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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/04/26 22:26:06 UTC

[GitHub] [tvm] csullivan commented on a diff in pull request #11066: [PROFILER] Theoretical roofline models

csullivan commented on code in PR #11066:

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Utilities operating at a graph/model or other "high" level"""
+import csv
+import subprocess
+from typing import Dict, Union, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from .. import auto_scheduler, relay, tir, device, nd, IRModule, build, topi, transform
+from import Target
+from ..runtime import profiler_vm, profiling, Device, num_threads
+from ..script import tir as T
+def _create_args(mod, dev, func_name="main"):
+    args = []
+    for arg in mod[func_name].params:
+        args.append(
+            nd.array(
+                np.zeros([x.value for x in arg.type_annotation.shape], arg.type_annotation.dtype),
+                device=dev,
+            )
+        )
+    return args
+def _estimated_features(mod, params, target):
+    comp = relay.vm.VMCompiler()
+    mod, params = comp.optimize(mod, params=params, target=target)
+    return {
+        prim.attrs["hash"]: (name, auto_scheduler.feature.named_features_from_primfunc(prim))
+        for name, prim in mod.functions.items()
+        if isinstance(prim, tir.PrimFunc)
+    }
+def _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers):
+    if vec_width is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                vec_width = topi.x86.utils.get_simd_32bit_lanes()  # in number of float32s
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine vector width for target {target}")
+    if num_vector_registers is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                num_vector_registers = (
+                    16  # Assuming for all platforms, probably wrong on older ones
+                )
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine number of vector registers for target {target}")
+    return vec_width, num_vector_registers
+def peakflops_fma_tir(
+    a: T.handle,
+    vec_width: T.int32,
+    iters: T.int32,
+    num_vector_registers: T.int32,
+    threads: T.int32,
+) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")

Review Comment:
   nit: use nd-buffer to simplify the TIR, 
   >A = T.match_buffer(a, [threads, num_vector_registers, vec_width], "float32")

@@ -459,6 +459,21 @@ class CountNode : public Object {
+/* \brief A ratio of two things. */
+class RatioNode : public Object {
+ public:
+  /* The ratio as a floating point number. */
+  double ratio;

Review Comment:
   nit: Double precision floating point number, change type or comment to match.

@@ -257,6 +259,50 @@ def test_profile_function(target, dev):
     assert report[metric].value > 0
+def test_estimate_peak_fma_flops(target, dev):
+    # This test uses vectorized instructions so we need a target that supports them
+    if target == "llvm":
+        target = "llvm -mattr=+fma,+avx2"
+    flops = tvm.utils.estimate_peak_fma_flops(, dev)
+    # assume we can achieve 1 GFLOP/s per thread
+    assert (
+        flops > 10**9 * tvm.runtime.num_threads() and flops < 10**14
+    ), f"FLOP/s should be between 10^9 * num_threads and 10^14, but it is {flops}"
+def test_estimate_peak_bandwidth(target, dev):
+    # This test uses vectorized instructions so we need a target that supports them
+    if target == "llvm":
+        target = "llvm -mattr=+fma,+avx2"
+    bandwidth = tvm.utils.estimate_peak_bandwidth(, dev)
+    # assume we can achieve 1 GB/s
+    assert (
+        bandwidth > 10**9 and bandwidth < 10**12
+    ), f"Bandwidth should be between 10^9 and 10^12, but it is {bandwidth}"
+@pytest.mark.skipif(platform.machine() == "i386", reason="Cannot allocate enough memory on i386")
+def test_roofline_analysis(target, dev):
+    a = relay.var("a", relay.TensorType((512, 512), "float32"))
+    b = relay.var("b", relay.TensorType((512, 512), "float32"))
+    c = relay.nn.dense(a, b)
+    mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(relay.Function([a, b], c))
+    params = {}
+    report = tvm.utils.roofline_analysis(mod, params, target, dev)
+    assert "Bound" in report.table()
+    assert "Percent of Theoretical Optimal" in report.table()
+    for call in report.calls:
+        if "Percent of Theoretical Optimal" in call:
+            # Ideally we'd like a little tighter bound here, but it is hard to
+            # know how well this dense will perform without tuning. And we
+            # don't have an operator that uses a specific number of flops.
+            assert call["Percent of Theoretical Optimal"].ratio >= 0

Review Comment:
   A couple classification tests would be rather impressive. e.g. asserting that dense (as above) of sufficient size is compute bound, and some injective op is memory bound

