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[09/51] [partial] incubator-milagro-crypto git commit: update code
diff --git a/version22/bigtobig.cpp b/version22/bigtobig.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbc89ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version22/bigtobig.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+// Program to convert from Big to AMCL BIG format
+// cl /O2 bigtobig.cpp big.cpp miracl.lib
+// g++ -O2 bigtobig.cpp big.cpp miracl.a -o bigtobig
+#include <iostream>
+#include "zzn.h"
+using namespace std;
+Miracl precision=100;
+// Code to parse formula in command line
+// This code isn't mine, but its public domain
+// Shamefully I forget the source
+// NOTE: It may be necessary on some platforms to change the operators * and #
+#if defined(unix)
+#define TIMES '.'
+#define RAISE '^'
+#define TIMES '*'
+#define RAISE '#'
+Big tt;
+static char *ss;
+void eval_power (Big& oldn,Big& n,char op)
+        if (op) n=pow(oldn,toint(n));    // power(oldn,size(n),n,n);
+void eval_product (Big& oldn,Big& n,char op)
+        switch (op)
+        {
+        case TIMES:
+                n*=oldn; 
+                break;
+        case '/':
+                n=oldn/n;
+                break;
+        case '%':
+                n=oldn%n;
+        }
+void eval_sum (Big& oldn,Big& n,char op)
+        switch (op)
+        {
+        case '+':
+                n+=oldn;
+                break;
+        case '-':
+                n=oldn-n;
+        }
+void eval (void)
+        Big oldn[3];
+        Big n;
+        int i;
+        char oldop[3];
+        char op;
+        char minus;
+        for (i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            oldop[i]=0;
+        }
+        while (*ss==' ')
+        ss++;
+        if (*ss=='-')    /* Unary minus */
+        {
+        ss++;
+        minus=1;
+        }
+        else
+        minus=0;
+        while (*ss==' ')
+        ss++;
+        if (*ss=='(' || *ss=='[' || *ss=='{')    /* Number is subexpression */
+        {
+        ss++;
+        eval ();
+        n=tt;
+        }
+        else            /* Number is decimal value */
+        {
+        for (i=0;ss[i]>='0' && ss[i]<='9';i++)
+                ;
+        if (!i)         /* No digits found */
+        {
+                cout <<  "Error - invalid number" << endl;
+                exit (20);
+        }
+        op=ss[i];
+        ss[i]=0;
+        n=atoi(ss);
+        ss+=i;
+        *ss=op;
+        }
+        if (minus) n=-n;
+        do
+        op=*ss++;
+        while (op==' ');
+        if (op==0 || op==')' || op==']' || op=='}')
+        {
+        eval_power (oldn[2],n,oldop[2]);
+        eval_product (oldn[1],n,oldop[1]);
+        eval_sum (oldn[0],n,oldop[0]);
+        tt=n;
+        return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        if (op==RAISE)
+        {
+                eval_power (oldn[2],n,oldop[2]);
+                oldn[2]=n;
+                oldop[2]=RAISE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                if (op==TIMES || op=='/' || op=='%')
+                {
+                eval_power (oldn[2],n,oldop[2]);
+                oldop[2]=0;
+                eval_product (oldn[1],n,oldop[1]);
+                oldn[1]=n;
+                oldop[1]=op;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                if (op=='+' || op=='-')
+                {
+                        eval_power (oldn[2],n,oldop[2]);
+                        oldop[2]=0;
+                        eval_product (oldn[1],n,oldop[1]);
+                        oldop[1]=0;
+                        eval_sum (oldn[0],n,oldop[0]);
+                        oldn[0]=n;
+                        oldop[0]=op;
+                }
+                else    /* Error - invalid operator */
+                {
+                        cout <<  "Error - invalid operator" << endl;
+                        exit (20);
+                }
+                }
+        }
+        }
+        goto LOOP;
+void output(int w,Big t,Big m)
+	Big y=t;
+	for (int i=0;i<w;i++)
+	{
+		cout << "0x" << y%m ;
+		if (i<w-1) cout << ",";
+		y/=m;
+	}
+	cout << endl;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    int i,ip,chunk,basebits;
+    Big n,m;
+    BOOL gotP,gotA,gotB;
+    int Base;
+    miracl *mip=&precision;
+    argv++; argc--;
+    if (argc<1)
+    {
+        cout << "Program converts from Big to BIG" << endl;
+        cout << "bigtobig <big number> <chunk>> <basebits>" << endl;
+        cout << "OR" << endl;
+        cout << "bigtobig <formula for big number> <chunk>> <basebits>" << endl;
+#if defined(unix)
+        cout << "e.g. bigtobig -f 2^255-19 32 29" << endl;
+        cout << "e.g. bigtobig -f 2#255-19 32 29" << endl;
+        cout << "To input Big number in Hex, precede with -h" << endl;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    ip=0;
+    gprime(1000);
+    gotP=gotA=gotB=FALSE;
+    n=0;
+    Base=10;
+    while (ip<argc)
+    { 
+        if (!gotP && strcmp(argv[ip],"-f")==0)
+        {
+            ip++;
+            if (!gotP && ip<argc)
+            {
+                ss=argv[ip++];
+                tt=0;
+                eval();
+                n=tt;
+                gotP=TRUE;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                cout << "Error in command line" << endl;
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+        if (strcmp(argv[ip],"-h")==0)
+        {
+            ip++;
+            Base=16;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (!gotP)
+        {
+            mip->IOBASE=Base;
+            n=argv[ip++];
+            mip->IOBASE=10;
+            gotP=TRUE;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (!gotA) 
+        {
+            mip->IOBASE=Base;
+            chunk=atoi(argv[ip++]);
+            gotA=TRUE;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (!gotB) 
+        {
+            mip->IOBASE=Base;
+            basebits=atoi(argv[ip++]);
+            gotB=TRUE;
+            continue;
+        }
+        cout << "Error in command line" << endl;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!gotP || !gotA || !gotB)
+    {
+        cout << "Error in command line" << endl;
+        return 0;
+    }
+	mip->IOBASE=16;
+	m=pow((Big)2,basebits);
+	output(1+bits(n)/basebits,n,m);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/version22/blsgen.cpp b/version22/blsgen.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b08b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version22/blsgen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+Copyright 2015 CertiVox UK Ltd
+This file is part of The CertiVox MIRACL IOT Crypto SDK (MiotCL)
+MiotCL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+MiotCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MiotCL.  If not, see <>.
+You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing 
+a commercial license.
