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Posted to by on 2003/07/22 13:50:46 UTC

cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/woody/samples/forms form2_bind.xml form2_data.xml form2_model.xml form2_template.xsp

bruno       2003/07/22 04:50:46

  Added:       src/blocks/woody/samples/forms form2_bind.xml form2_data.xml
                        form2_model.xml form2_template.xsp
  Binding framework patch by Marc Portier (see bugzilla 21671)
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/woody/samples/forms/form2_bind.xml
  Index: form2_bind.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      | Binding template between 
      |   - form_data file (backend)
      |   - and form_model file
      | Mappings
      |   woody-widget              <> backend-xpath
      |   __________________________________________________
      |   {context}                    /data/wrapper/context
      |   {relative info context}        info  
      |   email                            email
      |   somebool                         - - - - not implemented yet
      |   account                          account/@size
      |   number1                          number
      |   drinks                           - - - - not implemented yet
      |   phone                            phone
      |     cntr                              @cntr
      |     zone                              zone
      |     number                            number
      |   ipaddress                      ipaddress
      |   {contacts-repeater}            contacts | each row = contact
      |     firstname                      firstname
      |     lastname                       lastname
      |     email                          email
      |     phone                          phone/@nr
  	path="/data/wrapper/context" >
    <wb:context path="info">
    	<!-- the email value will not be saved because of the @readonly -->
      <wb:field id="email"   path="email"         readonly="true"/>
  		<!-- jxpath binds to nodes as well as to attributes -->
      <wb:field id="account" path="account/@size" />
      <wb:field id="number1" path="number"        />
  	  <!-- one entry field in the client maps through aggregate fields -->
      <wb:aggregate id="phone" path="phone" >
      	<!-- to multiple fields in the XML file -->
        <wb:field id="number" path="number" />
        <wb:field id="zone"   path="zone"   />
        <wb:field id="cntr"   path="@cntr"  />
    <wb:field id="ipaddress" path="ipaddress" >
      	<!-- if the value has changed, the attribute will be set -->
        <wb:set-attribute name="changed" value="true" />
    <!-- repeater requires unique identification mechanism of the row-nodes -->
    <wb:repeater id="contacts"
      <!-- important note: the row-path is used inside jxpath-createPath context,
           as a consequence it cannot have dependent children or predicates -->
      	<!-- executed on updates AND right after the insert -->
        <wb:field id="firstname" path="firstname" />
        <wb:field id="lastname"  path="lastname"  />
        <wb:field id="phone"     path="phone/@nr" />
        <wb:field id="email"     path="email"     />
      	<!-- chose on of these to test -->
        <wb:set-attribute name="row-state" value="deleted" />
        <wb:delete-node />
        	<!-- template inserted by the binding for new rows (mapping new nodes) -->
          <contact id="" row-state="new">
            <firstname/><lastname/><phone nr=""/><email/>
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/woody/samples/forms/form2_data.xml
  Index: form2_data.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  	  <email boolBindingWorks="false"></email>
      <account size="3" />
      <drinks>  <!-- no binding available yet -->
      <phone cntr="32">
    <ipaddress changed="false"></ipaddress>
      <contact id="1" row-state="original">
  		  <phone nr="+32-2-2222222"/>
      <contact id="2" row-state="original">
  		  <phone nr="+32-59-595959"/>
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/woody/samples/forms/form2_model.xml
  Index: form2_model.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <wd:field id="email" required="true">
      <wd:datatype base="string">
      <wd:label>Enter an <b>email</b> address:</wd:label>
    <wd:booleanfield id="somebool">
      <wd:label>Put me <em>on</em> or <em>off</em>.</wd:label>
    <wd:field id="account">
      <wd:label>Indicate the size of your bank account (in m<sup>3</sup>):</wd:label>
      <wd:datatype base="string">
          <wd:item value="1"/>
          <wd:item value="2"/>
          <wd:item value="3">
          <wd:item value="4"/>
