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[33/42] jena git commit: Merge commit 'refs/pull/143/head' of
diff --cc jena-arq/src/test/java/org/apache/jena/query/
index 0f07a2a,0f07a2a..d3a6250
--- a/jena-arq/src/test/java/org/apache/jena/query/
+++ b/jena-arq/src/test/java/org/apache/jena/query/
@@@ -1,1881 -1,1881 +1,1881 @@@
-- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-- * distributed with this work for additional information
-- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- *
-- *
-- *
-- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- * limitations under the License.
-- */
--package org.apache.jena.query;
--import java.util.Calendar ;
--import java.util.Iterator ;
--import java.util.TimeZone ;
--import org.apache.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper ;
--import org.apache.jena.graph.Node ;
--import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory ;
--import org.apache.jena.iri.IRIFactory ;
--import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ;
--import org.apache.jena.shared.impl.PrefixMappingImpl ;
--import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQException ;
--import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.Element ;
--import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementGroup ;
--import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementTriplesBlock ;
--import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateExecutionFactory ;
--import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateProcessor ;
--import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateRequest ;
--import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL ;
--import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF ;
--import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.XSD ;
--import org.junit.Assert ;
--import org.junit.Test ;
-- * Tests for the {@link ParameterizedSparqlString}
-- * 
-- */
--public class TestParameterizedSparqlString {
--    private void test(ParameterizedSparqlString query, String[] expected, String[] notExpected) {
--        // System.out.println("Raw Command:");
--        // System.out.println(query.getCommandText());
--        String command = query.toString();
--        // System.out.println("Injected Command:");
--        // System.out.println(command);
--        for (String x : expected) {
--            Assert.assertTrue(command.contains(x));
--        }
--        for (String x : notExpected) {
--            Assert.assertFalse(command.contains(x));
--        }
--    }
--    private Query testAsQuery(ParameterizedSparqlString query) {
--        return query.asQuery();
--    }
--    private UpdateRequest testAsUpdate(ParameterizedSparqlString update) {
--        return update.asUpdate();
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_1() {
--        // Test empty constructor
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getCommandText());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_2() {
--        // Test constructor with null command - null command should map to empty
--        // command automagically
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString((String) null);
--        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getCommandText());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_3() {
--        // Test constructor with base URI
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString("", "");
--        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getBaseUri());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_4() {
--        // Test constructor with predefined parameters
--        QuerySolutionMap map = new QuerySolutionMap();
--        Resource r = ResourceFactory.createResource("");
--        map.add("s", r);
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString("", map);
--        Assert.assertEquals(r.asNode(), query.getParam("s"));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_5() {
--        // Test constructor with predefined parameters - variant of constructor
--        // that does not require command text
--        QuerySolutionMap map = new QuerySolutionMap();
--        Resource r = ResourceFactory.createResource("");
--        map.add("s", r);
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(map);
--        Assert.assertEquals(r.asNode(), query.getParam("s"));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_6() {
--        // Test constructor with predefined parameters
--        QuerySolutionMap map = new QuerySolutionMap();
--        Resource r = ResourceFactory.createResource("");
--        map.add("s", r);
--        Literal l = ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral("example");
--        map.add("o", l);
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString("", map);
--        Assert.assertEquals(r.asNode(), query.getParam("s"));
--        Assert.assertEquals(l.asNode(), query.getParam("o"));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_7() {
--        // Test constructor with predefined parameters - variant of constructor
--        // that does not require command text
--        QuerySolutionMap map = new QuerySolutionMap();
--        Resource r = ResourceFactory.createResource("");
--        map.add("s", r);
--        Literal l = ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral("example");
--        map.add("o", l);
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(map);
--        Assert.assertEquals(r.asNode(), query.getParam("s"));
--        Assert.assertEquals(l.asNode(), query.getParam("o"));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_8() {
--        // Test constructors with predefined prefixes
--        PrefixMappingImpl prefixes = new PrefixMappingImpl();
--        prefixes.setNsPrefix("ex", "");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString("", prefixes);
--        Assert.assertEquals(prefixes.getNsPrefixURI("ex"), query.getNsPrefixURI("ex"));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_constructor_9() {
--        // Test constructors with predefined prefixes - variant of constructor
--        // that does not require command text
--        PrefixMappingImpl prefixes = new PrefixMappingImpl();
--        prefixes.setNsPrefix("ex", "");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(prefixes);
--        Assert.assertEquals(prefixes.getNsPrefixURI("ex"), query.getNsPrefixURI("ex"));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_iri_1() {
--        // Test simple injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>" }, new String[] { "?s" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_iri_2() {
--        // Test simple injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("p", "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>" }, new String[] { "?p" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_iri_3() {
--        // Test simple injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("o", "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>" }, new String[] { "?o" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_iri_4() {
--        // Test simple injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . ?s a ?type }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>" }, new String[] { "?s" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_iri_5() {
--        // Test simple injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>", "<http://predicate>" }, new String[] { "?s", "?p" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_bnode_1() {
--        // Test Blank Node injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "_:blankNodeID");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<_:blankNodeID>" }, new String[] { "?s" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_bnode_2() {
--        // Test Blank Node injenction
--        String cmdText = "INSERT { GRAPH <target> { ?node a:p ?o . } } WHERE { ?node a:p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString update = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        update.setIri("node", "_:blankNodeID");