+/* BLSGEN - Helper MIRACL program to generate constants for BlS curves 
+(MINGW build)
+g++ -O3 blsgen.cpp big.cpp zzn.cpp ecn.cpp zzn2.cpp ecn2.cpp miracl.a -o blsgen.exe
+This ONLY works for D-type curves of the form y^2=x^3+1, with a positive x parameter
+#include <iostream>
+#include "big.h"
+#include "ecn.h"
+#include "zzn2.h"
+#include "ecn2.h"
+using namespace std;
+Miracl precision(20,0);
+Big output(int chunk,int w,Big t,Big m)
+	Big last,y=t;
+	cout << "{";
+	for (int i=0;i<w;i++)
+	{
+		last=y%m;
+		cout << "0x" << last;
+		y/=m;
+		if (i==w-1) break;
+		if (chunk==64) cout << "L,";
+		else cout << ",";
+	}
+	if (chunk==64) cout << "L}";
+	else cout << "}";
+	return last;
+void set_frobenius_constant(ZZn2 &X)
+    Big p=get_modulus();
+    switch (get_mip()->pmod8)
+    {
+    case 5:
+         X.set((Big)0,(Big)1); // = (sqrt(-2)^(p-1)/2     
+         break;
+    case 3:                    // = (1+sqrt(-1))^(p-1)/2                                
+         X.set((Big)1,(Big)1);      
+         break;
+   case 7: 
+         X.set((Big)2,(Big)1); // = (2+sqrt(-1))^(p-1)/2
+    default: break;
+    }
+    X=pow(X,(p-1)/6);
+/* Fill in this bit yourself.... */
+#define CHUNK 64   /* processor word size */
+#define MBITS 455  /* Modulus size in bits */
+/* This next from output of check.cpp program */
+#define BASEBITS 60
+#define CURVE_A 0  // like A parameter in CURVE: y^2=x^3+Ax+B
+/* here */
+#define WORDS (1+((MBITS-1)/BASEBITS))
+int main()
+	miracl *mip=&precision;
+	Big p,q,R,Beta;
+	Big m,x,y,w,t,c,n,r,a,b,gx,gy,B,xa,xb,ya,yb,cof;
+	Big np,PP,TT,FF;
+	ZZn cru;
+	ZZn2 X;
+	ECn P;
+	ECn2 Q;
+	ZZn2 Xa,Ya;
+	int i,j;
+	mip->IOBASE=16;
+/* Set BLS value x which determines curve  */
+	x= (char *)"10002000002000010007";   
+	B=1;
+	x= (char *)"10000000000004100100";
+	B=7;
+	x= (char *)"10000020000080000800";
+	B=10;
+/* ... to here */
+	p=(pow(x,6)-2*pow(x,5)+2*pow(x,3)+x+1)/3;
+    ecurve((Big)0,B,p,MR_AFFINE);
+    mip->TWIST=MR_SEXTIC_D;
+	t=x+1;
+    q=pow(x,4)-x*x+1;
+	cof=(p+1-t)/q;
+//	cout << "cof= " << (p+1-t)/q << endl;
+	gx=-1; gy=3;
+	if (!P.set(gx,gy))
+	{
+		cout << "Failed - try another x " << endl;
+		return 0;
+	}
+//	while (!P.set(gx) || (cof*P).iszero()) gx=gx+1;
+	P*=cof;
+	P.get(gx,gy);
+	cout << "MOD8 " << p%8 << endl;
+	m=pow((Big)2,BASEBITS);
+	cout << "MConst=0x" << inverse(m-p%m,m) << ";" << endl;	
+	cout << "Modulus="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,p,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Order="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Cof="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,cof,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_B= "; output(CHUNK,WORDS,B,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Gx="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,gx,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Gy="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,gy,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Bnx="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,x,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	modulo(p);
+	cru=pow((ZZn)2,(p-1)/3);
+	cru*=cru;   // right cube root of unity
+	cout << "CURVE_Cru="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,(Big)cru,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	set_frobenius_constant(X);
+	X.get(a,b);
+	cout << "CURVE_Fra="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,a,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Frb="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,b,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	while (!Q.set(randn2())) ;
+	TT=t*t-2*p;
+	PP=p*p;
+	FF=sqrt((4*PP-TT*TT)/3);
+	np=PP+1-(-3*FF+TT)/2;  // 2 possibilities...
+	Q=(np/q)*Q;
+	Q.get(Xa,Ya);
+	Xa.get(a,b);
+	cout << "CURVE_Pxa="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,a,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Pxb="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,b,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	Ya.get(a,b);
+	cout << "CURVE_Pya="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,a,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Pyb="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,b,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	Q*=q;
+	if (!Q.iszero())
+	{
+		cout << "**** Failed ****" << endl;
+		cout << "\nQ= " << Q << endl << endl;
+	}
diff --git a/version22/bngen.cpp b/version22/bngen.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da4c10c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version22/bngen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+Copyright 2015 CertiVox UK Ltd
+This file is part of The CertiVox MIRACL IOT Crypto SDK (MiotCL)
+MiotCL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+MiotCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with MiotCL.  If not, see <>.
+You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing 
+a commercial license.
