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+              rights and limitations under the License.


+              The Original Code is the Issuezilla Issue Tracking System.


+              The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications

+              Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are

+              Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All

+              Rights Reserved.


+              Contributor(s): 


+              Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>

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+   <h2>Querying and tracking issues</h2>


+   <h3>More help on IssueZilla: Index</h3>


+   <div class="toc">

+    <ul>

+     <li>

+      <a href="/nonav/docs/ProjectIssues.html">Project issue tracking</a> 


+      <ul>

+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddIssues_EnterModify.html">Entering and modifying issues</a></li>


+       <li>

+        <strong>You are here:</strong> Querying and tracking issues 


+        <ul>

+         <li><a href="#queryfields">Issue query selection fields</a></li>


+         <li><a href="#queryresults">Sorting/customizing query results</a></li>


+         <li><a href="#customqueries">Customizing/remembering queries</a></li>


+         <li><a href="#trackissue">Tracking your own issues (or by assignee)</a></li>


+         <li><a href="#otherqueries">Running other queries</a></li>


+         <li><a href="#browserinfo">Browser information</a></li>

+        </ul>

+       </li>


+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddIssues_Reports.html">Generating status reports about project issues</a></li>

+      </ul>

+     </li>

+    </ul>

+   </div>


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+    <p><a href="/nonav/servlets/HelpTOC">Back to main Help index</a></p>

+   </div>


+   <h3>About querying the issue database</h3>


+   <p>The IssueZilla query form allows you to call up a subset of issues from a project's issue database. If you do not select an option, the designated default values are included in the query. Submitting a query without setting any options at all, for example, returns <i>all</i> project issues with a status of NEW, STARTED, or REOPENED. You can narrow query results by selecting options and/or entering information in the query form fields. You can save your results list in your bookmark file. You can also save your query configuration to reuse later.</p>


+   <h3><a id="queryfields" name="queryfields">Issue query selection fields</a></h3>


+   <p>The following fields aer available for narrowing the query results.</p>


+   <dl>

+    <dt>Type</dt>


+    <dd>the classification of issues as either <a href="/nonav/docs/ddIssues_EnterModify.html#issue_type">tasks, defects, features, or enhancements</a>.</dd>


+    <dt>Component</dt>


+    <dd>the part of the project associated with the issue you are querying to find. If you don't choose a component or subcomponent, the query addresses all issues for the <i>project</i>.</dd>


+    <dt>Sub Component</dt>


+    <dd>a subset of the component you selected in the previous field. If you don't choose a sub component, the query includes all issues for the <i>component</i>.</dd>


+    <dt>Status</dt>


+    <dd>default values for this fields are <a href="/nonav/docs/issue_lifecycle.html">NEW, STARTED and REOPENED</a>. When searching for issues that are UNCONFIRMED, RESOLVED, VERIFIED, or CLOSED, remember to change this status field appropriately.</dd>


+    <dt>Resolution</dt>


+    <dd>the qualification of issues with a status of <a href="/nonav/docs/issue_lifecycle.html#resolvedissues">RESOLVED, VERIFIED, OR CLOSED</a>. All resolved issues must be assigned one of these <a href="/nonav/docs/issue_lifecycle.html#resolvedissues">values</a>.</dd>


+    <dt>Priority</dt>


+    <dd>queries for issues by their rank of importance using the following scale: P1 is highest priority, given to issues that should be addressed as soon as possible; P5 is the lowest priority.</dd>


+    <dt>Platform</dt>


+    <dd>is the type of computer the issues is associated with. This field is most critical when searching for defects. When querying for other types of issues, it may not be necessary to make a selection in this field.</dd>


+    <dt>OS</dt>


+    <dd>is the type of operating system the issue is associated with. Again, when querying for other types of issues, it may not be necessary to make a selection in this field.</dd>


+    <dt>Version</dt>


+    <dd>The release of the software associated with this issue. Leaving this field unselected queries all versions of the selected project or component.</dd>


+    <dt>Target Milestone</dt>


+    <dd>queries for issues associated with different project milestones, if your project has these. Milestones typically are dates when certain features or overall versions are expected to be completed.</dd>


+    <dt>Email</dt>


+    <dd>

+     lets you query for issues by the email address of assignee, reporter, QA contact, cc list, or added comments. A duplicate field lets you further refine queries based on this criteria. To search for issues associated with an email address: 


+     <ul>

+      <li>Type a portion of an email address into the text field.</li>


+      <li>Select fields to query for association with that email address.</li>

+     </ul>


+     <p>The second field enables you to look for two different email addresses. If you specify both, then only issues matching both are returned in your query results. For example, this is useful to find issues "created by Ralph" and "assigned to Fred."</p>


+     <p>You can also use the drop down menus to specify whether you want to match addresses by doing a substring match or exact match of a fully specified email address.</p>


+     <ul>

+      <li>Additional input fields let you further qualify queries by issue number(s), date changes, number of votes, and changes in field values.</li>


+      <li>Summary is the one-line abbreviated description of the issue used by default in reports and query results.</li>


+      <li>A description entry enables querying by text string from the longer, detailed issue description.</li>


+      <li>URL lets you query by the web page location associated with issues, when applicable.</li>


+      <li>

+       Status Whiteboard is a field defined by the project owner (or users with administrative permissions in IssueZilla). Input values to query by this field thus depend upon how it is being used in a particular project. 


+       <p>Those who prefer to devise their own query schemes beyond options provided in these from fields provided can <a href="booleanchart.html">set up Boolean chart queries</a>.</p>

+      </li>

+     </ul>

+    </dd>

+   </dl>


+   <h3><a id="queryresults" name="queryresults">Sorting and customizing query results</a></h3>


+   <p>Before submitting a query, you can select to sort by issue number, importance, or assignee. After you submitted a query during a IssueZilla login session, you have the option to "Reuse the same sort as last time."</p>


+   <p>Once you view the query results, clicking on any of the column headings will sort the displayed results within that column.</p>


+   <p>Using the links at the bottom of the query results page, you can also:</p>


+   <ul>

+    <li>Switch to "long format" view of results to display complete contents of issues.</li>


+    <li>Load a new query form.</li>


+    <li>Enter a new issue.</li>


+    <li>Change which columns appear in query results.</li>


+    <li>Change several issues at once. (This option displays a page that lets you select issues from your query results list and modify specific fields in all of these simultaneously.)</li>


+    <li>Send email to owners of issues listed.</li>


+    <li>Edit the configuration of the last query.</li>

+   </ul>


+   <p>To add the target milestone for each issue to your query results -- and you should do so when a particular issue is slated for release --</p>


+   <ol>

+    <li>Do a query (or click "view assigned issues").</li>


+    <li>Click the "change columns" link at the bottom.</li>


+    <li>Click the "target milestone" check box.</li>


+    <li>Submit.</li>

+   </ol>


+   <p>The target milestone column will now included for all your subsequent queries because login sessions are cookie-based. You can unmark this checkbox or mark others at any time to change your customized query results.</p>


+   <h3><a id="customqueries" name="customqueries">Remembered queries</a></h3>


+   <p>Once you've set up a fairly complex query to ferret out certain issues, you can tell IssueZilla to "remember" your custom queries as a time saver. Using the options just above the <i>Submit query</i> button, you can save your most recent query under a unique name and reuse it anytime you are logged in to IssueZilla. You can also change and reset the default query that the query page loads during your login sessions.</p>


