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[1/2] carbondata git commit: just remove table TableCreator because nobody will call it

Repository: carbondata
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 22514b271 -> 3dec25b7c

just remove table TableCreator because nobody will call it


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: beee6decea29ff5052956eda0580b8a4b77480fc
Parents: 22514b2
Author: chenerlu <>
Authored: Mon Jun 26 11:33:50 2017 +0800
Committer: chenerlu <>
Committed: Mon Jun 26 11:33:50 2017 +0800

 .../org/apache/spark/sql/TableCreator.scala     | 513 -------------------
 1 file changed, 513 deletions(-)
diff --git a/integration/spark2/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/TableCreator.scala b/integration/spark2/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/TableCreator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd05b9..0000000
--- a/integration/spark2/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/TableCreator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql
-import java.util.regex.{Matcher, Pattern}
-import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet, Map}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command._
-import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants
-import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.datatype.DataType
-import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.{CarbonUtil, DataTypeUtil}
-import org.apache.carbondata.spark.exception.MalformedCarbonCommandException
-import org.apache.carbondata.spark.util.CommonUtil
-object TableCreator {
-  // detects whether complex dimension is part of dictionary_exclude
-  def isComplexDimDictionaryExclude(dimensionDataType: String): Boolean = {
-    val dimensionTypes = Array("array", "arraytype", "struct", "structtype")
-    dimensionTypes.exists(dimensionType => dimensionType.equalsIgnoreCase(dimensionDataType))
-  }
-  // detects whether datatype is part of dictionary_exclude
-  def isDataTypeSupportedForDictionary_Exclude(columnDataType: String): Boolean = {
-    val dataTypes = Array("string", "stringtype")
-    dataTypes.exists(dataType => dataType.equalsIgnoreCase(columnDataType))
-  }
-  // detect dimention data type
-  def isDetectAsDimentionDatatype(dimensionDatatype: String): Boolean = {
-    val dimensionTypes =
-      Array("string", "stringtype", "array", "arraytype", "struct",
-        "structtype", "timestamp", "timestamptype", "date", "datetype")
-    dimensionTypes.exists(dimensionType => dimensionType.equalsIgnoreCase(dimensionDatatype))
-  }
-  protected def extractDimAndMsrFields(fields: Seq[Field],
-      tableProperties: Map[String, String]): (Seq[Field], Seq[Field], Seq[String], Seq[String]) = {
-    var dimFields: LinkedHashSet[Field] = LinkedHashSet[Field]()
-    var msrFields: Seq[Field] = Seq[Field]()
-    var dictExcludeCols: Array[String] = Array[String]()
-    var noDictionaryDims: Seq[String] = Seq[String]()
-    var dictIncludeCols: Seq[String] = Seq[String]()
-    // All columns in sortkey should be there in create table cols
-    val sortKeyOption = tableProperties.get(CarbonCommonConstants.SORT_COLUMNS)
-    var sortKeyDimsTmp: Seq[String] = Seq[String]()
-    val sortKeyString: String = if (sortKeyOption.isDefined) {
-      CarbonUtil.unquoteChar(sortKeyOption.get) trim
-    } else {
-      ""
-    }
-    if (!sortKeyString.isEmpty) {
-      val sortKey = sortKeyString.split(',').map(_.trim)
-      sortKey.foreach { column =>
-        if (!fields.exists(x => x.column.equalsIgnoreCase(column))) {
-          val errormsg = "sort_columns: " + column +
-            " does not exist in table. Please check create table statement."
-          throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(errormsg)
-        } else {
-          val dataType = fields.find(x =>
-            x.column.equalsIgnoreCase(column)).get.dataType.get
-          if (isComplexDimDictionaryExclude(dataType)) {
-            val errormsg = "sort_columns is unsupported for complex datatype column: " + column
-            throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(errormsg)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      sortKey.foreach { dimension =>
-        if (!sortKeyDimsTmp.exists(dimension.equalsIgnoreCase(_))) {
-          fields.foreach { field =>
-            if (field.column.equalsIgnoreCase(dimension)) {
-              sortKeyDimsTmp :+= field.column
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // All excluded cols should be there in create table cols
-    if (tableProperties.get(CarbonCommonConstants.DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE).isDefined) {
-      dictExcludeCols =
-        tableProperties.get(CarbonCommonConstants.DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE).get.split(',').map(_.trim)
-      dictExcludeCols
-        .foreach { dictExcludeCol =>
-          if (!fields.exists(field => field.column.equalsIgnoreCase(dictExcludeCol))) {
-            val errormsg = "DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE column: " + dictExcludeCol +
-              " does not exist in table. Please check create table statement."
