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svn commit: r528394 [17/35] - in /incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore: ./ dbms/ dbms/client/ dbms/client/t/ dbms/dbmsproxy/ dbms/deamon/ dbms/doc/ dbms/include/ dbms/libdbms/ dbms/utils/ doc/ include/ lib/ lib/DBD/ lib/RDFStore/ lib/RDFSt...

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Serializer/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Serializer/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Serializer/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+# * Changes:
+# *     version 0.1 - Tue Jan 28 15:30:00 CET 2003
+# *     version 0.2
+# *		- fixed bug when model context is set
+# *
+package RDFStore::Serializer::RSS;
+use vars qw ($VERSION);
+use strict;
+$VERSION = '0.2';
+use Carp;
+use RDFStore::Serializer;
+use RDFStore::Vocabulary::RSS;
+@RDFStore::Serializer::RDFStore::Vocabulary::RSS::ISA = qw( RDFStore::Serializer );
+sub new {
+	my ($pkg) = shift;
+	my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(@_);
+	$self->setNamespacePrefix( $RDFStore::Vocabulary::RSS::_Namespace ) = 'rss';
+	bless $self,$pkg;
+	};
+sub write {
+	my ($class, $model, $fh, $namespaces, $base ) = @_;
+	$model = $class->{'model'}
+                unless($model);
+	# ignore model its context while dumping
+	my $ctx = $model->getContext();
+	$model->resetContext();
+	# init
+	$class->SUPER::write( $model, $fh, $namespaces );
+        $class->{subjects_done} = {};
+	# header
+        $class->printContent( "<" . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":RDF" );
+        $class->printContent( "\n\txmlns:" . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . "='". $RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace . "'");
+	# rdfstore namespace is alwasys put there
+        $class->printContent( "\n\txmlns:" . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDFStoreContext::_Namespace) . "='". $RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDFStoreContext::_Namespace . "'");
+        $class->printContent( "\n\txml:base='$base'")
+		if(	(defined $base) &&
+			($base ne '') );
+        my $cc=0;
+	foreach my $ns ( $model->namespaces ) {
+		next
+			if( $ns eq $RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace );
+		$class->setNamespacePrefix( $ns, 'voc'.($cc++) )
+			unless( $class->getNamespacePrefix( $ns ) );
+        	$class->printContent( "\n\txmlns:" . $class->getNamespacePrefix($ns) . "='". $ns . "'");
+                };
+        $class->printContent( ">");
+	# we should try to group descriptions about the same thing (same subject)
+	my $itr = $model->elements;
+	while ( my $st = $itr->each ) {
+                $class->_processDescription( $model, $st );
+                };
+	# footer
+	$class->printContent( "\n</" .    $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":RDF>" );
+        $class->{subjects_done} = {};
+	# restore context
+        $model->setContext( $ctx )
+		if($ctx);
+        return $class->returnContent;
+	};
+sub _processDescription {
+	my ($class, $model, $statement ) = @_;
+	my $context = $statement->context;
+        my $ctx = $context->toString
+		if($context);
+	return
+                if(exists $class->{subjects_done}->{ $statement->subject->toString . $ctx });
+        $class->{subjects_done}->{ $statement->subject->toString . $ctx } = 1; # for very large model this might be a problem!!
+        # group by subject in context
+        my $itr = $model->find( $statement->subject, undef, undef, $context )->elements;
+        return
+                unless($itr->size > 0 );
+        $class->printContent( "\n<" . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":Description " );
+        if ( $statement->subject->isbNode ) {
+                $class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":nodeID='" . $statement->subject->getLabel );
+        } else {
+                $class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":about='" . $class->xml_escape( $statement->subject->getURI,"'" ) );
+                };
+	if ( $context ) {
+        	if ( $context->isbNode ) {
+                	$class->printContent( "' " . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDFStoreContext::_Namespace) . ":contextnodeID='" . $context->getLabel );
+        	} else {
+                	$class->printContent( "' " . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDFStoreContext::_Namespace) . ":context='" . $class->xml_escape( $context->getURI,"'" ) );
+                	};
+		};
+        $class->printContent("'>");
+	# properly un-asserted statement?
+	if (	($statement->subject->isa("RDFStore::Statement")) &&
+		(! $model->contains( $statement->subject) ) ) { #it must be un-asserted
+		$class->printContent( "\n\t<" .     $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":type " .
+                                                $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":resource='".$RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace ."Statement' />");
+                $class->printContent( "\n\t<" .   $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":subject ");
+		if ( $statement->subject->subject->isbNode ) {
+                	$class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":nodeID='" . $statement->subject->subject->getLabel );
+        	} else {
+                	$class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":resource='" . $class->xml_escape( $statement->subject->subject->getURI,"'" ) );
+                	};
+                $class->printContent( "' />");
+                $class->printContent( "\n\t<" .   $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":predicate ");
+                $class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":resource='" . $class->xml_escape( $statement->subject->predicate->getURI,"'" ) . "' />" );
+                $class->printContent( "\n\t<" .   $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":object ");
+		if( $statement->subject->object->isa("RDFStore::Resource") ) {
+			if ( $statement->subject->object->isbNode ) {
+                		$class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":nodeID='" . $statement->subject->object->getLabel );
+        		} else {
+                		$class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":resource='" . $class->xml_escape( $statement->subject->object->getURI,"'" ) );
+                		};
+                	$class->printContent( "' />");
+                } else {
+        		$class->printContent( "xml:lang='" . $statement->subject->object->getLang . "'")
+				if($statement->subject->object->getLang);
+			$class->printContent( " rdf:datatype='" . $statement->object->getDataType . "'")
+                                if($statement->object->getDataType);
+			if($statement->subject->object->getParseType) {