+   <p>To include your custom, named queries in the footer of the query page, click on the "Edit prefs" link on any of the IssueZilla pages and select the "Page footer link". All of your named queries have the option to be included on every page or only on the query page.</p>


+   <h3><a id="trackissue" name="trackissue">Tracking issues by assignee</a></h3>


+   <p><b>To view a list of project issues assigned to you</b>, click the <i>My Issues</i> link in the Issue Tracking page.</p>


+   <p>Once you have invoked IssueZilla, you can also click the <i>My issues</i> link in the secondary Issue Tracking tool bar.</p>


+   <p><b>You have two options for viewing other project members' assigned issues</b>:</p>


+   <ul>

+    <li>Create an IssueZilla query using the "search the issue database" link and search by the "assigned to" field with the person's name entered. (The default setting for the "status" in the query screen includes NEW, STARTED, and REOPENED.)</li>


+    <li>Select the "Members" link in the left navigation bar to view a list of project members by name, each with a link to their assigned project issues.</li>

+   </ul>


+   <p>You can also generate reports by user and create a page of project members listed by name, each with a link to their specific list of issues.</p>


+   <h3><a id="otherqueries" name="otherqueries">Running queries not supported by the query fields</a></h3>


+   <p>You can perform some searches that aren't supported by the query form by usine the issue list script to build queries based on the URL. You can add other criteria to these queries.</p>


+   <p>For example, if you wanted to see all issues reported against the X platform and assigned to user "jwz," you could ask for all issues assign to jwz, then edit the URL in the "Location" box, adding the clause "&amp;rep_platform=X-Windows" to the URL.</p>


+   <p>Here is a list of some of the field names you could use for additional unsupported searches ...</p>


+   <ul>

+    <li>version</li>


+    <li>rep_platform</li>


+    <li>op_sys</li>


+    <li>reporter area</li>


+    <li>issue_file_loc</li>


+    <li>short_desc</li>

+   </ul>


+   <h3><a id="browserinfo" name="browserinfo">Browser notes</a></h3>


+   <p>Because IssueZilla uses several non-standard Netscape extensions, the Lynx may cache results of a .cgi. Press CONTROL-R to reload the screen to see an update.</p>


+   <div class="courtesylinks">

+    <p><a href="/nonav/docs/ProjectIssues.html">Back to Project Issues help</a><br />

