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Posted to by on 2016/09/09 18:52:45 UTC

[2/4] ambari git commit: AMBARI-18335. After upgrading cluster from HDP-2.4.x to HDP-2.5.x and added atlas service - missing kafka security properties (rlevas)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/test/java/org/apache/ambari/server/state/kerberos/ b/ambari-server/src/test/java/org/apache/ambari/server/state/kerberos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fca2f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ambari-server/src/test/java/org/apache/ambari/server/state/kerberos/
@@ -0,0 +1,2272 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.ambari.server.state.kerberos;
+import junit.framework.Assert;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.configuration.Configuration;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.DBAccessor;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.dao.ExtensionLinkDAO;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.ExtensionLinkEntity;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.MetainfoEntity;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.orm.entities.StackEntity;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.stack.StackManagerFactory;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.state.Clusters;
+import org.apache.ambari.server.state.stack.OsFamily;
+import org.easymock.EasyMock;
+import org.easymock.EasyMockSupport;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
+import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.anyString;
+import static org.easymock.EasyMock.expect;
+public class KerberosDescriptorUpdateHelperTest extends EasyMockSupport {
+  private static final KerberosDescriptorFactory KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY = new KerberosDescriptorFactory();
+  private static final Gson GSON = new Gson();
+  @Test
+  public void updateDefaultUserKerberosDescriptor() throws Exception {
+    Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() {
+      @Override
+      protected void configure() {
+        Properties properties = new Properties();
+        properties.put("metadata.path", "src/main/resources/stacks");
+        properties.put("", "src/main/resources/common-services");
+        properties.put("server.version.file", "target/version");
+        properties.put("custom.action.definitions", "/tmp/nofile");
+        Configuration configuration = new Configuration(properties);
+        install(new FactoryModuleBuilder().build(StackManagerFactory.class));
+        bind(Clusters.class).toInstance(createNiceMock(Clusters.class));
+        bind(DBAccessor.class).toInstance(createNiceMock(DBAccessor.class));
+        bind(EntityManager.class).toInstance(createNiceMock(EntityManager.class));
+        bind(OsFamily.class).toInstance(createNiceMock(OsFamily.class));
+        bind(Configuration.class).toInstance(configuration);
+        bind(ExtensionLinkDAO.class).toInstance(createNiceMock(ExtensionLinkDAO.class));
+      }
+    });
+    OsFamily osFamily = injector.getInstance(OsFamily.class);
+    expect(osFamily.os_list()).andReturn(Collections.singleton("centos6")).anyTimes();
+    ExtensionLinkDAO linkDao = injector.getInstance(ExtensionLinkDAO.class);
+    expect(linkDao.findByStack(anyString(), anyString())).andReturn(Collections.<ExtensionLinkEntity>emptyList()).anyTimes();
+    TypedQuery<StackEntity> query = createNiceMock(TypedQuery.class);
+    expect(query.setMaxResults(1)).andReturn(query).anyTimes();
+    expect(query.getSingleResult()).andReturn(null).anyTimes();
+    EntityManager entityManager = injector.getInstance(EntityManager.class);
+    expect(entityManager.createNamedQuery("StackEntity.findByNameAndVersion", StackEntity.class)).andReturn(query).anyTimes();
+    expect(entityManager.find(EasyMock.eq(MetainfoEntity.class), anyString())).andReturn(createNiceMock(MetainfoEntity.class)).anyTimes();
+    AmbariMetaInfo metaInfo = new AmbariMetaInfo(injector.getInstance(Configuration.class));
+    replayAll();
+    injector.injectMembers(metaInfo);
+    metaInfo.init();
+    KerberosDescriptor hdp24 = metaInfo.getKerberosDescriptor("HDP", "2.4");
+    KerberosDescriptor hdp25 = metaInfo.getKerberosDescriptor("HDP", "2.5");
+    KerberosDescriptor user = new KerberosDescriptor(hdp24.toMap());
+    KerberosDescriptor updated = KerberosDescriptorUpdateHelper.updateUserKerberosDescriptor(hdp24, hdp25, user);
+    KerberosDescriptor composite = new KerberosDescriptor(hdp25.toMap());
+    composite.update(updated);
+    Assert.assertEquals(GSON.toJson(hdp25.toMap()), GSON.toJson(composite.toMap()));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testUpdateProperties() throws AmbariException {
+    KerberosDescriptor oldValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance("{" +
+        "  \"properties\": {" +
+        "    \"realm\": \"${kerberos-env/realm}\"," +
+        "    \"keytab_dir\": \"/etc/security/keytabs\"," +
+        "    \"additional_realms\": \"\"," +
+        "    \"old_property\": \"old_value\"" +
+        "  }" +
+        "}");
+    KerberosDescriptor newValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance("{" +
+        "  \"properties\": {" +
+        "    \"realm\": \"${kerberos-env/realm}\"," +
+        "    \"keytab_dir\": \"/etc/security/keytabs\"," +
+        "    \"additional_realms\": \"\"," +
+        "    \"new_property\": \"new_value\"" +
+        "  }" +
+        "}");
+    KerberosDescriptor userValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance("{" +
+        "  \"properties\": {" +
+        "    \"realm\": \"EXAMPLE.COM\"," +
+        "    \"keytab_dir\": \"/etc/security/keytabs\"," +
+        "    \"additional_realms\": \"\"," +
+        "    \"old_property\": \"old_value\"" +
+        "  }" +
+        "}");
+    KerberosDescriptor updatedUserValue = KerberosDescriptorUpdateHelper.updateUserKerberosDescriptor(
+        oldValue,
+        newValue,
+        userValue);
+    // "old_property" is removed
+    // "new_property" is added
+    // "realm" retains user set value
+    Assert.assertEquals(
+        KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+            "{\n" +
+                "  \"properties\": {\n" +
+                "    \"new_property\": \"new_value\",\n" +
+                "    \"realm\": \"EXAMPLE.COM\",\n" +
+                "    \"additional_realms\": \"\",\n" +
+                "    \"keytab_dir\": \"/etc/security/keytabs\"\n" +
+                "  }\n" +
+                "}"),
+        updatedUserValue);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testUpdateIdentities() throws AmbariException {
+    KerberosDescriptor oldValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{" +
+            "  \"identities\": [" +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"spnego\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"HTTP/_HOST@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"service\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/spnego.service.keytab\"," +
+            "        \"owner\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"root\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"group\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }," +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"smokeuser\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"old_value@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"user\"," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_principal_name\"," +