--        test(update, new String[] { "<_:blankNodeID>" }, new String[] { "?node" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_bnode_3() {
--        // Test case related to treatment of blank nodes when injecting into
--        // SPARQL updates using _: syntax
--        Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
--        Resource bnode = model.createResource();
--        bnode.addProperty(RDF.type, OWL.Thing);
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, model.size());
--        Dataset ds = DatasetFactory.create(model);
--        // Use a parameterized query to check the data can be found
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pq = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        pq.setCommandText("SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
--        pq.setIri("s", "_:" + bnode.getId());
--        Query q = pq.asQuery();
--        try(QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(q, ds)) {
--            ResultSet rset = qe.execSelect();
--            Assert.assertEquals(1, ResultSetFormatter.consume(rset));
--        }
--        // Use a parameterized update to modify the data
--        ParameterizedSparqlString s = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        s.setCommandText("INSERT { ?o ?p ?s } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
--        s.setIri("s", "_:" + bnode.getId());
--        UpdateRequest query = s.asUpdate();
--        UpdateProcessor proc = UpdateExecutionFactory.create(query, ds);
--        proc.execute();
--        // This should be true because this was present in the intial model set
--        // up
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, model.listStatements(bnode, null, (RDFNode) null).toList().size());
--        // This should return 0 because the INSERT should result in a new blank
--        // node being created rather than the existing one being reused becaue
--        // of the semantics of blank nodes usage in templates
--        Assert.assertEquals(0, model.listStatements(null, null, bnode).toList().size());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_mixed_1() {
--        // Test simple injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        query.setLiteral("o", true);
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>", "<http://predicate>", "true" }, new String[] { "?s", "?p", "?o" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_string_1() {
--        // Test regular string injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        query.setLiteral("o", "test");
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"test\" . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_string_2() {
--        // Test a string with quotes
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        query.setLiteral("o", "A \"test\" string");
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"A \\\"test\\\" string\" . }",
--                query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_string_3() {
--        // Test a string with a $
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        query.setLiteral("o", "Show me the $!");
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"Show me the $!\" . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_string_4() {
--        // Test a string with a newline
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        query.setLiteral("o", "A multi\nline string");
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"A multi\\nline string\" . }",
--                query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_string_5() {
--        // Test a string with a tab
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        query.setLiteral("o", "A tabby\tstring");
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"A tabby\\tstring\" . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_string_6() {
--        // Test a string with a single quote
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        query.setLiteral("o", "A test's test");
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"A test\\'s test\" . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_string_7() {
--        // Test a string with a backslash
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("p", "http://predicate");
--        query.setLiteral("o", "test a\\b");
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"test a\\\\b\" . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_boolean_1() {
--        // Test boolean injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", true);
--        // We don't expect #boolean as booleans should be formatted as plain
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "true" }, new String[] { "?o", XSD.xboolean.toString() });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_boolean_2() {
--        // Test boolean injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", false);
--        // We don't expect #boolean as booleans should be formatted as plain
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "false" }, new String[] { "?o", XSD.xboolean.toString() });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_boolean_3() {
--        // Test invalid boolean injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", "xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.xboolean.toString()));
--        // We expect #boolean as booleans with invalid lexical values should not
--        // be formatted as plain literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "xyz", XSD.xboolean.toString() }, new String[] { "?o" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_boolean_4() {
--        // Test boolean injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, true);
--        // We don't expect #boolean as booleans should be formatted as plain
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "true" }, new String[] { "? ", XSD.xboolean.toString() });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_boolean_5() {
--        // Test boolean injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, false);
--        // We don't expect #boolean as booleans should be formatted as plain
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "false" }, new String[] { "? ", XSD.xboolean.toString() });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_boolean_6() {
--        // Test invalid boolean injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, "xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.xboolean.toString()));
--        // We expect #boolean as booleans with invalid lexical values should not
--        // be formatted as plain literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "xyz", XSD.xboolean.toString() }, new String[] { "? " });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_int_1() {
--        // Test integer injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", 1234);
--        // We don't expect #integer as integers should be formatted as typed
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "1234" }, new String[] { "?o", XSD.integer.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_int_2() {
--        // Test long integer injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", 3000000000l);
--        // We don't expect #integer as integers should be formatted as typed
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "3000000000" }, new String[] { "?o", XSD.integer.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_int_3() {
--        // Test invalid integer injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", "xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.integer.toString()));
--        // We do expect #integer as invalid integers should be formatted with
--        // their type
--        test(query, new String[] { "xyz", XSD.integer.toString() }, new String[] { "?o" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_int_4() {
