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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/04/02 03:11:34 UTC

[GitHub] [rocketmq-client-go] yuz10 commented on a change in pull request #768: the first version of high-level-pull-consumer

yuz10 commented on a change in pull request #768:

File path: consumer/high_level_pull_consumer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package consumer
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	errors2 ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"time"
+type defaultHighLevelPullConsumer struct {
+	*defaultManualPullConsumer
+	consumerGroup           string
+	model                   MessageModel
+	namesrv                 internal.Namesrvs
+	option                  consumerOptions
+	client                  internal.RMQClient
+	interceptor             primitive.Interceptor
+	pullFromWhichNodeTable  sync.Map
+	storage                 OffsetStore
+	cType                   ConsumeType
+	state                   int32
+	subscriptionDataTable   sync.Map
+	allocate                func(string, string, []*primitive.MessageQueue, []string) []*primitive.MessageQueue
+	once                    sync.Once
+	unitMode                bool
+	topicSubscribeInfoTable sync.Map
+	subscribedTopic         map[string]string
+	closeOnce               sync.Once
+	done                    chan struct{}
+	consumerStartTimestamp  int64
+	processQueueTable       sync.Map
+	fromWhere               ConsumeFromWhere
+	stat                    *StatsManager
+	consumerMap             sync.Map
+func NewHighLevelPullConsumer(options ...Option) (*defaultHighLevelPullConsumer, error) {
+	defaultOpts := defaultHighLevelPullConsumerOptions()
+	for _, apply := range options {
+		apply(&defaultOpts)
+	}
+	srvs, err := internal.NewNamesrv(defaultOpts.Resolver)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "new Namesrv failed.")
+	}
+	defaultOpts.Namesrv = srvs
+	if defaultOpts.Namespace != "" {
+		defaultOpts.GroupName = defaultOpts.Namespace + "%" + defaultOpts.GroupName
+	}
+	dc := &defaultManualPullConsumer{
+		client:  internal.GetOrNewRocketMQClient(defaultOpts.ClientOptions, nil),
+		option:  defaultOpts,
+		namesrv: srvs,
+	}
+	hpc := &defaultHighLevelPullConsumer{
+		client:                    internal.GetOrNewRocketMQClient(defaultOpts.ClientOptions, nil),
+		consumerGroup:             defaultOpts.GroupName,
+		defaultManualPullConsumer: dc,
+		cType:                     _PullConsume,
+		state:                     int32(internal.StateCreateJust),
+		model:                     defaultOpts.ConsumerModel,
+		allocate:                  defaultOpts.Strategy,
+		namesrv:                   srvs,
+		option:                    defaultOpts,
+		subscribedTopic:           make(map[string]string, 0),
+		done:                      make(chan struct{}, 1),
+	}
+	hpc.option.ClientOptions.Namesrv, err = internal.GetNamesrv(hpc.client.ClientID())
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	hpc.namesrv = hpc.option.ClientOptions.Namesrv
+	hpc.interceptor = primitive.ChainInterceptors(hpc.option.Interceptors...)
+	if hpc.model == Clustering {
+		retryTopic := internal.GetRetryTopic(hpc.consumerGroup)
+		sub := buildSubscriptionData(retryTopic, MessageSelector{TAG, _SubAll})
+		hpc.subscriptionDataTable.Store(retryTopic, sub)
+	}
+	return hpc, nil
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Start() error {
+	atomic.StoreInt32(&hpc.state, int32(internal.StateRunning))
+	var err error
+	hpc.once.Do(func() {
+		rlog.Info("the consumer start beginning", map[string]interface{}{