+            "        \"local_username\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/smokeuser.headless.keytab\"," +
+            "        \"owner\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"group\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_keytab\"" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }," +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"old_identity\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"foobar-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"user\"," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/ambari_principal_name\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/ambari.server.keytab\"" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }" +
+            "  ]" +
+            "}");
+    KerberosDescriptor newValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{" +
+            "  \"identities\": [" +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"spnego\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"HTTP/_HOST@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"service\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/spnego.service.keytab\"," +
+            "        \"owner\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"root\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"group\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }," +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"smokeuser\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"user\"," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_principal_name\"," +
+            "        \"local_username\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"updated_dir/smokeuser.headless.keytab\"," +
+            "        \"owner\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"group\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_keytab\"" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }," +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"ambari-server\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"ambari-server-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"user\"," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/ambari_principal_name\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/ambari.server.keytab\"" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }" +
+            "  ]" +
+            "}");
+    KerberosDescriptor userValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{" +
+            "  \"identities\": [" +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"spnego\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"CHANGED_HTTP/_HOST@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"service\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/spnego.service.keytab\"," +
+            "        \"owner\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"root\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"group\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }," +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"smokeuser\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"old_value@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"user\"," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_principal_name\"," +
+            "        \"local_username\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"custom_dir/smokeuser.headless.keytab\"," +
+            "        \"owner\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"group\": {" +
+            "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"," +
+            "          \"access\": \"r\"" +
+            "        }," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_keytab\"" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }," +
+            "    {" +
+            "      \"name\": \"old_identity\"," +
+            "      \"principal\": {" +
+            "        \"value\": \"foobar-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\"," +
+            "        \"type\": \"user\"," +
+            "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/ambari_principal_name\"" +
+            "      }," +
+            "      \"keytab\": {" +
+            "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/ambari.server.keytab\"" +
+            "      }" +
+            "    }" +
+            "  ]" +
+            "}");
+    KerberosDescriptor updatedUserValue = KerberosDescriptorUpdateHelper.updateUserKerberosDescriptor(
+        oldValue,
+        newValue,
+        userValue);
+    Assert.assertEquals(
+        GSON.toJson(KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+            "{\n" +
+                "  \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"name\": \"spnego\",\n" +
+                "      \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "        \"value\": \"CHANGED_HTTP/_HOST@${realm}\",\n" +
+                "        \"type\": \"service\"\n" +
+                "      },\n" +
+                "      \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/spnego.service.keytab\",\n" +
+                "        \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"root\",\n" +
+                "          \"access\": \"r\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        \"group\": {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\",\n" +
+                "          \"access\": \"r\"\n" +
+                "        }\n" +
+                "      }\n" +
+                "    },\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"name\": \"smokeuser\",\n" +
+                "      \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "        \"value\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\",\n" +
+                "        \"local_username\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\",\n" +
+                "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_principal_name\",\n" +
+                "        \"type\": \"user\"\n" +
+                "      },\n" +
+                "      \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "        \"file\": \"custom_dir/smokeuser.headless.keytab\",\n" +
+                "        \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\",\n" +
+                "          \"access\": \"r\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        \"group\": {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\",\n" +
+                "          \"access\": \"r\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_keytab\"\n" +
+                "      }\n" +
+                "    }\n" +
+                "  ]\n" +
+                "}").toMap()),
+        GSON.toJson(updatedUserValue.toMap()));
+    // Test that the merge of the default (stack) Kerberos descriptor and the updated user-specified
+    // Kerberos descriptor yield the expected composite Kerberos descriptor.
+    newValue.update(updatedUserValue);
+    Assert.assertEquals(
+        GSON.toJson(KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+            "{\n" +
+                "  \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"name\": \"ambari-server\",\n" +
+                "      \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "        \"value\": \"ambari-server-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\",\n" +