--        // Test integer injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, 1234);
--        // We don't expect #integer as integers should be formatted as typed
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "1234" }, new String[] { "? ", XSD.integer.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_int_5() {
--        // Test long integer injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, 3000000000l);
--        // We don't expect #integer as integers should be formatted as typed
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "3000000000" }, new String[] { "? ", XSD.integer.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_int_6() {
--        // Test invalid integer injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, "xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.integer.toString()));
--        // We do expect #integer as invalid integers should be formatted with
--        // their type
--        test(query, new String[] { "xyz", XSD.integer.toString() }, new String[] { "? " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_double_1() {
--        // Test double injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", 123.4);
--        // We expect #double as doubles without exponents cannot be formatted as
--        // plain literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "123.4", XSD.xdouble.toString() }, new String[] { "?o" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_double_2() {
--        // Test double injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", 123.0e5);
--        // We don't expect #double as we expected doubles to be formatted as
--        // plain literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "1.23E7" }, new String[] { "?o", XSD.xdouble.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_double_3() {
--        // Test invalid double injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", "xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.xdouble.toString()));
--        // We expect #double as invalid doubles cannot be formatted as plain
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "xyz", XSD.xdouble.toString() }, new String[] { "?o" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_double_4() {
--        // Test double injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, 123.4);
--        // We expect #double as doubles without exponents cannot be formatted as
--        // plain literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "123.4", XSD.xdouble.toString() }, new String[] { "? " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_double_5() {
--        // Test double injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, 123.0e5);
--        // We don't expect #double as we expected doubles to be formatted as
--        // plain literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "1.23E7" }, new String[] { "? ", XSD.xdouble.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_double_6() {
--        // Test invalid double injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, "xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.xdouble.toString()));
--        // We expect #double as invalid doubles cannot be formatted as plain
--        // literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "xyz", XSD.xdouble.toString() }, new String[] { "? " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_float_1() {
--        // Test float injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", 123.4f);
--        // We expect #float as floats should be formatted as typed literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "123.4", XSD.xfloat.toString() }, new String[] { "?o" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_float_2() {
--        // Test float injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, 123.4f);
--        // We expect #float as floats should be formatted as typed literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "123.4", XSD.xfloat.toString() }, new String[] { "? " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_date_1() {
--        // Test date injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        Calendar dt = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
--        dt.set(2012, 1, 24, 12, 0, 0);
--        query.setLiteral("o", dt);
--        // We expect #dateTime as dateTime should be formatted as typed literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "2012-02-24T12:00:00", XSD.dateTime.toString() }, new String[] { "?o" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_date_2() {
--        // Test invalid date injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", "xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.dateTime.toString()));
--        // We expect #dateTime as dateTime should be formatted as typed literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "xyz", XSD.dateTime.toString() }, new String[] { "?o" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_date_3() {
--        // Test date injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        Calendar dt = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
--        dt.set(2012, 1, 24, 12, 0, 0);
--        query.setLiteral(0, dt);
--        // We expect #dateTime as dateTime should be formatted as typed literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "2012-02-24T12:00:00", XSD.dateTime.toString() }, new String[] { "? " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_date_4() {
--        // Test invalid date injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, "xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.dateTime.toString()));
--        // We expect #dateTime as dateTime should be formatted as typed literals
--        test(query, new String[] { "xyz", XSD.dateTime.toString() }, new String[] { "? " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_lang_1() {
--        // Test lang literal injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", "hello", "en");
--        test(query, new String[] { "hello", "@en" }, new String[] { "?o" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_lang_2() {
--        // Test lang literal injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("o", "bonjour", "fr");
--        test(query, new String[] { "bonjour", "@fr" }, new String[] { "?o" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_lang_3() {
--        // Test lang literal injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, "hello", "en");
--        test(query, new String[] { "hello", "@en" }, new String[] { "? " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_lang_4() {
--        // Test lang literal injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral(0, "bonjour", "fr");
--        test(query, new String[] { "bonjour", "@fr" }, new String[] { "? " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test(expected = QueryException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_bad_1() {
--        // Test bad input - not a valid query
--        String cmdText = "Not a query";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test(expected = QueryException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_simple_bad_1() {
--        // Test bad input - injecting the parameter makes the query invalid
--        String cmdText = "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>" }, new String[] { "?s" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_precedence_1() {
--        // Test simple injection precedence
--        // Setting parameter multiple times just overrides the existing setting
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>" }, new String[] { "?s", "<>" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_precedence_2() {
--        // Test simple injection precedence
--        // Setting parameter multiple times just overrides the existing setting
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri(0, "");