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Utilities operating at a graph/model or other "high" level"""
+import csv
+import subprocess
+from typing import Dict, Union, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from .. import auto_scheduler, relay, tir, device, nd, IRModule, build, topi, transform
+from import Target
+from ..runtime import profiler_vm, profiling, Device, num_threads
+from ..script import tir as T
+def _create_args(mod, dev, func_name="main"):
+    args = []
+    for arg in mod[func_name].params:
+        args.append(
+            nd.array(
+                np.zeros([x.value for x in arg.type_annotation.shape], arg.type_annotation.dtype),
+                device=dev,
+            )
+        )
+    return args
+def _estimated_features(mod, params, target):
+    comp = relay.vm.VMCompiler()
+    mod, params = comp.optimize(mod, params=params, target=target)
+    return {
+        prim.attrs["hash"]: (name, auto_scheduler.feature.named_features_from_primfunc(prim))
+        for name, prim in mod.functions.items()
+        if isinstance(prim, tir.PrimFunc)
+    }
+def _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers):
+    if vec_width is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86

Review Comment:
   not necessarily, could be arm, hexagon, etc., right?

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Utilities operating at a graph/model or other "high" level"""
+import csv
+import subprocess
+from typing import Dict, Union, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from .. import auto_scheduler, relay, tir, device, nd, IRModule, build, topi, transform
+from import Target
+from ..runtime import profiler_vm, profiling, Device, num_threads
+from ..script import tir as T
+def _create_args(mod, dev, func_name="main"):
+    args = []
+    for arg in mod[func_name].params:
+        args.append(
+            nd.array(
+                np.zeros([x.value for x in arg.type_annotation.shape], arg.type_annotation.dtype),
+                device=dev,
+            )
+        )
+    return args
+def _estimated_features(mod, params, target):
+    comp = relay.vm.VMCompiler()
+    mod, params = comp.optimize(mod, params=params, target=target)
+    return {
+        prim.attrs["hash"]: (name, auto_scheduler.feature.named_features_from_primfunc(prim))
+        for name, prim in mod.functions.items()
+        if isinstance(prim, tir.PrimFunc)
+    }
+def _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers):
+    if vec_width is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                vec_width = topi.x86.utils.get_simd_32bit_lanes()  # in number of float32s
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine vector width for target {target}")
+    if num_vector_registers is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                num_vector_registers = (
+                    16  # Assuming for all platforms, probably wrong on older ones
+                )
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine number of vector registers for target {target}")
+    return vec_width, num_vector_registers
+def peakflops_fma_tir(
+    a: T.handle,
+    vec_width: T.int32,
+    iters: T.int32,
+    num_vector_registers: T.int32,
+    threads: T.int32,
+) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    assert (
+        N >= threads * num_vector_registers * vec_width
+    ), "Input vectors must be >= num_vector_registers*vec_width"
+    for t in T.parallel(threads):
+        for _j in range(iters):
+            for l in T.unroll(num_vector_registers):
+                # We want to use as few registers as possible, so we perform
+                # all operations on the same element
+                for k in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k] = (
+                        A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        * A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        + A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                    )
+def estimate_peak_fma_flops(
+    target: Target,
+    dev: Device,
+    vec_width: Optional[int] = None,
+    num_vector_registers: Optional[int] = None,
+) -> float:
+    """
+    Estimate the maximum number of FLOP/s this target/device combo is capable
+    of reaching by running a test program. This assumes vectorized f32 FMA
+    (fused-multiply-add) instructions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to run on. This should be as specific to the actual hardware as
+        possible to make sure that LLVM generates the best vector code.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to run on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector width of SIMD units on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    num_vector_registers : Optional[int]
+        Number of vector registers on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Approximate sustained FLOP/s of this target/device combo assuming
+        vectorized f32 FMA instructions.
+    """
+    assert str(target.kind) == "llvm", "Only llvm targets are supported"
+    vec_width, num_vector_registers = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers)
+    iters = 100000
+    nthreads = num_threads()
+    specialized = peakflops_fma_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[1]: vec_width,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[2]: iters,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[3]: num_vector_registers,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[4]: nthreads,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    a = nd.array(np.ones(vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads).astype("float32"), device=dev)
+    times = f.time_evaluator(f.entry_name, dev, repeat=100)(a)
+    flops = 2 * vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads * iters  # fma is two flops
+    flop_s = flops / times.min
+    return flop_s
+def peak_bandwidth_tir(a: T.handle, b: T.handle, nt: T.int32, vec_width: T.int32) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    B = T.match_buffer(b, [nt * vec_width * 4], "float32")
+    # assert N % (nt * 4 * vec_width) == 0, "div"
+    # Parallelism is necessary to hit all cores/nodes
+    for i in T.parallel(nt):
+        for k in T.serial(N // nt // 4 // vec_width):
+            for l in T.unroll(4):
+                # vectorized load is necessary to hit peak bandwidth
+                for j in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    B[i * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j] += A[
+                        i * (N // nt) + k * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j
+                    ]
+def estimate_peak_bandwidth(target: Target, dev: Device, vec_width: Optional[int] = None) -> float:
+    """Estimate peak memory bandwidth of a target/device combo.
+    Peak bandwidth is estimated by running a small experiment on the underlying
+    hardware. The peak bandwidth measurement assumes that vector instructions
+    are being used to load the data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to use for measurement. This target should be as specific to the
+        underlying hardware as possible.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to measure peak bandwidth on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector unit width, determined from target if not supplied.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Peak memory bandwidth in bytes/seconds.
+    """
+    # Ideally we'd be able to use this code to measure peak bandwidth of the
+    # different cache levels. If we could just generate load commands, then we
+    # could use those in a tight loop. Instead we need some code that is
+    # limited on the cache bandwidth. With the L1 cache we need an operation
+    # that has a very low arithmetic intensity and we haven't come up with one
+    # yet.
+    vec_width, _ = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, 1)
+    specialized = peak_bandwidth_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peak_bandwidth_tir.params[3]: vec_width,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    # Data size needs to be larger than last level of cache. We don't have a
+    # way of getting cache sizes, so this number should give us a large enough
+    # size.
+    size = 10**8 // (4 * num_threads() * vec_width) * (4 * num_threads() * vec_width)

