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[2/2] git commit: Initial versions of FGCP driver and client - from Dies Kopper

Initial versions of FGCP driver and client - from Dies Kopper


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: dd8ac7516c8aa6c284b7d5fc462c631471daaafe
Parents: c79de54
Author: marios <>
Authored: Fri May 11 16:12:41 2012 +0300
Committer: marios <>
Committed: Fri May 11 16:12:41 2012 +0300

 server/config/drivers/fgcp.yaml                   |   12 +
 server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_client.rb |  388 +++++
 server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_driver.rb | 1420 ++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 1820 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server/config/drivers/fgcp.yaml b/server/config/drivers/fgcp.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c24f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/config/drivers/fgcp.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  :name: FGCP
+  :username: Username
+  :password: Secret Key Password of User Certificate
+  :entrypoints:
+      jp:
+      au:
+      sg:
+      uk:
+      us:
+      de:
diff --git a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_client.rb b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..534979d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
+# ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Author: Dies Koper <>
+require 'deltacloud/base_driver'
+require 'net/http'
+require 'net/https'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'xmlsimple'
+require 'base64'
+require 'cgi'
+require 'uri'
+module Deltacloud
+  module Drivers
+    module FGCP
+class FGCPClient
+  def initialize(cert, key, endpoint = nil, version = '2011-01-31', locale = 'en')
+    @version = version
+    @locale = locale
+    cert.subject.to_s =~ /\b[Cc]=(\w\w)\b/
+    country = $1.downcase
+    endpoint = Deltacloud::Drivers::driver_config[:fgcp][:entrypoints][country] unless endpoint
+    raise "API endpoint not found for region #{country}" if endpoint.nil?
+    #proxy settings:
+    http_proxy = ENV['http_proxy']
+    proxy_uri = URI.parse(http_proxy) if http_proxy
+    if proxy_uri
+      proxy_addr =
+      proxy_port = proxy_uri.port
+      proxy_user = proxy_uri.user
+      proxy_pass = proxy_uri.password
+    end
+    @uri = URI.parse(endpoint)
+    @headers = {'Accept' => 'text/xml', 'User-Agent' => 'OViSS-API-CLIENT'}
+    @service = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_addr, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass).new(, @uri.port)
+    @service.set_debug_output $stderr if cert.subject.to_s =~ /diesk/ # TODO: use a proper debug mode flag
+    # configure client authentication
+    @service.use_ssl = (@uri.scheme == 'https')
+    @service.key = key
+    @service.cert = cert
+    # configure server authentication (peer verification)
+    ca_certs = ENV['FGCP_CA_CERTS'] # e.g. '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt'
+    @service.ca_file = ca_certs if ca_certs and File.file?(ca_certs)
+    @service.ca_path = ca_certs if ca_certs and
+    @service.verify_mode = (@service.ca_file or @service.ca_path) ? OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER : OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # API methods
+  #####################################################################
+  def list_server_types
+    #diskImageId is mandatory but value seems to be ignored
+    request('ListServerType', {'diskImageId' => 'dummy'})
+  end
+  def list_vsys
+    request('ListVSYS')
+  end
+  def get_vsys_attributes(vsys_id)
+    request('GetVSYSAttributes', {'vsysId' => vsys_id})
+  end
+  def get_vsys_configuration(vsys_id)
+    request('GetVSYSConfiguration', {'vsysId' => vsys_id})
+  end
+  def start_vserver(vserver_id)
+    request('StartVServer', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id})
+  end
+  def stop_vserver(vserver_id, force=false)
+    request('StopVServer', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id, 'force' => force})
+  end
+  def create_vserver(vserver_name, vserver_type, disk_image_id, network_id)
+    request('CreateVServer', {
+      'vsysId'      => extract_vsys_id(network_id),
+      'vserverName' => vserver_name,
+      'vserverType' => vserver_type,
+      'diskImageId' => disk_image_id,
+      'networkId'   => network_id})
+  end
+  def destroy_vserver(vserver_id)
+    request('DestroyVServer', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id})
+  end
+  def get_vserver_status(vserver_id)
+    request('GetVServerStatus', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id})
+  end
+  def get_vserver_initial_password(vserver_id)
+    request('GetVServerInitialPassword', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id})
+  end
+  def get_vserver_attributes(vserver_id)
+    request('GetVServerAttributes', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id})
+  end
+  def get_vserver_configuration(vserver_id)
+    request('GetVServerConfiguration', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id})
+  end
+  def list_disk_images(server_category=nil, vsys_descriptor_id=nil)
+    params = {}
+    params.merge! 'serverCategory' => server_category if server_category
+    params.merge! 'vsysDescriptorId' => vsys_descriptor_id if vsys_descriptor_id
+    request('ListDiskImage', params)
+  end
+  def register_private_disk_image(vserver_id, name, description)
+    #TODO: support different attributes for different locales?
+    image_descriptor = <<-"eoidxml"
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8"?>
+  <vserverId>#{vserver_id}</vserverId>
+  <locales>
+    <locale>
+      <lcid>en</lcid>
+      <name>#{name}</name>
+      <description>#{description}</description>
+    </locale>
+    <locale>
+      <lcid>jp</lcid>
+      <name>#{name}</name>
+      <description>#{description}</description>
+    </locale>
+  </locales>
+    request('RegisterPrivateDiskImage', nil, image_descriptor, 'diskImageXMLFilePath')
+  end
+  def unregister_disk_image(disk_image_id)
+    request('UnregisterDiskImage', {'diskImageId' => disk_image_id})
+  end
+  def list_efm(vsys_id, efm_type)
+    request('ListEFM', {'vsysId' => vsys_id, 'efmType' => efm_type})
+  end
+  def start_efm(efm_id)
+    request('StartEFM', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(efm_id), 'efmId' => efm_id})
+  end
+  def stop_efm(efm_id)
+    request('StopEFM', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(efm_id), 'efmId' => efm_id})
+  end
+  def create_efm(efm_type, efm_name, network_id)
+    request('CreateEFM', {
+      'vsysId'    => extract_vsys_id(network_id),
+      'efmType'   => efm_type,
+      'efmName'   => efm_name,
+      'networkId' => network_id}
+    )
+  end
+  def destroy_efm(efm_id)
+    request('DestroyEFM', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(efm_id), 'efmId' => efm_id})
+  end
+  def get_efm_status(efm_id)
+    request('GetEFMStatus', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(efm_id), 'efmId' => efm_id})
+  end
+  def get_efm_configuration(efm_id, configuration_name, configuration_xml=nil)
+    request('GetEFMConfiguration',
+      {
+        'vsysId'            => extract_vsys_id(efm_id),
+        'efmId'             => efm_id,
+        'configurationName' => configuration_name
+      },
+      configuration_xml,
+      'configurationXMLFilePath'
+    )
+  end
+  def update_efm_configuration(efm_id, configuration_name, configuration_xml=nil)
+    request('UpdateEFMConfiguration',
+      {
+        'vsysId'            => extract_vsys_id(efm_id),
+        'efmId'             => efm_id,
+        'configurationName' => configuration_name
+      },
+      configuration_xml,
+      'configurationXMLFilePath'
+    )
+  end
+  def list_vdisk(vsys_id)
+    request('ListVDisk', {'vsysId' => vsys_id})
+  end
+  def get_vdisk_status(vdisk_id)
+    request('GetVDiskStatus', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vdisk_id), 'vdiskId' => vdisk_id})
+  end
+  def get_vdisk_attributes(vdisk_id)
+    request('GetVDiskAttributes', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vdisk_id), 'vdiskId' => vdisk_id})
+  end
+  def create_vdisk(vsys_id, vdisk_name, size)
+    request('CreateVDisk', {'vsysId' => vsys_id, 'vdiskName' => vdisk_name, 'size' => size})
+  end
+  def destroy_vdisk(vdisk_id)
+    request('DestroyVDisk', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vdisk_id), 'vdiskId' => vdisk_id})
+  end
+  def attach_vdisk(vserver_id, vdisk_id)
+    request('AttachVDisk', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id, 'vdiskId' => vdisk_id})
+  end
+  def detach_vdisk(vserver_id, vdisk_id)
+    request('DetachVDisk', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vserver_id), 'vserverId' => vserver_id, 'vdiskId' => vdisk_id})
+  end
+  def list_vdisk_backup(vdisk_id)
+    request('ListVDiskBackup', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vdisk_id), 'vdiskId' => vdisk_id})
+  end
+  def backup_vdisk(vdisk_id)
+    request('BackupVDisk', {'vsysId' => extract_vsys_id(vdisk_id), 'vdiskId' => vdisk_id})
+  end
+  def destroy_vdisk_backup(vsys_id, backup_id)
+    request('DestroyVDiskBackup', {'vsysId' => vsys_id, 'backupId' => backup_id})
+  end
+  def list_public_ips(vsys_id=nil)
+    if vsys_id.nil?