+        			$class->printContent( " " . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":parseType='Literal'>");
+        			$class->printContent( $statement->subject->object->getLabel );
+			} else {
+				$class->printContent( " rdf:datatype='" . $statement->subject->object->getDataType . "'")
+					if($statement->subject->object->getDataType);
+        			$class->printContent( ">" . $class->xml_escape( $statement->subject->object->getLabel ) );
+				};
+                	$class->printContent( "</" .   $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":object>");
+                	};
+		};
+	while ( my $st = $itr->each ) {
+        	$class->printContent( "\n\t<" . $class->getNamespacePrefix( $st->predicate->getNamespace ).":".$st->predicate->getLocalName );
+        	$class->printContent( " " . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":ID='" . $st->getURI . "'" )
+			if( $st->isReified );
+		if( $st->object->isa("RDFStore::Resource") ) {
+        		$class->printContent( " " );
+			if ( $st->object->isbNode ) {
+                		$class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":nodeID='" . $st->object->getLabel );
+        		} else {
+                		$class->printContent( $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":resource='" . $class->xml_escape( $st->object->getURI,"'" ) );
+                		};
+        		$class->printContent( "' />" );
+		} else {
+        		$class->printContent( " xml:lang='" . $st->object->getLang . "'")
+				if($st->object->getLang);
+			if($st->object->getParseType) {
+        			$class->printContent( " " . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":parseType='Literal'>");
+        			$class->printContent( $st->object->getLabel );
+			} else {
+				$class->printContent( " rdf:datatype='" . $st->object->getDataType . "'")
+					if($st->object->getDataType);
+        			$class->printContent( ">" . $class->xml_escape( $st->object->getLabel ) );
+				};
+        		$class->printContent( "</" . $class->getNamespacePrefix( $st->predicate->getNamespace ) .":".$st->predicate->getLocalName . ">" );
+			};
+		};
+        $class->printContent( "\n</" . $class->getNamespacePrefix($RDFStore::Vocabulary::RDF::_Namespace) . ":Description>" );
+	if ($statement->subject->isa("RDFStore::Statement")) {
+		if (	($statement->subject->subject->isa("RDFStore::Statement")) &&
+			(! $model->contains( $statement->subject->subject) ) ) {
+			$class->_processDescription( $model, $statement->subject );
+			};
+		if (	($statement->subject->object->isa("RDFStore::Statement")) &&
+			(! $model->contains( $statement->subject->object) ) ) {
+			$class->_processDescription( $model, $statement->object );
+			};
+		};
+	};
+=head1 NAME
+RDFStore::Serilizer::RSS - Serialise a model/graph to its XML RSS1.0 representation
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use RDFStore::Serializer::RSS;
+        my $model= new RDFStore::Model();
+        $model->add($statement);
+        $model->add($statement1);
+        $model->add($statement2);
+        my $serializer = new RDFStore::Serializer::RSS;
+        my $rdf_strawman = $serializer->serialize( $model ); # serialise model to a string in-memory
+	my $rdf_strawman = $serializer->serialize( $model, undef, {}, $base ); # using xml:base
+        my $rdf_strawman = $serializer->serialize( $model, undef, { '' => blog } ); # using my blog namespace
+        $serializer->serialize( $model, *STREAM ); # serialise model to a given descriptor (stream)
+An RDFStore::Model serializer to its XML RSS1.0 representation - see
+The following methods construct RDFStore::Serializer::RSS :
+=item new ()
+ Create an new RDFStore::Serializer object to serialize and RDFStore::Model.
+=head1 METHODS
+ Write out the given MODEL to FILEHANDLE_REF (or in-memory string if not passed) using a given list of NAMESPACES and xml:base BASE if passed. The NAMESPACES hash ref contains a list of namespace values (URI refs) and prefix names - see RDFStore::Vocabulary::Generator(3). By default the output is returned from the method into a string otheriwse a valid (and opened) FILEHANLDE_REF can be passed, which will be being printed to.
+=item serialize ( MODEL [ , FILEHANDLE_REF, NAMESPACES, BASE ] )
+ Same as write method above.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ RDFStore::Model(3) RDFStore::Serializer(3) RDFStore::Parser::RDFXML(3)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+	Alberto Reggiori <>

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+# * Changes:
+# *     version 0.1 - 2000/11/03 at 04:30 CEST
+# *     version 0.2
+# *             - added getNamespace() getLocalName() methods accordingly to rdf-api-2000-10-30
+# *     version 0.3
+# *             - fixed bugs when checking references/pointers (defined and ref() )
+# *     version 0.4
+# *		- changed way to return undef in subroutines
+# *		- fixed warning in getDigest()
+# *             - updated new() equals() and added hashCode() accordingly to rdf-api-2001-01-19
+# *		- updated accordingly to rdf-api-2001-01-19
+# *		- Devon Smith <> changed getDigest to generate digests and hashes 
+# *		  that match Stanford java ones exactly
+# *     version 0.41
+# *		- updated toString() and getDigest()
+# *     version 0.42
+# *		- updated accordingly to new RDFStore API
+# *             - added statements reification and context support
+# *
+package RDFStore::Statement;
+use vars qw ($VERSION);
+use strict;
+$VERSION = '0.42';
+use Carp;
+use RDFStore; # load the underlying C code in RDFStore.xs because it is all in one module file
+use RDFStore::Resource;
+sub isAnonymous {
+	return 0;
+	};
+sub getNamespace {
+        return undef;
+sub getLocalName {
+        return $_[0]->getLabel();
+sub getURI {
+	return $_[0]->getLabel();
+sub equals {
+	return 0
+		unless(defined $_[1]);
+	if( $_[0]->context and $_[1]->context ) {
+		return	(	($_[0]->subject->getLabel eq $_[1]->subject->getLabel) &&
+				($_[0]->predicate->getLabel eq $_[1]->predicate->getLabel) &&
+				($_[0]->object->getLabel eq $_[1]->object->getLabel) &&
+				($_[0]->context->getLabel eq $_[1]->context->getLabel) );
+	} else {
+		return	(	($_[0]->subject->getLabel eq $_[1]->subject->getLabel) &&
+				($_[0]->predicate->getLabel eq $_[1]->predicate->getLabel) &&
+				($_[0]->object->getLabel eq $_[1]->object->getLabel) );
+		};
+=head1 NAME
+RDFStore::Statement - An RDF Statement implementation
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use RDFStore::Statement;
+	use RDFStore::Literal;
+	use RDFStore::Resource;
+	my $statement = new RDFStore::Statement(
+  				new RDFStore::Resource(""),
+  				new RDFStore::Resource("","Creator"),
+  				new RDFStore::Literal("Ora Lassila") );
+	my $statement1 = new RDFStore::Statement(
+  				new RDFStore::Resource(""),
+  				new RDFStore::Resource("","Publisher"),
+  				new RDFStore::Literal("World Wide Web Consortium") );