Review Comment:
   It would be neat to do all the STREAM benches for the memory bandwidth measurement and combine them. 

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Utilities operating at a graph/model or other "high" level"""
+import csv
+import subprocess
+from typing import Dict, Union, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from .. import auto_scheduler, relay, tir, device, nd, IRModule, build, topi, transform
+from import Target
+from ..runtime import profiler_vm, profiling, Device, num_threads
+from ..script import tir as T
+def _create_args(mod, dev, func_name="main"):
+    args = []
+    for arg in mod[func_name].params:
+        args.append(
+            nd.array(
+                np.zeros([x.value for x in arg.type_annotation.shape], arg.type_annotation.dtype),
+                device=dev,
+            )
+        )
+    return args
+def _estimated_features(mod, params, target):
+    comp = relay.vm.VMCompiler()
+    mod, params = comp.optimize(mod, params=params, target=target)
+    return {
+        prim.attrs["hash"]: (name, auto_scheduler.feature.named_features_from_primfunc(prim))
+        for name, prim in mod.functions.items()
+        if isinstance(prim, tir.PrimFunc)
+    }
+def _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers):
+    if vec_width is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                vec_width = topi.x86.utils.get_simd_32bit_lanes()  # in number of float32s
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine vector width for target {target}")
+    if num_vector_registers is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                num_vector_registers = (
+                    16  # Assuming for all platforms, probably wrong on older ones
+                )
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine number of vector registers for target {target}")
+    return vec_width, num_vector_registers
+def peakflops_fma_tir(
+    a: T.handle,
+    vec_width: T.int32,
+    iters: T.int32,
+    num_vector_registers: T.int32,
+    threads: T.int32,
+) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    assert (
+        N >= threads * num_vector_registers * vec_width
+    ), "Input vectors must be >= num_vector_registers*vec_width"
+    for t in T.parallel(threads):
+        for _j in range(iters):
+            for l in T.unroll(num_vector_registers):
+                # We want to use as few registers as possible, so we perform
+                # all operations on the same element
+                for k in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k] = (
+                        A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        * A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        + A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                    )
+def estimate_peak_fma_flops(
+    target: Target,
+    dev: Device,
+    vec_width: Optional[int] = None,
+    num_vector_registers: Optional[int] = None,
+) -> float:
+    """
+    Estimate the maximum number of FLOP/s this target/device combo is capable
+    of reaching by running a test program. This assumes vectorized f32 FMA
+    (fused-multiply-add) instructions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to run on. This should be as specific to the actual hardware as
+        possible to make sure that LLVM generates the best vector code.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to run on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector width of SIMD units on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    num_vector_registers : Optional[int]
+        Number of vector registers on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Approximate sustained FLOP/s of this target/device combo assuming
+        vectorized f32 FMA instructions.
+    """
+    assert str(target.kind) == "llvm", "Only llvm targets are supported"
+    vec_width, num_vector_registers = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers)
+    iters = 100000
+    nthreads = num_threads()
+    specialized = peakflops_fma_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[1]: vec_width,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[2]: iters,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[3]: num_vector_registers,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[4]: nthreads,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    a = nd.array(np.ones(vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads).astype("float32"), device=dev)
+    times = f.time_evaluator(f.entry_name, dev, repeat=100)(a)
+    flops = 2 * vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads * iters  # fma is two flops
+    flop_s = flops / times.min
+    return flop_s
+def peak_bandwidth_tir(a: T.handle, b: T.handle, nt: T.int32, vec_width: T.int32) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    B = T.match_buffer(b, [nt * vec_width * 4], "float32")
+    # assert N % (nt * 4 * vec_width) == 0, "div"
+    # Parallelism is necessary to hit all cores/nodes
+    for i in T.parallel(nt):
+        for k in T.serial(N // nt // 4 // vec_width):
+            for l in T.unroll(4):
+                # vectorized load is necessary to hit peak bandwidth
+                for j in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    B[i * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j] += A[
+                        i * (N // nt) + k * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j
+                    ]
+def estimate_peak_bandwidth(target: Target, dev: Device, vec_width: Optional[int] = None) -> float:
+    """Estimate peak memory bandwidth of a target/device combo.
+    Peak bandwidth is estimated by running a small experiment on the underlying
+    hardware. The peak bandwidth measurement assumes that vector instructions
+    are being used to load the data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to use for measurement. This target should be as specific to the
+        underlying hardware as possible.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to measure peak bandwidth on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector unit width, determined from target if not supplied.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Peak memory bandwidth in bytes/seconds.
+    """
+    # Ideally we'd be able to use this code to measure peak bandwidth of the
+    # different cache levels. If we could just generate load commands, then we
+    # could use those in a tight loop. Instead we need some code that is
+    # limited on the cache bandwidth. With the L1 cache we need an operation
+    # that has a very low arithmetic intensity and we haven't come up with one
+    # yet.
+    vec_width, _ = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, 1)
+    specialized = peak_bandwidth_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peak_bandwidth_tir.params[3]: vec_width,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    # Data size needs to be larger than last level of cache. We don't have a
+    # way of getting cache sizes, so this number should give us a large enough
+    # size.
+    size = 10**8 // (4 * num_threads() * vec_width) * (4 * num_threads() * vec_width)