+      request('ListPublicIP')
+    else
+      request('ListPublicIP', {'vsysId' => vsys_id})
+    end
+  end
+  def allocate_public_ip(vsys_id)
+    request('AllocatePublicIP', {'vsysId' => vsys_id})
+  end
+  def attach_public_ip(vsys_id, public_ip)
+    request('AttachPublicIP', {'vsysId' => vsys_id, 'publicIp' => public_ip})
+  end
+  def detach_public_ip(vsys_id, public_ip)
+    request('DetachPublicIP', {'vsysId' => vsys_id, 'publicIp' => public_ip})
+  end
+  def free_public_ip(vsys_id, public_ip)
+    request('FreePublicIP', {'vsysId' => vsys_id, 'publicIp' => public_ip})
+  end
+  def create_vsys(vsys_descriptor_id, vsys_name)
+    request('CreateVSYS', {'vsysDescriptorId' => vsys_descriptor_id, 'vsysName' => vsys_name})
+  end
+  def destroy_vsys(vsys_id)
+    request('DestroyVSYS', {'vsysId' => vsys_id})
+  end
+  #extract vsysId from vserverId, efmId or networkId
+  def extract_vsys_id(id)
+    /^(\w+-\w+)\b.*/ =~ id
+    $1
+  end
+  private
+  # params hash is of the form :vserverId => 'ABC123', etc.
+  # uses POST if there is an attachment, else GET
+  def request(action, params={}, attachment=nil, attachment_name=nil)
+    accesskeyid, signature = generate_accesskeyid
+    params ||= {}
+    params.merge! :Version     => @version unless params.has_key?(:Version)
+    params.merge! :Locale      => @locale  unless params.has_key?(:Locale)
+    params.merge! :Action      => action,
+                  :AccessKeyId => accesskeyid,
+                  :Signature   => signature
+    begin
+      if attachment.nil?
+        @uri.query = encode_params(params)
+        resp = @service.request_get(@uri.request_uri, @headers)
+      else
+        #multipart post
+        boundary = "BOUNDARY#{}"
+        body = create_multipart_body(params, attachment, attachment_name, boundary)
+        @headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{boundary}"
+        @uri.query = nil #clear query params from previous request
+        resp = @service.request_post(@uri.request_uri, body, @headers)
+      end
+    rescue => e
+      # special treatment for errors like "Errno::ETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out - connect(2)"? (when proxy not set)
+      raise e
+    end
+#    p resp.body
+    # API endpoint only returns HTTPSuccess, so different code means connection issues (http proxy, etc.)
+    unless resp.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
+      $stderr.print 'error: ' + $!
+      raise $!
+    end
+    xml = XmlSimple.xml_in(resp.body)
+    #check for connection errors, incl. NTP sync and auth related errors
+    raise "#{xml['responseStatus'][0]}: #{xml['responseMessage'][0]}" unless xml['responseStatus'].to_s =~ /SUCCESS/
+    xml
+  end
+  def generate_accesskeyid
+    t =
+    tz =
+    expires = (t.to_i * 1000.0).to_i
+    sig_version = '1.0'
+    sig_method = 'SHA1withRSA'
+    accesskeyid = Base64.encode64([ tz, expires, sig_version, sig_method ].join('&'))
+    signature = Base64.encode64(sign(accesskeyid))
+    return accesskeyid, signature
+  end
+  def encode_params(params)
+ {|k,v| "#{CGI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{CGI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&')
+  end
+  def sign(data)
+    digester =
+    @service.key.sign(digester, data)
+  end
+  def create_multipart_body(params, attachment, attachment_name, boundary)
+    body = "--#{boundary}\r\n"
+    body += "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8\r\n"
+    body += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Document\"\r\n"
+    body += "\r\n"
+    body += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+    body += "<OViSSRequest>\n"
+    params.each_pair do |k,v|
+      body += "  <#{k}>#{v}</#{k}>\n"
+    end
+    body += "</OViSSRequest>"
+    body += "\r\n"
+    body += "--#{boundary}\r\n"
+    body += "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n"
+    body += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"#{attachment_name}\"; filename=\"#{attachment_name}.xml\"\r\n"
+    body += "\r\n"
+    body += attachment
+    body += "\r\n--#{boundary}--"
+  end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_driver.rb b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_driver.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e8dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/lib/deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_driver.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1420 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  The
+# ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Author: Dies Koper <>
+require 'deltacloud/base_driver'
+require 'deltacloud/drivers/fgcp/fgcp_client'
+require 'openssl'
+require 'xmlsimple'
+module Deltacloud
+  module Drivers
+    module FGCP
+class FGCPDriver < Deltacloud::BaseDriver
+  CERT_DIR = ENV['FGCP_CERT_DIR'] || File::expand_path(File::join(DEFAULT_CONFIG, 'fgcp'))
+  def supported_collections
+    DEFAULT_COLLECTIONS + [ :addresses, :load_balancers, :firewalls ]
+  end
+  feature :instances, :user_name
+  feature :images, :user_name
+  feature :images, :user_description
+  def valid_credentials?(credentials)
+    begin
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      # use a relativily cheap operation that is likely to succeed
+      # (i.e. not requiring particular access privileges)
+      client.list_server_types
+    rescue
+      return false
+    end
+    true
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Instance state machine
+  #####################################################################
+  define_instance_states do
+ :pending )          .on( :create )  # new instances do not start automatically
+ :stopped )        .automatically  # after creation they are in a stopped state
+# :running )        .on( :reboot ) # there is no single reboot operation
+ :stopping )       .on( :stop )    # stopping an instance does not automatically destroy it
+# :finish )        .on( :destroy ) # running instances cannot be destroyed in a single step; they need to be stopped first
+ :stopped )       .automatically  # stopping an instance does not automatically destroy it
+          .on( :start )   # obvious
+           .on( :destroy ) # only destroy removes an instance, and it has to be stopped first
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Hardware profiles
+  #####################################################################
+  def hardware_profiles(credentials, opts=nil)
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      xml = client.list_server_types
+      @hardware_profiles = []
+      if xml['servertypes']
+        xml['servertypes'][0]['servertype'].each do |type|
+          arch = type['cpu'][0]['cpuArch'][0] # returns 'IA' or 'SPARC'. IA currently offered is x86_64
+          cpu = type['cpu'][0]['cpuPerf'][0].to_f * type['cpu'][0]['numOfCpu'][0].to_i
+          @hardware_profiles <<['name'][0]) {
+            cpu          cpu.to_f == cpu.to_f.floor ? cpu.to_i : cpu.to_f # omit '.0' if whole number
+            memory       (type['memory'][0]['memorySize'][0].to_f * 1024) # converted to MB
+            architecture (arch == 'IA') ? 'x86_64' : arch
+            #storage <- defined by image, not hardware profile
+            #if 'storage' is not added, displays 'storage:0' in GUI
+            #storage ''
+          }
+        end
+      end
+    end
+#TODO: is there a way to sort them by arch and memory?