+			rlog.LogKeyConsumerGroup: hpc.consumerGroup,
+			"messageModel":           hpc.model,
+			"unitMode":               hpc.unitMode,
+		})
+		atomic.StoreInt32(&hpc.state, int32(internal.StateStartFailed))
+		hpc.validate()
+		err = hpc.RegisterConsumer(hpc.consumerGroup, hpc)
+		if err != nil {
+			rlog.Error("the consumer group has been created, specify another one", map[string]interface{}{
+				rlog.LogKeyConsumerGroup: hpc.consumerGroup,
+			})
+			err = errors2.ErrCreated
+			return
+		}
+		if hpc.model == Clustering {
+			// set retry topic
+			retryTopic := internal.GetRetryTopic(hpc.consumerGroup)
+			sub := buildSubscriptionData(retryTopic, MessageSelector{TAG, _SubAll})
+			hpc.subscriptionDataTable.Store(retryTopic, sub)
+		}
+		if hpc.model == Clustering {
+			hpc.option.ChangeInstanceNameToPID()
+ = NewRemoteOffsetStore(hpc.consumerGroup, hpc.client, hpc.namesrv)
+		} else {
+ = NewLocalFileOffsetStore(hpc.consumerGroup, hpc.client.ClientID())
+		}
+		hpc.client.Start()
+		atomic.StoreInt32(&hpc.state, int32(internal.StateRunning))
+		hpc.consumerStartTimestamp = time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
+		if err != nil {
+			return
+		}
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	hpc.client.UpdateTopicRouteInfo()
+	for k := range hpc.subscribedTopic {
+		_, exist := hpc.topicSubscribeInfoTable.Load(k)
+		if !exist {
+			hpc.client.Shutdown()
+			return fmt.Errorf("the topic=%s route info not found, it may not exist", k)
+		}
+	}
+	hpc.client.SendHeartbeatToAllBrokerWithLock()
+	hpc.Rebalance()
+	return err
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Shutdown() error {
+	var err error
+	hpc.closeOnce.Do(func() {
+		close(hpc.done)
+		hpc.UnregisterConsumer(hpc.consumerGroup)
+		atomic.StoreInt32(&hpc.state, int32(internal.StateShutdown))
+		mqs := make([]*primitive.MessageQueue, 0)
+		hpc.processQueueTable.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
+			k := key.(primitive.MessageQueue)
+			pq := value.(*processQueue)
+			pq.WithDropped(true)
+			// close msg channel using RWMutex to make sure no data was writing
+			pq.mutex.Lock()
+			close(pq.msgCh)
+			pq.mutex.Unlock()
+			mqs = append(mqs, &k)
+			return true
+		})
+		hpc.client.Shutdown()
+	})
+	return err
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Subscribe(topic string, selector MessageSelector) error {
+	if atomic.LoadInt32(&hpc.state) == int32(internal.StateStartFailed) ||
+		atomic.LoadInt32(&hpc.state) == int32(internal.StateShutdown) {
+		return errors2.ErrStartTopic
+	}
+	if "" == topic {
+		rlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("topic is null"), nil)
+	}
+	if hpc.option.Namespace != "" {
+		topic = hpc.option.Namespace + "%" + topic
+	}
+	data := buildSubscriptionData(topic, selector)
+	hpc.subscriptionDataTable.Store(topic, data)
+	hpc.subscribedTopic[topic] = ""
+	routeData, _, err := hpc.namesrv.UpdateTopicRouteInfo(topic)
+	if err == nil {
+		hpc.topicSubscribeInfoTable.Store(topic, routeData)
+	}
+	hpc.Rebalance()
+	return nil
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Unsubscribe(topic string) error {
+	if hpc.option.Namespace != "" {
+		topic = hpc.option.Namespace + "%" + topic
+	}
+	if "" == topic {
+		rlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("topic is null"), nil)
+	}
+	hpc.subscriptionDataTable.Delete(topic)
+	return nil
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Pull(ctx context.Context, topic string, numbers int) (*primitive.PullResult, error) {
+	queue, err := hpc.getNextQueueOf(topic)

