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[16/37] ambari git commit: AMBARI-21450. Initial cherry-picking for feature branch (ncole)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/upgrade/ b/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/upgrade/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd7ae45..0000000
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/upgrade/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1344 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.ambari.server.upgrade;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.actionmanager.CommandExecutionType;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.collections.Predicate;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.collections.functors.ContainsPredicate;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.configuration.Configuration;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.controller.AmbariManagementController;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.DBAccessor;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.DBAccessor.DBColumnInfo;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.dao.AlertDefinitionDAO;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.dao.AlertsDAO;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.dao.ArtifactDAO;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.dao.DaoUtils;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.dao.ViewInstanceDAO;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.AlertCurrentEntity;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.AlertDefinitionEntity;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.AlertHistoryEntity;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.ArtifactEntity;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.ViewInstanceEntity;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Cluster;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Clusters;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Config;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos.KerberosComponentDescriptor;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos.KerberosConfigurationDescriptor;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos.KerberosDescriptor;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos.KerberosDescriptorFactory;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos.KerberosIdentityDescriptor;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos.KerberosKeytabDescriptor;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos.KerberosPrincipalDescriptor;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos.KerberosServiceDescriptor;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.view.ViewArchiveUtility;
-import org.apache.ambari.server.view.ViewInstanceOperationHandler;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.sql.Statement;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- * Upgrade catalog for version 2.5.0.
- */
-public class UpgradeCatalog250 extends AbstractUpgradeCatalog {
-  protected static final String HOST_VERSION_TABLE = "host_version";
-  protected static final String GROUPS_TABLE = "groups";
-  protected static final String GROUP_TYPE_COL = "group_type";
-  private static final String AMS_ENV = "ams-env";
-  private static final String AMS_GRAFANA_INI = "ams-grafana-ini";
-  private static final String AMS_SITE = "ams-site";
-  private static final String AMS_LOG4J = "ams-log4j";
-  private static final String AMS_HBASE_LOG4J = "ams-hbase-log4j";
-  private static final String AMS_MODE = "timeline.metrics.service.operation.mode";
-  private static final String AMS_HBASE_SITE = "ams-hbase-site";
-  private static final String HBASE_ROOTDIR = "hbase.rootdir";
-  private static final String HADOOP_ENV = "hadoop-env";
-  private static final String KAFKA_BROKER = "kafka-broker";
-  private static final String YARN_SITE_CONFIG = "yarn-site";
-  private static final String YARN_ENV_CONFIG = "yarn-env";
-  private static final String YARN_LCE_CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATH = "yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.cgroups.mount-path";
-  private static final String YARN_CGROUPS_ENABLED = "yarn_cgroups_enabled";
-  private static final String KAFKA_TIMELINE_METRICS_HOST = "";
-  public static final String COMPONENT_TABLE = "servicecomponentdesiredstate";
-  public static final String COMPONENT_VERSION_TABLE = "servicecomponent_version";
-  public static final String COMPONENT_VERSION_PK = "PK_sc_version";
-  public static final String COMPONENT_VERSION_FK_COMPONENT = "FK_scv_component_id";
-  public static final String COMPONENT_VERSION_FK_REPO_VERSION = "FK_scv_repo_version_id";
-  protected static final String SERVICE_DESIRED_STATE_TABLE = "servicedesiredstate";
-  protected static final String CREDENTIAL_STORE_ENABLED_COL = "credential_store_enabled";
-  protected static final String HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_TABLE = "hostcomponentdesiredstate";
-  protected static final String HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_ID_COL = "id";
-  protected static final String HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_INDEX = "UQ_hcdesiredstate_name";
-  @Inject
-  ViewInstanceDAO viewInstanceDAO;
-  @Inject
-  ViewInstanceOperationHandler viewInstanceOperationHandler;
-  @Inject
-  protected ViewArchiveUtility archiveUtility;
-  /**
-   * Logger.
-   */
-  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UpgradeCatalog250.class);
-  @Inject
-  DaoUtils daoUtils;
-  // ----- Constructors ------------------------------------------------------
-  /**
-   * Don't forget to register new UpgradeCatalogs in {@link org.apache.ambari.server.upgrade.SchemaUpgradeHelper.UpgradeHelperModule#configure()}
-   *
-   * @param injector Guice injector to track dependencies and uses bindings to inject them.
-   */
-  @Inject
-  public UpgradeCatalog250(Injector injector) {
-    super(injector);
-    daoUtils = injector.getInstance(DaoUtils.class);
-  }
-  // ----- UpgradeCatalog ----------------------------------------------------
-  /**
-   * {@inheritDoc}
-   */
-  @Override
-  public String getTargetVersion() {
-    return "2.5.0";
-  }
-  // ----- AbstractUpgradeCatalog --------------------------------------------
-  /**
-   * {@inheritDoc}
-   */
-  @Override
-  public String getSourceVersion() {
-    return "2.4.2";
-  }
-  /**
-   * {@inheritDoc}
-   */
-  @Override
-  protected void executeDDLUpdates() throws AmbariException, SQLException {
-    updateHostVersionTable();
-    createComponentVersionTable();
-    updateGroupsTable();
-    dbAccessor.addColumn("stage",
-      new DBAccessor.DBColumnInfo("command_execution_type", String.class, 32, CommandExecutionType.STAGE.toString(),
-        false));
-    updateServiceDesiredStateTable();
-    updateHostComponentDesiredStateTable();
-  }
-  /**
-   * {@inheritDoc}
-   */
-  @Override
-  protected void executePreDMLUpdates() throws AmbariException, SQLException {
-  }
-  /**
-   * {@inheritDoc}
-   */
-  @Override
-  protected void executeDMLUpdates() throws AmbariException, SQLException {
-    addNewConfigurationsFromXml();
-    updateAMSConfigs();
-    updateStormAlerts();
-    updateLogSearchAlert();
-    removeAlertDuplicates();
-    updateHadoopEnvConfigs();
-    updateKafkaConfigs();
-    updateHIVEInteractiveConfigs();
-    unInstallAllZeppelinViews();
-    updateZeppelinConfigs();
-    updateAtlasConfigs();
-    updateLogSearchConfigs();
-    updateAmbariInfraConfigs();
-    updateYarnSite();
-    updateRangerUrlConfigs();
-    addManageServiceAutoStartPermissions();
-    addManageAlertNotificationsPermissions();
-    updateKerberosDescriptorArtifacts();
-    fixHBaseMasterCPUUtilizationAlertDefinition();
-    updateTezHistoryUrlBase();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fix the HBase Master CPU Utilization alert definition by swapping the values for <code>kerberos_keytab</code>
-   * and <code>kerberos_principal</code>.
-   */
-  protected void fixHBaseMasterCPUUtilizationAlertDefinition() {
-    AlertDefinitionDAO alertDefinitionDAO = injector.getInstance(AlertDefinitionDAO.class);
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = getCheckedClusterMap(clusters);
-    for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-      long clusterID = cluster.getClusterId();
-      AlertDefinitionEntity alertDefinition = alertDefinitionDAO.findByName(clusterID, "hbase_master_cpu");
-      if(alertDefinition != null) {
-"Updating alert definition {} in cluster {}", alertDefinition.getDefinitionName(), clusterID);
-        String source = alertDefinition.getSource();
-        if(source != null) {
-          JsonObject sourceJson = new JsonParser().parse(source).getAsJsonObject();
-          if(sourceJson != null) {
-            boolean changesExist = false;
-            LOG.debug("Source before update : {}", sourceJson);
-            JsonObject uriJson = sourceJson.get("uri").getAsJsonObject();
-            JsonPrimitive primitive;
-            if (uriJson != null) {
-              // Replace
-              //  "kerberos_keytab": "{{hbase-site/}}"
-              // With
-              //  "kerberos_keytab": "{{hbase-site/}}"
-              primitive = uriJson.getAsJsonPrimitive("kerberos_keytab");
-              if ((primitive != null) && primitive.isString() && "{{hbase-site/}}".equals(primitive.getAsString())) {
-                uriJson.remove("kerberos_keytab");
-                uriJson.addProperty("kerberos_keytab", "{{hbase-site/}}");
-                changesExist = true;
-              }
-              // Replace
-              //  "kerberos_principal": "{{hbase-site/}}"
-              // With
-              //  "kerberos_principal": "{{hbase-site/}}"
-              primitive = uriJson.getAsJsonPrimitive("kerberos_principal");
-              if ((primitive != null) && primitive.isString() && "{{hbase-site/}}".equals(primitive.getAsString())) {
-                uriJson.remove("kerberos_principal");
-                uriJson.addProperty("kerberos_principal", "{{hbase-site/}}");
-                changesExist = true;
-              }
-            }
-            LOG.debug("Source after update : {}", sourceJson);
-            if(changesExist) {
-              alertDefinition.setSource(sourceJson.toString());
-              alertDefinition.setHash(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
-              alertDefinitionDAO.merge(alertDefinition);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Removes all {@link AlertCurrentEntity} duplicates from database.
