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Posted to by "Andy Boothe [WCG]" <> on 2013/12/08 22:19:13 UTC

Active Groups support / 6.0 Release?


I want to start by saying that I've been using ActiveMQ in production for a couple of years, and it's been just wonderful. Thank you, devs, for building such a wonderful product!

I expect to use ActiveMQ in my next project, too, and it would greatly benefit from the Active Groups<> feature I see on the Features page of the website. However, it looks like that feature will not be available until ActiveMQ 6.0, which does not appear to be released yet.

Can anyone help me answer just a couple of questions:

 1.  Is there any concept of when 6.0 will be released? I've looked for a release date online, but haven't had much luck finding one. I'm not trying to hold anyone's feet to the fire here, just get a general understanding of when the release will happen so I can plan accordingly. Is the wait something more like a month, a quarter, a year, or a decade?
 2.  What is the relationship between ActiveMQ and Apollo? My searches did indicate that ActiveMQ 6.0 will use Apollo. I've never heard of Apollo, but reading the project website<> makes it sounds great. Should I be looking at using that instead of ActiveMQ? It looks like ActiveMQ will be based on Apollo; should I just wait for the next release of ActiveMQ?

Thanks in advance for the help! And thanks again for such a delightful product. :)

Andy Boothe

Director of Data Engineering, Analytics


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