+/* BNGEN - Helper MIRACL program to generate constants for BN curve 
+(MINGW build)
+g++ -O3 bngen.cpp big.cpp zzn.cpp zzn2.cpp ecn2.cpp miracl.a -o bngen.exe
+This ONLY works for D-type curves of the form y^2=x^3+2, with a negative x parameter, and x=3 mod 4
+#include <iostream>
+#include "big.h"
+#include "zzn2.h"
+#include "ecn2.h"
+using namespace std;
+Miracl precision(20,0);
+Big output(int chunk,int w,Big t,Big m)
+	Big last,y=t;
+	cout << "{";
+	for (int i=0;i<w;i++)
+	{
+		last=y%m;
+		cout << "0x" << last;
+		y/=m;
+		if (i==w-1) break;
+		if (chunk==64) cout << "L,";
+		else cout << ",";
+	}
+	if (chunk==64) cout << "L}";
+	else cout << "}";
+	return last;
+void q_power_frobenius(ECn2 &A,ZZn2 &F)
+// Fast multiplication of A by q (for Trace-Zero group members only)
+    ZZn2 x,y,z,w,r;
+    A.get(x,y);
+	w=F*F;
+	r=F;
+	if (get_mip()->TWIST==MR_SEXTIC_M) r=inverse(F);  // could be precalculated
+	if (get_mip()->TWIST==MR_SEXTIC_D) r=F;
+	w=r*r;
+	x=w*conj(x);
+	y=r*w*conj(y);
+    A.set(x,y);
+// Faster Hashing to G2 - Fuentes-Castaneda, Knapp and Rodriguez-Henriquez
+void cofactor(ECn2& S,ZZn2 &F,Big& x)
+	ECn2 T,K;
+	T=S;
+	T*=-x;
+	T.norm();
+	K=(T+T)+T;
+	K.norm();
+	q_power_frobenius(K,F);
+	q_power_frobenius(S,F); q_power_frobenius(S,F); q_power_frobenius(S,F); 
+	S+=T; S+=K;
+	q_power_frobenius(T,F); q_power_frobenius(T,F);
+	S+=T;
+	S.norm();
+void set_frobenius_constant(ZZn2 &X)
+    Big p=get_modulus();
+    switch (get_mip()->pmod8)
+    {
+    case 5:
+         X.set((Big)0,(Big)1); // = (sqrt(-2)^(p-1)/2     
+         break;
+    case 3:                    // = (1+sqrt(-1))^(p-1)/2                                
+         X.set((Big)1,(Big)1);      
+         break;
+   case 7: 
+         X.set((Big)2,(Big)1); // = (2+sqrt(-1))^(p-1)/2
+    default: break;
+    }
+    X=pow(X,(p-1)/6);
+/* Fill in this bit yourself.... */
+#define CHUNK 64   /* processor word size */
+#define MBITS 454  /* Modulus size in bits */
+/* This next from output of check.cpp program */
+#define BASEBITS 60
+#define CURVE_A 0  // like A parameter in CURVE: y^2=x^3+Ax+B
+/* here */
+#define WORDS (1+((MBITS-1)/BASEBITS))
+int main()
+	miracl *mip=&precision;
+	Big p,q,R,cru;
+	Big m,x,y,w,t,c,n,r,a,b,gx,gy,B,xa,xb,ya,yb,cof;
+	ZZn2 X;
+	ECn2 Q;
+	ZZn2 Xa,Ya;
+	int i;
+	mip->IOBASE=16;
+/* Set BN value x which determines curve - note that x is assumed to be negative */
+//  x=(char *)"6000000000101041";    // for full 256-bit GT_STRONG parameter
+//	x=(char *)"4080000000000001";    // Fast but not not GT_STRONG parameter
+//	x=(char *)"4000020100608205"; // G2 and GT-Strong parameter
+//	x=(char *)"4000000003C012B1";    // CertiVox's GT_STRONG parameter
+//	x=(char *)"10000000000000000000004000000000000001001";
+//	x=(char *)"4000806000004081";    // Best GT_STRONG parameter
+/* Fill in this bit yourself... */
+//	x=(char *)"4080000000000001";    // Nogami's fast parameter
+	x=(char *)"10000010000000000000100000001";
+//	x=(char *)"10000000000000000000004000000000000001001";
+/* ... to here */
+	p=36*pow(x,4)-36*pow(x,3)+24*x*x-6*x+1;
+    ecurve((Big)0,(Big)2,p,MR_AFFINE);
+    mip->TWIST=MR_SEXTIC_D;
+	t=6*x*x+1;
+	q=p+1-t;
+	cof=1;
+	B=2;
+	gx=p-1;
+	gy=1;
+	cout << "MOD8 " << p%8 << endl;
+	m=pow((Big)2,BASEBITS);
+	cout << "MConst=0x" << inverse(m-p%m,m) << ";" << endl;	
+	cout << "Modulus="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,p,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Order="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Cof="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,cof,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_B= "; output(CHUNK,WORDS,B,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Gx="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,gx,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Gy="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,gy,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Bnx="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,x,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cru=(18*pow(x,3)-18*x*x+9*x-2);
+	cout << "CURVE_Cru="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,cru,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	set_frobenius_constant(X);
+	X.get(a,b);
+	cout << "CURVE_Fra="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,a,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Frb="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,b,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	Xa.set((ZZn)0,(ZZn)-1);
+	Ya.set((ZZn)1,ZZn(0));
+	Q.set(Xa,Ya);
+//		cofactor(Q,X,x);
+	Q=(p-1+t)*Q;
+	Q.get(Xa,Ya);
+	Xa.get(a,b);
+	cout << "CURVE_Pxa="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,a,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Pxb="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,b,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	Ya.get(a,b);
+	cout << "CURVE_Pya="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,a,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_Pyb="; output(CHUNK,WORDS,b,m); cout << ";" << endl;
+//		Q*=q;
