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Posted to by Srinath Perera <> on 2005/07/07 06:04:57 UTC

Running Junit task directly form the maven.xml file

Hi All;

I am trying to run the some test cases directly form the maven using
junit ant task. (My requirement is that I should run the test Only if
some jar is presents, but even though the jar is absent the build
should not fail, now I am doing it as a post goal to test:test).

But I get the error 
[test] [ERROR] Could not find
org.apache.testlet.engine.TextTestEngine. Make sure you have it in
your classpath

I saw that this error is reposrted several times when I google for it
but do not see a answer .. can any one give me a way to fix this or
work around ..My goal calling the junit is below.

<goal name="test-mtom">
    <echo message="running MTOM tests"/>
    <echo message="${maven.repo.local}"/>
    <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
	     <fileset dir="${maven.repo.local}">
                <include name="j2ee/jars/***.jar"/>
                <include name="axis/jars/axis2-core-0.9.jar"/>
                <include name="axis/jars/axis2-xml-0.9.jar"/>
                <include name="axis/jars/axis2-wsdl-0.9.jar"/>
                <include name="axis/jars/axis-wsdl4j-1.2.jar"/>
                <include name="commons-logging/jars/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar"/>
                <include name="stax/jars/stax-1.1.1-dev.jar"/>
                <include name="stax/jars/stax-api-1.0.jar"/>
	  <pathelement location="target/test-classes" />
	   <path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
     <formatter type="plain"/>
	 <test name="org.apache.axis2.engine.EchoRawMTOMToBase64Test" />
  	<test name="org.apache.axis2.engine.EchoRawMTOMTest" />

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