You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2008/12/12 19:20:18 UTC

svn commit: r726079 [30/32] - in /incubator/vcl/tags/import: ./ managementnode/ managementnode/bin/ managementnode/etc/ managementnode/etc/vcl/ managementnode/legacy_vcl_vbs_scripts/ managementnode/lib/ managementnode/lib/VCL/ managementnode/lib/VCL/Mo...

Added: incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/vcldocs.php
--- incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/vcldocs.php (added)
+++ incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/vcldocs.php Fri Dec 12 10:20:10 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+// docreaders:
+// 1 - admin
+$docreaders = array(1);
+$doceditors = array(1);
+$actions['mode']['viewdocs'] = "viewDocs";
+/// \fn viewDocs()
+/// \brief prints a page to select which VCL docs to view
+function viewDocs() {
+	global $user, $docreaders, $viewmode;
+	if(! (in_array("userGrant", $user["privileges"]) ||
+		in_array("resourceGrant", $user["privileges"]) ||
+		in_array("nodeAdmin", $user["privileges"]) ||
+		in_array($user['id'], $docreaders)))
+		return;
+	$item = getContinuationVar("item", processInputVar('item', ARG_STRING));
+	switch($item) {
+	case "xmlrpcapi":
+		showXmlrpcapi();
+		return;
+	case "xmlrpcexample":
+		showXmlrpcExample();
+		return;
+	default:
+		if(! empty($item)) {
+			showDatabaseDoc($item);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	$query = "SELECT name, title FROM documentation ORDER BY title";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	$docs = array();
+	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))
+		$docs[$row['name']] = $row['title'];
+	if($viewmode == ADMIN_DEVELOPER || in_array($user['id'], $doceditors)) {
+		$cdata = array('submode' => 'newpage');
+		$cont = addContinuationsEntry('editdoc', $cdata);
+		print "[ <a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?continuation=$cont\">";
+		print "New page</a> ";
+		print "]<br>\n";
+	}
+	if(count($docs)) {
+		print "<h2>Main Documentation</h2>\n";
+		foreach($docs as $key => $val) {
+			print "<a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=viewdocs&item=$key\">";
+			print "$val</a><br>\n";
+		}
+	}
+	if(in_array($user['id'], $docreaders)) {
+		print "<h2>API Documentation</h2>\n";
+		print "<a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=viewdocs&item=xmlrpcapi\">";
+		print "XML RPC API</a><br>\n";
+		print "<a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=viewdocs&item=xmlrpcexample\">";
+		print "XML RPC API Example Code</a><br>\n";
+	}
+/// \fn showXmlrpcapi()
+/// \brief prints XML RPC API docs
+function showXmlrpcapi() {
+	$text = file_get_contents(".ht-inc/xmlrpcdocs/xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html");
+	$text = preg_replace('/xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html/', '', $text);
+	$replace = BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=viewdocs&item=xmlrpcexample";
+	$text = preg_replace('/xmlrpc__example_8php-example.html/', $replace, $text);
+	$text = preg_replace('~^<\!DOCTYPE.*</head><body>~s', '', $text);
+	$text = preg_replace('~<h1>/afs.*</h1>~', '', $text);
+	$text = preg_replace('~</body>\n</html>$~', '', $text);
+	print $text;
+/// \fn showXmlrpcExample()
+/// \brief prints XML RPC API example
+function showXmlrpcExample() {
+	$text = file_get_contents(".ht-inc/xmlrpcdocs/xmlrpc__example_8php-example.html");
+	$replace = BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=viewdocs&item=xmlrpcapi";
+	$text = preg_replace('/xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html/', $replace, $text);
+	$text = preg_replace('~^<\!DOCTYPE.*</head><body>~s', '', $text);
+	$text = preg_replace('~<h1>xmlrpc_example\.php</h1>~', '', $text);
+	$text = preg_replace('~</body>\n</html>$~', '', $text);
+	print $text;
+/// \fn showDatabaseDoc($item)
+/// \param $item - name of a documentation item
+/// \brief prints out documentation for $item
+function showDatabaseDoc($item) {
+	global $viewmode, $user;
+	$query = "SELECT title, data FROM documentation WHERE name = '$item'";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	if(! ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
+		print "<h2>Online Documentation</h2>\n";
+		print "Failed to retrieve documentation for \"$item\".<br>\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	if($viewmode == ADMIN_DEVELOPER || in_array($user['id'], $doceditors)) {
+		$cdata = array('item' => $item,
+		               'submode' => 'newpage');
+		$cont = addContinuationsEntry('editdoc', $cdata);
+		print "[ <a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?continuation=$cont\">";
+		print "New page</a> ";
+		$cdata = array('item' => $item,
+		               'submode' => 'editpage');
+		$cont = addContinuationsEntry('editdoc', $cdata);
+		print "| <a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?continuation=$cont\">";
+		print "Edit page</a> ";
+		$cdata = array('item' => $item);
+		$cont = addContinuationsEntry('confirmdeletedoc', $cdata);
+		print "| <a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?continuation=$cont\">";
+		print "Delete page</a> ";
+		print "]<br>\n";
+	}
+	print "<div class=vcldocpage>\n";
+	print "<h2>{$row['title']}</h2>\n";
+	print $row['data'];
+	print "</div\n";
+/// \fn editDoc()
+/// \brief prints a page for editing a documentation item
+function editDoc() {
+	global $viewmode, $user;
+	$item = getContinuationVar('item');
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER && ! in_array($user['id'], $doceditors)) {
+		showDatabaseDoc($item);
+		return;
+	}
+	$submode = getContinuationVar('submode');
+	if($submode == 'editfurther' || $submode == 'titleerror') {
+		$row['title'] = getContinuationVar('title');
+		$row['data'] = rawurldecode(getContinuationVar('data'));
+		$newedit = getContinuationVar('newedit');
+	}
+	elseif($submode == 'editpage') {
+		$query = "SELECT title, data FROM documentation WHERE name = '$item'";
+		$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+		if(! ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
+			print "<h2>Online Documentation</h2>\n";
+			print "Failed to retrieve documentation for \"$item\".<br>\n";
+			return;
+		}
+		$newedit = 'edit';
+	}
+	else {
+		$row['title'] = "";
+		$row['data'] = "";
+		$newedit = 'new';
+	}
+	print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n";
+	print "<INPUT type=submit value=\"Confirm Changes\"><br><br>\n";
+	print "<big>Title</big>:<INPUT type=text name=title value=\"{$row['title']}\">";
+	if($submode == 'titleerror') {
+		print "<font color=red>Title cannot be empty</font>";
+	}
+	print "<br>\n";
+	$edit = new FCKeditor('data');
+	$edit->BasePath = BASEURL . '/fckeditor/';
+	$edit->Value = $row['data'];
+	$edit->Height = '600';
+	$edit->ToolbarSet = 'VCLDocs';
+	$edit->Create();
+	$cdata = array('item' => $item,
+	               'newedit' => $newedit);
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('confirmeditdoc', $cdata);
+	print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"$cont\">\n";
+	print "<INPUT type=submit value=\"Confirm Changes\">\n";
+	print "</FORM>\n";
+/// \fn confirmEditDoc()
+/// \brief prints a page asking the user to confirm the changes to the page; 
+/// includes a link to go back and edit further
+function confirmEditDoc() {
+	global $viewmode, $mysql_link_vcl, $contdata;
+	$item = getContinuationVar('item');
+	$newedit = getContinuationVar('newedit');
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER && ! in_array($user['id'], $doceditors)) {
+		showDatabaseDoc($item);
+		return;
+	}
+	$title = processInputVar('title', ARG_STRING);
+	if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+		$data = stripslashes($_POST['data']);
+		$submitdata = rawurlencode(mysql_real_escape_string($data, $mysql_link_vcl));
+	}
+	else {
+		$submitdata = rawurlencode(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['data'], $mysql_link_vcl));
+		$data = $_POST['data'];
+	}
+	if(empty($title)) {
+		$contdata['title'] = "";
+		$contdata['data'] = rawurlencode($data);
+		$contdata['submode'] = 'titleerror';
+		editDoc();
+		return;
+	}
+	$cdata = array('item' => $item,
+	               'title' => $title,
+	               'data' => $submitdata,
+	               'newedit' => $newedit);
