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svn commit: r1772907 - in /uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin: move_ducc

Author: degenaro
Date: Tue Dec  6 16:02:09 2016
New Revision: 1772907

UIMA-5193 DUCC failover support (static)
  - move_ducc administrator command
  - a few small ducc_util accommodations for the above

    uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/move_ducc   (with props)

Modified: uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/
--- uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ (original)
+++ uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/ Tue Dec  6 16:02:09 2016
@@ -209,18 +209,23 @@ class DuccUtil(DuccBase):
         return False
     # contact the database and see how useful it seems to be
-    def db_alive(self, retry=10):
+    def db_alive(self, retry=10, verbose=True):
         if ( self.db_bypass == True ):
             return True
+        else:
+            return self.db_alive_check(retry,verbose)
+    def db_alive_check(self, retry=10, verbose=True):
         dbnode = self.ducc_properties.get('')
         if ( dbnode == None ):
-            print 'No database location defined.'
+            if(verbose):
+                print 'No database location defined.'
             return False
         pidfile = self.DUCC_HOME + '/state/'
         if ( not os.path.exists(pidfile) ):
-            print 'Database pid file does not exist.  Checking DB connectivity.'
+            if(verbose):
+                print 'Database pid file does not exist.  Checking DB connectivity.'
         # get our log4j config into the path to shut up noisy logging
         os.environ['CLASSPATH'] = os.environ['CLASSPATH'] + ':' + self.DUCC_HOME + '/resources'
@@ -228,6 +233,8 @@ class DuccUtil(DuccBase):
         CMD = [, 'org.apache.uima.ducc.database.DbAlive', dbnode, 'ducc', self.db_password, str(retry)]
         CMD = ' '.join(CMD)
+        if(not verbose):
+            CMD = CMD + " >/dev/null 2>&1" 
         rc = os.system(CMD)
         if ( rc == 0 ):
             return True