--        query.setIri(0, "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>" }, new String[] { "? ", "<>" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_name_collision_1() {
--        // Test name collision
--        // The parameter we inject has a name which is a prefix of another
--        // variable name, only the
--        // actual name should be injected to
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?a ?ab ?abc }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("a", "");
--        // In the not expected list we need the whitespace after ?a as otherwise
--        // the test will give a
--        // false negative since obviously we should still have ?ab and ?abc
--        // present
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>", "?ab", "?abc" }, new String[] { "?a " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_name_collision_2() {
--        // Test name collision
--        // The parameter we inject has a name which is a prefix of another
--        // variable name, only the
--        // actual name should be injected to
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?abc ?ab ?a. }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("a", "");
--        // In the not expected list we need the whitespace after ?a as otherwise
--        // the test will give a
--        // false negative since obviously we should still have ?ab and ?abc
--        // present
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>", "?ab", "?abc" }, new String[] { "?a " });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_name_collision_3() {
--        // Test name collision
--        // In this test the parameter we inject has a name which collides with a
--        // term used
--        // in a prefix in the query
--        String cmdText = "PREFIX ex: <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s ex:name ?name }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setLiteral("name", "Bob");
--        // In the expected list we want to see Bob, in the not expected list we
--        // don't want to see
--        // ex:Bob since that would be a bad variable insertion
--        test(query, new String[] { "Bob" }, new String[] { "?name", "ex:Bob" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_clear_1() {
--        // Test clearing of parameter
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.clearParam("s");
--        test(query, new String[] { "?s" }, new String[] { "<>" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_clear_2() {
--        // Test clearing of parameter
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.clearParams();
--        test(query, new String[] { "?s" }, new String[] { "<>" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_clear_3() {
--        // Test indirect clearing of parameter by setting param to null
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri("s", "");
--        query.setParam("s", (Node) null);
--        test(query, new String[] { "?s" }, new String[] { "<>" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_clear_4() {
--        // Test clearing of parameter
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri(0, "");
--        query.clearParam(0);
--        test(query, new String[] { "? " }, new String[] { "<>" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_clear_5() {
--        // Test clearing of parameter
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri(0, "");
--        query.clearParams();
--        test(query, new String[] { "? " }, new String[] { "<>" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_clear_6() {
--        // Test indirect clearing of parameter by setting param to null
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setIri(0, "");
--        query.setParam(0, (Node) null);
--        test(query, new String[] { "? " }, new String[] { "<>" });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_prefixes_1() {
--        // Test prefixes are prepended
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setNsPrefix("ex", "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "PREFIX", "ex:", "<>" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_prefixes_2() {
--        // Test prefixes are prepended
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ex:predicate ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setNsPrefix("ex", "");
--        test(query, new String[] { "PREFIX", "ex:", "<>", "ex:predicate" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test(expected = QueryException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_prefixes_bad_1() {
--        // Test bad input - using a prefix without defining prefix
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ex:predicate ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        // Testing with an PName using an undefined prefix in the string
--        // Should fail on parsing
--        test(query, new String[] { "ex:predicate" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_base_1() {
--        // Test base is prepended
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s <#predicate> ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setBaseUri("");
--        test(query, new String[] { "BASE", "<>" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_base_bad_1() {
--        // Test questionable input - using relative URI without defining base
--        // ARQ accepts this, not sure if this is a way to disable this as this
--        // test should
--        // ideally be expecting a QueryException
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s <#predicate> ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        test(query, new String[] {}, new String[] { "BASE", "<>" });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_copy_1() {
--        // Test copying - copying always copies command text
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = query.copy();
--        Assert.assertEquals(cmdText, copy.getCommandText());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_copy_2() {
--        // Test copying - copying and changing a parameter changes only one
--        // instance
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.setIri("x", "");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = query.copy();
--        copy.setIri("x", "");
--        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getParam("x").toString());
--        Assert.assertFalse("".equals(query.getParam("x").toString()));
--        Assert.assertEquals("", copy.getParam("x").toString());
--        Assert.assertFalse("".equals(copy.getParam("x").toString()));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_copy_3() {
--        // Test copying - copying should copy prefixes
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.setNsPrefix("ex", "");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = query.copy();
--        Assert.assertEquals("", copy.getNsPrefixURI("ex"));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_copy_4() {
--        // Test copying - copying should copy base URI
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.setBaseUri("");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = query.copy();
--        Assert.assertEquals("", copy.getBaseUri());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_copy_5() {
--        // Test selective copying - copying without copying parameters
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.setIri("x", "");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = query.copy(false);
--        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getParam("x").toString());
--        Assert.assertEquals(null, copy.getParam("x"));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_copy_6() {
--        // Test selective copying - copying without copying prefixes
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.setNsPrefix("ex", "");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = query.copy(true, true, false);
--        Assert.assertFalse("".equals(copy.getNsPrefixURI("ex")));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_copy_7() {
