][BYOC] Add support for composite functions in BYOC (#5261)
  * [PYTORCH]celu, gelu, selu activations (#5263)
  * [LLVM] Include Support/Host.h for declaration of getDefaultTargetTriple (#5268)
  * [LINT] Remove scalalint from lint deps (#5269)
  * update compiler version in docs (#5281)
  * [BUGFIX][IR] Fix String SEqual (#5275)
  * [BUGFIX] Fix CRT static test bug (#5293)
  * [CI] Temporary disable CRT test (#5297)
  * Create loops according to storage scope and thread hierarchies (#5190)
  * [TENSORFLOW]reduce ops updated (#5180)
  * [Node] Provide guide to user who has difficulty register SEqualReduce (#5300)
  * Legalize - Use Non-recursive Rewriter. (#5296)
  * [NODE] General serialzation of leaf objects into bytes. (#5299)
  * Adding support for TFLite QnnSub operator. (#5230)
  * [BYOC] Refine DNNL Codegen (#5288)
  * [RUNTIME] Initial implementation of Hexagon runtime support (#5252)
  * [NDArray] Set shape_ in NDArray::FromDLPack (#5301)
  * [REFACTOR][IR] Move to runtime::String (#5276)
  * Update (#5291)
  * [FRONTEND][TENSORFLOW] Fix gather_nd indices (#5279)
  * [PYTORCH]Repeat, Reciprocal &amp; Reshape Op support (#5280)
  * [Arith] linear system and equation solver (#5171)
  * [CI] Fix the hexagon string (#5304)
  * [BYOC] Refine AnnotateTarget and MergeCompilerRegion Passes (#5277)
  * [RELAY][FRONTEND][CAFFE2] add Mul and ConvTranspose operator (#5302)
  * [RUNTIME] Introduce RValue reference(move) support to TypedPackedFunc (#5271)
  * [Frontend][TensorFlow]Improve TensorFlow Static Shape Tensor Array (#5243)
  * [BYOC] Add example of Composite + Annotate for DNNL fused op (#5272)
  * [LLVM] Fix generation of LLVM intrinsics (#5282)
  * [PYTORCH]Abs, Arange, Softplus ops (#5295)
  * [IR][TRANSFORM] Enable CopyOnWrite for passes. (#5309)
  * [Requantize] Cleanup and Optimize Lowering (#5286)
  * Remove PrimExpr from String (#5311)
  * [Rust][CI] Restore Rust CI (#5137)
  * [Intrinsic] Add log1p, ldexp, atan2, hypot, nextafter, copysign (#5312)
  * [Torch] Support Python list, more realistic recurrent networks (#5306)
  * [PYTORCH]Reduce_ops support added (#5308)
  * [REALY][OP] fix typo (#5315)
  * [Topi] Tensorcore support for Conv3D (#5284)
  * [RUNTIME][IR] Allow non-nullable ObjectRef, introduce Optional&lt;T&gt;. (#5314)
  * [BYOC] Enhance partitioning and external codegen (#5310)
  * [COMMUNITY] @mbaret -&gt; Reviewer (#5322)
  * add memoized expr translator for use by backend codegen (#5325)
  * [CODEGEN][CUDA] Fix vector load (#5226)
  * [Frontend|MXNet] SwapAxis operator support (#5246)
  * [TE][BuildModule] Fix import in dump pass ir (#5327)
  * [RELAY][PYTORCH]isNan, isinf, isfinite, ceil, clamp, round ops (#5316)
  * [TIR] Refactor MakePackedAPI to target dependent stage. (#5326)
  * [RELAY] Remove re-exports of tvm.transform (#5337)
  * [LLVM] Use llvm::FunctionCallee in IRBuilder::CreateCall with LLVM 11+ (#5338)
  * [CI] Fix to propagate --network=host to the docker build command (#5336)
  * [Runtime][Relay][Cleanup] Clean up for memory pass to enable heterogenous execution support. (#5324)
  * Windows Support for cpp_rpc (#4857)
  * [PYTORCH]Take, Topk op support (#5332)
  * [TOPI] Using x86 schedules for ARM conv2d. (#5334)
  * [TOPI] Improve get_valid_count and nms performance for CUDA (#5339)
  * [PYTHON] Enhance with_attr API, cleanup MakeAPILegacy in testcases (#5335)
  * [TIR] Remove ProducerConsumer and AllocateNode::new_expr (#5333)
  * [BYOC] Prevent duplicate outputs in subgraph Tuple (#5320)
  * [Tutorial, QNN] Add tutorial for loading quantized PyTorch model (#5321)
  * [DOCS] Bring relay docs to the top-level flat view (#5343)
  * Update dmlc_tvm_commit_id.txt
  * fix tensorrt python file
  * COmment out docs: GPU again
  * Enable VTA_TSIM, VTA_FSIM for gpu to stop CI error when packing tvm_multilib
  * [TOPI][PYTORCH]Logical &amp; Bitwise operator support (#5341)
  * [RELAY][BYOC] Register pattern tables from external codegens (#5262)
  * [RUNTIME][CRT] support DLTensor whose ndim == 0 (#5344)
  * [BYOC][FIX] Fix typo in &quot;default&quot; (#5348)
  * Update dmlc_tvm_commit_id.txt
  * [BYOCG][TRT] Heterogeneous TRT (#97)
  * [TRT] Improvements and bug fixes for heterogeneous TRT (#100)
  * Removing older Object detection TFlite test (#5477) (#103)
  * [PYTORCH] Support max_pool2d_with_indices (#5549) (#104)
  * [TRT] Fix TRT Performance caused by using explicit batch mode (#102)
  * Add GetInputType to graph runtime (#106)
  * Add GetOutputType to graph_runtime (#107)
  * [Cherry-pick][Fix] Fix conv2d alter op for arm cpu (#5532) (#108)
  * [TRT] Support conv2d, deconv for TRT &lt; 5.1.5 (#109)
  * Fix GetOutputType by using entry_id instead of node_id (#111)
  * Build and test on GPU