-   * Alerts are considered as duplicates if their definition, host and alert instance are the same.
-   * Duplicates could be created in earlier versions of Ambari up till 2.4.1.
-   */
-  protected void removeAlertDuplicates() {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    AlertsDAO alertsDao = injector.getInstance(AlertsDAO.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = getCheckedClusterMap(clusters);
-    for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-      long clusterID = cluster.getClusterId();
-"Removing alert duplicates on cluster {}", cluster.getClusterName());
-      List<AlertCurrentEntity> alertCurrentEntities = alertsDao.findCurrentByCluster(clusterID);
-      Set<AlertHistoryEntity> uniqueAlerts = new HashSet<>();
-      for (AlertCurrentEntity alertCurrentEntity : alertCurrentEntities) {
-        AlertHistoryEntity currentAlert = new AlertHistoryEntity();
-        currentAlert.setAlertDefinition(alertCurrentEntity.getAlertHistory().getAlertDefinition());
-        currentAlert.setHostName(alertCurrentEntity.getAlertHistory().getHostName());
-        currentAlert.setAlertInstance(alertCurrentEntity.getAlertHistory().getAlertInstance());
-        if (uniqueAlerts.contains(currentAlert)) {
-"Alert entity duplicate {} will be removed",alertCurrentEntity.getAlertHistory());
-          alertsDao.remove(alertCurrentEntity);
-        } else {
-          uniqueAlerts.add(currentAlert);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected void updateStormAlerts() {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    AlertDefinitionDAO alertDefinitionDAO = injector.getInstance(AlertDefinitionDAO.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = getCheckedClusterMap(clusters);
-    for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-      long clusterID = cluster.getClusterId();
-"Updating storm alert definitions on cluster : " + cluster.getClusterName());
-      final AlertDefinitionEntity stormServerProcessDefinitionEntity = alertDefinitionDAO.findByName(
-              clusterID, "storm_server_process");
-      final AlertDefinitionEntity stormWebAlert = alertDefinitionDAO.findByName(
-              clusterID, "storm_webui");
-      if (stormServerProcessDefinitionEntity != null) {
-"Removing alert definition : " + stormServerProcessDefinitionEntity.toString());
-        alertDefinitionDAO.remove(stormServerProcessDefinitionEntity);
-      }
-      if (stormWebAlert != null) {
-"Updating alert definition : " + stormWebAlert.getDefinitionName());
-        String source = stormWebAlert.getSource();
-        JsonObject sourceJson = new JsonParser().parse(source).getAsJsonObject();
-        LOG.debug("Source before update : " + sourceJson);
-        JsonObject uriJson = sourceJson.get("uri").getAsJsonObject();
-        uriJson.remove("https");
-        uriJson.remove("https_property");
-        uriJson.remove("https_property_value");
-        uriJson.addProperty("https", "{{storm-site/ui.https.port}}");
-        uriJson.addProperty("https_property", "{{storm-site/ui.https.keystore.type}}");
-        uriJson.addProperty("https_property_value", "jks");
-        LOG.debug("Source after update : " + sourceJson);
-        stormWebAlert.setSource(sourceJson.toString());
-        alertDefinitionDAO.merge(stormWebAlert);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected void updateLogSearchAlert() {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    AlertDefinitionDAO alertDefinitionDAO = injector.getInstance(AlertDefinitionDAO.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = getCheckedClusterMap(clusters);
-    for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-      long clusterID = cluster.getClusterId();
-"Updating Log Search web ui alert definitions on cluster : " + cluster.getClusterName());
-      final AlertDefinitionEntity logSearchWebAlert = alertDefinitionDAO.findByName(
-        clusterID, "logsearch_ui");
-      if (logSearchWebAlert != null) {
-"Updating alert definition : " + logSearchWebAlert.getDefinitionName());
-        String source = logSearchWebAlert.getSource();
-        JsonObject sourceJson = new JsonParser().parse(source).getAsJsonObject();
-        LOG.debug("Source before update : " + sourceJson);
-        JsonObject uriJson = sourceJson.get("uri").getAsJsonObject();
-        uriJson.remove("https_property");
-        uriJson.remove("https_property_value");
-        uriJson.addProperty("https_property", "{{logsearch-env/logsearch_ui_protocol}}");
-        uriJson.addProperty("https_property_value", "https");
-        LOG.debug("Source after update : " + sourceJson);
-        logSearchWebAlert.setSource(sourceJson.toString());
-        alertDefinitionDAO.merge(logSearchWebAlert);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * This will check if previous value of 'tez.tez-ui.history-url.base' contains tez view's url.
-   * If yes then it will point it to fixed url of tez view auto view as introduced in ambari-
-   * else it will log an error and move ahead.
-   */
-  protected void updateTezHistoryUrlBase() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          Set<String> installedServices = cluster.getServices().keySet();
-          if (installedServices.contains("TEZ")) {
-            Config tezSite = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("tez-site");
-            if (tezSite != null) {
-              String currentTezHistoryUrlBase = tezSite.getProperties().get("tez.tez-ui.history-url.base");
-              if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(currentTezHistoryUrlBase)) {
-      "Current Tez History URL base: {} ", currentTezHistoryUrlBase);
-                String newTezHistoryUrlBase = null;
-                try {
-                  newTezHistoryUrlBase = getUpdatedTezHistoryUrlBase(currentTezHistoryUrlBase);
-                } catch (AmbariException e) {
-                  LOG.error("Error occurred while creating updated URL of tez view using value in property tez.tez-ui.history-url.base." +
-                    "The current value {} is not of standard format expected by Ambari. Skipping the updation of tez.tez-ui.history-url.base." +
-                    "Please check validity of this property manually in tez site after upgrade.", currentTezHistoryUrlBase, e);
-                  return;
-                }
-      "New Tez History URL base: {} ", newTezHistoryUrlBase);
-                updateConfigurationProperties("tez-site", Collections.singletonMap("tez.tez-ui.history-url.base", newTezHistoryUrlBase), true, false);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Transforms the existing tez history url base to the fixed short url for tez auto instance
-   * @param currentTezHistoryUrlBase Existing value of the tez history url base
-   * @return the updated tez history url base
-   * @throws AmbariException if currentTezHistoryUrlBase is malformed or is not compatible with the Tez View url REGEX
-   */
-  protected String getUpdatedTezHistoryUrlBase(String currentTezHistoryUrlBase) throws AmbariException{
-    String pattern = "(.*)(\\/views\\/TEZ\\/)(.*)";
-    Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(pattern);
-    Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(currentTezHistoryUrlBase);
-    String prefix;
-    if (matcher.find()) {
-      prefix =;
-    } else {
-      throw new AmbariException("Cannot prepare the new value for property: 'tez.tez-ui.history-url.base' using the old value: '" + currentTezHistoryUrlBase + "'");
-    }
-    // adding the auto tez instance short url name instead of the tez version and tez view instance name
-    return prefix + "/view/TEZ/tez_cluster_instance";
-  }
-  protected void updateHostVersionTable() throws SQLException {
-"Updating the {} table", HOST_VERSION_TABLE);
-    // Add the unique constraint to the host_version table
-    dbAccessor.addUniqueConstraint(HOST_VERSION_TABLE, "UQ_host_repo", "repo_version_id", "host_id");
-  }
-  protected void updateGroupsTable() throws SQLException {
-"Updating the {} table", GROUPS_TABLE);
-    dbAccessor.addColumn(GROUPS_TABLE, new DBColumnInfo(GROUP_TYPE_COL, String.class, null, "LOCAL", false));
-    dbAccessor.executeQuery("UPDATE groups SET group_type='LDAP' WHERE ldap_group=1");
-    dbAccessor.addUniqueConstraint(GROUPS_TABLE, "UNQ_groups_0", "group_name", "group_type");
-  }
-  /**
-   * Updates {@code yarn-site} in the following ways:
-   *
-   * Remove {@code YARN_LCE_CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATH} if  {@code YARN_CGROUPS_ENABLED} is {@code false} and