Added: uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/move_ducc
--- uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/move_ducc (added)
+++ uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/move_ducc Tue Dec  6 16:02:09 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os
+import sys
+from ducc_util import DuccUtil
+from properties import Properties
+from properties import Property
+from ducc_util_out import *
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from shutil import copy2
+import new
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Extend OptionParser class
+class ExtendedOptionParser(OptionParser):
+    # override epilog formatter so 
+    # that newlines are not deleted!
+    def format_epilog(self, formatter):
+        return self.epilog
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# epilog for --help
+def get_epilog():
+    epilog = ''
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    epilog = epilog+'Run this command on the host which will become the new DUCC head node.'
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    epilog = epilog+'Prerequisites:'
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    epilog = epilog+'1. the current ducc.head node in is up'
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    epilog = epilog+'2. the head daemons (broker, database, or, pm, rm, sm, ws) on the ducc.head node are down (e.g. stop_ducc -c head)'
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    epilog = epilog+'Operation:'
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    epilog = epilog+'To the extent possible, the cluster will be checked to see if '
+    epilog = epilog+'it is safe to edit the file, and if so '
+    epilog = epilog+'then a backup of the original file is made then the '
+    epilog = epilog+'requisite changes are made to realize the head node move.'
+    epilog = epilog+'\n'
+    return epilog
+class MoveDucc(DuccUtil):
+    # exit code
+    code = 0
+    # if current ducc host is offline (ie unreachable): 
+    # when True proceed with move anyway
+    # when False abort the move (the default)
+    offline = False
+    # exit
+    def exit(self):
+        text = 'exit code='+str(self.code)
+        print_error(text)
+        sys.exit(self.code)
+    # abort
+    def abort(self):
+        message = 'move not performed'
+        print_error(message)
+        self.exit()
+    # display by way of debug
+    def dump_properties(self,name,props):
+        print_debug(name+':')
+        keys = props.get_keys()
+        for key in keys:
+            value = props.get(key)
+            print_debug(key+'='+value)
+    # initialize
+    def initialize(self):
+        self.site_root = self.DUCC_HOME+'/resources/'
+        self.site_stem = ''
+        self.site_path = self.site_root+self.site_stem
+        self.site_props = Properties()
+        self.site_props.load(self.site_path)
+        self.dump_properties(self.site_stem, self.site_props)
+    # parse command line
+    def parse_cmdline(self):
+        parser = ExtendedOptionParser(epilog=get_epilog())
+        width = 45
+        parser.formatter.help_position = width
+        parser.formatter.max_help_position = width
+        parser.add_option('-d','--debug', action='store_true', dest='flag_debug', default=False, 
+                               help='display debugging messages')
+        parser.add_option('-o','--offline', action='store_true', dest='flag_offline', default=False, 
+                               help='indicate current DUCC head node is offline, Note: USE THIS OPTION WITH EXTREME CAUTION else risk corrupting database')
+        parser.add_option('-q','--quiet', action='store_true', dest='flag_quiet', default=False, 
+                               help='do not display informational messages')
+        #parser.add_option('-t','--target', action='store', dest='target', default=self.localhost, 
+        #                       help='the desired new DUCC head node, default='+self.localhost)
+        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+        if(options.flag_debug):
+            debug_on()
+        if(not options.flag_quiet):
+            info_on()
+        self.offline = options.flag_offline
+        try:
+   =
+        except:
+   = self.localhost
+ ='.')[0]
+    # fetch required property from
+    def get_required_prop(self,props,stem,key):
+        value = props.get(key)
+        if(value == None):
+            message = key+' not found in '+stem
+            print_warn(message)
+            self.code = 1
+            self.abort()
+        return value
+    # assure target is legal
+    def vette_target(self):
+        key = 'ducc.head'
+        props = self.site_props
+        stem = self.site_stem
+        value = self.get_required_prop(props,stem,key)
+        if(value ==
+            message = 'target '' is already ducc.head'
+            print_warn(message)
+            self.code = 1
+            self.abort()
+        key = 'ducc.head.failover' 
+        value = self.get_required_prop(props,stem,key)
+        if(not in value):
+            message = 'target '' not found in ducc.head.failover='+str(value)
+            print_warn(message)
+            self.code = 1
+            self.abort()
+    # assure daemon is down
+    def vette_daemon(self, node, user, tuples, daemon):
+        for t in tuples:
+            if(t[2] == user):
+                if(t[0] == daemon):
+                    message = 'node='+node+' pid='+t[1]+' user='+t[2]+' '+daemon+'=up'
+                    print_warn(message)
+                    self.code = 1
+    # assure broker is down