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('submiteditdoc', $cdata, SECINDAY, 0, 0);
+	print "[ <a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?continuation=$cont\">";
+	print "Save Changes</a> ";
+	$cdata['data'] = rawurlencode($data);
+	$cdata['submode'] = 'editfurther';
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('editdoc', $cdata, SECINDAY, 0, 0);
+	print "| <a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?continuation=$cont\">";
+	print "Edit Further</a> ]<br>\n";
+	print "<h2>$title</h2>\n";
+	print $data;
+/// \fn submitEditDoc()
+/// \brief saves submitted changes to a documentation item
+function submitEditDoc() {
+	global $viewmode, $mysql_link_vcl;
+	$item = getContinuationVar('item');
+	$newedit = getContinuationVar('newedit');
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER && ! in_array($user['id'], $doceditors)) {
+		showDatabaseDoc($item);
+		return;
+	}
+	$title = getContinuationVar('title');
+	$data = rawurldecode(getContinuationVar('data'));
+	$name = ereg_replace('[^-A-Za-z0-9_]', '', $title);
+	$query = "SELECT name FROM documentation WHERE name = '$name'";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	$count = 1;
+	$basename = $name;
+	while(mysql_num_rows($qh)) {
+		$name = $basename . $count;
+		$count++;
+		$query = "SELECT name FROM documentation WHERE name = '$name'";
+		$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	}
+	if($newedit == 'edit') {
+		$query = "SELECT name FROM documentation WHERE name = '$item'";
+		$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+		if(! ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
+			print "<h2>Online Documentation</h2>\n";
+			print "Failed to retrieve documentation for \"$item\".<br>\n";
+			return;
+		}
+		$query = "UPDATE documentation "
+		       . "SET name = '$name', "
+		       .     "title = '$title', "
+		       .     "data = '$data' "
+		       . "WHERE name = '$item'";
+	}
+	else {
+		$query = "INSERT INTO documentation "
+		       .        "(name, "
+		       .        "title, "
+		       .        "data) "
+		       . "VALUES "
+		       .        "('$name', "
+		       .        "'$title', "
+		       .        "'$data')";
+	}
+	doQuery($query, 101);
+	if(mysql_affected_rows($mysql_link_vcl)) {
+		print "Page successfully updated.<br>\n";
+	}
+	else
+		print "No changes were made to the page.<br>\n";
+/// \fn confirmDeleteDoc()
+/// \brief prints a confirmation page about deleting a documentation item
+function confirmDeleteDoc() {
+	global $viewmode;
+	$item = getContinuationVar('item');
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER && ! in_array($user['id'], $doceditors)) {
+		showDatabaseDoc($item);
+		return;
+	}
+	$query = "SELECT title, data FROM documentation WHERE name = '$item'";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	if(! ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
+		print "<h2>Online Documentation</h2>\n";
+		print "Failed to retrieve documentation for \"$item\".<br>\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	print "Are you sure you want to delete the following documentation ";
+	print "page?<br>\n";
+	print "<font color=red>Note: the document will be unrecoverable</font>";
+	print "<br>\n";
+	print "<table>\n";
+	print "<tr><td>\n";
+	print "<form action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n";
+	$cdata = array('item' => $item);
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('submitdeletedoc', $cdata, SECINDAY, 0, 0);
+	print "<input type=hidden name=continuation value=$cont>\n";
+	print "<input type=submit value=\"Delete Page\">\n";
+	print "</form>\n";
+	print "</td><td>\n";
+	print "<form action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n";
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('viewdocs', $cdata);
+	print "<input type=hidden name=continuation value=$cont>\n";
+	print "<input type=submit value=\"View Page\">\n";
+	print "</form>\n";
+	print "</td></tr>\n";
+	print "</table>\n";
+	print "<h2>{$row['title']}</h2>\n";
+	print $row['data'];
+/// \fn submitDeleteDoc()
+/// \brief deletes a documentation item
+function submitDeleteDoc() {
+	global $viewmode;
+	$item = getContinuationVar('item');
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER && ! in_array($user['id'], $doceditors)) {
+		showDatabaseDoc($item);
+		return;
+	}
+	$query = "SELECT title FROM documentation WHERE name = '$item'";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	if(! ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
+		print "<h2>Online Documentation</h2>\n";
+		print "Failed to retrieve documentation for \"$item\".<br>\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	$query = "DELETE FROM documentation WHERE name = '$item'";
+	doQuery($query, 101);
+	print "The page titled <strong>{$row['title']}</strong> has been deleted.";
+	print "<br>\n";

Added: incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/
--- incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/ (added)
+++ incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/ Fri Dec 12 10:20:10 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+use LWP::Simple;
+use lib '/tmp/WDDX-1.02/blib/lib';
+use WDDX;
+my $function = "getUserResources";
+my $arg1 = "imageAdmin:imageCheckOut";
+my $arg2 = "available:";
+my $arg3 = 0;
+my $arg4 = 0;
+my $arg5 = 21;
+my $doc = get("$function,$arg1,$arg2,$arg3,$arg4,$arg5");
+$doc_id = new WDDX; 
+$wddx_obj = $doc_id->deserialize($doc); 
+$value = $wddx_obj->as_hashref(); 
+@keys = $wddx_obj->keys();
+foreach my $key (keys %{ $value->{"data"} }) {
+	print "---------------------------------------------\n";
+	print "$key\n";
+	foreach my $key2 (keys %{ $value->{"data"}->{$key} }) {
+		print "\t$key2 => " . $value->{"data"}->{$key}->{$key2} . "\n";
+	}

Added: incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/vm.php
--- incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/vm.php (added)
+++ incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/vm.php Fri Dec 12 10:20:10 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+ * \file vm.php
+ */
+/// \fn editVMInfo()
+/// \brief prints a page for editing VM Hosts and VM Host Profiles
+function editVMInfo() {
+	global $viewmode;
+	print "<h2>Manage Virtual Hosts</h2>\n";
+	$profiles = getVMProfiles();
+	if($viewmode == ADMIN_DEVELOPER) {
+	print "<div id=\"mainTabContainer\" dojoType=\"dijit.layout.TabContainer\"\n";
+	print "     style=\"width:650px;height:600px\">\n";
+	print "<div id=\"vmhosts\" dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\" title=\"VM Hosts\">\n";
+	}
+	print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.Dialog\"\n";
+	print "     id=\"messages\">\n";
+	print "<span id=messagestext></span>";
+	print "<button id=\"messagesokbtn\"></button>\n";
+	print "<button onclick=\"dijit.byId('messages').hide()\">Cancel</button>\n";
+	print "</div>\n";
+	$newmsg = "To create a new Virtual Host, change the state of a computer to<br>\n"
+	        . "'vmhostinuse' under Manage Computers-&gt;Computer Utilities.<br><br>\n";
+	$vmhosts = getVMHostData();
+	$resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin"), array("administer"));
+	foreach($vmhosts as $key => $value) {
+		if(! array_key_exists($value['computerid'], $resources['computer']))
+			unset($vmhosts[$key]);
+	}
+	if(empty($vmhosts)) {
+		print "You do not have access to manage any existing virtual hosts.<br><br>\n";
+		print $newmsg;
+		return;
+	}
+	print $newmsg;
+	print "Select a Virtual Host:<br>\n";
+	printSelectInput("vmhostid", $vmhosts, -1, 0, 0, 'vmhostid');
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('vmhostdata');
+	print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" id=\"fetchCompGrpsButton\">\n";
+	print "	Configure Host\n";
+	print "	<script type=\"dojo/method\" event=onClick>\n";
+	print "		getVMHostData('$cont');\n";
+	print "	</script>\n";
+	print "</button><br><br>\n";
+	print "<div id=vmhostdata class=hidden>\n";
+	print "<table summary=\"\">\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>VM limit:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td>\n";
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('updateVMlimit');
+	print "      <input dojoType=\"dijit.form.NumberSpinner\"\n";