-   * {@code YARN_LCE_CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATH} is empty string
-   *
-   * @throws AmbariException
-   */
-  protected void updateYarnSite() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = getCheckedClusterMap(clusters);
-    for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-      Config yarnEnvConfig = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(YARN_ENV_CONFIG);
-      Config yarnSiteConfig = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(YARN_SITE_CONFIG);
-      if (yarnEnvConfig != null && yarnSiteConfig != null) {
-        String cgroupEnabled = yarnEnvConfig.getProperties().get(YARN_CGROUPS_ENABLED);
-        String mountPath = yarnSiteConfig.getProperties().get(YARN_LCE_CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATH);
-        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mountPath) && cgroupEnabled != null
-          && cgroupEnabled.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("false")){
-          removeConfigurationPropertiesFromCluster(cluster, YARN_SITE_CONFIG, new HashSet<String>(){{
-            add(YARN_LCE_CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATH);
-          }});
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected void updateAMSConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          Config amsEnv = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(AMS_ENV);
-          if (amsEnv != null) {
-            Map<String, String> amsEnvProperties = amsEnv.getProperties();
-            String content = amsEnvProperties.get("content");
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            newProperties.put("content", updateAmsEnvContent(content));
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, AMS_ENV, newProperties, true, true);
-          }
-          boolean isDistributed = false;
-          Config amsSite = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(AMS_SITE);
-          if (amsSite != null) {
-            if ("distributed".equals(amsSite.getProperties().get(AMS_MODE))) {
-              isDistributed = true;
-            }
-            Map<String, String> amsSiteProperties = amsSite.getProperties();
-            if (amsSiteProperties != null && amsSiteProperties.containsKey("timeline.metrics.hbase.fifo.compaction.enabled")) {
-    "Removing timeline.metrics.hbase.fifo.compaction.enabled from ams-site");
-              removeConfigurationPropertiesFromCluster(cluster, AMS_SITE, Collections.singleton("timeline.metrics.hbase.fifo.compaction.enabled"));
-            }
-          }
-          if (isDistributed) {
-            Config amsHbaseSite = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(AMS_HBASE_SITE);
-            if (amsHbaseSite != null) {
-              Map<String, String> amsHbaseSiteProperties = amsHbaseSite.getProperties();
-              String rootDir = amsHbaseSiteProperties.get(HBASE_ROOTDIR);
-              if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(rootDir) && rootDir.startsWith("hdfs://")) {
-                int indexOfSlash = rootDir.indexOf("/", 7);
-                Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-                String newRootdir = rootDir.substring(indexOfSlash);
-                newProperties.put(HBASE_ROOTDIR, newRootdir);
-      "Changing ams-hbase-site rootdir to " + newRootdir);
-                updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, AMS_HBASE_SITE, newProperties, true, true);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          //Update AMS log4j to make rolling properties configurable as separate fields.
-          Config amsLog4jProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(AMS_LOG4J);
-          if(amsLog4jProperties != null){
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            String content = amsLog4jProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content,"ams_log_max_backup_size","ams_log_max_backup_size","log4j.appender.file.MaxFileSize=(\\w+)MB","80",newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content,"ams_log_number_of_backup_files","ams_log_number_of_backup_files","log4j.appender.file.MaxBackupIndex=(\\w+)","60",newProperties);
-            newProperties.put("content",content);
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster,AMS_LOG4J,newProperties,true,true);
-          }
-          Config amsHbaseLog4jProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(AMS_HBASE_LOG4J);
-          if(amsHbaseLog4jProperties != null){
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            String content = amsHbaseLog4jProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content,"ams_hbase_log_maxfilesize","ams_hbase_log_maxfilesize","hbase.log.maxfilesize=(\\w+)MB","256",newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content,"ams_hbase_log_maxbackupindex","ams_hbase_log_maxbackupindex","hbase.log.maxbackupindex=(\\w+)","20",newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content,"ams_hbase_security_log_maxfilesize","ams_hbase_security_log_maxfilesize","\\w+)MB","256",newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content,"ams_hbase_security_log_maxbackupindex","ams_hbase_security_log_maxbackupindex","\\w+)","20",newProperties);
-            newProperties.put("content",content);
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster,AMS_HBASE_LOG4J,newProperties,true,true);
-          }
-          Config amsGrafanaIni = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(AMS_GRAFANA_INI);
-          if (amsGrafanaIni != null) {
-            Map<String, String> amsGrafanaIniProperties = amsGrafanaIni.getProperties();
-            String content = amsGrafanaIniProperties.get("content");
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            newProperties.put("content", updateAmsGrafanaIniContent(content));
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, AMS_GRAFANA_INI, newProperties, true, true);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * {@inheritDoc}
-   */
-  @Override
-  protected void updateKerberosDescriptorArtifact(ArtifactDAO artifactDAO, ArtifactEntity artifactEntity) throws AmbariException {
-    if (artifactEntity != null) {
-      Map<String, Object> data = artifactEntity.getArtifactData();
-      if (data != null) {
-        final KerberosDescriptor kerberosDescriptor = new KerberosDescriptorFactory().createInstance(data);
-        if (kerberosDescriptor != null) {
-          KerberosServiceDescriptor logSearchKerberosDescriptor = kerberosDescriptor.getService("LOGSEARCH");
-          KerberosServiceDescriptor atlasKerberosDescriptor = kerberosDescriptor.getService("ATLAS");
-          KerberosServiceDescriptor rangerKerberosDescriptor = kerberosDescriptor.getService("RANGER");
-          addInfrSolrDescriptor(artifactDAO, artifactEntity, kerberosDescriptor, atlasKerberosDescriptor, "ATLAS_SERVER");
-          addInfrSolrDescriptor(artifactDAO, artifactEntity, kerberosDescriptor, logSearchKerberosDescriptor, "LOGSEARCH_SERVER");
-          addInfrSolrDescriptor(artifactDAO, artifactEntity, kerberosDescriptor, rangerKerberosDescriptor, "RANGER_ADMIN");
-          KerberosServiceDescriptor stormKerberosDescriptor = kerberosDescriptor.getService("STORM");
-          if (stormKerberosDescriptor != null) {
-            KerberosComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor = stormKerberosDescriptor.getComponent("NIMBUS");
-            if (componentDescriptor != null) {
-              KerberosIdentityDescriptor origIdentityDescriptor = componentDescriptor.getIdentity("/STORM/NIMBUS/nimbus_server");
-              if (origIdentityDescriptor != null) {
-                KerberosPrincipalDescriptor origPrincipalDescriptor = origIdentityDescriptor.getPrincipalDescriptor();
-                KerberosPrincipalDescriptor newPrincipalDescriptor = new KerberosPrincipalDescriptor(
-                    null,
-                    null,
-                    (origPrincipalDescriptor == null) ?
-                        "ranger-storm-audit/xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.principal" : origPrincipalDescriptor.getConfiguration(),
-                    null
-                );
-                KerberosKeytabDescriptor origKeytabDescriptor = origIdentityDescriptor.getKeytabDescriptor();
-                KerberosKeytabDescriptor newKeytabDescriptor = new KerberosKeytabDescriptor(
-                    null,
-                    null,
-                    null,
-                    null,
-                    null,
-                    (origKeytabDescriptor == null) ?
