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[03/25] activemq-6 git commit: ACTIVEMQ6-9 - port to markdown
diff --git a/docs/user-manual/en/thread-pooling.xml b/docs/user-manual/en/thread-pooling.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85a3189..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more            -->
-<!-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with          -->
-<!-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.           -->
-<!-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0       -->
-<!-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with          -->
-<!-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at                          -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!--                                -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software           -->
-<!-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,             -->
-<!-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.      -->
-<!-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and           -->
-<!-- limitations under the License.                                                -->
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "" [
-<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "ActiveMQ_User_Manual.ent">
-<chapter id="thread-pooling">
-    <title>Thread management</title>
-    <para>This chapter describes how ActiveMQ uses and pools threads and how you can manage
-        them.</para>
-    <para>First we'll discuss how threads are managed and used on the server side, then we'll look
-        at the client side.</para>
-    <section>
-        <title>Server-Side Thread Management</title>
-        <para>Each ActiveMQ Server maintains a single thread pool for general use, and a scheduled
-            thread pool for scheduled use. A Java scheduled thread pool cannot be configured to use
-            a standard thread pool, otherwise we could use a single thread pool for both scheduled
-            and non scheduled activity.</para>
-        <para>A separate thread pool is also used to service connections. ActiveMQ can use "old"
-            (blocking) IO or "new" (non-blocking) IO also called NIO.  Both of these options use
-            a separate thread pool, but each of them behaves uniquely.</para>
-        <para>Since old IO requires a thread per connection its thread pool is unbounded. The thread
-            pool is created via <literal>
-            java.util.concurrent.Executors.newCachedThreadPool(ThreadFactory)</literal>.  As the
-            JavaDoc for this method states:
-            <quote>Creates a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but will reuse previously
-            constructed threads when they are available, and uses the provided ThreadFactory to create
-            new threads when needed.</quote>
-            Threads from this pool which are idle for more than 60 seconds will time out and be
-            removed.  If old IO connections were serviced from the standard pool the pool would
-            easily get exhausted if too many connections were made, resulting in the server "hanging"
-            since it has no remaining threads to do anything else. However, even an unbounded thread
-            pool can run into trouble if it becomes too large. If you require the server to handle
-            many concurrent connections you should use NIO, not old IO.</para>
-        <para>When using new IO (NIO), ActiveMQ will, by default, cap its thread pool at three times
-            the number of cores (or hyper-threads) as reported by <literal>
-            Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()</literal> for processing incoming packets.
-            To override this value, you can set the number of threads by specifying the parameter
-            <literal>nio-remoting-threads</literal> in the transport configuration. See the
-            <xref linkend="configuring-transports"/> for more information on this.</para>
-        <para>There are also a small number of other places where threads are used directly, we'll
-            discuss each in turn.</para>
-        <section id="server.scheduled.thread.pool">
-            <title>Server Scheduled Thread Pool</title>
-            <para>The server scheduled thread pool is used for most activities on the server side
-                that require running periodically or with delays. It maps internally to a <literal
-                    >java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor</literal> instance.</para>
-            <para>The maximum number of thread used by this pool is configure in <literal
-                    >activemq-configuration.xml</literal> with the <literal
-                    >scheduled-thread-pool-max-size</literal> parameter. The default value is
-                    <literal>5</literal> threads. A small number of threads is usually sufficient
-                for this pool.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>General Purpose Server Thread Pool</title>
-            <para>This general purpose thread pool is used for most asynchronous actions on the
-                server side. It maps internally to a <literal
-                    >java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor</literal> instance.</para>
-            <para>The maximum number of thread used by this pool is configure in <literal
-                    >activemq-configuration.xml</literal> with the <literal
-                    >thread-pool-max-size</literal> parameter.</para>
-            <para>If a value of <literal>-1</literal> is used this signifies that the thread pool
-                has no upper bound and new threads will be created on demand if there are not enough
-                threads available to satisfy a request. If activity later subsides then threads are
-                timed-out and closed.</para>
-            <para>If a value of <literal>n</literal> where <literal>n</literal>is a positive integer
-                greater than zero is used this signifies that the thread pool is bounded. If more
-                requests come in and there are no free threads in the pool and the pool is full then
-                requests will block until a thread becomes available. It is recommended that a
-                bounded thread pool is used with caution since it can lead to dead-lock situations
-                if the upper bound is chosen to be too low.</para>
-            <para>The default value for <literal>thread-pool-max-size</literal> is <literal
-                    >30</literal>.</para>
-            <para>See the <ulink
-                    url=""
-                    >J2SE javadoc</ulink> for more information on unbounded (cached), and bounded
-                (fixed) thread pools.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>Expiry Reaper Thread</title>
-            <para>A single thread is also used on the server side to scan for expired messages in
-                queues. We cannot use either of the thread pools for this since this thread needs to
-                run at its own configurable priority.</para>
-            <para>For more information on configuring the reaper, please see <xref
-                    linkend="message-expiry"/>.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>Asynchronous IO</title>
-            <para>Asynchronous IO has a thread pool for receiving and dispatching events out of the
-                native layer. You will find it on a thread dump with the prefix
-                ActiveMQ-AIO-poller-pool. ActiveMQ uses one thread per opened file on the journal
-                (there is usually one).</para>
-            <para>There is also a single thread used to invoke writes on libaio. We do that to avoid
-                context switching on libaio that would cause performance issues. You will find this
-                thread on a thread dump with the prefix ActiveMQ-AIO-writer-pool.</para>
-        </section>
-    </section>
-    <section id="thread-pooling.client.side">
-        <title>Client-Side Thread Management</title>
-        <para>On the client side, ActiveMQ maintains a single static scheduled thread pool and a
-            single static general thread pool for use by all clients using the same classloader in
-            that JVM instance.</para>
-        <para>The static scheduled thread pool has a maximum size of <literal>5</literal> threads,
-            and the general purpose thread pool has an unbounded maximum size.</para>
-        <para>If required ActiveMQ can also be configured so that each <literal
-                >ClientSessionFactory</literal> instance does not use these static pools but instead
-            maintains its own scheduled and general purpose pool. Any sessions created from that
-                <literal>ClientSessionFactory</literal> will use those pools instead.</para>
-        <para>To configure a <literal>ClientSessionFactory</literal> instance to use its own pools,
-            simply use the appropriate setter methods immediately after creation, for
-            example:</para>
-        <programlisting>
-ServerLocator locator = ActiveMQClient.createServerLocatorWithoutHA(...)
-ClientSessionFactory myFactory = locator.createClientSessionFactory();
-myFactory.setThreadPoolMaxSize(-1);   </programlisting>
-        <para>If you're using the JMS API, you can set the same parameters on the
-            ClientSessionFactory and use it to create the <literal>ConnectionFactory</literal>
-            instance, for example:</para>
-        <programlisting>
-ConnectionFactory myConnectionFactory = ActiveMQJMSClient.createConnectionFactory(myFactory);</programlisting>
-        <para>If you're using JNDI to instantiate <literal>ActiveMQConnectionFactory</literal>
-            instances, you can also set these parameters in the JNDI context environment, e.g.
-            <literal></literal>.  Here's a simple example using the "ConnectionFactory" connection
-            factory which is available in the context by default:</para>
-        <programlisting>
-    </section>
diff --git a/docs/user-manual/en/ b/docs/user-manual/en/
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+ActiveMQ ships with several helpful command line tools. All tools are
+available from the activemq-tools-\<version\>-jar-with-dependencies.jar.