+	my $subject = $statement->subject;
+	my $predicate = $statement->predicate;
+	my $object = $statement->object;
+	print $statement->toString." is ";
+        print "not"
+                unless $statement->equals($statement1);
+        print " equal to ".$statement1->toString."\n";
+An RDF Statement implementation.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+This is a class method, the constructor for RDFStore::Statement. SUBJECT and PREDICATE must be two RDFStore::Resource while OBJECT is RDFStore::RDFNode
+=item subject
+Return the RDFStore::Resource that is the RDF Subject/Resource of the Statement
+=item predicate
+Return the RDFStore::Resource that is the RDF Predicate/Property of the Statement/Resource
+=item object
+Return the RDFStore::RDFNode that is the RDF Object/Property-Value of the Statement/Resource
+=item getURI
+Return the URI identifing the RDF Statement; this is useful either for RDF reification (if ever it will be used :) and to treat RDF Statement as resources and then make "composite" statements....somehow ;)
+=item getNamespace
+Return undef
+=item getLocalName
+Return the label of the RDF Statement as a URN identifier with the digest hex encoded i.e. "urn:rdf:SHA-1:12uf2229829289229eee"
+=item getLabel
+Return the label of the RDF Statement as a URN identifier with the digest hex encoded i.e. "urn:rdf:SHA-1:12uf2229829289229eee"
+=item toString
+Return the textual represention of the RDF Statement i.e. triple("", "", "Crapy site")
+=item getDigest
+Return a Cryptographic Digest (SHA-1 by default) of the Statement as defined in
+=item equals
+Compare two RDF Statements.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+RDFStore::Literal(3) RDFStore::Resource(3) RDFStore(3) RDFStore::Digest::Digestable(3) RDFStore::RDFNode(3)
+=head1 ABOUT RDF
+ (obsolete)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+	Alberto Reggiori <>

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Util/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Util/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Util/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+# * Changes:
+# *     version 0.1 - Thu Feb  6 18:45:53 CET 2003
+# *
+package RDFStore::Util::Digest;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use RDFStore; # load the underlying C code in RDFStore.xs because it is all in one module file
+$VERSION = '0.1';
+=head1 NAME
+RDFStore::Util::Digest - Utility library to manage SHA-1 cryptographic digests
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use RDFStore::Util::Digest;
+	if( getDigestAlgorithm() eq 'SHA-1' ) {
+		my $sha1_digest = computeDigest( $string );
+		};
+Simple SHA-1 cryptographic digest generator
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item computeDigest ( STRING )
+Return binary formatted cryptographic digest of give STRING
+=item getDigestAlgorithm ()
+Return 'SHA-1' - no other cryto method implemented for the moment
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ Digest(1) Digest::SHA1(3)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+	Alberto Reggiori <>

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Util/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Util/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Util/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+# * Changes:
+# *     version 0.1 - Fri Apr 11 18:24:29 CEST 2003
+# *
+package RDFStore::Util::UTF8;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use RDFStore; # load the underlying C code in RDFStore.xs because it is all in one module file
+require Exporter;
+@RDFStore::Util::UTF8::ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@RDFStore::Util::UTF8::EXPORT_OK = qw( cp_to_utf8 utf8_to_cp is_utf8 to_utf8 to_utf8_foldedcase utf8lc ); # symbols to export on request
+$VERSION = '0.1';
+sub utf8lc {
+	to_utf8_foldedcase( @_ );
+	};
+=head1 NAME
+RDFStore::Util::UTF8 - Utility library to manage UTF8 strings
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use RDFStore::Util::UTF8;
+Simple UTF8 library to manage strings in Unicode; a basic set of functions allow to convert Unicode Code Points to UTF8 and viceversa - convert any given string (in any encoding in principle) to UTF8
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item cp_to_utf8 ( CP )
+Return the UTF8 byte sequence (string) representing the given Unicode Code Point CP (unsigned long)
+=item utf8_to_cp ( UTF8_BUFF )
+Return the Unicode Code Point (unsigned long) of the given UTF8_BUFF (char/string) passed
+=item is_utf8 ( UTF8_BUFF )
+Return true if the given UTF8_BUFF is a valid UTF8 byte sequence
+=item to_utf8 ( STRING )
+Convert a given STRING (in any encoding in principle) to its UTF8 byte sequence (string) representation
+=item to_utf8_foldedcase ( STRING )
+Convert a given STRING to its UTF8 case-folded (lang independent lowercase) byte sequence (string) representation
+=item utf8lc ( STRING )
+lc() for UTF8 chars i.e. using to_utf8_foldedcase() above
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ perlunicode(1)
+ (Unicode Case-folding)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+	Alberto Reggiori <>

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+package RDFStore::VirtualModel;
+use vars qw ($VERSION);
+use strict;
+$VERSION = '0.4';
+use Carp;
+use RDFStore::Model;
+@RDFStore::VirtualModel::ISA = qw( RDFStore::Model );
+sub new {
+	my ($pkg) = shift;
+	bless $pkg->SUPER::new(@_), $pkg;
+sub getGroundModel {
+=head1 NAME
+RDFStore::VirtualModel - implementation of the VirtualModel RDF API
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use RDFStore::VirtualModel;
+        my $virtual = new RDFStore::VirtualModel( Name => 'triples' );
+An RDFStore::VirtualModel implementation using RDFStore::Model and Digested URIs.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+RDFStore::Model(3) Digest(3) and RDFStore::SchemaModel(3)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+	Alberto Reggiori <>

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+package RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION $Class $Datatype $Thing $Nothing $equivalentTo $Property $sameClassAs $samePropertyAs $sameIndividualAs $disjointWith $differentIndividualFrom $unionOf $List $disjointUnionOf $intersectionOf $complementOf $oneOf $Restriction $onProperty $toClass $hasValue $hasClass $minCardinality $maxCardinality $cardinality $hasClassQ $minCardinalityQ $maxCardinalityQ $cardinalityQ $ObjectProperty $DatatypeProperty $inverseOf $TransitiveProperty $UniqueProperty $UnambiguousProperty $nil $first $rest $item $Ontology $versionInfo $imports $subPropertyOf $Literal $type $value $subClassOf $domain $range $label $comment $seeAlso $isDefinedBy );
+use strict;
+use RDFStore::Model;
+use Carp;
+# This package provides convenient access to schema information.