+     <a href="/nonav/servlets/HelpTOC">Back to main Help index</a></p>

+   </div>

+  </div>

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+<span class="Header">Generating status reports about project issues</span>
+ <span class="PlainText"><strong>More help on IssueZilla: Index</strong>
+<dt><a href="ProjectIssues.html">Project issue tracking</a>
+  <dd><a href="ddIssues_EnterModify.html">Entering and modifying issues</a>
+  <dd><a href="ddIssues_Query.html">Querying and tracking issues</a>
+  <dd><strong>You are here: Generating status reports about project issues</strong>
+<dt><a href="/servlets/HelpTOC">Back to main Help index</a>
+     <p>
+ <hr noshade size=1>
+ <a name="reports"><span class="InputHeader">Generating reports</span></a>
+    <p>IssueZilla includes built-in reporting for a snap-shot status review of issue activity, either for your entire project or within individual project components.
+     <p>
+       To generate statistical reports on your project's issue-handling performance, click on "Reports" in the IssueZilla tool bar.
+     <ol>
+     <li>Select a project component or "all" to include issues for the entire project.
+     <p>
+     <li>Choose your desired output:
+     <p>
+     <dl>
+     <dt><span class="InputHeader">Issue Count</span>
+     <dd>Provides three different summaries of the project's or the component's issues: summary by issue status, summary issue count per project member, and summary listing of issues per project member.
+     <p>
+     <dt><span class="InputHeader">Most Doomed</span>
+     <dd>Tabulates and ranks the volume issues assigned to each project member.
+     <p>
+     <dt><span class="InputHeader">Most Recently Doomed</span>
+     <dd>Tabulates and ranks the volume of newly assigned issues by project member.
+     </dl>
+     <p>
+     <li>Accept the default setting for report format switches, or customize by removing one or both checkmarks.
+     <p>
+     <dl>
+     <dt><span class="InputHeader">Links to Issues</span>
+     <dd>Toggles whether individual issues are displayed in reports as links or static text.
+     <p>
+     <dt><span class="InputHeader">Banner</span>
+     <dd>Toggles whether the web page header and IssueZilla toolbar are displayed on the report page.
+     </ul>
+     </ol>
+ <hr noshade size=1>
+<a href="ProjectIssues.html">Back to Project Issues help</a><br>
+<a href="/servlets/HelpTOC">Back to main Help index</a></p></span>
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+   <h2>Generating status reports about project issues</h2>
+   <div id="toc">
+    <ul>
+     <li><strong><a href="/nonav/servlets/HelpTOC">Help index</a></strong></li>
+    </ul>
+    <ul>
+     <li>
+      <a href="/nonav/docs/ProjectIssues.html">Issue tracker</a> 
+      <ul>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddIssues_EnterModify.html">Entering and modifying issues</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddIssues_Query.html">Querying and tracking issues</a></li>
+       <li>Generating status reports about project issues</li>
+      </ul>
+     </li>
+    </ul>
+   </div>
+   <h3><a id="reports" name="reports">Generating reports</a></h3>
+   <p>Issue tracker includes built-in reporting for a snap-shot status review of issue activity. To generate statistical reports on your project's issue-handling performance, click the <strong>Reports</strong> link on the Issue tracker page.</p>
+   <p>You can tailor the report to fit your specific needs both in which issues are included and by how the output is sorted. You can define your report output based on the following criteria:</p>
+   <ul>
+     <li><strong>View</strong>: This field allows you to choose the superset of issues to include in the report. The available options are All issue, Closed issues, High priority (P1, P2) issues, My issues, and Open issues. If you check the <strong>show links to individual issues (not issue counts)</strong> checkbox below this field, the report output will contain active links to each issue included.</li>
+     <li><strong>Type</strong>: This field allows you to limit the report to the specified issue types. You can multiple issue types by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking the selection. If no types are selected, the report output will include all issue types.</li>
+     <li><strong>Containing</strong>: This field allows you to define a case-insensitive substring. Only those issues which contain this substring in either the summary, description or status whiteboard fields will be included in the report output.</li>
+     <li><strong>Rows</strong>: This field allows you to choose the issue attribute to use at the row header. The report will group all issues in rows by the selected attribute.</li>
+     <li><strong>Columns</strong>: This field allows you to select the issue attribute to use as the column header. The report will group issues in columns by the selected attribute.</li>
+   </ul>
+   <div class="courtesylinks">
+    <p><a href="#toc">Top</a> | <a href="/nonav/servlets/HelpTOC">Help index</a></p>
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+  <h2>Tunneling with SSH2</h2>
+  <p>Last updated 2003-07</p>
+  <p class="Header">Contents</p>
+  <div class="Indent">
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#thisguide">About this Guide</a> </li>
+      <li><a href="#aboutssh">About SSH2</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#concepts">Concepts</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#choosing">The SSH2 Client</a> </li>
+      <li><a href="#platforms">Platforms</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#commands">Command-line (Linux, Mac OS X Terminal, Unix)</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#mac">Mac OS 9</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#windows">Windows</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#cygwin">Using Cygwin: Free and Open Source Unix Terminal
+          Emulator </a></li>
+      <li><a href="#HowtoConnect">Tunneling with Cygwin: Unix Commands (Applicable
+          to Linux, OS X, etc.)</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#sendingkey">Submitting Your Certificate (Public Key): For
+          everyone</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#whattodo">What to do once you've established a tunnel: For
+          everyone</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#cvs">How to use CVS with a tunnel</a></li>
+    </ul>
+  </div>
+  <a href="/servlets/HelpTOC">Back to main Help index</a> <br />
+  </div>
+  <hr noshade size=1 />
+  <h3>About this Guide<a name="thisguide"></a></h3>
+  <p><b>What this guide discusses</b>. The purpose of this guide is to
+    enable users to tunnel to using SSH2 (Secure Shell 2). This
+    guide provides instructions for the creating the certificate (also called
+    the public key) used by SSH2 servers and for sending that certificate to
+    the administrator. It will also then explain how to create
+    a secure "tunnel" between your machine and using this certificate.
+    (Throughout this discussion, the term "public key" and "certificate" will
+    be used interchangeably.) This guide only seems long. Much of the material
+    is repeated and tailored to suit the needs of particular clients.
+  </p><p><b>What this guide does not discuss</b>. This guide does not explain in detail how
+    to use CVS, only how to set up the tunnel so that you can use CVS. See the brief account of using CVS with a tunnel <a href="#cvs">below</a>.
+  </p><p><strong>Note</strong>: In order to tunnel to, you must first
+    submit a public key (certificate); it must then be accepted; it will only
+    be accepted if you have the authorization of your project lead and have submitted
+    either a Joint Copyright Assignment or Public Document License and your name
+    is on the &quot;<a href="../copyright/copyrightapproved.html">Copyright Approved</a>&quot; list.
+    For more information, see the <a href="../contributing.html">Contributing</a> page.</p>
+  <a name="aboutssh"></a>
+  <h3>About SSH2</h3>
+  <p>SSH2 is a flexible and more secure replacement for telnet and rlogin, and
+    SSH1. It is widely used in development projects to provide access control
+    and data-transport security. SSH2 can be used to create an unobtrusive, transparent "port
+    tunnel" to the CVS (concurrent versions system) server. SSH2 uses encrypted
+    certificates (a public/private key pair) to verify the user's identity and
+    to transmit data. Data sent through the tunnel is encrypted, but the process
+    is invisible to you or to the client software you are using to access the
+    CVS repository. </p>
+  <p>Because it is easy to use and very secure, uses SSH2 for
+    developers accessing the CVS repository. </p>
+  <a name="concepts"></a>
+  <h3>Concepts</h3>
+  <ol>
+    <li>Using the right software</li>
+    <li>Creating the certificate</li>
+    <li>Establishing the SSH2 tunnel</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>Before you can establish an SSH2 connection, you have to find the right
+    software, i.e., a client that places a terminal on your desktop, if you are
+    using Windows or Mac OS 9 (Mac OS X has SSH2 capability built in). Fortunately,
+    there are excellent clients that offer Windows and Mac OS users desktop terminals.
+    The section below discusses them in detail. Of course, if you are using Linux
+    (or some other Unix variant), then you can skip that section and go right
+    to the section, <a href="#HowtoConnect">"Tunneling"</a> that describes the
+    key elements in establishing an SSH2 tunnel in a Unix-like environment. And