Review comment:
       send a message to the topic can not be consumed immediatly, If the topic have 10 queues, we have to wait for 180 seconds, because no message is in other 9 queues, and each queue will wait for _BrokerSuspendMaxTime(20 seconds)

File path: consumer/high_level_pull_consumer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package consumer
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	errors2 ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	"time"
+type defaultHighLevelPullConsumer struct {
+	*defaultManualPullConsumer
+	consumerGroup           string
+	model                   MessageModel
+	namesrv                 internal.Namesrvs
+	option                  consumerOptions
+	client                  internal.RMQClient
+	interceptor             primitive.Interceptor
+	pullFromWhichNodeTable  sync.Map
+	storage                 OffsetStore
+	cType                   ConsumeType
+	state                   int32
+	subscriptionDataTable   sync.Map
+	allocate                func(string, string, []*primitive.MessageQueue, []string) []*primitive.MessageQueue
+	once                    sync.Once
+	unitMode                bool
+	topicSubscribeInfoTable sync.Map
+	subscribedTopic         map[string]string
+	closeOnce               sync.Once
+	done                    chan struct{}
+	consumerStartTimestamp  int64
+	processQueueTable       sync.Map
+	fromWhere               ConsumeFromWhere
+	stat                    *StatsManager
+	consumerMap             sync.Map
+func NewHighLevelPullConsumer(options ...Option) (*defaultHighLevelPullConsumer, error) {
+	defaultOpts := defaultHighLevelPullConsumerOptions()
+	for _, apply := range options {
+		apply(&defaultOpts)
+	}
+	srvs, err := internal.NewNamesrv(defaultOpts.Resolver)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "new Namesrv failed.")
+	}
+	defaultOpts.Namesrv = srvs
+	if defaultOpts.Namespace != "" {
+		defaultOpts.GroupName = defaultOpts.Namespace + "%" + defaultOpts.GroupName
+	}
+	dc := &defaultManualPullConsumer{
+		client:  internal.GetOrNewRocketMQClient(defaultOpts.ClientOptions, nil),
+		option:  defaultOpts,
+		namesrv: srvs,
+	}
+	hpc := &defaultHighLevelPullConsumer{
+		client:                    internal.GetOrNewRocketMQClient(defaultOpts.ClientOptions, nil),
+		consumerGroup:             defaultOpts.GroupName,
+		defaultManualPullConsumer: dc,
+		cType:                     _PullConsume,
+		state:                     int32(internal.StateCreateJust),
+		model:                     defaultOpts.ConsumerModel,
+		allocate:                  defaultOpts.Strategy,
+		namesrv:                   srvs,
+		option:                    defaultOpts,
+		subscribedTopic:           make(map[string]string, 0),
+		done:                      make(chan struct{}, 1),
+	}
+	hpc.option.ClientOptions.Namesrv, err = internal.GetNamesrv(hpc.client.ClientID())
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	hpc.namesrv = hpc.option.ClientOptions.Namesrv
+	hpc.interceptor = primitive.ChainInterceptors(hpc.option.Interceptors...)
+	if hpc.model == Clustering {
+		retryTopic := internal.GetRetryTopic(hpc.consumerGroup)
+		sub := buildSubscriptionData(retryTopic, MessageSelector{TAG, _SubAll})
+		hpc.subscriptionDataTable.Store(retryTopic, sub)
+	}
+	return hpc, nil
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Start() error {
+	atomic.StoreInt32(&hpc.state, int32(internal.StateRunning))
+	var err error
+	hpc.once.Do(func() {
+		rlog.Info("the consumer start beginning", map[string]interface{}{
+			rlog.LogKeyConsumerGroup: hpc.consumerGroup,