Review Comment:
   I'm just ramping into the discussion here but given cache size variability I would argue for the iterative approach for increasing the array size until performance plateaus. It's easy to measure and less likely to lead to false assumptions being made. 

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Utilities operating at a graph/model or other "high" level"""
+import csv
+import subprocess
+from typing import Dict, Union, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from .. import auto_scheduler, relay, tir, device, nd, IRModule, build, topi, transform
+from import Target
+from ..runtime import profiler_vm, profiling, Device, num_threads
+from ..script import tir as T
+def _create_args(mod, dev, func_name="main"):
+    args = []
+    for arg in mod[func_name].params:
+        args.append(
+            nd.array(
+                np.zeros([x.value for x in arg.type_annotation.shape], arg.type_annotation.dtype),
+                device=dev,
+            )
+        )
+    return args
+def _estimated_features(mod, params, target):
+    comp = relay.vm.VMCompiler()
+    mod, params = comp.optimize(mod, params=params, target=target)
+    return {
+        prim.attrs["hash"]: (name, auto_scheduler.feature.named_features_from_primfunc(prim))
+        for name, prim in mod.functions.items()
+        if isinstance(prim, tir.PrimFunc)
+    }
+def _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers):
+    if vec_width is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                vec_width = topi.x86.utils.get_simd_32bit_lanes()  # in number of float32s
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine vector width for target {target}")
+    if num_vector_registers is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                num_vector_registers = (
+                    16  # Assuming for all platforms, probably wrong on older ones
+                )
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine number of vector registers for target {target}")
+    return vec_width, num_vector_registers
+def peakflops_fma_tir(
+    a: T.handle,
+    vec_width: T.int32,
+    iters: T.int32,
+    num_vector_registers: T.int32,
+    threads: T.int32,
+) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    assert (
+        N >= threads * num_vector_registers * vec_width
+    ), "Input vectors must be >= num_vector_registers*vec_width"
+    for t in T.parallel(threads):
+        for _j in range(iters):
+            for l in T.unroll(num_vector_registers):
+                # We want to use as few registers as possible, so we perform
+                # all operations on the same element
+                for k in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k] = (
+                        A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        * A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        + A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                    )
+def estimate_peak_fma_flops(
+    target: Target,
+    dev: Device,
+    vec_width: Optional[int] = None,
+    num_vector_registers: Optional[int] = None,
+) -> float:
+    """
+    Estimate the maximum number of FLOP/s this target/device combo is capable
+    of reaching by running a test program. This assumes vectorized f32 FMA
+    (fused-multiply-add) instructions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to run on. This should be as specific to the actual hardware as
+        possible to make sure that LLVM generates the best vector code.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to run on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector width of SIMD units on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    num_vector_registers : Optional[int]
+        Number of vector registers on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Approximate sustained FLOP/s of this target/device combo assuming
+        vectorized f32 FMA instructions.
+    """
+    assert str(target.kind) == "llvm", "Only llvm targets are supported"
+    vec_width, num_vector_registers = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers)
+    iters = 100000
+    nthreads = num_threads()
+    specialized = peakflops_fma_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[1]: vec_width,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[2]: iters,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[3]: num_vector_registers,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[4]: nthreads,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    a = nd.array(np.ones(vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads).astype("float32"), device=dev)
+    times = f.time_evaluator(f.entry_name, dev, repeat=100)(a)
+    flops = 2 * vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads * iters  # fma is two flops
+    flop_s = flops / times.min
+    return flop_s
+def peak_bandwidth_tir(a: T.handle, b: T.handle, nt: T.int32, vec_width: T.int32) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    B = T.match_buffer(b, [nt * vec_width * 4], "float32")
+    # assert N % (nt * 4 * vec_width) == 0, "div"
+    # Parallelism is necessary to hit all cores/nodes
+    for i in T.parallel(nt):
+        for k in T.serial(N // nt // 4 // vec_width):
+            for l in T.unroll(4):
+                # vectorized load is necessary to hit peak bandwidth
+                for j in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    B[i * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j] += A[
+                        i * (N // nt) + k * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j
+                    ]
+def estimate_peak_bandwidth(target: Target, dev: Device, vec_width: Optional[int] = None) -> float:
+    """Estimate peak memory bandwidth of a target/device combo.
+    Peak bandwidth is estimated by running a small experiment on the underlying
+    hardware. The peak bandwidth measurement assumes that vector instructions
+    are being used to load the data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to use for measurement. This target should be as specific to the
+        underlying hardware as possible.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to measure peak bandwidth on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector unit width, determined from target if not supplied.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Peak memory bandwidth in bytes/seconds.
+    """
+    # Ideally we'd be able to use this code to measure peak bandwidth of the
+    # different cache levels. If we could just generate load commands, then we
+    # could use those in a tight loop. Instead we need some code that is
+    # limited on the cache bandwidth. With the L1 cache we need an operation
+    # that has a very low arithmetic intensity and we haven't come up with one
+    # yet.
+    vec_width, _ = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, 1)
+    specialized = peak_bandwidth_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peak_bandwidth_tir.params[3]: vec_width,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    # Data size needs to be larger than last level of cache. We don't have a
+    # way of getting cache sizes, so this number should give us a large enough
+    # size.
+    size = 10**8 // (4 * num_threads() * vec_width) * (4 * num_threads() * vec_width)

Review Comment:
   Would also be interesting to apply the specific stream benchmark that applies to a given workload pattern based on the read and writes defined in a block. Probably diminishing returns given that they are usually comparable measurements of the bandwidth. 