--        // Test copying - copying and changing a parameter changes only one
--        // instance
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.setIri(0, "");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = query.copy();
--        copy.setIri(0, "");
--        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getParam(0).toString());
--        Assert.assertFalse("".equals(query.getParam(0).toString()));
--        Assert.assertEquals("", copy.getParam(0).toString());
--        Assert.assertFalse("".equals(copy.getParam(0).toString()));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_copy_8() {
--        // Test selective copying - copying without copying parameters
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.setIri(0, "");
--        ParameterizedSparqlString copy = query.copy(false);
--        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getParam(0).toString());
--        Assert.assertEquals(null, copy.getParam(0));
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_1() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "?o" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_2() {
--        // Test appending simple types
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.append(true);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "true" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_3() {
--        // Test appending simple types
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.append(123);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "123" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_4() {
--        // Test appending simple types
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.append(123l);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "123" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_5() {
--        // Test appending simple types
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.append(123.0e5);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "1.23E7" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_iri_1() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ");
--        query.appendIri("");
--        query.append(" ?o }");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "<>", "?o" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_iri_2() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ");
--        query.appendIri(IRIFactory.iriImplementation().construct(""));
--        query.append(" ?o }");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "<>", "?o" }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_boolean_1() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.appendLiteral(true);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "true" }, new String[] { XSD.xboolean.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_boolean_2() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.appendLiteral("xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.xboolean.toString()));
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "xyz", XSD.xboolean.toString() }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_integer_1() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.appendLiteral(123);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "123" }, new String[] { XSD.integer.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_integer_2() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.appendLiteral("xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.integer.toString()));
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "xyz", XSD.integer.toString() }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_integer_3() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.appendLiteral(123l);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "123" }, new String[] { XSD.integer.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_double_1() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.appendLiteral(123.0e5);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "1.23E7" }, new String[] { XSD.xdouble.toString() });
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_double_2() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.appendLiteral(1.23d);
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "1.23", XSD.xdouble.toString() }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_append_double_3() {
--        // Test appending text
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT *");
--        query.append('\n');
--        query.append("WHERE { ?s ?p ");
--        query.appendLiteral("xyz", TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(XSD.xdouble.toString()));
--        query.append("}");
--        test(query, new String[] { "SELECT", "*", "\n", "WHERE", "?s", "?p", "xyz", XSD.xdouble.toString() }, new String[] {});
--        testAsQuery(query);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_1() {
--        // Test positional parameters
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
--        query.append("SELECT * WHERE { ? ?p ?o }");
--        query.setParam(0, NodeFactory.createURI(""));
--        test(query, new String[] { "<>" }, new String[] { "? " });
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_2() {
--        // Test regular string injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ? ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setParam(0, NodeFactory.createURI(""));
--        query.setParam(1, NodeFactory.createURI("http://predicate"));
--        query.setParam(2, NodeFactory.createLiteral("test"));
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"test\" . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_3() {
--        // Test regular string injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ? ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setParam(0, NodeFactory.createLiteral("with ? mark"));
--        query.setParam(1, NodeFactory.createURI("http://predicate"));
--        query.setParam(2, NodeFactory.createLiteral("test"));
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { \"with ? mark\" <http://predicate> \"test\" . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_4() {
--        // Test regular string injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ? ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setParam(0, NodeFactory.createLiteral("with ? mark"));
--        query.setParam(1, NodeFactory.createLiteral("with ? mark"));
--        query.setParam(2, NodeFactory.createLiteral("test"));
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { \"with ? mark\" \"with ? mark\" \"test\" . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_5() {
--        // Test regular string injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ? ?. }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setParam(0, NodeFactory.createURI(""));
--        query.setParam(1, NodeFactory.createURI("http://predicate"));
--        query.setParam(2, NodeFactory.createLiteral("test"));
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"test\". }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_6() {
--        // Test regular string injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ? ?; ?p ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setParam(0, NodeFactory.createURI(""));
--        query.setParam(1, NodeFactory.createURI("http://predicate"));
--        query.setParam(2, NodeFactory.createLiteral("test"));
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"test\"; ?p ?o . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_7() {
--        // Test regular string injection
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ? ?, ?o . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        query.setParam(0, NodeFactory.createURI(""));
--        query.setParam(1, NodeFactory.createURI("http://predicate"));
--        query.setParam(2, NodeFactory.createLiteral("test"));
--        Assert.assertEquals("SELECT * WHERE { <> <http://predicate> \"test\", ?o . }", query.toString());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_eligible_1() {
