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Posted to by Grégory Oliver <> on 2010/01/11 11:09:24 UTC

ivy:makepom with multiple artifacts.

ivy:makepom with multiple artiface.


Grégory Oliver
 à ivy-user-info
afficher les détails 11:03 (Il y a 7 minutes)

In my ivy.xml I have many artifacts declared, and for each artifact a
different conf :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ivy-module version="1.0" xmlns:xsi=""
   <info organisation="com.cellfish" module="mediadb" revision="1.4.0" />

   <configurations defaultconfmapping="runtime->default(*);">
     <conf name="core" description="Build dependencies for the core" />
     <conf name="web" description="Build dependencies for the web"
extends="core" />
     <conf name="rest" description="Build dependencies for the REST
API" extends ="core" />
         <conf name="war" description="Build dependencies for the war"
extends="core" />
         <conf name="compile" description="Build dependencies" extends="core" />

         <conf name="provided" description="JEE dependencies"/>
         <!--  conf name="test" description="Test Time dependencies"/ -->
         <conf name="runtime" description="Run Time dependencies"/>

       <artifact name="mediadb" type="jar"  conf="compile" ext="jar"/>
       <artifact name="mediadb" type="pom" ext="pom"/>
       <artifact name="mediadb-core" type="jar"  conf="core" ext="jar"/>
       <artifact name="mediadb-core" type="pom" ext="pom"/>
       <artifact name="mediadb-web" type="jar"  conf="web" ext="jar"/>
       <artifact name="mediadb-web" type="pom" ext="pom"/>
       <artifact name="mediadb-rest" type="jar"  conf="rest" ext="jar"/>
       <artifact name="mediadb-rest" type="pom" ext="pom"/>

When I run the ivy:makepom task, it generate only one pom file.

<target name="make-pom" depends="load-ivy" description="Generates a
pom file from the ivy file">
               <ivy:makepom ivyfile="${basedir}/ivy.xml"
pomfile="${dist.home}/mediadb.pom" >
                  <mapping conf="compile" scope="compile"/>
                  <mapping conf="default" scope="runtime"/>
                  <mapping conf="provided" scope="provided"/>
               <ivy:makepom validate="" ivyfile="${basedir}/ivy.xml"
pomfile="${dist.home}/mediadb-core.pom" >
                  <mapping conf="core" scope="compile"/>
                  <mapping conf="default" scope="runtime"/>
                  <mapping conf="provided" scope="provided"/>
               <ivy:makepom ivyfile="${basedir}/ivy.xml"
pomfile="${dist.home}/mediadb-web.pom" >
                  <mapping conf="web" scope="compile"/>
                  <mapping conf="default" scope="runtime"/>
                  <mapping conf="provided" scope="provided"/>
               <ivy:makepom ivyfile="${basedir}/ivy.xml"
pomfile="${dist.home}/mediadb-rest.pom"   >
                  <mapping conf="rest" scope="compile"/>
                  <mapping conf="default" scope="runtime"/>
                  <mapping conf="provided" scope="provided"/>

My problem is all pom files have the same artifactId :

How can I set a different artifactId for each of them ?