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Utilities operating at a graph/model or other "high" level"""
+import csv
+import subprocess
+from typing import Dict, Union, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from .. import auto_scheduler, relay, tir, device, nd, IRModule, build, topi, transform
+from import Target
+from ..runtime import profiler_vm, profiling, Device, num_threads
+from ..script import tir as T
+def _create_args(mod, dev, func_name="main"):
+    args = []
+    for arg in mod[func_name].params:
+        args.append(
+            nd.array(
+                np.zeros([x.value for x in arg.type_annotation.shape], arg.type_annotation.dtype),
+                device=dev,
+            )
+        )
+    return args
+def _estimated_features(mod, params, target):
+    comp = relay.vm.VMCompiler()
+    mod, params = comp.optimize(mod, params=params, target=target)
+    return {
+        prim.attrs["hash"]: (name, auto_scheduler.feature.named_features_from_primfunc(prim))
+        for name, prim in mod.functions.items()
+        if isinstance(prim, tir.PrimFunc)
+    }
+def _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers):
+    if vec_width is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                vec_width = topi.x86.utils.get_simd_32bit_lanes()  # in number of float32s
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine vector width for target {target}")
+    if num_vector_registers is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                num_vector_registers = (
+                    16  # Assuming for all platforms, probably wrong on older ones
+                )
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine number of vector registers for target {target}")
+    return vec_width, num_vector_registers
+def peakflops_fma_tir(
+    a: T.handle,
+    vec_width: T.int32,
+    iters: T.int32,
+    num_vector_registers: T.int32,
+    threads: T.int32,
+) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    assert (
+        N >= threads * num_vector_registers * vec_width
+    ), "Input vectors must be >= num_vector_registers*vec_width"
+    for t in T.parallel(threads):
+        for _j in range(iters):
+            for l in T.unroll(num_vector_registers):
+                # We want to use as few registers as possible, so we perform
+                # all operations on the same element
+                for k in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k] = (
+                        A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        * A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        + A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                    )
+def estimate_peak_fma_flops(
+    target: Target,
+    dev: Device,
+    vec_width: Optional[int] = None,
+    num_vector_registers: Optional[int] = None,
+) -> float:
+    """
+    Estimate the maximum number of FLOP/s this target/device combo is capable
+    of reaching by running a test program. This assumes vectorized f32 FMA
+    (fused-multiply-add) instructions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to run on. This should be as specific to the actual hardware as
+        possible to make sure that LLVM generates the best vector code.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to run on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector width of SIMD units on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    num_vector_registers : Optional[int]
+        Number of vector registers on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Approximate sustained FLOP/s of this target/device combo assuming
+        vectorized f32 FMA instructions.
+    """
+    assert str(target.kind) == "llvm", "Only llvm targets are supported"
+    vec_width, num_vector_registers = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers)
+    iters = 100000
+    nthreads = num_threads()
+    specialized = peakflops_fma_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[1]: vec_width,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[2]: iters,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[3]: num_vector_registers,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[4]: nthreads,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    a = nd.array(np.ones(vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads).astype("float32"), device=dev)
+    times = f.time_evaluator(f.entry_name, dev, repeat=100)(a)
+    flops = 2 * vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads * iters  # fma is two flops
+    flop_s = flops / times.min
+    return flop_s
+def peak_bandwidth_tir(a: T.handle, b: T.handle, nt: T.int32, vec_width: T.int32) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    B = T.match_buffer(b, [nt * vec_width * 4], "float32")
+    # assert N % (nt * 4 * vec_width) == 0, "div"
+    # Parallelism is necessary to hit all cores/nodes
+    for i in T.parallel(nt):
+        for k in T.serial(N // nt // 4 // vec_width):
+            for l in T.unroll(4):