+                "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/ambari_principal_name\",\n" +
+                "        \"type\": \"user\"\n" +
+                "      },\n" +
+                "      \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/ambari.server.keytab\"\n" +
+                "      }\n" +
+                "    },\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"name\": \"spnego\",\n" +
+                "      \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "        \"value\": \"CHANGED_HTTP/_HOST@${realm}\",\n" +
+                "        \"type\": \"service\"\n" +
+                "      },\n" +
+                "      \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "        \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/spnego.service.keytab\",\n" +
+                "        \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"root\",\n" +
+                "          \"access\": \"r\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        \"group\": {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\",\n" +
+                "          \"access\": \"r\"\n" +
+                "        }\n" +
+                "      }\n" +
+                "    },\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"name\": \"smokeuser\",\n" +
+                "      \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "        \"value\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\",\n" +
+                "        \"local_username\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\",\n" +
+                "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_principal_name\",\n" +
+                "        \"type\": \"user\"\n" +
+                "      },\n" +
+                "      \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "        \"file\": \"custom_dir/smokeuser.headless.keytab\",\n" +
+                "        \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/smokeuser}\",\n" +
+                "          \"access\": \"r\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        \"group\": {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\",\n" +
+                "          \"access\": \"r\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        \"configuration\": \"cluster-env/smokeuser_keytab\"\n" +
+                "      }\n" +
+                "    }\n" +
+                "  ]\n" +
+                "}").toMap()),
+        GSON.toJson(newValue.toMap()));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testUpdateConfigurations() throws AmbariException {
+    KerberosDescriptor oldValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{\n" +
+            "  \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"core-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"\": \"kerberos\",\n" +
+            "        \"\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "        \"hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.groups\": \"${hadoop-env/proxyuser_group}\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"some-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"property.unchanged\": \"value 1\",\n" +
+            "        \"property.removed\": \"removed value\",\n" +
+            "        \"property.altered\": \"old value\"\n," +
+            "        \"\": \"orig value\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"old-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"property\": \"value\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    }\n" +
+            "  ]\n" +
+            "}\n");
+    KerberosDescriptor newValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{\n" +
+            "  \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"core-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"\": \"kerberos\",\n" +
+            "        \"\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "        \"hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.groups\": \"${hadoop-env/proxyuser_group}\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"some-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"property.unchanged\": \"value 1\",\n" +
+            "        \"property.added\": \"added value\",\n" +
+            "        \"property.altered\": \"new value\",\n" +
+            "        \"\": \"new value\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"new-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"\": \"value\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    }\n" +
+            "  ]\n" +
+            "}\n");
+    KerberosDescriptor userValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{\n" +
+            "  \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"core-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"\": \"kerberos\",\n" +
+            "        \"\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "        \"hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.groups\": \"${hadoop-env/proxyuser_group}\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"some-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"property.unchanged\": \"value 1\",\n" +
+            "        \"property.removed\": \"changed removed value\",\n" +
+            "        \"property.altered\": \"custom value\"\n," +
+            "        \"\": \"orig value\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"old-site\": {\n" +
+            "        \"property\": \"value\"\n" +
+            "      }\n" +
+            "    }\n" +
+            "  ]\n" +
+            "}\n");
+    KerberosDescriptor updatedUserValue = KerberosDescriptorUpdateHelper.updateUserKerberosDescriptor(
+        oldValue,
+        newValue,
+        userValue);
+    Assert.assertEquals(
+        GSON.toJson(KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+            "{\n" +
+                "  \"configurations\": [\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"core-site\": {\n" +
+                "        \"\": \"kerberos\",\n" +
+                "        \"\": \"true\",\n" +
+                "        \"hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.groups\": \"${hadoop-env/proxyuser_group}\"\n" +
+                "      }\n" +
+                "    },\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"some-site\": {\n" +
+                "        \"property.unchanged\": \"value 1\",\n" +
+                "        \"property.added\": \"added value\",\n" +
+                "        \"property.altered\": \"custom value\",\n" +
+                "        \"\": \"new value\"\n" +
+                "      }\n" +
+                "    }\n" +
+                "  ]\n" +
+                "}\n").toMap()),
+        GSON.toJson(updatedUserValue.toMap()));
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testUpdateAuthToLocalRules() throws AmbariException {
+    KerberosDescriptor oldValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{\n" +
+            "  \"auth_to_local_properties\" : [\n" +
+            "    \"core-site/\",\n" +
+            "    \"some-site/\"\n" +
+            "  ]\n" +
+            "}\n");
+    KerberosDescriptor newValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{\n" +
+            "  \"auth_to_local_properties\" : [\n" +
+            "    \"core-site/\",\n" +
+            "    \"some-site/\"\n" +
+            "  ]\n" +
+            "}\n");