+As the name suggests, this Java archive contains ActiveMQ along with all
+of its dependencies. This is done to simplify the execution of the tools
+by eliminating the need so specify a classpath. These tools are:
+-   **`print-data`**. Used for low-level inspection of the bindings and
+    message journals. It takes two parameters - `bindings-directory` and
+    `journal-directory`. These are the paths to the directories where
+    the bindings and message journals are stored, respectively. For
+    example:
+        java -jar activemq-tools-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar print-data /home/user/activemq/data/bindings /home/user/activemq/data/journal
+-   **`print-pages`**. Used for low-level inspection of paged message
+    data. It takes two parameters - `paging-directory` and
+    `journal-directory`. These are the paths to the directories where
+    paged messages and the message journals are stored, respectively.
+    For example:
+        java -jar activemq-tools-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar print-pages /home/user/activemq/data/paging-directory /home/user/activemq/data/journal
+-   **`export`**. Used for exporting all binding and message data
+    (including paged and large messages) as well as JMS destinations and
+    connection factories (including JNDI bindings). The export is
+    structured as XML. This data can then be imported to another server
+    even if the server is a different version than the original. It
+    takes 4 parameters:
+    -   `bindings-directory` - the path to the bindings directory.
+    -   `journal-directory` - the path to the journal directory.
+    -   `paging-directory` - the path to the paging directory.
+    -   `large-messages-directory` - the path to the large-messages
+        directory.
+    Here's an example:
+        java -jar activemq-tools-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar export /home/user/activemq/data/bindings-directory /home/user/activemq/data/journal-directory /home/user/activemq/data/paging-directory /home/user/activemq/data/large-messages
+    This tool will export directly to standard out so if the data needs
+    to be stored in a file please redirect as appropriate for the
+    operation system in use. Also, please note that the `export` tool is
+    single threaded so depending on the size of the journal it could
+    take awhile to complete.
+-   **`import`**. Used for importing data from an XML document generated
+    by the `export` tool. The `import` tool reads the XML document and
+    connects to a ActiveMQ server via Netty to import all the data. It
+    takes 5 parameters:
+    -   `input-file` - the path to the XML file generated by the
+        `export` tool.
+    -   `host` - the IP address or hostname of the server where the data
+        should be imported.
+    -   `port` - the port where ActiveMQ is listening.
+    -   `transactional` - a `boolean` flag to indicate whether or not to
+        send all the *message* data in a single transaction. Valid
+        values are `true` or `false`.
+    -   `application-server-compatibility` - a `boolean` flag to
+        indicate whether or not JNDI bindings need special treatment to
+        account for the way JBoss AS7, Wildfly, and JBoss EAP 6 handle
+        JNDI for remote clients. Each of these application servers
+        require a special JNDI binding to allow access from remote
+        clients. If this is `true` then every JNDI binding in the XML
+        will be duplicated in the "java:jboss/exported/" namespace thus
+        allowing both local and remote clients to use the same name when
+        accessing resources via JNDI. Valid values are `true` or
+        `false`.
+    Here's an example:
+        java -jar activemq-tools-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar import /home/user/exportData.xml 5445 false false
+    Like the `export` tool the `import` tool is single threaded so
+    depending on the size of the XML file it may take awhile for the
+    process to complete.
diff --git a/docs/user-manual/en/tools.xml b/docs/user-manual/en/tools.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd3148..0000000
--- a/docs/user-manual/en/tools.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more            -->
-<!-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with          -->
-<!-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.           -->
-<!-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0       -->
-<!-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with          -->
-<!-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at                          -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!--                                -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software           -->
-<!-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,             -->
-<!-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.      -->
-<!-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and           -->
-<!-- limitations under the License.                                                -->
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "" [
-        <!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "ActiveMQ_User_Manual.ent">
-        %BOOK_ENTITIES;
-        ]>
-<chapter id="tools">
-   <title>Tools</title>
-   <para>ActiveMQ ships with several helpful command line tools. All tools are available from the activemq-tools-&lt;version&gt;-jar-with-dependencies.jar.
-      As the name suggests, this Java archive contains ActiveMQ along with all of its dependencies.  This is done to
-      simplify the execution of the tools by eliminating the need so specify a classpath. These tools are:</para>
-   <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>
-         <para><emphasis role="bold"><literal>print-data</literal></emphasis>. Used for low-level inspection of the bindings and message journals.  It
-            takes two parameters - <literal>bindings-directory</literal> and <literal>journal-directory</literal>. These
-            are the paths to the directories where the bindings and message journals are stored, respectively. For
-            example:
-         </para>
-         <programlisting>java -jar activemq-tools-&lt;version&gt;-jar-with-dependencies.jar print-data /home/user/activemq/data/bindings /home/user/activemq/data/journal</programlisting>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-         <para><emphasis role="bold"><literal>print-pages</literal></emphasis>. Used for low-level inspection of paged message data.  It takes two
-            parameters - <literal>paging-directory</literal> and <literal>journal-directory</literal>. These are the
-            paths to the directories where paged messages and the message journals are stored, respectively. For
-            example:
-         </para>
-      <programlisting>java -jar activemq-tools-&lt;version&gt;-jar-with-dependencies.jar print-pages /home/user/activemq/data/paging-directory /home/user/activemq/data/journal</programlisting>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-         <para><emphasis role="bold"><literal>export</literal></emphasis>. Used for exporting all binding and message data (including paged and large
-            messages) as well as JMS destinations and connection factories (including JNDI bindings). The export is
-            structured as XML.  This data can then be imported to another server even if the server is a different
-            version than the original.  It takes 4 parameters:
-         </para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>bindings-directory</literal> - the path to the bindings directory.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>journal-directory</literal> - the path to the journal directory.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>paging-directory</literal> - the path to the paging directory.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>large-messages-directory</literal> - the path to the large-messages directory.</para>
-            </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
-         <para>Here's an example:</para>
-         <programlisting>java -jar activemq-tools-&lt;version&gt;-jar-with-dependencies.jar export /home/user/activemq/data/bindings-directory /home/user/activemq/data/journal-directory /home/user/activemq/data/paging-directory /home/user/activemq/data/large-messages</programlisting>
-         <para>This tool will export directly to standard out so if the data needs to be stored in a file please
-            redirect as appropriate for the operation system in use. Also, please note that the <literal>export</literal>
-            tool is single threaded so depending on the size of the journal it could take awhile to complete.
-         </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-         <para><emphasis role="bold"><literal>import</literal></emphasis>. Used for importing data from an XML document generated by the
-            <literal>export</literal> tool. The <literal>import</literal> tool reads the XML document and connects
-            to a ActiveMQ server via Netty to import all the data. It takes 5 parameters:
-         </para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>input-file</literal> - the path to the XML file generated by the <literal>export</literal>
-                  tool.
-               </para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>host</literal> - the IP address or hostname of the server where the data should be
-                  imported.
-               </para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>port</literal> - the port where ActiveMQ is listening.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>transactional</literal> - a <literal>boolean</literal> flag to indicate whether or not to
-                  send all the <emphasis>message</emphasis> data in a single transaction. Valid values are <literal>true</literal>
-                  or <literal>false</literal>.
-               </para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>application-server-compatibility</literal> - a <literal>boolean</literal> flag to indicate
-                  whether or not JNDI bindings need special treatment to account for the way JBoss AS7, Wildfly, and
-                  JBoss EAP 6 handle JNDI for remote clients. Each of these application servers require a special JNDI
-                  binding to allow access from remote clients. If this is <literal>true</literal> then every JNDI
-                  binding in the XML will be duplicated in the "java:jboss/exported/" namespace thus allowing both local
-                  and remote clients to use the same name when accessing resources via JNDI. Valid values are
-                  <literal>true</literal> or <literal>false</literal>.
