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[GitHub] [airflow] ephraimbuddy commented on a diff in pull request #23260: Add Release note for Airflow 2.3.0

ephraimbuddy commented on code in PR #23260:

@@ -21,6 +21,536 @@
 .. towncrier release notes start
+Airflow 2.3.0 (2022-04-29)
+Significant Changes
+- Passing ``execution_date`` to ``XCom.set()``\ , ``XCom.clear()``\ , ``XCom.get_one()``\ , and ``XCom.get_many()`` is deprecated
+  Continuing the effort to bind TaskInstance to a DagRun, XCom entries are now also tied to a DagRun. Use the ``run_id`` argument to specify the DagRun instead. (#19825)
+- Task log templates are now read from the metadatabase instead of ``airflow.cfg``
+  Previously, a task’s log is dynamically rendered from the ``[core] log_filename_template`` and ``[elasticsearch] log_id_template`` config values at runtime. This resulted in unfortunate characteristics, e.g. it is impractical to modify the config value after an Airflow instance is running for a while, since all existing task logs have be saved under the previous format and cannot be found with the new config value.
+  A new ``log_template`` table is introduced to solve this problem. This table is synchronised with the aforementioned config values every time Airflow starts, and a new field ``log_template_id`` is added to every DAG run to point to the format used by tasks (\ ``NULL`` indicates the first ever entry for compatibility). (#20165)
+- Minimum kubernetes version bumped from ``3.0.0`` to ``21.7.0``
+  No change in behavior is expected.  This was necessary in order to take advantage of a `bugfix <>`_ concerning refreshing of Kubernetes API tokens with EKS, which enabled the removal of some `workaround code <>`_. (#20759)
+- XCom now define ``run_id`` instead of ``execution_date``
+  As a continuation to the TaskInstance-DagRun relation change started in Airflow 2.2, the ``execution_date`` columns on XCom has been removed from the database, and replaced by an `association proxy <>`_ field at the ORM level. If you access Airflow’s metadatabase directly, you should rewrite the implementation to use the ``run_id`` column instead.
+  Note that Airflow’s metadatabase definition on both the database and ORM levels are considered implementation detail without strict backward compatibility guarantees. (#20975)
+- Non-JSON-serializable params deprecated.
+  It was previously possible to use dag or task param defaults that were not JSON-serializable.
+  For example this worked previously:
+  .. code-block:: python
+     @dag.task(params={"a": {1, 2, 3}, "b":})
+     def datetime_param(value):
+         print(value)
+     datetime_param("{{ params.a }} | {{ params.b }}")
+  Note the use of ``set`` and ``datetime`` types, which are not JSON-serializable.  This behavior is problematic because to override these values in a dag run conf, you must use JSON, which could make these params non-overridable.  Another problem is that the support for param validation assumes JSON.  Use of non-JSON-serializable params will be removed in Airflow 3.0 and until then, use of them will produce a warning at parse time. (#21135)
+- You have to use ``postgresql://`` instead of ``postgres://`` in ``sql_alchemy_conn`` for SQLAlchemy 1.4.0+
+  When you use SQLAlchemy 1.4.0+, you need to use ``postgresql://`` as the scheme in the ``sql_alchemy_conn``.
+  In the previous versions of SQLAlchemy it was possible to use ``postgres://``\ , but using it in
+  SQLAlchemy 1.4.0+ results in:
+  .. code-block::
+     >       raise exc.NoSuchModuleError(
+                 "Can't load plugin: %s:%s" % (, name)
+             )
+     E       sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgres
+  If you cannot change the scheme of your URL immediately, Airflow continues to work with SQLAlchemy
+  1.3 and you can downgrade SQLAlchemy, but we recommend updating the scheme.
+  Details in the `SQLAlchemy Changelog <>`_. (#21205)
+- ``auth_backends`` replaces ``auth_backend`` configuration setting
+  Previously, only one backend was used to authorize use of the REST API. In 2.3 this was changed to support multiple backends, separated by whitespace. Each will be tried in turn until a successful response is returned.
