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Posted to by on 2012/08/21 01:28:07 UTC

EC2: launch instances into a VPC

As recently discussed, these patches make it possible to launch instances
into a subnet in a VPC in EC2.

Subnets appear as new realms with the name AZ:SN where AZ is the
availability zone (e.g., us-east-1a) to which the subnet is attached, and
SN is the subnet ID.

When such a realm is supplied to the create instances call, the SubnetID is
sent to EC2, placing the instane in that subnet.

Note that you can not provide a security group when launching into a VPC,
which makes the current HTML UI a little awkward, in that you have to
uncheck the 'default' security group in the UI under 'Additional

The VPC functionality requires some additional mappings from the AWS gem,
which I have sent upstream[1] - until they are in a released AWS gem, I am
including a monkey patch that puts them into the AWS::Ec2 class.



[PATCH 1/2] EC2: list subnets as realms

Posted by
From: David Lutterkort <>

Subnets (from VPC's) are listed as realms.

Note that this patch monkey patches the aws gem; the corresponding patch
has been sent upstream, it is included here to make testing the patch easier.
 .../deltacloud/drivers/ec2/aws_vpc_monkey_patch.rb |  294 ++++++++++++++++++++
 server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb    |   29 ++-
 2 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/aws_vpc_monkey_patch.rb