-               </para>
-            </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
-         <para>Here's an example:</para>
-         <programlisting>java -jar activemq-tools-&lt;version&gt;-jar-with-dependencies.jar import /home/user/exportData.xml 5445 false false</programlisting>
-         <para>Like the <literal>export</literal> tool the <literal>import</literal> tool is single threaded so
-            depending on the size of the XML file it may take awhile for the process to complete.
-         </para>
-      </listitem>
-   </itemizedlist>
diff --git a/docs/user-manual/en/ b/docs/user-manual/en/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bdbbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/user-manual/en/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Resource Manager Configuration
+ActiveMQ has its own Resource Manager for handling the lifespan of JTA
+transactions. When a transaction is started the resource manager is
+notified and keeps a record of the transaction and its current state. It
+is possible in some cases for a transaction to be started but then
+forgotten about. Maybe the client died and never came back. If this
+happens then the transaction will just sit there indefinitely.
+To cope with this ActiveMQ can, if configured, scan for old transactions
+and rollback any it finds. The default for this is 3000000 milliseconds
+(5 minutes), i.e. any transactions older than 5 minutes are removed.
+This timeout can be changed by editing the `transaction-timeout`
+property in `activemq-configuration.xml` (value must be in
+milliseconds). The property `transaction-timeout-scan-period` configures
+how often, in milliseconds, to scan for old transactions.
+Please note that ActiveMQ will not unilaterally rollback any XA
+transactions in a prepared state - this must be heuristically rolled
+back via the management API if you are sure they will never be resolved
+by the transaction manager.
diff --git a/docs/user-manual/en/transaction-config.xml b/docs/user-manual/en/transaction-config.xml
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index 1d4def2..0000000
--- a/docs/user-manual/en/transaction-config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more            -->
-<!-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with          -->
-<!-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.           -->
-<!-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0       -->
-<!-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with          -->
-<!-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at                          -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!--                                -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software           -->
-<!-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,             -->
-<!-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.      -->
-<!-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and           -->
-<!-- limitations under the License.                                                -->
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "" [
-<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "ActiveMQ_User_Manual.ent">
-<chapter id="transaction-config">
-    <title>Resource Manager Configuration</title>
-    <para>ActiveMQ has its own Resource Manager for handling the lifespan of JTA transactions. When a
-        transaction is started the resource manager is notified and keeps a record of the
-        transaction and its current state. It is possible in some cases for a transaction to be
-        started but then forgotten about. Maybe the client died and never came back. If this happens
-        then the transaction will just sit there indefinitely.</para>
-    <para>To cope with this ActiveMQ can, if configured, scan for old transactions and rollback any
-        it finds. The default for this is 3000000 milliseconds (5 minutes), i.e. any transactions older
-        than 5 minutes are removed. This timeout can be changed by editing the <literal
-            >transaction-timeout</literal> property in <literal>activemq-configuration.xml</literal> (value must be in milliseconds).
-        The property <literal>transaction-timeout-scan-period</literal> configures how often, in
-        milliseconds, to scan for old transactions.</para>
-    <para>Please note that ActiveMQ will not unilaterally rollback any XA transactions in a prepared state - this must be heuristically rolled
-    back via the management API if you are sure they will never be resolved by the transaction manager.</para>
diff --git a/docs/user-manual/en/ b/docs/user-manual/en/
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index 0000000..d449102
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+Message Redelivery and Undelivered Messages
+Messages can be delivered unsuccessfully (e.g. if the transacted session
+used to consume them is rolled back). Such a message goes back to its
+queue ready to be redelivered. However, this means it is possible for a
+message to be delivered again and again without any success and remain
+in the queue, clogging the system.
+There are 2 ways to deal with these undelivered messages:
+-   Delayed redelivery.
+    It is possible to delay messages redelivery to let the client some
+    time to recover from transient failures and not overload its network
+    or CPU resources
+-   Dead Letter Address.
+    It is also possible to configure a dead letter address so that after
+    a specified number of unsuccessful deliveries, messages are removed
+    from the queue and will not be delivered again
+Both options can be combined for maximum flexibility.
+Delayed Redelivery
+Delaying redelivery can often be useful in the case that clients
+regularly fail or rollback. Without a delayed redelivery, the system can
+get into a "thrashing" state, with delivery being attempted, the client
+rolling back, and delivery being re-attempted ad infinitum in quick
+succession, consuming valuable CPU and network resources.
+Configuring Delayed Redelivery
+Delayed redelivery is defined in the address-setting configuration:
+    <!-- delay redelivery of messages for 5s -->
+    <address-setting match="jms.queue.exampleQueue">
+       <!-- default is 1.0 --> 
+       <redelivery-delay-multiplier>1.5</redelivery-delay-multiplier>
+       <!-- default is 0 (no delay) --> 
+       <redelivery-delay>5000</redelivery-delay>
+       <!-- default is redelivery-delay * 10 -->
+       <max-redelivery-delay>50000</max-redelivery-delay>
+    </address-setting>
+If a `redelivery-delay` is specified, ActiveMQ will wait this delay
+before redelivering the messages.
+By default, there is no redelivery delay (`redelivery-delay`is set to
+Other subsequent messages will be delivery regularly, only the cancelled
+message will be sent asynchronously back to the queue after the delay.
+You can specify a multiplier that will take effect on top of the
+redelivery-delay with a max-redelivery-delay to be taken into account.
+The max-redelivery-delay is defaulted to redelivery-delay \* 10
+Address wildcards can be used to configure redelivery delay for a set of
+addresses (see ?), so you don't have to specify redelivery delay
+individually for each address.
+See ? for an example which shows how delayed redelivery is configured
+and used with JMS.
+Dead Letter Addresses
+To prevent a client infinitely receiving the same undelivered message
+(regardless of what is causing the unsuccessful deliveries), messaging
+systems define *dead letter addresses*: after a specified unsuccessful
+delivery attempts, the message is removed from the queue and send
+instead to a dead letter address.
+Any such messages can then be diverted to queue(s) where they can later
+be perused by the system administrator for action to be taken.
+ActiveMQ's addresses can be assigned a dead letter address. Once the
+messages have been unsuccessfully delivered for a given number of
+attempts, they are removed from the queue and sent to the dead letter
+address. These *dead letter* messages can later be consumed for further
+Configuring Dead Letter Addresses
+Dead letter address is defined in the address-setting configuration:
+    <!-- undelivered messages in exampleQueue will be sent to the dead letter address
+       deadLetterQueue after 3 unsuccessful delivery attempts -->
+    <address-setting match="jms.queue.exampleQueue">
+       <dead-letter-address>jms.queue.deadLetterQueue</dead-letter-address>
+       <max-delivery-attempts>3</max-delivery-attempts>
+    </address-setting>
+If a `dead-letter-address` is not specified, messages will removed after
+`max-delivery-attempts` unsuccessful attempts.
+By default, messages are redelivered 10 times at the maximum. Set
+`max-delivery-attempts` to -1 for infinite redeliveries.
+For example, a dead letter can be set globally for a set of matching
+addresses and you can set `max-delivery-attempts` to -1 for a specific
+address setting to allow infinite redeliveries only for this address.
+Address wildcards can be used to configure dead letter settings for a
+set of addresses (see ?).
