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Posted to by Juan Alvarado <> on 2003/11/19 03:05:00 UTC

Virtual Hosting Problem with ActionForward

We have the following problem with Virtual Hosting and
server side forwards.

We are using Apache with Tomcat (modjk). Our host
(webapp) is configured at
The app can be accessed

We also have a virtual host
which is configured to point to

Within that virtual host, we cannot get any server
side forwards to work. Lets say we want to do a
Forward to /cs/content.jsp within the virtual host
(remember that the virtual host is configured at
this operation does not work because the container
will look for /cs/content.jsp starting at
/Users/jalvarado/Developer/webapps/appname and not at

So what we are forced to do for now is to use
redirects in our forwards which is not the desired
choice for us.

If anyone has run into this kind of problem/challenge
and if you could share any ideas or solutions you have
implemented I'd greatly appreciate it since this is a
VERY urgent matter for us. This is creating some
issues for us in terms of losing the request object
and having to put things in the sessio which really
should not be there. 

Thanks in advance

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