+//		cout << "Q= " << Q << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_W[2]={"; output(CHUNK,WORDS,6*x*x-4*x+1,m);cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,(2*x-1),m); cout << "};" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_SB[2][2]={"; cout << "{"; output(CHUNK,WORDS,6*x*x-2*x,m); cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,(2*x-1),m); cout << "}";cout << ","; cout << "{"; output(CHUNK,WORDS,(2*x-1),m); cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q-(6*x*x-4*x+1),m); cout << "}"; cout << "};" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_WB[4]={"; output(CHUNK,WORDS,2*x*x-3*x+1,m); cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,12*x*x*x-8*x*x+x,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,6*x*x*x-4*x*x+x,m); cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,2*x*x-x,m); cout << "};" << endl;
+	cout << "CURVE_BB[4][4]={"; 
+	cout << "{";
+	output(CHUNK,WORDS,q-x+1,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q-x,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q-x,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,2*x,m); 
+	cout << "}";
+	cout << ","; cout << "{";output(CHUNK,WORDS,2*x-1,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q-x,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q-x+1,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q-x,m); 
+	cout << "}";
+	cout << ","; cout << "{"; output(CHUNK,WORDS,2*x,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,2*x-1,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,2*x-1,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,2*x-1,m); 
+	cout << "}";
+	cout << ","; cout << "{"; output(CHUNK,WORDS,x+1,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,4*x-2,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,q-2*x-1,m); 
+	cout << ","; output(CHUNK,WORDS,x+1,m); 
+	cout << "}";
+	cout << "};" << endl;
diff --git a/version22/c/CARSK.pem b/version22/c/CARSK.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743aead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version22/c/CARSK.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
+DEK-Info: AES-256-CBC,E7A447797FE65D8D1309B743D8BA74B7
diff --git a/version22/c/aes.c b/version22/c/aes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f876c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version22/c/aes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+ * Implementation of the NIST Advanced Ecryption Standard
+ *
+ * SU=m, SU is Stack Usage
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "arch.h"
+#include "amcl.h"
+/* this is fixed */
+#define NB 4
+/* Rotates 32-bit word left by 1, 2 or 3 byte  */
+#define ROTL8(x) (((x)<<8)|((x)>>24))
+#define ROTL16(x) (((x)<<16)|((x)>>16))
+#define ROTL24(x) (((x)<<24)|((x)>>8))
+static const uchar InCo[4]= {0xB,0xD,0x9,0xE}; /* Inverse Coefficients */
+static const uchar ptab[]=
+    1,3,5,15,17,51,85,255,26,46,114,150,161,248,19,53,
+    95,225,56,72,216,115,149,164,247,2,6,10,30,34,102,170,
+    229,52,92,228,55,89,235,38,106,190,217,112,144,171,230,49,
+    83,245,4,12,20,60,68,204,79,209,104,184,211,110,178,205,
+    76,212,103,169,224,59,77,215,98,166,241,8,24,40,120,136,
+    131,158,185,208,107,189,220,127,129,152,179,206,73,219,118,154,
+    181,196,87,249,16,48,80,240,11,29,39,105,187,214,97,163,
+    254,25,43,125,135,146,173,236,47,113,147,174,233,32,96,160,
+    251,22,58,78,210,109,183,194,93,231,50,86,250,21,63,65,
+    195,94,226,61,71,201,64,192,91,237,44,116,156,191,218,117,
+    159,186,213,100,172,239,42,126,130,157,188,223,122,142,137,128,
+    155,182,193,88,232,35,101,175,234,37,111,177,200,67,197,84,
+    252,31,33,99,165,244,7,9,27,45,119,153,176,203,70,202,
+    69,207,74,222,121,139,134,145,168,227,62,66,198,81,243,14,
+    18,54,90,238,41,123,141,140,143,138,133,148,167,242,13,23,
+    57,75,221,124,132,151,162,253,28,36,108,180,199,82,246,1
+static const uchar ltab[]=
+    0,255,25,1,50,2,26,198,75,199,27,104,51,238,223,3,
+    100,4,224,14,52,141,129,239,76,113,8,200,248,105,28,193,
+    125,194,29,181,249,185,39,106,77,228,166,114,154,201,9,120,
+    101,47,138,5,33,15,225,36,18,240,130,69,53,147,218,142,
+    150,143,219,189,54,208,206,148,19,92,210,241,64,70,131,56,
+    102,221,253,48,191,6,139,98,179,37,226,152,34,136,145,16,
+    126,110,72,195,163,182,30,66,58,107,40,84,250,133,61,186,
+    43,121,10,21,155,159,94,202,78,212,172,229,243,115,167,87,
+    175,88,168,80,244,234,214,116,79,174,233,213,231,230,173,232,
+    44,215,117,122,235,22,11,245,89,203,95,176,156,169,81,160,
+    127,12,246,111,23,196,73,236,216,67,31,45,164,118,123,183,
+    204,187,62,90,251,96,177,134,59,82,161,108,170,85,41,157,
+    151,178,135,144,97,190,220,252,188,149,207,205,55,63,91,209,
+    83,57,132,60,65,162,109,71,20,42,158,93,86,242,211,171,
+    68,17,146,217,35,32,46,137,180,124,184,38,119,153,227,165,
+    103,74,237,222,197,49,254,24,13,99,140,128,192,247,112,7
+static const uchar fbsub[]=
+    99,124,119,123,242,107,111,197,48,1,103,43,254,215,171,118,
+    202,130,201,125,250,89,71,240,173,212,162,175,156,164,114,192,
+    183,253,147,38,54,63,247,204,52,165,229,241,113,216,49,21,
+    4,199,35,195,24,150,5,154,7,18,128,226,235,39,178,117,
+    9,131,44,26,27,110,90,160,82,59,214,179,41,227,47,132,
+    83,209,0,237,32,252,177,91,106,203,190,57,74,76,88,207,
+    208,239,170,251,67,77,51,133,69,249,2,127,80,60,159,168,
+    81,163,64,143,146,157,56,245,188,182,218,33,16,255,243,210,
