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Posted to by Anders Conrad <> on 2002/02/07 10:35:26 UTC

Indexes unavailable after system crash


I have noticed that after some system crashes which are unrelated to
Xindice, the indexes I have build for my collection every time become
unavailabe: I have one collection with 3 indexes. When starting after the
crash, the index files are still there untouched (according to the
timestamp), but the indexes have nevertheless become unavailable to Xindice.
The list_indexers command shows 0 indexes for the collection, and queries
are accordingly slow. The collection as such seems to be healthy enough.

The availability of the indexes must be recorded in some file outside of the
collection which is not updated before the crash. Can anybody give me a hint
on this? It would be nice to stabilize this to be crash-resistent. One way
would be to remove and rebuild the indexes from the startup script, but
maybe there is a better way?

I am running 1.0b4 on Linux (Suse 7.1) with JDK 1.3.
Any suggestions will be valued!


Anders Conrad, cand.mag.
Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
Christians Brygge 1, 1.
1219 København K
Tlf. 33 13 06 60, fax: 33 14 06 08, e-post: