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Posted to by Liam Morley <lm...@WPI.EDU> on 2001/09/27 05:20:26 UTC

missing jar in rc1 war?

I had successfully installed Cocooon2b02 several times without problem,
but yesterday I tried out Cocoon2rc1, and received an error. As far as I
can remember, the log reported a missing LDAPTransformer, or something
like this (underneath the apache.cocoon family tree). This seemed to be
the kind of class that should be in the cocoon.jar, so I did a little
hunting. I remembered that there were 2 cocoon jars usually installed in
the WEB-INF/libs folder, but I only saw one this time. I put the
compiled cocoon.jar file in there, deleted everything in the WEB-INF/db
folder, restarted tomcat, and was all set.

Is this a problem with Cocoon or a problem with my build? Should
somebody know..?

Liam Morley