+  This setting is also used for the deprecated experimental API, which only uses the first option even if multiple are given. (#21472)
+- ``airflow.models.base.Operator`` is removed
+  Previously, there was an empty class ``airflow.models.base.Operator`` for “type hinting”. This class was never really useful for anything (everything it did could be done better with ``airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator``\ ), and has been removed. If you are relying on the class’s existence, use ``BaseOperator`` (for concrete operators), ``airflow.models.abstractoperator.AbstractOperator`` (the base class of both ``BaseOperator`` and the AIP-42 ``MappedOperator``\ ), or ``airflow.models.operator.Operator`` (a union type ``BaseOperator | MappedOperator`` for type annotation). (#21505)
+- Zip files in the DAGs folder can no longer have a ``.py`` extension
+  It was previously possible to have any extension for zip files in the DAGs folder. Now ``.py`` files are going to be loaded as modules without checking whether it is a zip file, as it leads to less IO. If a ``.py`` file in the DAGs folder is a zip compressed file, parsing it will fail with an exception. (#21538)
+- ``auth_backends`` includes session
+  To allow the Airflow UI to use the API, the previous default authorization backend ``airflow.api.auth.backend.deny_all`` is changed to ``airflow.api.auth.backend.session``\ , and this is automatically added to the list of API authorization backends if a non-default value is set. (#21640)
+- Default templates for log filenames and elasticsearch log_id changed
+  In order to support Dynamic Task Mapping the default templates for per-task instance logging has changed. If your config contains the old default values they will be upgraded-in-place.
+  If you are happy with the new config values you should *remove* the setting in ``airflow.cfg`` and let the default value be used. Old default values were:
+  * ``[core] log_filename_template``\ : ``{{ ti.dag_id }}/{{ ti.task_id }}/{{ ts }}/{{ try_number }}.log``
+  * ``[elasticsearch] log_id_template``\ : ``{dag_id}-{task_id}-{execution_date}-{try_number}``
+  ``[core] log_filename_template`` now uses "hive partition style" of ``dag_id=<id>/run_id=<id>`` by default, which may cause problems on some older FAT filesystems. If this affects you then you will have to change the log template.
+  If you have customized the templates you should ensure that they contain ``{{ ti.map_index }}`` if you want to use dynamically mapped tasks. (#21734)
+- BaseOperatorLink's ``get_link`` method changed to take a ``ti_key`` keyword argument
+  In v2.2 we "deprecated" passing an execution date to XCom.get methods, but there was no other option for operator links as they were only passed an execution_date.
+  Now in 2.3 as part of Dynamic Task Mapping (AIP-42) we will need to add map_index to the XCom row to support the "reduce" part of the API.
+  In order to support that cleanly we have changed the interface for BaseOperatorLink to take an TaskInstanceKey as the ``ti_key`` keyword argument (as execution_date + task is no longer unique for mapped operators).
+  The existing signature will be detected (by the absence of the ``ti_key`` argument) and continue to work. (#21798)
+- ``ReadyToRescheduleDep`` now only runs when ``reschedule`` is *True*
+  When a ``ReadyToRescheduleDep`` is run, it now checks whether the ``reschedule`` attribute on the operator, and always reports itself as *passed* unless it is set to *True*. If you use this dep class on your custom operator, you will need to add this attribute to the operator class. Built-in operator classes that use this dep class (including sensors and all subclasses) already have this attribute and are not affected. (#21815)
+- The ``deps`` attribute on an operator class should be a class level attribute
+  To support operator-mapping (AIP 42), the ``deps`` attribute on operator class must be a set at the class level. This means that if a custom operator implements this as an instance-level variable, it will not be able to be used for operator-mapping. This does not affect existing code, but we highly recommend you to restructure the operator's dep logic in order to support the new feature. (#21815)
+- Deprecation: ``Connection.extra`` must be JSON-encoded dict
+  ~~~~
+  From Airflow 3.0, the ``extra`` field in airflow connections must be a JSON-encoded Python dict.
+  What, why, and when?
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  Airflow's Connection is used for storing credentials.  For storage of information that does not
+  fit into user / password / host / schema / port, we have the ``extra`` string field.  Its intention
+  was always to provide for storage of arbitrary key-value pairs, like ``no_host_key_check`` in the SSH
+  hook, or ``keyfile_dict`` in GCP.
+  But since the field is string, it's technically been permissible to store any string value.  For example
+  one could have stored the string value ``''`` and used this in the hook.  But this is a very
+  bad practice. One reason is intelligibility: when you look at the value for ``extra``\ , you don't have any idea
+  what its purpose is.  Better would be to store ``{"api_host": ""}`` which at least tells you
+  *something* about the value.  Another reason is extensibility: if you store the API host as a simple string
+  value, what happens if you need to add more information, such as the API endpoint, or credentials?  Then
+  you would need to convert the string to a dict, and this would be a breaking change.