+Dead Letter Properties
+Dead letter messages which are consumed from a dead letter address have
+the following properties:
+    a String property containing the *original address* of the dead
+    letter message
+    a String property containing the *original queue* of the dead letter
+    message
+See ? for an example which shows how dead letter is configured and used
+with JMS.
+Delivery Count Persistence
+In normal use, ActiveMQ does not update delivery count *persistently*
+until a message is rolled back (i.e. the delivery count is not updated
+*before* the message is delivered to the consumer). In most messaging
+use cases, the messages are consumed, acknowledged and forgotten as soon
+as they are consumed. In these cases, updating the delivery count
+persistently before delivering the message would add an extra persistent
+step *for each message delivered*, implying a significant performance
+However, if the delivery count is not updated persistently before the
+message delivery happens, in the event of a server crash, messages might
+have been delivered but that will not have been reflected in the
+delivery count. During the recovery phase, the server will not have
+knowledge of that and will deliver the message with `redelivered` set to
+`false` while it should be `true`.
+As this behavior breaks strict JMS semantics, ActiveMQ allows to persist
+delivery count before message delivery but disabled it by default for
+performance implications.
+To enable it, set `persist-delivery-count-before-delivery` to `true` in
+    <persist-delivery-count-before-delivery>true</persist-delivery-count-before-delivery>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more            -->
-<!-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with          -->
-<!-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.           -->
-<!-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0       -->
-<!-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with          -->
-<!-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at                          -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!--                                -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software           -->
-<!-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,             -->
-<!-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.      -->
-<!-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and           -->
-<!-- limitations under the License.                                                -->
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "" [
-<!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "ActiveMQ_User_Manual.ent">
-<chapter id="undelivered-messages">
-   <title>Message Redelivery and Undelivered Messages</title>
-   <para>Messages can be delivered unsuccessfully (e.g. if the transacted session used to consume
-      them is rolled back). Such a message goes back to its queue ready to be redelivered. However,
-      this means it is possible for a message to be delivered again and again without any success
-      and remain in the queue, clogging the system.</para>
-   <para>There are 2 ways to deal with these undelivered messages:</para>
-   <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>
-         <para>Delayed redelivery.</para>
-         <para>It is possible to delay messages redelivery to let the client some time to recover
-            from transient failures and not overload its network or CPU resources</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-         <para>Dead Letter Address.</para>
-         <para>It is also possible to configure a dead letter address so that after a specified
-            number of unsuccessful deliveries, messages are removed from the queue and will not be
-            delivered again</para>
-      </listitem>
-   </itemizedlist>
-   <para>Both options can be combined for maximum flexibility.</para>
-   <section>
-      <title>Delayed Redelivery</title>
-      <para>Delaying redelivery can often be useful in the case that clients regularly fail or
-         rollback. Without a delayed redelivery, the system can get into a "thrashing" state, with
-         delivery being attempted, the client rolling back, and delivery being re-attempted ad
-         infinitum in quick succession, consuming valuable CPU and network resources.</para>
-      <section id="undelivered-messages.delay">
-         <title>Configuring Delayed Redelivery</title>
-         <para>Delayed redelivery is defined in the address-setting configuration:</para>
-         <programlisting>
-&lt;!-- delay redelivery of messages for 5s -->
-&lt;address-setting match="jms.queue.exampleQueue">
-   &lt;!-- default is 1.0 --> 
-   &lt;redelivery-delay-multiplier>1.5&lt;/redelivery-delay-multiplier>
-   &lt;!-- default is 0 (no delay) --> 
-   &lt;redelivery-delay>5000&lt;/redelivery-delay>
-   &lt;!-- default is redelivery-delay * 10 -->
-   &lt;max-redelivery-delay>50000&lt;/max-redelivery-delay>
-         <para>If a <literal>redelivery-delay</literal> is specified, ActiveMQ will wait this delay
-            before redelivering the messages.</para>
-         <para>By default, there is no redelivery delay (<literal>redelivery-delay</literal>is set
-            to 0).</para>
-         <para>Other subsequent messages will be delivery regularly, only the cancelled message
-               will be sent asynchronously back to the queue after the delay.</para>
-         <para>You can specify a multiplier that will take effect on top of the redelivery-delay
-               with a max-redelivery-delay to be taken into account.</para>
-         <para>The max-redelivery-delay is defaulted to redelivery-delay * 10</para>
-         <para>Address wildcards can be used to configure redelivery delay for a set of addresses
-            (see <xref linkend="wildcard-syntax"/>), so you don't have to specify redelivery delay
-            individually for each address.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-         <title>Example</title>
-         <para>See <xref linkend="examples.delayed-redelivery"/> for an example which shows how
-            delayed redelivery is configured and used with JMS.</para>
-      </section>
-   </section>
-   <section>
-      <title>Dead Letter Addresses</title>
-      <para>To prevent a client infinitely receiving the same undelivered message (regardless of
-         what is causing the unsuccessful deliveries), messaging systems define <emphasis
-            role="italic">dead letter addresses</emphasis>: after a specified unsuccessful delivery
-         attempts, the message is removed from the queue and send instead to a dead letter address. </para>
-      <para>Any such messages can then be diverted to queue(s) where they can later be perused by
-         the system administrator for action to be taken.</para>
-      <para>ActiveMQ's addresses can be assigned a dead letter address. Once the messages have been
-         unsuccessfully delivered for a given number of attempts, they are removed from the queue
-         and sent to the dead letter address. These <emphasis>dead letter</emphasis> messages can
-         later be consumed for further inspection.</para>
-      <section id="undelivered-messages.configuring">
-         <title>Configuring Dead Letter Addresses</title>
-         <para>Dead letter address is defined in the address-setting configuration:</para>
-         <programlisting>
-&lt;!-- undelivered messages in exampleQueue will be sent to the dead letter address
-   deadLetterQueue after 3 unsuccessful delivery attempts -->
-&lt;address-setting match="jms.queue.exampleQueue">
-   &lt;dead-letter-address>jms.queue.deadLetterQueue&lt;/dead-letter-address>
-   &lt;max-delivery-attempts>3&lt;/max-delivery-attempts>
-         <para>If a <literal>dead-letter-address</literal> is not specified, messages will removed
-            after <literal>max-delivery-attempts</literal> unsuccessful attempts.</para>
-         <para>By default, messages are redelivered 10 times at the maximum. Set <literal
-               >max-delivery-attempts</literal> to -1 for infinite redeliveries.</para>
-         <para>For example, a dead letter can be set globally for a set of matching addresses and
-            you can set <literal>max-delivery-attempts</literal> to -1 for a specific address
-            setting to allow infinite redeliveries only for this address.</para>
-         <para>Address wildcards can be used to configure dead letter settings for a set of
-            addresses (see <xref linkend="wildcard-syntax"/>).</para>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-         <title>Dead Letter Properties</title>
-         <para>Dead letter messages which are consumed from a dead letter address have the following
-            properties:</para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>_HQ_ORIG_ADDRESS</literal></para>
-               <para>a String property containing the <emphasis>original address</emphasis> of
-                  the dead letter message</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para><literal>_HQ_ORIG_QUEUE</literal></para>
-               <para>a String property containing the <emphasis>original queue</emphasis> of
-                  the dead letter message</para>
-            </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-         <title>Example</title>
-         <para>See <xref linkend="examples.dead-letter"/> for an example which shows how dead letter
-            is configured and used with JMS.</para>
-      </section>
-   </section>
-   <section id="">
-      <title>Delivery Count Persistence</title>
-      <para>In normal use, ActiveMQ does not update delivery count <emphasis>persistently</emphasis>
-         until a message is rolled back (i.e. the delivery count is not updated
-            <emphasis>before</emphasis> the message is delivered to the consumer). In most messaging
-         use cases, the messages are consumed, acknowledged and forgotten as soon as they are
-         consumed. In these cases, updating the delivery count persistently before delivering the
-         message would add an extra persistent step <emphasis>for each message delivered</emphasis>,
-         implying a significant performance penalty.</para>
-      <para>However, if the delivery count is not updated persistently before the message delivery
-         happens, in the event of a server crash, messages might have been delivered but that will
-         not have been reflected in the delivery count. During the recovery phase, the server will
-         not have knowledge of that and will deliver the message with <literal>redelivered</literal>
-         set to <literal>false</literal> while it should be <literal>true</literal>. </para>
-      <para>As this behavior breaks strict JMS semantics, ActiveMQ allows to persist delivery count
-         before message delivery but disabled it by default for performance implications.</para>
-      <para>To enable it, set <literal>persist-delivery-count-before-delivery</literal> to <literal
-            >true</literal> in <literal>activemq-configuration.xml</literal>:</para>
-      <programlisting>
-   </section>
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new file mode 100644
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+Using Core
+ActiveMQ core is a completely JMS-agnostic messaging system with its own
+non-JMS API. We call this the *core API*.