-- File Changes --

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    M apps/howto_deploy/Makefile (29)
    M apps/howto_deploy/ (20)
    M apps/howto_deploy/ (24)
    M apps/howto_deploy/ (25)
    A apps/howto_deploy/ (48)
    M apps/howto_deploy/ (25)
    M apps/howto_deploy/ (28)
    M apps/ios_rpc/ (55)
    M apps/ios_rpc/ (45)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tests/ (39)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj (27)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata (17)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/AppDelegate.h (21)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/AppDelegate.m (20)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard (20)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard (17)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/Info.plist (17)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/TVMRuntime.h (20)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/ (60)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/ViewController.h (20)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/ (20)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpc/main.m (20)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpcLauncher/Info.plist (17)
    M apps/ios_rpc/tvmrpcLauncher/ (20)
    A apps/lldb/ (21)
    A apps/lldb/ (198)
    D apps/pynq_rpc/ (5)
    M apps/rocm_rpc/Makefile (20)
    M apps/rocm_rpc/ (17)
    M apps/rocm_rpc/ (19)
    M apps/rocm_rpc/ (19)
    A apps/sgx/.cargo/config (5)
    D apps/sgx/.gitignore (1)
    A apps/sgx/.rustfmt.toml (1)
    A apps/sgx/Cargo.lock (750)
    A apps/sgx/Cargo.toml (28)
    D apps/sgx/Makefile (89)
    M apps/sgx/ (85)
    A apps/sgx/ (84)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/.rustfmt.toml (1)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/Cargo.toml (15)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/Makefile (42)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/Xargo.toml (13)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/ (9)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/ (9)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/ (11)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/sgx-deps.diff (13)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/src/ (38)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/src/ (119)
    D apps/sgx/enclave/x86_64-unknown-linux-sgx.json (31)
    A apps/sgx/ (28)
    D apps/sgx/ (10)
    D apps/sgx/ (20)
    A apps/sgx/src/ (56)
    A apps/sgx/src/ (51)
    A apps/tf_tvmdsoop/CMakeLists.txt (34)
    A apps/tf_tvmdsoop/ (35)
    A apps/tf_tvmdsoop/tests/ (118)
    A apps/vta_rpc/ (22)
    A apps/vta_rpc/ (26)
    M cmake/config.cmake (107)
    A cmake/modules/ANTLR.cmake (40)
    M cmake/modules/CUDA.cmake (37)
    A cmake/modules/Hexagon.cmake (96)
    M cmake/modules/LLVM.cmake (19)
    M cmake/modules/Metal.cmake (21)
    A cmake/modules/Micro.cmake (22)
    M cmake/modules/OpenCL.cmake (23)