--        // Test detection of eligible parameters
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        Iterator<Integer> iter = pss.getEligiblePositionalParameters();
--        int count = 0;
--        while (iter.hasNext()) {
--            count++;
--  ;
--        }
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, count);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_eligible_2() {
--        // Test detection of eligible parameters
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ? ? ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        Iterator<Integer> iter = pss.getEligiblePositionalParameters();
--        int count = 0;
--        while (iter.hasNext()) {
--            count++;
--  ;
--        }
--        Assert.assertEquals(3, count);
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_eligible_3() {
--        // Test detection of eligible parameters
--        String cmdText = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?; ?p1 ?, ?. }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(cmdText);
--        Iterator<Integer> iter = pss.getEligiblePositionalParameters();
--        int count = 0;
--        while (iter.hasNext()) {
--            count++;
--  ;
--        }
--        Assert.assertEquals(3, count);
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_01() {
--        // This injection is prevented by forbidding the > character in URIs
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ?var2 . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setIri("var2", "hello> } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <goodbye>");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_02() {
--        // This injection is prevented by forbidding the > character in URIs
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ?var2 . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setIri("var2", "hello> } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <goodbye");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_injection_03() {
--        // This injection attempt results in a valid update but a failed
--        // injection
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ?var2 . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var2", "hello\" } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <goodbye>");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, updates.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_04() {
--        // This injection is prevented by forbidding the > character in URIs
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nSELECT * WHERE { <s> <p> ?var2 . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setIri("var2", "hello> . ?s ?p ?o");
--        Query q = pss.asQuery();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_injection_05() {
--        // This injection attempt results in a valid query but a failed
--        // injection
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nSELECT * WHERE { <s> <p> ?var2 . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var2", "hello\" . ?s ?p ?o");
--        Query q = pss.asQuery();
--        Element el = q.getQueryPattern();
--        if (el instanceof ElementTriplesBlock) {
--            Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ElementTriplesBlock) q.getQueryPattern()).getPattern().size());
--        } else if (el instanceof ElementGroup) {
--            Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ElementGroup) el).getElements().size());
--            el = ((ElementGroup) el).getElements().get(0);
--            if (el instanceof ElementTriplesBlock) {
--                Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ElementTriplesBlock) el).getPattern().size());
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_06() {
--        // This injection attempt is prevented by forbidding injection to a
--        // variable parameter immediately surrounded by quotes
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> '?var' }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", "hello' . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> \"goodbye");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_07() {
--        // This injection attempt is prevented by forbidding injection of
--        // variable parameters immediately surrounded by quotes
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> \"?var\" }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_08() {
--        // This injection attempt results in an invalid SPARQL update because
--        // you end up with a double quoted literal inside a single quoted
--        // literal
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> '?var' }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", "' . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <o> }#");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_injection_09() {
--        // This injection attempt using comments results in a valid SPARQL
--        // update but a failed injection because the attempt to use comments
--        // ends up being a valid string literal within quotes
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ?var }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", "\" . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <o> }#");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, updates.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_10() {
--        // This injection attempt tries to chain together injections to achieve
--        // an attack, the first
--        // injection appears innocuous and is an attempt to set up an actual
--        // injection vector
--        // The injection is prevented because a ?var directly surrounded by
--        // quotes is always flagged as
--        // subject to injection because pre-injection validation happens before
--        // each variable is injected
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ?var }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", "a");
--        pss.setLiteral("var2", "b");
--        // Figure out which variable will be injected first
--        @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
--        String first = pss.getVars().next();
--        String second = first.equals("var") ? "var2" : "var";
--        pss.setLiteral(first, "?" + second);
--        pss.setLiteral(second, " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_11() {
--        // This is a variant on placing a variable bound to a literal inside a
--        // literal resulting in an injection, we are now able to detect and
--        // prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> \" ?var \" }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_12() {
--        // This is a variant on placing a variable bound to a literal inside a
--        // literal resulting in an injection, we are now able to detect and
--        // prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> \"some text ?var other text\" }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_injection_13() {
--        // This is a variant on placing a variable bound to a literal inside a
--        // literal resulting in an injection, we now escape ' so prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ' ?var ' }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", "' . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <o> }#");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, updates.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_injection_14() {
--        // This is a variant on placing a variable bound to a literal inside a
--        // literal resulting in an injection, we now escape ' so prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> 'some text ?var other text' }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", "' . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <o> }#");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, updates.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_injection_15() {