-                        "ranger-storm-audit/xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.keyTab" : origKeytabDescriptor.getConfiguration(),
-                    false);
-                componentDescriptor.removeIdentity("/STORM/NIMBUS/nimbus_server");
-                componentDescriptor.putIdentity(new KerberosIdentityDescriptor("/STORM/storm_components", null, newPrincipalDescriptor, newKeytabDescriptor, null));
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          KerberosServiceDescriptor yarnKerberosDescriptor = kerberosDescriptor.getService("YARN");
-          if (yarnKerberosDescriptor != null) {
-            Map<String, KerberosConfigurationDescriptor> configs = yarnKerberosDescriptor.getConfigurations();
-            KerberosConfigurationDescriptor yarnSiteConfigDescriptor = configs.get("yarn-site");
-            if (yarnSiteConfigDescriptor != null) {
-              Map<String, String> properties = yarnSiteConfigDescriptor.getProperties();
-              if (properties != null && properties.containsKey(YARN_LCE_CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATH)) {
-                properties.remove(YARN_LCE_CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATH);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          // Fix HBASE_MASTER Kerberos identity for Ranger audit by clearing out any keytab file or principal name values.
-          KerberosServiceDescriptor hbaseKerberosDescriptor = kerberosDescriptor.getService("HBASE");
-          if (hbaseKerberosDescriptor != null) {
-            KerberosComponentDescriptor hbaseMasterKerberosDescriptor = hbaseKerberosDescriptor.getComponent("HBASE_MASTER");
-            if (hbaseMasterKerberosDescriptor != null) {
-              KerberosIdentityDescriptor identityDescriptor = hbaseMasterKerberosDescriptor.getIdentity("/HBASE/HBASE_MASTER/hbase_master_hbase");
-              if (identityDescriptor != null) {
-                KerberosPrincipalDescriptor principalDescriptor = identityDescriptor.getPrincipalDescriptor();
-                KerberosKeytabDescriptor keytabDescriptor = identityDescriptor.getKeytabDescriptor();
-                identityDescriptor.setReference(identityDescriptor.getName());
-                identityDescriptor.setName("ranger_hbase_audit");
-                principalDescriptor.setValue(null);
-                keytabDescriptor.setFile(null);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          artifactEntity.setArtifactData(kerberosDescriptor.toMap());
-          artifactDAO.merge(artifactEntity);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Add /AMBARI-INFRA/INFRA_SOLR/infra-solr reference to specific service component
-   */
-  private void addInfrSolrDescriptor(ArtifactDAO artifactDAO, ArtifactEntity artifactEntity, KerberosDescriptor kerberosDescriptor,
-                                     KerberosServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor, String componentName) {
-    if (serviceDescriptor != null) {
-      KerberosComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor = serviceDescriptor.getComponent(componentName);
-      if (componentDescriptor != null) {
-        KerberosIdentityDescriptor origIdentityDescriptor = componentDescriptor.getIdentity("/AMBARI_INFRA/INFRA_SOLR/infra-solr");
-        if (origIdentityDescriptor != null) {
-"/AMBARI_INFRA/INFRA_SOLR/infra-solr identity already exists in {} component", componentName);
-        } else {
-          Predicate predicate = ContainsPredicate.fromMap(Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap(ContainsPredicate.NAME, Arrays.asList("services", "AMBARI_INFRA")));
-          componentDescriptor.putIdentity(new KerberosIdentityDescriptor("/AMBARI_INFRA/INFRA_SOLR/infra-solr",null, null, null, predicate));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected void unInstallAllZeppelinViews(){
-"Removing all Zeppelin views.");
-    List<ViewInstanceEntity> viewInstanceList =  viewInstanceDAO.findAll();
-    for( ViewInstanceEntity viewInstanceEntity : viewInstanceList ){
-      if(viewInstanceEntity.getViewName().equalsIgnoreCase("ZEPPELIN{1.0.0}")){
-"Uninstalling zeppelin view : {}", viewInstanceEntity);
-        try {
-          viewInstanceOperationHandler.uninstallViewInstance(viewInstanceEntity);
-        }catch(Exception e){
-          LOG.error("Exception occurred while uninstalling view {}. Ignored for now.", viewInstanceEntity);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Updates Zeppelin configs.
-   *
-   * @throws AmbariException
-   */
-  protected void updateZeppelinConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          Config zeppelinEnvProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("zeppelin-env");
-          if (zeppelinEnvProperties != null) {
-            String log4jPropertiesContent = zeppelinEnvProperties.getProperties().get("log4j_properties_content");
-            String shiroIniContent = zeppelinEnvProperties.getProperties().get("shiro_ini_content");
-            updateConfigurationProperties("zeppelin-log4j-properties", Collections.singletonMap("log4j_properties_content", log4jPropertiesContent), true, true);
-            updateConfigurationProperties("zeppelin-shiro-ini", Collections.singletonMap("shiro_ini_content", shiroIniContent), true, true);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected String updateAmsGrafanaIniContent(String content) {
-    if (content == null) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    String toReplace = "admin_password = {{ams_grafana_admin_pwd}}";
-    String replaceWith = ";admin_password =";
-    content = content.replace(toReplace, replaceWith);
-    return content;
-  }
-  protected String updateAmsEnvContent(String content) {
-    if (content == null) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    List<String> toReplaceList = new ArrayList<>();
-    toReplaceList.add("\n# HBase normalizer enabled\n");
-    toReplaceList.add("\n# HBase compaction policy enabled\n");
-    toReplaceList.add("export AMS_HBASE_NORMALIZER_ENABLED={{ams_hbase_normalizer_enabled}}\n");
-    toReplaceList.add("export AMS_HBASE_FIFO_COMPACTION_ENABLED={{ams_hbase_fifo_compaction_enabled}}\n");
-    //Because of AMBARI-15331 : AMS HBase FIFO compaction policy and Normalizer settings are not handled correctly
-    toReplaceList.add("export HBASE_NORMALIZATION_ENABLED={{ams_hbase_normalizer_enabled}}\n");
-    toReplaceList.add("export HBASE_FIFO_COMPACTION_POLICY_ENABLED={{ams_hbase_fifo_compaction_policy_enabled}}\n");
-    for (String toReplace : toReplaceList) {
-      if (content.contains(toReplace)) {
-        content = content.replace(toReplace, StringUtils.EMPTY);
-      }
-    }
-    return content;
-  }
-  protected void updateHadoopEnvConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(
-        AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      Map<String, String> prop = new HashMap<String, String>();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          String content = null;
-          Boolean contentUpdated = false;
-          if (cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(HADOOP_ENV) != null) {
-            content = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(HADOOP_ENV).getProperties().get("content");
-          }
-          if (content != null) {
-            if (!content.contains("ulimit -l")) {  // Append "ulimit -l" to
-              content += "\n" +
-                "{% if is_datanode_max_locked_memory_set %}\n" +
-                "# Fix temporary bug, when ulimit from conf files is not picked up, without full relogin. \n" +
-                "# Makes sense to fix only when runing DN as root \n" +
-                "if [ \"$command\" == \"datanode\" ] &amp;&amp; [ \"$EUID\" -eq 0 ] &amp;&amp; [ -n \"$HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER\" ]; then\n" +
-                "  ulimit -l {{datanode_max_locked_memory}}\n" +
-                "fi\n" +
-                "{% endif %}";
-              contentUpdated = true;
-            }
-            if (!content.contains("ulimit -n")){  // Append "ulimit -n" to
-              content += "\n" +
-                "if [ \"$command\" == \"datanode\" ] && [ \"$EUID\" -eq 0 ] && [ -n \"$HADOOP_SECURE_DN_USER\" ]; then \n" +
-                "  ulimit -n {{hdfs_user_nofile_limit}}\n" +
-                "fi";
-              contentUpdated = true;
-            }
-            if (contentUpdated){
-              prop.put("content", content);
-              updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "hadoop-env",
-                prop, true, false);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates the servicecomponent_version table
-   *
-   * @throws SQLException
-   */
-  private void createComponentVersionTable() throws SQLException {
-    List<DBColumnInfo> columns = new ArrayList<>();
-    // Add extension link table
-"Creating {} table", COMPONENT_VERSION_TABLE);
-    columns.add(new DBColumnInfo("id", Long.class, null, null, false));
-    columns.add(new DBColumnInfo("component_id", Long.class, null, null, false));
-    columns.add(new DBColumnInfo("repo_version_id", Long.class, null, null, false));
-    columns.add(new DBColumnInfo("state", String.class, 32, null, false));
-    columns.add(new DBColumnInfo("user_name", String.class, 255, null, false));
-    dbAccessor.createTable(COMPONENT_VERSION_TABLE, columns, (String[]) null);
-    dbAccessor.addFKConstraint(COMPONENT_VERSION_TABLE, COMPONENT_VERSION_FK_COMPONENT, "component_id",
-      COMPONENT_TABLE, "id", false);
-    dbAccessor.addFKConstraint(COMPONENT_VERSION_TABLE, COMPONENT_VERSION_FK_REPO_VERSION, "repo_version_id",
-      "repo_version", "repo_version_id", false);
-    addSequence("servicecomponent_version_id_seq", 0L, false);
-  }
-  protected void updateKafkaConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          Config kafkaBrokerConfig = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(KAFKA_BROKER);
-          if (kafkaBrokerConfig != null) {
-            Map<String, String> kafkaBrokerProperties = kafkaBrokerConfig.getProperties();
-            if (kafkaBrokerProperties != null && kafkaBrokerProperties.containsKey(KAFKA_TIMELINE_METRICS_HOST)) {
-    "Removing from kafka-broker");
-              removeConfigurationPropertiesFromCluster(cluster, KAFKA_BROKER, Collections.singleton(""));
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Alter servicedesiredstate table.