+    KerberosDescriptor userValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{\n" +
+            "  \"auth_to_local_properties\" : [\n" +
+            "    \"core-site/\",\n" +
+            "    \"some-site/\"\n" +
+            "  ]\n" +
+            "}\n");
+    KerberosDescriptor updatedUserValue = KerberosDescriptorUpdateHelper.updateUserKerberosDescriptor(
+        oldValue,
+        newValue,
+        userValue);
+    Assert.assertEquals(
+        KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+            "{\n" +
+                "  \"auth_to_local_properties\" : [\n" +
+                "    \"core-site/\",\n" +
+                "    \"some-site/\",\n" +
+                "    \"some-site/\"\n" +
+                "  ]\n" +
+                "}\n"),
+        updatedUserValue);
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testUpdateServices() throws AmbariException {
+    KerberosDescriptor oldValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{\n" +
+            "  \"services\": [\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"components\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"nn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"secondary_namenode_nn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"SECONDARY_NAMENODE\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"HDFS_CLIENT\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.datanode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"dn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"datanode_dn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/dn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.datanode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"hdfs-site\": {\n" +
+            "                \"dfs.datanode.address\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                \"dfs.datanode.http.address\": \"\"\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"DATANODE\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/nfs.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"nfs/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"nfsgateway\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nfs.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/nfs.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"NFS_GATEWAY\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"jn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"journalnode_jn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/jn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"JOURNALNODE\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hadoop-env/hdfs_principal_name\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"user\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"hdfs\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/hdfs.headless.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hadoop-env/hdfs_user_keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"nn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"namenode_nn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"hdfs-site\": {\n" +
+            "                \"dfs.block.access.token.enable\": \"true\"\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"NAMENODE\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "            \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "            \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "            \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "            \"value\": null\n" +
+            "          },\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"/spnego\",\n" +
+            "          \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "            \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "              \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "              \"name\": null\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            \"file\": null,\n" +
+            "            \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab\",\n" +
+            "            \"group\": {\n" +
+            "              \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "              \"name\": null\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          }\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"/smokeuser\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"auth_to_local_properties\": [\n" +
+            "        \"core-site/\"\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"core-site\": {\n" +
+            "            \"\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"\": \"kerberos\",\n" +
+            "            \"hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.groups\": \"${hadoop-env/proxyuser_group}\"\n" +
+            "          }\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"name\": \"HDFS\"\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"components\" : [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\" : \"OLD_SERVICE_CLIENT\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\" : [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\" : \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\" : \"OLD_SERVICE_FOOBAR\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\" : [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\" : \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\" : \"/HIVE/HIVE_SERVER/hive_server_hive\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\" : \"OLD_SERVICE_SERVER\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"identities\" : [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\" : \"/smokeuser\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"name\" : \"OLD_SERVICE\"\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"components\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.authentication.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${atlas-env/metadata_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"atlas/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"atlas\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${atlas-env/metadata_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/atlas.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.authentication.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.http.authentication.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"HTTP/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/spnego\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.http.authentication.kerberos.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"ATLAS_SERVER\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"auth_to_local_properties\": [\n" +
+            "        \"application-properties/|new_lines_escaped\"\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"application-properties\": {\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.authentication.method\": \"kerberos\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.http.authentication.enabled\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.http.authentication.type\": \"kerberos\"\n" +
+            "          }\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"name\": \"ATLAS\"\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"components\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE_CLIENT\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HIVE/HIVE_SERVER/hive_server_hive\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE_SERVER\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE_ORIG_SERVER\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"/smokeuser\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE\"\n" +