--        // This injection attempt tries to chain together injections to achieve
--        // an attack, the first injection appears innocuous and is an attempt to
--        // set up an actual injection vector
--        // Since we not check out delimiters we are not able to detect and
--        // prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ?var }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", "a");
--        pss.setLiteral("var2", "b");
--        // Figure out which variable will be injected first
--        @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
--        String first = pss.getVars().next();
--        String second = first.equals("var") ? "var2" : "var";
--        pss.setLiteral(first, " ?" + second + " ");
--        pss.setLiteral(second, " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_non_injection_01() {
--        // This test checks that a legitimate injection of a literal to a
--        // variable that occurs between two other literals is permitted
--        // Btw this is not a valid query but it serves to illustrate the case
--        String str = "SELECT * { \"subject\" ?var \"object\" . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("var", "predicate");
--        pss.toString();
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_01() {
--        // This injection is prevented by forbidding the > character in URIs
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ?v . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setIri(0, "hello> } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <goodbye>");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_02() {
--        // This injection is prevented by forbidding the > character in URIs
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setIri(0, "hello> } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <goodbye");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_03() {
--        // This injection attempt results in a valid update but a failed
--        // injection
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "hello\" } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <goodbye>");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, updates.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_04() {
--        // This injection is prevented by forbidding the > character in URIs
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nSELECT * WHERE { <s> <p> ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setIri(0, "hello> . ?s ?p ?o");
--        Query q = pss.asQuery();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_05() {
--        // This injection attempt results in a valid query but a failed
--        // injection
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nSELECT * WHERE { <s> <p> ? . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "hello\" . ?s ?p ?o");
--        Query q = pss.asQuery();
--        Element el = q.getQueryPattern();
--        if (el instanceof ElementTriplesBlock) {
--            Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ElementTriplesBlock) q.getQueryPattern()).getPattern().size());
--        } else if (el instanceof ElementGroup) {
--            Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ElementGroup) el).getElements().size());
--            el = ((ElementGroup) el).getElements().get(0);
--            if (el instanceof ElementTriplesBlock) {
--                Assert.assertEquals(1, ((ElementTriplesBlock) el).getPattern().size());
--            }
--        }
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_06() {
--        // This injection attempt is prevented by forbidding injection to a
--        // variable parameter immediately surrounded by quotes
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> '?' }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "hello' . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> \"goodbye");
--        // In the positional case this does not work because the '?' is not
--        // considered an eligible positional parameter due to the lack of
--        // subsequent white space or punctuation
--        Assert.assertFalse(pss.getEligiblePositionalParameters().hasNext());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_07() {
--        // This injection attempt is prevented by forbidding injection of
--        // variable parameters immediately surrounded by quotes
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> \"?\" }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        // In the positional case this does not work because the "?" is not
--        // considered an eligible positional parameter due to the lack of
--        // subsequent white space or punctuation
--        Assert.assertFalse(pss.getEligiblePositionalParameters().hasNext());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_08() {
--        // This injection attempt results in an invalid SPARQL update because
--        // you end up with a double quoted literal inside a single quoted
--        // literal
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> '?' }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "' . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <o> }#");
--        // In the positional case this does not work because the '?' is not
--        // considered an eligible positional parameter due to the lack of
--        // subsequent white space or punctuation
--        Assert.assertFalse(pss.getEligiblePositionalParameters().hasNext());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_09() {
--        // This injection attempt using comments results in a valid SPARQL
--        // update but a failed injection because the attempt to use comments
--        // ends up being a valid string literal within quotes
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "\" . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <o> }#");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, updates.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_10() {
--        // This injection attempt tries to chain together injections to achieve
--        // an attack, the first
--        // injection appears innocuous and is an attempt to set up an actual
--        // injection vector
--        // The injection is prevented because a ?var directly surrounded by
--        // quotes is always flagged as
--        // subject to injection because pre-injection validation happens before
--        // each variable is injected
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "?");
--        pss.setLiteral(1, " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        // In the positional parameter case this should fail because there
--        // is only one eligible positional parameter in the string and we cannot
--        // introduce additional ones via chained injection
--        Iterator<Integer> params = pss.getEligiblePositionalParameters();
--        Assert.assertTrue(params.hasNext());
--        Assert.assertFalse(params.hasNext());
--        UpdateRequest u = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, u.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_11() {
--        // This is a variant on placing a variable bound to a literal inside a
--        // literal resulting in an injection, we are now able to detect and
--        // prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> \" ? \" }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test(expected = ARQException.class)
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_12() {
--        // This is a variant on placing a variable bound to a literal inside a
--        // literal resulting in an injection, we are now able to detect and
--        // prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> \"some text ? other text\" }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--"Attempt to do SPARQL injection should result in an exception");
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_13() {
--        // This is a variant on placing a variable bound to a literal inside a