+    if you already are familiar with the these clients, then you can skip ahead
+    to "<a href="#usingterminals">Using the Desktop Terminal</a>.&quot;</p>
+  <p>Once you have obtained and configured a client terminal, you must
+  </p><ol start="1">
+    <li>Generate a public/private key pair (the certificate); and</li>
+    <li>File an issue and attach the public key to the issue. Assign it to
+      in the &quot;www&quot; component</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>Generating the key is simple, and there are both commercially available
+    and free clients that do the job for you. Sending the key then is only a
+    matter of attaching it to an issue in which you explain which module you
+    wish to access and assigning it to in the www.component. </p>
+  <h3>The SSH2 Client<a name="choosing"></a></h3>
+  <h4>Platforms<a name="platforms"></a></h4>
+  <p><b>Command Line: Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, Solaris.<a name="commands"></a></b> Linux
+    supports SSH. To connect using SSH, see the "Tunneling" section below. As
+    well, Mac OS X, via the &quot;Terminal&quot; application, allows you to generate
+    a key pair, and establish a tunnel. This is no surprise, as it is using tried-and-true
+    software. To establish the tunnel, follow the instructions as for Linux,
+    with the exception being that the command for generating the DSA key in BSD
+    is different: <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">ssh-keygen -t dsa</font> (though
+    I have found that<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> ssh-keygen -d also
+    works</font>).</p>
+  <p><b><a name="Mac"></a>MacOS 9.x.</b> Hardly surprising, isn't it, that tunneling
+    using Mac OS 9 is trivially easy? The concepts are the same as for Windows,
+    Linux, or Mac OS X, as are the numbers, etc. But, in a nutshell, here's what
+    you do. It's a two-step process. First, you must configure MacSSH, then configure
+    the CVS client. </p>
+  <h4>Configuring MacSSH</h4>
+  <ol>
+    <li>Download the latest version of <a href="h">MacSSH,</a> which
+      is characteristically easy to use, is free, Open Source, and offers superior
+      performance.</li>
+    <li>Configure it by clicking on the &quot;Favorites&quot; pull-down menu
+      in the top-navbar. </li>
+    <li>Click on the &quot;New&quot; button.</li>
+    <li>Enter a name for this favorite. If it is going to be your default, don't
+      bother. </li>
+    <li>Host Name:</li>
+    <li>Port: 22</li>
+    <li>Terminal: default</li>
+    <li>Go now to &quot;SSH2&quot; tab.</li>
+    <li>Encryption: <b>3DES</b></li>
+    <li>Authentication: <b>MD5</b></li>
+    <li>Compression: <b>zlib</b></li>
+    <li>Method: <b>Local TCP port forward</b></li>
+    <li>Local port: <b>2401</b></li>
+    <li> Remote host: <b>localhost</b></li>
+    <li> Remote port: <b>2401</b></li>
+    <li>You now must initialize (create) your SSH2 key pair. Click on the &quot;Initialize
+      SSH&quot; button. Follow instructions.</li>
+    <li>Export your key (that is, put it elsewhere) by clicking on the &quot;Export&quot; button. </li>
+    <li>Once your key has been loaded by the helpful and friendly staff at,
+      you will be notified; and then you will be able to establish a tunnel. </li>
+    <li>And, as is the case with tunnels: once established, there is no shell.
+      At most you will receive a message in a window saying that you are connected.
+      That is all. Leave this open, though you may minimize the window.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <h4>Configuring Mac CVS Clients</h4>
+  <p>There are several free and easy-to-use CVS clients for the Mac. Each has
+    its shortcoming (among them being the inane similarity of names) but I prefer
+    two: <a href="" target="_blank">MacCVSPro</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">MacCVSClient</a>.
+    Both allow port forwarding (so you can use the tunnel) and both are easily
+    configured. The data is the same for both. As well, for both you <i>must</i> create
+    a folder for he CVS files. This can be done within the client or outside.
+    I suggest you do it first, and that you clearly identify your folder. </p>
+  <p><b>Note: I am providing all the information you <i>may</i> need. Not all
+      this information is required by the clients.</b>
+  </p><ul>
+    <li>Remote Host information: localhost</li>
+    <li>CVS Root: /cvs</li>
+    <li>CVs User Name: The same as your login user name</li>
+    <li>CVs Password: The same as your login password</li>
+    <li>CVs command: CVS</li>
+    <li>Port: 2401</li>
+    <li>Method: Pserver</li>
+    <li>Default Module: The module to which you have access.</li>
+    <li>Do not allow &quot;Auto Merge.&quot;</li>
+  </ul>
+  <p>The above information should be all you need. If you receive error messages
+    (a &quot;1&quot; in CVS), you may not have correctly set up your tunnel or
+    have a bad password. As well, be sure to put the preceding slash &quot;/&quot; <i>before</i> the
+    cvs (lowercase) root. If it's not there, you won't be able to checkout material.</p>
+  <p><b>Windows</b><a name="windows"></a>. If you are using Windows (NT or 9x
+    or 2K), then please use <a href="" target="_blank">Cygwin</a>.
+    Cygwin, from Cygnus Solutions, provides a nearly full Unix environment on
+    your desktop. Cygwin has been updated to load quickly and easily. It also
+    generates the keys in the proper format for We recommend
+    Cygwin and do not recommend any other client.</p>
+  <h3>Using Cygwin: Free and Open Source Unix Terminal Emulator<a name="cygwin"></a></h3>
+  <h4>Generating the Key with Cygwin: Unix Commands</h4>
+  <ol>
+    <li>Open Cygwin. If properly configured, Cygwin should start in your home
+      directory. To check that it does, type in "<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">pwd</font>" at
+      the prompt. (The command requests bash to respond with the working directory.)
+      If the answer does not correspond to your home directory, type in "<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">cd</font>." This
+      relocates the working directory to your home directory. </li>
+    <li>Enter "<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">ssh-keygen -d</font>." This
+      commands the program to generate an SSH2 key (the -d extension specifies
+      a DSA or SSH2 key). Depending on the speed of your processor, it could
+      take anywhere from several seconds to several minutes. When finished, it
+      will prompt you for a file in which to save the key. You should accept
+      the default; or, you can specify a file and directory in which to save
+      the key, but doing so can be a pain, unless you are familiar (or wish to
+      be become familiar) with Unix file structures.</li>
+    <li>You will then be asked to enter a passphrase. You must enter a passphrase. Your key will not work unless you enter one. 
+      Remember this passphrase: you will be asked for it every time you log into
+      the SSH2 server to which you have connected using this public key. </li>
+    <li>If you have entered a passphrase correctly (and you will be asked twice
+      to be sure you aren't typo-ing your way into a mistake), you will then
+      be told that the "identification" has been saved in the file you stipulated,
+      and that the "public key" has been saved in a file bearing that same name
+      but with a <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">.pub</font> suffix.
+      The .<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">pub</font> signifies that
+      it is the public key.</li>
+    <li>For details on submitting the key, see the section below, &quot;Submitting
+      Your Certificate (Public Key).</li>
+    <li>Note: you are going to use CVS via the tunnel. Your CVSROOT needs therefore
+      to point to your localhost to use the tunnel.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <h4><a name="HowtoConnect"></a>Tunneling with the Cygwin: Unix
+    commands </h4>
+  <ul>
+    <li>First, begin the program.</li>
+    <li>At the prompt, enter "<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">ssh -2
+        -x -L 2401:localhost:2401</font>"</li>
+    <li>The server should ask you for your passphrase. Enter it. If the passphrase
+      is entered wrongly, the server will immediately ask for your password.
+      This request indicates a failure. You should try again, and hope for better
+      luck.</li>
+    <li>If this is your first time, the server will send you a message along
+      these lines:
+      <ul>
+        <li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">Host key not found from the
+            list of known hosts. </font></li>
+        <li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">Are you sure you want to
+            continue connecting (yes/no)?</font> </li>
+      </ul>
+    </li>
+    <li>Enter "<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">Yes</font>." You can't
+      just enter "y"; you have to spell it out.
+    </li><li>The server will then respond with: "Host "<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"></font>" added
+      to the list of known hosts."
+    </li><li>The screen does not show a prompt. It may, at most, say something. That's
+      how it should be. The tunnel has been established. You are now ready to
+      begin using CVS.
+    </li><li>But: Your CVSROOT needs to point to your <span class="TypewriterPlain">localhost</span> to
+      use the tunnel
+    </li><li>You can, at this point, minimize the terminal, but do not close it or