+	print "             constraints=\"{min:1,max:" . MAXVMLIMIT . "}\"\n";
+	print "             maxlength=\"3\"\n";
+	print "             id=\"vmlimit\"\n";
+	print "             onChange=\"updateVMlimit('$cont')\">\n";
+	print "    </td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	#$cont = addContinuationsEntry('changeVMprofile');
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>VM Profile:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td>\n";
+	#printSelectInput("vmprofileid", $profiles, -1, 0, 0, 'vmprofileid', "onchange=changeVMprofile('$cont')");
+	print "      <div dojoType=\"dijit.TitlePane\" id=vmprofile></div>\n";
+	print "    </td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	/*if(! empty($data['vmkernalnic'])) {
+		print "  <tr>\n";
+		print "    <th align=right>VM Kernal NIC:</th>\n";
+		print "    <td>{$data['vmkernalnic']}</td>\n";
+		print "  </tr>\n";
+	}*/
+	print "</table><br><br>\n";
+	print "<div id=movevms class=hidden>\n";
+	print "The followig VM(s) will removed from this host at the listed ";
+	print "time(s):<br>\n";
+	print "<select name=movevmssel multiple id=movevmssel size=3>\n";
+	print "</select><br>\n";
+	print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" id=\"cancelBtn\">\n";
+	print "	<div>Cancel Removing of Selected VMs</div>\n";
+	print "	<script type=\"dojo/method\" event=onClick>\n";
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJcancelVMmove');
+	print "		cancelVMmove('$cont');\n";
+	print "	</script>\n";
+	print "</button>\n";
+	print "<br><br></div>\n";
+	print "<table summary=\"\"><tbody><tr>\n";
+	# select for vms on host
+	print "<td valign=top>\n";
+	print "VMs assigned to host:<br>\n";
+	print "<select name=currvms multiple id=currvms size=15 onChange=showVMstate()>\n";
+	print "</select><br>\n";
+	print "State of selected vm:<br>\n";
+	print "<span id=vmstate></span>\n";
+	print "</td>\n";
+	# transfer buttons
+	print "<td style=\"vertical-align: middle;\">\n";
+	print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" id=\"addBtn1\">\n";
+	print "  <div style=\"width: 50px;\">&lt;-Add</div>\n";
+	print "	<script type=\"dojo/method\" event=onClick>\n";
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJvmToHost');
+	print "		vmToHost('$cont');\n";
+	print "	</script>\n";
+	print "</button>\n";
+	print "<br>\n";
+	print "<br>\n";
+	print "<br>\n";
+	print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" id=\"remBtn1\">\n";
+	print "	<div style=\"width: 50px;\">Remove</div>\n";
+	print "	<script type=\"dojo/method\" event=onClick>\n";
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJvmFromHost');
+	print "		vmFromHost('$cont');\n";
+	print "	</script>\n";
+	print "</button>\n";
+	print "</td>\n";
+	# select for unassigned vms
+	print "<td valign=top>\n";
+	print "Unassigned VMs:<br>\n";
+	print "<select name=freevms multiple id=freevms size=20>\n";
+	print "</select>\n";
+	print "</td>\n";
+	print "</tr><tbody/></table>\n";
+	print "</div><br><br>\n";
+	/*print "<div dojoType=\"dijit.Dialog\"\n";
+	print "     id=\"profileDlg\"\n";
+	print "     title=\"Change Profile\">\n";
+	print "You have selected to change the VM Profile for this host.<br>\n";
+	print "Doing this will attempt to move any future reservations on the<br>\n";
+	print "host's VMs to other VMs and will submit a reload reservation for this<br>\n";
+	print "host after any active reservations on its VMs.<br><br>\n";
+	print "Are you sure you want to do this?<br><br>\n";
+	print "<button onclick=\"submitChangeProfile()\">Update VM Profile</button>\n";
+	print "<button onclick=\"dijit.byId('profileDlg').hide()\">Cancel</button>\n";
+	print "<input type=hidden id=changevmcont>\n";
+	print "</div>\n";*/
+	print "</div>\n";
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER)
+		return;
+	print "<div id=\"vmprofiles\" dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\" title=\"VM Host Profiles\">\n";
+	print "<br>Select a profile to configure:<br>\n";
+	printSelectInput("profileid", $profiles, -1, 0, 0, 'profileid');
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJprofiledata');
+	print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" id=\"fetchProfilesBtn\">\n";
+	print "	Configure Profile\n";
+	print "	<script type=\"dojo/method\" event=onClick>\n";
+	print "		getVMprofileData('$cont');\n";
+	print "	</script>\n";
+	print "</button>";
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJnewProfile');
+	print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" id=\"newProfilesBtn\">\n";
+	print "	New Profile...\n";
+	print "	<script type=\"dojo/method\" event=onClick>\n";
+	print "		newProfile('$cont');\n";
+	print "	</script>\n";
+	print "</button>";
+	print "<br><br>\n";
+	print "<div id=vmprofiledata class=hidden>\n";
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJdelProfile');
+	print "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\" id=\"delProfilesBtn\">\n";
+	print "	Delete this Profile\n";
+	print "	<script type=\"dojo/method\" event=onClick>\n";
+	print "		delProfile('$cont');\n";
+	print "	</script>\n";
+	print "</button><br><br>";
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJupdateVMprofileItem');
+	print "(Click a value to edit it)<br>\n";
+	print "<input type=hidden id=pcont value=\"$cont\">\n";
+	print "<table summary=\"\">\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>Name:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><span id=pname dojoType=\"dijit.InlineEditBox\" onChange=\"updateProfile('pname', 'name');\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>Type:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><select id=ptype dojoType=\"dijit.form.FilteringSelect\" searchAttr=\"name\" onchange=\"updateProfile('ptype', 'vmtypeid');\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>Image:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><span id=pimage dojoType=\"dijit.form.FilteringSelect\" searchAttr=\"name\" onchange=\"updateProfile('pimage', 'imageid');\" style=\"width: 420px\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>NAS Share:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><span id=pnasshare dojoType=\"dijit.InlineEditBox\" onChange=\"updateProfile('pnasshare', 'nasshare');\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>Data Store Path:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><span id=pdspath dojoType=\"dijit.InlineEditBox\" onChange=\"updateProfile('pdspath', 'datastorepath');\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>VM Path:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><span id=pvmpath dojoType=\"dijit.InlineEditBox\" onChange=\"updateProfile('pvmpath', 'vmpath');\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>Virtual Switch 0:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><span id=pvs0 dojoType=\"dijit.InlineEditBox\" onChange=\"updateProfile('pvs0', 'virtualswitch0');\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>Virtual Switch 1:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><span id=pvs1 dojoType=\"dijit.InlineEditBox\" onChange=\"updateProfile('pvs1', 'virtualswitch1');\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "  <tr>\n";
+	print "    <th align=right>VM Disk:</th>\n";
+	print "    <td><select id=pvmdisk dojoType=\"dijit.form.FilteringSelect\" searchAttr=\"name\" onchange=\"updateProfile('pvmdisk', 'vmdisk');\"></span></td>\n";
+	print "  </tr>\n";
+	print "</table>\n";
+	print "</div>\n";
+	print "</div>\n";
+	print "</div>\n";
+/// \fn vmhostdata()
+/// \brief prints json formatted data with information about the submitted VM
+/// host
+function vmhostdata() {
+	$vmhostid = processInputVar('vmhostid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$ret = '';
+	$data = getVMHostData($vmhostid);
+	$resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin"), array("administer"));
+	if(! array_key_exists($data[$vmhostid]['computerid'], $resources['computer'])) {
+		$arr = array('failed' => 'noaccess');
+		header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+		print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+		return;
+	}
+	# get vms assigned to vmhost
+	$query = "SELECT, "
+	       .        "c.hostname, "
+	       .        " AS state, "
+	       .        "c.vmhostid "