          <wd:item value="5"/>
    <wd:field id="number1" required="true">
      <wd:label>Please enter a number:</wd:label>
      <wd:datatype base="long"/>
    <wd:multivaluefield id="drinks">
      <wd:label>Indicate which 2 of the following drinks you'd like to receive:</wd:label>
      <wd:datatype base="string">
          <wd:item value="Maes"/>
          <wd:item value="Jupiler"/>
          <wd:item value="Leffe"/>
          <wd:item value="Hoegaarden"/>
          <wd:item value="Coca Cola"/>
          <wd:value-count exact="2"/>
    <wd:aggregatefield id="phone" required="true">
      <wd:label>Enter a phone number in \+([0-9]{1,3})-([0-9]{1,4})-([0-9]{5,7}) format</wd:label>
      <wd:split pattern="\+([0-9]{1,3})-([0-9]{1,4})-([0-9]{5,7})">
        <wd:map group="1" field="cntr"/>
        <wd:map group="2" field="zone"/>
        <wd:map group="3" field="number"/>
        <wd:failmessage>The phone-number format is wrong, please try again
      <wd:combine expression='Concat("+", cntr, "-", zone, "-", number)'/>
        <wd:field id="cntr">
          <wd:datatype base="string"/>
        <wd:field id="zone">
          <wd:datatype base="string"/>
        <wd:field id="number">
          <wd:datatype base="string"/>
    <wd:field id="ipaddress" required="true">
      <wd:label>Please enter your IP address</wd:label>
      <wd:datatype base="string">
          <wd:regexp pattern="^([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$">
            <wd:failmessage>Invalid IP address.</wd:failmessage>
    <wd:repeater id="contacts">
      <wd:field id="id">
        <wd:datatype base="string"/>
      <wd:field id="firstname">
        <wd:datatype base="string"/>
      <wd:field id="lastname">
        <wd:datatype base="string"/>
      <wd:field id="phone">
        <wd:datatype base="string"/>
      <wd:field id="email">
        <wd:datatype base="string">
      <wd:booleanfield id="select">
    <wd:button id="addcontact" action-command="add-contact">
      <wd:label>Add contact</wd:label>
    <wd:button id="removecontacts" action-command="remove-selected-contacts">
      <wd:label>Remove selected contacts</wd:label>
  1.1                  cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/woody/samples/forms/form2_template.xsp
  Index: form2_template.xsp
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <xsp:page language="java"
  <page xmlns:wt="">
    <title>Sample form</title>
      <form method="POST">
        <xsp:attribute name="action"><xsp:expr><jpath:continuation/>+".continue"</xsp:expr></xsp:attribute>
        <table border="1">
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget-label id="email"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget id="email"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget-label id="number1"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget id="number1"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget-label id="account"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget id="account"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget-label id="phone"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget id="phone" /></td>
            <td><wt:widget id="somebool"/> <wt:widget-label id="somebool"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget-label id="drinks"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget id="drinks"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget-label id="ipaddress"/></td>
            <td valign="top"><wt:widget id="ipaddress"/></td>
        <wt:widget-label id="contacts"/><br/>
        <wt:repeater-size id="contacts"/>
        <table border="1">
            <th><wt:repeater-widget-label id="contacts" widget-id="firstname"/></th>
            <th><wt:repeater-widget-label id="contacts" widget-id="lastname"/></th>
            <th><wt:repeater-widget-label id="contacts" widget-id="phone"/></th>
            <th><wt:repeater-widget-label id="contacts" widget-id="email"/></th>
            <th><wt:repeater-widget-label id="contacts" widget-id="select"/></th>
          <!-- The contents of the repeater-widget element is a template that will
          be applied to each row in the repeater. -->
          <wt:repeater-widget id="contacts">
              <td>[<wt:widget id="id"/>]</td>
              <td><wt:widget id="firstname"/></td>
              <td><wt:widget id="lastname"/></td>
              <td><wt:widget id="phone"/></td>
              <td><wt:widget id="email"/></td>
              <td><wt:widget id="select"/></td>
            <td colspan="4" align="right">
              <wt:widget id="addcontact"/>
              <wt:widget id="removecontacts"/>
        <input type="submit"/>