+#current order is as returned by API which is not a natural order
+#    @hardware_profiles.sort_by{|e| [e.architecture, e.memory]}
+    filter_hardware_profiles(@hardware_profiles, opts)
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Images
+  ######################################################################
+  def images(credentials, opts={})
+    images = []
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      xml = client.list_disk_images
+      hwps = hardware_profiles(credentials)
+      # use client to get a list of images from the back-end cloud and then create
+      # a Deltacloud Image object for each of these. Filter the result
+      # (eg specific image requested) and return to user
+      if xml['diskimages'] # not likely to not be so, but just in case
+        xml['diskimages'][0]['diskimage'].each do |img|
+          images <<
+            :id => img['diskimageId'][0],
+            :name => img['diskimageName'][0].to_s,
+            :description => img['description'][0].to_s,
+            :owner_id => img['registrant'][0].to_s, # or 'creatorName'?
+            :state => 'AVAILABLE', #server keeps no particular state. If it's listed, it's available for use.
+            # This will determine image architecture using OS name.
+            # Usually the OS name includes '64bit' or '32bit'. If not,
+            # it will fall back to 64 bit.
+            :architecture => img['osName'][0].to_s =~ /.*32.?bit.*/ ? 'i386' : 'x86_64',
+            :hardware_profiles => hwps
+          ) if opts[:id].nil? or opts[:id] == img['diskimageId'][0]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    images = filter_on( images, :id, opts )
+    images = filter_on( images, :architecture, opts )
+    images = filter_on( images, :owner_id, opts )
+    images.sort_by{|e| [e.owner_id, e.architecture,, e.description]}
+  end
+  # Create a new image from the given instance, with optionally provided name and description
+  def create_image(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if opts[:name].nil?
+        # default to instance name
+        instance = client.get_vserver_attributes(opts[:id])
+        opts[:name] ||= instance['vserver'][0]['vserverName']
+        opts[:description] ||= opts[:name]
+      end
+      client.register_private_disk_image(opts[:id], opts[:name], opts[:description])
+      hwps = hardware_profiles(credentials)
+      #can't retrieve image info until it's completed
+        :id                => "PENDING-#{opts[:name]}", #TODO: add check to create_instance to raise error for this image ID?
+        :name              => opts[:name],
+        :description       => opts[:description],
+        :state             => 'PENDING',
+        :hardware_profiles => hwps
+      )
+    end
+  end
+  def destroy_image(credentials, image_id)
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      client.unregister_disk_image(image_id)
+    end
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Realms
+  ######################################################################
+  def realms(credentials, opts={})
+    realms = []
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+  # opts may include scope: system, network
+  # first retrieve list of VSYS ids (and add if scope is not only filtering for network)
+      if opts and opts[:id]
+        # determine id belongs to vsys or network
+        vsys_id = client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:id])
+        vsys = client.get_vsys_attributes(vsys_id)['vsys'][0]
+        realm_name = vsys['vsysName'][0]
+        limit = '[VSYS]'
+        if opts[:id] != vsys_id # network id specified
+          opts[:id] =~ /^.*\b(\w+)$/
+          realm_name += ' [' + $1 + ']' # vsys name or vsys name + network [DMZ/SECURE1/SECURE2]
+          limit = '[Network segment]'
+        end
+        realms << Realm::new(
+                    :id => opts[:id],
+                    :name => realm_name,
+                    #:limit => :unlimited,
+                    :limit => limit,
+                    :state => 'AVAILABLE' # map to state of FW/VSYS (reconfiguring = unavailable)?
+                   # :scope => 'system'
+                  )
+      elsif xml = client.list_vsys['vsyss']
+        xml[0]['vsys'].each do |vsys|
+          realms << Realm::new(
+                      :id => vsys['vsysId'][0], # vsysId or networkId
+                      :name => vsys['vsysName'][0], # vsys name or vsys name + network (DMZ/SECURE1/SECURE2)
+                      #:limit => :unlimited,
+                      :limit => '[VSYS]',
+                      :state => 'AVAILABLE' # map to state of FW/VSYS (reconfiguring = unavailable)?
+                     # :scope => 'system'
+                    )
+          # then retrieve and add list of network segments
+          client.get_vsys_configuration(vsys['vsysId'][0])['vsys'][0]['vnets'][0]['vnet'].each do |vnet|
+            vnet['networkId'][0] =~ /^.*\b(\w+)$/
+            realm_name = vsys['vsysName'][0].to_s + ' [' + $1 + ']' # vsys name or vsys name + network [DMZ/SECURE1/SECURE2]
+            realms << Realm::new(
+                        :id => vnet['networkId'][0], # vsysId or networkId
+                        :name => realm_name,
+                        #:limit => :unlimited,
+                        :limit => '[Network segment]',
+                        :state => 'AVAILABLE' # map to state of FW/VSYS (reconfiguring = unavailable)?
+                      #  :scope => 'network'
+                      )
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    filter_on(realms, :id, opts)
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Instances
+  ######################################################################
+  def instances(credentials, opts={})
+    instances = []
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if opts and opts[:id]
+        vsys_id = client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:id])
+        vsys_config = client.get_vsys_configuration(vsys_id)
+        vsys_config['vsys'][0]['vservers'][0]['vserver'].each do |vserver|
+          if vserver['vserverId'][0] == opts[:id]
+            # check state first as it may be filtered on
+            state_data = instance_state_data(vserver, client)
+            if opts[:state].nil? or opts[:state] == state_data[:state]
+              instance = convert_to_instance(client, vserver, state_data)
+              add_instance_details(instance, client, vserver)
+              instances << instance
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      elsif xml = client.list_vsys['vsyss']
+        xml[0]['vsys'].each do |vsys|
+          # use get_vsys_configuration (instead of get_vserver_configuration) to retrieve all vservers in one call
+          vsys_config = client.get_vsys_configuration(vsys['vsysId'][0])
+          vsys_config['vsys'][0]['vservers'][0]['vserver'].each do |vserver|
+            # to keep the response time of this method acceptable, retrieve state
+            # only if required because state is filtered on
+            state_data = opts[:state] ? instance_state_data(vserver, client) : nil
+            # filter on state
+            if opts[:state].nil? or opts[:state] == state_data[:state]
+              instances << convert_to_instance(client, vserver, state_data)
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    instances = filter_on( instances, :state, opts )
+    filter_on( instances, :id, opts )
+  end
+  # Start an instance, given its id.