+			"messageModel":           hpc.model,
+			"unitMode":               hpc.unitMode,
+		})
+		atomic.StoreInt32(&hpc.state, int32(internal.StateStartFailed))
+		hpc.validate()
+		err = hpc.RegisterConsumer(hpc.consumerGroup, hpc)
+		if err != nil {
+			rlog.Error("the consumer group has been created, specify another one", map[string]interface{}{
+				rlog.LogKeyConsumerGroup: hpc.consumerGroup,
+			})
+			err = errors2.ErrCreated
+			return
+		}
+		if hpc.model == Clustering {
+			// set retry topic
+			retryTopic := internal.GetRetryTopic(hpc.consumerGroup)
+			sub := buildSubscriptionData(retryTopic, MessageSelector{TAG, _SubAll})
+			hpc.subscriptionDataTable.Store(retryTopic, sub)
+		}
+		if hpc.model == Clustering {
+			hpc.option.ChangeInstanceNameToPID()
+ = NewRemoteOffsetStore(hpc.consumerGroup, hpc.client, hpc.namesrv)
+		} else {
+ = NewLocalFileOffsetStore(hpc.consumerGroup, hpc.client.ClientID())
+		}
+		hpc.client.Start()
+		atomic.StoreInt32(&hpc.state, int32(internal.StateRunning))
+		hpc.consumerStartTimestamp = time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
+		if err != nil {
+			return
+		}
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	hpc.client.UpdateTopicRouteInfo()
+	for k := range hpc.subscribedTopic {
+		_, exist := hpc.topicSubscribeInfoTable.Load(k)
+		if !exist {
+			hpc.client.Shutdown()
+			return fmt.Errorf("the topic=%s route info not found, it may not exist", k)
+		}
+	}
+	hpc.client.SendHeartbeatToAllBrokerWithLock()
+	hpc.Rebalance()
+	return err
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Shutdown() error {
+	var err error
+	hpc.closeOnce.Do(func() {
+		close(hpc.done)
+		hpc.UnregisterConsumer(hpc.consumerGroup)
+		atomic.StoreInt32(&hpc.state, int32(internal.StateShutdown))
+		mqs := make([]*primitive.MessageQueue, 0)
+		hpc.processQueueTable.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
+			k := key.(primitive.MessageQueue)
+			pq := value.(*processQueue)
+			pq.WithDropped(true)
+			// close msg channel using RWMutex to make sure no data was writing
+			pq.mutex.Lock()
+			close(pq.msgCh)
+			pq.mutex.Unlock()
+			mqs = append(mqs, &k)
+			return true
+		})
+		hpc.client.Shutdown()
+	})
+	return err
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Subscribe(topic string, selector MessageSelector) error {
+	if atomic.LoadInt32(&hpc.state) == int32(internal.StateStartFailed) ||
+		atomic.LoadInt32(&hpc.state) == int32(internal.StateShutdown) {
+		return errors2.ErrStartTopic
+	}
+	if "" == topic {
+		rlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("topic is null"), nil)
+	}
+	if hpc.option.Namespace != "" {
+		topic = hpc.option.Namespace + "%" + topic
+	}
+	data := buildSubscriptionData(topic, selector)
+	hpc.subscriptionDataTable.Store(topic, data)
+	hpc.subscribedTopic[topic] = ""
+	routeData, _, err := hpc.namesrv.UpdateTopicRouteInfo(topic)
+	if err == nil {
+		hpc.topicSubscribeInfoTable.Store(topic, routeData)
+	}
+	hpc.Rebalance()
+	return nil
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Unsubscribe(topic string) error {
+	if hpc.option.Namespace != "" {
+		topic = hpc.option.Namespace + "%" + topic
+	}
+	if "" == topic {
+		rlog.Error(fmt.Sprintf("topic is null"), nil)
+	}
+	hpc.subscriptionDataTable.Delete(topic)
+	return nil
+func (hpc *defaultHighLevelPullConsumer) Pull(ctx context.Context, topic string, numbers int) (*primitive.PullResult, error) {
+	queue, err := hpc.getNextQueueOf(topic)

Review comment:
       No rebalance, two consumers in the same group will receive a message twice.

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