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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2006/12/01 19:13:53 UTC

[Mod_python Wiki] Update of "Module and package loading in version 3.3" by EricBrunson

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The following was posted by GrahamDumpleton on the users mailing list, included is my original question:

'''Eric Brunson wrote:'''

 I just grabbed the latest SVN snapshot and installed it and I'm having
 a problem with importing now.

 Using the publisher handler I'm trying to get my app from 3.1.4 going,
 but 3.3 no longer seems to want to find my lib/ subdirectory.  I've 
 added the following to my .htaccess:

 PythonPath "['.']+sys.path"

 I can display the sys.path in an app and it includes ".", but it just
 doesn't find a subdirectory "lib"

 Is there something new with the module loading that I should be aware

 Here's the error message:
   File "/usr/local/www/data/deviceWebGui/", line 3, in <module>
     from lib import HTMLBuilder
 ImportError: No module named lib
 And lib is a subdirectory of /usr/local/www/data/deviceWebGui/ 

'''Graham Replies:'''

The basic reason why this doesn't work for you is that in the old importer,
the directory the Python*Handler directive was specified for was automatically
added to sys.path, but in the new module importer this is no longer done.

The reason that the directory was added to sys.path in the old importer
was because the standard Python module import mechanism was used
underneath to find modules and without the directory in sys.path, it would
not find them.

Adding directories to sys.path like this caused a number or problems and
created some unpredictability as to what module would actually be found.
For descriptions of problems, see:

As such, in the new module importer, the standard Python module import
mechanism is not used to search for the modules to be imported. Further,
the directory is not added into sys.path as already mentioned and instead the
new module importer maintains its own concept of where to search for

Now, if you had been using a file based module and it was located within
the handler root directory, the new module importer would continue to find
it okay. However, because you are putting your modules together into a
subdirectory and faking (possibly) a package to hold them, it will not find it.

The reason that new the module importer will not find the package is
because it ignores packages altogether as packages can't be candidates
for automatic module reloading. When the new importer can't find a file
based module called '', it will fallback to the standard Python module
import mechanism which will detect packages, however, because the directory
isn't in sys.path, it will not find it either.

That Python packages contained within the handler root directory would be
one point of incompatibility with the older importer was known, it just didn't
occur to me that you were using a package when I first responded.

As to a solution, there are a few, some being preferred over others depending
on what you expectations are.

First options is to add:


  PythonPath "sys.path+'/some/directory/where/htaccess/is']"

into your .htaccess file.

Although this is the simplest thing to do, it is also the least preferred and I
would strongly recommend not doing it.

The reason this is bad is that the new importer tries to keep separate its own
module search path and that of sys.path used by the standard Python module
search path.

If you allow an overlap, like this would create, you run into the possibility of
having unpredictable behaviour when searching for modules as well as other
problems, much like some of the problems with the old importer.

If you do try this, you should note that mod_python will output warnings to
the Apache error log saying you are doing bad things because you will be
telling it to look for reloadable modules in a directory which is also in sys.path.

Although it will issue these warnings, things will actually still work for simple
stuff at least. This is because the new importer will still pick file based modules
from the directory it is complaining about. At the same time, when it falls back
the standard Python module import mechanism for the package, it will work
as it now looks in the handler root directory where the package directory is

The second option is simply to move your package directory to somewhere
outside of the document tree and use PythonPath to add to sys.path the
new directory where you put it. This is not much different to the first option
in that you are still using PythonPath, but mod_python will not complain as
there is no overlap in directories for each module importing mechanism.

Note that in both cases above, because a package is being used, none of
the modules in the package will be candidates for automatic reloading when
changes are made. You will need to restart Apache whenever you make changes
to the modules in the package.

If the modules in the package were third party stuff anyway, it is preferable
to do this. Same if the modules aren't really specific to the web application

The third option is to not use a package. If you created the package merely
out of convenience to provide a namespace for the modules, this should
be okay. Thus, remove the empty file so that it isn't actually a
package anymore. Then, change:

  from lib import HTMLBuilder


  from mod_python import apache

  HTMLBuilder = apache.import_module('~/lib/')

This is using the mod_python module importer directly to import the module
by path. The '~/' prefix to the path is special and is understood by the
module importer to be the directory that the active Python*Handler directive
was specified for.

If modules within the package were importing other modules from the same
package using a global import. Ie.,

  from lib import othermodule

you can change it to just:

  import othermodule

and it will work.

This works because although it is not a package anymore, the new mod_python
module importer uses magic so that 'import' will map to mod_python's module
importer first when used in a module which was imported using the importer.
Further, the import will always look in the same directory as the module first,
something the old importer didn't do.

You could also have done:

  othermodule = apache.import_module('othermodule')


  othermodule = apache.import_module('~/lib/')


  othermodule = apache.import_module('./')

The last one uses an explicit path again, but expresses it relative to the same
directory that the parent is contained in.

This whole feature of using an actual path instead of the module name is
something new in mod_python 3.3 and means one can more predictably
import exactly the module you intend to import.

Using this third option, because file based modules are being used
and not a package, the modules are candidates for automatic reloading
when changes are made to them. This means you would not have to restart
Apache if reloading is enabled.

A fourth option is to again remove the package file so it isn't
really a package anymore, but also move the directory to somewhere outside
of the document tree. In order to find the modules though, the PythonPath
directive is NOT used and instead the new module importers own search
path is set. For example:

  PythonOption mod_python.importer.path "['/some/path/lib']"

The module importer path SHOULD NOT mention sys.path, it should instead
be a distinct list of directories where only the new module importer will look.
Because the 'lib' directory is include and the contents of the directory will be
searched, can just say:

  import HTMLBuilder

If for some reason you wanted to do it this way, but not move the directory
outside of the document tree, you could also say:

  PythonOption mod_python.importer.path "['~/lib']"

Here the '~/' prefix is again used so you don't have to have an absolute path.
When used it will be expanded to the directory the handler was specified for.

BTW, I hope you 'lib' directory contains its own .htaccess file which contains:

  deny from all

If not, because publisher is used, someone could invoke code in the lib
subdirectory otherwise.

Anyway, hope I haven't confused you too much. 