+	       . "FROM computer c, "
+	       .      "state s "
+	       . "WHERE c.type = 'virtualmachine' AND "
+	       .       "c.stateid = AND "
+	       .       "(vmhostid IS NULL OR "
+	       .       "vmhostid NOT IN (SELECT id FROM vmhost) OR "
+	       .       "c.vmhostid = $vmhostid) "
+	       . "ORDER BY c.hostname";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	$ids = array();
+	$allvms = array();
+	$currvms = array();
+	$freevms = array();
+	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
+		if($row['vmhostid'] == $vmhostid) {
+			$ids[$row['id']] = $row['hostname'];
+			$currvms[$row['id']] = array('id' => $row['id'],
+			                             'name' => $row['hostname'],
+			                             'state' => $row['state']);
+			$allvms[] = array('id' => $row['id'],
+			                  'name' => $row['hostname'],
+			                  'inout' => 1);
+		}
+		else {
+			$freevms[] = array('id' => $row['id'],
+			                   'name' => $row['hostname']);
+			$allvms[] = array('id' => $row['id'],
+			                  'name' => $row['hostname'],
+			                  'inout' => 0);
+		}
+	}
+	uasort($allvms, "sortKeepIndex");
+	uasort($currvms, "sortKeepIndex");
+	uasort($freevms, "sortKeepIndex");
+	$keys = array_keys($ids);
+	$movevms = array();
+	if(! empty($keys)) {
+		$keys = join(',', $keys);
+		$query = "SELECT, "
+		       .        "DATE_FORMAT(rq.start, '%l:%i%p %c/%e/%y') AS start, "
+		       .        "rs.computerid "
+		       . "FROM request rq, "
+		       .      "reservation rs "
+		       . "WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
+		       .       "rs.computerid IN ($keys) AND "
+		       .       "(rq.stateid = 18 OR "
+		       .       "rq.laststateid = 18) AND "
+		       .       "rq.start > NOW()";
+		$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
+			$movevms[] = array('id' => $row['id'],
+			                 'time' => strtolower($row['start']),
+			                 'hostname' => $currvms[$row['computerid']]['name']);
+			unset($currvms[$row['computerid']]);
+		}
+		uasort($movevms, "sortKeepIndex");
+		$movevms = array_merge($movevms);
+	}
+	$allvms = array_merge($allvms);
+	$currvms = array_merge($currvms);
+	$freevms = array_merge($freevms);
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJchangeVMprofile', array(), 3600, 1, 0);
+	$arr = array('vmlimit' => $data[$vmhostid]['vmlimit'],
+	             'profile' => $data[$vmhostid]['vmprofiledata'],
+	             'continuation' => $cont,
+	             'allvms' => $allvms,
+	             'currvms' => $currvms,
+	             'freevms' => $freevms,
+	             'movevms' => $movevms);
+	header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+	print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+/// \fn getVMHostData($id)
+/// \param $id - (optional) a host id about which to get data
+/// \return an array where each key is a vmhost id and each element is an array
+/// with these values:\n
+/// \b computerid - id of computer\n
+/// \b name - hostname of computer\n
+/// \b hostname - hostname of computer\n
+/// \b vmlimit - maximum number of vm's host can handle\n
+/// \b vmprofileid - id of vm profile\n
+/// \b vmkernalnic - name of kernel nic\n
+/// \b vmprofiledata - array of data about the vm's profile as returned from
+/// getVMProfiles
+/// \brief builds a array of information about the vmhosts
+function getVMHostData($id='') {
+	$profiles = getVMProfiles();
+	$query = "SELECT, "
+	       .        "vh.computerid, " 
+	       .        "c.hostname AS name, "
+	       .        "c.hostname, "
+	       .        "vh.vmlimit, "
+	       .        "vh.vmprofileid, "
+	       #.        "vp.profilename, "
+	       .        "vh.vmkernalnic "
+	       . "FROM vmhost vh, " 
+	       .      "vmprofile vp, "
+	       .      "computer c "
+	       . "WHERE vh.vmprofileid = AND "
+	       .       "vh.computerid =";
+	if(! empty($id))
+		$query .= " AND = $id";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	$ret = array();
+	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
+		$ret[$row['id']] = $row;
+		$ret[$row['id']]['vmprofiledata'] = $profiles[$row['vmprofileid']];
+	}
+	uasort($ret, 'sortKeepIndex');
+	return $ret;
+/// \fn updateVMlimit()
+/// \brief updates the vmlimit for the submitted vmhostid
+function updateVMlimit() {
+	global $mysql_link_vcl;
+	$vmhostid = processInputVar('vmhostid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$data = getVMHostData($vmhostid);
+	$resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin"), array("administer"));
+	if(! array_key_exists($data[$vmhostid]['computerid'], $resources['computer'])) {
+		print 'You do not have access to manage this host.';
+		return;
+	}
+	$newlimit = processInputVar('newlimit', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	if($newlimit < 0 || $newlimit > MAXVMLIMIT) {
+		print "ERROR: newlimit out of range";
+		return;
+	}
+	$query = "UPDATE vmhost SET vmlimit = $newlimit WHERE id = $vmhostid";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	if(mysql_affected_rows($mysql_link_vcl))
+		print "SUCCESS";
+	else
+		print "ERROR: failed to update vmlimit";
+/// \fn AJvmToHost()
+/// \brief adds vm's to a vmhost; prints json data with:\n
+/// \b vms - array of vm's successfully added\n
+/// \b fails - array of vm's that couldn't be added for some reason\n
+/// \b addrem - 1
+function AJvmToHost() {
+	$hostid = processInputVar('hostid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$hostdata = getVMHostData($hostid);
+	$resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin"), array("administer"));
+	if(! array_key_exists($hostdata[$hostid]['computerid'], $resources['computer'])) {
+		$arr = array('failed' => 'nohostaccess');
+		header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+		print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+		return;
+	}
+	# find out how many vms are currently on the host
+	$query = "SELECT COUNT(id) "
+	       . "FROM computer "
+	       . "WHERE vmhostid = $hostid";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	$row = mysql_fetch_row($qh);
+	if($row[0] >= $hostdata[$hostid]['vmlimit']) {
+		$arr = array('failed' => 'vmlimit');
+		header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+		print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+		return;
+	}
+	$adds = array();
+	$fails = array();
+	$vmlistids = processInputVar('listids', ARG_STRING);
+	$vmids = explode(',', $vmlistids);
+	# get data about submitted vms to add
+	$query = "SELECT id, hostname, vmhostid "
+	       . "FROM computer "
+	       . "WHERE id in ($vmlistids)";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	$vmdata = array();
+	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
+		if(! array_key_exists($row['id'], $resources['computer'])) {
+			$fails[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['hostname'], 'reason' => 'noaccess');
+			unset_by_val($row['id'], $vmids);
+			continue;
+		}
+		$vmdata[$row['id']] = $row;
+	}
+	# build list of vm hosts
+	$query = "SELECT id FROM vmhost";
+	$vmhosts = array();
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))
+		$vmhosts[$row['id']] = 1;
+	# check to see if there any submitted vms have a hostid of an existing vm host
+	foreach($vmids as $compid) {
+		if(! array_key_exists($vmdata[$compid]['vmhostid'], $vmhosts)) {
+			$query = "UPDATE computer "
+			       . "SET vmhostid = $hostid, "
+			       .     "stateid = 2 "
+			       . "WHERE id = $compid";
+			doQuery($query, 101);
+			$adds[] = array('id' => $compid, 'name' => $vmdata[$compid]['hostname'], 'state' => 'available');
+		}
+		else
+			$fails[] = array('id' => $compid, 'name' => $vmdata[$compid]['hostname'], 'reason' => 'otherhost');
+	}
+	header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+	$arr = array('vms' => $adds, 'fails' => $fails, 'addrem' => 1);
+	print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+/// \fn AJvmFromHost()
+/// \brief removes vm's from a host by adding reservations for them in the
+/// tomaintenance state; prints json data with:\n
+/// \b vms - vm's that successfully had reservastions created to move them off\n
+/// \b checks - vm's that have reservations on them that can be removed in the
+/// future by adding a future tomaintenance reservation\n