+                # vectorized load is necessary to hit peak bandwidth
+                for j in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    B[i * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j] += A[
+                        i * (N // nt) + k * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j
+                    ]
+def estimate_peak_bandwidth(target: Target, dev: Device, vec_width: Optional[int] = None) -> float:
+    """Estimate peak memory bandwidth of a target/device combo.
+    Peak bandwidth is estimated by running a small experiment on the underlying
+    hardware. The peak bandwidth measurement assumes that vector instructions
+    are being used to load the data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to use for measurement. This target should be as specific to the
+        underlying hardware as possible.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to measure peak bandwidth on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector unit width, determined from target if not supplied.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Peak memory bandwidth in bytes/seconds.
+    """
+    # Ideally we'd be able to use this code to measure peak bandwidth of the
+    # different cache levels. If we could just generate load commands, then we
+    # could use those in a tight loop. Instead we need some code that is
+    # limited on the cache bandwidth. With the L1 cache we need an operation
+    # that has a very low arithmetic intensity and we haven't come up with one
+    # yet.
+    vec_width, _ = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, 1)
+    specialized = peak_bandwidth_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peak_bandwidth_tir.params[3]: vec_width,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    # Data size needs to be larger than last level of cache. We don't have a
+    # way of getting cache sizes, so this number should give us a large enough
+    # size.
+    size = 10**8 // (4 * num_threads() * vec_width) * (4 * num_threads() * vec_width)
+    a = nd.array(np.ones(size, dtype="float32"), device=dev)
+    b = nd.array(np.ones(vec_width * 4 * num_threads(), dtype="float32"), device=dev)
+    times = f.time_evaluator(f.entry_name, dev, repeat=5, number=1)(a, b, num_threads())
+    return size * 4 / times.min  # 4 bytes per float32
+def roofline_analysis(
+    mod: IRModule, params: Dict[str, nd.NDArray], target: Union[str, Target], dev: Device
+) -> profiling.Report:
+    """
+    Create a profiling report that contains roofline and other estimated
+    statistics from running a module on the VM.
+    These statistics are calculated by analyzing the lowered TIR of each
+    operator, so they are estimates of the true values. The statistics are:
+      - Bound: Is the operator memory or compute bound. This is computed by
+        assuming that the operator could perfectly cache all loads -- each byte
+        of memory is only loaded once.
+      - Percent of Theoretical Optimal: What percent of theoretical optimal for
+        the bound. i.e. percent of peak memory bandwidth if memory bound,
+        percent of peak FLOP/s if compute bound.
+      - Unique Loaded Bytes: estimation of the number of byte loaded not
+        counting multiple accesses to the same byte.
+      - Estimated Flops: estimated number of floating point operations.
+      - Arithmetic Intensity: ratio of FLOPs per byte of data.
+      - FLOP/s: floating point operations per second.
+      - Bandwidth: Number of bytes loaded per second.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    mod : IRModule
+      Uncompiled input module>
+    params : Dict[str, nd.NDArray]
+    target : Union[str, Target]
+      Target to run on.
+    dev : Device
+      Device to run on.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    report : profiling.Report
+      Profiling report which includes the estimated statistics.
+    """
+    if isinstance(target, str):
+        target = Target(target)
+    peak_bandwidth = estimate_peak_bandwidth(target, dev)
+    peak_flops = estimate_peak_fma_flops(target, dev)
+    ridge_point = peak_flops / peak_bandwidth
+    all_features = _estimated_features(mod, params, target)
+    lib = relay.vm.compile(mod, params=params, target=target)
+    vmexec = profiler_vm.VirtualMachineProfiler(lib, dev)
+    args = _create_args(mod, dev)
+    report = vmexec.profile(*args)
+    new_calls = []
+    for call in report.calls:
+        if "Hash" in call.keys():
+            _, features = all_features[call["Hash"]]
+            flops = np.sum(features["float_addsub"] + features["float_mul"] + features["float_mad"])
+            unique_loaded_bytes = 0.0
+            # assume no more than 100 buffers
+            for i in range(100):
+                # We could uses loaded bytes, but that accounts for for L1 cache.
+                # If we use unique_bytes, then we are looking at how close we come
+                # to the performance assuming all data is cached perfectly.

