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Posted to by Chris Hostetter <> on 2019/10/30 23:43:59 UTC

questionable behavior of DirectoryReader.getIndexCommit() on NRT Readers

TL:DR: it seems like DirectoryReader.getIndexCommit() returns weird 
results when using a "reopened" reader off of uncommited IW changes.

Even though 2 diff readers will expose diff views of the index, they will 
claim to refer to the same IndexCommit.

Slightly Longer Version...

The test below, if added to TestIndexWriterReader, will pass reliably 
AFAICT -- but that seems really weird to me.  Note in particular the 
'nocommit' comments and the assertions that follow them -- these are very 
diff readers, exposing very diff views of the index, yet they claim to 
have the same "IndexCommit" & generation underpinning them, evne though 
some of the details of their IndexCommits differ

This seems weird, and I'm wondering if it's a bug, or an undespecified 
behavior (and we should beef up the docs to clarify what to expect), or if 
it represents some "feature" whose value i'm not understanding?

   public void testIndexCommitOfReaderAfterReopen() throws Exception {
     final Directory dir = newDirectory();
     final IndexWriterConfig iwc = new IndexWriterConfig(new MockAnalyzer(random()));
     final IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, iwc);
     try {
       final DirectoryReader r0 =;
       try {
         assertEquals(0, r0.numDocs());
         final IndexCommit c0 = r0.getIndexCommit();
         assertEquals(0L, c0.getGeneration());
       } finally {

       w.addDocument(new Document());

       final DirectoryReader r1 =;
       try {
         assertEquals(1, r1.numDocs());
         final IndexCommit c1 = r1.getIndexCommit();
         assertEquals(1L, c1.getGeneration());
         assertEquals(1, c1.getSegmentCount());

         w.addDocument(new Document());

         final DirectoryReader r2 = DirectoryReader.openIfChanged(r1, w, true);
         try {
           assertEquals(2, r2.numDocs());

           // nocommit: Why do the assertions pass?
           // nocommit: If the readers are not the same, and refer to different
           // nocommit: "point in time" views of the index, then shouldn't they
           // nocommit: also return different 'getIndexCommit()' results?
           // nocommit: Should the "realtime" reader return 'null' since it's view
           // nocommit: of the index is not represented by a tangible commit?
           assertEquals(c1, r2.getIndexCommit());
           assertEquals(1L, r2.getIndexCommit().getGeneration());
           assertEquals(c1.getSegmentsFileName(), r2.getIndexCommit().getSegmentsFileName());
           // nocommit: particularly odd: even though the commits are ".equals()"
           // nocommit: and have the same generation & segments file,
           // nocommit: they have diff segment counts and files
           assertEquals(2, r2.getIndexCommit().getSegmentCount());
           assertTrue(! c1.getFileNames().equals(r2.getIndexCommit().getFileNames()));
         } finally {
       } finally {
     } finally {

Backstory: I'm digging into the Solr snapshot/backup code with an 
objective of fixing SOLR-13872, but before i move forward with changing 
anything I want to make sure I backfill the existing snapshot/backup test 
code with new test cases for all the code paths that seem underrepresented 
in tests so i don't risk introducing new bugs.  While trying to 
understand/test/document how Solr behaves if a user tries to request a 
snapshot/backup when using "softCommit" (at the solr level), I noticed 
this weird behavior of getting the same IndexCommit back from the 
reader even after we'd re-opened a Reader/Searcher w/o committing.


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