-            throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(errormsg)
-          } else {
-            val dataType = fields.find(field =>
-              field.column.equalsIgnoreCase(dictExcludeCol)).get.dataType.get
-            if (isComplexDimDictionaryExclude(dataType)) {
-              val errormsg = "DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE is unsupported for complex datatype column: " +
-                dictExcludeCol
-              throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(errormsg)
-            } else if (!isDataTypeSupportedForDictionary_Exclude(dataType)) {
-              val errorMsg = "DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE is unsupported for " + dataType.toLowerCase() +
-                " data type column: " + dictExcludeCol
-              throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(errorMsg)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-    }
-    // All included cols should be there in create table cols
-    if (tableProperties.get(CarbonCommonConstants.DICTIONARY_INCLUDE).isDefined) {
-      dictIncludeCols =
-        tableProperties(CarbonCommonConstants.DICTIONARY_INCLUDE).split(",").map(_.trim)
-      dictIncludeCols.foreach { distIncludeCol =>
-        if (!fields.exists(field => field.column.equalsIgnoreCase(distIncludeCol.trim))) {
-          val errormsg = "DICTIONARY_INCLUDE column: " + distIncludeCol.trim +
-            " does not exist in table. Please check create table statement."
-          throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(errormsg)
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // include cols should not contain exclude cols
-    dictExcludeCols.foreach { dicExcludeCol =>
-      if (dictIncludeCols.exists(col => col.equalsIgnoreCase(dicExcludeCol))) {
-        val errormsg = "DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE can not contain the same column: " + dicExcludeCol +
-          " with DICTIONARY_INCLUDE. Please check create table statement."
-        throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(errormsg)
-      }
-    }
-    // by default consider all String cols as dims and if any dictionary exclude is present then
-    // add it to noDictionaryDims list. consider all dictionary excludes/include cols as dims
-    fields.foreach { field =>
-      if (dictExcludeCols.toSeq.exists(col => col.equalsIgnoreCase(field.column))) {
-        val dataType = DataTypeUtil.getDataType(field.dataType.get.toUpperCase())
-        if (dataType != DataType.TIMESTAMP && dataType != DataType.DATE) {
-          noDictionaryDims :+= field.column
-        }
-        dimFields += field
-      } else if (dictIncludeCols.exists(col => col.equalsIgnoreCase(field.column))) {
-        dimFields += field
-      } else if (isDetectAsDimentionDatatype(field.dataType.get)) {
-        dimFields += field
-      } else if (sortKeyDimsTmp.exists(x => x.equalsIgnoreCase(field.column))) {
-        noDictionaryDims :+= field.column
-        dimFields += field
-      } else {
-        msrFields :+= field
-      }
-    }
-    var sortKeyDims = sortKeyDimsTmp
-    if (sortKeyOption.isEmpty) {
-      // if SORT_COLUMNS was not defined, add all dimension to SORT_COLUMNS.