+If you don't want to use JMS you can use the core API directly. The core
+API provides all the functionality of JMS but without much of the
+complexity. It also provides features that are not available using JMS.
+Core Messaging Concepts
+Some of the core messaging concepts are similar to JMS concepts, but
+core messaging concepts differ in some ways. In general the core
+messaging API is simpler than the JMS API, since we remove distinctions
+between queues, topics and subscriptions. We'll discuss each of the
+major core messaging concepts in turn, but to see the API in detail,
+please consult the Javadoc.
+-   A message is the unit of data which is sent between clients and
+    servers.
+-   A message has a body which is a buffer containing convenient methods
+    for reading and writing data into it.
+-   A message has a set of properties which are key-value pairs. Each
+    property key is a string and property values can be of type integer,
+    long, short, byte, byte[], String, double, float or boolean.
+-   A message has an *address* it is being sent to. When the message
+    arrives on the server it is routed to any queues that are bound to
+    the address - if the queues are bound with any filter, the message
+    will only be routed to that queue if the filter matches. An address
+    may have many queues bound to it or even none. There may also be
+    entities other than queues, like *diverts* bound to addresses.
+-   Messages can be either durable or non durable. Durable messages in a
+    durable queue will survive a server crash or restart. Non durable
+    messages will never survive a server crash or restart.
+-   Messages can be specified with a priority value between 0 and 9. 0
+    represents the lowest priority and 9 represents the highest.
+    ActiveMQ will attempt to deliver higher priority messages before
+    lower priority ones.
+-   Messages can be specified with an optional expiry time. ActiveMQ
+    will not deliver messages after its expiry time has been exceeded.
+-   Messages also have an optional timestamp which represents the time
+    the message was sent.
+-   ActiveMQ also supports the sending/consuming of very large messages
+    - much larger than can fit in available RAM at any one time.
+A server maintains a mapping between an address and a set of queues.
+Zero or more queues can be bound to a single address. Each queue can be
+bound with an optional message filter. When a message is routed, it is
+routed to the set of queues bound to the message's address. If any of
+the queues are bound with a filter expression, then the message will
+only be routed to the subset of bound queues which match that filter
+Other entities, such as *diverts* can also be bound to an address and
+messages will also be routed there.
+> **Note**
+> In core, there is no concept of a Topic, Topic is a JMS only term.
+> Instead, in core, we just deal with *addresses* and *queues*.
+> For example, a JMS topic would be implemented by a single address to
+> which many queues are bound. Each queue represents a subscription of
+> the topic. A JMS Queue would be implemented as a single address to
+> which one queue is bound - that queue represents the JMS queue.
+Queues can be durable, meaning the messages they contain survive a
+server crash or restart, as long as the messages in them are durable.
+Non durable queues do not survive a server restart or crash even if the
+messages they contain are durable.
+Queues can also be temporary, meaning they are automatically deleted
+when the client connection is closed, if they are not explicitly deleted
+before that.
+Queues can be bound with an optional filter expression. If a filter
+expression is supplied then the server will only route messages that
+match that filter expression to any queues bound to the address.
+Many queues can be bound to a single address. A particular queue is only
+bound to a maximum of one address.
+Clients use `ServerLocator` instances to create `ClientSessionFactory`
+instances. `ServerLocator` instances are used to locate servers and
+create connections to them.
+In JMS terms think of a `ServerLocator` in the same way you would a JMS
+Connection Factory.
+`ServerLocator` instances are created using the `ActiveMQClient` factory
+Clients use `ClientSessionFactory` instances to create `ClientSession`
+instances. `ClientSessionFactory` instances are basically the connection
+to a server
+In JMS terms think of them as JMS Connections.
+`ClientSessionFactory` instances are created using the `ServerLocator`
+A client uses a ClientSession for consuming and producing messages and
+for grouping them in transactions. ClientSession instances can support
+both transactional and non transactional semantics and also provide an
+`XAResource` interface so messaging operations can be performed as part
+of a
+ClientSession instances group ClientConsumers and ClientProducers.
+ClientSession instances can be registered with an optional
+`SendAcknowledgementHandler`. This allows your client code to be
+notified asynchronously when sent messages have successfully reached the
+server. This unique ActiveMQ feature, allows you to have full guarantees
+that sent messages have reached the server without having to block on
+each message sent until a response is received. Blocking on each
+messages sent is costly since it requires a network round trip for each
+message sent. By not blocking and receiving send acknowledgements
+asynchronously you can create true end to end asynchronous systems which
+is not possible using the standard JMS API. For more information on this
+advanced feature please see the section ?.
+Clients use `ClientConsumer` instances to consume messages from a queue.
+Core Messaging supports both synchronous and asynchronous message
+consumption semantics. `ClientConsumer` instances can be configured with
+an optional filter expression and will only consume messages which match
+that expression.
+Clients create `ClientProducer` instances on `ClientSession` instances
+so they can send messages. ClientProducer instances can specify an
+address to which all sent messages are routed, or they can have no
+specified address, and the address is specified at send time for the
+> **Warning**
+> Please note that ClientSession, ClientProducer and ClientConsumer
+> instances are *designed to be re-used*.
+> It's an anti-pattern to create new ClientSession, ClientProducer and
+> ClientConsumer instances for each message you produce or consume. If
+> you do this, your application will perform very poorly. This is
+> discussed further in the section on performance tuning ?.
+A simple example of using Core
+Here's a very simple program using the core messaging API to send and
+receive a message. Logically it's comprised of two sections: firstly
+setting up the producer to write a message to an *addresss*, and
+secondly, creating a *queue* for the consumer, creating the consumer and
+*starting* it.
+    ServerLocator locator = ActiveMQClient.createServerLocatorWithoutHA(new TransportConfiguration(
+                                               InVMConnectorFactory.class.getName()));
+    // In this simple example, we just use one session for both producing and receiving
+    ClientSessionFactory factory =  locator.createClientSessionFactory();
+    ClientSession session = factory.createSession();
+    // A producer is associated with an address ...
+    ClientProducer producer = session.createProducer("example");
+    ClientMessage message = session.createMessage(true);
+    message.getBodyBuffer().writeString("Hello");
+    // We need a queue attached to the address ...
+    session.createQueue("example", "example", true);
+    // And a consumer attached to the queue ...
