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Posted to by Shad Storhaug <> on 2021/03/15 10:55:45 UTC

[REPORT] Lucene.NET - March, 2021

## Description:

Apache Lucene.NET is a port of the Lucene search engine library, written in C#
and targeted at .NET runtime users.

## Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

## Membership Data:

Apache Lucene.NET was founded 2012-08-15 (9 years ago)
There are currently 16 committers and 14 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is 8:7.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Laimonas Simutis on 2020-09-08.
- No new committers. Last addition was Jens Melgaard on 2020-10-20.

## Project Activity:

- Several user-reported bug fixes
- 25 PRs were submitted
- We are continuing to expand testing, adding build hang detection, and
  Xamarin.Android tests to J2N
- Work has begun on tracking down concurrency contention problems
- Work has begun on reviewing tests for incomplete/partially implemented
  tests, API usability problems, and performance issues
- We are making preparations for the release of Lucene.NET 4.8.0-beta00014

We have also been steadily improving performance, refactoring APIs to be more
.NET-like than Java-like, and expanding testing.

Recent releases:
- Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00013 was released on 2020-11-16.
- Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00012 was released on 2020-09-19.
- Apache-Lucene.Net-4.8.0-beta00011 was released on 2020-07-24.

Average Daily Downloads of Lucene.NET from (all versions): 2,680

## Community Health:

Since our move to GitHub Issues, we are now getting bug reports that have been
long underreported. This new collaboration channel with end users is helping
us zero in on bugs, and is also helping to drive some PR activity from

This quarter has seen a decrease in activity on Lucene.NET due to focus on the
Xamarin.Android tests, which were added to the smaller J2N dependency project
first before we scale up the approach for use in ICU4N and Lucnene.NET.<> had a 30% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
(287 emails compared to 405)<> had a 75% increase in
traffic in the past quarter (7 emails compared to 4) 77 commits in the past
quarter (-63% decrease) 5 code contributors in the past quarter (-37%
decrease) 25 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-35% decrease) 25 PRs closed
on GitHub, past quarter (-32% decrease) 18 issues opened on GitHub, past
quarter (-14% decrease) 15 issues closed on GitHub, past quarter (-6%