+      enter <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">Ctrl-C (^C)</font>. Doing
+      so will kill the terminal tunnel.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <h4>Submitting Your Certificate (Public Key)<a name="sendingkey"></a></h4>
+  <p>Regardless of the way the public key has been created, it needs to be sent
+    to and accepted by administrators.</p>
+  <ol>
+    <li> To submit the key, attach the .<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">pub</font> file
+      as an attachment to an IssueZilla issue. (To use IssueZilla you must be
+      registered; but, then, to actually use the key you have to be a registered
+      user.) Assign it to "" in the &quot;www&quot; component.
+      Explain in the issue what modules you wish access to. (The key takes up
+      one very long line; it cannot be broken into more than one line, and anything
+      that does that violates the integrity of the key. That's why you need to
+      attach the file to the issue.)</li>
+    <li> We will then send you an acknowledgment alerting you of your ability
+      to use the certificate to tunnel to Should you run into
+      difficulties, do not hesitate to contact <a href=""></a>.</li>
+    <li>Note: Your CVSROOT needs to point at your localhost to use the tunnel</li>
+  </ol>
+  <h4><a name="whattodo"></a>What to do after you have a tunnel</h4>
+  <p>Okay, you've come this far. If you've done everything right, you will have
+    a tunnel on your desktop to the server housing the CVS repository. This tunnel
+    is <i>not</i> a shell, i.e., you will not see any of the more or less familiar
+    Unix elements, just a perplexingly blank screen, and a message indicating
+    when you last logged in.. And this is the way it should be. </p>
+  <p>What you must do now: Log on to CVS. As mentioned before, this document
+    does not touch upon CVS protocols, only how to establish an SSH tunnel. But,
+    to emphasize the issue, the establishment of the tunnel is distinct from
+    loggin into the CVS repository. The tunnel only <i>enables</i> you to log
+    in. For documentation on how to use CVS, please see the Help on <a href="ddCVS.html">CVS</a>.</p>
+  <p>See below,<a href="#cvs"> How to use CVS with a tunnel</a>.</p>
+  <p class="Header">See also the <a href="">new
+      document</a> generated by Miljenko Williams of Website that does a fine
+      job of explaining not only tunneling and Cygwin, but also CVS.</p>
+  <h4><a name="cvs"></a>How to use CVS with a tunnel</h4>
+  <p>The tunnel is a conduit for cvs data. When you initiate a tunnel following
+    the instructions above, you  are connecting to the CVS server. The tunnel,
+    which is more a window into the server, becomes your designated CVS host.
+    You need only supply the correct password for the CVS server; it is the same
+    as your user password. Thus, the process is:</p>
+  <li> Establish a tunnel. If it works, you will be asked for your passphrase
+  (not password, a sign of failure)</li>
+  <li>Initiate the CVS connection. You use :pserver; the server is &quot;localhost&quot;
+    (the tunnel), and you use your regular username.
+    <ul>
+      <li>E.g., cvs -d :pserver:[username]@localhost:/cvs login </li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+<li>The regular set of CVS commands obtains. Just keep in mind you are going through the localhost tunnel, that you are not connecting to the CVS server outside of the tunnel.
+  <h4>Terminating the tunnel<a name="terminating"></a></h4>
+  <p>The easiest way to terminate the tunnel is to Ctrl-C (^C) it out of existence.
+      In both the Mac OS and Windows environment, you can also close the client
+    window, thereby shutting the tunnel down.</p>
+  <h4><a name="furtherdocumentation"></a>Further Documentation</h4>
+  <ul>
+    <li><a href="" target="_blank">Jakarta
+          Projec</a>t information on using SSH and CVS on Windows. Useful information
+          on the issues involved.
+    </li><li> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> has
+        a list of "free" clients for interoperating with OpenSSH from both Windows
+        and Macintosh boxes
+    </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">The Secure
+          Shell</a> (SSH) Frequently Asked Questions
+    </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">The Secure Shell Community
+          Site</a>
+    </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">OpenSSH</a>
+    </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">The Cygwin
+          Project Mailing List Archives</a>
+    </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">The Secure Shell Community
+          Site</a>
+    </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Secure
+          Shell (SSH/SSH) Setup (Linux)</a>
+    </li><li><a href="" target="_blank">SSH with WinCvs</a>
+  </li></ul>
+  <span class="PlainText">
+  <p>
+  <a href="#toc">Top</a> | <a href="/nonav/servlets/HelpTOC">Help index</a></p></span> 
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+      About this guide 
+      <ul>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide.html#aboutssh">About SSH</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide.html#furtherdocumentation">Further documentation</a></li>
+      </ul>
+     </li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideConcepts.html">Concepts</a></li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Choosing the desktop terminal</a></li>
+     <li>
+      <a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Using the Desktop Terminal</a> 
+      <ul>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#macs">Macintosh</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#windows">Windows</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#othersshclients">Other SSH clients</a></li>
+      </ul>
+     </li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</a></li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideterminating.html">Terminating the tunnel</a></li>
+    </ul>
+   </div>
+   <h3><a id="thisguide" name="thisguide">About this Guide</a></h3>
+   <h4>What this guide discusses</h4>
+   <p>The purpose of this discussion is to provide a guide for users to tunnel to the desired server using SSH (Secure Shell). We have broken the guide into several distinct elements. If you wish, you can jump to those sections that most pertain to your questions without referring to the previous sections. If you have questions that are beyond the scope of this Help, we have listed below some resources that might help you out.</p>
+   <h4>What this guide does not discuss</h4>
+   <p>This guide does not explain how to use CVS, only how to set up the tunnel so that you can use CVS. However,a brief description of the command to begin using CVS, once the tunnel has been established, is appended at the end of this document.</p>
+   <h3><a id="aboutssh" name="aboutssh">About SSH</a></h3>
+   <p>SSH is a flexible and more secure replacement for telnet and rlogin. It is widely used in development projects to provide access control and data-transport security. SSH can be used to create an unobtrusive, transparent "port tunnel" to the CVS (concurrent versions system) server. Data sent through the tunnel is encrypted, but the process is invisible to you or to the client software you are using to access the CVS repository. Because it is easy to use and very secure, we recommend SSH for developers accessing the CVS repository.</p>
+   <p>Accessing the CVS repository without SSH runs the very real risk of having a third-party thief snoop your CVS password. And, with your CVS password, the thief can wreak serious mischief. For instance, he or she might quite plausibly compromise a project's CVS repository by inserting a virus in the source code.</p>
+   <h3><a id="furtherdocumentation" name="furtherdocumentation">Further Documentation</a></h3>
+  <ul>
+    <li><a href=""></a> has a list of "free" clients for interoperating with OpenSSH from both Windows and Macintosh boxes:</li>
+    <li><a href="">The Secure Shell</a> (SSH) Frequently Asked Questions:</li>
+    <li><a href="">OpenSSH:</a></li>
+    <li><a href="">The Cygwin Project Mailing List Archives</a>:</li>
+    <li><a href="">Macintosh Security Issues</a>:</li>
+    <li><a href="">MacSSH</a> (open-source SSH1 and 2 for the Mac!):</li>
+    <li><a href="">SSH with WinCvs:</a></li>
+  </ul>
+   <div class="courtesylinks">
+    <p><a href="#toc">Top</a> | <a href="/nonav/servlets/HelpTOC">Help index</a></p>
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+<p><span class="Header">Tunneling with SSH</span></p>
+<span class="PlainText"><b>SSH Guide: Index</b>
+  <dl>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#thisguide">About this Guide</a>
+<dd><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#aboutssh">About SSH</a></li>
+<dd><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#furtherdocumentation">Further Documentation</a></li>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideConcepts.html">Concepts</a>
+<dt><b>You are here: Choosing the Desktop Terminal</b>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Using the Desktop Terminal</a>
+  <dd><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#macs">Macintosh</a></dd>
+  <dd><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#windows">Windows</a></dd>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling Using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</a>