Review Comment:
   I don't understand why you prefer to make this assumption on data being accessed from the cache perfectly? This will bias you towards fewer loads overall, or a greater arith intensity. Likely I am not understanding this comment. 

@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Utilities operating at a graph/model or other "high" level"""
+import csv
+import subprocess
+from typing import Dict, Union, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from .. import auto_scheduler, relay, tir, device, nd, IRModule, build, topi, transform
+from import Target
+from ..runtime import profiler_vm, profiling, Device, num_threads
+from ..script import tir as T
+def _create_args(mod, dev, func_name="main"):
+    args = []
+    for arg in mod[func_name].params:
+        args.append(
+            nd.array(
+                np.zeros([x.value for x in arg.type_annotation.shape], arg.type_annotation.dtype),
+                device=dev,
+            )
+        )
+    return args
+def _estimated_features(mod, params, target):
+    comp = relay.vm.VMCompiler()
+    mod, params = comp.optimize(mod, params=params, target=target)
+    return {
+        prim.attrs["hash"]: (name, auto_scheduler.feature.named_features_from_primfunc(prim))
+        for name, prim in mod.functions.items()
+        if isinstance(prim, tir.PrimFunc)
+    }
+def _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers):
+    if vec_width is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                vec_width = topi.x86.utils.get_simd_32bit_lanes()  # in number of float32s
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine vector width for target {target}")
+    if num_vector_registers is None:
+        if target.device_name == "":  # indicates x86
+            with target:
+                num_vector_registers = (
+                    16  # Assuming for all platforms, probably wrong on older ones
+                )
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot determine number of vector registers for target {target}")
+    return vec_width, num_vector_registers
+def peakflops_fma_tir(
+    a: T.handle,
+    vec_width: T.int32,
+    iters: T.int32,
+    num_vector_registers: T.int32,
+    threads: T.int32,
+) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    assert (
+        N >= threads * num_vector_registers * vec_width
+    ), "Input vectors must be >= num_vector_registers*vec_width"
+    for t in T.parallel(threads):
+        for _j in range(iters):
+            for l in T.unroll(num_vector_registers):
+                # We want to use as few registers as possible, so we perform
+                # all operations on the same element
+                for k in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k] = (
+                        A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        * A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                        + A[t * vec_width * num_vector_registers + vec_width * l + k]
+                    )
+def estimate_peak_fma_flops(
+    target: Target,
+    dev: Device,
+    vec_width: Optional[int] = None,
+    num_vector_registers: Optional[int] = None,
+) -> float:
+    """
+    Estimate the maximum number of FLOP/s this target/device combo is capable
+    of reaching by running a test program. This assumes vectorized f32 FMA
+    (fused-multiply-add) instructions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to run on. This should be as specific to the actual hardware as
+        possible to make sure that LLVM generates the best vector code.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to run on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector width of SIMD units on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    num_vector_registers : Optional[int]
+        Number of vector registers on the underlying hardware. Will try to
+        infer if no value is provided.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Approximate sustained FLOP/s of this target/device combo assuming
+        vectorized f32 FMA instructions.