+  def start_instance(credentials, id)
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if id =~ /^.*-S-0001/ # FW
+        client.start_efm(id)
+      else
+        # vserver or SLB (no way to tell which from id)
+        begin
+          client.start_vserver(id)
+        rescue Exception => ex
+          # if not found, try starting as SLB
+          if not ex.message =~ /VALIDATION_ERROR.*/
+            raise ex
+          else
+            begin
+              client.start_efm(id)
+            rescue
+              # if that fails as well, just raise the original error
+              raise ex
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    instances(credentials, {:id => id}).first
+  end
+  # Stop an instance, given its id.
+  def stop_instance(credentials, id)
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if id =~ /^.*-S-0001/ # FW
+        client.stop_efm(id)
+      else
+        # vserver or SLB (no way to tell which from id)
+        begin
+          client.stop_vserver(id)
+        rescue Exception => ex
+          #if not found, try stopping as SLB
+          if not ex.message =~ /VALIDATION_ERROR.*/
+            raise ex
+          else
+            begin
+              client.stop_efm(id)
+            rescue
+              # if that fails as well, just raise the original error
+              raise ex
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    instances(credentials, {:id => id}).first
+  end
+  # FGCP has no API for reboot
+#  def reboot_instance(credentials, id)
+#    raise 'Reboot action not supported'
+#  end
+  # Create a new instance, given an image id
+  # opts can include an optional name for the instance, hardware profile (hwp_id) and realm_id
+  def create_instance(credentials, image_id, opts={})
+    name = opts[:name]
+    # default to 'economy' or obtain latest hardware profiles and pick the lowest spec profile?
+    hwp = opts[:hwp_id] || 'economy'
+    network_id = opts[:realm_id]
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      xml = client.create_vserver(name, hwp, image_id, network_id)
+      # returns vserver details
+      instances(credentials, {:id => xml['vserverId'][0]}).first
+    end
+  end
+  # Destroy an instance, given its id.
+  def destroy_instance(credentials, id)
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      vsys_id = client.extract_vsys_id(id)
+      if id == "#{vsys_id}-S-0001" # if FW
+        client.destroy_vsys(vsys_id)
+      else
+        # vserver or SLB (no way to tell which from id)
+        begin
+          client.destroy_vserver(id)
+        rescue Exception => ex
+          # if not found, try destroying as SLB
+          if not ex.message =~ /VALIDATION_ERROR.*/
+            raise ex
+          else
+            begin
+              client.destroy_efm(id)
+            rescue
+              # if that fails as well, just raise the original error
+              raise ex
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def run_on_instance(credentials, opts={})
+    target = instance(credentials, opts)
+    safely do
+      param = {}
+      param[:port] = opts[:port] || '22'
+      param[:ip] = target.public_addresses.first.address
+      param[:credentials] = { :username => target.username }
+      if opts[:private_key] and opts[:private_key].length > 1
+        param[:private_key] = opts[:private_key]
+      else
+        password = (opts[:password] and opts[:password].length > 0) ? opts[:password] : target.password
+        param[:credentials].merge!({ :password => password })
+      end
+      Deltacloud::Runner.execute(opts[:cmd], param)
+    end
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Storage volumes
+  ######################################################################
+  def storage_volumes(credentials, opts={})
+    volumes = []
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if opts and opts[:id]
+        vdisk = client.get_vdisk_attributes(opts[:id])['vdisk'][0]
+        state = client.get_vdisk_status(opts[:id])['vdiskStatus'][0]
+        actions = []
+        if state == 'NORMAL'
+          if vdisk['attachedTo'].nil?
+            state = 'AVAILABLE'
+            actions = [:attach, :destroy]
+          else
+            state = 'IN-USE'
+            actions = [:detach]
+          end
+        end
+        volumes <<
+          :id => opts[:id],
+          :name => vdisk['vdiskName'][0],
+          :capacity => vdisk['size'][0],
+          :instance_id => vdisk['attachedTo'].nil? ? nil : vdisk['attachedTo'][0],
+          :state => state,
+          :actions => actions,
+          :realm_id => client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:id])
+          #no documentation on what :kind could map to; Use 'additional' vs 'system' volume?
+          #:kind => '',
+        )
+      elsif xml = client.list_vsys['vsyss']
+        xml[0]['vsys'].each do |vsys|
+          vdisks = client.list_vdisk(vsys['vsysId'][0])['vdisks'][0]
+          if vdisks['vdisk']
+            vdisks['vdisk'].each do |vdisk|
+              #state requires an additional call per volume. Only set if attached.
+              #exclude system disks as they are not detachable?
+              volumes <<
+                :id          => vdisk['vdiskId'][0],
+                :name        => vdisk['vdiskName'][0],
+                :capacity    => vdisk['size'][0],
+                :instance_id => vdisk['attachedTo'].nil? ? nil : vdisk['attachedTo'][0],
+                :realm_id    => client.extract_vsys_id(vdisk['vdiskId'][0]),
+                :state       => vdisk['attachedTo'].nil? ? nil : 'IN-USE'
+                #no documentation on what :kind could map to; Use 'additional' vs 'system' volume?
+                #:kind => '',
+              )
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    volumes
+  end
+  def create_storage_volume(credentials, opts={})
+    opts ||= {}
+    opts[:name]     ||=
+    opts[:capacity] ||= '1' # DC default
+    #size has to be a multiple of 10: round up.
+    opts[:capacity] = ((opts[:capacity].to_f / 10.0).ceil * 10.0).to_s
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if opts[:realm_id]
+        # just in case the user got confused and specified a network id
+        opts[:realm_id] = client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:realm_id])
+      elsif xml = client.list_vsys['vsyss']
+        # use first vsys returned as realm
+        opts[:realm_id] = xml[0]['vsys'][0]['vsysId'][0]
+      end
+      vdisk_id = client.create_vdisk(opts[:realm_id], opts[:name], opts[:capacity])['vdiskId'][0]
+        :id => vdisk_id,
+        :created =>,
+        :name => opts[:name],
+        :capacity => opts[:capacity],
+        :realm_id => client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:realm_id]),
+        :instance_id => nil,
+        :state => 'DEPLOYING',
+        :actions => []
+        #no documentation on what kind could map to; Use 'additional' vs 'system' volume?