+    205,12,19,236,95,151,68,23,196,167,126,61,100,93,25,115,
+    96,129,79,220,34,42,144,136,70,238,184,20,222,94,11,219,
+    224,50,58,10,73,6,36,92,194,211,172,98,145,149,228,121,
+    231,200,55,109,141,213,78,169,108,86,244,234,101,122,174,8,
+    186,120,37,46,28,166,180,198,232,221,116,31,75,189,139,138,
+    112,62,181,102,72,3,246,14,97,53,87,185,134,193,29,158,
+    225,248,152,17,105,217,142,148,155,30,135,233,206,85,40,223,
+    140,161,137,13,191,230,66,104,65,153,45,15,176,84,187,22
+static const uchar rbsub[]=
+    82,9,106,213,48,54,165,56,191,64,163,158,129,243,215,251,
+    124,227,57,130,155,47,255,135,52,142,67,68,196,222,233,203,
+    84,123,148,50,166,194,35,61,238,76,149,11,66,250,195,78,
+    8,46,161,102,40,217,36,178,118,91,162,73,109,139,209,37,
+    114,248,246,100,134,104,152,22,212,164,92,204,93,101,182,146,
+    108,112,72,80,253,237,185,218,94,21,70,87,167,141,157,132,
+    144,216,171,0,140,188,211,10,247,228,88,5,184,179,69,6,
+    208,44,30,143,202,63,15,2,193,175,189,3,1,19,138,107,
+    58,145,17,65,79,103,220,234,151,242,207,206,240,180,230,115,
+    150,172,116,34,231,173,53,133,226,249,55,232,28,117,223,110,
+    71,241,26,113,29,41,197,137,111,183,98,14,170,24,190,27,
+    252,86,62,75,198,210,121,32,154,219,192,254,120,205,90,244,
+    31,221,168,51,136,7,199,49,177,18,16,89,39,128,236,95,
+    96,81,127,169,25,181,74,13,45,229,122,159,147,201,156,239,
+    160,224,59,77,174,42,245,176,200,235,187,60,131,83,153,97,
+    23,43,4,126,186,119,214,38,225,105,20,99,85,33,12,125
+static const unsign32 rco[]=
+static const unsign32 ftable[]=
+    0xa56363c6,0x847c7cf8,0x997777ee,0x8d7b7bf6,0xdf2f2ff,0xbd6b6bd6,
+    0xb16f6fde,0x54c5c591,0x50303060,0x3010102,0xa96767ce,0x7d2b2b56,
+    0x19fefee7,0x62d7d7b5,0xe6abab4d,0x9a7676ec,0x45caca8f,0x9d82821f,
+    0x40c9c989,0x877d7dfa,0x15fafaef,0xeb5959b2,0xc947478e,0xbf0f0fb,
+    0xecadad41,0x67d4d4b3,0xfda2a25f,0xeaafaf45,0xbf9c9c23,0xf7a4a453,
+    0x967272e4,0x5bc0c09b,0xc2b7b775,0x1cfdfde1,0xae93933d,0x6a26264c,
+    0x5a36366c,0x413f3f7e,0x2f7f7f5,0x4fcccc83,0x5c343468,0xf4a5a551,
+    0x34e5e5d1,0x8f1f1f9,0x937171e2,0x73d8d8ab,0x53313162,0x3f15152a,
+    0xc040408,0x52c7c795,0x65232346,0x5ec3c39d,0x28181830,0xa1969637,
+    0xf05050a,0xb59a9a2f,0x907070e,0x36121224,0x9b80801b,0x3de2e2df,
+    0x26ebebcd,0x6927274e,0xcdb2b27f,0x9f7575ea,0x1b090912,0x9e83831d,
+    0x742c2c58,0x2e1a1a34,0x2d1b1b36,0xb26e6edc,0xee5a5ab4,0xfba0a05b,
+    0xf65252a4,0x4d3b3b76,0x61d6d6b7,0xceb3b37d,0x7b292952,0x3ee3e3dd,
+    0x712f2f5e,0x97848413,0xf55353a6,0x68d1d1b9,0x0,0x2cededc1,
+    0x60202040,0x1ffcfce3,0xc8b1b179,0xed5b5bb6,0xbe6a6ad4,0x46cbcb8d,
+    0xd9bebe67,0x4b393972,0xde4a4a94,0xd44c4c98,0xe85858b0,0x4acfcf85,
+    0x6bd0d0bb,0x2aefefc5,0xe5aaaa4f,0x16fbfbed,0xc5434386,0xd74d4d9a,
+    0x55333366,0x94858511,0xcf45458a,0x10f9f9e9,0x6020204,0x817f7ffe,
+    0xf05050a0,0x443c3c78,0xba9f9f25,0xe3a8a84b,0xf35151a2,0xfea3a35d,
+    0xc0404080,0x8a8f8f05,0xad92923f,0xbc9d9d21,0x48383870,0x4f5f5f1,
+    0xdfbcbc63,0xc1b6b677,0x75dadaaf,0x63212142,0x30101020,0x1affffe5,
+    0xef3f3fd,0x6dd2d2bf,0x4ccdcd81,0x140c0c18,0x35131326,0x2fececc3,
+    0xe15f5fbe,0xa2979735,0xcc444488,0x3917172e,0x57c4c493,0xf2a7a755,
+    0x827e7efc,0x473d3d7a,0xac6464c8,0xe75d5dba,0x2b191932,0x957373e6,
+    0xa06060c0,0x98818119,0xd14f4f9e,0x7fdcdca3,0x66222244,0x7e2a2a54,
+    0xab90903b,0x8388880b,0xca46468c,0x29eeeec7,0xd3b8b86b,0x3c141428,
+    0x79dedea7,0xe25e5ebc,0x1d0b0b16,0x76dbdbad,0x3be0e0db,0x56323264,
+    0x4e3a3a74,0x1e0a0a14,0xdb494992,0xa06060c,0x6c242448,0xe45c5cb8,
+    0x5dc2c29f,0x6ed3d3bd,0xefacac43,0xa66262c4,0xa8919139,0xa4959531,
+    0x37e4e4d3,0x8b7979f2,0x32e7e7d5,0x43c8c88b,0x5937376e,0xb76d6dda,
+    0x8c8d8d01,0x64d5d5b1,0xd24e4e9c,0xe0a9a949,0xb46c6cd8,0xfa5656ac,
+    0x7f4f4f3,0x25eaeacf,0xaf6565ca,0x8e7a7af4,0xe9aeae47,0x18080810,
+    0xd5baba6f,0x887878f0,0x6f25254a,0x722e2e5c,0x241c1c38,0xf1a6a657,
+    0xc7b4b473,0x51c6c697,0x23e8e8cb,0x7cdddda1,0x9c7474e8,0x211f1f3e,
+    0xdd4b4b96,0xdcbdbd61,0x868b8b0d,0x858a8a0f,0x907070e0,0x423e3e7c,
+    0xc4b5b571,0xaa6666cc,0xd8484890,0x5030306,0x1f6f6f7,0x120e0e1c,
+    0xa36161c2,0x5f35356a,0xf95757ae,0xd0b9b969,0x91868617,0x58c1c199,
+    0x271d1d3a,0xb99e9e27,0x38e1e1d9,0x13f8f8eb,0xb398982b,0x33111122,
+    0xbb6969d2,0x70d9d9a9,0x898e8e07,0xa7949433,0xb69b9b2d,0x221e1e3c,
+    0x92878715,0x20e9e9c9,0x49cece87,0xff5555aa,0x78282850,0x7adfdfa5,
+    0x8f8c8c03,0xf8a1a159,0x80898909,0x170d0d1a,0xdabfbf65,0x31e6e6d7,
+    0xc6424284,0xb86868d0,0xc3414182,0xb0999929,0x772d2d5a,0x110f0f1e,
+    0xcbb0b07b,0xfc5454a8,0xd6bbbb6d,0x3a16162c
+static const unsign32 rtable[]=
+    0x50a7f451,0x5365417e,0xc3a4171a,0x965e273a,0xcb6bab3b,0xf1459d1f,
+    0xab58faac,0x9303e34b,0x55fa3020,0xf66d76ad,0x9176cc88,0x254c02f5,
+    0xfcd7e54f,0xd7cb2ac5,0x80443526,0x8fa362b5,0x495ab1de,0x671bba25,
+    0x980eea45,0xe1c0fe5d,0x2752fc3,0x12f04c81,0xa397468d,0xc6f9d36b,
+    0xe75f8f03,0x959c9215,0xeb7a6dbf,0xda595295,0x2d83bed4,0xd3217458,
+    0x2969e049,0x44c8c98e,0x6a89c275,0x78798ef4,0x6b3e5899,0xdd71b927,
+    0xb64fe1be,0x17ad88f0,0x66ac20c9,0xb43ace7d,0x184adf63,0x82311ae5,
+    0x60335197,0x457f5362,0xe07764b1,0x84ae6bbb,0x1ca081fe,0x942b08f9,