+# It was generated automatically by RDFStore::Vocabulary::Generator
+# Namespace URI of this schema
+$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::_Namespace= "";
+use RDFStore::NodeFactory;
+&setNodeFactory(new RDFStore::NodeFactory());
+sub createResource {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	return $_[0]->createResource($RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::_Namespace,$_[1]);
+sub setNodeFactory {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	#      The class of all "object" classes   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Class = createResource($_[0], "Class");
+	#      The class of all datatype classes   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Datatype = createResource($_[0], "Datatype");
+	#      The most general (object) class in DAML.     This is equal to the union of any class and its complement.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Thing = createResource($_[0], "Thing");
+	# the class with no things in it.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Nothing = createResource($_[0], "Nothing");
+	#      for equivalentTo(X, Y), read X is an equivalent term to Y.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::equivalentTo = createResource($_[0], "equivalentTo");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Property = createResource($_[0], "Property");
+	#      for sameClassAs(X, Y), read X is an equivalent class to Y.     cf OIL Equivalent   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::sameClassAs = createResource($_[0], "sameClassAs");
+	#      for samePropertyAs(P, R), read P is an equivalent property to R.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::samePropertyAs = createResource($_[0], "samePropertyAs");
+	#      for sameIndividualAs(a, b), read a is the same individual as b.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::sameIndividualAs = createResource($_[0], "sameIndividualAs");
+	#      for disjointWith(X, Y) read: X and Y have no members in common.     cf OIL Disjoint   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::disjointWith = createResource($_[0], "disjointWith");
+	#      for differentIndividualFrom(a, b), read a is not the same individual as b.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::differentIndividualFrom = createResource($_[0], "differentIndividualFrom");
+	#      for unionOf(X, Y) read: X is the union of the classes in the list Y;     i.e. if something is in any of the classes in Y, it's in X, and vice versa.     cf OIL OR   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::unionOf = createResource($_[0], "unionOf");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::List = createResource($_[0], "List");
+	#      for disjointUnionOf(X, Y) read: X is the disjoint union of the classes in     the list Y: (a) for any c1 and c2 in Y, disjointWith(c1, c2),     and (b) unionOf(X, Y). i.e. if something is in any of the classes in Y, it's     in X, and vice versa.     cf OIL disjoint-covered   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::disjointUnionOf = createResource($_[0], "disjointUnionOf");
+	#      for intersectionOf(X, Y) read: X is the intersection of the classes in the list Y;     i.e. if something is in all the classes in Y, then it's in X, and vice versa.     cf OIL AND   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::intersectionOf = createResource($_[0], "intersectionOf");
+	#      for complementOf(X, Y) read: X is the complement of Y; if something is in Y,     then it's not in X, and vice versa.     cf OIL NOT   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::complementOf = createResource($_[0], "complementOf");
+	#       for oneOf(C, L) read everything in C is one of the      things in L;      This lets us define classes by enumerating the members.      cf OIL OneOf   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::oneOf = createResource($_[0], "oneOf");
+	#      something is in the class R if it satisfies the attached restrictions,      and vice versa.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Restriction = createResource($_[0], "Restriction");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P), read:     R is a restricted with respect to property P.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::onProperty = createResource($_[0], "onProperty");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P) and toClass(R, X), read:     i is in class R if and only if for all j, P(i, j) implies type(j, X).     cf OIL ValueType   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::toClass = createResource($_[0], "toClass");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P) and hasValue(R, V), read:     i is in class R if and only if P(i, V).     cf OIL HasFiller   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::hasValue = createResource($_[0], "hasValue");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P) and hasClass(R, X), read:     i is in class R if and only if for some j, P(i, j) and type(j, X).     cf OIL HasValue   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::hasClass = createResource($_[0], "hasClass");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P) and minCardinality(R, n), read:     i is in class R if and only if there are at least n distinct j with P(i, j).     cf OIL MinCardinality   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::minCardinality = createResource($_[0], "minCardinality");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P) and maxCardinality(R, n), read:     i is in class R if and only if there are at most n distinct j with P(i, j).     cf OIL MaxCardinality   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::maxCardinality = createResource($_[0], "maxCardinality");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P) and cardinality(R, n), read:     i is in class R if and only if there are exactly n distinct j with P(i, j).     cf OIL Cardinality   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::cardinality = createResource($_[0], "cardinality");
+	#      property for specifying class restriction with cardinalityQ constraints   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::hasClassQ = createResource($_[0], "hasClassQ");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P), minCardinalityQ(R, n) and hasClassQ(R, X), read:     i is in class R if and only if there are at least n distinct j with P(i, j)      and type(j, X).     cf OIL MinCardinality   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::minCardinalityQ = createResource($_[0], "minCardinalityQ");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P), maxCardinalityQ(R, n) and hasClassQ(R, X), read:     i is in class R if and only if there are at most n distinct j with P(i, j)     and type(j, X).     cf OIL MaxCardinality   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::maxCardinalityQ = createResource($_[0], "maxCardinalityQ");
+	#      for onProperty(R, P), cardinalityQ(R, n) and hasClassQ(R, X), read:     i is in class R if and only if there are exactly n distinct j with P(i, j)     and type(j, X).     cf OIL Cardinality   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::cardinalityQ = createResource($_[0], "cardinalityQ");
+	#      if P is an ObjectProperty, and P(x, y), then y is an object.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::ObjectProperty = createResource($_[0], "ObjectProperty");
+	#      if P is a DatatypeProperty, and P(x, y), then y is a data value.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::DatatypeProperty = createResource($_[0], "DatatypeProperty");
+	#      for inverseOf(R, S) read: R is the inverse of S; i.e.     if R(x, y) then S(y, x) and vice versa.     cf OIL inverseRelationOf   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::inverseOf = createResource($_[0], "inverseOf");
+	#      if P is a TransitiveProperty, then if P(x, y) and P(y, z) then P(x, z).     cf OIL TransitiveProperty.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::TransitiveProperty = createResource($_[0], "TransitiveProperty");
+	#      compare with maxCardinality=1; e.g. integer successor:     if P is a UniqueProperty, then if P(x, y) and P(x, z) then y=z.     cf OIL FunctionalProperty.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::UniqueProperty = createResource($_[0], "UniqueProperty");
+	#      if P is an UnambiguousProperty, then if P(x, y) and P(z, y) then x=z.     aka injective. e.g. if firstBorne(m, Susan)     and firstBorne(n, Susan) then m and n are the same.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::UnambiguousProperty = createResource($_[0], "UnambiguousProperty");
+	#       the empty list; this used to be called Empty.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::nil = createResource($_[0], "nil");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::first = createResource($_[0], "first");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::rest = createResource($_[0], "rest");
+	#      for item(L, I) read: I is an item in L; either first(L, I)     or item(R, I) where rest(L, R).   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::item = createResource($_[0], "item");
+	#      An Ontology is a document that describes     a vocabulary of terms for communication between     (human and) automated agents.   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Ontology = createResource($_[0], "Ontology");
+	#      generally, a string giving information about this     version; e.g. RCS/CVS keywords   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::versionInfo = createResource($_[0], "versionInfo");
+	#      for imports(X, Y) read: X imports Y;     i.e. X asserts the* contents of Y by reference;     i.e. if imports(X, Y) and you believe X and Y says something,     then you should believe it.     Note: "the contents" is, in the general case,     an il-formed definite description. Different     interactions with a resource may expose contents     that vary with time, data format, preferred language,     requestor credentials, etc. So for "the contents",     read "any contents".   