+    ClientConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer("example");
+    // Once we have a queue, we can send the message ...
+    producer.send(message);
+    // We need to start the session before we can -receive- messages ...
+    session.start();
+    ClientMessage msgReceived = consumer.receive();
+    System.out.println("message = " + msgReceived.getBodyBuffer().readString());
+    session.close();
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@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more            -->
-<!-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with          -->
-<!-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.           -->
-<!-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0       -->
-<!-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with          -->
-<!-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at                          -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!--                                -->
-<!--                                                                               -->
-<!-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software           -->
-<!-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,             -->
-<!-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.      -->
-<!-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and           -->
-<!-- limitations under the License.                                                -->
-<!-- ============================================================================= -->
-<chapter id="using-core">
-    <title>Using Core</title>
-    <para>ActiveMQ core is a completely JMS-agnostic messaging system with its own non-JMS API. We
-        call this the <emphasis>core API</emphasis>.</para>
-    <para>If you don't want to use JMS you can use the core API directly. The core API provides all
-        the functionality of JMS but without much of the complexity. It also provides features that
-        are not available using JMS.</para>
-    <section>
-        <title>Core Messaging Concepts</title>
-        <para>Some of the core messaging concepts are similar to JMS concepts, but core messaging
-            concepts differ in some ways. In general the core messaging API is simpler than the JMS
-            API, since we remove distinctions between queues, topics and subscriptions. We'll
-            discuss each of the major core messaging concepts in turn, but to see the API in detail,
-            please consult the Javadoc.</para>
-        <section>
-            <title>Message</title>
-            <itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>A message is the unit of data which is sent between clients and
-                        servers.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>A message has a body which is a buffer containing convenient methods for
-                        reading and writing data into it.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>A message has a set of properties which are key-value pairs. Each property
-                        key is a string and property values can be of type integer, long, short,
-                        byte, byte[], String, double, float or boolean.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>A message has an <emphasis>address</emphasis> it is being sent to. When
-                        the message arrives on the server it is routed to any queues that are bound
-                        to the address - if the queues are bound with any filter, the message will
-                        only be routed to that queue if the filter matches. An address may have many
-                        queues bound to it or even none. There may also be entities other than
-                        queues, like <emphasis role="italic">diverts</emphasis> bound to
-                        addresses.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Messages can be either durable or non durable. Durable messages in a
-                        durable queue will survive a server crash or restart. Non durable messages
-                        will never survive a server crash or restart.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Messages can be specified with a priority value between 0 and 9. 0
-                        represents the lowest priority and 9 represents the highest. ActiveMQ will
-                        attempt to deliver higher priority messages before lower priority
-                        ones.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Messages can be specified with an optional expiry time. ActiveMQ will not
-                        deliver messages after its expiry time has been exceeded.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Messages also have an optional timestamp which represents the time the
-                        message was sent.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>ActiveMQ also supports the sending/consuming of very large messages - much
-                        larger than can fit in available RAM at any one time.</para>
-                </listitem>
-            </itemizedlist>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>Address</title>
-            <para>A server maintains a mapping between an address and a set of queues. Zero or more
-                queues can be bound to a single address. Each queue can be bound with an optional
-                message filter. When a message is routed, it is routed to the set of queues bound to
-                the message's address. If any of the queues are bound with a filter expression, then
-                the message will only be routed to the subset of bound queues which match that
-                filter expression.</para>
-            <para>Other entities, such as <emphasis role="italic">diverts</emphasis> can also be
-                bound to an address and messages will also be routed there.</para>
-            <note>
-                <para>In core, there is no concept of a Topic, Topic is a JMS only term. Instead, in
-                    core, we just deal with <emphasis>addresses</emphasis> and
-                        <emphasis>queues</emphasis>.</para>
-                <para>For example, a JMS topic would be implemented by a single address to which
-                    many queues are bound. Each queue represents a subscription of the topic. A JMS
-                    Queue would be implemented as a single address to which one queue is bound -
-                    that queue represents the JMS queue.</para>
-            </note>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>Queue</title>
-            <para>Queues can be durable, meaning the messages they contain survive a server crash or
-                restart, as long as the messages in them are durable. Non durable queues do not
-                survive a server restart or crash even if the messages they contain are
-                durable.</para>
-            <para>Queues can also be temporary, meaning they are automatically deleted when the
-                client connection is closed, if they are not explicitly deleted before that.</para>
-            <para>Queues can be bound with an optional filter expression. If a filter expression is
-                supplied then the server will only route messages that match that filter expression
-                to any queues bound to the address.</para>
-            <para>Many queues can be bound to a single address. A particular queue is only bound to
-                a maximum of one address.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>ServerLocator</title>
-            <para>Clients use <literal>ServerLocator</literal> instances to create <literal
-                    >ClientSessionFactory</literal> instances. <literal>ServerLocator</literal>
-                instances are used to locate servers and create connections to them. </para>
-            <para>In JMS terms think of a <literal>ServerLocator</literal> in the same way you would
-                a JMS Connection Factory.</para>
-            <para><literal>ServerLocator</literal> instances are created using the <literal
-                    >ActiveMQClient</literal> factory class.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>ClientSessionFactory</title>
-            <para>Clients use <literal>ClientSessionFactory</literal> instances to create <literal
-                    >ClientSession</literal> instances. <literal>ClientSessionFactory</literal>
-                instances are basically the connection to a server</para>
-            <para> In JMS terms think of them as JMS Connections.</para>
-            <para><literal>ClientSessionFactory</literal> instances are created using the <literal
-                    >ServerLocator</literal> class.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>ClientSession</title>
-            <para>A client uses a ClientSession for consuming and producing messages and for
-                grouping them in transactions. ClientSession instances can support both
-                transactional and non transactional semantics and also provide an <literal
-                    >XAResource</literal> interface so messaging operations can be performed as part
-                of a <ulink url="">JTA</ulink>
-                transaction.</para>
-            <para>ClientSession instances group ClientConsumers and ClientProducers.</para>
-            <para>ClientSession instances can be registered with an optional <literal
-                    >SendAcknowledgementHandler</literal>. This allows your client code to be
-                notified asynchronously when sent messages have successfully reached the server.
-                This unique ActiveMQ feature, allows you to have full guarantees that sent messages
-                have reached the server without having to block on each message sent until a
-                response is received. Blocking on each messages sent is costly since it requires a
-                network round trip for each message sent. By not blocking and receiving send
-                acknowledgements asynchronously you can create true end to end asynchronous systems
-                which is not possible using the standard JMS API. For more information on this
-                advanced feature please see the section <xref linkend="send-guarantees"/>.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>ClientConsumer</title>
-            <para>Clients use <literal>ClientConsumer</literal> instances to consume messages from a
-                queue. Core Messaging supports both synchronous and asynchronous message consumption
-                semantics. <literal>ClientConsumer</literal> instances can be configured with an
-                optional filter expression and will only consume messages which match that
-                expression.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>ClientProducer</title>
-            <para>Clients create <literal>ClientProducer</literal> instances on <literal
-                    >ClientSession</literal> instances so they can send messages. ClientProducer
-                instances can specify an address to which all sent messages are routed, or they can
-                have no specified address, and the address is specified at send time for the
-                message.</para>
-        </section>
-        <warning>
-            <para>Please note that ClientSession, ClientProducer and ClientConsumer instances are
-                    <emphasis>designed to be re-used</emphasis>.</para>
-            <para>It's an anti-pattern to create new ClientSession, ClientProducer and
-                ClientConsumer instances for each message you produce or consume. If you do this,
-                your application will perform very poorly. This is discussed further in the section
-                on performance tuning <xref linkend="perf-tuning"/>.</para>
-        </warning>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-        <title>A simple example of using Core</title>
-        <para>Here's a very simple program using the core messaging API to send and receive a
-            message. Logically it's comprised of two sections: firstly setting up the producer to 
-            write a message to an <emphasis>addresss</emphasis>, and secondly, creating a 
-            <emphasis>queue</emphasis> for the consumer, creating the consumer and 
-            <emphasis>starting</emphasis> it.</para>
-        <programlisting>
-ServerLocator locator = ActiveMQClient.createServerLocatorWithoutHA(new TransportConfiguration(
-                                           InVMConnectorFactory.class.getName()));
-// In this simple example, we just use one session for both producing and receiving
-ClientSessionFactory factory =  locator.createClientSessionFactory();
-ClientSession session = factory.createSession();
-// A producer is associated with an address ...
