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Posted to by on 2005/12/06 10:20:42 UTC

Multithreading issues in client


I have a question concerning thread-safety of wsdl2java generated client
stubs. These topic has been posted several times and unfortunately the
answers are as numerous, too. Some users say, that stubs are safe, because
there are synchronized code blocks inside axis code, some others say, that a
class which does not explictly state that it is thread-safe, should be
treated as not-threadsafe. Even in the developer list there seems to be no
consens about this matter.
Altough I do not need axis authentication and state management, which seems
to be the main possible problems with sharing one client instance, I want to
write robust code. Creating a stub (and a locator) for every call, is a lot
of overhead in my opinion. As a workaround I have used Jakarta Commons Pool
to keep a pool of ready-to-use clients, like a JDBC connection pool. But
this may introduce same new bugs (new library, more coding). It would be
very helpful, if in further axis releases, threading issues in client code
will be mentioned.


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