-      dimFields.foreach { field =>
-        if (!isComplexDimDictionaryExclude(field.dataType.get)) {
-          sortKeyDims :+= field.column
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (sortKeyDims.isEmpty) {
-      // no SORT_COLUMNS
-      tableProperties.put(CarbonCommonConstants.SORT_COLUMNS, "")
-    } else {
-      tableProperties.put(CarbonCommonConstants.SORT_COLUMNS, sortKeyDims.mkString(","))
-    }
-    (dimFields.toSeq, msrFields, noDictionaryDims, sortKeyDims)
-  }
-  def getKey(parentColumnName: Option[String],
-             columnName: String): (String, String) = {
-    if (parentColumnName.isDefined) {
-      if (columnName == "val") {
-        (parentColumnName.get, parentColumnName.get + "." + columnName)
-      } else {
-        (parentColumnName.get + "." + columnName, parentColumnName.get + "." + columnName)
-      }
-    } else {
-      (columnName, columnName)
-    }
-  }
-  protected def fillColumnProperty(
-      parentColumnName: Option[String],
-      columnName: String,
-      tableProperties: Map[String, String],
-      colPropMap: java.util.HashMap[String, java.util.List[ColumnProperty]]) {
-    val (tblPropKey, colProKey) = getKey(parentColumnName, columnName)
-    val colProps = CommonUtil.getColumnProperties(tblPropKey, tableProperties)
-    if (colProps.isDefined) {
-      colPropMap.put(colProKey, colProps.get)
-    }
-  }
-  protected def fillAllChildrenColumnProperty(
-      parent: String,
-      fieldChildren: Option[List[Field]],
-      tableProperties: Map[String, String],
-      colPropMap: java.util.HashMap[String, java.util.List[ColumnProperty]]) {
-    fieldChildren.foreach { fields =>
-      fields.foreach { field =>
-        fillColumnProperty(Some(parent), field.column, tableProperties, colPropMap)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  protected def extractColumnProperties(fields: Seq[Field], tableProperties: Map[String, String]):
-  java.util.Map[String, java.util.List[ColumnProperty]] = {
-    val colPropMap = new java.util.HashMap[String, java.util.List[ColumnProperty]]()
-    fields.foreach { field =>
-      if (field.children.isDefined && field.children.get != null) {
-        fillAllChildrenColumnProperty(field.column, field.children, tableProperties, colPropMap)
-      } else {
-        fillColumnProperty(None, field.column, tableProperties, colPropMap)
-      }
-    }
-    colPropMap
-  }
-  def rearrangedColumnGroup(colGroup: String, dims: Seq[Field]): String = {
-    // if columns in column group is not in schema order than arrange it in schema order
-    var colGrpFieldIndx: Seq[Int] = Seq[Int]()
-    colGroup.split(',').map(_.trim).foreach { col =>
-      dims.zipWithIndex.foreach { dim =>
-        if (dim._1.column.equalsIgnoreCase(col)) {
-          colGrpFieldIndx :+= dim._2
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // sort it
-    colGrpFieldIndx = colGrpFieldIndx.sorted
-    // check if columns in column group is in schema order
-    if (!checkIfInSequence(colGrpFieldIndx)) {
-      throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException("Invalid column group:" + colGroup)
-    }
-    def checkIfInSequence(colGrpFieldIndx: Seq[Int]): Boolean = {
-      for (i <- 0 until (colGrpFieldIndx.length - 1)) {
-        if ((colGrpFieldIndx(i + 1) - colGrpFieldIndx(i)) != 1) {
-          throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(
-            "Invalid column group,column in group should be contiguous as per schema.")
-        }
-      }
-      true
-    }
-    val colGrpNames: StringBuilder = StringBuilder.newBuilder
-    for (i <- colGrpFieldIndx.indices) {
-      colGrpNames.append(dims(colGrpFieldIndx(i)).column)
-      if (i < (colGrpFieldIndx.length - 1)) {
-        colGrpNames.append(",")
-      }
-    }
-    colGrpNames.toString()
-  }
-  /**
-   * Extract the column groups configuration from table properties.
-   * Based on this Row groups of fields will be determined.
-   *
-   * @param tableProperties
-   * @return
-   */
-  protected def updateColumnGroupsInField(tableProperties: Map[String, String],
-                                          noDictionaryDims: Seq[String],
-                                          msrs: Seq[Field],
-                                          dims: Seq[Field]): Seq[String] = {
-    if (tableProperties.get(CarbonCommonConstants.COLUMN_GROUPS).isDefined) {
-      var splittedColGrps: Seq[String] = Seq[String]()
-      val nonSplitCols: String = tableProperties(CarbonCommonConstants.COLUMN_GROUPS)
-      // row groups will be specified in table properties like -> "(col1,col2),(col3,col4)"
-      // here first splitting the value by () . so that the above will be splitted into 2 strings.
-      // [col1,col2] [col3,col4]
-      val m: Matcher = Pattern.compile("\\(([^)]+)\\)").matcher(nonSplitCols)
-      while (m.find()) {
-        val oneGroup: String =
-        CommonUtil.validateColumnGroup(oneGroup, noDictionaryDims, msrs, splittedColGrps, dims)
-        val arrangedColGrp = rearrangedColumnGroup(oneGroup, dims)
-        splittedColGrps :+= arrangedColGrp
-      }
-      // This will  be furthur handled.