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+<a name="ddSSHGuideChoosing.html"></a><span class="InputHeader">Choosing the Desktop Terminal</span></p>
+<span class="PlainText">
+<p><b>Linux, Unix, Solaris.</b> Linux supports SSH. To connect using SSH, see the "Tunneling Using Cygwin" section below. </p>
+<p><b>Macintosh.</b> In important regards, procedures for tunneling with a Mac client terminal resemble those for Windows clients. Mac users can download and install any number of free or for-fee terminals, the most popular being <a href="" target="_new">MacSSH,</a> which is characteristically easy to use, is free, and offers superior performance for SSH1 connections. <a href="" target="_new">
+<p>NiftyTelnet 1.1 SSH</a>, a fast and easy-to-use telnet and SSH1 client is also free. It supports effortless scp (secure copying), as well. 
+<p>Mac OS X, based on FreeBSD and the Mach 3 kernel, has SSH built in and is constantly updated. You can also obtain and use <a href="" target="_new">Data Fellows' F-Secure SSH,</a> a for-fee (see below) client create a desktop terminal allowing you to tunnel to the CVS server. F-Secure SSH can be obtained at: For SSH1, you will want F-Secure SSH v.1.02; v.2.1 is for SSH2 connections only--i.e., those requiring encrypted certificates, or keys.</p>
+<p><b>Windows</b>. If you are using Windows (NT or 9x or 2K), then you can use <a href="" target="_new">SecureCRT</a>, <a href="" target="_new">F-Secure SSH</a>, or <a href="" target="_new">Cygwin</a>. Cygwin, from Cygnus Solutions, provides a nearly full Unix environment on your desktop. 
+<p>In contrast, SecureCRT and F-Secure SSH only provide user-friendly terminals, i.e., they don't pretend to emulate a Unix environment. Both F-Secure SSH and SecureCRT cost money ($100 for SecureCRT, $150 for F-Secure SSH), although a free, 30-day trial version is available for each. Of all, Cygwin has the added value of not just being free and very powerful, but also open source and constantly improved upon. </p>
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+      <a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide.html#thisguide">About this Guide</a> 
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+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide#aboutssh">About SSH</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide#furtherdocumentation">Further documentation</a></li>
+      </ul>
+     </li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideConcepts.html">Concepts</a></li>
+     <li>Choosing the desktop terminal</li>
+     <li>
+      <a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Using the Desktop Terminal</a> 
+      <ul>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#macs">Macintosh</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#windows">Windows</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#othersshclients">Other SSH clients</a></li>
+      </ul>
+     </li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</a></li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideterminating.html">Terminating the tunnel</a></li>
+    </ul>
+   </div>
+   <h3><a id="ddSSHGuideChoosing.html" name="ddSSHGuideChoosing.html">Choosing the Desktop Terminal</a></h3>
+   <h4>Platforms</h4>
+   <p><b>Linux, Unix, Solaris.</b> Linux supports SSH. To connect using SSH, see the "Tunneling Using Cygwin" section below.</p>
+   <dl>
+    <dt>Macintosh</dt>
+    <dd>
+     <p>In important regards, procedures for tunneling with a Mac client terminal resemble those for Windows clients. Mac users can download and install any number of free or for-fee terminals, the most popular being <a href="">MacSSH,</a> which is characteristically easy to use, is free, and offers superior performance for SSH1 connections. <a href=""></a></p>
+     <p>NiftyTelnet 1.1 SSH, a fast and easy-to-use telnet and SSH1 client is also free. It supports effortless scp (secure copying), as well.</p>
+      <p>Mac OS X, based on FreeBSD and the Mach 3 kernel, has SSH built in and is constantly updated. You can also obtain and use <a href="">F-Secure SSH,</a> to create a desktop terminal allowing you to tunnel to the CVS server. For SSH1, you will want F-Secure SSH v.1.02; v.2.1 is for SSH2 connections only--i.e., those requiring encrypted certificates, or keys.</p>
+    </dd>
+    <dt>Windows</dt>
+    <dd>
+      <p>If you are using Windows (NT or 9x or 2K), then you can use <a href="">SecureCRT</a>, <a href="">F-Secure SSH</a>, or <a href="">Cygwin</a>. Cygwin, from Cygnus Solutions, provides a nearly full Unix environment on your desktop.</p>
+     <p>In contrast, SecureCRT and F-Secure SSH only provide user-friendly terminals, i.e., they don't pretend to emulate a Unix environment. Both F-Secure SSH and SecureCRT cost money ($100 for SecureCRT, $150 for F-Secure SSH), although a free, 30-day trial version is available for each. Of all, Cygwin has the added value of not just being free and very powerful, but also open source and constantly improved upon.</p>
+    </dd>
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+<p><span class="Header">SSH concepts</span></p>
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+<dd><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#aboutssh">About SSH</a></li>
+<dd><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#furtherdocumentation">Further documentation</a></li>
+<dt><b>You are here: Concepts</b>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Choosing the desktop terminal</a>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Using the desktop terminal</a>
+  <dd><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#macs">Macintosh</a></dd>
+  <dd><a href="ddSSHGuideUsingterminals.html#windows">Windows</a></dd>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</a>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideterminating.html">Terminating the tunnel</a>
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+<span class="InputHeader">Concepts</span>
+<li>Using the right software</li>
+<li>Establishing an SSH tunnel</li>
+<p>Before you can establish an SSH connection, you have to find the right software, i.e. a client that places a terminal on your desktop, if you are using Windows or Mac OS 9 (Mac OS X has SSH built in). Fortunately, there are several excellent clients (both free and not) that offer Windows and Mac OS users desktop terminals. The section below discusses them in detail. Of course, if you are using Linux (or some other Unix variant), then you can skip that section and go right to the section, <a href="ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling Using Cygwin</a> that describes the key elements in establishing an SSH tunnel in a Unix-like environment.
+<p>Once you have obtained a client terminal, the process of establishing a tunnel to the server housing the CVS repository is fairly simple. The crucial element is making sure you connect to the right server and that you use the right port numbers in establishing your tunnel. Fortunately, that number has been standardized: 2401. 
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+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide.html#aboutssh">About SSH</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide.html#furtherdocumentation">Further documentation</a></li>
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+     </li>
+     <li>Concepts</li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Choosing the desktop terminal</a></li>
+     <li>
+      <a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Using the Desktop Terminal</a> 
+      <ul>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#macs">Macintosh</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#windows">Windows</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#othersshclients">Other SSH clients</a></li>
+      </ul>
+     </li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</a></li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideterminating.html">Terminating the tunnel</a></li>
+    </ul>
+   </div>
+   <h3>Concepts</h3>
+   <ul>
+    <li>Using the right software</li>
+    <li>Establishing an SSH tunnel</li>
+   </ul>
+   <p>Before you can establish an SSH connection, you have to find the right software, i.e. a client that places a terminal on your desktop, if you are using Windows or Mac OS 9 (Mac OS X has SSH built in). Fortunately, there are several excellent clients (both free and not) that offer Windows and Mac OS users desktop terminals. The section below discusses them in detail. Of course, if you are using Linux (or some other Unix variant), then you can skip that section and go right to the section, <a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling Using Cygwin</a> that describes the key elements in establishing an SSH tunnel in a Unix-like environment.</p>
+   <p>Once you have obtained a client terminal, the process of establishing a tunnel to the server housing the CVS repository is fairly simple. The crucial element is making sure you connect to the right server and that you use the right port numbers in establishing your tunnel. Fortunately, that number has been standardized: 2401.</p>
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+<span class="InputHeader">SSH tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</span>
+<span class="PlainText"><b>SSH Guide: Index</b>
+  <dl>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuide.html">About this guide</a>
+<dd><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#aboutssh">About SSH</a></li>