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::imports = createResource($_[0], "imports");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::subPropertyOf = createResource($_[0], "subPropertyOf");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Literal = createResource($_[0], "Literal");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::type = createResource($_[0], "type");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::value = createResource($_[0], "value");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::subClassOf = createResource($_[0], "subClassOf");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::domain = createResource($_[0], "domain");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::range = createResource($_[0], "range");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::label = createResource($_[0], "label");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::comment = createResource($_[0], "comment");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::seeAlso = createResource($_[0], "seeAlso");
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::isDefinedBy = createResource($_[0], "isDefinedBy");
+sub END {
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Class = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Datatype = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Thing = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Nothing = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::equivalentTo = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Property = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::sameClassAs = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::samePropertyAs = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::sameIndividualAs = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::disjointWith = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::differentIndividualFrom = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::unionOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::List = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::disjointUnionOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::intersectionOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::complementOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::oneOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Restriction = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::onProperty = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::toClass = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::hasValue = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::hasClass = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::minCardinality = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::maxCardinality = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::cardinality = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::hasClassQ = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::minCardinalityQ = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::maxCardinalityQ = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::cardinalityQ = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::ObjectProperty = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::DatatypeProperty = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::inverseOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::TransitiveProperty = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::UniqueProperty = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::UnambiguousProperty = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::nil = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::first = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::rest = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::item = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Ontology = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::versionInfo = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::imports = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::subPropertyOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::Literal = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::type = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::value = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::subClassOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::domain = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::range = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::label = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::comment = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::seeAlso = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DAML::isDefinedBy = undef;

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+package RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION $title $creator $subject $description $publisher $contributor $date $type $format $identifier $source $language $relation $coverage $rights );
+use strict;
+use RDFStore::Model;
+use Carp;
+# This package provides convenient access to schema information.
+# It was generated automatically by RDFStore::Vocabulary::Generator
+# Namespace URI of this schema
+$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::_Namespace= "";
+use RDFStore::NodeFactory;
+&setNodeFactory(new RDFStore::NodeFactory());
+sub createResource {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	return $_[0]->createResource($RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::_Namespace,$_[1]);
+sub setNodeFactory {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	# A name given to the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::title = createResource($_[0], "title");
+	# An entity primarily responsible for making the content    of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::creator = createResource($_[0], "creator");
+	# The topic of the content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::subject = createResource($_[0], "subject");
+	# An account of the content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::description = createResource($_[0], "description");
+	# An entity responsible for making the resource available
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::publisher = createResource($_[0], "publisher");
+	# An entity responsible for making contributions to the   content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::contributor = createResource($_[0], "contributor");
+	# A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the   resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::date = createResource($_[0], "date");
+	# The nature or genre of the content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::type = createResource($_[0], "type");
+	# The physical or digital manifestation of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::format = createResource($_[0], "format");
+	# An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::identifier = createResource($_[0], "identifier");
+	# A reference to a resource from which the present resource   is derived.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::source = createResource($_[0], "source");
+	# A language of the intellectual content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::language = createResource($_[0], "language");
+	# A reference to a related resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::relation = createResource($_[0], "relation");
+	# The extent or scope of the content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::coverage = createResource($_[0], "coverage");
+	# Information about rights held in and over the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::rights = createResource($_[0], "rights");
+sub END {
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::title = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::creator = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::subject = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::description = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::publisher = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::contributor = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::date = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::type = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::format = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::identifier = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::source = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::language = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::relation = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::coverage = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DC::rights = undef;

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+package RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION $audience $alternative $tableOfContents $abstract $created $valid $available $issued $modified $extent $medium $isVersionOf $hasVersion $isReplacedBy $replaces $isRequiredBy $requires $isPartOf $hasPart $isReferencedBy $references $isFormatOf $hasFormat $conformsTo $spatial $temporal $mediator $dateAccepted $dateCopyrighted $dateSubmitted $educationLevel $accessRights $bibliographicCitation $license $rightsHolder $SubjectScheme $DateScheme $FormatScheme $LanguageScheme $SpatialScheme $TemporalScheme $TypeScheme $IdentifierScheme $RelationScheme $SourceScheme $LCSH $MESH $DDC $LCC $UDC $DCMIType $IMT $ISO639_2 $RFC1766 $URI $Point $ISO3166 $Box $TGN $Period $W3CDTF $RFC3066 );
+use strict;
+use RDFStore::Model;
+use Carp;
+# This package provides convenient access to schema information.
+# It was generated automatically by RDFStore::Vocabulary::Generator
+# Namespace URI of this schema
+$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::_Namespace= "";
+use RDFStore::NodeFactory;
+&setNodeFactory(new RDFStore::NodeFactory());
+sub createResource {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	return $_[0]->createResource($RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::_Namespace,$_[1]);
+sub setNodeFactory {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	# A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::audience = createResource($_[0], "audience");
+	# Any form of the title used as a substitute or alternative    to the formal title of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::alternative = createResource($_[0], "alternative");
+	# A list of subunits of the content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::tableOfContents = createResource($_[0], "tableOfContents");
+	# A summary of the content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::abstract = createResource($_[0], "abstract");
+	# Date of creation of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::created = createResource($_[0], "created");
+	# Date (often a range) of validity of a resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::valid = createResource($_[0], "valid");
+	# Date (often a range) that the resource will become or did    become available.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::available = createResource($_[0], "available");
+	# Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::issued = createResource($_[0], "issued");
+	# Date on which the resource was changed.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::modified = createResource($_[0], "modified");
+	# The size or duration of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::extent = createResource($_[0], "extent");
+	# The material or physical carrier of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::medium = createResource($_[0], "medium");
+	# The described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation    of the referenced resource. Changes in version imply substantive    changes in content rather than differences in format.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isVersionOf = createResource($_[0], "isVersionOf");
+	# The described resource has a version, edition, or adaptation,    namely, the referenced resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::hasVersion = createResource($_[0], "hasVersion");
+	# The described resource is supplanted, displaced, or    superseded by the referenced resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isReplacedBy = createResource($_[0], "isReplacedBy");
+	# The described resource supplants, displaces, or supersedes    the referenced resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::replaces = createResource($_[0], "replaces");
+	# The described resource is required by the referenced resource,    either physically or logically.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isRequiredBy = createResource($_[0], "isRequiredBy");
+	# The described resource requires the referenced resource to    support its function, delivery, or coherence of content.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::requires = createResource($_[0], "requires");
+	# The described resource is a physical or logical part of the    referenced resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isPartOf = createResource($_[0], "isPartOf");
+	# The described resource includes the referenced resource either    physically or logically.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::hasPart = createResource($_[0], "hasPart");
+	# The described resource is referenced, cited, or otherwise    pointed to by the referenced resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isReferencedBy = createResource($_[0], "isReferencedBy");
+	# The described resource references, cites, or otherwise points    to the referenced resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::references = createResource($_[0], "references");
+	# The described resource is the same intellectual content of    the referenced resource, but presented in another format.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isFormatOf = createResource($_[0], "isFormatOf");
+	# The described resource pre-existed the referenced resource,    which is essentially the same intellectual content presented    in another format.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::hasFormat = createResource($_[0], "hasFormat");
+	# A reference to an established standard to which the resource conforms.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::conformsTo = createResource($_[0], "conformsTo");
+	# Spatial characteristics of the intellectual content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::spatial = createResource($_[0], "spatial");
+	# Temporal characteristics of the intellectual content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::temporal = createResource($_[0], "temporal");
+	# A class of entity that mediates access to the   resource and for whom the resource is intended or useful.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::mediator = createResource($_[0], "mediator");
+	# Date of acceptance of the resource (e.g. of thesis   by university department, of article by journal, etc.).