+        #:kind => '',
+      )
+    end
+  end
+  def destroy_storage_volume(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      client.destroy_vdisk(opts[:id])
+    end
+  end
+  def attach_storage_volume(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      client.attach_vdisk(opts[:instance_id], opts[:id])
+    end
+    storage_volumes(credentials, opts).first
+  end
+  def detach_storage_volume(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      client.detach_vdisk(opts[:instance_id], opts[:id])
+    end
+    storage_volumes(credentials, opts)
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Storage Snapshots
+  ######################################################################
+  def storage_snapshots(credentials, opts={})
+    snapshots = []
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if opts and opts[:id]
+        vdisk_id, backup_id = split_snapshot_id(opts[:id])
+        if backups = client.list_vdisk_backup(vdisk_id)['backups']
+          backups[0]['backup'].each do |backup|
+            snapshots <<
+              :id => opts[:id],
+              #:state => ?,
+              :storage_volume_id => vdisk_id,
+              :created => backup['backupTime'][0]
+            ) if backup_id = backup['backupId'][0]
+          end
+        end
+      elsif xml = client.list_vsys['vsyss']
+        xml[0]['vsys'].each do |vsys|
+          vdisks = client.list_vdisk(vsys['vsysId'][0])['vdisks'][0]
+          if vdisks['vdisk']
+            vdisks['vdisk'].each do |vdisk|
+#TODO: skipping system disks for now to improve performance
+if vdisk['vdiskId'][0] =~ /^.*-D-\d\d\d\d/
+              backups = client.list_vdisk_backup(vdisk['vdiskId'][0])
+              if backups['backups'] and backups['backups'][0]['backup']
+                backups['backups'][0]['backup'].each do |backup|
+                  snapshots <<
+                    :id => generate_snapshot_id(vdisk['vdiskId'][0], backup['backupId'][0]),
+                    #:state => ?,
+                    :storage_volume_id => vdisk['vdiskId'][0],
+                    :created => backup['backupTime'][0]
+                  )
+                end
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    snapshots
+  end
+  def create_storage_snapshot(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      client.backup_vdisk(opts[:volume_id])
+    end
+      :id                 => "PENDING-#{opts[:volume_id]}", # don't know id until backup completed
+      :state              => 'PENDING', # OK to make up a state like that?
+      :storage_volume_id  => opts[:volume_id],
+      :created            =>
+    )
+  end
+  def destroy_storage_snapshot(credentials, opts={})
+    vdisk_id, backup_id = split_snapshot_id(opts[:id])
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      client.destroy_vdisk_backup(client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:id]), backup_id)
+    end
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Addresses
+  ######################################################################
+  def addresses(credentials, opts={})
+    addrs_to_instance = {}
+    ips_per_vsys = {}
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      opts ||= {}
+      public_ips = client.list_public_ips(opts[:realm_id])['publicips']
+      return [] if public_ips.nil? or public_ips[0]['publicip'].nil?
+      # first discover the VSYS each address belongs to
+      public_ips[0]['publicip'].each do |ip|
+        if not opts[:id] or opts[:id] == ip['address'][0]
+          ips_per_vsys[ip['vsysId'][0]] ||= []
+          ips_per_vsys[ip['vsysId'][0]] << ip['address'][0]
+        end
+      end
+      ips_per_vsys.each_pair do |vsys_id, ips|
+        #nat rules show both mapped and unmapped IP addresses
+        #may not have privileges to view nat rules on this vsys
+        begin
+          fw_id = "#{vsys_id}-S-0001"
+          nat_rules = client.get_efm_configuration(fw_id, 'FW_NAT_RULE')['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['nat'][0]['rules'][0]
+        rescue RuntimeError => ex
+          raise ex unless ex.message =~ /^(ACCESS_NOT_PERMIT).*/
+        end
+        if nat_rules and nat_rules['rule']
+          # collect all associated IP addresses (pub->priv) in vsys
+          associated_ips = {}
+          nat_rules['rule'].each do |rule|
+            if opts[:id].nil? or opts[:id] == rule['publicIp'][0] # filter on public IP if specified
+              associated_ips[rule['publicIp'][0]] = rule['privateIp'][0] if rule['privateIp']
+            end
+          end
+          # each associated target private IP belongs to either a vserver or SLB
+          # 1. for vservers, obtain all ids from get_vsys_configuration in one call
+          vsys = client.get_vsys_configuration(vsys_id)
+          vsys['vsys'][0]['vservers'][0]['vserver'].each do |vserver|
+            if determine_server_type(vserver) == 'vserver'
+              vnic = vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'][0]
+              associated_ips.find do |pub,priv|
+                addrs_to_instance[pub] = vserver['vserverId'][0] if priv == vnic['privateIp'][0]
+              end if vnic['privateIp'] # when an instance is being created, the private ip is not known yet
+            end
+          end # of loop over vsys' vservers
+          # 2. for slbs, obtain all ids from list_efm
+          if addrs_to_instance.keys.size < associated_ips.keys.size # only if associated ips left to process
+            if slbs = client.list_efm(vsys_id, 'SLB')['efms']
+              slbs[0]['efm'].find do |slb|
+                associated_ips.find do |pub,priv|
+                  addrs_to_instance[pub] = slb['efmId'][0] if priv == slb['slbVip'][0]
+                end
+                addrs_to_instance.keys.size < associated_ips.keys.size # stop if no associated ips left to process
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end # of nat_rules has rules
+      end # of ips_per_vsys.each
+    end
+    addresses = []
+    ips_per_vsys.values.each do |pubs|
+      addresses += pubs.collect do |pub|
+ => pub, :instance_id => addrs_to_instance[pub])
+      end
+    end
+    addresses
+  end
+  def address(credentials, opts={})
+    addresses(credentials, opts).first
+  end
+  def create_address(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      opts ||= {}
+      if opts[:realm_id]
+        # just in case a network realm was passed
+        opts[:realm_id] = client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:realm_id])
+      else
+        # get first vsys
+        xml = client.list_vsys
+        opts[:realm_id] = xml['vsyss'][0]['vsys'][0]['vsysId'][0] if xml['vsyss']
+      end
+      client.allocate_public_ip(opts[:realm_id])
+    end
+    #TODO: new address not returned immediately!
+ => '')
+  end
+  def destroy_address(credentials, opts={})
+    opts ||= {}
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if opts[:realm_id]
+        opts[:realm_id] = client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:realm_id])
+      else
+        xml = client.list_public_ips
+        if xml['publicips']
+          xml['publicips'][0]['publicip'].find do |ip|
+            opts[:realm_id] = ip['vsysId'][0] if opts[:id] == ip['address'][0]
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      begin
+        # detach just in case
+        client.detach_public_ip(opts[:realm_id], opts[:id])
+      rescue Exception => ex
+        raise ex unless ex.message =~ /^ALREADY_DETACHED.*/
+      end
+      client.free_public_ip(opts[:realm_id], opts[:id])
+    end
+  end
+  def associate_address(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      vsys_id = client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:instance_id])
+      begin
+        client.attach_public_ip(vsys_id, opts[:id])
+      rescue Exception => ex
+        raise ex unless ex.message =~ /^ALREADY_ATTACHED.*/
+      end
+      # retrieve private address
+      # use get_vsys_configuration (instead of get_vserver_configuration) to also know if instance is an SLB
+      vsys_config = client.get_vsys_configuration(vsys_id)
+      vserver = vsys_config['vsys'][0]['vservers'][0]['vserver'].find { |e| e['vserverId'][0] == opts[:instance_id] }
+      case determine_server_type(vserver)
+      when 'vserver'
+        private_ip = vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'][0]['privateIp'][0]
+      when 'SLB'
+        if slbs = client.list_efm(vsys_id, 'SLB')['efms']
+          private_ip = slbs[0]['efm'].find { |slb| slb['slbVip'][0] if slb['efmId'][0] == opts[:instance_id] }
+        end
+      end if vserver
+      fw_id = "#{vsys_id}-S-0001"
+      nat_rules = client.get_efm_configuration(fw_id, 'FW_NAT_RULE')['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['nat'][0]['rules'][0]
+      if nat_rules and not nat_rules.empty? # happens only if no enabled IP address?