+/// \b addrem - 0\n
+/// \b cont - a new continuation for submitting the future tomaintenance
+/// reservations
+function AJvmFromHost() {
+	$hostid = processInputVar('hostid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$hostdata = getVMHostData($hostid);
+	$resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin"), array("administer"));
+	if(! array_key_exists($hostdata[$hostid]['computerid'], $resources['computer'])) {
+		$arr = array('failed' => 'nohostaccess');
+		header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+		print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+		return;
+	}
+	$fails = array();
+	$vmlistids = processInputVar('listids', ARG_STRING);
+	$vmids = explode(',', $vmlistids);
+	$rems = array();
+	$checks = array();
+	$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload');
+	$start = getReloadStartTime();
+	$end = $start + SECINMONTH;
+	$start = unixToDatetime($start);
+	$end = unixToDatetime($end);
+	foreach($vmids as $compid) {
+		$compdata = getComputers(0, 0, $compid);
+		if(! array_key_exists($compid, $resources['computer'])) {
+			$fails[] = array('id' => $compid,
+			                 'name' => $compdata[$compid]['hostname'],
+			                 'reason' => 'noaccess');
+			continue;
+		}
+		# try to remove reservations off of computer
+		if(($compdata[$compid]['state'] == 'available' ||
+			$compdata[$compid]['state'] == 'maintenance' ||
+			$compdata[$compid]['state'] == 'failed') &&
+			moveReservationsOffComputer($compid)) {
+			// if no reservations on computer, submit reload 
+			#    reservation so vm gets stopped on host
+			$reqid = simpleAddRequest($compid, 4, 3, $start, $end, 18, $vclreloadid);
+			$rems[] = array('id' => $compid,
+			                'hostname' => $compdata[$compid]['hostname'],
+			                'reqid' => $reqid,
+			                'time' => 'immediately');
+		}
+		else {
+			# existing reservation on computer, find end time and prompt user
+			#   if ok to wait until then to move it
+			$query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(rq.end, '%l:%i%p %c/%e/%y') AS end, "
+			       .        "rq.end AS end2 "
+			       . "FROM request rq, "
+			       .      "reservation rs "
+			       . "WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
+			       .       "rs.computerid = $compid AND "
+			       .       "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,12) "
+			       . "ORDER BY end DESC "
+			       . "LIMIT 1";
+			$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+			if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
+				$checks[] = array('id' => $compid,
+				                  'hostname' => $compdata[$compid]['hostname'],
+				                  'end' => strtolower($row['end']),
+				                  'end2' => $row['end2']);
+			}
+			else
+				$rems[] = array('id' => $compid);
+		}
+	}
+	if(count($checks))
+		$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJvmFromHostDelayed', $checks, 120, 1, 0);
+	else
+		$cont = '';
+	header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+	$arr = array('vms' => $rems,
+	             'checks' => $checks,
+	             'fails' => $fails,
+	             'addrem' => 0,
+	             'cont' => $cont);
+	print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+/// \fn AJvmFromHostDelayed()
+/// \brief submits future tomaintenance reservations for vm's saved in the
+/// continuation
+function AJvmFromHostDelayed() {
+	$data = getContinuationVar();
+	$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload');
+	foreach($data as $comp) {
+		$end = datetimeToUnix($comp['end2']) + SECINMONTH;
+		$end = unixToDatetime($end);
+		simpleAddRequest($comp['id'], 4, 3, $comp['end2'], $end, 18, $vclreloadid);
+	}
+	header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('vmhostdata');
+	$arr = array('msg' => 'SUCCESS', 'cont' => $cont);
+	print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+/// \fn AJchangeVMprofile()
+/// \brief stub function for changing the vm profile of a vm host
+function AJchangeVMprofile() {
+	$hostid = processInputVar('hostid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$oldprofileid = processInputVar('oldprofileid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$newprofileid = processInputVar('newprofileid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	# add security checks
+	# try to remove reservations off of each vm
+	// if no reservations on any vms, create reload reservation
+	# else try to create reservation to handle in future
+	# else return error message
+	header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJchangeVMprofile', array(), 3600, 1, 0);
+	$arr = array('msg' => 'function not implemented', 'continuation' => $cont);
+	print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+/// \fn AJcancelVMmove()
+/// \brief cancels tomaintenance reservations that had been submitted to move
+/// a vm off of a vmhost
+function AJcancelVMmove() {
+	$hostid = processInputVar('hostid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$hostdata = getVMHostData($hostid);
+	$resources = getUserResources(array("computerAdmin"), array("administer"));
+	if(! array_key_exists($hostdata[$hostid]['computerid'], $resources['computer'])) {
+		$arr = array('failed' => 'nohostaccess');
+		header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+		print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+		return;
+	}
+	$fails = array();
+	$requestids = processInputVar('listids', ARG_STRING);
+	$now = time();
+	$msg = 'FAIL';
+	foreach(explode(',', $requestids) AS $reqid) {
+		$request = getRequestInfo($reqid);
+		if(! array_key_exists($request['reservations'][0]['computerid'], $resources['computer'])) {
+			$fails[] = array('id' => $request['reservations'][0]['computerid'],
+			                 'name' => $request['reservations'][0]['hostname'],
+			                 'reason' => 'noaccess');
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(datetimeToUnix($request["start"]) < $now) {
+			# set stateid and laststateid for each request to deleted
+			$query = "UPDATE request "
+			       . "SET stateid = 1, "
+			       .     "laststateid = 1 "
+			       . "WHERE id = $reqid";
+			doQuery($query, 101);
+		}
+		else {
+			$query = "DELETE FROM request WHERE id = $reqid";
+			doQuery($query, 101);
+			$query = "DELETE FROM reservation WHERE requestid = $reqid";
+			doQuery($query, 101);
+		}
+		$msg = 'SUCCESS';
+	}
+	header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+	$cont = addContinuationsEntry('vmhostdata');
+	$arr = array('msg' => $msg, 'cont' => $cont, 'fails' => $fails);
+	print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+/// \fn AJprofiledata()
+/// \param $profileid - (optional) id of a vm profile
+/// \brief prints json data about a submitted or passed in vm profile with these
+/// fields:\n
+/// \b profile - array returned from getVMProfiles\n
+/// \b types - array of vm types\n
+/// \b vmdisk - array of vm disk options\n
+/// \b images - array of images
+function AJprofileData($profileid="") {
+	global $viewmode;
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER) {
+		$arr = array('failed' => 'noaccess');
+		header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+		print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+		return;
+	}
+	$profileid = processInputVar('profileid', ARG_NUMERIC, $profileid);
+	$profiledata = getVMProfiles($profileid);
+	foreach($profiledata[$profileid] AS $key => $value) {
+		if(is_null($value))
+			$profiledata[$profileid][$key] = '';
+	}
+	$types = getVMtypes();
+	$allimages = getImages();
+	$images = array();
+	foreach($allimages as $key => $image)
+		$images[] = array('id' => $key, 'name' => $image['prettyname']);
+	$imagedata = array('identifier' => 'id', 'items' => $images);
+	$types2 = array();
+	foreach($types as $id => $val) {
+		$types2[] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $val);
+	}
+	$typedata = array('identifier' => 'id', 'items' => $types2);
+	$vmdiskitems = array();
+	$vmdiskitems[] = array('id' => 'localdisk', 'name' => 'localdisk');
+	$vmdiskitems[] = array('id' => 'networkdisk', 'name' => 'networkdisk');
+	$vmdisk = array('identifier' => 'id', 'items' => $vmdiskitems);