-   * @throws SQLException
-   */
-  private void updateServiceDesiredStateTable() throws SQLException {
-    // ALTER TABLE servicedesiredstate ADD COLUMN
-    // credential_store_enabled SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
-    dbAccessor.addColumn(SERVICE_DESIRED_STATE_TABLE,
-      new DBColumnInfo(CREDENTIAL_STORE_ENABLED_COL, Short.class, null, 0, false));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Removes the compound PK from hostcomponentdesiredstate table
-   * and replaces it with a surrogate PK, but only if the table doesn't have it's new PK set.
-   * Create index and unqiue constraint on the columns that originally formed the compound PK.
-   *
-   * @throws SQLException
-   */
-  private void updateHostComponentDesiredStateTable() throws SQLException {
-"Skipping {} table Primary Key modifications since the new {} column already exists",
-      return;
-    }
-    // add the new ID column as nullable until we populate
-      new DBColumnInfo(HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_ID_COL, Long.class, null, null, true));
-    // insert sequence values
-    AtomicLong id = new AtomicLong(1);
-    Statement statement = null;
-    ResultSet resultSet = null;
-    try {
-      statement = dbAccessor.getConnection().createStatement();
-      if (statement != null) {
-        // Select records by old PK
-        String selectSQL = String.format(
-          "SELECT cluster_id, component_name, host_id, service_name FROM %s", HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_TABLE);
-        resultSet = statement.executeQuery(selectSQL);
-        while ( {
-          final Long clusterId = resultSet.getLong("cluster_id");
-          final String componentName = resultSet.getString("component_name");
-          final Long hostId = resultSet.getLong("host_id");
-          final String serviceName = resultSet.getString("service_name");
-          String updateSQL = String.format(
-            "UPDATE %s SET %s = %s WHERE cluster_id = %d AND component_name = '%s' AND service_name = '%s' AND host_id = %d",
-            clusterId, componentName, serviceName, hostId);
-          dbAccessor.executeQuery(updateSQL);
-        }
-        // Add sequence for hostcomponentdesiredstate table ids
-        addSequence("hostcomponentdesiredstate_id_seq", id.get(), false);
-      }
-    }
-    finally {
-      JdbcUtils.closeResultSet(resultSet);
-      JdbcUtils.closeStatement(statement);
-    }
-    // make the ID column NON NULL now
-      new DBColumnInfo(HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_ID_COL, Long.class, null, null, false));
-    // drop existing PK and create new one on ID column
-    String primaryKeyConstraintName = null;
-    Configuration.DatabaseType databaseType = configuration.getDatabaseType();
-    switch (databaseType) {
-      case POSTGRES:
-      case MYSQL:
-      case ORACLE:
-      case SQL_SERVER:
-        primaryKeyConstraintName = dbAccessor.getPrimaryKeyConstraintName(HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_TABLE);
-        break;
-      default:
-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Invalid database type '%s'", databaseType));
-    }
-    // warn if we can't find it
-    if (null == primaryKeyConstraintName) {
-      LOG.warn("Unable to determine the primary key constraint name for {}", HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_TABLE);
-    }
-    else {
-      dbAccessor.dropPKConstraint(HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_TABLE, primaryKeyConstraintName, true);
-    }
-    // create a new PK, matching the name of the constraint found in the SQL files
-    dbAccessor.addPKConstraint(HOST_COMPONENT_DESIREDSTATE_TABLE, "PK_hostcomponentdesiredstate", "id");
-    // create index, ensuring column order matches that of the SQL files
-      "component_name", "service_name", "host_id", "cluster_id");
-  }
-  protected void updateAtlasConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          updateAtlasHookConfig(cluster, "HIVE", "hive-env", "hive.atlas.hook");
-          updateAtlasHookConfig(cluster, "STORM", "storm-env", "storm.atlas.hook");
-          updateAtlasHookConfig(cluster, "FALCON", "falcon-env", "falcon.atlas.hook");
-          updateAtlasHookConfig(cluster, "SQOOP", "sqoop-env", "sqoop.atlas.hook");
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected void updateAtlasHookConfig(Cluster cluster, String serviceName, String configType, String propertyName) throws AmbariException {
-    Set<String> installedServices = cluster.getServices().keySet();
-    if (installedServices.contains("ATLAS") && installedServices.contains(serviceName)) {
-      Config configEnv = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(configType);
-      if (configEnv != null) {
-        Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-        newProperties.put(propertyName, "true");
-        boolean updateProperty = configEnv.getProperties().containsKey(propertyName);
-        updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, configType, newProperties, updateProperty, true);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Updates Hive Interactive's config in hive-interactive-site.
-   *
-   * @throws AmbariException
-   */
-  private static final String HIVE_INTERACTIVE_ENV = "hive-interactive-env";
-  private static final String HIVE_ENV = "hive-env";
-  protected void updateHIVEInteractiveConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          Config hiveInteractiveEnv = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(HIVE_INTERACTIVE_ENV);
-          Config hiveEnv = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(HIVE_ENV);
-          if (hiveInteractiveEnv != null) {
-            String hsiHeapSize = "512";
-            if (hiveEnv != null) {
-              if (hiveEnv.getProperties().containsKey("hive.heapsize")) {
-                hsiHeapSize = hiveEnv.getProperties().get("hive.heapsize");
-      "Updating HSI heap size to: " + hsiHeapSize);
-              }
-            }
-            updateConfigurationProperties(HIVE_INTERACTIVE_ENV, Collections.singletonMap("hive_heapsize",
-                                                                                         hsiHeapSize), true, true);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Updates Log Search configs.