diff --git a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/aws_vpc_monkey_patch.rb b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/aws_vpc_monkey_patch.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f1d491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/aws_vpc_monkey_patch.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# This is a copy of code that has been submitted upstream
+# If you make changes here, make sure they go upstream, too
+unless Aws::Ec2::method_defined?(:create_vpc)
+  class Aws::Ec2
+    #-----------------------------------------------------------------
+    #      VPC related
+    #-----------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Create VPC
+    #
+    #
+    # ec2.create_vpc("")
+    # FIXME: EVen though the EC2 docs describe the parameter instanceTenancy,
+    # I could not get it to recognize that
+    def create_vpc(cidr_block = "")
+      params = { "CidrBlock" => cidr_block }
+      link = generate_request("CreateVpc", params)
+      request_info(link,"vpc", :logger => @logger))
+    rescue Exception
+      on_exception
+    end
+    # Describe  VPC's
+    #
+    #
+    # ec2.describe_vpcs
+    # ec2.describe_vpcs(vpcId1, vpcId2, 'Filter.1.Name' => 'state', 'Filter.1.Value' = > 'pending', ...)
+    def describe_vpcs(*args)
+      if args.last.is_a?(Hash)
+        params = args.pop.dup
+      else
+        params = {}
+      end
+      1.upto(args.size) { |i| params["VpcId.#{i}"] = args[i-1] }
+      link = generate_request("DescribeVpcs", params)
+      request_info(link,"item", :logger => @logger))
+    rescue Exception
+      on_exception
+    end
+    # Delete VPC
+    #
+    #
+    # ec2.delete_vpc(vpc_id)
+    def delete_vpc(vpc_id)
+      params = { "VpcId" => vpc_id }
+      link = generate_request("DeleteVpc", params)
+      request_info(link, => @logger))
+    rescue Exception
+      on_exception
+    end
+    # Create subnet in a VPC
+    #
+    #
+    # ec2.create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block)
+    # ec2.create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone))
+    def create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone = nil)
+      params = { "VpcId" => vpc_id, "CidrBlock" => cidr_block }
+      params["AvailabilityZone"] = availability_zone if availability_zone
+      link = generate_request("CreateSubnet", params)
+      request_info(link,"subnet", :logger => @logger))
+    rescue Exception
+      on_exception
+    end
+    # Describe subnets
+    #
+    #
+    # ec2.describe_subnets
+    # ecs.describe_subnets(subnetId1, SubnetId2, ...,
+    #                      'Filter.1.Name' => 'state',
+    #                      'Filter.1.Value.1' => 'pending',
+    #                      'Filter.2.Name' => ...)
+    def describe_subnets(*args)
+      if args.last.is_a?(Hash)
+        params = args.pop.dup
+      else
+        params = {}
+      end
+      1.upto(args.size) { |i| params["SubnetId.#{i}"] = args[i-1] }
+      link = generate_request("DescribeSubnets", params)
+      request_info(link,"item", :logger => @logger))
+    rescue Exception
+      on_exception
+    end
+    # Delete Subnet
+    #
+    #
+    # ec2.delete_subnet(subnet_id)
+    def delete_subnet(subnet_id)
+      params = { "SubnetId" => subnet_id }
+      link = generate_request("DeleteSubnet", params)
+      request_info(link, => @logger))
+    rescue Exception
+      on_exception
+    end
+    # The only change in this class compared to upstream is
+    # that we parse out subnetId and vpcId
+    class QEc2DescribeInstancesParser < Aws::AwsParser #:nodoc:
+      def tagstart(name, attributes)
+        # DescribeInstances property
+        if (name == 'item' && @xmlpath == 'DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet') ||
+            # RunInstances property
+        (name == 'RunInstancesResponse')
+          @reservation = {:aws_groups    => [],
+                          :instances_set => []}
+        elsif (name == 'item') &&
+            # DescribeInstances property
+        (@xmlpath=='DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet/item/instancesSet' ||
+            # RunInstances property
+        @xmlpath=='RunInstancesResponse/instancesSet')
+          # the optional params (sometimes are missing and we dont want them to be nil)
+          @instance = {:aws_reason        => '',
+                       :dns_name          => '',
+                       :private_dns_name  => '',
+                       :ami_launch_index  => '',
+                       :ssh_key_name      => '',
+                       :aws_state         => '',
+                       :root_device_type  => '',
+                       :root_device_name  => '',
+                       :architecture      => '',
+                       :subnet_id         => '',
+                       :vpc_id            => '',
+                       :block_device_mappings => [],
+                       :aws_product_codes => [],
+                       :tags              => {}}
+        end
+      end
+      def tagend(name)
+        case name
+          when  'rootDeviceType' then
+            @instance[:root_device_type] = @text
+          when 'architecture' then
+            @instance[:architecture] = @text
+          when 'rootDeviceName' then
+            @instance[:root_device_name] = @text
+          # reservation
+          when 'reservationId' then
+            @reservation[:aws_reservation_id] = @text
+          when 'ownerId' then
+            @reservation[:aws_owner] = @text
+          when 'groupId' then
+            @reservation[:aws_groups] << @text
+          # instance
+          when 'instanceId' then
+            @instance[:aws_instance_id] = @text
+          when 'imageId' then
+            @instance[:aws_image_id] = @text
+          when 'dnsName' then
+            @instance[:dns_name] = @text
+          when 'privateDnsName' then
+            @instance[:private_dns_name] = @text
+          when 'reason' then
+            @instance[:aws_reason] = @text
+          when 'keyName' then
+            @instance[:ssh_key_name] = @text
+          when 'amiLaunchIndex' then
+            @instance[:ami_launch_index] = @text
+          when 'code' then
+            @instance[:aws_state_code] = @text
+          when 'name' then
+            @instance[:aws_state] = @text
+          when 'productCode' then