+        nat_rules['rule'].each do |rule|
+          if rule['publicIp'][0] == opts[:id]
+            rule['privateIp'] = [ private_ip ]
+            rule['snapt'] = [ 'true' ]
+          else
+            rule['snapt'] = [ 'false' ]
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      new_rules = {
+        'configuration' => [
+          'firewall_nat'  => [nat_rules]
+      ]}
+      # create FW configuration xml file with new rules
+      conf_xml_new = XmlSimple.xml_out(new_rules,
+        'RootName' => 'Request'
+      )
+      client.update_efm_configuration(fw_id, 'FW_NAT_RULE', conf_xml_new)
+ => opts[:id], :instance_id => opts[:instance_id])
+    end
+  end
+  def disassociate_address(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if not opts[:realm_id]
+        if public_ips = client.list_public_ips['publicips']
+          public_ips[0]['publicip'].find do |ip|
+            opts[:realm_id] = ip['vsysId'][0] if opts[:id] == ip['address'][0]
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      vsys_id = client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:realm_id])
+      fw_id = "#{vsys_id}-S-0001"
+      nat_rules = client.get_efm_configuration(fw_id, 'FW_NAT_RULE')['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['nat'][0]['rules'][0]
+      if nat_rules and not nat_rules.empty? # happens only if no enabled IP address?
+        nat_rules['rule'].reject! { |rule| rule['publicIp'][0] == opts[:id] }
+      end
+      new_rules = {
+        'configuration' => [
+          'firewall_nat'  => [nat_rules]
+      ]}
+      # create FW configuration xml file with new rules
+      conf_xml_new = XmlSimple.xml_out(new_rules,
+        'RootName' => 'Request'
+      )
+      client.update_efm_configuration(fw_id, 'FW_NAT_RULE', conf_xml_new)
+      client.detach_public_ip(client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:realm_id]), opts[:id])
+    end
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Firewalls
+  ######################################################################
+  def firewalls(credentials, opts={})
+    firewalls = []
+    fw_name = 'Firewall' # currently always 'Firewall'
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      if opts and opts[:id]
+        # get details incl. rules on single FW
+        rules = []
+        configuration_xml = <<-"eofwpxml"
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8"?>
+  <configuration>
+    <firewall_policy>
+    </firewall_policy>
+  </configuration>
+        fw = client.get_efm_configuration(opts[:id], 'FW_POLICY', configuration_xml)
+        fw_name = fw['efm'][0]['efmName'][0] # currently always 'Firewall'
+        fw_owner_id = fw['efm'][0]['creator'][0]
+        fw['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['directions'][0]['direction'].each do |direction|
+          direction['policies'][0]['policy'].each do |policy|
+            sources = []
+            ['src', 'dst'].each do |e|
+              if policy[e] and policy[e][0] and not policy[e][0].empty?
+                ip_address_type = policy["#{e}Type"][0]
+                address = policy[e][0]
+                address.sub!('any', '') if ip_address_type == 'IP'
+                address += '/32' if ip_address_type == 'IP' and not address =~ /.*\/.*/
+                sources << {
+                  :type    => 'address',
+                  :family  => 'ipv4',
+                  :address => address.split('/').first,
+                  :prefix  => ip_address_type == 'IP' ? address.split('/').last : nil
+                }
+              end
+            end
+            # defining ingress as access going from Internet/Intranet -> DMZ -> SECURE1 -> SECURE2
+            ingress = policy['id'][0] =~ /[13].*/ ? 'ingress' : 'egress'
+            rules <<{
+              :id             => policy['id'][0],
+              :allow_protocol => policy['protocol'][0],
+              :port_from      => policy['srcPort'] ? policy['srcPort'][0] : nil, # not set for e.g. ICMP
+              :port_to        => policy['dstPort'] ? policy['dstPort'][0] : nil, # not set for e.g. ICMP
+              :direction      => ingress,
+              :sources        => sources
+              }) unless policy['id'][0] == '50000' # exclude special case
+          end
+        end
+        firewalls <<{
+          :id       => opts[:id],
+          :name     => fw_name,
+  #        :description => '', # get_efm_configuration 'FW_POLICY' does not return description
+          :owner_id => fw_owner_id,
+          :rules    => rules
+        })
+      else
+        xml = client.list_vsys
+        return [] if xml['vsyss'].nil?
+        firewalls = xml['vsyss'][0]['vsys'].collect do |vsys|
+            :id => vsys['vsysId'][0] + '-S-0001',
+            :name => fw_name,
+            :description => vsys['baseDescriptor'][0], # should I use vsys' 'description' instead and introduce something else for baseDescriptor?
+            :owner_id => vsys['creator'][0]
+          })
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    firewalls
+  end
+  def create_firewall(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      # using 'description' as vsysDescriptor
+      vsys_id = client.create_vsys(opts['description'], opts['name'])['vsysId'][0]
+      fw_id = vsys_id + '-S-0001'
+        :id           => fw_id,
+        :name         => opts['name'],
+        :description  => opts['description'],
+        :owner_id     => '',
+        :rules        => []
+      })
+    end
+  end
+  def delete_firewall(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      client.destroy_vsys(client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:id]))
+    end
+  end
+#  def create_firewall_rule(credentials, opts={})
+#    p opts
+#  end
+  def delete_firewall_rule(credentials, opts={})
+    # retrieve current FW rules, delete rule, send back to API server
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      conf_xml_old = <<-"eofwopxml"
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8"?>
+  <configuration>
+    <firewall_policy>
+    </firewall_policy>
+  </configuration>
+      # retrieve current rules
+      fw = client.get_efm_configuration(opts[:firewall], 'FW_POLICY', conf_xml_old)
+      rule50000_log = 'On'
+      # delete specified rule and special rule 50000 (handled later)
+      fw['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['directions'][0]['direction'].reject! do |direction|
+        direction['policies'][0]['policy'].reject! do |policy|
+          rule_id = policy['id'][0]
+          # need to use (final) 3 digit id
+          policy['id'][0] = rule_id[2..4]
+          # storage rule 50000's log attribute for later
+          rule50000_log = policy['log'][0] if rule_id == '50000'
+          # some elements not allowed if service is NTP, DNS, etc.
+          if not policy['dstService'][0] == 'NONE'
+            policy.delete('dstType')
+            policy.delete('dstPort')
+            policy.delete('protocol')
+          end
+          rule_id == opts[:rule_id] or rule_id == '50000'
+        end
+        direction['policies'][0]['policy'].empty?
+      end
+      # add entry for 50000 special rule
+      fw['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['directions'][0]['direction'] << {
+        'policies' => [
+          'policy' => [
+            'log' => [ rule50000_log ]
+          ]
+        ]
+      }
+      new_rules = {
+        'configuration'   => [
+          'firewall_policy' => [
+            'directions'      => fw['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['directions']
+        ]
+      ]}
+      # create FW configuration xml file with new rules
+      conf_xml_new = XmlSimple.xml_out(new_rules,
+        'RootName' => 'Request'
+        )
+      conf_xml_new.gsub!(/(<(to|from)>).+(INTERNET|INTRANET)/, '\1\3')
+      client.update_efm_configuration(opts[:firewall], 'FW_POLICY', conf_xml_new)
+    end
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Load Balancers
+  ######################################################################
+  def load_balancers(credentials, opts={})
+    balancers = []
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      xml = client.list_vsys
+      return [] if xml['vsyss'].nil?