-ClientProducer producer = session.createProducer("example");
-ClientMessage message = session.createMessage(true);
-// We need a queue attached to the address ...
-session.createQueue("example", "example", true);
-// And a consumer attached to the queue ...
-ClientConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer("example");
-// Once we have a queue, we can send the message ...
-// We need to start the session before we can -receive- messages ...
-ClientMessage msgReceived = consumer.receive();
-System.out.println("message = " + msgReceived.getBodyBuffer().readString());
-    </section>
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+Using JMS
+Although ActiveMQ provides a JMS agnostic messaging API, many users will
+be more comfortable using JMS.
+JMS is a very popular API standard for messaging, and most messaging
+systems provide a JMS API. If you are completely new to JMS we suggest
+you follow the[Sun JMS
+tutorial]( - a full JMS
+tutorial is out of scope for this guide.
+ActiveMQ also ships with a wide range of examples, many of which
+demonstrate JMS API usage. A good place to start would be to play around
+with the simple JMS Queue and Topic example, but we also provide
+examples for many other parts of the JMS API. A full description of the
+examples is available in ?.
+In this section we'll go through the main steps in configuring the
+server for JMS and creating a simple JMS program. We'll also show how to
+configure and use JNDI, and also how to use JMS with ActiveMQ without
+using any JNDI.
+A simple ordering system
+For this chapter we're going to use a very simple ordering system as our
+example. It is a somewhat contrived example because of its extreme
+simplicity, but it serves to demonstrate the very basics of setting up
+and using JMS.
+We will have a single JMS Queue called `OrderQueue`, and we will have a
+single `MessageProducer` sending an order message to the queue and a
+single `MessageConsumer` consuming the order message from the queue.
+The queue will be a `durable` queue, i.e. it will survive a server
+restart or crash. We also want to pre-deploy the queue, i.e. specify the
+queue in the server JMS configuration so it is created automatically
+without us having to explicitly create it from the client.
+JNDI Configuration
+The JMS specification establishes the convention that *administered
+objects* (i.e. JMS queue, topic and connection factory instances) are
+made available via the JNDI API. Brokers are free to implement JNDI as
+they see fit assuming the implementation fits the API. ActiveMQ does not
+have a JNDI server. Rather, it uses a client-side JNDI implementation
+that relies on special properties set in the environment to construct
+the appropriate JMS objects. In other words, no objects are stored in
+JNDI on the ActiveMQ server. There are simply instantiated on the client
+based on the provided configuration. Let's look at the different kinds
+of administered objects and how to configure them.
+> **Note**
+> The following configuration properties *are strictly required when
+> ActiveMQ is running in stand-alone mode*. When ActiveMQ is integrated
+> to an application server (e.g. Wildfly) the application server itself
+> will almost certainly provide a JNDI client with its own properties.
+ConnectionFactory JNDI
+A JMS connection factory is used by the client to make connections to
+the server. It knows the location of the server it is connecting to, as
+well as many other configuration parameters.
+By default, a `javax.naming.Context` instance created using the
+`org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory` will
+automatically have the following connection factories available for
+-   `ConnectionFactory`
+-   `XAConnectionFactory`
+-   `QueueConnectionFactory`
+-   `TopicConnectionFactory`
+Here's a simple example of the JNDI context environment for a client
+looking up a connection factory to access an *embedded* instance of
+    java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
+It's really as simple as that. As noted previously, any JNDI context
+created with the `ActiveMQInitialContextFactory` will have a set of
+default connection factories available. Therefore, only the
+`java.naming.factory.initial` property is required to access an embedded
+In certain situations there could be multiple server instances running
+within a particular JVM. In that situation each server would typically
+have an InVM acceptor with a unique server-ID. A client using JMS and
+JNDI can account for this by specifying a
+`javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL` (`String` value of
+"java.naming.provider.url") in the JNDI environment like `vm://2` where
+`2` is the server-ID for acceptor.
+Here is a list of all the supported URL schemes:
+-   `vm`
+-   `tcp`
+-   `udp`
+-   `jgroups`
+Most clients won't be connecting to an embedded broker. Clients will
+most commonly connect across a network a remote broker. In that case the
+client can use the `javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL` (`String` value
+of "java.naming.provider.url") in the JNDI environment to specify where
+to connect. Here's a simple example of a client configuring a connection
+factory to connect to a remote broker running on myhost:5445:
+    java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
+    java.naming.provider.url=tcp://myhost:5445
+In the example above the client is using the `tcp` scheme for the
+provider URL. A client may also specify multiple comma-delimited
+host:port combinations in the URL (e.g.
+`tcp://remote-host1:5445,remote-host2:5445`). Whether there is one or
+many host:port combinations in the URL they are treated as the *initial
+connector(s)* for the underlying connection.
+The `udp` scheme is also supported which should use an host:port
+combination that matches the `group-address` and `group-port` from the
+corresponding `broadcast-group` configured on the ActiveMQ server(s).
+Each scheme has a specific set of properties which can be set using the
+traditional URL query string format (e.g.
+`scheme://host:port?key1=value1&key2=value2`) to customize the
+underlying transport mechanism. For example, if a client wanted to
+connect to a remote server using TCP and SSL it would use a
+`Context.PROVIDER_URL` of `tcp://remote-host:5445?ssl-enabled=true`.
+All the properties available for the `tcp` scheme are described in [the
+documentation regarding the Netty
+The `udp` scheme supports 4 properties:
+-   `local-address` - If you are running with multiple network
+    interfaces on the same machine, you may want to specify that the
+    discovery group listens only only a specific interface. To do this
+    you can specify the interface address with this parameter.
+-   `local-port` - If you want to specify a local port to which the
+    datagram socket is bound you can specify it here. Normally you would
+    just use the default value of -1 which signifies that an anonymous
+    port should be used. This parameter is always specified in
+    conjunction with `local-address`.
+-   `refresh-timeout` - This is the period the discovery group waits
+    after receiving the last broadcast from a particular server before
+    removing that servers connector pair entry from its list. You would
+    normally set this to a value significantly higher than the
+    broadcast-period on the broadcast group otherwise servers might
+    intermittently disappear from the list even though they are still
+    broadcasting due to slight differences in timing. This parameter is
+    optional, the default value is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds).
+-   `discovery-initial-wait-timeout` - If the connection factory is used
+    immediately after creation then it may not have had enough time to
+    received broadcasts from all the nodes in the cluster. On first
+    usage, the connection factory will make sure it waits this long
+    since creation before creating the first connection. The default
+    value for this parameter is 10000 milliseconds.