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::dateAccepted = createResource($_[0], "dateAccepted");
+	# Date of a statement of copyright.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::dateCopyrighted = createResource($_[0], "dateCopyrighted");
+	# Date of submission of the resource (e.g. thesis,    articles, etc.).
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::dateSubmitted = createResource($_[0], "dateSubmitted");
+	# A general statement describing the education or    training context.  Alternatively, a more specific    statement of the location of the audience in terms of    its progression through an education or training context.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::educationLevel = createResource($_[0], "educationLevel");
+	# Information about who can access the         resource or an indication of its security status.         
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::accessRights = createResource($_[0], "accessRights");
+	# A bibliographic reference for the resource.         
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::bibliographicCitation = createResource($_[0], "bibliographicCitation");
+	# A legal document giving official permission to do something         with the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::license = createResource($_[0], "license");
+	# A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource.         
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::rightsHolder = createResource($_[0], "rightsHolder");
+	# A set of subject encoding schemes and/or formats
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::SubjectScheme = createResource($_[0], "SubjectScheme");
+	# A set of date encoding schemes and/or formats 
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::DateScheme = createResource($_[0], "DateScheme");
+	# A set of format encoding schemes.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::FormatScheme = createResource($_[0], "FormatScheme");
+	# A set of language encoding schemes and/or formats.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::LanguageScheme = createResource($_[0], "LanguageScheme");
+	# A set of geographic place encoding schemes and/or formats
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::SpatialScheme = createResource($_[0], "SpatialScheme");
+	# A set of encoding schemes for       the coverage qualifier "temporal"
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::TemporalScheme = createResource($_[0], "TemporalScheme");
+	# A set of resource type encoding schemes and/or formats
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::TypeScheme = createResource($_[0], "TypeScheme");
+	# A set of resource identifier encoding schemes and/or formats
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::IdentifierScheme = createResource($_[0], "IdentifierScheme");
+	# A set of resource relation encoding schemes and/or formats
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::RelationScheme = createResource($_[0], "RelationScheme");
+	# A set of source encoding schemes and/or formats
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::SourceScheme = createResource($_[0], "SourceScheme");
+	# Library of Congress Subject Headings
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::LCSH = createResource($_[0], "LCSH");
+	# Medical Subject Headings
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::MESH = createResource($_[0], "MESH");
+	# Dewey Decimal Classification
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::DDC = createResource($_[0], "DDC");
+	# Library of Congress Classification
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::LCC = createResource($_[0], "LCC");
+	# Universal Decimal Classification
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::UDC = createResource($_[0], "UDC");
+	# A list of types used to categorize the nature or genre            of the content of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::DCMIType = createResource($_[0], "DCMIType");
+	# The Internet media type of the resource.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::IMT = createResource($_[0], "IMT");
+	# ISO 639-2: Codes for the representation of names of languages.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::ISO639_2 = createResource($_[0], "ISO639_2");
+	# Internet RFC 1766 'Tags for the identification of Language'            specifies a two letter code taken from ISO 639, followed            optionally by a two letter country code taken from ISO 3166.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::RFC1766 = createResource($_[0], "RFC1766");
+	# A URI Uniform Resource Identifier
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::URI = createResource($_[0], "URI");
+	# The DCMI Point identifies a point in space using its geographic coordinates.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::Point = createResource($_[0], "Point");
+	# ISO 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::ISO3166 = createResource($_[0], "ISO3166");
+	# The DCMI Box identifies a region of space using its geographic limits.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::Box = createResource($_[0], "Box");
+	# The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::TGN = createResource($_[0], "TGN");
+	# A specification of the limits of a time interval.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::Period = createResource($_[0], "Period");
+	# W3C Encoding rules for dates and times - a profile based on ISO 8601
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::W3CDTF = createResource($_[0], "W3CDTF");
+	# Internet RFC 3066 'Tags for the Identification of    Languages' specifies a primary subtag which   is a two-letter code taken from ISO 639 part   1 or a three-letter code taken from ISO 639   part 2, followed optionally by a two-letter   country code taken from ISO 3166.  When a   language in ISO 639 has both a two-letter and   three-letter code, use the two-letter code;   when it has only a three-letter code, use the   three-letter code.  This RFC replaces RFC   1766.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::RFC3066 = createResource($_[0], "RFC3066");
+sub END {
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::audience = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::alternative = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::tableOfContents = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::abstract = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::created = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::valid = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::available = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::issued = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::modified = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::extent = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::medium = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isVersionOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::hasVersion = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isReplacedBy = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::replaces = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isRequiredBy = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::requires = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isPartOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::hasPart = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isReferencedBy = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::references = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::isFormatOf = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::hasFormat = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::conformsTo = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::spatial = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::temporal = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::mediator = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::dateAccepted = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::dateCopyrighted = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::dateSubmitted = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::educationLevel = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::accessRights = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::bibliographicCitation = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::license = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::rightsHolder = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::SubjectScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::DateScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::FormatScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::LanguageScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::SpatialScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::TemporalScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::TypeScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::IdentifierScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::RelationScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::SourceScheme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::LCSH = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::MESH = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::DDC = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::LCC = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::UDC = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::DCMIType = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::IMT = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::ISO639_2 = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::RFC1766 = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::URI = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::Point = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::ISO3166 = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::Box = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::TGN = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::Period = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::W3CDTF = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCQ::RFC3066 = undef;

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+package RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION $Collection $Dataset $Event $Image $InteractiveResource $Service $Software $Sound $Text $PhysicalObject $StillImage $MovingImage );
+use strict;
+use RDFStore::Model;
+use Carp;
+# This package provides convenient access to schema information.
