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Posted to by "Azoulay, Zacky" <> on 2002/04/15 17:23:31 UTC

RE: Error passing patternset to another target in another xml fil e


Thank, the solution for ant 1.4.1 work.

regards zacky

-----Original Message-----
From: Dominique Devienne []
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 5:59 PM
To: 'Ant Users List'
Subject: RE: Error passing patternset to another target in another xml
fil e

ANT 1.4.1 doesn't pass references to the sub-build. I believe ANT 1.5a now
incorporate this. But the problem you are seeing is that you try to se a
property as a reference id.

The local_file_to_be_removed reference is defined in master build.
The property is passed to sub-build, probably with
a textual description of the referenced patternset (or the default
toString() from Java).

The sub-build attempts to use the reference, but as
stated references are not passed to sub-builds. What was passed to sub-build
is just a property, which value can be extracted using

So what can you do?
1) Use ANT 1.5a (provided it really can pass references).
2) Use real textual properties.

2.a) define an excludes property

	<property name="local_file_to_be_removed.excludes"
                value="**/*Ie/List/List.vbs" />

2.b) Pass it to sub-build, either explicitly (as below) if using
inheritAll="false", or implicitly by using inheritAll="true"

	<ant antfile="../copy.xml" target="copy.dir" dir=".">
		<property name="sources.dir"
		<!-- ... -->
		<property name="local_file_to_be_removed.excludes"

2.c) In the sub-build, use that property to build the patternset:

  	<copy preservelastmodified="YES"
		<fileset dir="${sources.dir}">
			<!-- local reference, so OK -->
			<patternset refid="file_not_to_be_copy"/>
			<!-- define new patternset, from the property -->

if you have several includes/excludes, define a comma-separated property of

Better ANTers can explain the ANT 1.5a way, or a better ANT 1.4.1 way too


-----Original Message-----
From: Azoulay, Zacky [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 1:29 AM
To: ''
Subject: Error passing patternset to another target in another xml file


I have two xml file one with a target copy.dir.targetdir
that contain one patternset local_file_to_be_removed and a target ant
antfile to the second xml file.

targetdir.xml file .

 <target name="copy.dir.targetdir" depends="title" >
	<patternset id="local_file_to_be_removed" >
		<exclude name="**/*Ie/List/List.vbs"/>

	<!-- Dir Number 1 !!!! MetaTemplates !!!! -->

<ant antfile="../copy.xml" target="copy.dir" dir=".">
	<property name="sources.dir"
	<property name="destination.dir"
	<property name="attrib.dir" value="-r"/>
	<property name=""

in copy.xml I perform a copy target with the property from targetdir.xml.

	<target name="copy.dir.available" >
		<available file="${sources.dir}" property="source.exist"/>
		<patternset id="file_not_to_be_copy" >
			<exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
			<exclude name="**/create.dir"/>
			<exclude name="**/*.scc"/>
			<exclude name="**/*.lib"/>
			<exclude name="**/*.ilk"/>
			<exclude name="**/*.bdy"/>
			<exclude name="**/*.hdr"/>
			<exclude name="**/*.exp"/>


  	<target name="copy.dir" depends="copy.dir.echo" if="source.exist">
  		<!-- Sources -->
  		<copy preservelastmodified="YES" overwrite="YES"
    			<fileset dir="${sources.dir}">
				<patternset refid="file_not_to_be_copy"/>
		<record name="${success.log.file}" action="start" />
		<exec executable="cmd.exe" os="Windows 2000">
			<arg line="/c attrib ${attrib.dir} /S"/>
			<arg value="${destination.dir}/*.*"/>
		<exec executable="cmd.exe" os="Windows 2000">
			<arg line="/c DIR /S /B "/>
			<arg value="${destination.dir}"/>
		<record name="${success.log.file}" action="stop" />


after I run ant I got the following error.

C:\BW Unifier\Config\Build\copy.xml:194: Reference
not found.

is any one now what I do wrong ??

regards zacky

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