    M cmake/modules/OpenGL.cmake (19)
    A cmake/modules/OpenMP.cmake (48)
    M cmake/modules/ROCM.cmake (23)
    D cmake/modules/SGX.cmake (51)
    M cmake/modules/VTA.cmake (123)
    M cmake/modules/Vulkan.cmake (45)
    M cmake/modules/contrib/BLAS.cmake (56)
    A cmake/modules/contrib/CODEGENC.cmake (20)
    A cmake/modules/contrib/DNNL.cmake (28)
    A cmake/modules/contrib/HybridDump.cmake (20)
    A cmake/modules/contrib/MicroStandaloneRuntime.cmake (23)
    M cmake/modules/contrib/NNPack.cmake (26)
    M cmake/modules/contrib/Random.cmake (19)
    M cmake/modules/contrib/Sort.cmake (19)
    A cmake/modules/contrib/TFLite.cmake (44)
    A cmake/modules/contrib/TF_TVMDSOOP.cmake (58)
    A cmake/modules/contrib/TensorRT.cmake (57)
    A cmake/util/FindANTLR.cmake (65)
    M cmake/util/FindCUDA.cmake (28)
    M cmake/util/FindLLVM.cmake (44)
    M cmake/util/FindROCM.cmake (17)
    M cmake/util/FindVulkan.cmake (17)
    M cmake/util/Util.cmake (17)
    A conda/Dockerfile.template (46)
    A conda/ (31)
    A conda/ (30)
    M conda/conda_build_config.yaml (22)
    A conda/cross-linux.cmake (38)
    D conda/nnvm/ (6)
    D conda/nnvm/meta.yaml (39)
    A conda/ (61)
    D conda/topi/ (6)
    D conda/topi/meta.yaml (34)
    M conda/tvm-libs/ (46)
    M conda/tvm-libs/meta.yaml (38)
    M conda/tvm/ (22)
    M conda/tvm/meta.yaml (39)
    A dmlc_tvm_commit_id.txt (1)
    M docker/Dockerfile.ci_cpu (39)
    M docker/Dockerfile.ci_emscripten (17)
    M docker/Dockerfile.ci_gpu (52)
    M docker/Dockerfile.ci_i386 (22)
    A docker/Dockerfile.ci_jekyll (24)
    M docker/Dockerfile.ci_lint (30)
    A docker/Dockerfile.conda_cpu (41)
    A docker/Dockerfile.conda_cuda100 (46)
    A docker/Dockerfile.conda_cuda90 (46)
    M docker/Dockerfile.demo_android (50)
    M docker/Dockerfile.demo_cpu (38)
    M docker/Dockerfile.demo_gpu (44)
    M docker/Dockerfile.demo_opencl (26)
    M docker/ (26)
    M docker/ (43)
    M docker/ (44)
    M docker/install/ (31)
    M docker/install/ (29)
    M docker/install/ (23)
    A docker/install/ (25)
    A docker/install/ (25)
    A docker/install/ (41)
    M docker/install/ (28)
    M docker/install/ (22)
    M docker/install/ (24)
    A docker/install/ (23)
    M docker/install/ (26)
    A docker/install/ (23)
    M docker/install/ (29)
    M docker/install/ (21)
    D docker/install/ (8)
    M docker/install/ (42)
    D docker/install/ (2)
    M docker/install/ (39)
    M docker/install/ (24)
    A docker/install/ (35)
    M docker/install/ (34)
    M docker/install/ (35)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    A docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    D docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)
    A docker/install/ (0)
    M docker/install/ (0)

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Re: [apache/incubator-tvm] Release 1.2.0 (#6291)

Posted by Nag Varun Chunduru <>.
Closed #6291.

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