+    """
+    assert str(target.kind) == "llvm", "Only llvm targets are supported"
+    vec_width, num_vector_registers = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, num_vector_registers)
+    iters = 100000
+    nthreads = num_threads()
+    specialized = peakflops_fma_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[1]: vec_width,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[2]: iters,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[3]: num_vector_registers,
+            peakflops_fma_tir.params[4]: nthreads,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    a = nd.array(np.ones(vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads).astype("float32"), device=dev)
+    times = f.time_evaluator(f.entry_name, dev, repeat=100)(a)
+    flops = 2 * vec_width * num_vector_registers * nthreads * iters  # fma is two flops
+    flop_s = flops / times.min
+    return flop_s
+def peak_bandwidth_tir(a: T.handle, b: T.handle, nt: T.int32, vec_width: T.int32) -> None:
+    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
+    N = T.var("int32")
+    A = T.match_buffer(a, [N], "float32")
+    B = T.match_buffer(b, [nt * vec_width * 4], "float32")
+    # assert N % (nt * 4 * vec_width) == 0, "div"
+    # Parallelism is necessary to hit all cores/nodes
+    for i in T.parallel(nt):
+        for k in T.serial(N // nt // 4 // vec_width):
+            for l in T.unroll(4):
+                # vectorized load is necessary to hit peak bandwidth
+                for j in T.vectorized(vec_width):
+                    B[i * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j] += A[
+                        i * (N // nt) + k * vec_width * 4 + l * vec_width + j
+                    ]
+def estimate_peak_bandwidth(target: Target, dev: Device, vec_width: Optional[int] = None) -> float:
+    """Estimate peak memory bandwidth of a target/device combo.
+    Peak bandwidth is estimated by running a small experiment on the underlying
+    hardware. The peak bandwidth measurement assumes that vector instructions
+    are being used to load the data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    target : Target
+        Target to use for measurement. This target should be as specific to the
+        underlying hardware as possible.
+    dev : Device
+        Device to measure peak bandwidth on.
+    vec_width : Optional[int]
+        Vector unit width, determined from target if not supplied.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        Peak memory bandwidth in bytes/seconds.
+    """
+    # Ideally we'd be able to use this code to measure peak bandwidth of the
+    # different cache levels. If we could just generate load commands, then we
+    # could use those in a tight loop. Instead we need some code that is
+    # limited on the cache bandwidth. With the L1 cache we need an operation
+    # that has a very low arithmetic intensity and we haven't come up with one
+    # yet.
+    vec_width, _ = _vec_width_registers(target, vec_width, 1)
+    specialized = peak_bandwidth_tir.specialize(
+        {
+            peak_bandwidth_tir.params[3]: vec_width,
+        }
+    )
+    with transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
+        f = build(specialized, target=target)
+    # Data size needs to be larger than last level of cache. We don't have a
+    # way of getting cache sizes, so this number should give us a large enough
+    # size.
+    size = 10**8 // (4 * num_threads() * vec_width) * (4 * num_threads() * vec_width)
+    a = nd.array(np.ones(size, dtype="float32"), device=dev)
+    b = nd.array(np.ones(vec_width * 4 * num_threads(), dtype="float32"), device=dev)
+    times = f.time_evaluator(f.entry_name, dev, repeat=5, number=1)(a, b, num_threads())
+    return size * 4 / times.min  # 4 bytes per float32
+def roofline_analysis(

Review Comment:
   Equivalent functionality for profiling a TIR primfunc would be very nice, and I could imagine as part of a standard TIR compiler toolchain (debugger, profiler, etc), cc @supersat

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