-   *
-   * @throws AmbariException
-   */
-  protected void updateLogSearchConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          Config logSearchProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("logsearch-properties");
-          if (logSearchProperties != null) {
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            if (!logSearchProperties.getProperties().containsKey("logsearch.auth.external_auth.enabled"))
-              newProperties.put("logsearch.auth.external_auth.enabled", logSearchProperties.getProperties().get("logsearch.external.auth.enabled"));
-            if (!logSearchProperties.getProperties().containsKey("logsearch.auth.external_auth.host_url"))
-              newProperties.put("logsearch.auth.external_auth.host_url", logSearchProperties.getProperties().get("logsearch.external.auth.host_url"));
-            if (!logSearchProperties.getProperties().containsKey("logsearch.auth.external_auth.login_url"))
-              newProperties.put("logsearch.auth.external_auth.login_url", logSearchProperties.getProperties().get("logsearch.external.auth.login_url"));
-            Set<String> removeProperties = new HashSet<>();
-            removeProperties.add("logsearch.external.auth.enabled");
-            removeProperties.add("logsearch.external.auth.host_url");
-            removeProperties.add("logsearch.external.auth.login_url");
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "logsearch-properties", newProperties, removeProperties, true, true);
-          }
-          Config logfeederEnvProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("logfeeder-env");
-          if (logfeederEnvProperties != null) {
-            String content = logfeederEnvProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            if (content.contains("infra_solr_ssl_enabled")) {
-              content = content.replace("infra_solr_ssl_enabled", "logfeeder_use_ssl");
-              updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "logfeeder-env", Collections.singletonMap("content", content), true, true);
-            }
-          }
-          Config logsearchEnvProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("logsearch-env");
-          if (logsearchEnvProperties != null) {
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            String content = logsearchEnvProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            if (content.contains("infra_solr_ssl_enabled or logsearch_ui_protocol == 'https'")) {
-              content = content.replace("infra_solr_ssl_enabled or logsearch_ui_protocol == 'https'", "logsearch_use_ssl");
-            }
-            if (!content.equals(logsearchEnvProperties.getProperties().get("content"))) {
-              newProperties.put("content", content);
-            }
-            if ("http".equals(logsearchEnvProperties.getProperties().get("logsearch_ui_protocol")) &&
-                "/etc/security/serverKeys/logsearch.trustStore.jks".equals(logsearchEnvProperties.getProperties().get("logsearch_truststore_location")) &&
-                "/etc/security/serverKeys/logsearch.keyStore.jks".equals(logsearchEnvProperties.getProperties().get("logsearch_keystore_location"))) {
-              newProperties.put("logsearch_truststore_location", "/etc/ambari-logsearch-portal/conf/keys/logsearch.jks");
-              newProperties.put("logsearch_keystore_location", "/etc/ambari-logsearch-portal/conf/keys/logsearch.jks");
-            }
-            Set<String> removeProperties = new HashSet<>();
-            removeProperties.add("logsearch_solr_audit_logs_use_ranger");
-            removeProperties.add("logsearch_solr_audit_logs_zk_node");
-            removeProperties.add("logsearch_solr_audit_logs_zk_quorum");
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "logsearch-env", newProperties, removeProperties, true, true);
-          }
-          Config logfeederLog4jProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("logfeeder-log4j");
-          if (logfeederLog4jProperties != null) {
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            String content = logfeederLog4jProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logfeeder_log_maxfilesize", "logfeeder_log_maxfilesize",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logfeeder_log_dir}}/logfeeder.log\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"(\\w+)MB\"/>", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logfeeder_log_maxbackupindex", "logfeeder_log_maxbackupindex",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logfeeder_log_dir}}/logfeeder.log\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"\\{\\{logfeeder_log_maxfilesize}}MB\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxBackupIndex\" value=\"(\\w+)\"/>", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logfeeder_json_log_maxfilesize", "logfeeder_json_log_maxfilesize",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logfeeder_log_dir}}/logsearch-logfeeder.json\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"(\\w+)MB\" />", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logfeeder_json_log_maxbackupindex", "logfeeder_json_log_maxbackupindex",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logfeeder_log_dir}}/logsearch-logfeeder.json\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"\\{\\{logfeeder_json_log_maxfilesize}}MB\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxBackupIndex\" value=\"(\\w+)\" />", "10", newProperties);
-            newProperties.put("content", content);
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "logfeeder-log4j", newProperties, true, true);
-          }
-          Config logsearchLog4jProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("logsearch-log4j");
-          if (logsearchLog4jProperties != null) {
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            String content = logsearchLog4jProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            if (content.contains("{{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch.err")) {
-              content = content.replace("{{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch.err", "{{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch.log");
-            }
-            if (content.contains("<priority value=\"warn\"/>")) {
-              content = content.replace("<priority value=\"warn\"/>", "<priority value=\"info\"/>");
-            }
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logsearch_log_maxfilesize", "logsearch_log_maxfilesize",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch.log\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"Threshold\" value=\"info\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"(\\w+)MB\" />\n", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logsearch_log_maxbackupindex", "logsearch_log_maxbackupindex",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch.log\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"Threshold\" value=\"info\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_maxfilesize}}MB\" />\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxBackupIndex\" value=\"(\\w+)\" />\n", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logsearch_json_log_maxfilesize", "logsearch_json_log_maxfilesize",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch.json\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"(\\w+)MB\"/>\n", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logsearch_json_log_maxbackupindex", "logsearch_json_log_maxbackupindex",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch.json\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_json_log_maxfilesize}}MB\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxBackupIndex\" value=\"(\\w+)\"/>\n", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logsearch_audit_log_maxfilesize", "logsearch_audit_log_maxfilesize",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch-audit.json\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"(\\w+)MB\"/>\n", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logsearch_audit_log_maxbackupindex", "logsearch_audit_log_maxbackupindex",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch-audit.json\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_audit_log_maxfilesize}}MB\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxBackupIndex\" value=\"(\\w+)\"/>\n", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logsearch_perf_log_maxfilesize", "logsearch_perf_log_maxfilesize",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch-performance.json\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"Threshold\" value=\"info\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"(\\w+)MB\"/>\n", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "logsearch_perf_log_maxbackupindex", "logsearch_perf_log_maxbackupindex",
-                "    <param name=\"file\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_log_dir}}/logsearch-performance.json\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"Threshold\" value=\"info\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"append\" value=\"true\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxFileSize\" value=\"\\{\\{logsearch_perf_log_maxfilesize}}MB\"/>\n" +
-                "    <param name=\"maxBackupIndex\" value=\"(\\w+)\"/>\n", "10", newProperties);
-            newProperties.put("content", content);
-            if (!content.equals(logsearchLog4jProperties.getProperties().get("content"))) {
-              updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "logsearch-log4j", newProperties, true, true);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Updates Ambari Infra configs.
-   *
-   * @throws AmbariException
-   */
-  protected void updateAmbariInfraConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    Clusters clusters = ambariManagementController.getClusters();
-    if (clusters != null) {
-      Map<String, Cluster> clusterMap = clusters.getClusters();
-      if (clusterMap != null && !clusterMap.isEmpty()) {
-        for (final Cluster cluster : clusterMap.values()) {
-          Config infraSolrEnvProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("infra-solr-env");
-          if (infraSolrEnvProperties != null) {
-            String content = infraSolrEnvProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            if (content.contains("SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE={{infra_solr_keystore_location}}")) {
-              content = content.replace("SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE={{infra_solr_keystore_location}}", "SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE={{infra_solr_truststore_location}}");
-            }
-            if (content.contains("SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD={{infra_solr_keystore_password}}")) {
-              content = content.replace("SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD={{infra_solr_keystore_password}}", "SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD={{infra_solr_truststore_password}}");
-            }
-            if (content.contains("SOLR_KERB_NAME_RULES={{infra_solr_kerberos_name_rules}}")) {
-              content = content.replace("SOLR_KERB_NAME_RULES={{infra_solr_kerberos_name_rules}}", "SOLR_KERB_NAME_RULES=\"{{infra_solr_kerberos_name_rules}}\"");
-            }
-            if (content.contains("${SOLR_KERB_NAME_RULES}")) {
-              content = content.replace("${SOLR_KERB_NAME_RULES}", "");
-            }
-            if (!content.equals(infraSolrEnvProperties.getProperties().get("content"))) {
-              updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "infra-solr-env", Collections.singletonMap("content", content), true, true);
-            }
-          }
-          Config infraSolrLog4jProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("infra-solr-log4j");
-          if (infraSolrLog4jProperties != null) {
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            String content = infraSolrLog4jProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "infra_log_maxfilesize", "infra_log_maxfilesize",
-                "log4j.appender.file.MaxFileSize=(\\w+)MB", "10", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "infra_log_maxbackupindex", "infra_log_maxbackupindex",
-                "log4j.appender.file.MaxBackupIndex=(\\w+)\n", "9", newProperties);
-            newProperties.put("content", content);
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "infra-solr-log4j", newProperties, true, true);
-          }
-          Config infraSolrClientLog4jProperties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("infra-solr-client-log4j");
-          if (infraSolrClientLog4jProperties != null) {
-            Map<String, String> newProperties = new HashMap<>();
-            String content = infraSolrClientLog4jProperties.getProperties().get("content");
-            if (content.contains("infra_client_log")) {
-              content = content.replace("infra_client_log", "solr_client_log");
-            }
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "infra_client_log_maxfilesize", "solr_client_log_maxfilesize",
-                "log4j.appender.file.MaxFileSize=(\\w+)MB", "80", newProperties);
-            content = SchemaUpgradeUtil.extractProperty(content, "infra_client_log_maxbackupindex", "solr_client_log_maxbackupindex",
-                "log4j.appender.file.MaxBackupIndex=(\\w+)\n", "60", newProperties);
-            newProperties.put("content", content);
-            updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, "infra-solr-client-log4j", newProperties, true, true);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Add permissions for managing service auto-start.
