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Posted to by Apache subversion Wiki <> on 2013/03/28 17:22:37 UTC

[Subversion Wiki] Update of "ListOfDiffApplications" by BenReser

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The "ListOfDiffApplications" page has been changed by BenReser:
  svn diff --diff-cmd diff -x -uw -r REV1:REV2 FILE | colordiff;
+ ===========================================================================================
+ Kaleidoscope (OS X)
+ Graphical diff and merge tool for OS X.
+ Instructions for use with Subversion are built into the GUI (Kaleidoscope menu, Integration...):
+ Basic gist is ~/.subversion/config:
+ [helpers]
+ diff-cmd = ksdiff
+ merge-tool-cmd = ksdiff
+ or
+ svn diff --diff-cmd=ksdiff /path/to/working_copy
+ output of ksdiff --help follows:
+ usage: ksdiff - send files to Kaleidoscope
+   --version                             show version information and exit
+   -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
+   --supports-capability CAPABILITY      prints YES if CAPABILITY is supported,
+                                         otherwise prints NO. the capabilities
+                                         this version of ksdiff supports are:
+                                         partial-changesets-v1
+                                         changesets-v1
+                                         diffs-v1
+                                         merges-v1
+ command options:
+   [--wait, -w | --no-wait]              whether to wait for the document to be
+                                         closed in Kaleidoscope before exiting
+   [--label LABEL]                       use LABEL as the visible label for the
+ FILE options:
+   [--snapshot | --no-snapshot]          whether the file is temporary. this
+                                         option will override the heuristics
+                                         ksdiff would otherwise use to determine
+                                         this state.
+ commands:
+   --partial-changeset                   send part of a changeset
+                                         implies --no-wait
+     [--UUID UUID]                       use UUID to select which document to
+                                         add this changeset item to; follow this
+                                         with --mark-changeset-as-closed UUID
+                                         to tell Kaleidoscope that no more
+                                         changes are expected. if unspecified,
+                                         Kaleidoscope will watch the process
+                                         calling ksdiff and close the changeset
+                                         when it exits.
+     [--relative-path PATH]              use PATH to describe the filename and
+                                         location for this changeset item within
+                                         its root (e.g. a source repository)
+     FILE FILE                           the files to diff
+   --mark-changeset-as-closed UUID       marks the partial changeset submitted
+                                         under the given UUID as being closed
+   --changeset                           send a complete changeset
+                                         implies --no-wait
+     --filelist                          begin a file list (changeset item)
+       [--relative-path PATH]            use PATH to describe the filename and
+                                         location for this changeset item within
+                                         its root (e.g. a source repository)
+       FILE FILE                         the files to diff
+   --merge                               send a merge
+                                         implies --wait
+     --output OUTPUT                     use OUTPUT as the destination path for
+                                         this merge. creates OUTPUT if it does
+                                         not exist.
+     [--base BASE]                       use BASE as the base content for this
+                                         merge. can improve the quality of the
+                                         default selections for some merges.
+     FILE FILE                           the files to merge
+   [--diff]                              send a diff
+                                         implies --no-wait
+     FILE [...]                          the files to diff