+      xml['vsyss'][0]['vsys'].each do |vsys|
+        # use get_vsys_configuration (instead of list_efm) to retrieve all SLBs incl. realms in one call
+        vsys_config = client.get_vsys_configuration(vsys['vsysId'][0])
+        vsys_config['vsys'][0]['vservers'][0]['vserver'].each do |vserver|
+          if determine_server_type(vserver) == 'SLB'
+            vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'][0]['networkId'][0] =~ /^.*\b(\w+)$/
+            realm_name = vsys['vsysId'][0] + ' [' + $1 + ']' # vsys name + network [DMZ/SECURE1/SECURE2]
+            realm = Realm::new(
+              :id => vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'][0]['networkId'][0],
+              :name => realm_name,
+              :limit => '[Network segment]',
+              :state => 'AVAILABLE' # map to state of FW/VSYS (reconfiguring = unavailable)?
+            )
+            balancer ={
+              :id               => vserver['vserverId'][0],
+              :realms           => [realm],
+              :listeners        => [],
+              :instances        => [],
+              :public_addresses => []
+            })
+            balancers << balancer
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    balancers
+  end
+  def load_balancer(credentials, opts={})
+    balancer = nil
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      # use get_vsys_configuration (instead of list_efm) to retrieve all SLBs incl. realms in one call?
+      vsys_id = client.extract_vsys_id(opts[:id])
+      vsys_config = client.get_vsys_configuration(vsys_id)
+      vsys_config['vsys'][0]['vservers'][0]['vserver'].each do |vserver|
+        if vserver['vserverId'][0] == opts[:id]
+          vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'][0]['networkId'][0] =~ /^.*\b(\w+)$/
+          realm_name = vsys_id + ' [' + $1 + ']' # vsys name + network [DMZ/SECURE1/SECURE2]
+          realm = Realm::new(
+            :id => vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'][0]['networkId'][0],
+            :name => realm_name,
+            :limit => '[Network segment]',
+            :state => 'AVAILABLE' # map to state of FW/VSYS (reconfiguring = unavailable)?
+          )
+          balancer ={
+            :id               => vserver['vserverId'][0],
+            :realms           => [realm],
+            :listeners        => [],
+            :instances        => [],
+            :public_addresses => []
+          })
+          begin
+            slb_rule = client.get_efm_configuration(opts[:id], 'SLB_RULE')
+            slb_rule['efm'][0]['loadbalancer'][0]['groups'][0]['group'][0]['targets'][0]['target'].each do |server|
+              balancer.instances << Instance::new(
+                :id                => server['serverId'][0],
+                :name              => server['serverName'][0],
+                :realm_id          => realm,
+                :private_addresses => [['ipAddress'][0])]
+              )
+              balancer.add_listener({
+                :protocol           => slb_rule['efm'][0]['loadbalancer'][0]['groups'][0]['group'][0]['protocol'][0],
+                :load_balancer_port => slb_rule['efm'][0]['loadbalancer'][0]['groups'][0]['group'][0]['port1'][0],
+                :instance_port      => server['port1'][0]
+              })
+            end
+            slb_vip = slb_rule['efm'][0]['slbVip'][0]
+            opts[:id] =~ /^(.*-S-)\d\d\d\d/
+            fw_id = $1 + '0001'
+            nat_rules = client.get_efm_configuration(fw_id, 'FW_NAT_RULE')['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['nat'][0]['rules'][0]
+            if nat_rules and not nat_rules.empty?
+              nat_rules['rule'].each do |rule|
+                balancer.public_addresses <<['publicIp'][0]) if rule['privateIp'] and rule['privateIp'][0] == slb_vip
+              end
+            end
+          rescue Exception => ex
+            raise ex unless ex.message =~ /(ACCESS_NOT_PERMIT|ILLEGAL_STATE).*/
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    balancer
+  end
+  def create_load_balancer(credentials, opts={})
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      # if opts['realm_id'].nil? network id specified, pick first vsys' DMZ?
+      # CreateEFM -vsysId vsysId -efmType SLB -efmName opts['name'] -networkId opts['realm_id']
+      network_id = opts[:realm_id]
+      efm = client.create_efm('SLB', opts[:name], network_id)
+#        [{:load_balancer_port => opts['listener_balancer_port'],
+#          :instance_port => opts['listener_instance_port'],
+#          :protocol => opts['listener_protocol']}]
+#      )
+      load_balancer(credentials, {:id => efm['efmId'][0]})
+    end
+  end
+  def destroy_load_balancer(credentials, id)
+    safely do
+      client = new_client(credentials)
+      client.destroy_efm(id)
+    end
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # Providers
+  ######################################################################
+  def providers(credentials, opts={})
+    cert, key = convert_credentials(credentials)
+    cert.subject.to_s =~ /\b[Cc]=(\w\w)\b/
+    country = $1.downcase
+    endpoint = Deltacloud::Drivers::driver_config[:fgcp][:entrypoints][country]
+    [
+        :id => "fgcp-#{country}",
+        :name => "Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform - #{country.upcase}",
+        :url => endpoint
+      )
+    ]
+  end
+# following code enables region drop-down box on GUI. No need as retrieving region from cert (subject c)
+#  def configured_providers
+#    Deltacloud::Drivers::driver_config[:fgcp][:entrypoints].keys
+#  end
+  exceptions do
+    on /AuthFailure/ do
+      status 401
+    end
+    # if user doesn't have privileges to view or operate a particular resource
+    on /User doesn.t have the right of access./ do
+      status 400
+    end
+    # time out of sync with ntp
+    on /VALIDATION_ERROR.*synchronized.*API-Server time/ do
+      status 502
+    end
+    # wrong vserverId, etc.
+      status 404
+    end
+    # wrong vdiskId, etc.
+      status 404
+    end
+    # destroying a running SLB, etc.
+    on /ALREADY_STARTED/ do
+      status 502 #?
+    end
+    # trying to start a running vserver, etc.
+    on /ILLEGAL_STATE/ do
+      status 502
+    end
+    # endpoint for country of certificate subject not found
+    on /API endpoint not found/ do
+      status 502
+    end
+    on /.*/ do
+      status 502 # Provider error
+    end
+  end
+  ######################################################################
+  # private
+  ######################################################################
+  private
+  def new_client(credentials)
+    cert, key = convert_credentials(credentials)
+, key, api_provider)
+  end
+  def convert_credentials(credentials)
+    #username could be 'dkoper'
+    #load dkoper/UserCert.p12 from cert dir
+    begin
+      #p File::join(CERT_DIR, credentials.user, 'UserCert.p12')
+      cert_file =, credentials.user, 'UserCert.p12'), 'rb')
+    rescue Errno::ENOENT => e # file not found
+      raise "AuthFailure: No certificate registered under name \'#{credentials.user}\'"
+#      raise, "No certificate registered under name #{credentials.user}")
+    end
+    #TODO: check that cert's cn is indeed the username?
