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Posted to by Alexander Bagerman <> on 2008/10/28 00:08:08 UTC

wsdl2js - accessing returned object attributes in javascript client

I used wsdl2js (cxf-2.1.3) to generate javascipt client to access the
web services produced by xfire (document/literal). Return structure is
somewhat complex bean with multilaye'ed structure including arrays of
beans at one of the layers. Call goes out and processed by the web
services with no issues and I can see that the proper XML is returned
to the client (web browser). I can see through Firebug correct object
type (all getter are there as well as typeMarker value is correct) in
the "success" callback. But when I start calling getters I am getting
"undefined" values.

I'd appreciate any suggestions on what I could do to diagnose it or
better yet to make it work:-)