-   * <p>
-   * <ul>
-   * </ul>
-   */
-  protected void addManageServiceAutoStartPermissions() throws SQLException {
-    Collection<String> roles;
-    // Add service-level auto-start permission
-    roles = Arrays.asList(
-    addRoleAuthorization("SERVICE.MANAGE_AUTO_START", "Manage service auto-start", roles);
-    // Add cluster-level auto start-permission
-    roles = Arrays.asList(
-    addRoleAuthorization("CLUSTER.MANAGE_AUTO_START", "Manage service auto-start configuration", roles);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Add permissions for managing alert notifications configuration.
-   * <p>
-   * <ul>
-   * </ul>
-   */
-  protected void addManageAlertNotificationsPermissions() throws SQLException {
-    Collection<String> roles;
-    roles = Arrays.asList(
-    addRoleAuthorization("CLUSTER.MANAGE_ALERT_NOTIFICATIONS", "Manage alert notifications configuration", roles);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Updates Ranger admin url for Ranger plugin supported configs.
-   *
-   * @throws AmbariException
-   */
-  protected void updateRangerUrlConfigs() throws AmbariException {
-    AmbariManagementController ambariManagementController = injector.getInstance(AmbariManagementController.class);
-    for (final Cluster cluster : getCheckedClusterMap(ambariManagementController.getClusters()).values()) {
-      Config ranger_admin_properties = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType("admin-properties");
-      if(null != ranger_admin_properties) {
-        String policyUrl = ranger_admin_properties.getProperties().get("policymgr_external_url");
-        if (null != policyUrl) {
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-hdfs-security", "", policyUrl);
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-hive-security", "", policyUrl);
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-hbase-security", "", policyUrl);
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-knox-security", "", policyUrl);
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-storm-security", "", policyUrl);
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-yarn-security", "", policyUrl);
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-kafka-security", "", policyUrl);
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-atlas-security", "", policyUrl);
-          updateRangerUrl(cluster, "ranger-kms-security", "", policyUrl);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected void updateRangerUrl(Cluster cluster, String configType, String configProperty, String policyUrl) throws AmbariException {
-    Config componentSecurity = cluster.getDesiredConfigByType(configType);
-    if(componentSecurity != null && componentSecurity.getProperties().containsKey(configProperty)) {
-      Map<String, String> updateProperty = new HashMap<>();
-      updateProperty.put(configProperty, policyUrl);
-      updateConfigurationPropertiesForCluster(cluster, configType, updateProperty, true, false);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/utils/ b/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/utils/
index 8ab5033..22b975b 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/utils/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ambari/server/utils/
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ public class StageUtils {
   protected static final String RACKS = "all_racks";
   protected static final String IPV4_ADDRESSES = "all_ipv4_ips";
   private static Map<String, String> componentToClusterInfoKeyMap =
-      new HashMap<String, String>();
+      new HashMap<>();
   private static Map<String, String> decommissionedToClusterInfoKeyMap =
-      new HashMap<String, String>();
+      new HashMap<>();
   private volatile static Gson gson;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
   private static Configuration configuration;
   public StageUtils(StageFactory stageFactory) {
     StageUtils.stageFactory = stageFactory;
@@ -216,32 +216,32 @@ public class StageUtils {
     ExecutionCommand execCmd = s.getExecutionCommandWrapper(hostname, "NAMENODE").getExecutionCommand();
     execCmd.setRequestAndStage(s.getRequestId(), s.getStageId());
-    List<String> slaveHostList = new ArrayList<String>();
+    List<String> slaveHostList = new ArrayList<>();
-    Map<String, String> hdfsSite = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+    Map<String, String> hdfsSite = new TreeMap<>();
     hdfsSite.put("dfs.block.size", "2560000000");
     Map<String, Map<String, String>> configurations =
-        new TreeMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
+        new TreeMap<>();
     configurations.put("hdfs-site", hdfsSite);
     Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> configurationAttributes =
-        new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>>();
-    Map<String, Map<String, String>> hdfsSiteAttributes = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
-    Map<String, String> finalAttribute = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+        new TreeMap<>();
+    Map<String, Map<String, String>> hdfsSiteAttributes = new TreeMap<>();
+    Map<String, String> finalAttribute = new TreeMap<>();
     finalAttribute.put("dfs.block.size", "true");
     hdfsSiteAttributes.put("final", finalAttribute);
     configurationAttributes.put("hdfsSite", hdfsSiteAttributes);
-    Map<String, String> params = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+    Map<String, String> params = new TreeMap<>();
     params.put("jdklocation", "/x/y/z");
     params.put("stack_version", "1.2.0");
     params.put("stack_name", "HDP");
-    Map<String, String> roleParams = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+    Map<String, String> roleParams = new TreeMap<>();
     roleParams.put("format", "false");
-    Map<String, String> commandParams = new TreeMap<String, String>();
+    Map<String, String> commandParams = new TreeMap<>();
     commandParams.put(ExecutionCommand.KeyNames.COMMAND_TIMEOUT, "600");
     return s;
@@ -266,10 +266,10 @@ public class StageUtils {
   public static Map<String, Set<String>> getClusterHostInfo(Cluster cluster) throws AmbariException {
     //Fill hosts and ports lists
-    Set<String>   hostsSet  = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
-    List<Integer> portsList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
-    List<String>  rackList  = new ArrayList<String>();
-    List<String>  ipV4List  = new ArrayList<String>();
+    Set<String>   hostsSet  = new LinkedHashSet<>();
+    List<Integer> portsList = new ArrayList<>();
+    List<String>  rackList  = new ArrayList<>();
+    List<String>  ipV4List  = new ArrayList<>();
     Collection<Host> allHosts = cluster.getHosts();
     for (Host host : allHosts) {
@@ -297,11 +297,11 @@ public class StageUtils {
-    List<String> hostsList = new ArrayList<String>(hostsSet);
-    Map<String, String> additionalComponentToClusterInfoKeyMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
+    List<String> hostsList = new ArrayList<>(hostsSet);
+    Map<String, String> additionalComponentToClusterInfoKeyMap = new HashMap<>();
     // Fill hosts for services
-    Map<String, SortedSet<Integer>> hostRolesInfo = new HashMap<String, SortedSet<Integer>>();
+    Map<String, SortedSet<Integer>> hostRolesInfo = new HashMap<>();
     for (Map.Entry<String, Service> serviceEntry : cluster.getServices().entrySet()) {
       Service service = serviceEntry.getValue();
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
             SortedSet<Integer> hostsForComponentsHost = hostRolesInfo.get(roleName);
             if (hostsForComponentsHost == null) {
-              hostsForComponentsHost = new TreeSet<Integer>();
+              hostsForComponentsHost = new TreeSet<>();
               hostRolesInfo.put(roleName, hostsForComponentsHost);
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
               SortedSet<Integer> hostsForComponentsHost = hostRolesInfo.get(decomRoleName);
               if (hostsForComponentsHost == null) {
-                hostsForComponentsHost = new TreeSet<Integer>();
+                hostsForComponentsHost = new TreeSet<>();
                 hostRolesInfo.put(decomRoleName, hostsForComponentsHost);
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
           SortedSet<Integer> hostsForComponentsHost = hostRolesInfo.get(roleName);
           if (hostsForComponentsHost == null) {
-            hostsForComponentsHost = new TreeSet<Integer>();
+            hostsForComponentsHost = new TreeSet<>();
             hostRolesInfo.put(roleName, hostsForComponentsHost);
@@ -406,10 +406,10 @@ public class StageUtils {
-    Map<String, Set<String>> clusterHostInfo = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
+    Map<String, Set<String>> clusterHostInfo = new HashMap<>();
     for (Map.Entry<String, SortedSet<Integer>> entry : hostRolesInfo.entrySet()) {
-      TreeSet<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(entry.getValue());
+      TreeSet<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<>(entry.getValue());
       Set<String> replacedRangesSet = replaceRanges(sortedSet);
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
      * ambari-server hostname.