+	header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+	$arr = array('profile' => $profiledata[$profileid],
+	             'types' => $typedata,
+	             'vmdisk' => $vmdisk,
+	             'images' => $imagedata);
+	print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+/// \fn AJupdateVMprofileItem()
+/// \brief updates the submitted item for the submitted vm profile and prints
+/// javascript to keep the global curprofile object updated
+function AJupdateVMprofileItem() {
+	global $viewmode;
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER) {
+		print "alert('You do not have access to manage this vm profile.');";
+		return;
+	}
+	$profileid = processInputVar('profileid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$item = processInputVar('item', ARG_STRING);
+	$newvalue = processInputVar('newvalue', ARG_STRING);
+	if($newvalue == '')
+		$newvalue2 = 'NULL';
+	else {
+		if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+			$newvalue2 = stripslashes($newvalue);
+			$newvalue2 = mysql_escape_string($newvalue2);
+		}
+		$newvalue2 = "'$newvalue2'";
+	}
+	$profile = getVMProfiles($profileid);
+	if($profile[$profileid][$item] == $newvalue)
+		return;
+	$query = "UPDATE vmprofile "
+	       . "SET `$item` = $newvalue2 "
+	       . "WHERE id = $profileid";
+	doQuery($query, 101);
+	print "curprofile.$item = '$newvalue';";
+/// \fn AJnewProfile()
+/// \brief creates a new vmprofile entry using just the submitted new name and
+/// the defaults for the rest of the fields; calls AJprofileData
+function AJnewProfile() {
+	$newprofile = processInputVar('newname', ARG_STRING);
+	if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+		$newprofile = stripslashes($newprofile);
+		$newprofile = mysql_escape_string($newprofile);
+	}
+	# TODO add check for existing name
+	$query = "SELECT id FROM vmprofile WHERE profilename = '$newprofile'";
+	$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+	if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
+		header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+		$arr = array('failed' => 'exists');
+		print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+		return;
+	}
+	$query = "INSERT INTO vmprofile (profilename) VALUES ('$newprofile')";
+	doQuery($query, 101);
+	$qh = doQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM vmprofile", 101);
+	$row = mysql_fetch_row($qh);
+	$newid = $row[0];
+	AJprofileData($newid);
+/// \fn AJdelProfile()
+/// \brief deletes the submitted vm profile
+function AJdelProfile() {
+	global $viewmode;
+	if($viewmode != ADMIN_DEVELOPER) {
+		$arr = array('failed' => 'noaccess');
+		header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+		print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';
+		return;
+	}
+	$profileid = processInputVar('profileid', ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$query = "DELETE FROM vmprofile WHERE id = $profileid";
+	doQuery($query, 101);
+	header('Content-Type: text/json-comment-filtered; charset=utf-8');
+	$arr = array('SUCCESS');
+	print '/*{"items":' . json_encode($arr) . '}*/';

Added: incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcWrappers.php
--- incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcWrappers.php (added)
+++ incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcWrappers.php Fri Dec 12 10:20:10 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+ * \file
+ * The functions listed here are for making VCL requests from other applications.
+ * They are implemented according to the XML RPC spec defined at 
+ * \n
+ * There is one function called \b XMLRPCtest() that can be used during 
+ * initial development to get started without actually making a request.\n
+ * \n
+ * The URL you will use to submit RPC calls is\n\n
+ *\n\n
+ * Your application must connect using HTTPS.\n\n
+ * Internal to the VCL code, "Reservations" are called "Requests"; therefore,
+ * "request" is used instead of "reservation" in this documentation and in the
+ * RPC functions.
+ * \n
+ * <h2>API Version 2</h2>
+ * This is the current version of the API. It should be used for any new code
+ * development. Any older code needs to be migrated to this version.\n\n
+ * Authentication is handled by 2 additional HTTP headers you will need to
+ * send:\n
+ * \b X-User - the userid you would use to log in to the VCL site, followed
+ * by the at sign (@), followed by your affiliation\n
+ * example: myuserid\@NCSU -
+ * currently, you need to  contact to find out your
+ * affiliation, but in the future there will be an API method of obtaining
+ * this\n
+ * \b X-Pass - the password you would use to log in to the VCL site\n
+ * \n
+ * There is one other additional HTTP header you must send:\n
+ * \b X-APIVERSION - set this to 2\n\n
+ * 
+ * <h2>API Version 1</h2>
+ * This version is being phased out in favor of version 2. Documentation is
+ * provided for those currently using version 1 who are not ready to switch
+ * to using version 2.\n\n
+ * To connect to VCL with XML RPC, you will need to obtain a key. Contact
+ * to get one.\n
+ * 
+ * Authentication is handled by 2 additional HTTP headers you will need to
+ * send:\n
+ * \b X-User - use the same id you would use to log in to the VCL site\n
+ * \b X-Pass - the key mentioned above\n
+ * \n
+ * There is one other additional HTTP header you must send:\n
+ * \b X-APIVERSION - set this to 1\n
+ */
+/// \example xmlrpc_example.php
+/// \fn XMLRPCaffiliations()
+/// \return an array of affiliation arrays, each with 2 indices:\n
+/// \b id - id of the affiliation\n
+/// \b name - name of the affiliation
+/// \brief gets all of the affilations for which users can log in to VCL
+function XMLRPCaffiliations() {
+	$affils = getAffiliations();
+	$return = array();
+	foreach($affils as $key => $val) {
+		$tmp = array('id' => $key, 'name' => $val);
+		array_push($return, $tmp);
+	}
+	return $return;
+/// \fn XMLRPCgetImages()
+/// \return an array of image arrays, each with 2 indices:\n
+/// \b id - id of the image\n
+/// \b name - name of the image
+/// \brief gets the images to which the user has acces
+function XMLRPCgetImages() {
+	$resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"));
+	$resources["image"] = removeNoCheckout($resources["image"]);
+	$return = array();
+	foreach($resources['image'] as $key => $val) {
+		$tmp = array('id' => $key, 'name' => $val);
+		array_push($return, $tmp);
+	}
+	return $return;
+/// \fn XMLRPCaddRequest($imageid, $start, $length, $foruser)
+/// \param $imageid - id of an image
+/// \param $start - "now" or unix timestamp for start of reservation; will
+/// use a floor function to round down to the nearest 15 minute increment
+/// for actual reservation
+/// \param $length - length of reservation in minutes (must be in 15 minute
+/// increments)
+/// \param $foruser - (optional) login to be used when setting up the account
+/// on the reserved machine - CURRENTLY, THIS IS UNSUPPORTED
+/// \return an array with at least one index named '\b status' which will have
+/// one of these values:\n
+/// \b error - error occurred; there will be 2 additional elements in the array:
+/// \li \b errorcode - error number\n
+/// \li \b errormsg - error string\n
+/// \b notavailable - no computers were available for the request\n
+/// \b success - there will be an additional element in the array:
+/// \li \b requestid - identifier that should be passed to later calls when
+/// acting on the request
+/// \brief tries to make a request
+function XMLRPCaddRequest($imageid, $start, $length, $foruser='') {
+	global $user;
+	$imageid = processInputData($imageid, ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$start = processInputData($start, ARG_STRING, 1);
+	$length = processInputData($length, ARG_NUMERIC);
+	#$foruser = processInputData($foruser, ARG_STRING, 1);
+	// make sure user didn't submit a request for an image he 
+	// doesn't have access to
+	$resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"));
+	$validImageids = array_keys($resources['image']);
+	if(! in_array($imageid, $validImageids)) {
+		return array('status' => 'error',
+		             'errorcode' => 3,
+		             'errormsg' => "access denied to $imageid");
+	}
+	# validate $start
+	if($start != 'now' && ! is_numeric($start)) {
+		return array('status' => 'error',