+            "    }\n" +
+            "  ]\n" +
+            "}\n");
+    KerberosDescriptor newValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+        "{\n" +
+            "  \"services\": [\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"components\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${atlas-env/metadata_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"atlas/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"atlas\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${atlas-env/metadata_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/atlas.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.keyTab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"reference\": \"/ATLAS/ATLAS_SERVER/atlas\",\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.authentication.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"atlas_auth\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.authentication.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.authentication.method.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"HTTP/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/spnego\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.authentication.method.kerberos.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"reference\": \"/ATLAS/ATLAS_SERVER/atlas\",\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"ranger-atlas-audit/xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"ranger_atlas_audit\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"ranger-atlas-audit/xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.keyTab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"ATLAS_SERVER\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"auth_to_local_properties\": [\n" +
+            "        \"application-properties/|new_lines_escaped\"\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"ranger-atlas-audit\": {\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.loginModuleControlFlag\": \"required\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.serviceName\": \"solr\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.loginModuleName\": \"\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.useKeyTab\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.storeKey\": \"false\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.destination.solr.force.use.inmemory.jaas.config\": \"true\"\n" +
+            "          }\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"application-properties\": {\n" +
+            "            \"\": \"PLAINTEXTSASL\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.storeKey\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.solr.kerberos.enable\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.loginModuleControlFlag\": \"required\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.authentication.method.kerberos\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.useKeyTab\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"\": \"${kafka-env/kafka_user}\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.loginModuleName\": \"\",\n" +
+            "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.serviceName\": \"${kafka-env/kafka_user}\"\n" +
+            "          }\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"name\": \"ATLAS\"\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"components\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"nn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"secondary_namenode_nn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"SECONDARY_NAMENODE\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"HDFS_CLIENT\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.datanode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"dn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"datanode_dn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/dn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.datanode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"hdfs-site\": {\n" +
+            "                \"dfs.datanode.address\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                \"dfs.datanode.http.address\": \"\"\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"DATANODE\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/nfs.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"nfs/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"nfsgateway\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nfs.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/nfs.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"NFS_GATEWAY\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"jn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"journalnode_jn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/jn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"JOURNALNODE\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hadoop-env/hdfs_principal_name\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"user\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"hdfs\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/hdfs.headless.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hadoop-env/hdfs_user_keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+            "                \"value\": \"nn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"namenode_nn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"ranger-hdfs-audit/xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.principal\",\n" +
+            "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"value\": null\n" +
+            "              },\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/namenode_nn\",\n" +
+            "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                },\n" +
+            "                \"file\": null,\n" +
+            "                \"configuration\": \"ranger-hdfs-audit/xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.keyTab\",\n" +
+            "                \"group\": {\n" +
+            "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+            "                }\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"hdfs-site\": {\n" +
+            "                \"dfs.block.access.token.enable\": \"true\"\n" +
+            "              }\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"NAMENODE\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"principal\": {\n" +
+            "            \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+            "            \"type\": null,\n" +
+            "            \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+            "            \"value\": null\n" +
+            "          },\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"/spnego\",\n" +
+            "          \"keytab\": {\n" +
+            "            \"owner\": {\n" +
+            "              \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "              \"name\": null\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            \"file\": null,\n" +
+            "            \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab\",\n" +