+# It was generated automatically by RDFStore::Vocabulary::Generator
+# Namespace URI of this schema
+$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::_Namespace= "";
+use RDFStore::NodeFactory;
+&setNodeFactory(new RDFStore::NodeFactory());
+sub createResource {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	return $_[0]->createResource($RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::_Namespace,$_[1]);
+sub setNodeFactory {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	# A collection is an aggregation of items. The term    collection means that the resource is described as a    group; its parts may be separately described and navigated.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Collection = createResource($_[0], "Collection");
+	# A dataset is information encoded in a defined structure    (for example, lists, tables, and databases), intended to    be useful for direct machine processing.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Dataset = createResource($_[0], "Dataset");
+	# An event is a non-persistent, time-based occurrence.    Metadata for an event provides descriptive   information that is the basis for discovery of the   purpose, location, duration, responsible agents, and   links to related events and resources.  The resource   of type event may not be retrievable if the described   instantiation has expired or is yet to occur.   Examples - exhibition, web-cast, conference,   workshop, open-day, performance, battle, trial,   wedding, tea-party, conflagration.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Event = createResource($_[0], "Event");
+	# An image is a primarily symbolic visual representation    other than text. For example - images and photographs of    physical objects, paintings, prints, drawings, other    images and graphics, animations and moving pictures,    film, diagrams, maps, musical notation. Note that image    may include both electronic and physical representations.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Image = createResource($_[0], "Image");
+	# An interactive resource is a resource which requires    interaction from the user to be understood, executed,    or experienced. For example - forms on web pages, applets,    multimedia learning objects, chat services, virtual    reality.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::InteractiveResource = createResource($_[0], "InteractiveResource");
+	# A service is a system that provides one or more    functions of value to the end-user. Examples include:    a photocopying service, a banking service, an    authentication service, interlibrary loans, a Z39.50    or Web server.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Service = createResource($_[0], "Service");
+	# Software is a computer program in source or    compiled form which may be available for installation    non-transiently on another machine. For software which    exists only to create an interactive environment, use    interactive instead.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Software = createResource($_[0], "Software");
+	# A sound is a resource whose content is primarily    intended to be rendered as audio. For example - a    music playback file format, an audio compact disc,    and recorded speech or sounds.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Sound = createResource($_[0], "Sound");
+	# A text is a resource whose content is primarily    words for reading. For example - books, letters,    dissertations, poems, newspapers, articles,    archives of mailing lists. Note that facsimiles    or images of texts are still of the genre text.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Text = createResource($_[0], "Text");
+	# An inanimate, three-dimensional object or substance.     For example -- a computer, the great pyramid, a    sculpture.  Note that digital representations    of, or surrogates for, these things should use Image,    Text or one of the other types.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::PhysicalObject = createResource($_[0], "PhysicalObject");
+	# A static visual representation. Examples of         still images are: paintings, drawings, graphic designs,         plans and maps.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::StillImage = createResource($_[0], "StillImage");
+	# A series of visual representations that,         when shown in succession, impart an impression         of motion.  Examples of moving images are:         animations, movies, television programs,         videos, zoetropes, or visual output from         a simulation.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::MovingImage = createResource($_[0], "MovingImage");
+sub END {
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Collection = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Dataset = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Event = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Image = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::InteractiveResource = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Service = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Software = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Sound = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::Text = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::PhysicalObject = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::StillImage = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::DCT::MovingImage = undef;

Added: incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/
--- incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ (added)
+++ incubator/triplesoup/donations/TRIPLES-3-RDFStore/lib/RDFStore/Vocabulary/ Fri Apr 13 01:56:01 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# *
+# *     Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alberto Reggiori <>
+# *                        Dirk-Willem van Gulik <>
+# *
+# *
+# * This product is distributed under a BSD/ASF like license as described in the 'LICENSE'
+# * file you should have received together with this source code. If you did not get a
+# * a copy of such a license agreement you can pick up one at:
+# *
+# *
+# *
+package RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION $Person $Agent $Document $Organization $Project $Group $Image $PersonalProfileDocument $OnlineAccount $OnlineGamingAccount $OnlineEcommerceAccount $OnlineChatAccount $mbox $mbox_sha1sum $gender $geekcode $dnaChecksum $sha1 $based_near $title $nick $jabberID $aimChatID $icqChatID $yahooChatID $msnChatID $name $firstName $givenname $surname $family_name $phone $homepage $page $weblog $tipjar $plan $made $maker $img $depiction $depicts $thumbnail $myersBriggs $workplaceHomepage $workInfoHomepage $schoolHomepage $knows $interest $topic_interest $publications $currentProject $pastProject $fundedBy $logo $topic $primaryTopic $theme $holdsAccount $accountServiceHomepage $accountName $member $membershipClass );
+use strict;
+use RDFStore::Model;
+use Carp;
+# This package provides convenient access to schema information.
+# It was generated automatically by RDFStore::Vocabulary::Generator
+# Namespace URI of this schema
+$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::_Namespace= "";
+use RDFStore::NodeFactory;
+&setNodeFactory(new RDFStore::NodeFactory());
+sub createResource {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	return $_[0]->createResource($RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::_Namespace,$_[1]);
+sub setNodeFactory {
+	croak "Factory ".$_[0]." is not an instance of RDFStore::NodeFactory"
+		unless( (defined $_[0]) &&
+                	( (ref($_[0])) && ($_[0]->isa("RDFStore::NodeFactory")) ) );
+	# A person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Person = createResource($_[0], "Person");
+	# An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact).
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Agent = createResource($_[0], "Agent");
+	# A document.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Document = createResource($_[0], "Document");
+	# An organization.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Organization = createResource($_[0], "Organization");
+	# A project (a collective endeavour of some kind).