-      CommonUtil.arrangeColGrpsInSchemaOrder(splittedColGrps, dims)
-    } else {
-      null
-    }
-  }
-  private def reorderDimensions(dims: Seq[Field]): Seq[Field] = {
-    var complexDimensions: Seq[Field] = Seq()
-    var dimensions: Seq[Field] = Seq()
-    dims.foreach { dimension =>
-      dimension.dataType.getOrElse("NIL") match {
-        case "Array" => complexDimensions = complexDimensions :+ dimension
-        case "Struct" => complexDimensions = complexDimensions :+ dimension
-        case _ => dimensions = dimensions :+ dimension
-      }
-    }
-    dimensions ++ complexDimensions
-  }
-  /**
-   * This will extract the no inverted columns fields.
-   * By default all dimensions use inverted index.
-   *
-   * @param fields
-   * @param tableProperties
-   * @return
-   */
-  protected def extractNoInvertedIndexColumns(fields: Seq[Field],
-                                              tableProperties: Map[String, String]):
-  Seq[String] = {
-    // check whether the column name is in fields
-    var noInvertedIdxColsProps: Array[String] = Array[String]()
-    var noInvertedIdxCols: Seq[String] = Seq[String]()
-    if (tableProperties.get("NO_INVERTED_INDEX").isDefined) {
-      noInvertedIdxColsProps =
-        tableProperties("NO_INVERTED_INDEX").split(',').map(_.trim)
-      noInvertedIdxColsProps.foreach { noInvertedIdxColProp =>
-          if (!fields.exists(field => field.column.equalsIgnoreCase(noInvertedIdxColProp))) {
-            val errormsg = "NO_INVERTED_INDEX column: " + noInvertedIdxColProp +
-              " does not exist in table. Please check create table statement."
-            throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(errormsg)
-          }
-        }
-    }
-    // check duplicate columns and only 1 col left
-    val distinctCols = noInvertedIdxColsProps.toSet
-    // extract the no inverted index columns
-    fields.foreach(field => {
-      if (distinctCols.exists(col => col.equalsIgnoreCase(field.column))) {
-        noInvertedIdxCols :+= field.column
-      }
-    }
-    )
-    noInvertedIdxCols
-  }
-  private def normalizeType(field: Field): Field = {
-    val dataType = field.dataType.getOrElse("NIL")
-    dataType.toLowerCase match {
-      case "string" => Field(field.column, Some("String"),, Some(null), field.parent,
-        field.storeType
-      )
-      case "integer" | "int" => Field(field.column, Some("Integer"),, Some(null),
-        field.parent, field.storeType
-      )
-      case "long" => Field(field.column, Some("Long"),, Some(null), field.parent,
-        field.storeType
-      )
-      case "double" => Field(field.column, Some("Double"),, Some(null), field.parent,
-        field.storeType
-      )
-      case "timestamp" => Field(field.column, Some("Timestamp"),, Some(null),
-        field.parent, field.storeType
-      )
-      case "numeric" => Field(field.column, Some("Numeric"),, Some(null), field.parent,
-        field.storeType
-      )
-      case "array" => Field(field.column, Some("Array"),,
- =>,
-        field.parent, field.storeType
-      )
-      case "struct" => Field(field.column, Some("Struct"),,
- =>,
-        field.parent, field.storeType
-      )
-      case "bigint" => Field(field.column, Some("BigInt"),, Some(null), field.parent,
-        field.storeType
-      )
-      case "decimal" => Field(field.column, Some("Decimal"),, Some(null), field.parent,
-        field.storeType, field.schemaOrdinal, field.precision, field.scale)
-      // checking if the nested data type contains the child type as decimal(10,0),
-      // if it is present then extracting the precision and scale. resetting the data type
-      // with Decimal.