+		             'errorcode' => 4,
+		             'errormsg' => "received invalid input");
+	}
+	# validate $length
+	$maxtimes = getUserMaxTimes();
+	if($maxtimes['initial'] < $length) {
+		return array('status' => 'error',
+		             'errorcode' => 6,
+		             'errormsg' => "max allowed initial length is {$maxtimes['initial']} minutes");
+	}
+	$nowfuture = 'future';
+	if($start == 'now') {
+		$start = time();
+		$nowfuture = 'now';
+	}
+	else
+		if($start < (time() - 30))
+			return array('status' => 'error',
+			             'errorcode' => 5,
+			             'errormsg' => "start time is in the past");
+	$start = unixFloor15($start);
+	$end = $start + $length * 60;
+	if($end % (15 * 60))
+		$end = unixFloor15($end) + (15 * 60);
+	$max = getMaxOverlap($user['id']);
+	if(checkOverlap($start, $end, $max)) {
+		return array('status' => 'error',
+		             'errorcode' => 7,
+		             'errormsg' => "reservation overlaps with another one you "
+		                         . "have, and you are allowed $max "
+		                         . "overlapping reservations at a time");
+	}
+	$images = getImages();
+	$rc = isAvailable($images, $imageid, $start, $end, '');
+	if($rc < 1) {
+		addLogEntry($nowfuture, unixToDatetime($start), 
+		            unixToDatetime($end), 0, $imageid);
+		return array('status' => 'notavailable');
+	}
+	$return['requestid']= addRequest();
+	$return['status'] = 'success';
+	return $return;
+/// \fn XMLRPCgetRequestStatus($requestid)
+/// \param $requestid - id of a request
+/// \return an array with at least one index named '\b status' which will have
+/// one of these values:\n
+/// \b error - error occurred; there will be 2 additional elements in the array:
+/// \li \b errorcode - error number\n
+/// \li \b errormsg - error string\n
+/// \b ready - request is ready\n
+/// \b failed - request failed to load properly\n
+/// \b timedout - request timed out (user didn't connect before timeout
+/// expired)\n
+/// \b loading - request is still loading; there will be an additional element
+/// in the array:
+/// \li \b time - the estimated wait time (in minutes) for loading to complete\n
+/// \b future - start time of request is in the future
+/// \brief determines and returns the status of the request
+function XMLRPCgetRequestStatus($requestid) {
+	global $user;
+	$requestid = processInputData($requestid, ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$userRequests = getUserRequests('all', $user['id']);
+	$found = 0;
+	foreach($userRequests as $req) {
+		if($req['id'] == $requestid) {
+			$request = $req;
+			$found = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if(! $found)
+		return array('status' => 'error',
+		             'errorcode' => 1,
+		             'errormsg' => 'unknown requestid');
+	$now = time();
+	# request is ready
+	if(requestIsReady($request))
+		return array('status' => 'ready');
+	# request failed
+	elseif($request["currstateid"] == 5)
+		return array('status' => 'failed');
+	# other cases where the reservation start time has been reached
+	elseif(datetimeToUnix($request["start"]) < $now) {
+		# request has timed out
+		if($request["currstateid"] == 12 ||
+		   $request["currstateid"] == 11 ||
+		   ($request["currstateid"] == 14 &&
+		   $request["laststateid"] == 11)) {
+			return array('status' => 'timedout');
+		}
+		# computer is loading
+		else {
+			$imageid = $request['imageid'];
+			$images = getImages(0, $imageid);
+			$remaining = 1;
+			$computers = getComputers(0, 0, $request['computerid']);
+			if(isComputerLoading($request, $computers)) {
+				if(datetimeToUnix($request["daterequested"]) >=
+					datetimeToUnix($request["start"]))
+					$startload = datetimeToUnix($request["daterequested"]);
+				else
+					$startload = datetimeToUnix($request["start"]);
+				$imgLoadTime = getImageLoadEstimate($imageid);
+				if($imgLoadTime == 0)
+					$imgLoadTime = $images[$imageid]['reloadtime'] * 60;
+				$tmp = ($imgLoadTime - ($now - $startload)) / 60;
+				$remaining = sprintf("%d", $tmp) + 1;
+				if($remaining < 1) {
+					$remaining = 1;
+				}
+			}
+			return array('status' => 'loading', 'time' => $remaining);
+		}
+	}
+	# reservation is in the future
+	else
+		return array('status' => 'future');
+/// \fn XMLRPCgetRequestConnectData($requestid, $remoteIP)
+/// \param $requestid - id of a request
+/// \param $remoteIP - ip address of connecting user's computer
+/// \return an array with at least one index named '\b status' which will have
+/// one of these values\n
+/// \b error - error occurred; there will be 2 additional elements in the array:
+/// \li \b errorcode - error number\n
+/// \li \b errormsg - error string\n
+/// \b ready - request is ready; there will be 3 additional elements in the
+/// array:
+/// \li \b serverIP - address of the reserved machine
+/// \li \b user - user to use when connecting to the machine
+/// \li \b password - password to use when connecting to the machine
+/// \b notready - request is not ready for connection
+/// \brief if request is ready, adds the connecting user's computer to the
+/// request and returns info about how to connect to the computer
+function XMLRPCgetRequestConnectData($requestid, $remoteIP) {
+	global $user;
+	$requestid = processInputData($requestid, ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$remoteIP = processInputData($remoteIP, ARG_STRING, 1);
+	if(! preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$/', $remoteIP, $matches) ||
+	   $matches[1] < 1 || $matches[1] > 223 ||
+	   $matches[2] > 255 ||
+		$matches[3] > 255 ||
+		$matches[4] > 255) {
+		return array('status' => 'error',
+		             'errorcode' => 2,
+		             'errormsg' => 'invalid IP address');
+	}
+	$userRequests = getUserRequests('all', $user['id']);
+	$found = 0;
+	foreach($userRequests as $req) {
+		if($req['id'] == $requestid) {
+			$request = $req;
+			$found = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if(! $found)
+		return array('status' => 'error',
+		             'errorcode' => 1,
+		             'errormsg' => 'unknown requestid');
+	// FIXME - add support for cluster requests
+	if(requestIsReady($request)) {
+		$requestData = getRequestInfo($requestid);
+		$query = "UPDATE reservation "
+		       . "SET remoteIP = '$remoteIP' "
+		       . "WHERE requestid = $requestid";
+		$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
+		addChangeLogEntry($requestData["logid"], $remoteIP);
+		$serverIP = $requestData["reservations"][0]["reservedIP"];
+		$passwd = $requestData["reservations"][0]["password"];
+		if($requestData["forimaging"])
+			$thisuser = 'Administrator';
+		else
+			if(preg_match('/(.*)@(.*)/', $user['unityid'], $matches))
+				$thisuser = $matches[1];
+			else
+				$thisuser = $user['unityid'];
+		return array('status' => 'ready',
+		             'serverIP' => $serverIP,
+		             'user' => $thisuser,
+		             'password' => $passwd);
+	}
+	return array('status' => 'notready');
+/// \fn XMLRPCendRequest($requestid)
+/// \param $requestid - id of a request
+/// \return an array with at least one index named 'status' which will have
+/// one of these values\n
+/// \b error - error occurred; there will be 2 additional elements in the array:
+/// \li \b errorcode - error number\n
+/// \li \b errormsg - error string\n
+/// \b success - request was successfully ended\n
+/// \brief ends/deletes a request
+function XMLRPCendRequest($requestid) {
+	global $user;
+	$requestid = processInputData($requestid, ARG_NUMERIC);
+	$userRequests = getUserRequests('all', $user['id']);
+	$found = 0;
+	foreach($userRequests as $req) {
+		if($req['id'] == $requestid) {
+			$request = getRequestInfo($requestid);
+			$found = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if(! $found)
+		return array('status' => 'error',
+		             'errorcode' => 1,
+		             'errormsg' => 'unknown requestid');
+	deleteRequest($request);
+	return array('status' => 'success');
+/// \fn XMLRPCgetRequestIds()
+/// \return an array with at least one index named 'status' which will have
+/// one of these values\n
+/// \b error - error occurred; there will be 2 additional elements in the array:
+/// \li \b errorcode - error number\n
+/// \li \b errormsg - error string\n