+    def vette_broker(self):
+        if(self.is_amq_active()):
+            message = 'ActiveMQ listening at ' +self.broker_protocol + "://" + self.broker_host + ':' + self.broker_port
+            print_warn(message)
+            self.code = 1
+        else:
+            message = 'ActiveMQ down'
+            print_debug(message)
+    # assure database is down
+    def vette_db(self):
+        retry = 1
+        verbose = False
+        if(self.db_alive(retry,verbose)):
+            message = 'database alive'
+            print_warn(message)
+            code = 1
+        else:
+            message = 'database down'
+            print_debug(message)
+    # head node is not reachable
+    def abort_unreachable(self):
+        hint = 'hint: use flag "-o or --offline"'
+        print_info(hint)
+        self.code = 1
+        self.abort()
+    # warn if --offline flag is ignored
+    def is_offline_honored(self):
+        if(self.offline):
+            message = '--offline request not honored'
+            print_warn(message)
+    # assure head node daemons are down or 
+    # require --offline flag when head node is unreachable
+    def vette_head(self):
+        props = self.site_props
+        key = 'ducc.head'
+        prop = props.get_property(key)
+        node = prop.v
+        message = message = 'node='+node+' '+'checking ducc head node daemons status'
+        print_info(message)
+        operational = self.ssh_operational(node)
+        if(operational):
+            self.is_offline_honored();
+            hint = 'hint: run "stop_ducc -c head" or "check_ducc -k"'
+            user = os.environ['LOGNAME']
+            (bool, tuples) = self.find_ducc_process(node)
+            print_debug('ducc processes:'+str(tuples))
+            self.vette_daemon(node, user, tuples, 'broker')
+            self.vette_daemon(node, user, tuples, 'database')
+            self.vette_daemon(node, user, tuples, 'orchestrator')
+            self.vette_daemon(node, user, tuples, 'pm')
+            self.vette_daemon(node, user, tuples, 'rm')
+            self.vette_daemon(node, user, tuples, 'sm')
+            self.vette_daemon(node, user, tuples, 'ws')
+            self.vette_broker()
+            self.vette_db()
+            if(self.code > 0):
+                print_info(hint)
+                self.abort()
+            else:
+                message = 'node='+node+' '+'ducc head node daemons are down'
+                print_info(message)
+        else:
+            message = 'node='+node+' '+'not reachable'
+            if(not self.offline):
+                print_warn(message)
+                self.abort_unreachable()
+            else :
+                print_info(message)
+    # backup file
+    def backup_file(self,root,stem):
+        timestamp = str(get_timestamp()).replace(' ','@')
+        back = stem+'.'+timestamp
+        message = 'creating backup file='+back
+        print_info(message)
+        f_src = root+stem
+        f_tgt = root+back
+        copy2(f_src,f_tgt)
+    # backup existing file
+    def config_backup(self):
+        self.backup_file(self.site_root,self.site_stem)
+    # debug property changed
+    def tell_change(self,key,old,new):
+        message = key+'='+old+'->'+new
+        print_debug(message)
+    # warn property not changed
+    def tell_no_change(self,key,old):
+        message = key+'='+old+'->'+'no change'
+        print_warn(message)
+    # update properties
+    def update_site_ducc_properties(self):
+        comment = [ '# moved '+get_timestamp() ]
+        file = self.site_path
+        props = self.site_props
+        changes = 0
+        # ducc.head
+        key = 'ducc.head'
+        prop = props.get_property(key)
+        old = prop.v
+        new =
+        prop.v = new
+        prop.c = comment
+        self.tell_change(key,old,new)
+        changes = changes + 1
+        self.orig_head = old.split('.')[0]
+        # ducc.head
+        key = ''
+        prop = props.get_property(key)
+        old = prop.v
+        if(old == self.orig_head):
+            new =
+            prop.v = new
+            prop.c = comment
+            self.tell_change(key,old,new)
+            changes = changes + 1
+        else:
+            new = 'no change'
+            self.tell_no_change(key,old)
+        self.orig_database = old.split('.')[0]
+        # name
+        key = ''
+        prop = props.get_property(key)
+        old = prop.v
+        new =
+        if(self.orig_head in old):
+            new = old.replace(self.orig_head,
+            prop.v = new
+            prop.c = comment
+            self.tell_change(key,old,new)
+            changes = changes + 1
+        # write file
+        if(self.orig_head == self.orig_database):
+            props.write(file)
+            message = self.site_stem+' '+'updates='+str(changes)
+            print_info(message)
+        else:
+            message = 'head:'+self.orig_head+' does not match '+'database:'+self.orig_database
+            print_error(message)
+            code = 1
+            self.abort()
+    # perform move and notify of success
+    def config_update(self):
+        self.update_site_ducc_properties()
+        message = 'move completed'
+        print_info(message)
+    def main(self, argv):
+        self.parse_cmdline()
+        self.initialize()
+        self.vette_target()
+        self.vette_head()
+        self.config_backup()
+        self.config_update()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    instance = MoveDucc()
+    instance.main(sys.argv[1:])

Propchange: uima/uima-ducc/trunk/src/main/admin/move_ducc
    svn:executable = *