--        // literal resulting in an injection, we now escape ' so prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ' ? ' }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "' . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <o> }#");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, updates.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_14() {
--        // This is a variant on placing a variable bound to a literal inside a
--        // literal resulting in an injection, we now escape ' so prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> 'some text ? other text' }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "' . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> <o> }#");
--        UpdateRequest updates = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, updates.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_injection_15() {
--        // This injection attempt tries to chain together injections to achieve
--        // an attack, the first injection appears innocuous and is an attempt to
--        // set up an actual injection vector
--        // Since we not check out delimiters we are not able to detect and
--        // prevent this
--        String str = "PREFIX : <http://example/>\nINSERT DATA { <s> <p> ? }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, " ? ");
--        pss.setLiteral(1, " . } ; DROP ALL ; INSERT DATA { <s> <p> ");
--        // In the positional parameter case this should fail because there
--        // is only one eligible positional parameter in the string and we cannot
--        // introduce additional ones via chained injection
--        Iterator<Integer> params = pss.getEligiblePositionalParameters();
--        Assert.assertTrue(params.hasNext());
--        Assert.assertFalse(params.hasNext());
--        UpdateRequest u = pss.asUpdate();
--        Assert.assertEquals(1, u.getOperations().size());
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_positional_non_injection_01() {
--        // This test checks that a legitimate injection of a literal to a
--        // variable that occurs between two other literals is permitted
--        // Btw this is not a valid query but it serves to illustrate the case
--        String str = "SELECT * { \"subject\" ? \"object\" . }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral(0, "predicate");
--        pss.toString();
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_bug_01() {
--        // Tests a bug reported with setting literals
--        String str = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("o", "has$sign");
--        pss.toString();
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_bug_02() {
--        // Tests a bug reported with setting literals
--        String str = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("o", "has$1sign");
--        pss.toString();
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_bug_03() {
--        // Tests a bug reported with setting literals
--        String str = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("o", "has$5sign");
--        pss.toString();
--    }
--    @Test
--    public void test_param_string_bug_04() {
--        // Tests a bug reported with setting literals
--        String str = "SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }";
--        ParameterizedSparqlString pss = new ParameterizedSparqlString(str);
--        pss.setLiteral("o", "has $9 sign");
--        pss.toString();
--    }
++ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
++ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
++ * distributed with this work for additional information
++ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
++ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
++ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
++ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
++ *
++ *
++ *
++ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
++ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
++ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
++ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
++ * limitations under the License.
++ */
++package org.apache.jena.query;
++import java.util.Calendar ;
++import java.util.Iterator ;
++import java.util.TimeZone ;
++import org.apache.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper ;
++import org.apache.jena.graph.Node ;
++import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory ;
++import org.apache.jena.iri.IRIFactory ;
++import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.* ;
++import org.apache.jena.shared.impl.PrefixMappingImpl ;
++import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQException ;
++import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.Element ;
++import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementGroup ;
++import org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.ElementTriplesBlock ;
++import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateExecutionFactory ;
++import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateProcessor ;
++import org.apache.jena.update.UpdateRequest ;
++import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL ;
++import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF ;
++import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.XSD ;
++import org.junit.Assert ;
++import org.junit.Test ;
++ * Tests for the {@link ParameterizedSparqlString}
++ * 
++ */
++public class TestParameterizedSparqlString {
++    private void test(ParameterizedSparqlString query, String[] expected, String[] notExpected) {
++        // System.out.println("Raw Command:");
++        // System.out.println(query.getCommandText());
++        String command = query.toString();
++        // System.out.println("Injected Command:");
++        // System.out.println(command);
++        for (String x : expected) {
++            Assert.assertTrue(command.contains(x));
++        }
++        for (String x : notExpected) {
++            Assert.assertFalse(command.contains(x));
++        }
++    }
++    private Query testAsQuery(ParameterizedSparqlString query) {
++        return query.asQuery();
++    }
++    private UpdateRequest testAsUpdate(ParameterizedSparqlString update) {
++        return update.asUpdate();
++    }
++    @Test
++    public void test_param_string_constructor_1() {
++        // Test empty constructor
++        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString();
++        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getCommandText());
++    }
++    @Test
++    public void test_param_string_constructor_2() {
++        // Test constructor with null command - null command should map to empty
++        // command automagically
++        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString((String) null);
++        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getCommandText());
++    }
++    @Test
++    public void test_param_string_constructor_3() {
++        // Test constructor with base URI
++        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString("", "");
++        Assert.assertEquals("", query.getBaseUri());
++    }
++    @Test
++    public void test_param_string_constructor_4() {
++        // Test constructor with predefined parameters
++        QuerySolutionMap map = new QuerySolutionMap();
++        Resource r = ResourceFactory.createResource("");
++        map.add("s", r);
++        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString("", map);
++        Assert.assertEquals(r.asNode(), query.getParam("s"));
++    }
++    @Test
++    public void test_param_string_constructor_5() {
++        // Test constructor with predefined parameters - variant of constructor
++        // that does not require command text
++        QuerySolutionMap map = new QuerySolutionMap();
++        Resource r = ResourceFactory.createResource("");
++        map.add("s", r);
++        ParameterizedSparqlString query = new ParameterizedSparqlString(map);