-      case _ if dataType.startsWith("decimal") =>
-        val (precision, scale) = getScaleAndPrecision(dataType)
-        Field(field.column,
-          Some("Decimal"),
-          Some(null),
-          field.parent,
-          field.storeType, precision,
-          scale
-        )
-      case _ =>
-        field
-    }
-  }
-  private def appendParentForEachChild(field: Field, parentName: String): Field = {
-    field.dataType.getOrElse("NIL") match {
-      case "String" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("String"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +, Some(null), parentName)
-      case "Integer" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("Integer"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +, Some(null), parentName)
-      case "Long" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("Long"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +, Some(null), parentName)
-      case "Double" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("Double"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +, Some(null), parentName)
-      case "Timestamp" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("Timestamp"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +, Some(null), parentName)
-      case "Numeric" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("Numeric"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +, Some(null), parentName)
-      case "Array" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("Array"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +,
-        field.children
-          .map(f =>, parentName + "." + field.column))),
-        parentName)
-      case "Struct" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("Struct"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +,
-        field.children
-          .map(f =>, parentName + "." + field.column))),
-        parentName)
-      case "BigInt" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("BigInt"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +, Some(null), parentName)
-      case "Decimal" => Field(parentName + "." + field.column, Some("Decimal"),
-        Some(parentName + "." +, Some(null), parentName,
-        field.storeType, field.precision, field.scale)
-      case _ => field
-    }
-  }
-  private def addParent(field: Field): Field = {
-    field.dataType.getOrElse("NIL") match {
-      case "Array" => Field(field.column, Some("Array"),,
- =>, field.column))), field.parent,
-        field.storeType)
-      case "Struct" => Field(field.column, Some("Struct"),,
- =>, field.column))), field.parent,
-        field.storeType)
-      case _ => field
-    }
-  }
-  def getScaleAndPrecision(dataType: String): (Int, Int) = {
-    val m: Matcher = Pattern.compile("^decimal\\(([^)]+)\\)").matcher(dataType)
-    m.find()
-    val matchedString: String =
-    val scaleAndPrecision = matchedString.split(",")
-    (Integer.parseInt(scaleAndPrecision(0).trim), Integer.parseInt(scaleAndPrecision(1).trim))
-  }
-  def prepareTableModel(ifNotExistPresent: Boolean, dbName: Option[String]
-      , tableName: String, fields: Seq[Field],
-      partitionCols: Seq[PartitionerField],
-      bucketFields: Option[BucketFields],
-      tableProperties: Map[String, String]): TableModel
-  = {
-    fields.zipWithIndex.foreach { x =>
-      x._1.schemaOrdinal = x._2
-    }
-    val (dims, msrs, noDictionaryDims, sortKeyDims) = extractDimAndMsrFields(
-      fields, tableProperties)
-    if (dims.isEmpty) {
-      throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(
-        s"Table ${dbName.getOrElse(CarbonCommonConstants.DATABASE_DEFAULT_NAME)}.$tableName " +
-        "can not be created without key columns. Please use DICTIONARY_INCLUDE or " +
-        "DICTIONARY_EXCLUDE to set at least one key column " +
-        "if all specified columns are numeric types")
-    }
-    // column properties
-    val colProps = extractColumnProperties(fields, tableProperties)
-    // get column groups configuration from table properties.
-    val groupCols: Seq[String] = updateColumnGroupsInField(tableProperties,
-      noDictionaryDims, msrs, dims)
-    if (groupCols != null) {
-      throw new MalformedCarbonCommandException(
-        s"${CarbonCommonConstants.COLUMN_GROUPS} is deprecated")
-    }
-    // get no inverted index columns from table properties.
-    val noInvertedIdxCols = extractNoInvertedIndexColumns(fields, tableProperties)
-    val partitionInfo = None
-    // validate the tableBlockSize from table properties
-    CommonUtil.validateTableBlockSize(tableProperties)
-    TableModel(
-      ifNotExistPresent,
-      dbName.getOrElse(CarbonCommonConstants.DATABASE_DEFAULT_NAME),
-      dbName,
-      tableName,
-      tableProperties,
-      reorderDimensions( => normalizeType(f)).map(f => addParent(f))),
- => normalizeType(f)),
-      Option(sortKeyDims),
-      Option(noDictionaryDims),
-      Option(noInvertedIdxCols),
-      groupCols,
-      Some(colProps),
-      bucketFields: Option[BucketFields],
-      partitionInfo)
-  }

[2/2] carbondata git commit: [CARBONDATA-1227] Remove useless TableCreator This closes #1095

Posted by
[CARBONDATA-1227] Remove useless TableCreator This closes #1095


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 3dec25b7c7d9f32f9dd887d11b7a854709b20a9f
Parents: 22514b2 beee6de
Author: jackylk <>
Authored: Mon Jun 26 20:46:03 2017 +0800
Committer: jackylk <>
Committed: Mon Jun 26 20:46:03 2017 +0800

 .../org/apache/spark/sql/TableCreator.scala     | 513 -------------------
 1 file changed, 513 deletions(-)