+    #cert.subject=/C=AU/O=Fujitsu Limited/CN=diesk_fast
+    #raise AuthError(?) if not
+    begin
+      pkcs12 =, credentials.password)
+    rescue OpenSSL::PKCS12::PKCS12Error => e
+      raise "AuthFailure: Could not open the certificate \'#{credentials.user}\'. Wrong password? Is it a valid PKCS12 cert? #{e.message}"
+    end
+    return pkcs12.certificate, pkcs12.key
+  end
+  def instance_state_data(vserver, client)
+    # determine server is FW/SLB by checking vserver_id (0001 for FW) or nicNo (>0)
+    if ['FW', 'SLB'].include? determine_server_type(vserver)
+      state = @@INSTANCE_STATE_MAP[client.get_efm_status(vserver['vserverId'][0])['efmStatus'][0]]
+      create_image = false
+    else
+      # vserver
+      state = @@INSTANCE_STATE_MAP[client.get_vserver_status(vserver['vserverId'][0])['vserverStatus'][0]]
+      create_image = (state == /STOPPED|UNEXPECTED_STOP/)
+    end
+    {
+      :create_image => create_image,
+      :actions      => instance_actions_for(state),
+      :state        => state
+    }
+  end
+  def add_instance_details(instance, client, vserver)
+    # instance details (public IPs, password) currently only apply to vservers (and some to SLBs)
+    server = determine_server_type(vserver)
+    if not server == 'FW'
+      if server == 'vserver'
+        # vserver-only details
+        images = client.list_disk_images
+        images['diskimages'][0]['diskimage'].each do |img|
+          if vserver['diskimageId'][0] == img['diskimageId'][0]
+            instance.username = img['osName'][0] =~ /Windows.*/ ? 'Administrator' : 'root'
+          end
+        end
+        instance.password = client.get_vserver_initial_password(vserver['vserverId'][0])['initialPassword'][0]
+      end
+      # retrieve SLB's representative IP address
+      if server == 'SLB'
+        vsys_id = client.extract_vsys_id(
+        if slbs = client.list_efm(vsys_id, 'SLB')['efms']
+          slbs[0]['efm'].find do |slb|
+            instance.private_addresses <<['slbVip'][0], :type => :ipv4) if slb['efmId'][0] ==
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      # retrieve mapped public ip addresses for vserver or SLB
+      #may not have privileges to view nat rules on this vsys
+      begin
+        vserver['vserverId'][0] =~ /^(.*-S-)\d\d\d\d/
+        fw_id = $1 + '0001'
+        nat_rules = client.get_efm_configuration(fw_id, 'FW_NAT_RULE')['efm'][0]['firewall'][0]['nat'][0]['rules'][0]
+      rescue RuntimeError => ex
+        raise ex unless ex.message =~ /ACCESS_NOT_PERMIT.*/
+      end
+      if nat_rules and not nat_rules.empty?
+        private_ips = instance.private_addresses.collect { |e| e.address }
+        nat_rules['rule'].each do |rule|
+          if rule['privateIp'] and private_ips.include?(rule['privateIp'][0])
+            instance.public_addresses <<['publicIp'][0], :type => :ipv4)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def convert_to_instance(client, vserver, state_data=nil)
+    state_data ||= {}
+    private_ips = []
+    vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'].each do |vnic|
+      # when an instance is being created, the private ip is not known yet
+      private_ips <<['privateIp'][0], :type => :ipv4) if vnic['privateIp']
+    end
+    instance_profile = InstanceProfile::new(vserver['vserverType'][0])
+    server = determine_server_type(vserver)
+    # realm is vsys for FW and network for vserver or SLB
+    if server == 'FW'
+      realm_id = client.extract_vsys_id(vserver['vserverId'][0])
+    else
+      realm_id = vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'][0]['networkId'][0]
+    end
+    # storage volumes
+    storage_volumes = []
+    # system volume
+    if server == 'vserver'
+      storage_volumes <<
+        :id => vserver['vserverId'][0],
+        :name => vserver['vserverName'][0],
+        #:device => '', # no API to retrieve from
+#        :capacity => '10',# or '40', need to check with image (vserver['diskimageId'][0],)
+        :realm_id => realm_id,
+        :instance_id => vserver['vserverId'][0],
+        :state => 'IN-USE',
+        :actions => []
+        #no documentation on what kind could map to; Use 'additional' vs 'system' volume?
+        #:kind => '',
+      )
+    end
+    # additional volumes
+    if vserver['vdisks'] and vserver['vdisks'][0]['vdisk']
+      vserver['vdisks'][0]['vdisk'].each do |vdisk|
+        actions = state_data[:state] and state_data[:state] == 'STOPPED' ? [:detach] : []
+        storage_volumes <<
+          :id => vdisk['vdiskId'][0],
+          :name => vdisk['vdiskName'][0],
+          #:device => '', # no API to retrieve from
+          :capacity => vdisk['size'][0],
+          :realm_id => client.extract_vsys_id(realm_id),
+          :instance_id => vserver['vserverId'][0],
+          :state => 'IN-USE',
+          :actions => actions
+          #no documentation on what kind could map to; Use 'additional' vs 'system' volume?
+          #:kind => '',
+        )
+      end
+    end
+    instance = {
+      :id => vserver['vserverId'][0],
+      :name => vserver['vserverName'][0],
+      :realm_id => realm_id,
+      :instance_profile => instance_profile,
+      :image_id => vserver['diskimageId'][0],
+      :private_addresses => private_ips,
+      :storage_volumes => storage_volumes.collect { |v| { => v.device} },
+      :firewalls => server != 'FW' ? [client.extract_vsys_id(vserver['vserverId'][0]) + '-S-0001'] : nil,
+      :owner_id => vserver['creator'][0]
+    }
+    instance.merge!( {'create_image' => false}) if not server == 'vserver'
+    instance.merge! state_data
+    Instance::new(instance)
+  end
+  def generate_snapshot_id(vdisk_id, backup_id)
+    "#{vdisk_id}_#{backup_id}"
+  end
+  def split_snapshot_id(snapshot_id)
+    snapshot_id =~ /^(.*-\d\d\d\d)_(\d\d\d\d)/
+    return $1, $2 # vdisk_id, backup_id
+  end
+  def successful_action?(xml)
+    xml['responseStatus'].to_s == 'SUCCESS'
+  end
+  # determine server is vserver/FW/SLB
+  def determine_server_type(vserver)
+    # check vserver_id (0001 for FW) or nicNo (>0 for SLB)
+    return 'FW'  if vserver['vserverId'][0] =~ /^.*-S-0001/
+    return 'SLB' if vserver['vnics'][0]['vnic'][0]['nicNo'][0] != '0'
+    return 'vserver'
+  end
+  def get_fw_nat_rules_for_vserver(client, vserver)
+    /^(\w+-\w+)\b.*/ =~ vserver['vserverId'][0]
+    vsys_id = $1
+    client.get_efm_configuration("#{vsys_id}-S-0001", 'FW_NAT_RULE')
+  end
+  # FGCP instance states mapped to DeltaCloud
+    'DEPLOYING'       =>  'PENDING',
+    'RUNNING'         =>  'RUNNING',
+    'STOPPING'        =>  'STOPPING',
+    'STOPPED'         =>  'STOPPED',
+    'STARTING'        =>  'PENDING', # not sure about this one
+    'FAILOVER'        =>  'RUNNING',
+    'RESTORING'       =>  'PENDING',
+    'BACKUP_ING'      =>  'PENDING',
+    'ERROR'           =>  'STOPPED',
+    'START_ERROR'     =>  'STOPPED', # not sure about this one
+    'STOP_ERROR'      =>  'STOPPING',
+    'REGISTERING'     =>  'PENDING',
+    'CHANGE_TYPE'     =>  'PENDING'
+  }
+    end
+  end