+  For these reason, starting in Airflow 3.0 we will require that the ``Connection.extra`` field store
+  a JSON-encoded Python dict.
+  How will I be affected?
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  For users of providers that are included in the Airflow codebase, you should not have to make any changes
+  because in the Airflow codebase we should not allow hooks to misuse the ``Connection.extra`` field in this way.
+  However, if you have any custom hooks that store something other than JSON dict, you will have to update it.
+  If you do, you should see a warning any time that this connection is retrieved or instantiated (e.g. it should show up in
+  task logs).
+  To see if you have any connections that will need to be updated, you can run this command:
+  .. code-block:: shell
+     airflow connections export - 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep 'non-JSON'
+  This will catch any warnings about connections that are storing something other than JSON-encoded Python dict in the ``extra`` field. (#21816)
+- The ``tree`` default view setting has been renamed to ``grid``
+  If you set the ``dag_default_view`` config option or the ``default_view`` argument to ``DAG()`` to ``tree`` you will need to update your deployment. The old name will continue to work but will issue warnings. (#22167)
+- Database configuration moved to new section
+  The following configurations have been moved from ``[core]`` to the new ``[database]`` section. However when reading the new option, the old option will be checked to see if it exists. If it does a DeprecationWarning will be issued and the old option will be used instead.
+  * sql_alchemy_conn
+  * sql_engine_encoding
+  * sql_engine_collation_for_ids
+  * sql_alchemy_pool_enabled
+  * sql_alchemy_pool_size
+  * sql_alchemy_max_overflow
+  * sql_alchemy_pool_recycle
+  * sql_alchemy_pool_pre_ping
+  * sql_alchemy_schema
+  * sql_alchemy_connect_args
+  * load_default_connections
+  * max_db_retries (#22284)
+- Remove requirement that custom connection UI fields be prefixed
+  Hooks can define custom connection fields for their connection type by implementing method ``get_connection_form_widgets``.  These custom fields are presented in the web UI as additional connection attributes, but internally they are stored in the connection ``extra`` dict.  For technical reasons, previously custom field when stored in ``extra`` had to be named with a prefix ``extra__<conn type>__<field name>``.  This had the consequence of making it more cumbersome to define connections outside of the UI, since the prefix is tougher to read and work with. With #22607, we make it so that you can now define custom fields such that they can be read from and stored in ``extra`` without the prefix.
+  To enable this, update the dict returned by the ``get_connection_form_widgets`` method to remove the prefix from the keys.  Internally, the providers manager will still use a prefix to ensure each custom field is globally unique, but the absence of a prefix in the returned widget dict will signal to the Web UI to read and store custom fields without the prefix.  Note that this is only a change to the Web UI behavior; when updating your hook in this way, you must make sure that when your *hook* reads the ``extra`` field, it will also check for the prefixed value for backward compatibility. (#22607)
+- The webserver.X_FRAME_ENABLED configuration works according to description now.
+  In Airflow 2.0.0 - 2.2.4 the webserver.X_FRAME_ENABLED parameter worked the opposite of its description,
+  setting the value to "true" caused "X-Frame-Options" header to "DENY" (not allowing Airflow to be used
+  in an IFrame). When you set it to "false", the header was not added, so Airflow could be embedded in an
+  IFrame. By default Airflow could not be embedded in an IFrame.
+  In Airflow 2.2.5 there was a bug introduced that made it impossible to disable Airflow to
+  work in IFrame. No matter what the configuration was set, it was possible to embed Airflow in an IFrame.
+  Airflow 2.3.0 restores the original meaning to the parameter. If you set it to "true" (default) Airflow
+  can be embedded in an IFrame (no header is added), but when you set it to "false" the header is added
+  and Airflow cannot be embedded in an IFrame. (#23222)
+- Add dynamic task mapping (`AIP-42 <>`_)
+- New Grid View replaces Tree View (#18675)
+- Templated ``requirements.txt`` in Python Operators (#17349)
+- Allow reuse of decorated tasks (#22941)
+- Move the database configuration to a new section (#22284)
+- Add ``SmoothOperator`` (#22813)
+- make operator's ``execution_timeout`` configurable (#22389)
+- Events Timetable (#22332)
+- Support dag serialization with custom ``ti_deps`` rules (#22698)
+- Support log download in task log view (#22804)
+- Add summary of runs to dag details (#22766)

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