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Posted to by Xiangdong Huang <> on 2019/10/06 13:21:05 UTC

Organize the user-guide documents on the website


Now IoTDB has more and more features and some of them are how to tune
IoTDB, how to monitor the status of IoTDB, or how to integrate IoTDB with
But, I can hardly to find the description about how to use them or a
feature list on the website.
I think we can reorganize the user-guide documents on the website.

A possible TOC is as follows:

- Overview: introduce what IoTDB is.
- Basic concepts: introduce the data model and some other concepts.
- Deployment and Configuration: how to deploy iotdb, how to configure it.
(collecting all setting descriptions here).
- Basic operations: CRUD etc..
- System tools: JMX, sync tools, all scripts in the tools/ folder.
- Programming: JDBC API, Session API.
- Integration: with Spark, HDFS, Hive, Kafka, RocketMQ, etc..
- IoTDB-SQL Syntax.

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院