     clusterHostInfo.put(AMBARI_SERVER_HOST, Sets.newHashSet(getHostName()));
     boolean serverUseSsl = configuration.getApiSSLAuthentication();
     int port = serverUseSsl ? configuration.getClientSSLApiPort() : configuration.getClientApiPort();
     clusterHostInfo.put(AMBARI_SERVER_PORT, Sets.newHashSet(Integer.toString(port)));
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
    * @throws AmbariException if an index fails to map to a host name
   public static Map<String, Set<String>> substituteHostIndexes(Map<String, Set<String>> clusterHostInfo) throws AmbariException {
     String[] allHosts = {};
     if (clusterHostInfo.get(HOSTS_LIST) != null) {
       allHosts = clusterHostInfo.get(HOSTS_LIST).toArray(new String[clusterHostInfo.get(HOSTS_LIST).size()]);
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
       if (keysToSkip.contains(key)) {
-      Set<String> hosts = new HashSet<String>();
+      Set<String> hosts = new HashSet<>();
       Set<String> currentHostsIndexes = clusterHostInfo.get(key);
       if (currentHostsIndexes == null) {
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
       return null;
-    Set<String> rangedSet = new HashSet<String>();
+    Set<String> rangedSet = new HashSet<>();
     Integer prevElement = null;
     Integer startOfRange = set.first();
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
   public static <T> Set<String> replaceMappedRanges(List<T> values) {
-    Map<T, SortedSet<Integer>> convolutedValues = new HashMap<T, SortedSet<Integer>>();
+    Map<T, SortedSet<Integer>> convolutedValues = new HashMap<>();
     int valueIndex = 0;
@@ -537,14 +537,14 @@ public class StageUtils {
       SortedSet<Integer> correspValues = convolutedValues.get(value);
       if (correspValues == null) {
-        correspValues = new TreeSet<Integer>();
+        correspValues = new TreeSet<>();
         convolutedValues.put(value, correspValues);
-    Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
+    Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();
     for (Entry<T, SortedSet<Integer>> entry : convolutedValues.entrySet()) {
       Set<String> replacedRanges = replaceRanges(entry.getValue());
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ public class StageUtils {
    * @return a set of integers representing the original range
   private static Set<Integer> rangeToSet(String range) {
-    Set<Integer> indexSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
+    Set<Integer> indexSet = new HashSet<>();
     int startIndex;
     int endIndex;
     if (range.contains("-")) {
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
index 8263062..07f5097 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/python/ambari_server/
@@ -60,10 +60,6 @@ SCHEMA_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD = "{0} -cp {1} " + \
                             "org.apache.ambari.server.upgrade.SchemaUpgradeHelper" + \
                             " > " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
-STACK_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD = "{0} -cp {1} " + \
-                           "org.apache.ambari.server.upgrade.StackUpgradeHelper" + \
-                           " {2} {3} > " + configDefaults.SERVER_OUT_FILE + " 2>&1"
                          "-server -XX:NewRatio=2 " \
                          "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC " + \
@@ -77,52 +73,6 @@ SCHEMA_UPGRADE_DEBUG = False
-# Stack upgrade
-def upgrade_stack(args):
-"Upgrade stack.")
-  if not is_root():
-    err = 'Ambari-server upgradestack should be run with ' \
-          'root-level privileges'
-    raise FatalException(4, err)
-  check_database_name_property()
-  try:
-    stack_id = args[1]
-  except IndexError:
-    #stack_id is mandatory
-    raise FatalException("Invalid number of stack upgrade arguments")
-  try:
-    repo_url = args[2]
-  except IndexError:
-    repo_url = None
-  try:
-    repo_url_os = args[3]
-  except IndexError:
-    repo_url_os = None
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser()
-  parser.add_option("-d", type="int", dest="database_index")
-  db = get_ambari_properties()[JDBC_DATABASE_PROPERTY]
-  idx = LINUX_DBMS_KEYS_LIST.index(db)
-  (options, opt_args) = parser.parse_args(["-d {0}".format(idx)])
-  stack_name, stack_version = stack_id.split(STACK_NAME_VER_SEP)
-  retcode = run_stack_upgrade(options, stack_name, stack_version, repo_url, repo_url_os)
-  if not retcode == 0:
-    raise FatalException(retcode, 'Stack upgrade failed.')
-  return retcode
 def load_stack_values(version, filename):
   import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
   values = {}
@@ -144,51 +94,6 @@ def load_stack_values(version, filename):
   return values
-def run_stack_upgrade(args, stackName, stackVersion, repo_url, repo_url_os):
-  jdk_path = get_java_exe_path()
-  if jdk_path is None:
-    print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
-                    "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
-                    "JDK manually to " + configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
-    return 1
-  stackId = {}
-  stackId[stackName] = stackVersion
-  if repo_url is not None:
-    stackId['repo_url'] = repo_url
-  if repo_url_os is not None:
-    stackId['repo_url_os'] = repo_url_os
-  serverClassPath = ServerClassPath(get_ambari_properties(), args)
-  command = STACK_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD.format(jdk_path, serverClassPath.get_full_ambari_classpath_escaped_for_shell(),
-                                            "updateStackId",
-                                            "'" + json.dumps(stackId) + "'")
-  (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
-  print_info_msg("Return code from stack upgrade command, retcode = {0}".format(str(retcode)))
-  if retcode > 0:
-    print_error_msg("Error executing stack upgrade, please check the server logs.")
-  return retcode
-def run_metainfo_upgrade(args, keyValueMap=None):
-  jdk_path = get_java_exe_path()
-  if jdk_path is None:
-    print_error_msg("No JDK found, please run the \"setup\" "
-                    "command to install a JDK automatically or install any "
-                    "JDK manually to " + configDefaults.JDK_INSTALL_DIR)
-  retcode = 1
-  if keyValueMap:
-    serverClassPath = ServerClassPath(get_ambari_properties(), args)
-    command = STACK_UPGRADE_HELPER_CMD.format(jdk_path, serverClassPath.get_full_ambari_classpath_escaped_for_shell(),
-                                              'updateMetaInfo',
-                                              "'" + json.dumps(keyValueMap) + "'")
-    (retcode, stdout, stderr) = run_os_command(command)
-    print_info_msg("Return code from stack upgrade command, retcode = {0}".format(str(retcode)))
-    if retcode > 0:
-      print_error_msg("Error executing metainfo upgrade, please check the server logs.")
-  return retcode
 # Repo upgrade
@@ -203,48 +108,6 @@ def change_objects_owner(args):
-def upgrade_local_repo(args):
-  properties = get_ambari_properties()
-  if properties == -1:
-    print_error_msg("Error getting ambari properties")
-    return -1
-  stack_location = get_stack_location(properties)
-  stack_root_local = os.path.join(stack_location, "HDPLocal")
-  if not os.path.exists(stack_root_local):
-    print_info_msg("HDPLocal stack directory does not exist, skipping")
-    return
-  stack_root = os.path.join(stack_location, "HDP")
-  if not os.path.exists(stack_root):
-    print_info_msg("HDP stack directory does not exist, skipping")
-    return
-  for stack_version_local in os.listdir(stack_root_local):
-    repo_file_local = os.path.join(stack_root_local, stack_version_local, "repos", "repoinfo.xml.rpmsave")
-    if not os.path.exists(repo_file_local):
-      repo_file_local = os.path.join(stack_root_local, stack_version_local, "repos", "repoinfo.xml")
-    repo_file = os.path.join(stack_root, stack_version_local, "repos", "repoinfo.xml")
-    print_info_msg("Local repo file: {0}".format(repo_file_local))
-    print_info_msg("Repo file: {0}".format(repo_file_local))
-    metainfo_update_items = {}
-    if os.path.exists(repo_file_local) and os.path.exists(repo_file):
-      local_values = load_stack_values(stack_version_local, repo_file_local)
-      repo_values = load_stack_values(stack_version_local, repo_file)
-      for k, v in local_values.iteritems():
-        if repo_values.has_key(k):
-          local_url = local_values[k]
-          repo_url = repo_values[k]
-          if repo_url != local_url:
-            metainfo_update_items[k] = local_url
-    run_metainfo_upgrade(args, metainfo_update_items)
 # Schema upgrade
@@ -384,9 +247,6 @@ def upgrade(args):
-  # local repo
-  upgrade_local_repo(args)
   # create jdbc symlinks if jdbc drivers are available in resources
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
index 0375650..60c1f11 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
-    <class>org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.ClusterVersionEntity</class>