+    0x58684870,0x19fd458f,0x876cde94,0xb7f87b52,0x23d373ab,0xe2024b72,
+    0x578f1fe3,0x2aab5566,0x728ebb2,0x3c2b52f,0x9a7bc586,0xa50837d3,
+    0xf2872830,0xb2a5bf23,0xba6a0302,0x5c8216ed,0x2b1ccf8a,0x92b479a7,
+    0xf0f207f3,0xa1e2694e,0xcdf4da65,0xd5be0506,0x1f6234d1,0x8afea6c4,
+    0x9d532e34,0xa055f3a2,0x32e18a05,0x75ebf6a4,0x39ec830b,0xaaef6040,
+    0x69f715e,0x51106ebd,0xf98a213e,0x3d06dd96,0xae053edd,0x46bde64d,
+    0xb58d5491,0x55dc471,0x6fd40604,0xff155060,0x24fb9819,0x97e9bdd6,
+    0xcc434089,0x779ed967,0xbd42e8b0,0x888b8907,0x385b19e7,0xdbeec879,
+    0x470a7ca1,0xe90f427c,0xc91e84f8,0x0,0x83868009,0x48ed2b32,
+    0xac70111e,0x4e725a6c,0xfbff0efd,0x5638850f,0x1ed5ae3d,0x27392d36,
+    0x64d90f0a,0x21a65c68,0xd1545b9b,0x3a2e3624,0xb1670a0c,0xfe75793,
+    0xd296eeb4,0x9e919b1b,0x4fc5c080,0xa220dc61,0x694b775a,0x161a121c,
+    0xaba93e2,0xe52aa0c0,0x43e0223c,0x1d171b12,0xb0d090e,0xadc78bf2,
+    0xb9a8b62d,0xc8a91e14,0x8519f157,0x4c0775af,0xbbdd99ee,0xfd607fa3,
+    0x9f2601f7,0xbcf5725c,0xc53b6644,0x347efb5b,0x7629438b,0xdcc623cb,
+    0x68fcedb6,0x63f1e4b8,0xcadc31d7,0x10856342,0x40229713,0x2011c684,
+    0x7d244a85,0xf83dbbd2,0x1132f9ae,0x6da129c7,0x4b2f9e1d,0xf330b2dc,
+    0xec52860d,0xd0e3c177,0x6c16b32b,0x99b970a9,0xfa489411,0x2264e947,
+    0xc48cfca8,0x1a3ff0a0,0xd82c7d56,0xef903322,0xc74e4987,0xc1d138d9,
+    0xfea2ca8c,0x360bd498,0xcf81f5a6,0x28de7aa5,0x268eb7da,0xa4bfad3f,
+    0xe49d3a2c,0xd927850,0x9bcc5f6a,0x62467e54,0xc2138df6,0xe8b8d890,
+    0x5ef7392e,0xf5afc382,0xbe805d9f,0x7c93d069,0xa92dd56f,0xb31225cf,
+    0x3b99acc8,0xa77d1810,0x6e639ce8,0x7bbb3bdb,0x97826cd,0xf418596e,
+    0x1b79aec,0xa89a4f83,0x656e95e6,0x7ee6ffaa,0x8cfbc21,0xe6e815ef,
+    0xd99be7ba,0xce366f4a,0xd4099fea,0xd67cb029,0xafb2a431,0x31233f2a,
+    0x3094a5c6,0xc066a235,0x37bc4e74,0xa6ca82fc,0xb0d090e0,0x15d8a733,
+    0x4a9804f1,0xf7daec41,0xe50cd7f,0x2ff69117,0x8dd64d76,0x4db0ef43,
+    0x544daacc,0xdf0496e4,0xe3b5d19e,0x1b886a4c,0xb81f2cc1,0x7f516546,
+    0x4ea5e9d,0x5d358c01,0x737487fa,0x2e410bfb,0x5a1d67b3,0x52d2db92,
+    0x335610e9,0x1347d66d,0x8c61d79a,0x7a0ca137,0x8e14f859,0x893c13eb,
+    0xee27a9ce,0x35c961b7,0xede51ce1,0x3cb1477a,0x59dfd29c,0x3f73f255,
+    0x79ce1418,0xbf37c773,0xeacdf753,0x5baafd5f,0x146f3ddf,0x86db4478,
+    0x81f3afca,0x3ec468b9,0x2c342438,0x5f40a3c2,0x72c31d16,0xc25e2bc,
+    0x8b493c28,0x41950dff,0x7101a839,0xdeb30c08,0x9ce4b4d8,0x90c15664,
+    0x6184cb7b,0x70b632d5,0x745c6c48,0x4257b8d0
+#define MR_TOBYTE(x) ((uchar)((x)))
+static unsign32 pack(const uchar *b)
+    /* pack bytes into a 32-bit Word */
+    return ((unsign32)b[3]<<24)|((unsign32)b[2]<<16)|((unsign32)b[1]<<8)|(unsign32)b[0];
+static void unpack(unsign32 a,uchar *b)
+    /* unpack bytes from a word */
+    b[0]=MR_TOBYTE(a);
+    b[1]=MR_TOBYTE(a>>8);
+    b[2]=MR_TOBYTE(a>>16);
+    b[3]=MR_TOBYTE(a>>24);
+/* SU= 8 */
+static uchar bmul(uchar x,uchar y)
+    /* x.y= AntiLog(Log(x) + Log(y)) */
+    if (x && y) return ptab[(ltab[x]+ltab[y])%255];
+    else return 0;
+static unsign32 SubByte(unsign32 a)
+    uchar b[4];
+    unpack(a,b);
+    b[0]=fbsub[b[0]];
+    b[1]=fbsub[b[1]];
+    b[2]=fbsub[b[2]];
+    b[3]=fbsub[b[3]];
+    return pack(b);
+/* SU= 16 */
+static uchar product(unsign32 x,unsign32 y)
+    /* dot product of two 4-byte arrays */
+    uchar xb[4],yb[4];
+    unpack(x,xb);
+    unpack(y,yb);
+    return bmul(xb[0],yb[0])^bmul(xb[1],yb[1])^bmul(xb[2],yb[2])^bmul(xb[3],yb[3]);
+static unsign32 InvMixCol(unsign32 x)
+    /* matrix Multiplication */
+    unsign32 y,m;
+    uchar b[4];
+    m=pack(InCo);
+    b[3]=product(m,x);
+    m=ROTL24(m);
+    b[2]=product(m,x);
+    m=ROTL24(m);
+    b[1]=product(m,x);
+    m=ROTL24(m);
+    b[0]=product(m,x);
+    y=pack(b);
+    return y;
+/* SU= 8 */
+/* reset cipher */
+void AES_reset(amcl_aes *a,int mode,char *iv)
+    /* reset mode, or reset iv */
+    int i;
+    a->mode=mode;
+    for (i=0; i<4*NB; i++)
+        a->f[i]=0;
+    if (mode!=ECB && iv!=NULL)
+    {
+        for (i=0; i<4*NB; i++)
+            a->f[i]=iv[i];
+    }
+void AES_getreg(amcl_aes *a,char *ir)
+    int i;
+    for (i=0; i<4*NB; i++) ir[i]=a->f[i];
+/* SU= 72 */
+/* Initialise cipher */
+int AES_init(amcl_aes* a,int mode,int nk,char *key,char *iv)
+    /* Key length Nk=16, 24 or 32 bytes */
+    /* Key Scheduler. Create expanded encryption key */
+    int i,j,k,N,nr;
+    unsign32 CipherKey[8];
+    nk/=4;
+    if (nk!=4 && nk!=6 && nk!=8) return 0;
+    nr=6+nk;
+    a->Nk=nk;
+    a->Nr=nr;
+    AES_reset(a,mode,iv);
+    N=NB*(nr+1);
+    for (i=j=0; i<nk; i++,j+=4)
+    {
+        CipherKey[i]=pack((uchar *)&key[j]);
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<nk; i++) a->fkey[i]=CipherKey[i];
+    for (j=nk,k=0; j<N; j+=nk,k++)
+    {
+        a->fkey[j]=a->fkey[j-nk]^SubByte(ROTL24(a->fkey[j-1]))^rco[k];
+        if (nk<=6)
+        {
+            for (i=1; i<nk && (i+j)<N; i++)
+                a->fkey[i+j]=a->fkey[i+j-nk]^a->fkey[i+j-1];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            for (i=1; i<4 && (i+j)<N; i++)
+                a->fkey[i+j]=a->fkey[i+j-nk]^a->fkey[i+j-1];
+            if ((j+4)<N) a->fkey[j+4]=a->fkey[j+4-nk]^SubByte(a->fkey[j+3]);
+            for (i=5; i<nk && (i+j)<N; i++)