+<dd><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#furtherdocumentation">Further documentation</a></li>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideConcepts.html">Concepts</a>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideChoosing.html">Choosing the desktop terminal</a>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Using the desktop terminal</a>
+  <dd><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#macs">Macintosh</a></dd>
+  <dd><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#windows">Windows</a></dd>
+<dt><b>You are here: Tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator
+  <dd><a href="#installation">Installation</a>
+  <dd><a href="#tunneling">Tunneling</a>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideterminating.html">Terminating the tunnel</a>
+  </dl>
+<a href="/servlets/HelpTOC">Back to main Help index</a>
+<hr noshade size=1>
+<a name="installation"></a><span class="InputHeader">Installation</span>
+<p>Before we can tunnel with Cygwin, it must be correctly installed.
+<p>The most important consideration for installing Cygwin is creating
+the appropriate Unix folders. Cygwin's <a
+href="" target="_new">website</a> offers complete and detailed
+instructions; the below is an abbreviated version.</p>
+<li>Download and install Cygwin. Cygnus gives you the option of installing from the Web, but it is faster (and ultimately more efficient) to install from a local disk. So just download and save the file somewhere you can easily find it.</li>
+<li>Click on Cygwin's "setup.exe" icon and follow the instructions, accepting the defaults. At some point, you will be asked for text format and whether you want Cygwin to be for yourself alone or to be shared. It doesn't matter whether you choose DOS or Unix, but for the sake of ease of use, choose Unix and "All." Cygwin will then install, and should create icons in your start file as well as on your desktop. If it doesn't, run setup again. Nothing will be installed if nothing needs to be, but it will take you to the end, where you can check the boxes indicating you want the icons installed. Check them.</li>
+<li>At this point, you need to create the Unix folders. You can create the standard directories from within Cygwin, as Cygwin's configuration instructions suggest (<a href="" target="_new"></a>), or you can set them up from within Windows. Using the Windows method has some advantages, especially for people who are not entirely familiar with Unix commands and protocols. Since Cygwin is able to read both Win32 (Windows) file paths as well as Unix ones (POSIX), it doesn't much matter how you do it.</li>
+<li>Very clear instructions for creating the Unix directories can be found at <a href="" target="_new"></a>. Although the instructions are specifically for a slightly earlier version of the program, they still obtain: the typical Unix directories must still be created. 
+<li>As well, the cygwin.bat file needs to be modified. Cygnus suggests that other files, too, need modification; but of these, the .bat file, which specifies the commands and their sequence that bash must go through, needs immediate modification. 
+<li>Configure your cygwin.bat file using Windows' Notepad utility or other text editor (not Microsoft Word or anything that imparts formatting) so that it looks something like this:</li>
+  <ul><p><span class="TypewriterPlain">@ECHO OFF<br>
+  SET MAKE_MODE=Unix<br>
+  SET CYGWIN=notty<br>
+  SET HOME=C:\unix\HOME\[your home directory name]<br>
+  SET TERM=VT100<br>
+  CHDIR C:\Unix\HOME\[your home directory name]<br>
+  BASH</span><br>
+  </ul>
+<p><li>Where the "unix" directory on the "C" drive contains the traditional Unix directories. You can name it anything you want, as long a you do not use anything that confuses Unix, e.g., hyphens, spaces, etc. 
+<li>You should now have the C:\Cygwin directories, and your own C:\unix directories, which include your crucial home directory. 
+<li>There is still one more, optional, step. For Cygwin to run efficiently, you might want to configure the shortcut icon on your desktop so that it starts the program in the right directory. This is not necessary, if you have stipulated the HOME directory in the .bat file.</li>
+<li>Cygwin offers some further refinements, and, to be sure, there will doubtless be some tweaking you will have to do to make have the program running efficiently. Again, if you are familiar with Unix commands and file structures, you will find this easy; if you are not, Cygwin is quite forgiving, and you can get started with a minimum of fuss. </li>
+<hr noshade size=1>
+<a name="tunneling"></a><span class="InputHeader">Tunneling</span>
+<li>First, begin the program.</li>
+<li>At the prompt, enter "<span class="TypewriterPlain">ssh -x -L 2401:localhost:2401</span>"</li>
+  <li>The server should ask you for your password. Enter it. It is "<span class="TypewriterPlain">tunnel</span>"</li>
+  <li>If this is your first time, the server will send you a message along these lines:
+  <ul>
+  <li><span class="TypewriterPlain">Host key not found from the list of known hosts.</span> </li>
+  <li><span class="TypewriterPlain">Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?</span> </li>
+  </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li>Enter "<span class="TypewriterPlain">Yes</span>." You can't just enter "y"; you have to spell it out. <li>The server will then respond with: "<span class="TypewriterPlain">Host "" added to the list of known hosts.</span>" 
+  <li>The screen does not show a prompt. That's how it should be. The tunnel has been established. You are now ready to begin using CVS. <li>You can, at this point, minimize the terminal, but do not close it or enter <span class="TypewriterPlain">Ctrl-C (^C)</span>. Doing so will kill the terminal tunnel.</li>
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+   <h2>SSH tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</h2>
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+     <li><strong><a href="/nonav/servlets/HelpTOC">Help index</a></strong></li>
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+      <a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide.html">About this guide</a> 
+      <ul>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide.html#aboutssh">About SSH</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuide.html#furtherdocumentation">Further documentation</a></li>
+      </ul>
+     </li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideConcepts.html">Concepts</a></li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Choosing the desktop terminal</a></li>
+     <li>
+      <a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Using the Desktop Terminal</a> 
+      <ul>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#macs">Macintosh</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#windows">Windows</a></li>
+       <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideTerminals.html#othersshclients">Other SSH clients</a></li>
+      </ul>
+     </li>
+     <li>Tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</li>
+     <li><a href="/nonav/docs/ddSSHGuideterminating.html">Terminating the tunnel</a></li>
+    </ul>
+   </div>
+   <h3><a id="installation" name="installation">Installation</a></h3>
+   <p>Before we can tunnel with Cygwin, it must be correctly installed.</p>
+   <p>The most important consideration for installing Cygwin is creating the appropriate Unix folders. Cygwin's <a href="">website</a> offers complete and detailed instructions; the below is an abbreviated version.</p>
+   <ul>
+    <li>Download and install Cygwin. Cygnus gives you the option of installing from the Web, but it is faster (and ultimately more efficient) to install from a local disk. So just download and save the file somewhere you can easily find it.</li>
+    <li>Click on Cygwin's "setup.exe" icon and follow the instructions, accepting the defaults. At some point, you will be asked for text format and whether you want Cygwin to be for yourself alone or to be shared. It doesn't matter whether you choose DOS or Unix, but for the sake of ease of use, choose Unix and "All." Cygwin will then install, and should create icons in your start file as well as on your desktop. If it doesn't, run setup again. Nothing will be installed if nothing needs to be, but it will take you to the end, where you can check the boxes indicating you want the icons installed. Check them.</li>
+    <li>At this point, you need to create the Unix folders. You can create the standard directories from within Cygwin, (see <a href=""></a> for configuration instructions), or you can set them up from within Windows. Using the Windows method has some advantages, especially for people who are not entirely familiar with Unix commands and protocols. Since Cygwin is able to read both Win32 (Windows) file paths as well as Unix ones (POSIX), it doesn't much matter how you do it.</li>
+    <li>Very clear instructions for creating the Unix directories can be found at <a href=""></a>. Although the instructions are specifically for a slightly earlier version of the program, they still obtain: the typical Unix directories must still be created.</li>
+    <li>As well, the cygwin.bat file needs to be modified. Cygnus suggests that other files, too, need modification; but of these, the .bat file, which specifies the commands and their sequence that bash must go through, needs immediate modification.</li>
+    <li>Configure your cygwin.bat file using Windows' Notepad utility or other text editor (not Microsoft Word or anything that imparts formatting) so that it looks something like this:</li>
+   </ul>
+<code>@ECHO OFF
+    SET CYGWIN=notty
+    SET HOME=C:\unix\HOME\[your home directory name]
+    SET TERM=VT100