+            @instance[:aws_product_codes] << @text
+          when 'instanceType' then
+            @instance[:aws_instance_type] = @text
+          when 'launchTime' then
+            @instance[:aws_launch_time] = @text
+          when 'kernelId' then
+            @instance[:aws_kernel_id] = @text
+          when 'ramdiskId' then
+            @instance[:aws_ramdisk_id] = @text
+          when 'platform' then
+            @instance[:aws_platform] = @text
+          when 'availabilityZone' then
+            @instance[:aws_availability_zone] = @text
+          when 'privateIpAddress' then
+            @instance[:aws_private_ip_address] = @text
+          when 'subnetId' then
+            @instance[:subnet_id] = @text
+          when 'vpcId' then
+            @instance[:vpc_id] = @text
+          when 'key' then
+            @tag_key = @text
+          when 'value' then
+            @tag_value = @text
+          when 'deviceName' then
+            @device_name = @text
+          when 'volumeId' then
+            @volume_id = @text
+          when 'state'
+            if @xmlpath == 'DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet/item/instancesSet/item/monitoring' || # DescribeInstances property
+            @xmlpath == 'RunInstancesResponse/instancesSet/item/monitoring' # RunInstances property
+              @instance[:monitoring_state] = @text
+            end
+          when 'item'
+            if @xmlpath=='DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet/item/instancesSet/item/tagSet' # Tags
+              @instance[:tags][@tag_key] = @tag_value
+            elsif @xmlpath == 'DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet/item/instancesSet/item/blockDeviceMapping' # Block device mappings
+              @instance[:block_device_mappings] << { @device_name => @volume_id }
+            elsif @xmlpath == 'DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet/item/instancesSet' || # DescribeInstances property
+            @xmlpath == 'RunInstancesResponse/instancesSet' # RunInstances property
+              @reservation[:instances_set] << @instance
+            elsif @xmlpath=='DescribeInstancesResponse/reservationSet' # DescribeInstances property
+              @result << @reservation
+            end
+          when 'RunInstancesResponse' then
+            @result << @reservation # RunInstances property
+        end
+      end
+      def reset
+        @result = []
+      end
+    end
+    #-----------------------------------------------------------------
+    #      PARSERS: Vpc
+    #-----------------------------------------------------------------
+    class QEc2VpcsParser < Aws::AwsParser #:nodoc:
+      def initialize(wrapper, opts = {})
+        super(opts)
+        @wrapper = wrapper
+      end
+      def tagstart(name, attribute)
+        @vpc = {} if name == @wrapper
+      end
+      def tagend(name)
+        case name
+        when 'vpcId' then
+          @vpc[:vpc_id] = @text
+        when 'state' then
+          @vpc[:state] = @text
+        when 'cidrBlock' then
+          @vpc[:cidr_block] = @text
+        when 'dhcpOptionsId' then
+          @vpc[:dhcp_options_id] = @text
+        when @wrapper
+          @result << @vpc
+        end
+      end
+      def reset
+        @result = []
+      end
+    end
+    class QEc2SubnetsParser < Aws::AwsParser #:nodoc
+      def initialize(wrapper, opts = {})
+        super(opts)
+        @wrapper = wrapper
+      end
+      def tagstart(name, attribute)
+        @subnet = {} if name == @wrapper
+      end
+      def tagend(name)
+        case name
+        when 'subnetId' then
+          @subnet[:subnet_id] = @text
+        when 'state' then
+          @subnet[:state] = @text
+        when 'vpcId' then
+          @subnet[:vpc_id] = @text
+        when 'cidrBlock' then
+          @subnet[:cidr_block] = @text
+        when 'availableIpAddressCount' then
+          @subnet[:available_ip_address_count] = @text
+        when 'availabilityZone' then
+          @subnet[:availability_zone] = @text
+        when @wrapper
+          @result << @subnet
+        end
+      end
+      def reset
+        @result = []
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb
index 8847034..31fcfa5 100644
--- a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb
+++ b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 require 'aws'
+# Delete this once VPC support is merged upstream
+require_relative 'aws_vpc_monkey_patch'
 require_relative '../../runner'
@@ -164,22 +166,35 @@ module Deltacloud
         def realms(credentials, opts={})
+          # We have two different kinds of realms:
+          #  (1) Availability Zones
+          #  (2) Subnets in VPC's (scoped to an AZ)
+          # For the latter, the ID is AZ:SUBNET, and we can tell that we
+          # are looking at such a realm by checking if the id contains a colon
           ec2 = new_client(credentials)
           realms = []
           safely do
             if opts[:id] and !opts[:id].empty?
+              az, sn = opts[:id].split(":")
-                ec2.describe_availability_zones([opts[:id]]).collect do |realm|
-                  realms << convert_realm(realm) unless realm.empty?
+                if sn
+                  subnet = ec2.describe_subnets(sn).first
+                  realms << convert_realm(subnet) if subnet
+                else
+                  ec2.describe_availability_zones(az).collect do |realm|
+                    realms << convert_realm(realm) unless realm.empty?
+                  end
               rescue => e
                 raise e unless e.message =~ /Invalid availability zone/
                 realms = []
-              ec2.describe_availability_zones.collect do |realm|
-                realms << convert_realm(realm) unless realm.empty?
+              realms = ec2.describe_availability_zones.collect do |realm|
+                convert_realm(realm) unless realm.empty?
+              realms = realms +
+       { |sn| convert_realm(sn) }
@@ -871,6 +886,12 @@ module Deltacloud
         def convert_realm(realm)
+          # We also allow subnets as realms
+          if realm[:subnet_id]
+            realm[:zone_name] =
+              "#{realm[:availability_zone]}:#{realm[:subnet_id]}"
+            realm[:zone_state] = realm[:state]
+          end
             :id => realm[:zone_name],
             :name => realm[:zone_name],