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Project = createResource($_[0], "Project");
+	# A class of Agents.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Group = createResource($_[0], "Group");
+	# An image.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Image = createResource($_[0], "Image");
+	# A personal profile RDF document.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::PersonalProfileDocument = createResource($_[0], "PersonalProfileDocument");
+	# An online account.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::OnlineAccount = createResource($_[0], "OnlineAccount");
+	# An online gaming account.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::OnlineGamingAccount = createResource($_[0], "OnlineGamingAccount");
+	# An online e-commerce account.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::OnlineEcommerceAccount = createResource($_[0], "OnlineEcommerceAccount");
+	# An online chat account.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::OnlineChatAccount = createResource($_[0], "OnlineChatAccount");
+	# A personal mailbox, ie. an Internet mailbox associated with exactly one owner, the first owner of this mailbox. This is a 'static inverse functional property', in that  there is (across time and change) at most one individual that ever has any particular value for foaf:mbox.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::mbox = createResource($_[0], "mbox");
+	# The sha1sum of the URI of an Internet mailbox associated with exactly one owner, the  first owner of the mailbox.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::mbox_sha1sum = createResource($_[0], "mbox_sha1sum");
+	# The gender of this Agent (typically but not necessarily 'male' or 'female').
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::gender = createResource($_[0], "gender");
+	# A textual geekcode for this person, see
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::geekcode = createResource($_[0], "geekcode");
+	# A checksum for the DNA of some thing. Joke.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::dnaChecksum = createResource($_[0], "dnaChecksum");
+	# A sha1sum hash, in hex.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::sha1 = createResource($_[0], "sha1");
+	# A location that something is based near, for some broadly human notion of near.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::based_near = createResource($_[0], "based_near");
+	# Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr. etc)
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::title = createResource($_[0], "title");
+	# A short informal nickname characterising an agent (includes login identifiers, IRC and other chat nicknames).
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::nick = createResource($_[0], "nick");
+	# A jabber ID for something.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::jabberID = createResource($_[0], "jabberID");
+	# An AIM chat ID
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::aimChatID = createResource($_[0], "aimChatID");
+	# An ICQ chat ID
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::icqChatID = createResource($_[0], "icqChatID");
+	# A Yahoo chat ID
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::yahooChatID = createResource($_[0], "yahooChatID");
+	# An MSN chat ID
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::msnChatID = createResource($_[0], "msnChatID");
+	# A name for some thing.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::name = createResource($_[0], "name");
+	# The first name of a person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::firstName = createResource($_[0], "firstName");
+	# The given name of some person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::givenname = createResource($_[0], "givenname");
+	# The surname of some person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::surname = createResource($_[0], "surname");
+	# The family_name of some person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::family_name = createResource($_[0], "family_name");
+	# A phone,  specified using fully qualified tel: URI scheme (refs:
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::phone = createResource($_[0], "phone");
+	# A homepage for some thing.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::homepage = createResource($_[0], "homepage");
+	# A page or document about this thing.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::page = createResource($_[0], "page");
+	# A weblog of some thing (whether person, group, company etc.).
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::weblog = createResource($_[0], "weblog");
+	# A tipjar document for this agent, describing means for payment and reward.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::tipjar = createResource($_[0], "tipjar");
+	# A .plan comment, in the tradition of finger and '.plan' files.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::plan = createResource($_[0], "plan");
+	# Something that was made by this agent.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::made = createResource($_[0], "made");
+	# An agent that made this thing.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::maker = createResource($_[0], "maker");
+	# An image that can be used to represent some thing (ie. those depictions which are particularly representative of something, eg. one's photo on a homepage).
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::img = createResource($_[0], "img");
+	# A depiction of some thing.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::depiction = createResource($_[0], "depiction");
+	# A thing depicted in this representation.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::depicts = createResource($_[0], "depicts");
+	# A derived thumbnail image.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::thumbnail = createResource($_[0], "thumbnail");
+	# A Myers Briggs (MBTI) personality classification.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::myersBriggs = createResource($_[0], "myersBriggs");
+	# A workplace homepage of some person; the homepage of an organization they work for.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::workplaceHomepage = createResource($_[0], "workplaceHomepage");
+	# A work info homepage of some person; a page about their work for some organization.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::workInfoHomepage = createResource($_[0], "workInfoHomepage");
+	# A homepage of a school attended by the person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::schoolHomepage = createResource($_[0], "schoolHomepage");
+	# A person known by this person (indicating some level of reciprocated interaction between the parties).
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::knows = createResource($_[0], "knows");
+	# A page about a topic of interest to this person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::interest = createResource($_[0], "interest");
+	# A thing of interest to this person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::topic_interest = createResource($_[0], "topic_interest");
+	# A link to the publications of this person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::publications = createResource($_[0], "publications");
+	# A current project this person works on.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::currentProject = createResource($_[0], "currentProject");
+	# A project this person has previously worked on.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::pastProject = createResource($_[0], "pastProject");
+	# An organization funding a project or person.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::fundedBy = createResource($_[0], "fundedBy");
+	# A logo representing some thing.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::logo = createResource($_[0], "logo");
+	# A topic of some page or document.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::topic = createResource($_[0], "topic");
+	# The primary topic of some page or document.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::primaryTopic = createResource($_[0], "primaryTopic");
+	# A theme.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::theme = createResource($_[0], "theme");
+	# Indicates an account held by this agent.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::holdsAccount = createResource($_[0], "holdsAccount");
+	# Indicates a homepage of the service provide for this online account.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::accountServiceHomepage = createResource($_[0], "accountServiceHomepage");
+	# Indicates the name (identifier) associated with this online account.
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::accountName = createResource($_[0], "accountName");
+	# Indicates a member of a Group
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::member = createResource($_[0], "member");
+	# Indicates the class of individuals that are a member of a Group
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::membershipClass = createResource($_[0], "membershipClass");
+sub END {
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Person = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Agent = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Document = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Organization = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Project = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Group = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::Image = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::PersonalProfileDocument = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::OnlineAccount = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::OnlineGamingAccount = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::OnlineEcommerceAccount = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::OnlineChatAccount = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::mbox = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::mbox_sha1sum = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::gender = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::geekcode = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::dnaChecksum = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::sha1 = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::based_near = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::title = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::nick = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::jabberID = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::aimChatID = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::icqChatID = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::yahooChatID = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::msnChatID = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::name = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::firstName = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::givenname = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::surname = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::family_name = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::phone = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::homepage = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::page = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::weblog = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::tipjar = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::plan = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::made = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::maker = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::img = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::depiction = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::depicts = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::thumbnail = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::myersBriggs = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::workplaceHomepage = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::workInfoHomepage = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::schoolHomepage = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::knows = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::interest = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::topic_interest = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::publications = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::currentProject = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::pastProject = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::fundedBy = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::logo = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::topic = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::primaryTopic = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::theme = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::holdsAccount = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::accountServiceHomepage = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::accountName = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::member = undef;
+	$RDFStore::Vocabulary::FOAF::membershipClass = undef;