+    CHDIR C:\Unix\HOME\[your home directory name]
+    BASH</code>
+   <ul>
+    <li>Where the "unix" directory on the "C" drive contains the traditional Unix directories. You can name it anything you want, as long a you do not use anything that confuses Unix, e.g., hyphens, spaces, etc.</li>
+    <li>You should now have the C:\Cygwin directories, and your own C:\unix directories, which include your crucial home directory.</li>
+    <li>There is still one more, optional, step. For Cygwin to run efficiently, you might want to configure the shortcut icon on your desktop so that it starts the program in the right directory. This is not necessary, if you have stipulated the HOME directory in the .bat file.</li>
+    <li>Cygwin offers some further refinements, and, to be sure, there will doubtless be some tweaking you will have to do to make have the program running efficiently. Again, if you are familiar with Unix commands and file structures, you will find this easy; if you are not, Cygwin is quite forgiving, and you can get started with a minimum of fuss.</li>
+   </ul>
+   <h3><a id="tunneling" name="tunneling">Tunneling</a></h3>
+   <p>To gain access to CVS via a secure tunnel:</p>
+   <ol>
+    <li>From cygwin, or another UNIX-type command prompt, type: "ssh-keygen.exe -d" and press Enter. You should see:</li>
+    <li>
+     <ul>
+      <li>Generating DSA parameter and key.</li>
+      <li>Enter file in which to save the key (/home/Administrator/.ssh/id_dsa): [press Enter key for default location]</li>
+      <li>Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [please leave blank, and press Enter]</li>
+      <li>Enter same passphrase again: [please leave blank, and press Enter]</li>
+      <li>Your identification has been saved in /home/Administrator/.ssh/id_dsa.</li>
+      <li>Your public key has been saved in /home/Administrator/.ssh/</li>
+     </ul>
+    </li>
+    <li>Rename the "" from your computer to "", i.e. "" and attach it to an issue for technical support. The key will need to be installed on the CVS server for you to gain access through the CVS tunnel. Cunsult with your support representative about a location to upload the * key.</li>
+   </ol>
+   <p>Every time you wish to access the CVS repository you will need to run Cygwin or other UNIX shell and login with:</p>
+   <blockquote>
+    ssh -x -2 -L 2401:localhost:2401 tunnel@[your_server].com
+   </blockquote>
+   <p>where [your_server] equals the name of your CVS server.</p>
+   <p>You should get a message saying "Host key not found, are you sure you want to continue". Type "yes". You need to use the whole word. You get another line and the cursor moves to the left side of the window and just blinks. You can minimize the window, but do not close it.</p>
+   <p>Note: If you are prompted for a password, your key may not be properly added to the server yet. If that is the case, please contact technical support.</p>
+   <p>The tunnel will continue running as long as this window is running, except in cases of network error or other connectivity issues. To stop the tunnel, press ctrl-break.</p>
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+<span class="Header">Using the Desktop Terminals</span> 
+<span class="PlainText"><b>SSH Guide: Index</b>
+  <dl>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuide.html">About this guide</a>
+<dd><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#aboutssh">About SSH</a></li>
+<dd><a href="ddSSHGuide.html#furtherdocumentation">Further documentation</a></li>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideConcepts.html">Concepts</a>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideTerminals.html">Choosing the desktop terminal</a>
+<dt><b>You are here: Using the Desktop Terminal
+  <dd><a href="#macs">Macintosh</a></dd>
+  <dd><a href="#windows">Windows</a></dd>
+  <dd><a href="#othersshclients">Other SSH clients</a></b>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling using Cygwin: The Desktop Unix Emulator</a>
+<dt><a href="ddSSHGuideterminating.html">Terminating the tunnel</a>
+  </dl>
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+<hr noshade size=1>
+<span class="InputHeader">Necessities</span>
+<b>Hostname</b>: <span class="TypewriterPlain"></span><br>
+<b>Local port:</b> <span class="TypewriterPlain">2401</span><br>
+<b>Remote port:</b> <span class="TypewriterPlain">2401</span><br>
+<b>Username</b>: <span class="TypewriterPlain">tunnel</span><br>
+<b>Your passphrase:</b> <span class="TypewriterPlain">[what you chose]</span>
+<hr noshade size=1>
+<a name="macs"></a><span class="InputHeader">Macintosh</span>
+<p>Hardly surprising, isn't it, that tunneling 
+  using Mac OS 9 is trivially easy? The concepts are the same as for Windows, 
+  Linux, or Mac OS X, as are the numbers, etc. But, in a nutshell, here's what 
+  you do. It's a two-step process. First, you must configure MacSSH, then configure 
+  the CVS client. 
+<h4>Configuring MacSSH</h4>
+  <li>Download the latest version of <a href="h">MacSSH,</a> 
+    which is characteristically easy to use, is free, Open Source, and offers 
+    superior performance.</li>
+  <li>Configure it by clicking on the &quot;Favorites&quot; pull-down menu in 
+    the top-navbar. </li>
+  <li>Click on the &quot;New&quot; button.</li>
+  <li>Enter a name for this favorite. If it is going to be your default, don't 
+    bother. </li>
+  <li>Host Name:</li>
+  <li>Port: 22</li>
+  <li>Terminal: default</li>
+  <li>Go now to &quot;SSH2&quot; tab.</li>
+  <li>Encryption: <b>3DES</b></li>
+  <li>Authentication: <b>MD5</b></li>
+  <li>Compression: <b>zlib</b></li>
+  <li>Method: <b>Local TCP port forward</b></li>
+  <li>Local port: <b>2401</b></li>
+  <li> Remote host: <b>localhost</b></li>
+  <li> Remote port: <b>2401</b></li>
+  <li>You now must initialize (create) your SSH2 key pair. Click on the &quot;Initialize 
+    SSH&quot; button. Follow instructions.</li>
+  <li>Export your key (that is, put it elsewhere) by clicking on the &quot;Export&quot; 
+    button. This allows you to easily place it in a directory or folder for submission 
+    as an attachment to <a href=""></a></li>
+  <li>Once your key has been loaded by the helpful and friendly staff at, 
+    you will be notified; and then you will be able to establish a tunnel. </li>
+  <li>And, as is the case with tunnels: once established, there is no shell. At 
+    most you will receive a message in a window saying that you are connected. 
+    That is all. Leave this open, though you may minimize the window.</li>
+<hr noshade size=1>
+<a name="windows"></a><span class="InputHeader">Windows</span>
+<p>Two free clients for Windows provide SSH tunneling:
+<li><a href="" target="_new">TTSSH</a>, an open-source add-on to Tera Term Pro
+<li><a href="" target="_new">PuTTY</a>, a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 platforms. It also provides an XTerm terminal emulator. 
+<p>As with the Mac clients, the important things to keep in mind are
+the hostname and the port numbers. For both terminals, the
+configuration process is straightforward. Because TTSH is an add-on to
+Tera Term, it means you have to go through that one extra step before
+SSH functionality is possible. [A fuller description of tunneling with
+TTSH is being drafted and will be posted when finished. For now,
+please see TTSH's 
+<a href="" target="_new">website</a>.]
+<p>PuTTY, on the other hand, does not allow you to easily configure the client to handle port forwarding. As a result, it is not recommended for tunneling.
+<hr noshade size=1>
+<a name="othersshclients"></a><span class="InputHeader">SecureCRT and F-Secure SSH</span>
+<p>Both these clients are fairly easy to use and configure for SSH1 tunneling. The information you will need--doubtless familiar by now--is listed below.</p>
+<p>The following illustrates the procedure; we will use SecureCRT (version 3.1.2):
+<li>Open a new session, specifying "SSH1" in the pull-down menu.</li>
+<li>For "Hostname," enter "<span class="TypewriterPlain"></span>."</li>
+<li>Click on the "Advanced" button by "Hostname."</li>
+<li>Once in the Advanced section, click on the "Port Forwarding" tab.</li>
+<li>For "Local port," enter "<span class="TypewriterPlain">2401</span>."</li>
+<li>For "Remote port" enter "<span class="TypewriterPlain">2401</span>."</li>
+<li>For Username, enter "<span class="TypewriterPlain">tunnel</span>."</li>
+<li>For User password, enter "<span class="TypewriterPlain">tunnel</span>."
+<li>For "Remote hostname," enter "<span class="TypewriterPlain">localhost</span>."</li>
+<li>Enter "Save" and "OK" to exit the dialog box.</li>
+<li>Back in the main connection page. . . .</li>
+<li>Leave the defaults for "Cipher" and "Authentication" as they are.</li>
+<li>Click on "Connect."</li>
+<li>The server should then prompt for your password. It is "<span class="TypewriterPlain">tunnel</span>."</li>
+<li>If this is your first time, the client will tell you that no "host key" for the server has been found and ask if you want to continue. Answer yes.</li>
+<li>You are now tunneling.</li>
+<li>The terminal screen does not show a prompt. That's how it should be. The tunnel has been established. You are now ready to begin using CVS securely.</li>
+<p>We discuss how to use the open-source desktop Unix emulator for Windows, Cygwin, in the section titled, <a href="ddSSHGuideCygwin.html">Tunneling using Cygwin</a>. Because Cygwin does emulate a Unix environment, complete with many Unix commands, those who are tunneling from a Unix-like environment (say, from a Linux machine), can refer to the discussion on Cygwin.
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