+            "            \"group\": {\n" +
+            "              \"access\": null,\n" +
+            "              \"name\": null\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          }\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"/smokeuser\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"auth_to_local_properties\": [\n" +
+            "        \"core-site/\"\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"configurations\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"ranger-hdfs-audit\": {\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.loginModuleControlFlag\": \"required\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.serviceName\": \"solr\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.loginModuleName\": \"\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.useKeyTab\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.jaas.Client.option.storeKey\": \"false\",\n" +
+            "            \"xasecure.audit.destination.solr.force.use.inmemory.jaas.config\": \"true\"\n" +
+            "          }\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"core-site\": {\n" +
+            "            \"\": \"true\",\n" +
+            "            \"\": \"kerberos\",\n" +
+            "            \"hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.groups\": \"${hadoop-env/proxyuser_group}\"\n" +
+            "          }\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"name\": \"HDFS\"\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"components\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"NEW_SERVICE_CLIENT\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            },\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HIVE/HIVE_SERVER/hive_server_hive\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"NEW_SERVICE_FOO_BAR\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"NEW_SERVICE_SERVER\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"/smokeuser\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"name\": \"NEW_SERVICE\"\n" +
+            "    },\n" +
+            "    {\n" +
+            "      \"components\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE_CLIENT\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE_SERVER\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "            {\n" +
+            "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+            "            }\n" +
+            "          ],\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE_NEW_SERVER\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"identities\": [\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"/smokeuser\"\n" +
+            "        },\n" +
+            "        {\n" +
+            "          \"name\": \"/HIVE/HIVE_SERVER/hive_server_hive\"\n" +
+            "        }\n" +
+            "      ],\n" +
+            "      \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE\"\n" +
+            "    }\n" +
+            "  ]\n" +
+            "}\n");
+    KerberosDescriptor userValue = KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(oldValue.toMap());
+    KerberosDescriptor updatedUserValue = KerberosDescriptorUpdateHelper.updateUserKerberosDescriptor(
+        oldValue,
+        newValue,
+        userValue);
+    Assert.assertEquals(
+        GSON.toJson(KERBEROS_DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.createInstance(
+            "{\n" +
+                "  \"services\": [\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"components\": [\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": \"${atlas-env/metadata_user}\",\n" +
+                "                \"value\": \"atlas/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"atlas\",\n" +
+                "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${atlas-env/metadata_user}\"\n" +
+                "                },\n" +
+                "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/atlas.service.keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.keyTab\",\n" +
+                "                \"group\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+                "                }\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            },\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.authentication.method.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"value\": \"HTTP/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"/spnego\",\n" +
+                "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+                "                },\n" +
+                "                \"file\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"application-properties/atlas.authentication.method.kerberos.keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"group\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": null,\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": null\n" +
+                "                }\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"ATLAS_SERVER\"\n" +
+                "        }\n" +
+                "      ],\n" +
+                "      \"auth_to_local_properties\": [\n" +
+                "        \"application-properties/|new_lines_escaped\"\n" +
+                "      ],\n" +
+                "      \"configurations\": [\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"application-properties\": {\n" +
+                "            \"\": \"PLAINTEXTSASL\",\n" +
+                "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.storeKey\": \"true\",\n" +
+                "            \"atlas.solr.kerberos.enable\": \"true\",\n" +
+                "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.loginModuleControlFlag\": \"required\",\n" +
+                "            \"atlas.authentication.method.kerberos\": \"true\",\n" +
+                "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.useKeyTab\": \"true\",\n" +
+                "            \"\": \"${kafka-env/kafka_user}\",\n" +
+                "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.loginModuleName\": \"\",\n" +
+                "            \"atlas.jaas.KafkaClient.option.serviceName\": \"${kafka-env/kafka_user}\"\n" +
+                "          }\n" +
+                "        }\n" +
+                "      ],\n" +
+                "      \"name\": \"ATLAS\"\n" +
+                "    },\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"components\": [\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+                "                \"value\": \"nn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"secondary_namenode_nn\",\n" +
+                "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+                "                },\n" +
+                "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+                "                \"group\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+                "                }\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            },\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"value\": null\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"SECONDARY_NAMENODE\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"/HDFS/NAMENODE/hdfs\"\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"HDFS_CLIENT\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.datanode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+                "                \"value\": \"dn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"datanode_dn\",\n" +