+/// \b success - request was successfully ended; there will be an additional
+/// element whose index is 'requests' which is an array of arrays, each having
+/// these elements (or empty if no existing requests):\n
+/// \li \b requestid - id of the request\n
+/// \li \b imageid - id of the image\n
+/// \li \b imagename - name of the image\n
+/// \li \b start - unix timestamp of start time\n
+/// \li \b end - unix timestamp of end time
+/// \brief gets information about all of user's requests
+function XMLRPCgetRequestIds() {
+	global $user;
+	$requests = getUserRequests("all");
+	if(empty($requests))
+		return array('status' => 'success', 'requests' => array());
+	$ret = array();
+	foreach($requests as $req) {
+		$start = datetimeToUnix($req['start']);
+		$end = datetimeToUnix($req['end']);
+		$tmp = array('requestid' => $req['id'],
+		             'imageid' => $req['imageid'],
+		             'imagename' => $req['prettyimage'],
+		             'start' => $start,
+		             'end' => $end);
+		array_push($ret, $tmp);
+	}
+	return array('status' => 'success', 'requests' => $ret);
+/// \fn XMLRPCtest($string)
+/// \param $string - a string
+/// \return an array with 3 indices:\n
+/// \b status - will be 'success'\n
+/// \b message - will be 'RPC call worked successfully'\n
+/// \b string - contents of $string (after being sanatized)
+/// \brief this is a test function that call be called when getting XML RPC
+/// calls to this site to work
+function XMLRPCtest($string) {
+	$string = processInputData($string, ARG_STRING);
+	return array('status' => 'success',
+	             'message' => 'RPC call worked successfully',
+	             'string' => $string);

Added: incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpc_example.php
--- incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpc_example.php (added)
+++ incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpc_example.php Fri Dec 12 10:20:10 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+$url = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}";
+print "<a href=\"$url?state=test\">Test</a><br>\n";
+print "<a href=\"$url?state=listimages\">List Available Images</a><br>\n";
+print "<a href=\"$url?state=addrequest\">Add request for Maple 10</a><br>\n";
+print "<a href=\"$url?state=requeststatus\">Get status of request</a><br>\n";
+print "<a href=\"$url?state=connectdata\">Get connection data</a><br>\n";
+print "<a href=\"$url?state=endrequest\">End request</a><br>\n";
+print "<pre>\n";
+// test
+if($_GET['state'] == 'test') {
+	$rc = remoteVCLCall('XMLRPCtest', array('foo'));
+	print_r($rc);
+// list images
+elseif($_GET['state'] == 'listimages') {
+	$rc = remoteVCLCall('XMLRPCgetImages', array());
+	print_r($rc);
+// add request
+elseif($_GET['state'] == 'addrequest') {
+	$rc = remoteVCLCall('XMLRPCaddRequest', array(98, 'now', 60));
+	if($rc['status'] == 'success') {
+		print "request id is {$rc['requestid']}<br>\n";
+		$_SESSION['requestid'] = $rc['requestid'];
+	}
+	else {
+		print_r($rc);
+	}
+// get request status
+elseif($_GET['state'] == 'requeststatus') {
+	if(! array_key_exists('requestid', $_SESSION)) {
+		print "no request created<br>\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	$rc = remoteVCLCall('XMLRPCgetRequestStatus', array($_SESSION['requestid']));
+	print "current status of request {$_SESSION['requestid']} is {$rc['status']}";
+// get connection data
+elseif($_GET['state'] == 'connectdata') {
+	if(! array_key_exists('requestid', $_SESSION)) {
+		print "no request created<br>\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	$rc = remoteVCLCall('XMLRPCgetRequestConnectData', array($_SESSION['requestid'], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]));
+	if($rc['status'] == 'ready')
+		print_r($rc);
+	else
+		print "status of request is {$rc['status']}";
+// end request
+elseif($_GET['state'] == 'endrequest') {
+	if(! array_key_exists('requestid', $_SESSION)) {
+		print "no request created<br>\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	$rc = remoteVCLCall('XMLRPCendRequest', array($_SESSION['requestid']));
+	if($rc['status'] == 'error')
+		print_r($rc);
+	else {
+		print "request ended<br>\n";
+		unset($_SESSION['requestid']);
+	}
+print "</pre>\n";
+function remoteVCLCall($method, $args) {
+	$request = xmlrpc_encode_request($method, $args);
+	$header  = "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n";
+	$header .= "X-User: userid\r\n";    // user your userid here
+	$header .= "X-Pass: password\r\n";  // user your password here
+	$header .= "X-APIVERSION: 1";       // this is to allow for future changes to the api
+	$context = stream_context_create(
+		array(
+			'http' => array(
+				'method' => "POST",
+				'header' => $header,
+				'content' => $request
+			)
+		)
+	);
+	$file = file_get_contents("", false, $context);
+	$response = xmlrpc_decode($file);
+	if(xmlrpc_is_fault($response)) {
+		trigger_error("xmlrpc: {$response['faultString']} ({$response['faultCode']})");
+		exit;
+	}
+	return $response;

Added: incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcdocs/doxygen.css
--- incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcdocs/doxygen.css (added)
+++ incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcdocs/doxygen.css Fri Dec 12 10:20:10 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
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+/* End Styling for detailed member documentation */
+/* for the tree view */
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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+<title>VCL XML RPC: Examples</title>
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+<h1>VCL XML RPC Examples</h1>Here is a list of all examples:<ul>
+<li><a class="el" href="xmlrpc__example_8php-example.html">xmlrpc_example.php</a>
+<hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Wed Dec 19 11:28:46 2007 for VCL XML RPC by&nbsp;
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+++ incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcdocs/files.html Fri Dec 12 10:20:10 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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+<h1>VCL XML RPC File List</h1>Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:<table>
+  <tr><td class="indexkey">/afs/<a class="el" href="xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html">xmlrpcWrappers.php</a></td><td class="indexvalue"></td></tr>
+<hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Wed Dec 19 11:28:46 2007 for VCL XML RPC by&nbsp;
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--- incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcdocs/globals.html (added)
+++ incubator/vcl/tags/import/web/.ht-inc/xmlrpcdocs/globals.html Fri Dec 12 10:20:10 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
+<title>VCL XML RPC: Class Members</title>
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+  <ul>
+    <li class="current"><a href="globals.html"><span>All</span></a></li>
+    <li><a href="globals_func.html"><span>Functions</span></a></li>
+  </ul>
+Here is a list of all documented file members with links to the documentation:
+: <a class="el" href="xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html#e6f9d40f20e08994fa3d82c8dd12bdf5">xmlrpcWrappers.php</a>
+: <a class="el" href="xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html#dfdaad6201dbcaaf5c2249a2c38437cc">xmlrpcWrappers.php</a>
+: <a class="el" href="xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html#e2c01a27349e7a7788a42cfb5fe0d5ab">xmlrpcWrappers.php</a>
+: <a class="el" href="xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html#f8b8c718ea7ea9cc973602a2fe9ae20e">xmlrpcWrappers.php</a>
+: <a class="el" href="xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html#815cd48d7d8c85754b2091313c02ccec">xmlrpcWrappers.php</a>
+: <a class="el" href="xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html#131560f1aa7577bd1da62d5b7e228e4c">xmlrpcWrappers.php</a>
+: <a class="el" href="xmlrpcWrappers_8php.html#c3e09831835663a8bd79aab3f0ea3e69">xmlrpcWrappers.php</a>
+<hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Wed Dec 19 11:28:46 2007 for VCL XML RPC by&nbsp;
+<a href="">
+<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border="0"></a> 1.5.3 </small></address>