+Lastly, the `jgroups` scheme is supported which provides an alternative
+to the `udp` scheme for server discovery. The URL pattern is as follows
+`jgroups://<jgroups-xml-conf-filename>` where
+`<jgroups-xml-conf-filename>` refers to an XML file on the classpath
+that contains the JGroups configuration.
+The `refresh-timeout` and `discovery-initial-wait-timeout` properties
+are supported just like with `udp`.
+Although a `javax.naming.Context` instance created using the
+`org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory` will
+automatically have some connection factories present, it is possible for
+a client to specify its own connection factories. This is done using the
+property (String value of "connectionFactoryNames"). The value for this
+property is a comma delimited String of all the connection factories the
+client wishes to create. For example:
+    java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
+    java.naming.provider.url=tcp://localhost:5445
+    connectionFactoryNames=myConnectionFactory
+In this example, the client is creating a connection factory named
+"myConnectionFactory." This replaces all the default connection
+factories so that only the "myConnectionFactory" connection factory is
+available to the client.
+Aside from the underlying transport, the underlying connection factory
+implementation can also be configured using special properties. To
+configure a particular connection factory the client would follow this
+pattern for the property name to set in the environment:
+`connection.<connection-factory-name>.<property-name>`. For example, if
+the client wanted to customize the default connection factory
+"ConnectionFactory" to support high-availability then it would do this:
+    java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
+    java.naming.provider.url=tcp://myhost:5445
+    connection.ConnectionFactory.ha=true
+Any property available on the underlying
+`org.apache.activemq.jms.client.ActiveMQConnectionFactory` can be set
+this way in addition to the `ha` (boolean) and `type` (String)
+properties. Here are the different options for the `type`:
+  type            interface
+  --------------- ------------------------------------
+  CF (default)    javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
+  XA\_CF          javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory
+  QUEUE\_CF       javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
+  QUEUE\_XA\_CF   javax.jms.XAQueueConnectionFactory
+  TOPIC\_CF       javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
+  TOPIC\_XA\_CF   javax.jms.XATopicConnectionFactory
+  : Configuration for Connection Factory Types
+Destination JNDI
+JMS destinations are also typically looked up via JNDI. As with
+connection factories, destinations can be configured using special
+properties in the JNDI context environment. The property *name* should
+follow the pattern: `queue.<jndi-binding>` or `topic.<jndi-binding>`.
+The property *value* should be the name of the queue hosted by the
+ActiveMQ server. For example, if the server had a JMS queue configured
+like so:
+    <queue name="OrderQueue"/>
+And if the client wanted to bind this queue to "queues/OrderQueue" then
+the JNDI properties would be configured like so:
+    java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
+    java.naming.provider.url=tcp://myhost:5445
+    queue.queues/OrderQueue=OrderQueue
+It is also possible to look-up JMS destinations which haven't been
+configured explicitly in the JNDI context environment. This is possible
+using `dynamicQueues/` or `dynamicTopics/` in the look-up string. For
+example, if the client wanted to look-up the aforementioned "OrderQueue"
+it could do so simply by using the string "dynamicQueues/OrderQueue".
+Note, the text that follows `dynamicQueues/` or `dynamicTopics/` must
+correspond *exactly* to the name of the destination on the server.
+The code
+Here's the code for the example:
+First we'll create a JNDI initial context from which to lookup our JMS
+objects. If the above properties are set in `` and it is
+on the classpath then any new, empty `InitialContext` will be
+initialized using those properties:
+    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
+Now we'll look up the connection factory from which we can create
+connections to myhost:5445:
+    ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory)ic.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
+And look up the Queue:
+    Queue orderQueue = (Queue)ic.lookup("queues/OrderQueue");
+Next we create a JMS connection using the connection factory:
+    Connection connection = cf.createConnection();
+And we create a non transacted JMS Session, with AUTO\_ACKNOWLEDGE
+acknowledge mode:
+    Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
+We create a MessageProducer that will send orders to the queue:
+    MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(orderQueue);
+And we create a MessageConsumer which will consume orders from the
+    MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(orderQueue);
+We make sure we start the connection, or delivery won't occur on it:
+    connection.start();
+We create a simple TextMessage and send it:
+    TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("This is an order");
+    producer.send(message);
+And we consume the message:
+    TextMessage receivedMessage = (TextMessage)consumer.receive();
+    System.out.println("Got order: " + receivedMessage.getText());
+It is as simple as that. For a wide range of working JMS examples please
+see the examples directory in the distribution.
+> **Warning**
+> Please note that JMS connections, sessions, producers and consumers
+> are *designed to be re-used*.
+> It is an anti-pattern to create new connections, sessions, producers
+> and consumers for each message you produce or consume. If you do this,
+> your application will perform very poorly. This is discussed further
+> in the section on performance tuning ?.
+Directly instantiating JMS Resources without using JNDI
+Although it is a very common JMS usage pattern to lookup JMS
+*Administered Objects* (that's JMS Queue, Topic and ConnectionFactory
+instances) from JNDI, in some cases you just think "Why do I need JNDI?
+Why can't I just instantiate these objects directly?"
+With ActiveMQ you can do exactly that. ActiveMQ supports the direct
+instantiation of JMS Queue, Topic and ConnectionFactory instances, so
+you don't have to use JNDI at all.
+For a full working example of direct instantiation please see the JMS
+examples in ?.
+Here's our simple example, rewritten to not use JNDI at all:
+We create the JMS ConnectionFactory object via the ActiveMQJMSClient
+Utility class, note we need to provide connection parameters and specify
+which transport we are using, for more information on connectors please
+see ?.
+    TransportConfiguration transportConfiguration = new TransportConfiguration(NettyConnectorFactory.class.getName());
+    ConnectionFactory cf = ActiveMQJMSClient.createConnectionFactoryWithoutHA(JMSFactoryType.CF,transportConfiguration);
+We also create the JMS Queue object via the ActiveMQJMSClient Utility
+    Queue orderQueue = ActiveMQJMSClient.createQueue("OrderQueue");
+Next we create a JMS connection using the connection factory:
+    Connection connection = cf.createConnection();
+And we create a non transacted JMS Session, with AUTO\_ACKNOWLEDGE
+acknowledge mode:
+    Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
+We create a MessageProducer that will send orders to the queue:
+    MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(orderQueue);
+And we create a MessageConsumer which will consume orders from the
+    MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(orderQueue);
+We make sure we start the connection, or delivery won't occur on it:
+    connection.start();
+We create a simple TextMessage and send it:
+    TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("This is an order");
+    producer.send(message);
+And we consume the message:
+    TextMessage receivedMessage = (TextMessage)consumer.receive();
+    System.out.println("Got order: " + receivedMessage.getText());
+Setting The Client ID
+This represents the client id for a JMS client and is needed for
+creating durable subscriptions. It is possible to configure this on the
+connection factory and can be set via the `client-id` element. Any
+connection created by this connection factory will have this set as its
+client id.
+Setting The Batch Size for DUPS\_OK
+When the JMS acknowledge mode is set to `DUPS_OK` it is possible to
+configure the consumer so that it sends acknowledgements in batches
+rather that one at a time, saving valuable bandwidth. This can be
+configured via the connection factory via the `dups-ok-batch-size`
+element and is set in bytes. The default is 1024 \* 1024 bytes = 1 MiB.
+Setting The Transaction Batch Size
+When receiving messages in a transaction it is possible to configure the
+consumer to send acknowledgements in batches rather than individually
+saving valuable bandwidth. This can be configured on the connection
+factory via the `transaction-batch-size` element and is set in bytes.
+The default is 1024 \* 1024.