+                "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+                "                },\n" +
+                "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/dn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.datanode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+                "                \"group\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+                "                }\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"configurations\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"hdfs-site\": {\n" +
+                "                \"dfs.datanode.address\": \"\",\n" +
+                "                \"dfs.datanode.http.address\": \"\"\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"DATANODE\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/nfs.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+                "                \"value\": \"nfs/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"nfsgateway\",\n" +
+                "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+                "                },\n" +
+                "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nfs.service.keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/nfs.keytab.file\",\n" +
+                "                \"group\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+                "                }\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"NFS_GATEWAY\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+                "                \"value\": \"jn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"journalnode_jn\",\n" +
+                "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+                "                },\n" +
+                "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/jn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+                "                \"group\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+                "                }\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            },\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.journalnode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"value\": null\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"JOURNALNODE\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hadoop-env/hdfs_principal_name\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": \"user\",\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+                "                \"value\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}-${cluster_name|toLower()}@${realm}\"\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"hdfs\",\n" +
+                "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+                "                },\n" +
+                "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/hdfs.headless.keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hadoop-env/hdfs_user_keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"group\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+                "                }\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            },\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": \"service\",\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\",\n" +
+                "                \"value\": \"nn/_HOST@${realm}\"\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"namenode_nn\",\n" +
+                "              \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "                \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"r\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${hadoop-env/hdfs_user}\"\n" +
+                "                },\n" +
+                "                \"file\": \"${keytab_dir}/nn.service.keytab\",\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.keytab.file\",\n" +
+                "                \"group\": {\n" +
+                "                  \"access\": \"\",\n" +
+                "                  \"name\": \"${cluster-env/user_group}\"\n" +
+                "                }\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            },\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "                \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.namenode.kerberos.internal.spnego.principal\",\n" +
+                "                \"type\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+                "                \"value\": null\n" +
+                "              },\n" +
+                "              \"name\": \"/spnego\"\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"configurations\": [\n" +
+                "            {\n" +
+                "              \"hdfs-site\": {\n" +
+                "                \"dfs.block.access.token.enable\": \"true\"\n" +
+                "              }\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          ],\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"NAMENODE\"\n" +
+                "        }\n" +
+                "      ],\n" +
+                "      \"identities\": [\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"principal\": {\n" +
+                "            \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal\",\n" +
+                "            \"type\": null,\n" +
+                "            \"local_username\": null,\n" +
+                "            \"value\": null\n" +
+                "          },\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"/spnego\",\n" +
+                "          \"keytab\": {\n" +
+                "            \"owner\": {\n" +
+                "              \"access\": null,\n" +
+                "              \"name\": null\n" +
+                "            },\n" +
+                "            \"file\": null,\n" +
+                "            \"configuration\": \"hdfs-site/dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab\",\n" +
+                "            \"group\": {\n" +
+                "              \"access\": null,\n" +
+                "              \"name\": null\n" +
+                "            }\n" +
+                "          }\n" +
+                "        },\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"/smokeuser\"\n" +
+                "        }\n" +
+                "      ],\n" +
+                "      \"auth_to_local_properties\": [\n" +
+                "        \"core-site/\"\n" +
+                "      ],\n" +
+                "      \"configurations\": [\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"core-site\": {\n" +
+                "            \"\": \"true\",\n" +
+                "            \"\": \"kerberos\",\n" +
+                "            \"hadoop.proxyuser.HTTP.groups\": \"${hadoop-env/proxyuser_group}\"\n" +
+                "          }\n" +
+                "        }\n" +
+                "      ],\n" +
+                "      \"name\": \"HDFS\"\n" +
+                "    },\n" +
+                "    {\n" +
+                "      \"components\": [\n" +
+                "        {\n" +
+                "          \"name\": \"EXISTING_SERVICE_CLIENT\"\n" +
+                "        },\n" +