+                a->fkey[i+j]=a->fkey[i+j-nk]^a->fkey[i+j-1];
+        }
+    }
+    /* now for the expanded decrypt key in reverse order */
+    for (j=0; j<NB; j++) a->rkey[j+N-NB]=a->fkey[j];
+    for (i=NB; i<N-NB; i+=NB)
+    {
+        k=N-NB-i;
+        for (j=0; j<NB; j++) a->rkey[k+j]=InvMixCol(a->fkey[i+j]);
+    }
+    for (j=N-NB; j<N; j++) a->rkey[j-N+NB]=a->fkey[j];
+    return 1;
+/* SU= 80 */
+/* Encrypt a single block */
+void AES_ecb_encrypt(amcl_aes *a,uchar *buff)
+    int i,j,k;
+    unsign32 p[4],q[4],*x,*y,*t;
+    for (i=j=0; i<NB; i++,j+=4)
+    {
+        p[i]=pack((uchar *)&buff[j]);
+        p[i]^=a->fkey[i];
+    }
+    k=NB;
+    x=p;
+    y=q;
+    /* State alternates between x and y */
+    for (i=1; i<a->Nr; i++)
+    {
+        y[0]=a->fkey[k]^ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[0])]^
+             ROTL8(ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[1]>>8)])^
+             ROTL16(ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[2]>>16)])^
+             ROTL24(ftable[x[3]>>24]);
+        y[1]=a->fkey[k+1]^ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[1])]^
+             ROTL8(ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[2]>>8)])^
+             ROTL16(ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[3]>>16)])^
+             ROTL24(ftable[x[0]>>24]);
+        y[2]=a->fkey[k+2]^ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[2])]^
+             ROTL8(ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[3]>>8)])^
+             ROTL16(ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[0]>>16)])^
+             ROTL24(ftable[x[1]>>24]);
+        y[3]=a->fkey[k+3]^ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[3])]^
+             ROTL8(ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[0]>>8)])^
+             ROTL16(ftable[MR_TOBYTE(x[1]>>16)])^
+             ROTL24(ftable[x[2]>>24]);
+        k+=4;
+        t=x;
+        x=y;
+        y=t;      /* swap pointers */
+    }
+    /* Last Round */
+    y[0]=a->fkey[k]^(unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[0])]^
+         ROTL8((unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[1]>>8)])^
+         ROTL16((unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[2]>>16)])^
+         ROTL24((unsign32)fbsub[x[3]>>24]);
+    y[1]=a->fkey[k+1]^(unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[1])]^
+         ROTL8((unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[2]>>8)])^
+         ROTL16((unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[3]>>16)])^
+         ROTL24((unsign32)fbsub[x[0]>>24]);
+    y[2]=a->fkey[k+2]^(unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[2])]^
+         ROTL8((unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[3]>>8)])^
+         ROTL16((unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[0]>>16)])^
+         ROTL24((unsign32)fbsub[x[1]>>24]);
+    y[3]=a->fkey[k+3]^(unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[3])]^
+         ROTL8((unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[0]>>8)])^
+         ROTL16((unsign32)fbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[1]>>16)])^
+         ROTL24((unsign32)fbsub[x[2]>>24]);
+    for (i=j=0; i<NB; i++,j+=4)
+    {
+        unpack(y[i],(uchar *)&buff[j]);
+        x[i]=y[i]=0;   /* clean up stack */
+    }
+/* SU= 80 */
+/* Decrypt a single block */
+void AES_ecb_decrypt(amcl_aes *a,uchar *buff)
+    int i,j,k;
+    unsign32 p[4],q[4],*x,*y,*t;
+    for (i=j=0; i<NB; i++,j+=4)
+    {
+        p[i]=pack((uchar *)&buff[j]);
+        p[i]^=a->rkey[i];
+    }
+    k=NB;
+    x=p;
+    y=q;
+    /* State alternates between x and y */
+    for (i=1; i<a->Nr; i++)
+    {
+        /* Nr is number of rounds. May be odd. */
+        y[0]=a->rkey[k]^rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[0])]^
+             ROTL8(rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[3]>>8)])^
+             ROTL16(rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[2]>>16)])^
+             ROTL24(rtable[x[1]>>24]);
+        y[1]=a->rkey[k+1]^rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[1])]^
+             ROTL8(rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[0]>>8)])^
+             ROTL16(rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[3]>>16)])^
+             ROTL24(rtable[x[2]>>24]);
+        y[2]=a->rkey[k+2]^rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[2])]^
+             ROTL8(rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[1]>>8)])^
+             ROTL16(rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[0]>>16)])^
+             ROTL24(rtable[x[3]>>24]);
+        y[3]=a->rkey[k+3]^rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[3])]^
+             ROTL8(rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[2]>>8)])^
+             ROTL16(rtable[MR_TOBYTE(x[1]>>16)])^
+             ROTL24(rtable[x[0]>>24]);
+        k+=4;
+        t=x;
+        x=y;
+        y=t;      /* swap pointers */
+    }
+    /* Last Round */
+    y[0]=a->rkey[k]^(unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[0])]^
+         ROTL8((unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[3]>>8)])^
+         ROTL16((unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[2]>>16)])^