Re: EC2: launch instances into a VPC

Posted by Michal Fojtik <>.
On Aug 21, 2012, at 1:28 AM, wrote:


Unfortunately this patch set will break EC2 tests (rake test:drivers:ec2):

  1) Error:
test_0002_must return list of realms(Ec2Driver Realms):
Deltacloud::ExceptionHandler::ProviderError: RequestExpired: Request has expired. Timestamp date is 2012-07-30T11:05:00.000Z 
REQUEST ID=d56ecde0-4ae0-4489-8cb3-b761bf42eb14 
    /Users/mfojtik/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/aws-2.5.6/lib/awsbase/awsbase.rb:572:in `request_info_impl'
    /Users/mfojtik/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/aws-2.5.6/lib/ec2/ec2.rb:177:in `request_info'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/aws_vpc_monkey_patch.rb:87:in `describe_subnets'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:197:in `block in realms'

* This one looks like not recorded request, since it's touching EC2. The test should be 're-recorded' so it will
  include this request as well.

  2) Error:
test_0004_must allow to retrieve single realm(Ec2Driver Realms):
Deltacloud::ExceptionHandler::ProviderError: undefined method `to_a' for "us-east-1a":String
    /Users/mfojtik/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/aws-2.5.6/lib/ec2/ec2.rb:1119:in `describe_availability_zones'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:184:in `block in realms'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/exceptions.rb:181:in `call'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/exceptions.rb:181:in `safely'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:176:in `realms'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/base_driver.rb:213:in `realm'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/api.rb:119:in `method_missing'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/tests/drivers/ec2/realms_test.rb:37:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  3) Error:
test_0003_must allow to filter realms(Ec2Driver Realms):
Deltacloud::ExceptionHandler::ProviderError: undefined method `to_a' for "us-east-1a":String
    /Users/mfojtik/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/aws-2.5.6/lib/ec2/ec2.rb:1119:in `describe_availability_zones'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:184:in `block in realms'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/exceptions.rb:181:in `call'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/exceptions.rb:181:in `safely'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:176:in `realms'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/lib/deltacloud/api.rb:119:in `method_missing'
    /Users/mfojtik/code/core/server/tests/drivers/ec2/realms_test.rb:29:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>

* No idea about this two :-)

But the code looks great, no inline comments from me.
Also you should include some tests for EC2 driver for this feature as well.

  -- Michal

> As recently discussed, these patches make it possible to launch instances
> into a subnet in a VPC in EC2.
> Subnets appear as new realms with the name AZ:SN where AZ is the
> availability zone (e.g., us-east-1a) to which the subnet is attached, and
> SN is the subnet ID.
> When such a realm is supplied to the create instances call, the SubnetID is
> sent to EC2, placing the instane in that subnet.
> Note that you can not provide a security group when launching into a VPC,
> which makes the current HTML UI a little awkward, in that you have to
> uncheck the 'default' security group in the UI under 'Additional
> Parameters'
> The VPC functionality requires some additional mappings from the AWS gem,
> which I have sent upstream[1] - until they are in a released AWS gem, I am
> including a monkey patch that puts them into the AWS::Ec2 class.
> David
> [1]

Michal Fojtik

[PATCH 2/2] EC2: allow launching instances into a subnet

Posted by
From: David Lutterkort <>

 server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb |   15 +++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb
index 31fcfa5..b275f98 100644
--- a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb
+++ b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/ec2/ec2_driver.rb
@@ -263,8 +263,15 @@ module Deltacloud
           if opts[:metrics] and !opts[:metrics].empty?
             instance_options[:monitoring_enabled] = true
+          if opts[:realm_id]
+            az, sn = opts[:realm_id].split(":")
+            if sn
+              instance_options[:subnet_id] = sn
+            else
+              instance_options[:availability_zone] = az
+            end
+          end
           instance_options[:key_name] = opts[:keyname] if opts[:keyname]
-          instance_options[:availability_zone] = opts[:realm_id] if opts[:realm_id]
           instance_options[:instance_type] = opts[:hwp_id] if opts[:hwp_id] && opts[:hwp_id].length > 0
           firewalls = opts.inject([]){|res, (k,v)| res << v if k =~ /firewalls\d+$/; res}
           instance_options[:group_ids] = firewalls unless firewalls.empty?
@@ -919,6 +926,10 @@ module Deltacloud
           if instance[:aws_instance_type] == "t1.micro"
+          realm_id = instance[:aws_availability_zone]
+          unless instance[:subnet_id].empty?
+            realm_id = "#{realm_id}:#{instance[:subnet_id]}"
+          end

             :id => instance[:aws_instance_id],
             :name => instance[:aws_image_id],
@@ -929,7 +940,7 @@ module Deltacloud
             :keyname => instance[:ssh_key_name],
             :launch_time => instance[:aws_launch_time],
             :instance_profile =>[:aws_instance_type], inst_profile_opts),
-            :realm_id => instance[:aws_availability_zone],
+            :realm_id => realm_id,
             :public_addresses => [[:dns_name], :type => :hostname)],
             :private_addresses => [[:private_dns_name], :type => :hostname)],
             :firewalls => instance[:aws_groups],