+         ROTL24((unsign32)rbsub[x[1]>>24]);
+    y[1]=a->rkey[k+1]^(unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[1])]^
+         ROTL8((unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[0]>>8)])^
+         ROTL16((unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[3]>>16)])^
+         ROTL24((unsign32)rbsub[x[2]>>24]);
+    y[2]=a->rkey[k+2]^(unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[2])]^
+         ROTL8((unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[1]>>8)])^
+         ROTL16((unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[0]>>16)])^
+         ROTL24((unsign32)rbsub[x[3]>>24]);
+    y[3]=a->rkey[k+3]^(unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[3])]^
+         ROTL8((unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[2]>>8)])^
+         ROTL16((unsign32)rbsub[MR_TOBYTE(x[1]>>16)])^
+         ROTL24((unsign32)rbsub[x[0]>>24]);
+    for (i=j=0; i<NB; i++,j+=4)
+    {
+        unpack(y[i],(uchar *)&buff[j]);
+        x[i]=y[i]=0;   /* clean up stack */
+    }
+/* simple default increment function */
+static void increment(char *f)
+    int i;
+    for (i=0; i<16; i++)
+    {
+        f[i]++;
+        if (f[i]!=0) break;
+    }
+/* SU= 40 */
+/* Encrypt using selected mode of operation */
+unsign32 AES_encrypt(amcl_aes* a,char *buff)
+    int j,bytes;
+    char st[16];
+    unsign32 fell_off;
+    /* Supported Modes of Operation */
+    fell_off=0;
+    switch (a->mode)
+    {
+    case ECB:
+        AES_ecb_encrypt(a,(uchar *)buff);
+        return 0;
+    case CBC:
+        for (j=0; j<4*NB; j++) buff[j]^=a->f[j];
+        AES_ecb_encrypt(a,(uchar *)buff);
+        for (j=0; j<4*NB; j++) a->f[j]=buff[j];
+        return 0;
+    case CFB1:
+    case CFB2:
+    case CFB4:
+        bytes=a->mode-CFB1+1;
+        for (j=0; j<bytes; j++) fell_off=(fell_off<<8)|a->f[j];
+        for (j=0; j<4*NB; j++) st[j]=a->f[j];
+        for (j=bytes; j<4*NB; j++) a->f[j-bytes]=a->f[j];
+        AES_ecb_encrypt(a,(uchar *)st);
+        for (j=0; j<bytes; j++)
+        {
+            buff[j]^=st[j];
+            a->f[16-bytes+j]=buff[j];
+        }
+        return fell_off;
+    case OFB1:
+    case OFB2:
+    case OFB4:
+    case OFB8:
+    case OFB16:
+        bytes=a->mode-OFB1+1;
+        AES_ecb_encrypt(a,(uchar *)(a->f));
+        for (j=0; j<bytes; j++) buff[j]^=a->f[j];
+        return 0;
+    case CTR1:
+    case CTR2:
+    case CTR4:
+    case CTR8:
+    case CTR16:
+        bytes=a->mode-CTR1+1;
+        for (j=0; j<4*NB; j++) st[j]=a->f[j];
+        AES_ecb_encrypt(a,(uchar *)st);
+        for (j=0; j<bytes; j++) buff[j]^=st[j];
+        increment(a->f);
+    default:
+        return 0;
+    }
+/* SU= 40 */
+/* Decrypt using selected mode of operation */
+unsign32 AES_decrypt(amcl_aes *a,char *buff)
+    int j,bytes;
+    char st[16];
+    unsign32 fell_off;
+    /* Supported modes of operation */
+    fell_off=0;
+    switch (a->mode)
+    {
+    case ECB:
+        AES_ecb_decrypt(a,(uchar *)buff);
+        return 0;
+    case CBC:
+        for (j=0; j<4*NB; j++)
+        {
+            st[j]=a->f[j];
+            a->f[j]=buff[j];
+        }
+        AES_ecb_decrypt(a,(uchar *)buff);
+        for (j=0; j<4*NB; j++)
+        {
+            buff[j]^=st[j];
+            st[j]=0;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    case CFB1:
+    case CFB2:
+    case CFB4:
+        bytes=a->mode-CFB1+1;
+        for (j=0; j<bytes; j++) fell_off=(fell_off<<8)|a->f[j];
+        for (j=0; j<4*NB; j++) st[j]=a->f[j];
+        for (j=bytes; j<4*NB; j++) a->f[j-bytes]=a->f[j];
+        AES_ecb_encrypt(a,(uchar *)st);
+        for (j=0; j<bytes; j++)
+        {
+            a->f[16-bytes+j]=buff[j];
+            buff[j]^=st[j];
+        }
+        return fell_off;
+    case OFB1:
+    case OFB2:
+    case OFB4:
+    case OFB8:
+    case OFB16:
+        bytes=a->mode-OFB1+1;
+        AES_ecb_encrypt(a,(uchar *)(a->f));
+        for (j=0; j<bytes; j++) buff[j]^=a->f[j];
+        return 0;
+    case CTR1:
+    case CTR2:
+    case CTR4:
+    case CTR8:
+    case CTR16:
+        bytes=a->mode-CTR1+1;
+        for (j=0; j<4*NB; j++) st[j]=a->f[j];
+        AES_ecb_encrypt(a,(uchar *)st);
+        for (j=0; j<bytes; j++) buff[j]^=st[j];
+        increment(a->f);
+    default:
+        return 0;
+    }
+/* Clean up and delete left-overs */
+void AES_end(amcl_aes *a)
+    /* clean up */
+    int i;
+    for (i=0; i<NB*(a->Nr+1); i++)
+        a->fkey[i]=a->rkey[i]=0;
+    for (i=0; i<4*NB; i++)
+        a->f[i]=0;
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define KK 32
+int main()
+    int i;
+    amcl_aes a;
+	unsign32 t;
+	uchar x,y;
+    char key[KK];
+    char block[16];
+    char iv[16];
+    for (i=0;i<KK;i++) key[i]=5;
+    key[0]=1;
+    for (i=0;i<16;i++) iv[i]=i;
+    for (i=0;i<16;i++) block[i]=i;
+    AES_init(&a,CTR16,KK,key,iv);
+    printf("Plain=   ");
+    for (i=0;i<16;i++) printf("%02x",block[i]);
+    printf("\n");
+    AES_encrypt(&a,block);
+    printf("Encrypt= ");
+    for (i=0;i<16;i++) printf("%02x",(uchar)block[i]);
+    printf("\n");
+    AES_reset(&a,CTR16,iv);
+    AES_decrypt(&a,block);
+    printf("Decrypt= ");
+    for (i=0;i<16;i++) printf("%02x",(uchar)block[i]);
+    printf("\n");
+    AES_end(&a);
+    return 0;